Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Site Hideyoshi
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Mon Sep 03, 2012 11:17 pm

Despite what she had said, she did not wait for Snopy to make the first move. Rather, she immediately used her Sonido and rushed forward at Snopy. Her small frame made seemed to make her maneuvering much more fluid. As she reappeared she attempted to slam her palm straight into his gut. As she finished, she slid around him and stopped behind Snopy's back. Her movements were actually quite graceful. It seemed her mind wasn't simply pure instinct, as pure instinct almost never allows for such grace in a combat situation. As she ended up behind him her energy levels rose up to a much higher level. Within her right hand formed a pure white sword. It was similar to a Katana, yet the blade was perfectly straight. It did not curve like a regular Katana. As it finished forming, which was in almost an instant, she went straight for a stab at Snopy's heart. If the attack even worked a little, there would be damage to his spine as well. This would cut off motor function and act as an early checkmate.

Snopy's himself was determined beyond belief. He observed as Ayako rushed in for an attack. Seems she doesn't plan on me making the first move. Not surprising to tell the truth. She was fast, really fast. She didn't seem to be playing around at all. Thankfully, he knew she was nothing more than a hollow. Hesitation was not going to happen because of her young form. Snopy slid to the right while turning his body 90 degrees, effectively dodging the attack. Snopy himself was able to have his graceful moments. However, this merely angled his body in such a way that the hollow's movements only happened quicker. It took less for the hollow to reach his back, thus it moved in quicker. Snopy sensed something formed in her hand, and as soon as it dawned on him what it was, he Shunpo'd away. It was a sword, and it had been aimed for his spine, and even his heart if it got that far. Snopy was well aware of the threat of paralysis, so he moved quickly. As he reappeared, he turned back around to face her.

Fufufu, how adorable that you are trying to resist. You know, I'm going to try not to kill you and leave you here in my inner world. I'd love to have a nice handsome toy to play with. Snopy didn't flinch, though the words she spoke disturbed him a bit. He knew exactly what they implied. This was no fight of instincts. She was clearly using mind least he thought she was. For all he knew she may be serious. She may actually want to use him like that. Perhaps to some of the more weak at heart individuals it might even be tempting. However, Snopy wasn't interested even if he could keep his body. Heh, what kind of pervert do you take me for? That thought is only going to make me try harder to win you know? This was quickly followed by a laugh from Ayako. Did I ever say I was doing this for your sake? It's cute how you seem to think so, fufufu. Snopy rolled his eyes at her, he really wasn't going to fall for this taunt. Snopy wasn't going to release his Zanpakutō just yet. For now, he was going to see how it all played out going without it.

Hadō #4, Byakurai. Snopy's voice remained utterly calm now. His focus seemed to be increasing with each passing moment. Considering he had someone waiting for him, he could not lose. He couldn't loose sight of the goal ahead of him. He had a sort of inner peace today. The events had purged his mind, he only looked towards the task at hand. He smiled a bit, some of Kanna seemed to be rubbing off on him. That didn't bother him though, it just made this all the easier. Mental clarity was key for this fight, as it seemed the hollow was determined to undermine it.

The Byakurai shot out of his hand towards the hollow. It was rather simply aimed, right for her heart. She was a hollow indeed, but the hollow hole didn't seem to be where her heart was. Still this spell wasn't meant for a hit. If it did hit Snopy would be quite surprised. As soon as the blast fired he Shunpo'd to Ayako's side. Hadō #31, Shakkaho. A fireball slowly formed in Snopy's hand, and it was rather large. Snopy was not in any mood for games. He shot off the Shakkaho wherever Ayako was at that particular moment in time. He was not done either. He picked up the pace and Shunpo'd forward, appearing right behind Ayako. He grabbed both of his Zanpakutō and drew them in unison. He swung with great speed with both at the same time. If these hit, there would be two large gashes on the hollow's back. They would be in the formation of an X should it work. With that Snopy jumped back quickly and sheathed the blade in his right hand. Raising his hand up, he predicted some form of retaliation. Tan'itsu no Hogo. With this his own customized barrier rose in front of him. It looked much like a Danku, though it had a pink coloration to it. It wasn't quite as strong as a Danku, but that was simply because he wasn't quite at the level to create a Danku. Still, being a master of Kidō it should block whatever attack he knew was coming.

All the while he could hear Fumiko cheering him on in the background. YEA, GO SNOPY! Snopy kept it at the back of his mind, he needed absolute focus. However, something about the girls cheers did cheer him up a bit. Snopy was in serious mode, so nothing but seriousness lie in his face. Reiko, you should cheer him on too! Snopy raised an eyebrow at these words, he suspected they were about to argue yet again. What are you talking about, he needs to concentrate. But he is out there fighting and we can barely do anything! The least we can do is cheer him on. We can lend him our power once he asks for it, and that is simply what I plan on doing. Fumiko looked at Reiko with what was like puppy dog eyes. I am cheering for him within my own heart. I'm sure he is aware neither of us want him to die. You understand right? Fumiko nodded before looking back. Strange, those two always argue at the drop of a hat. Yet...that was an actual conversation. He snapped back immediately to prepare for what the hollow would do in response.

~Outside his body~

The hollow showed no pain reaction as Kanna slammed it onto the ground. It simply returned to its feet and rushed in again. This thing really was intent on killing Kanna. The dark energy around its body was heavy, and the sounds that left its mouth were inhuman. As Kanna Shunpo'd out of the way, another burst of energy was released. This things energy didn't seem to stable at the moment. It would surge then drop back down, and it would do this over and over again. The hollow wasn't finished in the least. Cupping its fist, it charged energy into its hand. Dark red energy swirled about, as black lighting crackled about it. It quickly threw a punch that launched a Bala in Kanna's direction. It might not have hurt as much as a Cero would, but it was still bloody fast.

In fact, it repeated this seven times. Their accuracy wasn't perfect, spraying over a small area. Kanna would have to maneuver well to avoid the damage this could inflict. Any Bala that miss would probably smash into various object within the basement. This fight would obviously only heat up as time passed. The good news was this was an extremely fortified basement. Even a Cero from this thing would likely fail to damage the wall or ceiling. How it was strengthened to this point was unknown, yet it still helped. It would conceal that anything strange was going on down there. Still, if Snopy came back, he would have a lot of possessions to replace. Still, he had the money to do so.

As the Bala finished a white blade formed in the hand of this hollow. It looked identical to the one Ayako was using. In fact, if formed in unison with the moment Ayako created hers. It seemed the actions of this creature reflected the inner hollow's actions within Snopy's soul. The creature rushed forward with its great speed and swung horizontally. This slash was likely meant to cleave Kanna in half, though the energy in this blow seemed unstable. In fact, it seemed more unstable as time wore on. Perhaps Snopy's mental state could hinder the creatures power. If Snopy could retain his focus and inner peace, this thing wouldn't reach full strength. That was a theory. Still, as the battle raged on it would likely grow in strength.

As it finished with the slash, it attempted to stab at Kanna. It stabbed for her heart, before using a Shunpo to appear behind Kanna. This was indeed a Shunpo, not a Sonido. At the moment, it seemed to retain the traits of a Shinigami. Though it wasn't intelligent enough for Kidō, it could use Flash Step to great effect. Perhaps another sign that Snopy was still there. With this it attempted to do a point blank Bala. If this struck, it would likely hurt, but major damage was unlikely. If it missed, it would slam into a nearby wall. The hollow's assault continued, its actions depending on Kanna's reactions.

The real question was how would Kanna react. Signs that there was still Shinigami with in were showing themselves. Its power was unrefined and seemingly held back. Would Kanna pick up on these? If so, would she know it was a sign that all hope was not lost? This battle could continue on for who knows how long, and the longer it went, the more worn out Kanna would become. She couldn't simply leave this creature to kill her. Snopy within knew this well. He knew that something wasn't right with his body. The longer he took, the more likely Kanna would kill him in self-defense. As such he was using all of his mental power, and all of his power. He needed to end it, but the question was if he could. It would be simple enough if he had an ace up his sleeve. The question was did he? Perhaps he did, but if he did the question was, "Was he aware of it?"

Template By: [THEFROST]
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Tue Sep 04, 2012 12:15 am

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna's reactions were spot on, quick, and fluid. Never before had anyone really seen her truly go all out and she was beginning to wonder if this creature before her could force her to do so. Although she wouldn't have minded being pushed to the limit, if it happened by the hands of this creature, she'd end up killed, so restraining him had just become her number one goal. His next attack was a bala from what Kanna could tell. Shunpo was about to be her best friend. As the first one was cast, she was able to pivot, quickly turning her body to get out of the way, but now her back was towards him. Her eyes had not left his form though, she kept her head turned towards him. Seeing the next bala come, she shunpo'd out of the way. Seeing yet another, and another, and another... Kanna kept shunpoing to make sure she didn't get hit by them. Her focus was on not being damaged. Seven bala had been shot towards her and finally the ceased, but soon she was attacked by a sword that formed within this creatures hand.

“Zairuatacchi!” she said as she pointed her right index finger right at the wrist of the same hand that was attempting to slice her in two. As she did this, she pushed her feet off the ground, her left hand also coming down towards this same wrist and using it to balance for a moment as the sword now passed under her. But... as her Kidō was called, a blue rope shot forth towards his wrist and clung to it like an extremely powerful glue. As she went to land, the two of them were now attached in a way. This creature that was once Snopy then went to stab right at her heart. She used her previous momentum from landing to literally drop her body down to the ground, slide under the blade, and through his legs. Immediately, she pushed herself to her feet and pulled on the rope, which would cause Snopy's hollowfying body to have his arm forced down between his legs. If he continued holding onto the sword, he would either end up cutting himself or the blade of the sword would hit the ground and stop movement all together.

Kanna had noticed something. There were traits of a Shinigami shining through in this creature. It was obvious that Snopy had not lost his inner battle, but Kanna wasn't exactly thinking about him at the moment. Her mind was on fighting what she now looked at as a creature, nothing more. She had pushed aside her feelings for the man beneath the mask for a reason. She would not be fighting so well if she kept seeing Snopy, and not this monster. Raising her left hand now, since anything that this creature had planned on doing before was halted by her rope Kidō, she pointed her index finger towards him. “Bakudo Number Four...” she said, “Hainawa!” An orange tendril of energy shot forward in an attempt to bind this creature and keep him from moving, but that wasn't all. “Bakudo sixty three! Sajo Sabaku!” she pretty much repeated the process of Hainawa. This was very much the same as Hainawa, but much, much stronger and it bound the arms and legs. This was Kanna's attempt to keeping Snopy from hurting her at this moment. She had to think of some sort of plan to not get herself killed.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
Joined : 2012-04-07
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:18 am

The moment he said the name of a spell, Ayako knew what Snopy was doing. She had been within him for a long time. Despite what she said, there may have been a chance that she was within Snopy far before his death. As such, she had seen Snopy fight many times. How cute. He is trying to end this fight quickly by playing to his strengths fufufu. As Snopy fired off the Byakurai she decided to simply dodge it. She used her graceful movements and slid around to the left, causing the Byakurai to harmlessly pass by her. She followed up this movement in an attempt to cause Snopy some harm. She used her Sonido and quickly appeared by where Snopy was. However, by the time she arrived he had already Shunpo'd to another location. She had been trying to slash at him, however she simply swung on empty space.

From behind her she could hear Snopy's voice. He was casting another Kidō, which didn't surprise her.As the fireball shot off, she bent the fingers on her left hand to almost be shaped like a paw. It was a motion which almost seemed like she was going to go in for a physical strike with it. Energy quickly began to collect in her hand. There was a loud crackling sound as her hand was engulfed in a dark energy. She turned around and, in the same very motion, lunged her left hand forward. As it reached full extension, a Bala shot out straight out at the Shakkaho. As she did, she jumped back to gain distance, as it was close. The Bala collided with the fireball head on. The Shakkaho was indeed stronger than the Bala, but the Bala was close enough in strength to detonate the spell. The fireball erupted in a small explosion as they collided. Due to her building distance, she was not struck, though it came close.

This, however, blocked out her view of Snopy's location. Before she knew it his presence disappeared. Her eyes widened a bit as she felt his presence appear behind her. She had no time to react. Thus, the two blades of Snopy's Zanpakutō both sliced deep into her skin. She did not cry out in pain, she simply jumped away from Snopy. As she landed she turned around and looked towards him, it seemed he had jumped away too. She raised up her left hand and began to collect energy within it. The energy collected rapidly, and grew stronger by the second. A swirling vortex of dark energy formed around her finger. A rather large Cero fired out from her finger straight towards the Shinigami. However, this type of action had been predicted. A customized barrier rose up and blocked the Cero. The energy collided, some of the beam even warped around the barrier. However, it held up and Snopy remained unharmed. Both parties were a little surprised in their own ways.

Still, the hollow wasn't simply going to sit their dumbfounded. She had a body to win, and she was going to win it. This is rather fun. I find myself getting rather excited. As she spoke she turned her back on Snopy for a moment. To most this would be a foolish move, however she knew better. Slowly, the wounds on her back began to disappear. Soon enough, there wasn't a single wound left. Worried yet~ Snopy's eye almost twitched. However, he shot back into calm mode right quick. Instant Regeneration. This made things more complicated for him.

Ayako Sonido'd behind his barrier and behind him. This time she aimed for the back of his neck. She rose her sword to the air and attempted to pierce his neck. If this worked, it would be a checkmate. However, she continued just in case. She then went to slice Snopy diagonally down his back, bringing her sword down with quite a bit of force. It would not be a shallow wound, that was for sure. Finally she aimed a Bala at his head. Energy once again engulfed her hand. She brought her fist to the back of his head. She planned to not only punch him, but to fire the Bala with it. This would not happen without causing some serious damage should it strike. It appeared she was aiming for vitals now. She seemed to want to simply end it.

Snopy had been staring at her back. She could heal herself, that was a major advantage. With this, Snopy would have to inflict serious wounds or they would just simply heal themselves. However, in truth, he was actually waiting for her next move. He suspected she was sitting back and waiting for Snopy to attack first. When he didn't, however, she suddenly vanished with a loud static sound. Snopy then felt her presence suddenly appear behind him. At this moment he lowered his shield. Keeping it up would be a waste of energy at this point. As he felt Ayako's blade move towards his neck, he tilted his body and the stab simply went by him. Snopy planned to Shunpo away, unfortunately the hollow was quite fast. As her blade went past his neck, it turned and sliced downwards. Damn! Her blade slid down his back, opening up a long deep gash. Blood spurted out, landing on Ayako's arm as well as some of her cloths. Snopy did his best to ignore the pain. He didn't have much time to breath, as he felt energy condense into Ayako's hand. Snopy knew this hit would be far worse than the last. The less damage sustained, the better off he would be in the long run. This time, he successfully Shunpo'd away.

As he reappeared a distance away, he tilted to allow the Bala to harmlessly pass by, slamming into the barrier that surrounded them. Snopy turned around, staring back at Ayako. Your blood, I like the way it looks. I wonder how it tastes. Snopy looked on as Ayako raised the blood-splattered arm and began to lick the blood on it. Snopy merely stared on-wards. Well, things aren't looking to good are they? He chuckles a bit to himself as he spoke. Fumiko, Reiko. He glanced over at them, still watching Ayako in the corner of his eye. You okay boss? Snopy smiled. Probably, though who knows how this fight will turn out. I might end up losing. His inner peace was still in full force, keeping his mind on the task at hand. Still, he had to be realistic. I highly doubt it. Snopy, you are too stubborn to die. He showed a real smile now, his teeth showing. You girls with me? Always, and until death! They spoke in unison, which only made Snopy smile more.

He turned his attention back towards Ayako. Let the energy flow. He drew his second blade back out, then swung both until they were both pointing away from him. Tsuin Megami Reijingu. Slowly, the blade in his left hand extended an extra 4 inches. The blade in his right slowly shrunk down. It glowed a bright purple, and slowly changed into the shape of a pistol. It was a black pistol, with lines running through it that would glow and fade a purple color. The sword in his left hand was also covered in a thin layer of energy.

He spun the gun by the spot the trigger would be so it spun around and around his finger. As he let go, he was holding the pistol upside down. His pinky was where the trigger would be. A small bit of energy lowered and condensed in the shape of a trigger. Snopy pulled his pinky back and launched off a blast of energy the size of a Bala. He pulled the trigger many times, firing off similar blasts all around Ayako, while firing a few straight at her. As the attacks struck all around dirt flew up everywhere. However, Snopy had all his other senses, lack of sight would not cause him to loose sight of his target. As he finished up he Shunpo'd forward, appearing next to Ayako wherever she was. He brought up his sword and swung down rather forcefully , if unblocked it would cleave the hollow in two. Then Snopy changed up and swung towards Ayako's right arm, attempting to somehow disarm her of the blade. He was being extremely aggressive this time. Still, his mind retained its perfect clarity. The more he thought about it, the more he realized it. Kanna was the only reason he was able to remain so calm, and she was the only reason he had the determination required to fight like this.

~Outside his body~

The hollow became increasingly aggravated that Kanna was dodging the attacks. Its movements sped up in an effort to hit her. Yet every Bala missed. Its aggravation peaked as it rushed her and attempted to tear her apart. As he swung, Kanna called forth some kind of Kidō, not that the beast knew, and used its wrist as a balance for a moment. A blue rope shot out and the hollow, not knowing exactly what was happening, fell victim. The rope clung to its wrist, as if it had been glued. Not knowing exactly how to respond, it naturally went to stab Kanna in her heart. However, the girl before it simply ducked down and avoided the blade. She went between its legs and tugged at the rope once she had returned to her feet. This forced the creature to release the blade and caused it to flip over on itself, landing on its back.

As it realized what happened, the hollow rolled over onto its feet and stood back up. However, this was only interrupted as another strange technique came for it. It knew from the previous move what might happen, and attempted to dodge it. Still, as it jumped one of the tendrils caught it by the leg, allowing the others to wrap onto its arms and the other leg. This immobilized it as another strange move was launched forth. Ropes of energy, almost like glowing golden chains, formed around him and held him in place. He had absolutely no way to move anymore. Kanna was a master of Kidō, and far stronger than him. As such, the creature just moaned angrily and sat there.

There was a period of calm. For at least 5 minutes nothing happened with the creature. It simply sat there unable to do anything. This may or may not have given the woman before it a sense of peace. However, it was in the hollow's instincts to attempt to give off a false sense of peace. It attempted to lower the Shinigami's guard and then strike it. After the several minutes were up, suddenly the hollow's energy surged. In front of the fox-like mask, a swirling vortex of red energy formed. After a mere 2 seconds, a Cero was fired off straight in the Shinigami's direction. As soon as it finished releasing the beam, it used the energy surge and managed to break out of the spell with brute force. This was just an insane level of strength. Though intelligence was lost, Snopy's body had gained an immense level of strength. Snopy could never break out of a level 63 spell with brute force alone, only by using his own expertise in Kidō.

As the creature burst forth, it was becoming increasingly powerful. However, the raise in its total energy and the raise in its used power was actually different. Somehow, its energy became more unstable. With Snopy fighting so hard within, its control over his body was weakened. However, its strikes were still growing stronger. It just wasn't as much as it could have been. The creature rushed forth towards Kanna, its hand in a fist. It punched at her so hard, it would end up slamming her into a wall should it not be blocked. Finally, wherever she was, it launched yet another volley of Bala, at least 15 of them. The hollow's energy seemed far too great. However, there was a reason.

Snopy had been feeling an increased appetite as of late. All the food he ate went and was converted into energy for this hollow. Now it was utilizing it, yet its power couldn't rise forever. Slowly, the battle within Snopy's soul was reaching its climax. Whether this being on the outside was stronger, or weaker, all depended on if Snopy could keep his resolve together. Either way, Kanna's portion of the fight would be reaching its climax as well. However, the hollow was in it for the kill. If Snopy's resolve faltered, not only would he risk losing to Ayako, but he may risk forcing Kanna to just take out the hollow, and thus himself. How she reacted, and how he reacted, only time will tell.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Tue Sep 04, 2012 2:47 pm

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna was temporarily satisfied. Every single one of her Kidō had hit successfully, causing the momentary immobilization of this creature before her. She took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. It seemed that she wasn't going to be attacked for a while, which on the creatures part, was not smart. She wasn't stupid. She knew she wasn't dealing with Snopy anymore, so she was not going to go easy. She was not going to let her guard down. Kanna was going to use this time to prepare. She knew full well what this Hollowfied Snopy was going to attempt and she wasn't going to allow it. As it just sit there, she purposely moved about ten feet away, sitting on her knees and preparing her energy for a Kidō she had not had to use before. A minute passed and she felt that she was ready, so she got started. She kept a piercingly fierce gaze on the creature that was foolishly just sitting there and waiting.

“It's time...” she thought as she began muttering an incantation “Walls of iron sand...” was the first part, and at about this time, the Hollow began to create a cero in front of it's mask. This forced Kanna to stop the incantation and bring up that of another. “Bakudo thirty nine, Enkosen!” She held up both of her hands, not knowing how powerful this cero was going to be. As it shot forth and slammed into the shield, she was forced back about five more feet and her hands ended up being burned slightly. She looked down to them in pain, wincing a bit, but forced them right back together, so she could continue the Kidō. As she looked up, the creature began attempting to break out of the two Kidō that were holding him. “Walls of Iron sand! A priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end!” she did not hesitate anymore and while saying the incantation, blue energy began to seep out of her hands and move above her in the shapes of five circles. Now, he had easily broken out and was now charging at her and for the first time, she felt rather nervous about facing him.

“Bakudo seventy five! Gochūtekkan!!” she practically shouted it in a desperate attempt to get the Kidō to ensnare him. She brought her laced hands down towards the floor as he began moving into his next attack, which seemed to be a very powerful punch towards her. As he threw his punch, five very strong pillars, connected by chains fell down, forcing this creature to the floor. At this moment, Kanna actually had her eyes widened. She was sweating from using so much energy and even out of fear. She was just barely able to stop the punch. When she had, it was maybe an inch from her nose. She was even trembling slightly because of the amount of power that this creature had just began to show. If she had not done this when she had, her next move would have probably been something along the lines of dying.

Kanna took in a deep breath and pushed away from him. She backed up a bit, staring at him as she tried to catch her breath. “That... was more than too close for comfort...” She brought her hands up to her face, wiping away the sweat and then wrapped her arms around herself, trying to calm her nerves. At that moment, a single tear even dropped down her cheek. “Snopy... come back...” she thought, practically praying for his return. It seemed that she wasn't going to be able to push back the emotions she felt anymore. If this continued, emotionally she'd break, which would more than likely end up causing her to get hurt fighting this creature.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
Joined : 2012-04-07
Posts : 783
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:22 pm

Ayako's strange smile only grew all the stranger as she listened to Snopy's conversation. How adorable, he is going to release his blade. Just as she had predicted, Snopy spoke the release command and his Shikai was unleashed. She thought it rather amusing that Snopy thought his Shikai would be any use against her. She knew everything he was capable of, she had the advantage in this fight. Nothing he would do would likely surprise her. Still, she did keep her guard up, he was an intelligent foe. Surely Snopy would have something up his sleeve, or would he. She observed as Snopy twirled the gun around his finger. Finally, it landed in the position from which he would fire. He commonly held his gun like this when firing, so she knew what was coming.

As the purple bala-like blast ushered forth, so did Ayako return the favor. She did not move from her position, merely unleashing her Bala in perfect timing with his. In an attempt at mind games, she shot down even the blasts that would not hit her. This was meant to show that anything he tried, she could counter. However, the proximity of the blasts to the ground caused a nice dust storm aroused around her. She could not see Snopy, but her hollow instincts made keeping track of him simple. Snopy appeared before her, from the front, which in of itself was a surprise. Snopy was usually one to use any tricks he could, and attacking from the front in melee wasn't usually his style. She quickly realized it was done because it was unexpected. As the first strike came down, rather forcefully, she slipped to the side.

Her next move was rather simple. As Snopy's Zanpakutō went for his sword arm, she blocked it with said arm. His blade did not cut into it at all. It simply stopped on the surface. Ayako had moderate ability in both regeneration and Hierro. However, the Hierro was strange. It was quite forced, as she naturally only had regeneration. The battle with ones inner hollow was always difficult, and the hollow always seem immensely powerful. Obviously if this were any other situation she would not have simply blocked. Again, she had no Hierro in any other situations.

Hierro? Snopy thought as he stood, blade not even penetrating her skin. You do know how hopeless it is right? I know all your techniques, I know how skilled you are with them, and I know exactly how much is required to block that blade. You were doomed from the start. She forcefully pushed her arm forward, shoving Snopy a great distance. She rushed forward, bringing her blade forward. She swung on Snopy many times. Slashes came from every angle, though commonly horizontally across his torso. If all these struck, Snopy would likely be torn to shreds. How much damage he took, and where, was dependent on him. This was followed by a rather ferocious volley of close range Bala, aimed at every body part imaginable, at least 30 of them were launched easily. Finally, if he still breathed she would shoved him away using her sword. As he went flying back, she would charge up a Cero in her hand. The vortex of energy was rather gigantic this time around. There was literally bolts of energy firing from her hands, going off a few feet before dissipating. Firing a rather large blast, it was obvious this was her strike to end him. It was a gigantic Cero. Not Gran Rey Cero strength, but still formidable. This is the end for you I'm afraid, don't worry. I'll take good care of your girlfriend fufufu.

Snopy found himself being launched backward with immense speed. Ayako rushed up and followed, and a volley of strikes ensued. Her blade danced about as it struck at every possible part of his body. Snopy desperately moved his blade in an attempt to block. Whatever direction it came from, his blade barely made it in time to block. In fact, half of the strikes were blocked by his pistol as they were coming at him just too fast. Within the volley, he was struck twice. One gash was created on his left arm, and a shallow, but bleeding still, cut horizontally across his chest. Then Ayako went in for the close range Bala. Snopy attempted to Shunpo, dodging one. Then as another came, he Shunpo'd again. His energy was dropping, however. He dodged the first 25, but was finally hit in the shoulder. He cried out in pain as, immobilized by it, he was struck by another 4 Bala. Two to the chest, one to his right leg, and finally one on his right arm. He was in immense pain now, he was bleeding like crazy. Before he knew it too, he was forced backwards a distance.

As he looked up, he saw the Cero being charged, as did everyone. Snopy! Get out of there! That blast is too strong, you'll die if it hits you! Snopy knew this, but he wasn't sure if he could make it out of this. He was in pain, too much pain. He was bleeding, his energy was waning. This blast seemed like it would be the end. Then he heard something. Something that wrung in his ears for awhile, echoing repeatedly. I'll take good care of your girlfriend. Snopy's eyes widened as he heard this. He heard it repeat in his head over and over again. That's right, I promised I would come back. And if I don't come Snopy planted his feet firmly in the ground. He slid back at least 50 feet as he gained a foothold. He knew what muse be done. Any doubts he had vanished from his mind He even ignored the vast pain he felt. He raised his pistol up. That isn't happening! He pulled the trigger and a rather impressive blast fired out of it. Until this moment only small or medium sized blasts came out. This actually rivaled a Cero in size and form.

Spiritual energy was surging from his body. His body's reserve of energy that was locked away had been unleashed. His will was strong, yet it wasn't just that. He was determined to see Kanna again, and dying would prevent that. Finally, the threat his inner hollow had just issued was enough to force him into action. The large purple Cero-like blast collided with the Cero. There was a rather spectacular explosion as they nullified each other. As the smoke cleared, Snopy could be visibly seen. He was surrounded by a large aura, and the layer of energy over his sword had become much stronger. He could obviously tell Ayako was shocked.

H-how? You've never displayed this kind of strength before. I...wait a minute, did my threatening your little girly friend upset you? That was always a weird little thing you did when you became defensive of something. Snopy simply smiled. Ayako, hear me and hear me well. This power you see, I have had it all along. I never really pushed myself with my Shikai, so I never honed my ability to use it. I trained sure, but never crossed that border. However, distress triggers amazing things. You literally forced me into using an advanced level of power in my Shikai, and I thank you. He raised up his pistol, firing off another Cero-like blast. Upon doing this he Shunpo'd next to Ayako. His speed had increased as well. In fact, Snopy felt like his body overall was slightly being augmented. Heh, am I going to be exhausted after this.

As he stopped he raised up his hand. Energy flowed into it. Derutabīmu. As the energy charged he noticed it was a bit easier to use Kidō as well. It was as if his Kidō was getting a slightly more powerful augmentation than the rest. A purple beam twice the size of a Byakurai fired out, and shortly before hitting Ayako, split into three Byakurai sized beams. They formed a triangle formation as they shot off. If they struck, they would strike three spots on Ayako's chest.

Finally he rushed forward with his blade. His target was simple, Ayako's sword arm. If the strike landed, her arm would either take serious damage, or be sliced off entirely. He put incredible force behind this strike. It was not some immense boost from his average strength levels, but it was a bit of a hard hit. To top it off, the energy from his blade would likely cause it to cut through the skin more easily. If it struck Ayako's blade, it would likely stop with a clang though. Still, Snopy was about ready to end this. He wanted to reclaim his body, and see Kanna again. The battle was at its climax, and soon to reach its conclusion.

~Outside his body~

As the blast struck against Kanna's Enkosen, the creature set out to kill. It charged forward, rushing straight for her. However, upon hearing her speak, it attempted to tear her throat out. Shame the hollow did not look up, as soon enough it found itself pinned to the ground. As it lay there, it growled and attempted to break free. At first it was unsuccessful. However, its energy suddenly began to stabilize, the very moment Snopy was being beaten to a pulp. Its energy levels increased, and seemed more hollow-like than before. It smashed out of even the Gochutekkan, causing it to shatter.

It slowly stood up and released a loud cry. It was time, it was time to end the annoying fight that the nuisance of a Shinigami was putting up. However, just as it prepared to take her out once and for all, something happened within. The energy, which had stabilized for whatever reason, suddenly became extremely unstable. The hollow gripped its head in pain for a moment, before attempting to shake it off. Its energy levels dropped immensely, possibly due to the lack of stability. In fact, it was as weak as, if not weaker, than when the fight had started. At the same time, its aura was mixed with the reddish color and Snopy's usual Reiatsu colors.

The creature wasn't done yet, but it would likely put up much less of a fight. Obviously things were starting to go well within for Snopy. This hollow would have to win quickly before anyhitng else happened. Kanna, on the other hand, needed only hold out a little longer. Snopy may have been close to returning. The creature rushed forward, attempting to punch Kanna. It punched at her again and again, attempting to smash her. However, it was not paying close attention to its target. Kanna could have easily moved out of the way. Finally, it attempted a Bala, but as the energy almost fired off, it collapsed and dissipated. With this level of instability, its hollow techniques were falling apart.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:17 pm

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna only had a moment to try and calm herself down and that was not anywhere near enough time. She watched as such a high level Kidō was somehow broken so easily. How something like that happened, was completely beyond her understanding. Yeah, she hadn't done it before, but the fact that it happened so quickly actually sort of pissed her off. She was insulted by it and literally had a 'fuck this' look come into her eyes, causing her left eye to even twitch at it. She chuckled a bit and just sat down, leaning her back against a wall. As this creatures energy once again spiked and then dropped, fluctuating rapidly and dangerously, she just sat there and watched. Having used such a high level Kidō and putting so much of her energy into it, it was her last chance to do anything. Since he so easily got out of it, she just gave up on surviving and on Snopy returning. “Well... Whatever...” were the only words that could come to mind at this point.

Kanna sat there, watching this creature charge towards her. Deciding that sitting was going to be a bad idea, she pushed herself to her feet, her legs shaking as her energy had been drained immensely with her Kidō. Lowering her head slightly, she awaiting impact and it soon came. The first strike hit her in the chest. There was enough strength behind it to cause her to choke up. Another strike came immediately after words, this one hitting her shoulder. Again, she choked up, refusing to yell out in pain. The next came and hit her in the stomach, causing her to lose her breath and pretty much double over in pain. She bent over, coughing up a small amount of blood, which she immediately realized was bad. Then, when he went to try to mount another bala attack at her, she looked to him with wide eyes. She was having enough trouble standing. At such close range this attack wou-.... fall to the floor as if it was a balloon with a hole in it...

“What the...?” Kanna glanced down to where the bala was before it vanished and then back up to this creature. “Oh hell no...” she mumbled as she reached towards her Zanpakutō, grabbing onto the hilt. She narrowed her eyes as she prepared to show a bit of her skill in Zanjutsu. “Senmaioroshi...” she said, merely naming off the technique she was about to use. Then she moved in to strike. This techniques was an extremely fast swing of the sword. It is where many blade slices are made so fast that not only are they hard for even the most fierce opponents to see, but it has the ability to shred an enemy to pieces. This is exactly what she did, except, she held back how deep she allowed her blade to go, literally aiming to cut the flesh in many places and nothing more. Now behind him, she sheathed her sword into it's sheath, doubting that even this creature could continue to stand after that. And if he did, she wouldn't be using her sword to continue fighting with him anyway. She would return to Kidō. Having her skill insulted multiple times by this beast, she was not going to allow it to beat her, even if she had almost given up a minute there.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Thu Sep 06, 2012 4:04 am

Ayako looked on in shock as Snopy raised his pistol and fired off another Cero like blast. How can he just fire them off like that? Using her Sonido, she rushed off to the side trying not to get hit. As she stopped, however, Snopy had appeared directly beside her. A small stream of energy swirled around Snopy's finger as he charged up one if his custom spells. This move Ayako also chose to use her Sonido, causing her to dodge this as well. However, Snopy's sudden burst of strength was wearing on her. The last two Sonido's were not exactly easy, and there was a lot of effort exerted on her.

This made the next part difficult for her. Snopy had now rushed at her, using every ounce of speed he had. Ayako was slightly out of breath, and as such did not have it in her to Sonido. As Snopy brought his sword down she raised her own blade to block. This did not turn out to well as she did not take into account the increased speed at which he swung. This was a grave blunder, as Snopy's blade cut into her arm. Much to her surprise, there was enough behind the attack to literally cut her arm from her body, just above the elbow. Her eyes widened as her arm, and consequently her sword, fell to the ground with a loud thud.

She jumped back, eyelids twitching a bit from the way she had her face. It was angry, shocked, and a little worried. What's the matter Ayako, can't you regenerate it? Judging from your face I can tell that would be a no. Upon hearing this, Ayako unleashed a vicious volley of Bala, originating from her remaining (left) hand. This action, though seemingly sound at first glance, was an act of desperation. The hollow grew desperate, as a wolf does when corned. Her sly fox-like personality gave way, and now as she was seemingly captured. She attempted to chew her own arm off in an attempt at escape (metaphorically speaking).

Snopy faced the situation with the utmost calm and seriousness. Even though desperation could indeed make one's judgement cloud, she was indeed backed into a corner, and a cornered animal is prepared to fight all the more viciously. As the stream of Bala flowed forth, he let out his own stream of blasts, equal in measure, to knock each of the hollow's attacks out of the sky. Perhaps Snopy was taunting Ayako in his own unique way, as she had done the same at an earlier juncture of the fight.

However, once he had all of them under control, Snopy felt he must end it here and now. The damage to his body, combined with the force of the energy he was releasing. No doubt, if he didn't deal the final blow here and now, he would lose. After all of his efforts, all of this fighting, he refused to allow himself to die. I'm sorry Ayako, but my body is my own. I cannot allow you to claim it, so I'm afraid I must initiate the finale so that the curtain may fall on this act. It was odd that Snopy was in such a poetic mood. Such things happened when he was in a serious or artistic mindset, though this was obviously from the former.

Snopy turned back to Fumiko and Reiko. You know, I think I finally understand something more about my powers. Amazing things can happen, especially if you two can actually get along. He turned back, raising his hand to the air (the hand being the left, as he had sheathed his sword as he spoke). Slowly he twirled his hand around a bit, in a circular fashion. Behind Ayako, something was happening. Ambient spiritual particles, ever the more abundant being within Snopy's mind and created by his power, began to stir. Various particles became pulled, they began to move in on a single spot. They began to glow themselves, with a purple and pink aura.

Snopy kept a stoic look on his face, but he was focused. This was a power he had never tried before. He was claiming control of the particles, and beginning to move them at his whim. It was taxing, he could feel it. He was growing quickly fatigued, but he had one chance to end this. He wasn't going to blow it by hesitating. Snopy began to charge forward after a few moments. Ayako, however, had formed another blade which she now held in her left hand. She also charged forward, somehow regaining some of her focus. Snopy had redrawn his blade as he did so. The two closed in on each other, their blades nearly making contact. However, Snopy had other plans. He tilted to the right and suddenly Shunpo'd out of sight. This was difficult for him, and almost failed (which would have killed him on the spot).

As he did this, he used his finisher. The energy he had controlled condensed into a spike, and it shot forward at Ayako. Before she knew it, the energy impaled her. It angled as such, it struck through her lungs. As it penetrated her flesh, she coughed up blood. As Snopy reappeared, he was behind her person. He brought his sword across and basically cleaved her body in two. With this motion, he also collapsed on the ground. He panted heavily, he lost a lot of blood, and he was unable to move. His energy had failed, even determination couldn't stir him at this point. His Zanpakutō slowly returned to its sealed form, as he had not the energy to maintain it.

It was silent for a moment. Ayako's form, though cut in half, still looked the same (save the line of blood spilling forth from her torso), Reiko and Fumiko looked on in worry and shock, and Snopy had not the energy to speak. Then, something uttered forth, its origin was Ayako's lips. Her body was fading away from the bottom up, disappearing into energy. I hate to say it...but you did well. I don't know where that energy came from, but it bested me. It appears I will be forced to allow you to use my power, for now at least. However, I am bound to this body. Your victory does not mean I will leave. However, you may find some peace that my power is at your disposal. As she spoke the last words her entire body vanished.

As Snopy lay on the ground, he could not muster up the energy to speak. So all he could do was think it. It seems that I can't get rid of you. Oddly though, even after everything you tried to do, I bear no ill will. You were a hollow after all. Your presence in my body I, also oddly, do not mind. Rather than show any hostile emotions, I would rather try not to be enemies. I will treat you as I treat any other, as an acquaintance of mine, in hopes we can just live peacefully with one another. I sense more within you than I do other hollow. A strange thing, for him to attempt to get along with a hollow, especially one that just tried to take over his body. Either way, try he would.

The barrier around the battle field vanished, giving Reiko and Fumiko the ability to run over to Snopy's side. Reiko leaned down and felt his body. He'll be fine, even with these wounds. We should really send him back. Mmm. With that, Reiko used some of her power to return Snopy outside of his body.

~Outside his body~

The beast felt various cuts penetrate its skin. Over and over, cold steel met flesh, creating a large number of cuts, both big and small. The creature collapsed for a moment. However, its strength wasn't something those cuts could simply stop. It rose back up and turned to Kanna. It was obviously mad. Energy surged forth from its body, both dark and heavy. It quickly rushed forward, ready to punch Kanna into submission. However, at the halfway mark between it and Kanna's positions...

Something happened, there was a huge surge of energy. Suddenly, every last ounce of that dark and heavy energy vanished. The mask the creature wore suddenly shattered. Behind it, was Snopy's face. His eyes were once again normal, and he had quite the shocked look on his face. The momentum the hollow had built caused Snopy to fall down to his knees. Yes, this was indeed Snopy. As he collapsed, he landed on his hands and knees. He was coughing violently, and a lot of blood came up from his lungs. His energy levels were dangerously low, but they were 100% Snopy's.

His body was beaten and bloodied. As his coughing subsided, he tilted his head up. He saw Kanna's form in front of him. K-Kan-na. As he did this, he used a little bit of his strength to somehow work his way to his feet. Now that the energy in his body wasn't being used in several places, he found enough to stand. He made his way over to Kanna slowly. However, he stumbled and collapsed again. As he did, he grabbed onto Kanna to hold himself up. He used her to balance himself one more. Told you...I would be back. He spoke, using Kanna's form to remain in an upright position.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Fri Sep 07, 2012 6:42 pm

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna's eyebrow raised as this beast got up once more and charged her. As this happened, she readied an attack that was actually going to end up killing Snopy in the end. She knew that, but she was not going to allow him to kill her. As he threw his punch, she felt the energy change and dropped her attack completely. Seeing the mask crack and then shatter, revealing a shocked looking Snopy, she sheathed her Zanpakutō. Watching him fall to his knees and cough, she narrowed her eyes at him. It was him now. She understood that, but until now, she had never come across a Vizard. Her feelings towards him and this situation were extremely confusing, although she showed nothing. In fact, when you say that she was showing no emotion, that was an understatement. Her eyes looked dull, her face was blank, and her posture resembled that of a robot. She seemed so stiff. She was unsure of how to react to what she knew he had just become.

He spoke her name and forced himself to his feet. He stepped towards her and stumbled again. Kanna did not react at all. She just watched him with her emotionless eyes and stood there. As he grabbed onto her and used her to balance himself, still she only stood there and waited for him to let her go. Hearing his words, she did not even reply. She just stared blankly at him. It was like she was trying to have everything that happened register in her mind. There was no telling how she was about to react to to this. For the first time, she felt immense fear, especially when he somehow got out of such a strong Kidō, multiple times at that. After a few moments of staring at him, listening to him reassure her about his return... she stepped back away from him. She lowered her head and took yet another step back away from him. "What's wrong with me... I... don't understand..." she thought as she set a hand on her stomach.

There were a few things she was feeling right about now. Confusion. She didn't know why she was reacting the way she was and why Snopy turned into what he just turned into. Anger at the fact that he was some how infected with the hollow and it turned him into this. And most of all, fear. She was scared of what he had become, what she was ready to do to him, what he almost did to her, and what was going to happen now. Taking yet another step back, she turned herself away from him and whispered. "D-Don't... touch me... S-Stay.. away f-from me... I can't... I.." she began walking towards the exit of this basement of his, raising her hands to her head and grabbing her hair rather tightly. "I can't... believe... I am scared... of Snopy...." she thought as she quickened her pace a bit.

"... but I'm not one to really care."

The Site Hideyoshi
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Fri Sep 07, 2012 7:09 pm

As Snopy looked at her he began to grow worried, very worried. She showed nothing. She said nothing. It was not very comforting that his own girlfriend was reacting this way to him. Of course, naturally someone would be worried at what had happened to him. However, this was just too much. Snopy, after everything that had just happened, has really sent his mental capacity to 100% capacity. The worst part came when he heard Kanna's words. His body froze up, he became instantly tense. He had, at this point, build up the strength to stand on his own, and he had let go of Kanna. For a moment he was still as she made for the exit. After a moment, he felt it was time to speak. He could not believe he had to exert energy after all that, but he Shunpo'd in front of the exit.'re afraid of me now? I am now a monster in your eyes? His voice was a strange calm, but there was sadness in his voice. So you're going to leave? To forsake me because of reasons beyond my control? The hollow has lost any control it had over my body, and I reclaimed it. So my reward is to lose the most important person in my life? He retained perfect calm in voice, but tears ran down from his eyes. Kanna...please don't just leave like this. I know a lot has happened, but I'm not a threat anymore. Just please... He was quite noticeably crying now, in tone and look. His strength was so worn out that something like this would deeply disturb him. Normally it would take several failed attempts at convincing to make him cry, but such is his tired state. His entire body was shaking at this point. The shake was caused both by bodily weakness and the pain he felt deep down in his chest, the pain caused by fear of losing Kanna.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed] - Page 2 Empty Re: Raise the Mask: Dark Manifestation reaches Critical Mass [Closed]

Sat Sep 08, 2012 4:21 pm

"Sorry if you've got a problem with me..."

Kanna narrowed her eyes at him in anger as he decided to move in front of her using Shunpo. Listening to what he was saying, it was obvious that he had no idea what had actually gone on. Seeing him start to cry over this actually angered her as well. Then, hearing him assume that she was going to 'leave' him, angered her even more. She did not hesitate. She brought her hand up and smacked him across the face. "Shut up..." she said in an angry hiss, "I am not going to listen to your shit... Just.. shut up." She stood there, looking at him with a fiery anger in her eyes. She clenched her fists tightly, keeping them at her sides. "Why the fuck are you crying? Huh?" There were a few things that Kanna had begun getting a little irritated over and now she was about to let them out. She took in a deep breath and loosened her fists as she let it out slowly.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she said rather bluntly, "For one, you have no idea what even went on while you were in your inner world, so don't you dare imply that I shouldn't be scared. You broke out of multiple of my Kidō, two of them being above level sixty. How? I don't even understand that... but what person in their right mind wouldn't be frightened after that? That's not even it. Your strength was immeasurable, your rage was startling, and your intent to kill me was baffling... So what the fuck gives you the right to imply that I shouldn't be scared of you?" Unfortunately Kanna wasn't done there. Her anger continued to something else that even wasn't just about this situation, but about multiple.

"Why do you cry so much?" Kanna's voice calmed and got serious. It was something she had thought about a lot since they had first gotten to know each other. He cried a lot when it came to her. It almost felt like he did it just to get pity out of her and she thought that he used it as a way of getting what he wanted. It was either that, or he was just emotionally weak. Never before had she met a man that cried as much as he did. It angered her. "I highly dislike that... Crying is a sign of weakness for women, so how does it look when a man does it? Most men I've met decide to punch a wall, yell, get angry, or all of the above, but you.... you cry...." With that said, she just narrowed her eyes angrily at him. Her fear of his stopped when she saw his tears, so she wasn't planning on just walking out. She stood there and waited for his reaction and answer.

"Well.. I finally said it, but...." she thought to herself, still staring at Snopy, "It may have been a really bad time. I just couldn't hold it in anymore... And after what he had just been through, you'd think... he'd man up."

"... but I'm not one to really care."

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