Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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'Dat Bishie
Joined : 2010-11-07
Posts : 1550
Age : 30
Location : New Zealand

Member Info
Platinum Points:
«ELIZABETH|THEODORE» [APPROVED, 0-4+] Left_bar_bleue10/100«ELIZABETH|THEODORE» [APPROVED, 0-4+] Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)


Mon Sep 10, 2012 2:05 pm

- Name: Elizabeth/Theodore
- Titles: The Truth
- Age: As old as their normal body
- Gender: Both
- Affiliation/Rank: Self-Affiliated

- Appearance Picture (Elizabeth):

- Appearance Picture (Theodore):



- Personality: Despite being two constructs of what is initially the same being, Elizabeth and Theodore seem to have two very substantially different personalities. Being an original part of Truth, they seem to share some of his personality traits, however they have also been given their own in order to blend into society. One has to remember, at all times, that it is the Truth in this body, and he has simply weakened himself in order to blend into society.

Elizabeth: Out of the two possible monikers, Elizabeth is the slightly less sane of the pair. The one with the plan, the one with the thoughts that could only be anything but safe. If she tells you to trust her, you have a choice. Trust her, possibly get killed, have the time of your life, come back alive. Ignore her, have a boring life, but with more chance of survival. Or die, because she was going to help you survive. There are really many things that she does that border on the illegal, but she'll never go to the immoral. Instead, she would much rather keep in line and have people happy--it makes them more willing to go along with crazy plans!

Ever ready for a fun time and a laugh, she'll always endeavour to make every day a living riot. She appreciates fun and games, and will often make everything more of a challenge for those around her--it can either be to the detriment or the advantage of those allied with her. She's not actually a malicious person, but there are times when her view of 'fun' can be somewhat frightening for those around her. She really tries, though. She likes white tea and sweet things. She hates boredom and having to wait for something to happen.

Theodore: Easily the more serious and demure of the two personalities, Theodore is more likely to tell you what went wrong with a serious face. He means well, and is exceptionally kind, but has the potential to be a very stern person at the same time. If someone endangers their own life and he's there, he may get angry at them--worry would've consumed him, despite what he really is. He is often seen reading a book, though this book may have nothing in it--it may even be upside down, and he wouldn't actually notice, for it is a book that he has read time and time again, over and over. A strong believer in the power of humans, he is less likely to interfere in their messes than Elizabeth is.

Despite all of this, he has a strong sense of justice, and will smite those whom he believes are doing wrong. He seems to be the side of the Truth that is more interested in understanding existence than actually being a part of it. He likes reading and quiet spaces. He hates rabble-rousers and demonic influences.

Natural Traits

Memory-Proof: Although he can't quite erase himself from the memories of others, Truth has limited control over the memories of others, involving his true identity. After the thread has ended, anyone who has heard Truth's real name while in these bodies will immediately forget the information. They may remember his power, or even the identities of his human forms, but they will never remember "The Truth", unless he allows them to. He can do this by showing them a card with his name upon it, which will imprint it into their memories. Only those intended to read the card can decipher it. Any recorded proof of his identity mysteriously disappears.

The PERSONA System

This is the first of the two abilities that Truth, in his forms as either Elizabeth or Theodore, can use without worry or fear of repercussions. Every being, as long as it exists in some form within the space of the universe and existence itself, has an Origin--a starting point. From this starting point, they develop into beings that have a certain area of power, and a certain personality. Although they may manage to modify their powers with cybernetics, their Origin will never change, meaning that no matter what happens, Elizabeth and Theodore will always bring forth the same being.

Upon viewing a being and discerning their Origin, Truth will be able to bring a card out from a small book that he carries in these human forms. This card has their name and origin upon it, as well as a Sequential Roman Number from I to XXII. Upon shattering this card into pure energy, a creature will begin to form itself by the side of the chosen target. This creature will take on an appearance that suits the Origin and Personality of the character targeted, as well as taking on several similar appearance traits. The being will always be 1 tier group weaker than its original, down to a minimum of 3-1. This means that any character below 2-1 will always have a PERSONA of 3-1 in strength, even if they're weaker than 3-1. The character will have full control over this PERSONA. The PERSONA will have one or two basic traits pertaining to their Origin, and a single, powerful, ultimate ability. The Persona can also take form of a weapon for use of their owner.


Originator: Daigoro Ito; 0-2+
Origin: Absoluteness
Tier: 1-2+
Weapon Form: A small-shield.
Attack Form: A tall, red-and-white-armored knight with a tower shield in its right hand, and a longsword in its left.
Origin Traits:
Anchor: As long as it's standing still, Aegis can't be moved by force alone--the only way is by moving the ground beneath its feet.
Ultimate Ability: Standing Wall - Transforming itself in a single-round action, Aegis can form itself into a 50 metre long, 20 metre high wall that can spread itself in any direction. This wall takes 75% of the maximum damage of strikes, and cannot be moved by conventional means. Once it's taken enough hits, it'll be destroyed and returned to its shield form.

There can only ever be 22 PERSONA on the field at once, and Truth can de-materialize these at will. It takes less than a post to create one, and up to three can be made in a single post (this is an add-subtract system, so if Truth destroys three PERSONA in the post, he can create six as well.)

Modified Truth

Although his usual self can create 'truth' from 'idea', this human self lacks quite the same potency and power. Only a singular book is needed for this task, and even that is rarely needed to be used. Unlike The Truth himself, who can take 'that which is an idea', and make it into 'that which is true'; Elizabeth and Theodore can only take 'that which is true', and make it into 'that which is true'.

You may wonder what this means--it appears that they can only take something and not change it--however, one must realize that there are always multiple versions of the 'truth', depending on certain existing circumstances. In fact, it would most likely be more logical to say that Elizabeth and Theodore can take 'that which is true' and make it into 'that which is true, but not the same as before'.

Effectively, in this form, The Truth has the ability to change the specific properties of certain events, causing them to unfold in a different way than originally intended. The most obvious and simple use for this is:

A cero flies towards Elizabeth. Staring at it, she admits and acknowledges that it is true and flying towards her. However, she then points at a tree, and says that the tree is the intended target of the attack. The cero changes course and flies to the tree, colliding with it.

Effectively, this allows for The Truth to rewrite certain parts of existence in a very variable way. It's not highly limited, nor does it use a large amount of energy. However, there is one main limitation to this, that can quite easily affect a large amount of what The Truth could possibly do.

Everything done must conform to the original truth.

Effectively, this disallows The Truth from making anything that is untrue and deviates completely from the given adjustments. He could not make a shield that never previously existed suddenly appear from nothing to block the aforementioned Cero, however he is quite capable of saying that he is capable of blocking the attack with his hand and doing as such--though he'll still take some damage from it. Physical beings cannot have their realities changed, unfortunately, not even to be protected from harm. Other than that, there is really little else to say about this ability.

- Background: The Truth has always watched from the background, hidden completely away--that's always been his prerogative for the last millenia and far, far more. However, there comes a time when he really needs to find a way to view the planet and every other one from a more objective viewpoint. The eyes of a human being. Creating life was a simple task, but it wasn't just that easy for him. Although life could live on its own, he would never be able to monitor it through the billions of humans in this planet... So he turn it into a puppet, of sorts. Two puppets, as a matter of fact. Giving them their own personalities, Truth made them into things that he could fill his essence into. Things that he could drive around this planet, guiding them and walking through men without showing himself off. He could choose one, or the other, and both would be just fine. It was as simple as that, right?

For once, we're actually right. It was so simple, that the Truth started to enjoy walking around in these human bodies too much. He had originally created them to be powerless, but suddenly he started to spend so much more time with them, that they began to develop a power of their own--one that stemmed completely from his powers over the Origin. Normally, one would destroy such a body--they would consider it nothing but a fake, a mistake. However, Truth saw things differently, in an especially different light. He could do things. He could help people, if only a little bit and very secretly. Adding one last power to fully disguise his true nature if he was ever forced to tell, he started to help humanity from the shadows. Redirecting a bullet here, destroying a Hollow there, it was all just a part of the game for him. He enjoyed helping these people, and he would choose to continue to do so for a long time.

However, things started getting worse. Wars, deaths, thousands being destroyed and yet more being born every day--Truth watched the Earth slowly develop into madness through his own eyes. And he couldn't do anything about it. Certain things were fixed--if he tried to change them himself, he risked exposing himself. He was there when Mana destroyed London--watching from the deepest shadows, he couldn't help but wonder if he should've helped them. He could've quite easily destroyed the beast, or at least slowed it down enough for those fighting Mana to win. He was there, he had always been there--he knew of Exavil, of Chaos Island... he had seen them all through human eyes. In this form, no matter what, he was Human... and he was starting to believe it, too. The illusion would be broken when he left the body, but it slowly became more and more convincing...

General Skills
  • Durability: Master
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Last edited by Dai on Fri Sep 28, 2012 11:27 pm; edited 4 times in total


Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:01 am
«ELIZABETH|THEODORE» [APPROVED, 0-4+] Tumblr_m26npsOEcm1qzyyvw

You see this face, it's telling you this is moved!
He's also begging you to work on it in old WIP and ask to move if you can't do it yourself!
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3624
Age : 30
Location : Gracemeria

Member Info
Platinum Points:
«ELIZABETH|THEODORE» [APPROVED, 0-4+] Left_bar_bleue7380/100«ELIZABETH|THEODORE» [APPROVED, 0-4+] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)


Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:30 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

Comments/Notes: I don't know exactly what to grade this, so if you have complaints, you may talk with me.
Tier: 0-4+

Tsubine's Character List


Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:05 pm
«ELIZABETH|THEODORE» [APPROVED, 0-4+] Tumblr_m8fkgn0dAg1rzz72po1_500_zpsfb91ed1f
This is moving to archives.
The creator has left the site. :/
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