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Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3624
Age : 30
Location : Gracemeria

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)] Empty Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)]

Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:59 pm

「I'm not sorry because it's not my fault!」


Human Template

Basic Information

+ Name: Kumagawa, Misogi
- Titles: Defective Product; Naked-Apron Senpai; Mister Miserable;
+ Age: 18
- Gender: Male
+ Affiliation/Rank: Karakura High School Student

- Appearance Description: Kumagawa is a normal Japanese high school student in appearance. He has black hair which is slightly unkempt. His eyes are slightly violet, but are mainly blue. Kumagawa does not wear the normal school uniform. Instead, he wears his last school's. It is bland and black with five brass buttons in the front. Ith as a large collar with a white lining. He still has his student council armband from his last school as well.

+ Appearance Picture:
Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)] Appearance



- Personality: Kumagawa is always smiling. That isn't to say he's happy, but he's always smiling. He gropes your breast? Smiling. Gets kicked in the stomach? Smiling. Stabbed? Smiling. Fails a test? Smiling. He is a natural "loser," and that's why he's always smiling. He knows that he can't win. He knows he'll never get the girl. That is why he's smiling. He's accepted his reality of never winning. And that is what makes Misogi Kumagawa a very, very dangerous person. Someone who never thinks he's never going to win has nothing to gain. However, that isn't to say he won't play like he will win. If he knows he's going to lose, might as well make the opponent win less, right? He doesn't understand or try to understand others, ignoring their feelings all together. He doesn't hate anyone, but he doesn't like anyone either. That's also something that makes him dangerous. He has no one to hold him back. He doesn't need anyoneto do that. Kumagawa isn't a loner, though. He'll butt into conversations, and will talk with you (if you can stand his personality). Kumagawa's mask is sealed with a perverted nail. He has many fetishes, some of which have given him nicknames (i.e. Naked Apron Senpai).


Natural Powers

+ Superhuman Durability & Stamina: Kumagawa’s most frightening trait is his tenacity; no matter how many times he is beaten down, he always gets back up due largely because of his history of losing at everything meaning he can easily shrug off any kind of beating.

- Lack of Presence: Kumagawa erased his “aura” with All Fiction. Because of this, people no longer feel his presence. Almost no one can look at him and keep him in their memories.

+ Combat Expert: Because he considers himself “the weakest person in the whole world,” Kumagawa knows everything about the weaknesses of the human body, and can easily defeat multiple opponents by targeting their weak points.

- Heart Breaker: This is Kumagawa's "personality" ability. Because he is such a miserable person, it is most likely impossible for those without high willpower to maintain a relationship with him. Even though he keeps up a cute and smiley demeanor, his personality makes him a "heart breaker." He can use this to "crush" the will of those trying to befriend him, as long as they don't have almost absurdly-high willpower.

+ Screw Creation: Kumagawa's weapons of choice appear to be many large screws that he can make appear in his hands out of his own Negative Energy. He can throw these screws with great accuracy.



Book Maker & All Fiction

- Book Maker: Book Maker (却本作り, Bukku Meika) is Kumagawa's original ability. Book Maker requires Kumagawa to use a special screw; a slotted pan head screw (with a - on it), as opposed to the Philips screws (with a + on them) that he usually wields. When Book Maker is activated, the screw stretches to the length of a sword, and so he stabs the opponent with it. Despite the fact that the screw needs to pierce the victim to take effect, the damage done to the body is nearly zero; Kumagawa labels Book Maker as an ability that only soils the heart. As a side effect, the victim's hair also turns white, though the original color is restored once Book Maker's effect wears off and the screw dissolves. When he stabs someone with the screw, it brings that person to Kumagawa's level: body, spirit, technique, intellect, and talent; all fall to match Kumagawa's "hidden personality." This means that unless the target is a person with absurdly high willpower, they will become a person who only knows how to "lose." This lasts for four posts with a four post cooldown. He can not use All Fiction with Book Maker active.

+ All Fiction: All Fiction (大嘘憑き, Ōru Fikushon) allows Kumagawa to deny aspects of reality; to make anything "nothing". Because of this, he can undo anything that has been damaged, and thus he has no qualms about being destructive. However, he has stated that once he removes something with All Fiction, he cannot return it as it has become "fiction". His ability can even reverse his own death as well as the death of others. He admits that he doesn't have full control of his power because, unless he's careful, the entire world could become nothing. All Fiction is can not make things with strong emotional value into nothing, such as wounds that one is proud of or thinks they need to keep as a reminder. Now, as for the "reversing death" part, it is not reviving him. It is "reversing the damage" done to him causing his death. Now, there are limitations. Things like the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception will kill him and All Fiction will not work. Attacks that completely vaporize him will also not allow him to be revived. However, his weak point is when he uses Book Maker. While Book Maker is active, All Fiction can not be used period. All Fiction can be used without Kumagawa touching anything. It has a 50-meter sphere of effect.

Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)] Negaheader

Negative Energy

- Negative Energy: Negative Energy is not a spiritual energy. Negative Energy can not directly harm spiritual beings on its own. In fact, Negative Energy is just Kumagawa's "natural loser" personality in physical form. It allows him to make his screws, which the screws themselves are capable of harming spiritual beings. Negative Energy also nullifies any coincidence; the energy prevents the whims of fate from interfering with a battle. Such things include an enemy's special attack missing a vital area, the enemy sparing him on a whim, he won't be hit by a random semi-truck, he won't be aquainted with the younger sister of an enemy, etc.. The reason it nullifies both good and bad is because "bad" luck could turn good, depending on what happens later. Thus, it is only appropriate for a natural loser to have no luck.


Background History

+ Background:
「The scariest thing about me is that I'm the product of a happy childhood.」

Kumagawa was born in a town in northern Japan. He doesn't remember the town, just that it was in the northern part on Honshu. He had a normal family with a schoolteacher father and a nurse for the elderly as a mother. Kumagawa was always inside, reading. He did not socialize, even with his parents. He went to a normal elementary school. However, that's when it changed. No matter what Kumagawa played, he lost. It wasn't by chance nor by luck. Kumagawa did not have luck, and he had the capability to win... he just never did.
That did not raise flags, but it was in middle school that flags were raised. Kumagawa was bullied because he would always lose. However, he always stood back up. The scariest part is, he'd stand up and smile. He had already accepted that he could never win, so there was no reason to be upset. One kid eventually stabbed him with a pair of scissors after class. Kumagawa had blocked the blow with his hand. It hurt, obviously, but he simply smiled. The scary thing is that he drove the scissors deeper into his hand. He kept smiling. That scared the kid that stabbed him, but Kumagawa did not let him escape. He pulled out the scissors, and the wound "became nothing" as eyewitnesses said. Kumagawa twirled the blood-covered weapon around, splattering his own blood across the hallway, himself, and the kid who stabbed him.
The kid who stabbed him was sent away, but Kumagawa remained there. In middle school, no one would hang around Kumagawa. He was always alone, which did not bother him in the slightest. His first high school was the worst problem. Kumagawa transferred with his family to a new region. When he transferred, he made a joke about him being from "Weekly Shounen Jump." When the classmates laughed, he droved screws into every single student in there. Of course, they all died... but he brought them back with All Fiction. He made another joke, and no one laughed. During his time there, Kumagawa was picked on again. Of course, no matter what he had done to him... he stood back up and smiled. He was transferred out by force to Karakura High School later on that year...


General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner


Tsubine's Character List

Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)] Empty Re: Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)]

Sat Oct 20, 2012 9:05 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: >w> can I hug him? V I hope the below makes sense. XD!
Tier: 5-5 [2-1+]

Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)] Empty Re: Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:58 pm
Kumagawa, Misogi [APPROVED, 5-5 (2-1+)] F2259124702001ffc8512c89e467235a

Cleaning this out! Feel free to pm me to move it back!
Don't worry this isn't deleted! Your app is now in archives!
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