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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 3218
Age : 31
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Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Empty Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4]

Sat Oct 20, 2012 6:18 am
Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Image4362

Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Image4363-1

» Name: Kenshin Tanaka
» Titles: Head Of Tanaka Family, T.A.G. Leader
» Age: 60
» Gender: Male
» Affiliation/Rank: Leader of T.A.G., Tanaka Family

» Appearance Description: Kenshin Tanaka is a distinguished elderly man. He's got gray hair that is always slicked back, a thick mustache and beard to match. He's six foot two inches in height, weighs around one ninety, and most of that is pure muscle do to his constant training sessions. He seems to be a weak, slender, and fragile old man, but obviously that is not the actual fact about him. Kenshin always seems to look as if he's mad, but those who know him realize that is just the way his face is.

» Appearance Picture:

Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Untitled_zpse9a7f2f9


Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Image4365-1

» Personality: Kenshin Tanaka is a very serious and cold man when it comes to people outside of his part of the Main House of the Tanaka Family. He feels that he has a responsibility to teach them, train them, and show them the way of the martial artist. He doesn't want them to think it's some fun walk in the park when it really is not. Because of this mindset, when he is out in training sessions, you'll likely never see him smile. This serious and cold side of him was shown a lot when he was forced to banish his own son for an attempted assassination. Although he doesn't show or talk about it, it truly does eat him up on the inside. When he's at home within the Tanaka Estate, he's a bit more softhearted, but not much. You'll see a smirk on his lips or a less serious look in his eyes. At home he actually worries, stresses, and takes part in conversations. He absolutely adores his granddaughter Keianna for her determination in her training, sense of responsibility, and just because he was there at a time to change her diapers. The fact his, Kenshin Tanaka has a serious weakness for children. He loves them for their innocence, laughter, smiles, and practically everything a child does. There are times that he'll just head to the park to watch the children run around and play, although he wouldn't be caught doing something like that. If he was, he'd likely just lie and say that he was there to relax and get away from the 'idiots' at the Estate.

» Likes: Although he really would never tell anyone these things, his likes really just include training the young to give them a sense of responsibility, children and their innocent ways, and getting a day off since that is rare.

» Dislikes: This on the other hand he will loudly declare if needed. He dislikes laziness, traitors, unruly teenagers, ungrateful people, thugs, gangs, rebellious people. He dislikes those with no sense of responsibility, honor, integrity, or dignity.


Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Image4367-1

» Background: Kenshin Tanaka was the first and only child of his Father and Mother. This was because his mother died giving birth to him. Now raising a child by himself, his Father was not the most understanding and lenient of men. He was strict and very hard on Kenshin, attempting to raise him as a strong and responsible young man. He truly did have Kenshin's best interests at heart, but the lack of a motherly figure and the lack of his Father being able to be even semi-sensitive caused Kenshin to grow up with one thing in mind; battle. From the age of ten and on, training was his favorite thing to do, but it wasn't just training. It was training with other people, sparring. He began to really enjoy the idea of tearing someone else apart and making them seem like they are weak and helpless compared to him. This went on until he reached the age of twenty.

A woman joined the dojo. There had been many women before her, but none that seemed to catch the eye of Kenshin the way this one did. She had short, light brown hair and light brown eyes. She was a small one, but beautiful and innocent. After a week or two, he finally got the guts to go up and talk to her since she was having some trouble with her training. Her name was Leiko. It was a strange name for a girl as pure as her, but he pushed that thought off. She seems so fragile to him, like she would break if he held her. In truth, she actually was. Leiko was burdened by an illness that for some reason was not able to be cured or even treated. It didn't do much to her until she'd get to excited or her pulse raised. This did not stop him from falling deeply in love with her. And soon, they were married. The two of them lived for five years with just one another, and then she became pregnant with their first child. The birth was hard and the Doctor told her that with her condition, going through labor is not something she should ever risk again. It was around this same time that Kenshin lost is Father and became the new Head Of The Tanaka Family. Everything happened so fast that neither he or Leiko were able to catch up with everything. There was so much stress and worry that Leiko was bedridden for an entire month, forcing Kenshin to take care of the new born all on his own. He ended up hiring a nanny to take care of him during that time while he ran the family. There was no way he could to both at the same time.

Five years passed and everything was settled. Leiko and Kenshin couldn't have been happier. There son, Kain Tanaka was now five years old and was actually excited to start his training. Surprisingly to Kenshin, his son looked up to him as if he were some sort of super hero. Kenshin didn't understand this, but there was no way he didn't love it. He adored his son and truly did want another, but he knew the sacrifice that would likely make for Kain and himself. The Doctor had already told him that if she became pregnant another time, she'd likely not survive the birth. Leiko knew that Kenshin wanted another child badly, so one month she stopped taking her pill. She felt that she had become strong enough to handle the birth and decided to become pregnant anyways. Soon, she was. Kenshin panicked. He was furious, scared, but still understood why she did something so risky. She must have been able to tell in his eyes that he really wanted one more son to carry on the Tanaka name. Nine months later a new baby boy was born, but... Leiko was incorrect in her belief. She was not strong enough to survive the birth and passed on while holding her new baby boy, Austyn, in her arms. Kenshin loved Austyn, but there were still a few problems that he had to overcome. He felt like having this baby took the woman he loved away from him. In a way, for a while he blamed Austyn for her death, although he did not speak of it. He made sure to keep those thoughts and feelings to himself since he knew deep down that it was not Austyn's fault.

Years passed and both Kain and Austyn were grown men. They had finished school, become more than advanced in their training, and Kain had even gotten married. They had done what they needed to do in their lives, but there was still this tense anger between him and his youngest son. Since Austyn was a second born, things were much harder on him. Kenshin trained him in the martial arts even though it was against the traditions of the clan. When Austyn made a mistake he was much, much harder on him then he was his first born, Kain. One day, Austyn apparently had enough because he attempted an assassination attempt upon Kenshin, but was caught when he foolishly spoke out loud to Kain's wife.. Something about her underwear was all that Kenshin could remember about that. Either way, Kenshin was forced to banish his son for such a traitorous act and sent him off to train to actually do that job well. Soon after that, Keianna Tanaka was born. His son and his wife had given birth to his first granddaughter. She was beautiful. It was the firs thing that he said when he saw her. From that moment on, Keianna was really his pride and joy, even if he was rather hard on her.

Unfortunately, Kain became ill with the same sickness that plagued his mother, but was unable to survive as long as she did. It hit so fast and claimed his life. Now, he had lost both of his sons. He promised Kain that he would make sure Keianna grew up to be a strong woman and that his wife would be taken care of. Keianna ended up over working herself with a job she felt she had to have to help out around the house. It was impossible to tell her otherwise, even though Kenshin and her Mother tried over and over again. The Tanaka Family had enough money to handle anything that came along, but Keianna didn't quite her job. Kenshin was not going to allow Keianna's need for a job to stop or even ease her training and ended up having her train another member of the family, Kyoko Tanaka. He ended up pushing along Keianna's exhaustion, to the point where Keianna's mother went and got a job, forcing Keianna to quit and get back to her normal life. For a while there, Kenshin pushed himself into denial about his granddaughter and her personality change. He feels very guilty because he knows that it was his fault. She turned from her upbeat and cheerful self to a calm, collected, and serious individual because he would not give her a break. This personality change, Kenshin realized was her way of coping with everything that had been going on. He now only hopes that with some rest and a social life, Keianna will return to her normal self.

In the midst of all of that, Kenshin found out that a member of his family had been pushed into Foster Care. Using every resource he could possibly find, he finally found Kisara at a Foster Home and signed off to be her legal guardian. He gave her a small house to live in, but because of the traditions of the family, which are very important to Kenshin, she was not allowed to train under him or anyone else within the grounds. There were a few times he caught her practicing while watching the others train, but he just acted like he didn't see it and let her do it. One day, Kisara got sick of everything and vanished on the family. Kenshin is still extremely worried about her and fears her dead, but is hoping otherwise. Every now and then, he hears rumors about a gang that is either lead by a girl named Kisara or at least has her as a member, but when he asks about the last name, everyone says the same thing. “Kisara Nanjo.” This was not the girl that he was desperately trying to find. She was a Tanaka, not a Nanjo. So, even while running the family, taking care of his granddaughter and her mother, and dealing with T.A.G., Kenshin still attempts to look for her and asks anyone that sees her to bring her home.


Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Image4370-1

» Natural Attributes:

Languages: He can speak multiple languages. He can speak English and Japanese fluently. He can also speak French, Spanish, and Dutch, although these languages some times seem a bit choppy when he uses them.

Ambidextrous: This is obvious. He can use both hands easily, not just his left or his right. This is what allows him to duel wield weapons extremely easy. He can use his left hand just as well as he can use his right.

Complete Master Martial Artist: Having been training for over fifty years, obviously this man is nothing to laugh at. He is truly a danger to anyone he fights, especially if it's hand to hand combat. Having mastered multiple styles, such as Jujitsu, Taekwondo, and Karate, he really is a human weapon. This man is fast on his feet with reflexes faster than that of a cat. He has the ability really read and predict his opponents moves because he's memorized most of them. It is obvious that since he is the one who must train everyone within his family and is the trainer of the people who train the people of T.A.G. That he must know exactly what he is doing at all times.

Master Swordsman: Also having trained with weapons for over thirty years, it's apparent that he would be extremely skilled in such a manner. His strikes are swift and precise. When he hits someone, a lot of the time it takes the wound half a second to appear on the person he has cut. He has the ability to duel wield as well, making him even more deadly, but he will not duel wield unless he knows that it is a fight to the death and that he might lose if he does not. Kenshin has practiced the art of Kendo as well, becoming more than proficient in two handed sword wielding.

Master Spear Weapon Fighter: Kenshin does not only fight with a sword, but with a spear as well. This doesn't JUST mean spears though. He can use long poles, sticks, pikes, etc... His mastery of the spear is astonishing to some since it can be a very difficult weapon to master. After becoming an expert with this weapon, he actually had one specially made that has the ability to extend. He uses this in the manner of a sword, but with a simple twist, it doubles in size and becomes a good spear for him to use. Of course using a spear at times can be a pain because you don't always have enough space to use it, but when he does use it, his strikes are extremely powerful and unpredictable.

Master Chain Weapon Fighter: Now those who think the spear is a hard weapon to master have not attempted to fight with a chain weapon. It is extremely hard to control a chain when it's already been thrown, but Kenshin was able to master this within his fifty years of martial arts training. He's mastered this weapon to the point that he can duel wield these as well, although it makes it difficult for someone who does not have his skill. It isn't always just a chain though. He can add some sort of blade on the end, which usually ends up being a sickle. He also can do the same thing with ropes, but because of the lighter weight, he always has to have something on the ends to counter balance.

» Racial Powers:

Anima Stone: Kenshin's anima stone is the size of a marble and is embedded within his skin. It is located on his right wrist, right below the palm of his hand. When it is activated, it glows bright enough to shine through his skin. It's entire purpose is to provide Kenshin with some sort of weapon. Whatever weapon is created is whatever one that Kenshin feels he needs at the time, whether it be a spear, sword, chain, etc... It can create him up to two weapons per day (thread). Once it is used up then that is it for that day (thread). Each of these weapons are up to fifty times more durable, stronger, and sharper than that of an ordinary weapon. For example, if he uses a sword from his anima stone and attempts to attack, but the defender is blocking with a steel sword, his sword would easily be able to cut through it. Weapons that are tied to spirits or spiritual energy of some kind will not be cut through as easily, but it is still possible if hit right or the opponents weapons is weak enough to fall to it.

Soul Sorcery:

Baria-Tossa: (Instant Barrier) This is exactly how the name sounds. It is an instant barrier that is meant to block energy and physical attacks that are equal to or less than the power of the caster. The caster, in this case Kenshin, holds his hand out in front of him and casts it. A blue square barrier that is five foot wide and ten foot tall appears. This is a very simple spell that only lasts three seconds, which is usually enough time for the attack it's blocking to cease. It can be used up to six times a thread since it doesn't take very much energy at all to cast.

Tei-Dangan: (Paralyzing Bullet) This spell is shot out from the tip of ones finger. It is a small bullet of energy that does absolutely no harm to the body, but if it hits it stops them from moving for two seconds. If they're in mid run, punch, or whatever, they're body will suddenly freeze like a statue for two seconds. This spell takes a large amount of energy to cast, but takes no time at all. It can be cast instantly, but can only be used a single time in a day (thread), so the user, in this case Kenshin, must be extremely careful when they use it. If they miss, they have literally wasted it.

Sanjuu-Dou Gazou: (Triple Body Image) This spell allows the caster to literally make three of himself. When it's cast, his energy is spread across three different clones of himself, but his abilities all stay the same. He just uses up his energy a lot faster than he would have as just himself. This is a quick cast, taking only a few seconds, and maybe a fifteenth of his energy. Each clone has a mental connection to the original Kenshin. Each clone has the ability to die and it would only cause them to vanish and return to the original body, BUT the original body does get one quarter of the damage that killed the clone brought onto his own body.

Soul Dash:

Go-Ashi Hirameki: (Five Foot Flash) This Soul Dash technique was developed by Kenshin Tanaka. It's a type of soul dash that instantly transfers your body up to five feet in any direction. Whether the direction is up, down, to the left, to the right, forward, or backwards... This technique is so instant when it is mastered, and for Kenshin it is mastered, that he could be in the middle of throwing a punch up to five feet away from the target and suddenly appear right in front of him, attempting to strike with the punch. This technique is used to not only shock an opponent, but overwhelm them with speed. It is only able to be used up to fifteen times in a single thread.

Soul Detection:

Kon-Rinku: (Soul Link) This is a special type of Soul Detection that he invented after ten years of practice. It allows him to place a seal upon the soul/body of someone. Once it is done, they are linked until the person dies, he dies, or until he removes the seal. This allows him to find out their location anywhere within his realm. If he is in the World Of The Living, then they have to be in the World Of The Living for him to be able to find them. It is similar to that of a tracking beacon. It only works when the tracker is activated. The seal is always there, but he must activate it to understand their location. He invented this to keep tabs on his 'children'. This includes both of his sons, his nieces, and anyone else he takes care of. Most of them had this done without their knowledge. The maximum amount of seals that he currently can use is twenty, one per person.

» Evolution Powers: All of Kenshin's powers are based on solar energy. This type of energy is gathered when the sun is out. It can also be compared to light energy and heat energy, having all the effects of both. It is literally like harnessing the power of the sun when you collect solar energy. The heat, the rays, and the light all become of use to Kenshin. He collects this solar energy through absorption. This allows him to take in heat, solar rays, and light particles, store them within his body without damaging himself, and then keep them for later use. He can absorb solar energy within battle to just give him a boost and a stronger will to fight. He can use the energy absorbed to solidify and turn it into a weapon. He can gather the energy within his hands to use as projectiles, and even has the ability to enhance his body to make it faster, stronger, and more durable.

Solar Energy Solidification: This ability allows him to use his energy to create objects varying in size. These objects are extremely strong and almost impossible to break, but it can still happen. They each are pure white and cloaked with a very thin layer of orange and yellow energy, looking similar to smoke. Each item is white and would normally come out with a perfectly smooth, but he has the ability to alter that, depending on what type of item he is attempting to create. Having mastered this ability, it doesn't take him long to make anything made of fabric. Something that is made of steel or any material similar to that, will take the maximum of ten minutes. Of course, there are always items that he has mastered making that will not take him long at all. He has the ability to make up to fifteen of these items at once. Mastered items can be made in the blink of an eye or faster, but items he isn't used to making or hasn't made that often can take from one to sixty minutes, depending on the size of the object.

His mastered items include: A Normal Katana, An Eight Foot Pole, A Twenty Foot Chain And Sickle, Three Foot Sash, A T-Shirt of his own size, A Rope, A Dagger, A Wall (8 ft tall, 5 ft wide, 4 inches thick)

Solar Energy Projectiles:

  • Energy Balls: An energy ball is just a small amount of rapidly swirling energy that is compressed down into a spherical shape. It is a ball of yellow and orange energy that is manifested within the palm of Kenshin's hand or at the tip of his finger, depending on the size of the ball. Kenshin throws it at his target and if it hit's, it's similar to being punched, whether by a giant fist or by a small one. It is always the same amount of energy, that if NOT compressed can be rather large in size. The smaller the ball, the faster it moves and the more damage it does when it makes impact with someone. The largest size of energy ball that Kenshin can make is ten feet in diameter. The smallest size he can create is the exact same size of a marble. If shot out in a small size, these can be shot up to five hundred times per thread, similar to that of a machine gun.

  • Energy Blasts: An energy blast is exactly the same as an energy ball, except it explodes upon impact. The sizes and power is no different than that of an energy ball as well. The difference between Energy Blasts and Energy Balls is the fact that the BIGGER the energy blast is when thrown, the larger the explosion and more area it will cover. The SMALLER it is, the faster it moves, but the explosion will usually only be large enough to damage a single limb or small area of the targets body. If smaller in size, these can be shot up to 200 times at a person per thread, and also similar to that of a machine gun.

  • Energy Beams: Energy beams are just like the name sounds. They are shot from the palm of the hand, tip of the finger, and from the mouth if needed. They vary in size, but the largest is ten feet in diameter. They have a constant speed of four hundred and fifty miles per hour. Smaller beams, that are shot from the top of the finger are double that speed and have the ability to cut through steel like a laser would. These beams can last up until Kenshin chooses to stop them or until he runs out of energy, which is not likely. These can only be used up to five times per thread.

Solar Energy Bodily Enhancement: This is definitely how it sounds. Kenshin will use the energy he has gathered from the sun and push it through his muscles in different ways and areas. If he pushes the energy to his muscles their strength and durability become exceptional, increasing them by half of a level. (Example: If he could currently pick up one hundred pounds, using this technique to increase his strength, he can now pick up one hundred and fifty. ) Now, if he pushes his energy through his muscles and has it constantly moving at a rapid rate, he can increase his speed by an entire level. (Example: If he could originally run one hundred miles per hour, using this technique he could now run two hundred.) These techniques alter his body completely, making him look rather large and muscular. This is only able to be used once a day (thread).


Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Image4364-1

» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Appearance: There is no change when Soul State Evolution Stage 1 is activated.

» Soul State Evolution Stage 1 Abilities: When this stage is activated, all surface injuries are healed. In other words, anything on his skin that is scratched, bleeding, cut, etc... is all sealed up and healed as if the injury was never there. This stage's activation will not heal any internal injuries. Of course, he can use all previous abilities, but the ones added are stated below.

360 Degree Vision: This ability allows him to see all around him within thirty feet of his body. Even though he is facing north, he'll be able to see south, east, and west. It's like having eyes in the back of his head. Now whether he is able to concentrate on all three directions or react accordingly is really up to the situation he is put in, but he can still see in all directions. His blind spots and weaknesses are located right above his skull and right below his feet.

Zanpo: (Sword Flash) Zanpo is another form of Soul Dash that is only accessible during and after this state has been activated. With this Soul Dash, Kenshin has the ability to teleport himself to the locations of his swords or any other weapons he was using within the battle, no matter which one or where they maybe. This EXCLUDES non-spiritual swords and weapons. In other words, anything that is made from him, or just for him, he is able to teleport to. A regular weapon that is made by another, or one he bought, is not something he is spiritually linked to, so he cannot teleport to them. He can do this up to fifteen times per thread. This is just as instant as the shunpo that the Shinigami use and may even be a bit faster, since it's destination is already set at a weapon. This doesn't do much. It is just for if he loses his sword, he can automatically teleport to it and fight with it again.

» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Appearance: There is no change when Soul State Evolution Stage 2 is activated.

» Soul State Evolution Stage 2 Abilities: When this stage is activated, all surface injuries are healed. In other words, anything on his skin that is scratched, bleeding, cut, etc... is all sealed up and healed as if the injury was never there. This stage's activation will not heal any internal injuries. Of course, he can use all previous abilities, but the ones added are stated below.

Solar Energy Pressure Emission: Also coming with Stage 2's activation is a rather large area of pressure around his body. Fifty feet out in each direction from his body, there is a very strong pressure pushing down on everyone. He is immune to this pressure. It's similar to having gravity increased around your body, but in reality it is just because of his increase in energy that this effect takes place. Anyone within that fifty foot distance from him will feel like there is one hundred pound weights attached to each of their arms and legs, causing it to be much harder for them to move freely. This effect lasts up to six posts, then decreases to fifty pounds on each limb. After four more posts, the effect is completely gone and the person is able to move like normal for the rest of the thread.

» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Appearance: In this stage, Kenshin's body is sort of brought back in time. His hair darkens to black, the same color it was when he was in his twenties. His body becomes more 'ripped' and his regular muscles return. He actually changes to how he looked when he was twenty one years of age, which is actually rather large, with broad shoulders, and a back to the height of six foot four. Since in this state he returns to an age where he was at his one hundred percent best, his flexibility, reflexes, strength, and speed all raise. There is an orange and pale yellow aura rushing around him lat high speeds. The aura is naturally very, very hot, coming up to about five hundred degrees.


» Soul State Evolution Stage 3 Abilities: When this stage is activated, all injuries are completely healed. Every part of his body is restored. It does heal broken bones, large cuts and gashes, pulled or strained muscles. Any effects that are currently hindering him are canceled out. This does not mean that they can't be used on him again. It's just the whatever is happening to him at that time is canceled out. This stage is like giving him another chance at the battle, allowing him to start from the beginning. He can only be in this stage for 10 posts and then his energy has completely depleted. In this stage, just like the others, he can use all powers stated previously, adding on the one's that are stated below.

Solar Energy Pressure Focus: With this ability, he is able to focus the pressure, that is also emitted from his body, through the palms of his hands to forced people down. By concentrating his energy into his hand and using the pressure it automatically causes, when he holds the palm of his hand out to someone, the energy is pushed down onto the target. This energy will likely force them to their knees since it's like adding up to one thousand pounds both arms, both legs, and around the neck. It feels like weights are just forcing the target down. The initial wave of energy that is shot towards the target only lasts two seconds, but the effect on the target lasts for another three after that, giving Kenshin a five second advantage over the opponent. He can only do this ten time in a day(thread). Using both hands doubles the strength of the attack, making them feel twice as heavy as they would if it was only one thread. On some people, even one hand can make them feel like they have no ability to move, adding another has the ability to crush weaker opponents and stop or seriously hinder those that are more powerful or equal to his own.


Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Image4368-1

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus:  Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Master
  • Weapon Skill: Master

Human Skill Sheet
  • Anima Stone Strength: Advanced
  • Soul Sorcery: Advanced
  • Soul Dash: Master
  • Soul Detection: Advanced

Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Sat Oct 20, 2012 10:50 am; edited 3 times in total
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Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Empty Re: Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4]

Sat Oct 20, 2012 7:05 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
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Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced

Comments/Notes: Approved. @_@
Tier: 0-4

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4] Empty Re: Kenshin Tanaka [APPROVED, 0-4]

Sat Oct 20, 2012 8:04 am
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