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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 3218
Age : 31
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Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Empty Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2]

Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:46 pm
Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Image3688

Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Image3689-1

» Name: Kayumi Yuhara
» Titles: Mother Nature
» Age: 200
» Age Appearance: 20
» Gender: Female
» Affiliation/Rank: Karakura High Teacher

» Appearance Picture:

Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] 7_zpsb62d939a


Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Image3691-1

» Personality: Kayumi is your average woman. She's kind, compassionate, honest, and loving. She is a great friend to have and can easily be looked at as a motherly figure, although she currently has no children of her own. (This is only what she claims) She's trusting and trustworthy. She'll help anyone out if she has the ability to, and she will sometimes go above and beyond to make sure that someone is safe and well. Even though she has no problem helping, she will not spoil someone. She believes that some lessons must be learned on your own and will make sure that happens. Kayumi wants the youth to learn to take care of themselves instead of having things handed to them. She believes that with the right push they can do anything they want to do with their life and truly wants to help them accomplish it. Kayumi is one of those people that you can come to and ask questions and advice for personal situations because she will always sit and listen, keep it a secret, and do her best to help a person out no matter the situation. At times she can really be a mother to all.

Like every woman, Kayumi can get upset, depressed, confused, and even jealous. She has the profound ability to control these negative emotions to make sure she doesn't take it out on anyone else. Although feeling these things are slightly rare for her, it can still happen. When she does get upset or depressed, she'll just be a little less cheerful and people might see her daydreaming or notice that she gets lost in thought some times. When she gets confused, it is bluntly shown on her face and she'll blink a few times, blush if it embarrasses her, and then try to get some clarification on what is confusing her. If she becomes jealous, she turns into a shy person and will usually keep quiet, which would be strange for anyone who knows her because she's usually very outgoing, cheerful, friendly, and talkative. Anger for her is a completely different thing. She doesn't like feeling it, so when she does she'll cry. She won't usually shout, usually being the key word here. She's one of those woman that will cry and run off before they do something they may later come to regret.

» Likes: Kayumi loves young children. She likes teaching them valuable lessons and helping them become successful in life, this attaining to teenagers mostly. She loves to cook, especially when other people are coming over to visit, feeling like her cooking tastes better when another person is there to share. Kayumi takes good care of herself and takes pride in her appearance. She is a girly woman, very feminine and loves to dress up in outfits that she can't help but find cute. She loves flowers, nature, and being outside.

» Dislikes: On the other hand, Kayumi dislikes it when people have things handed to them. She feels like people like that aren't being taught anything. She doesn't like those who judge someone for their appearance. For instance, because someone wears a skirt they must be a 'slut', or someone who always wears pants and a sweater must be a 'dyke'. She also doesn't like cussing or foul language. She finds it offensive and can sometimes be seen flinching when someone uses such language around her.


Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Image3693-1

» Background: Kayumi was born on June 13, 2212 into a pretty good family. She was taught valuable lessons by a loving mother and father who wanted her to know that you must work for what you want in life. She took these lessons well and based her life off of them. Kayumi had a few dreams growing up. Her mother was overweight and her father began to feel unattracted towards her mother, and Kayumi easily picked up on this. Her mother was a wonderful person, giving and kind in every manner. Her Father was a good man, but when the two had fallen in love, Kayumi's mother was thin and always took care of her appearance. Now that they had Kayumi, only a few years later, her mother began to let herself go and didn't care about her appearance. There were even a few times that Kayumi asked her mother why and the response was, “I'm married with a beautiful daughter, I don't have to keep up with that kind of stuff anymore.” Kayumi sort of understood where her mother was coming from, but soon her father was sick of it. He couldn't handle watching the woman he loved fade away into a blob of nothingness because she decided to become lazy. When Kayumi was ten, her father left and he left with a valid reason, “I'm sorry Kayumi, but that isn't the woman I fell in love with. The woman I fell in love with liked taking care of herself, would brush her hair, eat healthy, and would not sit in front of the TV for hours upon hours in a day.”

Kayumi never blamed her father, but she was angry with him for judging her on her appearance. She also became angry with her mother for becoming a lazy slob and refusing to take care of herself. Kayumi was not going to allow this to happen to herself or anyone she cared about, so she made sure she took care of herself. She always exercises and stays fit. She eats healthy, usually cooking for herself instead of going out to eat like her mother did. When Kayumi turned sixteen years old, her mother died. She cried out of sadness and out of anger. She was now alone because her father had moved away and remarried three years ago. Once again she could not blame him and she also did not want to intrude on his new life. At the age of sixteen she was alone and had to learn to live on her own. Soon she graduated high school early, got a job, her own place, and was doing very well as a Life Insurance Agent. She chose this job because this was what saved her. Apparently her mother knew something was wrong and took out a policy on herself. Once her mother died, Kayumi was the primary beneficiary and received a two hundred and fifty thousand dollar settlement. She was able to pay for the house, the car, the funeral, and even keep up with bills for a year and a half after her mothers death, allowing her to finish high school and get this job.

During the time she was working as a Life Insurance Agent, she met a man named Len. After a few months of dating, the two of them fell in love. All of this happened before Kayumi was able to see spirits. Soon he asked her to marry him. She said yes. They had a happy life for a good five years. At the age of twenty three, they had a son that they named Kai. They loved him so much. He really was their pride and joy. Three years later, on Kai's third birthday, Len had noticed something. It was eight years later and Kayumi had not aged once bit. He met her when she was eighteen years of age and now she was twenty six. He showed her an old picture of them, told her to look in the mirror. She hadn't realized until then that nothing about her had changed. Her husband on the other hand had aged a bit and obviously so had their son. The two of them just laughed and brushed it off as good genetics, not even taking in the thought that she might have been developing powers and the ability to stop aging like so many humans had in the past 2 centuries. Five years later, when her son was eight years old and she was thirty one, they did the same thing. They walked into the bathroom, looked in the mirror, but this time Len looked at her with disgust. She had discovered in the past few years that she was actually beginning to see spirits and things that she wasn't able to before. Two years ago, she came in contact with her first hollow, and now at the age of thirty one she still had not aged.

“What am I supposed to do honey?” Kayumi turned to Len with worry in her eyes, “I didn't know... I would have told if I knew. My mother never saw spirits! She aged!” Kayumi was in tears. She did not like the look she was being given. “And your father? Did he age?” Kayumi had never thought about him. He left when she was ten and she didn't contact him since then. How was she supposed to know something like that!? “How are Kai and I supposed to deal with this!?” Len said in anger, trying to keep as quiet as he could since their son was sleeping in a room down the hall, “I am thirty-five with an eighteen year old wife. How can I sit here and watch you stay young as I and our son grow old?” Kayumi had no idea how to reply to such a question. She knew what was coming though. He wanted to leave and she understood. She figured this day would come. Ever since he first pointed out her staying the same age, she figured this would happen. “I understand.” was all Kayumi replied with. Len just nodded to her and walked out of the room. Kayumi dropped down to her knees and cried into her hands. She did not leave the room that night. She closed the door, locked it, and ignored the sounds from the outside. When she woke up in the morning, she walked through the house and everything that belonged to her son and to her husband was gone. After that night, she did not cry. It seemed that her and her mother were more alike than she realized. Her mother was left because of her outward appearance, and now so was she. The difference was, Kayumi did not get to see her child. She soon got paperwork for a divorce and paperwork to give custody away to Len. She signed it without any argument. She didn't want to put her boy through a trial like that. She did add one letter in the envelope and all it said was, “Just tell Kai that no matter what, I will love him forever.” And that was the end of that...

Kayumi went back to work, but was miserable most of the time. Everyone and everything there reminded her of her husband, son, and what she had lost. She looked around at everyone and realized that they all had aged, she had not. Until now, she had never really paid attention to it. She tried continuing on with her job, but she just wasn't happy with it anymore. Unfortunately, this wasn't what Kayumi really wanted to continue doing. She tried to continue this job for twenty years, but it had just gotten too repetitive for her. She no longer felt connected enough, especially when everything that meant something to her started in this office, and was now gone. Years passed and she went from job to job. First she was a social worker, but she soon realized watching children be beaten by angry parents, constant adoptions, and putting kids in foster care was a bit too much for her to handle. She chose another job and became a licensed baby sitter. At first it was fun, but after a few years it got just as repetitive and she wanted to try something that would change every once and a while. That is when she got the perfect idea. She wanted to be a teacher. That job would literally change students every single year and she could try and make a positive impact on a young persons life. Immediately she went and looked for a job at Karakura High School, the place that still took pride in being first school that actually allowed spirits as students.


Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Image4358-1

» Natural Attributes: Each of these traits are uncontrollable and constant. They aren't anything that she can turn on and off when she wants them to.

Animal Affinity: This trait she still doesn't completely understand, but she likes it. Whenever within thirty feet of an animal, whether living or spiritual, from birds to snakes, they loose 30% to 90% of their aggressiveness if they had any at all. They become friendly and sometimes even loving towards her. There are times that these animals will also become protective of her and fight by her side. An angry dog will suddenly become calm and begin wagging his tail while near her. The closer they are to her, the calmer and happier they become. If she treats them badly, of course their aggressiveness or anger can/will return, but that isn't always. She can actually feel what animals that are near her can feel and it is the same vise versa. If she is upset, they can tell. If she is tired, they can sense it. The same way if an animal is scared, she will be able to feel their fear and hopefully ease it just by showing them it is okay. The fact that all animals become calmer in her presence helps a lot with this.

Nature Affinity: This is also a trait that she doesn't really understand, but likes as well. Within ten feet of a plant or something of nature, Kayumi can sense when they need something. She will be able to sense and feel the plants need/want of water, or even when they need/want sunlight. At times it can feel like they are calling out to her, like they are talking to her. At times, she can even understand them to the point where she can talk back. Some people may think she's crazy because of this, but it doesn't matter too much for her. With a power like this and the affinity for animals, she will never truly feel alone.

Racial Powers:

Anima Stone: Built on her love for helping others in need, Kayumi's unnamed Anima Stone allows her to give people a temporary boost to certain traits in their own personalities. It is located on her forehead, under her skin, and fused with her skull. By placing her forehead against another person's forehead, Kayumi brings out an extra amount of a certain trait that they need to succeed at something. For example, if a student wishes to compete in a talent show but is getting too nervous when it's almost their turn, she can bring out extra bravery in them. The trait has to be there in the first place for her to be able to do it. If someone is completely evil and only wishes to do harm, she cannot bring out any compassion in them. It has to be a part of them from the start. The effect lasts the entire day(thread), which does have the ability to cause problems. For instance, that student that she gave the extra bravery might also have someone who bullies them. Usually this student doesn't do anything because of their lack of physical strength, but with this extra amount of bravery, if it gets to the better of them, they might go up to the bully and start a fight. Giving them a boost to a certain trait does not allow her to have any control over them at all. They choose to act on whatever they want. They just might feel stronger about it.

» Evolution Powers:

Nature's Unity: The basis of Kayumi's power is a natural, automatic, and strong unity and understanding she has with all nature. She is connected to it in a spiritual way that is completely unbreakable, allowing it to become her power. She considers it a blessing and a gift, cherishing this part of her. It allows her to communicate, manipulate, and use anything that is part of nature. This is excluding humans/spirits and rock/stone, but including flowers, plants(greenery) wood, air, lightning, and water. This also allows her to survive in any environment without really any problems at all. She can withstand extreme heat and extreme cold. She can breathe under water and is not hindered by the resistance that water causes when a person is inside of it, allowing much easier and quicker movement.

Plant/Wood Manipulation: Mastered. This includes trees, grass, flowers, and anything along those lines. Her control over these things is not limited by really anything besides the amount of energy she collects. Kayumi's able to control these things, bend them to her will, and in any manner that she chooses. Kayumi can alter their strength and density to withstand the greatest and strongest of attacks to protect herself and others. She uses mental commands to allow these things to happen, literally just thinking what she wants done and it'll happen. She can grow, kill, or create anything within these items. They can be of any size or strength that she wants. This is something she usually uses for defense.

Air Manipulation: Advanced. Air is obviously the easiest of resources that Kayumi can come by. It's everywhere. With that in mind, even though it is the easiest thing to come by, it is a pretty hard power to use. For some reason, this part of her seems to be tied a bit to her emotions and mood. She can't use it at all if she isn't clear headed, which for her isn't that hard. She can use this easily when in her normal mood and state of mind. Her abilities with this include causing gusts, breezes, extremely strong winds, tornadoes, and if she wanted to, hurricanes(adding water into the mix). Depending on how she uses it, this can be a very destructive power, tearing down homes, buildings, and cities. She can even lift people, tossing them places. Kayumi can also condense air down into a small area, shaping it like whatever she wishes. She'll then have the air spin around at such a high speed that just poking a concrete wall can completely destroy the area it touches, sending debris flying everywhere around her, this being an example. This is something used for offense.

Lightning/Electricity Manipulation: Advanced. Kayumi has the ability to generate electricity inside and outside of her body to use it to her advantage and bend it to her will. Generating electricity/lightning is really a simple effect of what she can do. She has the ability to shoot lightning from her fingers, hands, and eyes. She can pull it down from the sky and have it strike someone or a certain spot or area. Lightning can damage a person in ways that are irreversible depending on how strong the charge was and where it hit. People who are electrocuted have been known to suffer from internal damage, such as liquidation of organs, vomiting, and loss of motor function. External damage usually means extremely bad burns and can even cause someone to completely lose a limb depending on how and where a person was hit. Electrical devices or anything run on electricity is vulnerable to Kayumi when she uses this as well. She can look at a cell phone and cause the electricity that the battery generates to burn the phone out. She can alter and manipulate the electricity in a building to her advantage, which may cause black outs depending on the amount she takes. Electricity is very effective through earth and water users since it can travel through it. With earth, it will break it apart. With water, it can enhance it and send it difference directions. Kayumi will have to be very careful when using lightning/electricity in water because it can even accidentally damage herself. This ability is usually used for offense.

Water Manipulation: Mastered. Water comes in so many variations. There is regular water, mist, steam, ice, and snow. It is found in so many places, such as grass, flowers, trees, and even blood. Kayumi's form of water manipulation is pure, meaning she cannot manipulate water that is in something else. She cannot use anything from trees, plants, or inside someone's body. She can only use whatever water that is on the surface or in the air, and she can use it in any of the forms mentioned before. Kayumi can shift the shape of any water that is currently in her control. She can use it as a whip to fight with. Freeze it to create a barrier to shield her from an attack. She can create a mist that is so thick that only she can see through it. She can heat it up enough to create a steam that burns a person when they get near it, or just hit someone with scalding hot water. She can even form it into a razor sharp edge that allows her to cut through the toughest of materials, such as wood, rock, and metals like steel. She can use it to surround an opponent and drown them or even use it for something as simple as putting out a fire. This can be used defensively and offensively.

Nature's Blend: Advanced. This refers to Kayumi's ability to literally blend with nature in multiple ways. She can stand beside a tree and combine her body with the trunk so no one will realize she is there. She can fuse her body with nature, blend in, camouflage herself perfectly. When using this ability, her energy is completely hidden and undetectable. She cannot attack while using this ability. It is used to keep herself hidden, run away, to observe others, and to regain energy when she needs it. She can see around her while using this ability, so she knows when it's safe to come out. This also goes along with water, lightning, and air. Kayumi can instantly change her body into these things and use them to hide and move away. Diving into the ocean and changing into water is the easiest way to lose an opponent since the ocean is so vast, this includes allowing her body to literally blow away with the wind. She can easily navigate her way around and reform somewhere else no matter which type of nature she uses. Depending on which one she uses, that piece of nature must be present in some form. For example, she can't turn into a tree if she's in a desert with sand everywhere. She can't turn into lightning/electricity unless there is water or an electrical wire to move through. Air is constant, but the others may cause problems depending on where she is.

Animal Unity: As stated before, Kayumi has an ability that causes animals she comes in contact with to befriend and like her, sometimes even becoming protective of her. That ability is natural and automatic. This ability allows her to create a permanent bond with an animal. By placing a small, easy, and quick to initiate seal on the body of any animal she wishes, she can do a few things. First, she can communicate with the animal, asking it questions or favors or it can contact her if it also wishes. Secondly, she can look through it's eyes to see whatever it is currently looking at. Thirdly, she has the ability to temporarily take over it's body and use it for her own purposes, example being to spy on someone. Lastly, these seals allow her to send a signal out to any of the animals she has put them on, telling them her location and that she immediately needs help. All seals/bonds with these animals mean that she has created a friendship, love, and mutual understanding with them. She too is obligated to help them if they need be. If one is hurt, she will sense it through the seal, also immediately knowing their current location.


Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Image4359-1

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

General Skills
  • Durability: Adept
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Adept 

Human Skill Sheet
  • Anima Stone Strength: Master
  • Soul Sorcery: Beginner
  • Soul Dash: Beginner
  • Soul Detection: Beginner

Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:31 pm; edited 3 times in total
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Member Info
Platinum Points:
Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2] Empty Re: Kayumi Yuhara [APPROVED, 1-2]

Wed Nov 07, 2012 3:54 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Advanced

Comments/Notes: Approved.
Tier: 1-2

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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