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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue248350/500000First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (248350/500000)

First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee]

Mon Dec 10, 2012 3:12 pm

Template By: [THEFROST]

As Fantasia had failed to crack the code of this seemingly alien device, she would have been content to simply just observe Shisome perform the ritual once more for her sake. However, she only managed to draw her hands halfway behind her back before delicate fingers snatched her wrist up and brought it back toward the turning wheel. With a note of surprise she watched Shisome's hand over her own upon the knob, each stir of her digits guiding her along the way to success. Contrary to her earlier beliefs, the girl was proving herself capable of communication without words; she was teaching her the right way by example. And Fantasia could feel it within her. She used hand-eye coordination, watching the numbers go by as she was made to spin the wheel to and fro. She was developing muscle memory with each moment, and before she knew it Shisome's hand had left goosebumps on the back of her own, as it moved to pull the locker door open. The Nevermore's grasp was still stuck on the knob, and in that moment came the technical realization that it had been her hand to crack the combination of the device. Now, she knew that she would be able to do it without her presence, not even feeling like she had to practice the procession anymore. If the blonde were honest with herself, she'd have to say she was a little bit surprised at Shisome.

She pried her own fingers off of the lock, staring intently at them as she wiggled them before her eyes—they seemed a bit numb from student's touch. As Shisome continued to speak on, Fantasia would seem to be locked in a state of deep contemplation, her eyes glued to the hand she had touched. She was hearing and listening still, let it be known, for Fantasia knew she was speaking of her multiplice mentality.The girl was a compassionate individual, not wishing harm upon anyone, and yet speaking words of wisdom directly afterward. But as one part of Fantasia concentrated on the reality around her, another one of her many selves was beginning to comprehend Shisome's personage. Since their encounter in the school courtyard, the raven-haired girl had been forsaking colloquy for the silent art of physical interaction; speaking through the body. Shisome was strange, just like her, but that did not mean Fantasia was unwilling to go the distance to understand the eccentricity about her. If she was planning on communicating with Shisome better, then what she needed to do was learn to detect the small cues and gestures that had been there from the beginning, and just had gone unnoticed. Just before the girl would move on to the next subject, she would stagger out of her concentration and look at Shisome seriously. "No."

Not 'no' to disregard her wise words. Not even 'no' to the question that had been posed about whether or not the subject was testy, which would be an accurate answer in actuality. Fantasia said 'no' because she refused to discard her speech pattern just to save herself the pain of mockery, as had been the case most of her recent years. In case she was misunderstood, Fantasia would follow up with her explanation. "We won't change the way we truly are, even if its something small, just to shrug off the weight of some jesting. Just like you shouldn't have to change the way you are, right?" She clenched her hands into a fist and tried to offer a grin. "We may have just met you, but we think we're getting it now. As it is, we thank you for speaking up when you did." She would already know what was to be done in order to move on, and as a testament to it she would pull out the pair of shoes from the locker and begin to change them right on the spot. This entire situation wasn't quite as impressive as Fantasia felt it was, but for someone given the life she had currently lived, it was kind of a new experience. She was glad to be able to make this step in the right direction, and it only lightened her mood. Her tragic memories withdrew into the darker depths of her mind, momentarily forgotten.

Once she was properly dressed in the correct footwear, she stood up and closed the locker door with a light bang, hearing the click of the lock falling back into place. With that, her attention was fully on Shisome, and her hands grasped the straps of her backpack just for something to do. "So, lead the way, Shisome-san," she said, eager to move on to the next task. It was not so much of a willing to jump into the school material as it was to understand more about Shisome. The more time she had to be around her, the better chance she had to figure something else out. She had curiosity and she had determination—this goal sated both such traits.

Last edited by Phantasia on Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Qx494h

First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee]

Tue Dec 11, 2012 9:18 am


The doll like girl observed and caught every second of every reaction. Therefore, she analyzed it ; but it was put into a different area of her mind, as it was. The human just softly let out a breath, inaudible due to training. In fact, if one took their eyes off Shisome for a single minute, they could often find her gone, or closer then she was. She moved, breathed, and felt quiet ; however, should she need to be, she was an overwhelming darkness. It was a warm, kinda sort of overwhelming, but still. That often made people wonder just exactly who she was. The girl heard the flat rejection of the other, and even the determination in the other's demeanor. And slowly, for the first time since their meeting, Shisome smiled. The smile was true and genuine ; it rose and shone brightly, almost like a latern to a dark night. It was surprising to see such a beautiful smile from the, all intents and purposes, doll. It was a smile that was truly unique. The girl was actually quite happy ; if the other changed who she was for the sake of avoiding adversity, or even tried to adapt just because it was needed, Shisome would've lost interest much easier. The doll girl had no interest, nor respect for those that simply went with the flow. They were cowards to her, unwilling to take their fates into their own hands.

Such people often led sad lives, and often lost the threads of their purpose. Such weak people? 'We don't need them.' softly spoke a voice inside of her mind. Startled, the girl looked around, confused, but she relaxed. It was more then likely her adaptation again. Shisome was slowly starting to figure out that she had a capability to adapt to others. But she was only on theorems, and nobody has been able to show her examples of such powers ; as such, she was truly unique as of thus far. ''That is good, Fantasia-san. I admire the trait of willingness to be one's own self, regardless of any absurb ambushes on the path.'' she spoke softly, before turning on her heel. Waiting a slight second, she then began to move. Shisome may not be the greatest of speakers, but if one took the time to notice her body language and her cues? They would open to a new world of understanding. The beautiful, deadly grace of her walk ; in fact, it was more of a glide then a walk. Barely, one could hear her shoes hit the ground ; it was that quiet. Her body seemed weightless, and as such, her hair floated easily in the breeze of her fast pace. The numbing quietness ; the gentle tranquility and the darkness that was shadows composed the girl, and made her a silent, very deadly person if need be.

But yet, once noticed, she had this ethereal, ephermental quality to her. Like a spirit that descended ; but the light flush on her cheeks showed she had physically done an action, and her quiet, but lightly quicker breath showed that too. A myriad of things and not things ; the doll was truly as unique as another, her being woven out of things that many would never understand. The very taste of tradgedy was around her ; the sheer darkness of her being, the blood gleam of her eyes and the almost distant platform she was on. The girl stopped in front of a classroom door, and softly pushed it to the side. And as such, the classroom was revealed ; a normal, typical classroom. It was fine, to be fair, and quite simple ; but it worked. The doll like girl moved to her desk ; she stopped, and glanced at the one beside hers, lacking a name plate. The girl seated herself at the desk, placing her bag first, and then flattening the back of her skirt. It made it easier for movement, and also made it so that no peeking pervert would see anything. With a gentle, almost quiet movement, her bag was open, and several notebooks, each about the size of a 700 page hard cover novel, was laid on her desk. And surprisingly? All of the subjects they had was there. And all of the ones on Fantasia's schedule and even some that Shisome shouldn't be able to take.

''Where shall we begin?'' she asked quietly of the other.

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First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue248350/500000First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (248350/500000)

First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee]

Wed Dec 19, 2012 11:52 am

Template By: [THEFROST]

The way Fantasia moved when giddy was quite a translucent expression of her current attitude; she would follow behind Shisome while skipping not even attempting to quiet down the clacking heels of her shoes as she did so. It proved to be quite the contrast to the ghost-like floating Shisome was using to get from point A to point B. But regardless, the morn was still early and there were not very many people around to witness this clashing duo. So, unperturbed they would be moving out of the general locker area and more towards the thick of the school buildings. It was assumed, not known for sure, that Shisome was taking the blond to her first classroom. That was actually where the girl intended to go when she asked the doll-like one to lead the way. They passed classroom after classroom until eventually the two would arrive at the door marked with a solid number followed by a letter, separated by a small dash. "One... S. We think we remember that from our schedule; Music class right? With Miss Rex?" Fantasia hummed thoughtfully, never really having thought there could be a schoolroom class about such a subject. As they crossed the threshold of the door into the room, she was left wondering what exactly she could learn over the course of a year with music, and how that would translate into the future...

And then that's when Fantasia actually took notice of the class. The walls were somewhat of a teal color with a white ceiling and and a white (she guessed marbel?) floor as well. The room was lit up by the electrical tubes arranged symmetrically on the ceiling, though it was questionable whether or not it was needed with such large windows spanning the outer wall of the room, and washing the room in chilly morning light. The effect was much better during the warm noon, making it feel like almost like bathing in the light. There was a chalk board up front behind the teachers desk, and typical cheap-o wooden desks that Fantasia was used to seeing at her old school. Other than that, the room was particularly ordinary, though lavish compared to her own standards. Shisome had already moved on ahead toward her desk, having passed several rows before getting to it. Fantasia would follow her, her eyes noting the nameplates twined with the desks: Suzu Zumizimu, Shatari Yuudeshi, Kynria Orakasia. The one Shisome was sitting at of course had her name tied to it, and Fantasia paused as she saw the girl motion her head toward an adjacent seat. It was lacking such a nameplate as most of the others, and her mouth made an 'o' shape as she realized it.

Her backpack slid off her shoulders and was slid underneath the seat, while she in turn simply sat down in the offered chair, not bothering to be as decorate as Shisome when it came to her skirt—she was not in tune with wearing one just yet. She heard Shisome pipe up while she was coming to terms with her new desk companion, causing her to glance the raven-haired girl's way. "Why not here?" she inquired, thinking it was the correct place to start after all. She scanned the spines of the many pieces of literature she had just placed upon her desk, realizing that she was all too prepared. "If our first class is going to be music, then we think it's as good as any place to start. But we're skeptical about how education in music can actually be taught as a mainstream class. What exactly are we going to be doing? Are we going to learn how to play the guitar or something?" Surely there was something Fantasia was missing, because as of her current perception of the subject, she was all too lost. Hopefully light could be shed onto the subject.

Last edited by Phantasia on Fri Jan 11, 2013 2:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Qx494h

First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee]

Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:31 pm


Shisome noted Fantasia's wonder with the world around her. But yet, Shisome may have memorized it, but she did not necessarily pay attention to it. The girl just let her habits take her as willed ; she had noted that the two were in the same class, so it made all of their core lessons and times very stable, and next to each other. The delicate ivory skin of the girl seemed paler in the school's light then outside ; outside was immensely bright, but here inside, there was a dimness that made her look more sickly. The girl noted Fantasia's looks ; Shisome had compiled these out of boredom and a need for organization. In fact, this came in rather handy today ; something that Shisome would often do was offer help in study sessions, by giving one of her advanced guides. That was the nature of the entire thing ; the girl was quite compulsively obsessive about the entire deal. And many took advantage of it ; those that took the time to be present at the study sessions that Shisome participates in have higher averages then most of their peers. That's how throughout and simple her notes were. The girl heard the other, and simply put the pile to the side, drawing out the music class notebook ; and opened it, neat and elegant writing covering the page that opened.

''That is if you take the practical classes, Fantasia.'' answered Shisome to Fantasia's joke, as the girl softly touched her fingers on the words. ''Relatively, each student picks if they want full theory or practical application. I am one of the few students that has taken full theory ; however, that does not mean I do not know what the practical side of things are.'' she said. The girl gave a light smile, as she remembered the day she had picked up a Shamisen in the back of the class. Many had looked at her strangely ; it was a difficult instrument, but Shisome was of Japanese blood and descent. She had studied a bit on how to play ; picking the ropes back up was simple. In fact, with her memory? It was almost impossible for Shisome to screw up on most instruments. The girl just softly pointed out what they had learned so far ; the basic theory, as she took out a blank note book, and copied down the important points. Shisome's study guides could be drawn out, but she could also simplify them, as she easily scribbed the words at a fast pace, the memory of what she needed to write plain in her mind. The speed at which she wrote was almost amazing ; in about five minutes, she had already completed the guide. ''Relatively, I condensed the points for easier understanding, and also simplified a lot of the syntax with a quick word guide.'' she said, handing the notebook to Fantasia. The girl was really capable of much to help someone ; a light feeling in her chest. She wasn't sure what it was.. but it was like a bubble.

The girl half-debated on popping it, but she would watch Fanatasia's reaction first, having the temptation to bring out the koto in the back of the class ; something she hadn't done yet. But fond memories of her mother teaching her the basic cords, and how to play, and how she would play for her family... wait? That was a strange thought, as the girl put it to the side. She would focus on Fantasia now. ''Even I have a concept of practical application.'' she added, in her own way letting the girl now that yes, Shisome could play instruments. That was something she wanted to get across, as the girl let out a breath, waiting for her perhaps new friend's next step. New Friend? Strange, how all these concepts seemed to be floating into her head today..

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First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee]

Wed Feb 27, 2013 3:49 pm

Template By: [THEFROST]

Fantasia suddenly found herself uncomfortable in her seat, with the wrinkles of her skirt pressing into her skin as she sat down. She'd rise a couple inches off of the wooden settle and pulling at the hems of her clothing to straighten it all out before sitting down again. Briefly, she noted how Shisome had already done this, and huffed in chagrin before looking straight ahead at the chalkboard leading the room. Her question hung briefly in the air for a while as the blond heard the rummaging of papers and books, before finally Shisome's singsong voice chimed out. What followed was an explanation; something Fantasia needed, but hoped could have been worded in a simpler fashion. No, actually, reviewing that which she said, it was simply misunderstood because Fantasia did not know the difference between 'Full Theory' and 'Practical Application', or what either of them meant. With her best of guesses, she could assume that practical was more basic, simpler in a sense, while Full Theory was some advanced class stuff, hence why Shisome had taken it. She really didn't know, but Shisome struck her as a very intelligent individual and so that guess seemed like a safe assumption. And 'Full Theory' sounded all-inclusive, so... "We have no idea which of those classes we're taking," she said, shaking her head slightly as her lips pressed into a tight line. "We would think we'd be in practical classes. Full theory sounds... daunting."

More digging around with the papers, a notebook being pulled out and turned to a blank page. Fantasia glanced at it briefly and watched as Shisome took a pen to the first line to begin writing, but quickly turned back to the front of the class as if there was an instructor dealing out her lessons, when in reality there was not. She granted Shisome time to write whatever it was that she needed to, believing it would take a bit of time before she finished. So, she leaned over her desk for a while before finally just setting her chin on the hard wood and wrapping her arms over her mouth. Then it hit her, that disinterest: She'd felt hints of it before during the later years of that preschool in her hometown. At the beginning she was excited to 'learn' and go to the school house, loving the teacher she had and the fun things they did. But as the years wore on there was less and less fun and more actual 'learning'. Sometimes she could find herself content in the lessons, but there was always that lingering boredom that sometimes wormed its way into her head, asking, when is nap time coming? Many years later after not steeping foot within any institution since then, Fantasia found herself asking, I signed up for this? No doubt she needed an education, but when she had spent so long living in the fast lane with the training and survival, coming back to school felt somewhat insipid. Her lids would begin to draw shut almost as she began drifting off...

"Relatively, I condensed the points for easier understanding, and also simplified a lot of the syntax with a quick word guide," came Shisome's voice, intervening right before Fantasia's eyes had closed completely. Fantasia, deliberate in her movements, rose from her hunched position and turned to look at the source of the voice. Then she looked down at the notebook which was now filled from the header to the footer with elegant cursive. It was handed to the blond and she accepted it, bringing it closer to her face to review over the makeshift study guide Shisome had just created for her. Her gray hues shifted back and forth as she read the notes, muttering under her breath, "You wrote all of this really fast, Shisome-san." Still in a semi-catatonic state, she couldn't quite draw all of this information in at once. However, thanks to the help of these notes Fantasia came to an understanding of what a practical application was, and that was the actual ability to play a musical instrument. At the same time, Shisome commented that she could indeed play an instrument herself, leaving Fantasia in slight wondering as she glanced over the notebook into the other girl's crimson eyes. "You can play an instrument? Just how long have you been doing all of this?"

First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Qx494h

First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee] - Page 2 Empty Re: First Day of School? [Private, Phantasia, Aivee]

Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:11 pm


The other girl seemed almost daunted, afraid of Shisome's words. No, fear wasn't quite it; lack of understanding maybe? In either case, it was certainly something that made the other girl halt and think. It seemed that Fantasia was bored; or rather, that something in her nature made this much harder to assimilate. To be fair, Shisome understood that with somethings; one's own nature was an enemy that became almost deadly. And it made things harder on one's self, as the thoughts became more and more introspective. She could see her own failings, why she did them and what she could do to improve them, but at the same time? She couldn't think of anything else. She couldn't understand why such a thing had come about in her; was it the lack of her parents? Why had she left her guardian, her life, her home? Why had she become someone that took nothing from others, but gave what she could to those that could get behind her wall? This was something that Shisome considering, and yet it was startling; she had something like this, deep inside of her, that nobody else would be able to touch. A sort of thing that just resided in her own heart; it wasn't evil but simply a way of being for the girl. Was it lonely? Possibly. Was it sad? Probably. Did she really think of these things toward herself? No. She held no pity for her choices, her path, and the things that led her to this moment. There was no regret; no sorrow, no need to make things right. She had to push forward. She was the only one that lived, that survived the horrid things that her life had brought; everyone around her got washed away with the tides, or she left behind. There was no need to regret it; she was a strong person.

And did Fantasia know this? Did she realize that the biggest enemy was her own inner self? Or selves as it were. Did she realize that her strength was only limited by what she let through? This was a good question, as Shisome felt a strangely fond smile come to her lips. Softly, her body rose from her seat, and wordlessly, she walked to Fantasia. Running those pale fingers through the field of wheat on the other's head, the doll leaned down and kissed the top of the other's head. ''Thank you.'' she simply said, her voice warm and alive. If Fantasia were to look at Shisome's eyes, there was a heartfelt grateful feeling in her, a gentle expression that was almost strange on the doll like girl considering her mannerisms. The realization of these things had made Shisome think somewhat unusually. But slowly, she returned to that state, the state that allowed her to take on the world and still stand, no matter what was right or wrong. It was a rare moment, a rare glimpse at the girl that was hidden away in the armor of ice, the towers so high that few dared to look up. ''And yes, you assume right.'' she responded to the girl's first answer to her comment, confirming that the other had guessed correctly. The second part of the question required more thought, as Shisome seemed to hold for a few moments. ''For the entirety of such things, I've been educated since I was a small child. I was taught many things, and even when I found myself alone, I still continued. I may not fully be able to understand their dying wish, but I can understand what they wished to instill in me. Also, I love learning. It is a very satisfying thing, to learn.'' she said. Her body and face may have become ice, but towards Fantasia, there was a gentle warmth, a sort of budding flame that many would think precious.

''To know more things, to understand more things; that is something that truly, makes it all worth it. Even if at the end of the long day, there is nothing but a lonely house, learning something that day enables that to be forgiven. Such things, that are precious, are meant to be kept no matter the wish. So in the end.. it simply comes down to the fact that probably, learning will always remain in my heart.'' she said, letting a soft breath escape. ''But.. if you wish, I could show you an instrument I play. It is extremely complex, but many think it beautiful.'' she offered, her blood eyes with a soft, gentle curve, something that would seem to be only for the blonde beside her. Was this a true friend? The only other time that such a warmth was in her chest, was with Moonie. What were these feelings, and what did they do? Where did they come from, where did they go? The student wasn't quite sure how to take many of these things, but she had an idea. She would always treasure these moments, and keep them in her memory regardless. Even should she did tomorrow, she would remember. Once, once she had no knowledge of spirits, of powers, of fate or anything as such. All she had known then, was the terrible sadness in her heart, the emptiness that rendered her no more then a doll. That was a long time ago, and something that she did not soon forget. It was something that still tugged at her, as the girl organized her notebooks, her black uniform rustling gently. She was definitely a start contrast in the glass, regardless of the uniforms, due to the fact that she still wore a uniform that nobody knew where it was from. In fact, she had never worn this school's uniform; not once. The girl's fingers touched the badge; that was her only connection. And soon, she would no longer need it either, as she also touched the band of Judgement. That was her other bond; she was a child that walked many paths, but yet none would see them.

Ah, the loneliness that hid in her heart, as she felt something tickle at the edge of her eyes. Tears? Why would she be crying, as the girl softly wiped them away. Why was there such sadness in her heart, an aching loneliness? To anyone staring at the girl, they would not feel that cold, emotionless doll that they once knew; but in her stead, stood a fragile girl, that had the frame upon which many miseries had made home. The weight on her shoulders was immense; barely sixteen and she had powers that could destroy the world. Why? Because she simply could. There was no defining reason; was her power meant to imitate others? Was she really just a simile of a human being, with no room in this world? The thought was hurtful, as the girl softly pushed it away, attempting to show that nothing was wrong. But the light shake of her shoulders, the tears in her eyes, and the fact that she could not return to a doll right now; why did such a thing happen around someone she had just decided to be kind too? Was it a payment, a punishment for breaking her own rules? Or was this what was being human? Shisome had no idea what Fantasia thought, as the doll girl entered a longer silence then she normally would have, along with no activity. Just.. what exactly was she doing anymore? She wasn't even sure if she would do the right thing if it all came down to it. It was all of these things, things that she never thought about, that seemed to resurface without warning. Things that she had kept buried for long. Shisome just felt so open, so vulnerable right now. It was very strange to the girl, but a stray thought occurred to her.

Maybe Fantasia was her first friend that she herself, made.

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