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Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Just another day of school [Aivee]

Thu Nov 15, 2012 10:14 pm
Karakura High school, the place that had been like a second home to Hitoshi for over two years now, a place where he came to learn about physics, history, languages and math, as well as all of the extra activities around the school. As a third year student, a lot of others looked up to him, and saw him as a person of higher standing, a thing that was rather funny to him. Whenever he walked through the school, there would be someone referring to him as “Senpai”, only because he was a bit older and had been in the school a little while longer then them. He did not mind about this, because he loved helping people with their problems, at least if it was within his power to do something about it. Usually, he could help the students that came to him for advice, though he also had to admit to some that he did not fully understand a certain subject, and had to turn them down for his own lack of understanding. Hitoshi truly hated it when that happened, because he had come to school to become a brilliant mind, not to stay as a dumb goose forever. Having proven to the school that he was one of the best students they’ve had in years, he was set on improving himself even more, maybe becoming a teacher once he graduated. If he could pull this off, he would have everything he could hope for, for it was a free ticket into getting paid for doing the things he wanted to do, making it the perfect job for Hitoshi.

Yes, being a teacher was something that would work out well for him. Staying around the school and the library, being able to help shape young minds like people had done for him and even capable of picking out the gifted student to help them fight the forces of darkness that would see the world burn. He understood that a lot of people did not have what it took to become a warrior, and would fall into darkness without the right amount of help and understanding. Hitoshi hoped that through his own suffering and the will to help others, he too could save those that would otherwise be forced to go through the kind of things he once felt when his family died. No, he would try to make a difference for all the people that were within his grasp, to reach a helping hand to those that needed it, and did not have the huge amounts of pride to turn it down. Pride was a curious thing, it made some people blind to the truth, while it helped others get through their life without ever looking back at the things that went wrong. More often then not, it was pride that simply blinded people, and held them back. He had seen his fair share of pride from the people living where he grew up, and most of these people showed him that it was never right to be so consumed by themselves that they lived solely for their own pride.

Understand that much about himself, he tried to work around his own pride as much as he could. He was a Quincy after all, and even by Quincy standards he was special, having several pieces of equipment and weaponry many others simply lacked. Luckily for him, none of that really mattered anymore, because the people that knew about his powers had all been killed at once in a hospital accident. Currently, he just kept his powers concealed from everyone, from some he even kept his spiritual awareness as a secret, leading most people to believe that he was just another simple human being that had no powers whatsoever. Sometimes, this was a good thing, because it kept people from finding out that he was a Quincy, a person believed by some to be out for one very simple reason, to kill souls and utterly destroy them, upsetting the spiritual balance and paving the way to the destruction of the spiritual world, and with that also the world of mortals. It would be best if he just kept things to himself, at least until he met someone whom he could trust enough to explain it to. For now, he would just pass through the halls to get to the cafeteria, looking to get a tasty snack.


Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Re: Just another day of school [Aivee]

Fri Nov 16, 2012 11:13 am


Her steps were calm, precise. The girl was a flowing, gentle child of raven black hair. Many looked at her, and let out a breath of admiration. After all, she was a beautiful girl. With pale, albino skin that was ivory white, and a frame of maybe 4'9 if not 5'0, she was a precious, small doll. Eccentric and exotic, she motivated a many of the school's population to admire her. However, nobody walked with her, as the eyes the color of running blood just kept straight ahead. There was a distance between this beautiful doll girl and the rest of the people. Nobody cared to intercept her, or wave at her ; however, eyes followed her as she walked, books in hand. There was a calmness about the known library haunt that was infectious. The noisy cafeteria seemed less chaotic, more peaceful. But it was a sort of darkness as well ; not necessarily an aura, but a feeling. Looking at the girl felt sinful ; but it was soothing, calming and not necessarily a bad thing. A gentle darkness that soothed the broken hearts and gave company to the abandoned. The girl walked up to the cafeteria, as she stopped, looking around.

The line was rather long, as it was a class break. The hungry students wanted to eat food ; she only sought a bird's share and then would leave towards her haven. The girl had no emotion on her face ; just perfectly neutral expression, that never flicked to the unobservant eye. However, those that looked at her would understand ; she had a beauty of discretion that few would actually go for. The girl, being short, wandered over to a taller senpai. Who it was didn't matter, as the black haired girl stopped. Her uniform was pure black ; she had customized it, regardless of what others said. It was cut in the school's style, of course, but it was however much darker in color. Lifting her small face, she looked up at the male before her, whom had white hair. Clearing her throat, she opened her delicate lips, to speak.


She said, her voice like a bell. Clear and gentle, soft and melding, it was a beautiful voice. She looked at the male, and unflinchingly stared. That's when most would notice the lack of bodily movement ; she did not play with her hair, or bite her lip, or even shift. She was perfectly still and staring, even not blinking, like a statue. It was eery, many realized, how much of a doll she could be when she interacted with them. ''May I ask a favour of you, Senpai? I cannot reach the top self to access the drink there. Could you please select the strawberry flavoured one and give it to me?'' she asked, her piercing eyes like a shackle. Pinning, holding, waiting for the answer to her innocent question. The drink in question was surprisingly a fruit flavoured drink, as the doll girl was simply waiting for the male to answer her. Perhaps he would not fill her request ; but such thoughts were needless. Patience, now, was the most important of things.

Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Re: Just another day of school [Aivee]

Fri Nov 16, 2012 4:16 pm
Still deciding on what kind of snack he wanted to go for, a rather short girl called for his attention, referring to him as Senpai. As it turned out, the girl wanted to have a fruit drink, but could not reach it herself, and wanted to have him do it for her. This was obviously not a problem for him, as he reached out and got her the strawberry flavoured drink she wanted. Picking several sandwiches with ham and cheese for himself, together with a pepsi to wash it down. Taking the plate with him, he placed it on a free table and sat down too. “There you go kid. Would you like to sit with me, or would you rather sit somewhere else? Either way is fine with me, I was just glad that I could help out” Hitoshi said, smiling at her and starting to unwrap the foil around his sandwiches. He had been studying rather hard, and he knew that his brain needed food in order to function. Whenever he got really hungry, his mind started to drift, and his body rapidly powered down, sometimes leading to him passing out all of a sudden. From those few times, he learned that he should just fill himself up as much as possible when he had the time, this being one of them.

Right now, he could enjoy a couple of sandwiches, rather then just taking one like most other people usually did. It was one of the perks that came with being a last year student, people hardly ever pointed out when you did something that was against the rule. Then again, it was also because he did so much to help those in school with him, leading to people granting him some of those things, rather then throwing a bitch fit about it. It was truly sad that this was his last year as a student, though he had one thing to look forward to. If he played his cards well, he could stay in school while getting paid as a teacher, getting that much more for himself. As his mind started to drift, he took a couple of bites from his sandwich and nodded at the girl He was not sure what her name was, but he could at least tell her what his was. “My name is Hitoshi, what is your name kiddo?” he asked her with a kind ring to his voice. It was not like he was trying to be mean or anything, because he referred to pretty much everyone in the first or second year as kid, not because she was just that much shorter then most others.

Looking over the girl, he looked at her young form and long black strands of hair. It was true, she looked pretty, and she seemed like a nice person too, though she had a somewhat dark air around her. Capable of telling when someone had a strange form of energy around them as a result of his Quincy training, he could tell that she too was one of the spiritual powered people. Unsure how he should start a conversation with her, he decided to just keep quiet for now, because chances were that she would just walk away after he helped her with her drink. He would not blame here, because it was just a little bit of help he offered a fellow student. It was not like he had just saved her life and more or less forced her to sit with him. All that mattered was that he had done a good thing for one of she school’s many students, and that was good enough for him.

Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Re: Just another day of school [Aivee]

Sat Nov 17, 2012 7:42 am


The girl waited paitiently, as he accepted her request. Handing her the drink, she moved softly, elegantly. It seemed like her soles barely touched the ground, as her raven hair fluttered at each minor movement. Such long, and straight black hair ; many were envious and thought that hair as pretty. The girl took an item or two, and paid in small, clinking coins, as she bowed gently. Realizing only then how rude she had been to the male that had helped her, the pretty little doll turned, and bowed to him. ''Forgive my rudeness.'' she spoke straightly, the dancing lullaby of her voice like the clairvoyance of a wind bell. The girl had followed him, thinking it would make up for her rudeness. She did not speak of her plans to go to the library after this, nor did she comment on the western-style pick of his food. Rather, she herself only had the strawberry juice ; her meal was onigiri and a small pork bun. It seemed rather much for the girl, but she was ravenous. After all, her studying was consuming, as was her imposed self-training during those times. The girl unwrapped the pork bun, and blew on it, taking a small bite. Finding it too hot, she opened an Onigiri, and started to munch on that, taking small, tiny bites.

The way she ate was very refined, as her crimson eyes closed, the silence continuing from her, even as he spoke. She wasn't quite sure what to answer ; her name was most appropriate, yes? ''I am Saihossoku Shisome, Hitoshi-senpai.'' spoke the girl. Her voice was even and calm, and didn't even shake as she spoke, regardless of the shyness that was building in her chest. People were the only animals she had a hard time handling, as she couldn't truly find herself to open up, or settle them to them. It was almost odd to be fairly honest, as the girl just continued to eat passively. Slowly, she worked her way into the cooled pork bun, munching at it's contents almost voraciously. She was truly hungry, and it took her this long to realize, as she polished it, and the other two onigiri off in a rapid pace. The girl then poked the straw into the juice, and softly sipped it, before stopping, staring at the senpai before her. There were many whispers ; she never ate in the cafeteria. Some of those whispers were really audible ; namely the idiots that loved to speak loudly without regards for others. She hated people like that, and simply closed her eyes, the only sign of her irritation. ''Hitoshi-senpai. I will take my leave to the library now.'' she said plainly, before standing up. Now if she had been more social, she would've asked him to accompany her.

But of course, the thought didn't cross her mind. As she picked up her books, one's title on Advanced Psychology, and the other on Spiritual Mechanics, the girl began to walk away. She wasn't quite sure that she could invite him, but that was a different point. Shisome just placed a lock of hair behind her ear, letting the wind from the open door in the cafeteria touch her. It was a nice wind, as she then continued her steps. A small, doll like girl, that was Shisome, as she headed to her true abode ; the library.

Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Re: Just another day of school [Aivee]

Sun Nov 18, 2012 8:30 pm
At first, he figured she would thank him for helping her, though that was a bad assumption. She chose not to, though she did tell him what his name was, so that was at least something he could work with. In a way, the girl seemed very detached from the world, not as emotional as he imagined someone her age to be, or at least what he thought her age was. Age was a very tricky thing, because he was quite a bit older then other people would give him credit for, so he was very careful when he made any assumptions based on ones physical appearance. The fact that she called him Senpai was what gave him a vibe of being older, even though he posed as a young person then he in truth was, and he had no reason for not believing his eyes this time. Planning to start a conversation with the girl once she would sit down, he decided to wait for her to get some food down. Biting into his own sandwiches, he just kept quiet while chewing, watching the girl eat her own food. The way she ate showed that she was very refined, which could mean several things such as the girl being from a very rich family, or just coming from a place where people took this kind of refinement quite serious.

Whatever it was, it did not really matter a whole lot to him, because she most likely didn’t want to have him around anyway, which became apparent during the next few minutes. As soon as the girl had come to him, that was how fast she had been planning to leave again. She told him about going to the Library, though she once again made no attempt of reaching out to him personally, and did not ask him if he wanted to come along with her or not. It was all very strange to him, being used to people saying things like Thank you, and excusing themselves when they leave a table. It was all fine though, for he was starting to profile her as someone who did not care a whole lot about other people. “If you want, I could accompany you there. I usually go to the library after getting something to eat, so I could come with you if you want”. He was not one to ask others if he could come with them, though he was most likely going to go there anyway.

Swallowing the last bites of his sandwich, he put the remaining bit into his backpack, together with the rest of his books. Whether she wanted him to go with her or not, he would go to the library regardless of said decision. Despite the fact that he was still rather hungry, he figured that as long as he had the food with him in his bag, he could eat whenever he felt like it, which was good enough for him. Standing up from the table, it was as if he was waiting for her to give her permission before he walked with her. Being unwanted was never a good thing, and he knew that all too well from situations in and around the school. Not everyone was as kind and welcoming as the other, though most of them were at least nice.

Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Re: Just another day of school [Aivee]

Wed Nov 21, 2012 6:44 pm


The girl was moving softly, very gently. If anyone was observing, they would notice how each movement flowed seamlessly into the next, as if the very act of moving itself was a dance. The human softly looked at the Quincy, as he seemed to claim to come with her. The doll child softly inclined her head, giving her permission for him to walk with her. Each step she took was a gliding one ; and somehow, with her small frame, she was walking face enough to make her hair move. It was interesting how fast such a small child could be, like a leaf dancing on the winds. The girl would move into well known passages, but suddenly, take a turn where most would not. Not that the route was longer ; it's just that, in some parts of the school, if one wasn't careful, they would get lost in a maze like structure. The girl however, seemed to be seeking expertly one area, as she arrived at the library ; in less then five minutes, when the average of the travel from the cafeteria was somewhat like ten to fifteen. That's how fast she was moving ; and she wasn't even breathless, as she opened the door expertly, walking in with her gentle clapping steps. ''Taidama.'' she spoke softly in the large expanse of silence. It was a simple word ; with a simpler meaning. I'm home.

The girl moved towards the back, going past the initial computer area. She was going for the books ; in this day and age, there were many more computers then there were books, but even then, Shisome seemed to always prefer the paper under her fingers more then anything. The human child let out a relaxed breath, her face transforming into a soft, gentle smile. Known was one of the ghosts of the library, the girl moved like one, easily navigating in the selfs. She had left her things at a table ; one that nobody dared to touch, considering it was her table. The last person who sat at it, had to sit with the girl, regardless of, if they wanted to or not. That was Shisome ; ignorant by choice, of others. She focused on her grades, the appearance of perfection, and most of all, the distance between her and others. The fact she had even let the Senpai walk with her was astonishing. Many whispers had followed the two out of the cafeteria. But she didn't care ; it wasn't in the girl's nature to be bothered by such trivial matters, by such trivial people. The impassive girl slowly let her body sink into the chair, unsure if her senpai had followed her. If he had ; then she would not object to him. The girl would simply spread out her homework, and then slowly work on it ; spending quite some time on the problems, before writting down a perfect answer. After all, her grades were quite high. She might have the best grades in the first year.

She would have to check on the score board for that, but Shisome was sure she was in the top ten at the least. Therefore, she had to keep learning and studying. However, due to her photographic memory, she had already learnt the material for this year. So she expanded, and already learned things relating to each area they studied. And more and more ; until the point where she could exhaust her thirst for knowledge. However, she hadn't hit that point yet ; after a few minutes of working on her problems, she would find her gaze wandering to the book beside her. Spiritual Powers ; the Basics. That's what she wanted to study.. after all, Shisome was sure, absolutely, that powers were the reason for what was going on. That weird photo album ; the weird feeling inside of her ; the interlude with Moonie ; and most of all, her strange adaptation to the people around her. There was an itch, as she softly scratched her palm, a strangely human movement. It was.. irritating. She could almost feel like biting her lip. Perhaps, that was part of her powers as well. However, she would not cause the first interaction.. if the senpai was interested, he would come to her.

Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Re: Just another day of school [Aivee]

Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:56 pm
Walking with her to the library, he was astonished when she said something in a very soft tone of voice, believing the thing she said to be something along the lines of “I’m home”. Most people did not feel this much of a connection to the library, though Hitoshi had always enjoyed the place quite a bit, for it was a gathering of knowledge from all over the world, and maybe that was just the thing that made the place so welcoming to him. Like him, the girl had also enjoyed coming here, or she would not have made that reference to the place, unless she hated being home. Sitting down at the very same table as Shisome, it seemed redundant to have walked all the way with her to the place just to go sit somewhere else, and she most likely felt the same way about it, or she would not have allowed him to sit with her in the first place. Taking a deep breath, he thought about how the girl had pretty much ignored him the entire time, and how it just seemed incredibly rude of her, because he was really trying to be nice to her, though she was making it nearly impossible for him to actually want to try. Still, he had a reputation to uphold, and maybe she just had a rough time in life, so he would try one last time to reach her.

After taking a moment to just think to himself about what he should try to do, he figured the best thing to do now was to just study. Starting to read from his math text book, he was trying to further educate himself in the many formulas in the world. If he wanted to understand the world, he had to learn the basics, which was why he had taken on classes of physics, math and several languages, just in case he ever had to speak to Spanish or French people. Noticing that the books she had taken out were books about more spiritual subjects, his math and languages seemed like silly choices at the moment. Sure, they were good to have under ones belt, but Spiritual studies were more interesting then what he had picked, even though most of the things he would read in it would be stuff he had already learned in the time when he was a child in Karakura city, learning whatever his mother could teach him. Soul reapers, Quincy, Hollow breeds and humans with special powers that are unique to themselves, there have never been any species he did not understand well enough to beat, and he would be damned if the day came where something actually managed to surprise him, and lead to his death.

Shrugging his throat, he looked up and into Shisome’s eyes, trying to connect with her when he started speaking. “So, Shisome was it? I see that you are into books about spiritual natures of humans and other races. If you don’t mind me asking, is this because you have a healthy mind and want to learn as much as possible, or is it also because you have a power of your own, and you are researching possible enemies. Maybe the things I say don’t really mean anything to you, in which case you should just forget that I asked, but if it is in fact true, do you think you would be able to elaborate on it?”. With that, he stopped talking. He had made another try at getting closer to the girl, but if this time would also be ineffective, he would just delve further into his own books, and forget about the entire conversation. He would study, and then leave whenever he was done with it. Every person could only take so much out of being fully ignored, and when he reached the limit, he would rather just leave the place and do things that could further his own goals in life.

Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Re: Just another day of school [Aivee]

Sat Dec 08, 2012 4:33 pm


The girl had settled into her general routine ; but something was going to break it. Her fingers danced open pages, her eyes moving barely, but she was almost simply flipping through the book. In mere moments? She was done, having memorized the entire thing. So by the time she was done the small stack she had assimilated, the girl heard a voice. Her head lifted, the long black strands touching her cheek ; showing how ivory white she was, as her pale pink lips softly opened. There was something strange ; a pulse even, that she was unsure how to take. The girl paused, her words never coming out, as the male seemed to speak. For a few moments, she reflected on her thoughts ; he had a good point. Exactly why was she learning? Was it because she simply wanted to? However, just wanting to did not explain the burning need to consume as much as she needed. Was it to protect herself? She had no fear, therefore enemies were a foreign concept in a way. She never bothered with such issues so that wasn't it. However, Moonie had been convinced that something was afoot, or that something could hurt her ; she had pretty much assumed it from James and Innana's feelings. The girl however, did not consider enemies the cause of ravenous need of knowledge. Then what, per say was her reason to devour knowledge on spiritual beings without a single sign of restraint?

''To protect everyone else from myself.''

Without noticing, she had spoken very important words. The words were her answer ; and it startled the doll like girl, her eyes widening. Now? She looked immensely more human, as the edge of tears started at the corner of her eyes. The need for knowledge was now revealed ; to protect others from her very self ; from the danger that lurked within her own body like a snake. The way she adapted, the way she took what was others and formed her own reason. The fact that she was indeed, a most powerful weapon without even thinking about it.. then why? Why she such a dangerous thing? She had picked up the book after her problems ; and the scratching on her wrist was more irritating. The girl strangely felt her body twitch ; as if responding to something. ''Senpai, you are not necessarily powerless yourself. You are also not used to someone not acknowledging your existence. You are a bit irritated at this, but was willing to keep trying. Have you ever considered a lack of social graces? For that is something that could explain the situation at hand. And more so ; you feel lonely, and you want to help all at once. You want a companion, someone that can stay at your side, no matter what you go through. And even though, you can't find someone to fit your requirements, and therefore have to keep going.'' she said, her eyes now focused on him.

She was a scary person, being both an empath, and having photographic memory. Her extensiveness knowledge banks were also scary ; she was triangulating off psychology, and sociology as well. It was easy to make a generalization, and then apply it to the situation. Mannerisms, habits and general reactions were programmed in most humans ; once one understood the basic links that governed this, nothing was a mystery. However the weakness? One's self. Shisome's gaze was now staring straight into his, her crimson orbs now alive ; flaring with a light that had not been present the entire time. ''As such, here you are, hoping to uncover a secret and perhaps move forward. But you were also ready to give up ; there was only so much pressure you can take. Forgive me ; I am not that well with people. However, your point was right ; you surmised that I was seeking knowledge for a reason. I have been told that my capability will draw enemies and danger ; however, I have my own reason to learn such things.'' she spoke. Still not realizing she had spoken the reason out loud, the girl closed her eyes briefly, feeling the skin on her wrist break. Letting not a sound of pain, she simply reached into her pocket, pulling out a band-aid. But tied to it, was a cross, and it glittered softly in the light. That could be misunderstood as well.

''In relative cases, I am searching for my own desires. Should that counter your theories, then so be it. I seek only knowledge for my own purpose, nothing more. But, should you choose to help, that would be .. ah.. what's the word? Appreciated I believe it was. I would not spurn it, at the least. In fact, I was beginning to hit a wall ; books provide only so much knowledge.'' she said softly. Her tone was not grand and carrying ; in fact, it was a soft, almost dead tone, to the point that only the male would've heard any of her words. It was a strange way she had, capable of changing her volume, her emotions, her control to the desires she required. The girl simply stared at the male, waiting for the response.. curiously, delightedly almost. She was excited, she realized. After all, she had found something that could be interesting and more so? She was curious about it.

Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Re: Just another day of school [Aivee]

Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:13 pm
When the girl started talking, she overwhelmed him a bit with the large amount of stuff she addressed at the same time, even things that were incredibly personal, yet seemed to roll off of her tongue with very little restraint or effort. Even though some things had been hidden well, he could tell that she could in some way see past the rough exterior, and knew what was going on with him. The first thing she said was quite clear, yet entirely unclear at the same time, and that was something that bugged him quite a bit, for how could that even be possible. The reason why she was learning about spiritual beings and powers was because she wanted to protect people, from herself. It seemed like the girl had made herself sad, as tears seemed to form in the corners of her eyes, something that was caused by him questioning her. He did not meant to make the girl sad at all, though he could not help what had already happened. It was saddening to see the tears in her eyes after she told him that she wanted to protect people from herself, though it was something that sparked all the more questions. What kind of power could she possibly have that made her so incredibly dangerous to other people, that was what was on his mind right now, though he had a feeling that just might be true. In his case, he kept people away because his power might attract others and cause fights, maybe that was the same thing for her.

When she pointed out that he was not entirely powerless either, she hit the jackpot, showing to him that she was capable of sensing spiritual pressure, even though his was entirely suppressed to the level of a mere human. The more she started talking about him, it seemed like she had a very different power, one related to the spiritual awareness, though going much further then that. If anything, it was almost as if she was somehow capable of reading the emotions stored in the back of his head, and that made him feel quite strange for a moment. “Well, that’s quite a gift you’ve got there, not just that, but it was all quite accurate. I won’t bore you with the details, though you struck gold with most of your guesses. I like having people around, though I don’t really have any people I’d enjoy bonding with, so I keep things on a superficial level in school. You never truly get used to being all alone, though it becomes easier as the years go by, as I am sure you’ve noticed.” he said, figuring she had most likely gone about these things in the same way he had. He had been working so hard to control his powers, to be able to respond quickly the next time someone would attack his loved ones. Then again, he had been working so hard to keep the people away from truly becoming his friends that he really had no loved ones in his life anymore.

When he looked closer, he noticed that she had pretty red eyes as they stared into his own. She had been speaking so softly, and from the Band-Aid she had used on her wrist, it had seemed as if she had hurt herself too. He had to apologize to her. “Still, I did not mean to make you sad, and I apologize for that. I know that you’ve most likely been alone like I have, though I have always told myself that it would best not to let any normal humans into my life. Like you, it’s the strong and the strange among us that attract those that would do us harm, and I can’t protect everyone. I am sure you have a similar reason, which is why you try so hard to learn more about your own spiritual powers, so you can protect others, isn’t that right?” he said, figuring that if he was right, the two would have a lot in common, so that would give them at least something to bond over. When he let some of his limited Reiatsu go, he started reading her own, and noticed that something was very off about the whole thing, almost as if part of it reflected his own. Something happened to her wrist just now, and he noticed something near her wrist, something shiny. At first he believed that something had happened due to her constant scratching, though the wound was something different then a normal scratch-wound. Something caused it to somehow.. break, for he could sense a slight reiatsu fluctuation coming from the girl, though it seemed to have happened by accident.

Soon enough, he would figure out what was causing all of this, though he had to take a closer look at the wound before he could be jumping to any conclusions, that much was for sure. Placing his hand on top of his own, he looked at the girl and wondered if she truly didn’t realize that she had pretty much told him what seemed incredibly similar to her own problem, he wondered what he could do about it. “You can take it from me, but doing everything on your own is not the best way to do things in life. I have gotten pretty good at it, though it’s a lonely existence, and if you’d want to include me, I would love to be a part of that” he said, holding her hand and keeping his eye on her, shifting his gaze towards her gaze next. She seemed like the kind of person that had been alone too, just like him, a person that had some form of power, and could look after herself. Still, the sudden wound she had gotten just from sitting with him was weird, and the way his own energy seemed to reflect inside of her own was just as strange. If she would allow him to get as close as he was trying to get, he would be able to tell her what his powers included, and maybe then he could figure out what was going on with her.


Just another day of school [Aivee] Empty Re: Just another day of school [Aivee]

Wed Jan 09, 2013 4:44 pm


The slight movements of the male ; his surprise at her way of managing things. He had not expected her to be able to do this relatively. It was something that always put people ill at ease with her ; the fact that she could read into them like open books, with simply staring and understanding their emotions. Although Shisome understood emotions, she herself did not feel them to a degree. In fact, most emotions were still relatively muted within her core ; unsure of why, it was just that way. The girl watched him with a gaze that held the fires of knowledge and understanding. It was a gaze many found uncomfortable, and many looked away from it, for it was like staring into a mirror that was burning like the sun. The girl inclined her head into agreement, as he told her that she was right ; of course she was, it was in her nature to disassemble, and assemble theories that were mostly pin point accurate. The girl just listened to him, but began to frown. How did he know she was meant to protect others? The girl was confused, not realizing still she had spoken the words out loud. However, her facial expression was still blank, the frown only inside of her mind. A perfect little doll ; something that anyone could pick up and abuse. Her face was impassive, as she began to run many thoughts into her head.

Her arm throbbed a bit more insistently, as if she was taking in something other then herself. The would wasn't severe ; but her energy flared and winked. And then the mirror of his own energy grew suddenly, hot and fast. It flared and mirrored the entirety of her body, as the girl let out a single, cramped breath. That was the only indication of how much pain she was in ; but the flare reduced, and slipped away, as the full nature of his power had been allowed to be seen by her. That accelerated the transformation, as the girl let out another soft gasp. Her body shook but relaxed ; and the assimilation was completed, as she let out a gentle breath. Yet, she didn't understand his words relatively ; they flew over her head, as she gave him that serious look of hers. ''To be honest, I have no idea what you are implying, or saying, Hitoshi-Senpai.'' she said, before she closed her eyes for a moment. ''However, I do know this ; you are none of the things I've encountered before. What exactly are you senpai?'' she asked, her curiosity starting to get the better of her, as her attention drifted away from the book fully now, the entirety of her intense gaze on the male. Subconsciously, she ran her fingers over the cross, as if adjusting her spiritual needs ; but yet it felt incomplete.. like she needed a part of her to finish something she had begun to feel. Would he provide the answer to that question? Shisome surely hoped so.

In fact, the girl yearned for that most of all.

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