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Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy Left_bar_bleue0/0Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy Empty Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy

Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:27 pm
NPC Template

Please note that the Big Daddy NPC is a minion, meaning that there are more than one of them. However, because of their strength, they are not as numerous as some other minions, but they make up for it with their strength. The Big Daddy is also only for Alfonso's use. He may send them on missions to help out the organization he is currently in, but they are following his orders, not the orders of the organization leader. If you want the help of a Big Daddy, let me know and I will rp as the Big Daddy in the thread.

Name: Big Daddy

Age: Unknown.

Gender: Male

Personality: For a Big Daddy, there is no need for for a personality or emotions. Despite being created from the basis of a human, there is nothing resembling humanity within them, save for what might lay under their armor. Their main purpose is to serve Alfonso, as well as to protect the Little Sisters, another type of minion that serves Alfonso. The only time you might see any emotion from a Big Daddy is if you attack a Little Sister. When a Little Sister is attacked, she will let out a high pitched, shrill yell that will alert her Big Daddy and any Big Daddies in the area that she is being attacked. Upon hearing the scream, the Big Daddy will enter an enraged state and fight off anyone who they see as a threat to the Little Sister; mainly the one who attacked her in the first place. If you see an enraged Big Daddy or enrage it yourself, the only word of advice I have for you is to get the hell out of there.

(a Big Daddy and a Little Sister)
Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy Iz3h5g

Tier: 2-3 to 2-1

Race: Biologically Enhanced Human Hybrid/Prototype

Brief History: Because the Big Daddies are artificially created, genetically altered beings, they really do not have a history. Although Big Daddies personal experiences throughout it's life are remembered, they do not effect it's personality at all. It is also unclear as to when Alfonso created his first Big Daddy, but it is believed that they are a more recent creation as he has only just revealed them.

Associated Character: Alfonso Gunter Reinhold

Basic Powers:
Power Drill: The most powerful weapon in a Big Daddies arsenal, their power drill is actually a reiatsu-based weapon, meaning that it can harm spiritual beings. The Drill also has a unique way of attacking using reiatsu. Whereas the Quincies Seele Schneider uses vibrational reishi, The Big Daddies Power Drill uses rotational reiatsu that comes to a point. Because of this, the Big Daddy can easily pierce through almost any armor (including an arrancar's Hierro), as well as rip an enemy apart with it's drill. Because the rotation reiatsu is focused into a single point, it is more for breaking through reiatsu rather than severing it like a Seele Schneider. It can also cancel out the vibrational reishi of the Seele Schneider or any other type of vibrational reiatsu/reishi.

Inhuman Strength: Because of the genetic alterations made to the Big Daddies by Alfonso, they have an inhuman amount of strength. Although this may not seem so special in a world with Shinigami and Hollows, the Big Daddies strength can even rival that of the spiritual beings (Shinigami, arrancar, ect.).

Heavily Armored: As seen by the appearance, every Big Daddy is outfitted with large, heavy armor. The armor is extremely strong, but also very heavy. Although it offers a very good defense, it cuts back greatly on the Big Daddies movement speed. Although they move slower because of this, when enraged or charging, the can move almost faster than the eye can see by using all of their genetically enhanced muscles to propel their bulky body forward.

Guns: While the Big Daddy wields their Power Drill in their right hand, there are 5 different guns that the Big Daddy can use with their left hand, allowing them to attack at both close and long range. The guns are as follows:
  • Rivet Gun: The most accurate of the guns available to the Big Daddy. The Rivet Gun is essentially a type of rifle specially designed to work well with the Big Daddy. It is the most basic gun that they use and has average stats.

  • Gatling/Machine Gun: The second of the Big Daddy's guns, the Gatling, or Machine gun is more powerful than the Rivet Gun and has a higher rate of fire. It can also be equipped with a special armor-piercing round fro breaking through an opponents armor. It's drawback is that it is less accurate, using a spray of bullets to try and get at least a few hits off. It is good, however, for heavily armored opponents or a group of opponents.

  • Shotgun: The third of the guns that a Big Daddy can wield, the shotgun probably packs the biggest punch of all the guns. The Shotgun can be loaded with either a buckshot round for a splatter effect or a solid round to give a powerful punch. The drawbacks for the Shotgun are it's low speed, more frequent reloading, and a drop off in accuracy the farther the Big Daddy is away from the target.

  • Spear Gun: The fourth gun that a Big Daddy can use, the Spear Gun fires harpoon-like darts that can pin an opponent to any solid surface. It has good accuracy and range, and the ammo can even be reused after removing it from the target. It's drawback is that it only holds one harpoon at a time, giving it a longer reloading time than any other gun. It is also less effective at closer ranges. The Big Daddies can also use an electrically charged harpoon with the Spear Gun to cause additional damage and stun their opponent.

  • Grenade Launcher: The fifth and final gun of the Big Daddy, the Grenade Launcher probably has the strongest round. It's grenades are composed of highly concentrated reiatsu that will explode only after it is fired and hit's anything, meaning that the grenade cannot explode prior to being fired. As well as the standard reiatsu grenade, the Big Daddy can also use a type of "sticky" grenade. The Sticky Grenade, when fired, will latch on to the first thing it comes into contact with, and will explode either when it is moved or senses movement (if an enemy passes by it it will explode, but if it lands and sticks on them, it will explode as soon as the enemy moves). The drawbacks to the Grenade Launcher are its reload time and accuracy. Because it launches the grenades, there is more calculation involved in aiming it. The explosion can also harm the Big Daddy if they are too close t it, making it only good for long range.

All of these five guns use reiatsu-based ammo, meaning that they can harm spiritual beings.

Dependence on Little Sisters: Although a Big Daddy Does not have to have it's assigned Little Sister with it to fight, it will become weaker the further away it is from the Little Sister (this explains for the tier range). Vica versa, the closer a Big Daddy is to it's Little Sister, the stronger it becomes. If the Little Sister is attacked, the Big Daddy will enter an enraged state, enhancing both it's speed and strength for as long as the Little Sister is in danger. Finally, if a Big Daddies little sister is killed, the Big Daddy too will die, as they are connected.

Monitoring: Alfonso is able to see everything that the Big Daddy sees and hear everything the Big Daddy hears because of a genetic alteration that allows the Big Daddy to broadcast it's experiences to him via a radio-like reiatsu wave. This wave is connected only to Alfonso's lab, and was apparently created, or at least discovered by him. This is just one of the many ways in which Alfonso can gather information, even if the Big Daddy is killed.

Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*
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Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy Empty Re: Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy

Tue Aug 31, 2010 12:35 pm
Pimp Cloak
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Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy Empty Re: Alfonso's Minions: Big Daddy

Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:46 pm

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