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Age : 26

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Just Meeting the Neighbors.[Private] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just Meeting the Neighbors.[Private]

Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:26 pm
Dayalu Seishin
Davana Demon
Current Concept: Reincarnation

After Dayalu had asked to join them, they seemed to communicate with each other quite well with just the nod of the head. Then Kenshin stated that Keianna would be explaining more about their group to him and then he departed to leave and return to the class that Dayalu had interrupted with his presence. After that, Keianna proceeded towards the dojo entrance and suggested that they continued outside, he went along with it and came out with her from the entrance. It was much nicer outside after being in a dojo training for so long, sadly, Dayalu couldn't know such at the moment. But perhaps he could learn with him still having a long life ahead of him as a Davana. A small breeze blew by as Keianna began to explain more things to him about their group that seemed to be called T.A.G. which was short for Tactical Alliance Group. It rang his mind as a weird name for a martial arts school of a sort but then he realized that they were more than just that. They were a group that taught people how to control their abilities, gave them a style of fighting, and help them out in this world.

This world was definitely interesting as Dayalu has not even come closer to learning a good portion about it and it's inhabitants. Often he moved along after shortly settling in a community but still he didn't know much of Earth. Often he did have questions about the world that would go unanswered from him and his two eternal partners. This world was a very mysterious place for it's outsiders usually unless they have been here for a very long time without moving on around it. The Davana understood that there was more to this place than he believed before and understood what was to come next.

Keianna explained if he used what he has learned from them for evil or sinister intent, then he would be banned from the dojo, mind wiped, and maybe even killed after he is captured by them for his crimes. He didn't believe he would really have a problem with any of the things that she has stated and was actually motivated even further to join them and gain he can for better purposes than what he could come up with alone. He wouldn't even care if he had to face down other demons and davanas so long as he helped the innocent and mistreated people.

At the end of explaining he was asked if he still at intent on joining them.

" I'm still interested in joining and have no problems with what has been said. But if I do have to be killed or are killed. Make sure to gather my ashes if I turn into them. I'll reform eventually from them." He stated to her.

"Normally I wouldn't give such info out, but if I die and turn to ashes I'll just come back later good as new and your intent on killing is to stop me from committing evil acts. Although even now I state that I won't do such things I don't know how unstable my mind might get down the road." He explained.

"Can I trust you to kill me and kept me dead if a time like that comes?" He asked Keianna hoping she would understand him.

"I would rather be killed that go against my beliefs of harming the innocents or committing crimes against them. If I become something like that I shouldn't be allowed to rise again in this world." He finished with and looked up at the sky seeing a sun coming out of clouds shining directly down on them now and he would look down back at Keianna so that he wouldn't be blinded when it was fully revealed.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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