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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] Empty Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!]

Mon Dec 10, 2012 7:10 pm


Oh? What did they think she was, some low class demon?

The sudden feel of lust and authority washed over the area, as Asmodeus had, more or less, lost his temper. Bringing the demonic energies to the surface, the power was palatable. ''This is foolishness. As much as emotions I enjoy, this is just taking idiocies to a level of retarded, epileptic babies. Which are odd to fuck but still.'' spoke the demon, relatively angry at this point. Why? Not only was he ignored (HE, a creature of PURE LUST, that most would orgasm even being near such delightful sexiness, was ignored!) but instead, this Doctor did a split and oh, the kicker? Continued the fight instead of reasonably settling this. In fact, it seemed like the Knight was just making a bunch of confusing actions, losing a main purpose in the middle of the actual thought. Oh, there was a longing to just Requiem of Balance this entire ordeal, but Asmodeus had enough. But, patience was a virtue, that that a demon Asmodeus had any virtues. But rather? The demon wanted to see if this was just some sort of misunderstanding, or rather one another trying to solve things. The second clone was busy, as the girl's attention turned towards the one that remained near her, with that almost delectable pride flowing out of him. God, Asmodeus felt her lower body tremble ; she wanted to push him down and ride his ass here and now. Let him sink in deeply, and just dig into the womb.. the very thoughts made Asmodeus' innards twitch in need.

''Oh my, trying to sweet talk me dear? Pretty sure if we started that, I would win ; no offensive to your skills, because you've got me wet with excitement. Either case, I'm here for something.. ah of my own. In fact, I'd prefer to have France under my control ; I do believe that it would benefit Shadowfall very well, to have an Infanta in charge. I'm also sure that Mana-chan wouldn't be so mad if one of her demons took it.. no offense again.'' she said to the man, her smile quick and easy ; and genuine. After all, the demon of lust was what he defined himself as. A sultry, powerful demon? Definiately not difficult for him. ''In either case this fight it effectively -'' began the creature, but without warning, the other demon was touching the most personable Infanta. ''Oh my, naughty girl Demonica~'' laughed she, tilting the other's head towards her own, engulfing her into a hot kiss.. easily pushing it to a french kiss with a soft slip of her tongue. The other was trapped suddenly, within a vortex of sexual energy, heightening desires and wants with just the light touches. ''Ah, very BAD girl~'' said Asmo, even as the girl was trying to look like an innocent puppy. But her failing? She was being naughty, around Asmodeus of all people. Without much of a shameful thought, the girl's hand had slipped lower, slipping under the clothing, rubbing the entrance. ''I'll have to punish you, hm~?'' spoke the daemon.

Asmodeus, if anyone, was the ultimate whore. For a good reason, as the demon softly shifted, half-facing the one that had.. started this little scuffle. Or rather, encouraged it. ''Ah, Doctor? Or perhaps something else? Your feelings aren't the same as before.. so I'd assume someone else. In any case, I'd like to hear your proposal, if you wish. I'm pretty sure I can speak for Demonica as well ; my cute little imp has been quite troublesome, hasn't she~?'' said the woman, the index slipping into the other girl. It was easy for the concept of Lust to engage in lewd activities, shameless as she sent another hot pulse of sexual energy ; at this point? Demonica would probably not even care, so turned on that she just wanted to be fucked silly. And that was Asmodeus' fun ; and with a nip to the neck, sinking her teeth into the flesh, that marked the other demon as Asmodeus' current playmate. Maybe even permanently? That was something to look forward too.. and maybe even the male, as the pulses of sexual energy were a bit area wide. So they would tickle and touch the male too ; and as long as he had an organ, it would react.. in fact, Asmodeus once found it it also affected animals, to his delight. That horse fuck was one of the most amazing ones he'd had at the time.

''So.. lay it on me, my dear man.'' whispered the demon, the lust in the air almost thick enough to cut with a knife.


Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] Empty Re: Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!]

Mon Dec 10, 2012 9:02 pm

The Doctor's eyes narrowed as she seemed to anticipate his movements. How is that possible...? He wondered, supposing her observational abilities had increased. My Earth Pass is instantaneous movement.... As she dodged his attack, he threw out his arms. ”KI!” He shouted, as a proportional cube appeared behind him, as a dust release was triggered, turning her own energy attack into nothing but dust.

As her tail came towards him, he reached another hand out. ”I attempted to play nicely with you. However, you have quite forced my hand!” He pronounced as his eyes widened, Dust Release infusing around his hand as he grabbed onto the tail, turning around his body as he slapped away her attack with her own tail even as it was turned to dust. The mirages had no effect on him; as he had shot out of the ground, his cloak had again been placed over his face, allowing him to see through the special eye holes of his hood which dispelled illusions.

However, as her fist came towards his face, he realized he would need to act. ”FLAMING MUD!” He shouted aloud as he opened his mouth, as a large quantity of bright red mud like liquid emerged from it, capturing around Demonica's hand as it was suddenly brought to a stop, the heat all around it quickly hardening the mud and making it so that her fist was stopped mere inches from his face, before it cracked into nothing and he fell to the ground, taking several steps back as his sandals CLACK CLACKED on the ground.

He was done messing with her; the new focus had to be on that Infanta.

”...Excuse me, miss. I am no clone. I am Vladimir Sange, the Conquester, the Dominiator, the Driving Force. In addition, I believe my own presence is a much more... flowing one than that of yourself. The good Doctor has been attempting to do nothing but help you calm down and stop wrecking things... and then you... Mhmmhmm...” He cut off, slightly chuckling to himself as he held up one sleeve of his cloak to his mouth, as the fabric began to change, becoming of a much more regal felt.

”That is pretty rich, I believe.” The Doctor spoke as he clack clacked up from behind Sange, standing beside him as Edo Demonica then turned around, standing behind the two with a blank expression on her face. ”You were causing so much trouble yourself... And now you go all hypocritical...? However, I'm sure you had the most honorable of reasons.” He finished, sighing as he reached a hand up and slid it back off of his head, revealing his face once more. It was strange, seeing the two side by side. Sange seemed to lack the scaly textures common in the Doctor's skin, and his eyes were still that crimson red as opposed to the Doctor's pale yellow. However, they shared that hunters slit in their eyes, very difficult to mistake.

”Now... The lost puppy aside... France is a strange place, certainly. I have an interest in it for the simple reason that it would allow me the oppurtunity to complete my designs under my own volition... However, if that is truly the way that your blood flows... if you have the delicious wine of the vein, this is assuming...” He trailed off for a moment, glancing at the Doctor as he gathered his thoughts, somewhat distracted by the thought of the Fruit of the Vein. ”Yes, the petty squabble between your subordinate and the attempts of subduction by the Doctor is at an end. You have my deepest thanks... after all, you have single handedly saved a great monument to the people of France!” He smiled, lifting up his arms as the entire sleeves could be seen to have changed to that more regal material, as he gestured to the still-standing Eiffel Tower.

”However, there still remains one facet of business.” He explained, reaming completely calm as Asmo began to do quite improper things in front of another. ”Yes, as I explained before. I am Vladimir Sange!” He anounced with a flourish, rolling his hands out as the cloak changed completely, the chest becoming ruffles as a cape appeared on his back, donning the apparel of a nobleman as opposed to the Doctor's cloak, as his hair began to spiral on top of his head, becoming a risen structure atop his head. ”My proposal is as such. Here we have three key elements required to create a great nation; a powerful Mind, a fearsome Strength, and a stunning Apperance. Certainly not to retract your intelligence.. However, the Doctor is as we speak already has set a plan in motion as his Selves appear around the nation, lying in wait to reunite it from the chaos. I would recommend that you, Asmodeus...” He stopped for a moment, relaxing as he let out a breath.

”Think about this offer. Be the leader and image of the people of France; I know no better representation of their exquisite kind. This would appease your Demon Queen as well as place someone into power that will most certainly be able to use it. Second, your lost blood there will become the commander of France's defenses; any riots or uprisings would be punished severely, showing by her rage that it is generally not a... beneficial act to have seditious thoughts. Finally... The Doctor will take care of keeping the country running. He will manipulate the economy, help structure a new social order, take care of all the legal business that you, Lust Incarnate, would normally be party to and handle it all himself.” He explained, at last coming to a rest with a long sigh, his commanding presence making the meaning of his words very, very clear.

”You may think of it as a puppet pulling strings. However... The strings in this case are attached to both marionettes. Just as the Doctor could pull on you to keep the country running, so you could pull on him for him to get you anything you would desire. The same would be true of your little lost blood there. So please... Consider my proposal.” He finished, falling silent at last, his idea fully laid out as the Doctor watched from behind him, that small smile still remaining on his face.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] Empty Re: Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!]

Tue Dec 11, 2012 8:35 pm
PREVIOUS TO POST, - Counterattack of hebi's "Counter attack"

now, as demonica had been countered. the tail imploding on contact forming similar to last time, a "Negation" affect, this time using the hollow interior pressure of the tail with the colliding forces of the rigid bone, and more or less internal vibrations which took place reverberating or the hand clap of last time. It was from that reasoning that once more the two attacks canceled out, as well for the most part the cube was a dead give- away, and two, well. She had instantly the second the cube was up, from prior experience had been on guard.

it was for that reason wind, and vibrations in the bone just kept bouncing around, bouncing and bouncing until the dust hit it giving the doctor a rather nasty shock as not only was this "Dust attack " negated, or canceled out like last time, but it was more or less a reflex action next, as the bone exploded, all those vibrations generating a minute shock wave, anyways these minute shock waves had the same affect as last time, per already explained. Which is why both attacks where once again "Negated" only this time the focal point had been the central hollow spot in the bone, not her hands clapping.

Next, the doctors mouth opened and demonica persay since she had no energy of her own, sensed a instant rise in energy which was to say the least annoying, now then anyways better safe then sorry demonica had no clue what would happen but, she had instead of directly punching, allowed minute nuclear explosions to convert on the exterior, and mess with the air resistance, this effectively formed a "Force bubble/Vibration/outward push" veil which projected outwards allowing the super hot mud to be forced outwards and away in a minute nuclear bomb.

Now then of course she took no chances which is why, instead of punching the doctor, she had changed course and given him a one armed hug, and a peck on the cheek before she then, made her way over to the infanta.

" might not be gold snake boy . . but your pretty damn interesting "


Demonica, she felt something strange weird. . . Yet delicious. Her body yearned for it, yet that's probably what scared her the most she had never felt so out of control before never in her life had she felt so.. utterly out of control. Her eyes had turned wide, and she had purposefully drove a bone into her hip joint, right into the nerve. or into a nerve, she was not really picky but it was her eyes which had widened she had never been defiled.

Never been defiled, and the prospect of it . . it scared her which is why while she may have returned the kiss, her body tightened shying away from the obviously sexual touch. Her eyes sliding up to meet the infanta's own eyes. Demonica broke contact, or rather gently had removed her lips from the comrades, her breath coming in ragged or more rather it gave away how hard, how hard she was truly trying to restrain herself, but she shied away slightly too late.

It was a Alien caress she felt, something which made her blossom with yearning but, also a voice deep inside her a voice deep inside her kept repeating a word which was rather simple.. Something which started wars, and caused unease since the beginning of time :"Scared".. deep within her, that metropolis once more had crumbled, but something else happened reason escaped her, undulated reason her grip on reality for the first time. It for the first time slipped and let something, feral and untamed free.

She was, demonica and at the same time , she was a being of pure instinct, driven by something that was little more then desire, pain, fear and fighting , she was hidden she was a bystander now, taken over by her own emotions. Her body gave it slumped her eyes slid shut slightly. It was undulated savagery, while she submitted but. . .one of her hands one of her slender hands slid down and down.

It slid down, ripping denim or what ever garment this demon was wearing if any but, now she caressed the sweet soft surface of the females second lips entering the female rough, and painful one finger.. two? Three?Four?Five? No, she went ahead and rammed the whole fist up there, even if this infanta could not handle it. It still would go in, go into this girls warm, warm tubes, till well, until her arm up to her elbow was forced completely, and utterly in.

No way shape or form was she trying to hurt the other female but really she was in no position that she could really stop herself, her other hand of course had slid up, caressing the soft surface of asmo's breast well, her right one anyways. All the while she would be pumping that arm, like she was fist pumping at a rally , only difference was it was inside a female, inside and pulsating probably causing a pretty PRETTY good deal of damage, while, demonica, just smiled . .

And let the fun begin.

Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] LzZCuy7
Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] BtXe12b

Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] Empty Re: Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!]

Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:13 pm


Asmo felt a smile, and then a laugh bubble up. Oh dear, did he really think, this man, that Asmodeus would be slave to anyone else? That was such a false assumption; the Danava of lust would never sink to such a low level. It was just unheard of, as the demon heard the movements of Demonica coming closer towards him. The girl was quite rude, ripping away clothes, and then shoving an entire FIST up there without much warning. But Asmodeus was a master at body manipulation; the inner walls moved and formed, slipping into a perfect shape for what the young imp was doing. ''Oh, you naughty, naughty girl~ You don't ram a fist up people's pussy, that just hurts~'' said the Infanta, letting a small smirk touch her lips, as with a movement of her hips, and a twist of her arm, the other girl was flat on the ground, and spread eagled. The daemon just traced a hand, and made shackles of extremely strong metal to hold down the girl, as if to punish her. ''Now now, don't break them. You need to just let me take control, won't you?'' said the blonde haired succubus, her fingers divesting the other girl of all clothes quite quickly. Did it matter that the other was watching? Not in the least for Asmodeus, as a light trail of liquids was slipping from her lower body, as the girl hiked one of Demonica's legs up, to make her soft, gentle core all open for the lusty demon.

Soft fingers trailed down the lips, teasing, as a single finger slinked in between them, finding that button. It was Demonica's clit, and a mere touch would send her body into a pleasure frenzy; it also had the ability to incapicatate a woman, as Asmodeus well knew. Then it was Asmodeus' nail, scratching that really sensitive nub. That would increase the sensations, as the demon kept a pace of rubbing and scratching the imp's clit, and then pinched and rolled it in between her fingers. It was probably mind blowing, since Demonica's body was probably much more sensitive then normal, due to Asmodeus' sexual pulses. Her other hand slinked up, and started to gently knead the other girl's right breast in her hand, squeezing and then flicking the nipple, looking up at the male with a slovenly smile on her face. ''Oh, I heard you quite well m'dear, but is that all? That seems a bit one-sided, without much of a deal to be made by other parties.. after all, what if I had ideas of my own, suggestions to the entire process to make it smoother?'' said the blonde demon, her blue orbs lustfully glancing over the male's body. ''Though, I'm pretty sure if I took my time, I could make you easily see things my way, ne?'' she said, letting another sexy smirk flutter across her lips, as she let out a sexual wave; however, this time? It was focused at the male speaking to her, Vladimir Sange. After all, she could sense that he had the right parts for this, so that's what she aimed on waking up. In fact, she wondered if he had ever done anything with them? If not, she would have to show him the delights of sex.. and mix it with some of the things he enjoyed. ''Ahh.. but that's if you want to listen to me, hmm?'' she said, a lusty moan slipping from her, as the other girl's lust and need was just filling Asmodeus' senses. They were so beautiful, so needy.. and she wanted to make this one spiral more into decadence, along with that prideful noble man.

Yes.. that's what the lust demon wanted to do most of all right now~


Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] Empty Re: Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!]

Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:22 pm

The male in question raised an eyebrow completely in the air, more then halfway up his face, an actual look of confusion and... disgust? On his face as the woman forcibly shoved her entire arm up the other's vagina, most likely puncturing her uterus and womb. "...Oh mai." He said simply, the look slowly fading from his face as he saw that the Infanta seemed to be perfectly fine from the... vaginal intrusion. The Count wasn't entirely sure why he paused there; it was simply a fact of the body of mammals. It was a brutal vaginal intrusion, most likely causing immense damage to the inner workings of her reproductive organs.

Of course, that's what the Count WOULD have thought, if he hadn't already figured out better. The mannerisms this one expressed were anything but feminine. At the moment, he considered Asmo an "It.". "We would get along exceedingly well..." His voice dripped, seeing the figure of Asmo positively dominating his control over the female, pinning the demon that had given him so much trouble down to the point where she would no longer be able to move, exerting total domination and control. "Oh, forgive me..." He said, bowing forwards, his right hand coming under his chest as he closed his eyes, before opening the crimson slits once more, focusing in on the one on top. "Here I believed that I had explained everything clearly to you... A leader is required to lead. Do you really believe that I" He emphasized the word, feeling its gaze upon him. "I am not deaf, in fact, I quite enjoy all information I am given. Whatever you would like to give me or perform, I would be able to freely accept. After all, Am I not asking of you the exact sam-..."

He stopped mid phrase, as suddenly a strange emotion hit him. W-what? He thought to himself, as without warning all of the blood in his body began flowing at an immense rate. Endorphins were released in his physical mind, trying to cloud his thoughts as all of his blood flowed into his penis. He began to twitch, as his penis began to stiffen from the collected blood, his penis rising to full erection as he stood there. It sexually stimulated... me...? H-how... I'm... wait, what sexuality am I even...! He thought, as he considered starting another mental council to find out this matter. However, he paused again, thinking clearly as webs of thought began to link together. "Interesting... You raise the bloodflow in my body immediately... granted it only flows into my penis, scrotum, and testicles... but such a thing would be... Immensely... useful... to me...." His body began to twitch more, as he realized his grave error.

His body had never before experienced sexual stimulation of any kind that affected his penis before, and as such he was just now becoming sexually awakened. His body was oversensitive to this stimulation, and it was blinding, as he released an audible gasp, his heart pounding in his chest, hard. This is bad... I will not be able to think straight while undergoing stimulation like this...! I cannot allow myself to be manipulated in this way... How to... How to... He then blinked, calm going through his gaze as he looked at Asmo and Demonica once more, straightening up as his spine clicked.

Without warning, he walked over to the two of them, looking down at Demonica. "Excuse me." He said as he snapped his fingers, without warning as a giant band of red shot from his fingers, wrapping themselves around demonica's neck and forming a collar, as he held the leash to it, pulling it up as she looked up at him. "Much better." He said, shivers going down his spine as he fulfilled his interests, blinking as he was able to think with even higher focus then before. "So as I was saying... Anything you have to say... will be listened to very careful and taken into consideration... And perhaps... You'd consider joining me as an assistant... what with your gifts... I promise... You'd find the advantages good, I could obtain for you things which most mortals consider impossible... All I require is your assistance... I am not without reason..." He continued, as he brought up Demonica's head, before suddenly biting into her neck.

Blood splattered down as he drank, his entire body twitching and undergoing spasms as his penis twitched from the excitement, before he withdrew at last, standing up again and holding the leash over to Asmo, smiling. "Your abilities... seem to make my blood... boil, you see..."

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] Empty Re: Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!]

Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:49 pm
the actions, they had done something very interesting and dangerous. All these actions had awakened the disturbed hormonal beast within, who had no control over such things as her power what so ever. For a girl.. one that never had been touched.. let alone in that way. Only a being who had been part of a battle, it was a shock which caused the final part in all that was needed. For the girl to snap that is, as the chains seemed to rock ,slowly without much certainty at all.

Her moans where punctual a voice so damned enticing that she didn’t need to have the power of arousal to drive a male’s sexual arousal to the peak of it all. Honestly she had her eyes closed, and it was dangerous that wall she had erected. Which kept her from going over the deep end, that wall which of course had made her safe to be around? All of it was gone torn down by this one girls lustful actions and intent, which I may add ravaged her both body and mind, to destroy every barrier to touch that had been made to date, you could say it broke her mind or shattered to safety switch in her clockwork.

You see Demonica , really never had thought of a measure for a situation such as this, so as her mouth opened, her lips which where cherry red, and perfectly plump with a slight dip at the top of them to make the full lips seem just that much more succulent and savory to be entertained. Those lips which looked like a masterpiece in themselves parted slowly, exposing one by one the brilliantly white enameled teeth which graced her mouth, and complemented her beauty heavily. But as her lips parted her tongue had been seen sticking out slightly as some drool slid down her lips. Eyes not quite opened but more accurately Demonica’s eyes where almost completely shut, as the sensation had spread through her body like wildfire. It was like a bomb had just been lit, and the countdown was any second now.

Of course her body arched as her breasts had been touched, that feeling, it was just. So Toxic Addicting, she never wanted to be let go, but also she wanted nothing right now, her brain was on overload, the careful façade of emotionless having been ripped down by a single girl, who would find her hands beginning to shred as she lost control of her true nature. That nature was her blades , the fact that her whole body was razor sharp. So now as she let out another rising moan, the ground seemed to explode, rocks rising to be then slashed in mid-air and then be slashed again, process repeating till it all had been reduced to dust. Her eyes where wide open, not quite fully gone yet, but feeling this new sensation the longing, the touching, the just oh so amazing feel of it all, it was too much.

“Oh god Oh go-”
That was the last sound she made as her neck seemed to jerk to the side, while her eyes where still closed, now her lips opening and closing more to show how much she really did enjoy this touch, her pussy.. it was open.. but it would convulse, with the power that probably would rip the finger off due to her cutting potential, her whole body was a blade, and asmo would feel it, like she was laying on a bed of knives, something too excruciatingly painful, as right now, she had been moaning still, almost dormant, as the pseudo psychopathic bitch inside was drawn out into the open, her sexual drive finally kicking in. Hell it was like she was now going through hormonal changes most girls went through in puberty.

It would be frightening, as the climax, she had her nub pulled and suddenly she didn’t moan she flat out screamed her pleasure, the lovely choir ground out or blown away by a white blue flash, which extended out over the entire 5 miles + the area they had been fighting thus far, the energy expanding far greater than what was normal as it was released a shockwave exploded her pleasure hitting the maximum, the hole grew as she from the shock had released enough power to cause Nuclear fallout in that area, this was the first real release of the power that she carefully at all times had kept in check. Her tongue sliding out around her lips, licking up the dust and radioactive itty bitty chunks which had commandeered her lips, her eyes opened now, though not a slight bit of shine or gleam was to them, they looked like eyes of a crazy person, the force having fully extended her wings, as she licked the juices off her lower area’s bindings gone, as she looked down naked, and horny, her rune markings.

That is to say her seals clearly visible on her body, looking and smiling, a lustful smile as she gently, reached down, her lips, soft like velvet closing on the left nipple, which was hard , biting it softly, before letting go, her head coming back as she looked at the sky, wings unfolded and horns and tail out in full form, her mouth opening to absorb some of the hydrogen from the blast, before her eyes slid farther open. Her voice so cold before, now came out clearly feminine but much creepier and probably a lot more frightening in tone then it had before, while she had radiated power before? That was nothing compared to now, having lost control her sick sadist and inside monster had come out to get her sexual feel.

Bemused, she looked down at the collar that had formed sometime in the blast, it had been shredded because of the field around her, which was cutting up the air and causing shimmering because of its reactivation for the first time in a long time. She floated there suspended in the air, eyes opened wide, full of sick perverted demonic emotion, before looking down, smiling her hair cascading down to cover her breasts, making her look a lot like the demon she was. Before the words she spoke had finally come out.

“..Good evening, my lovely’s I am demonica night fang.. of shadow fall.. will you enjoy my company.. and.. talk with me.. ?.. If not.. let me.. rip one of you open… as for you.. Asmo… you’re a naughty.. one.. making me feel this way, but I do love.. your company , also I do thank you.. that feeling.. it was wonderful.. what do you call it?.. “

Now they would know.. the real demented bitch.. had just woken up from her slumber. . . .

Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] LzZCuy7
Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] BtXe12b

Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!] Empty Re: Paris [The Lewd Part] [Private!]

Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:09 am


Asmodeus was a lush being; one that generally set it's affairs of itself to it's own purpose and nothing more. ''An orgasm dear.'' said the demon, not even phased by the seemingly random series of things that happened; relatively, the daemon's body was unharmed due to masterful manipulation of it; blades couldn't cut through everything, and thus, Asmo could easily do so. And blood wasn't material enough to be shredded, as even the crater didn't break the bonds of demon magic Asmodeus had placed on the girl. ''And good night~'' said the primal Lust, as the pleasure if the girl was that sensitive, would make her pass out; it did help that Asmodeus sent a pulse of unconsciousness through the demonic girl via the bond of their sex. With that problem taken care of? The demon was glad that there had been a barrier just in case such mishaps of powers happened. Her focus could now return to the one that did offer resistance and coherence, the demonic count. The blonde let out a giggle, as she watched him still trying to conversely talk to her; and she noted that it took a long time for her abilities to effect him; but one gaze at him, and the Infanta understood something; that this male? Had never felt such a thing. Or rather, the body in purity had never experienced such a thing. Therefore, that meant the mind was probably not prepared, and thus couldn't as easily fall into the patterns as say, another more sexually aware being could.

The Daemon took the leash with a pleasant smile, and walked over to the male, her tongue darting out, and lapping some of the blood that had leaked out; luckily the male had gotten to the girl before she had done the entirety of her stunt, and thus it was possible, as the demon let her tongue trail for a moment. ''Ah, it seems that finally you've met with something of mine~ And don't worry, I usually do not have it at this power.. I can put it mild, where the blood rushes all over out of excitement; or just up-keyed like this, in order to get what I need you see.'' said the demon, letting out a giggle of delight, the blood disappearing inside of her delicate mouth. The demon tied the leash to her waist, and then slowly wrapped her arms around the neck of the vampire count, placing her body close to his, with a luxurious and lushious smile. ''To be fair.. I am not against working with you, never was. But forgive me, I had some pride.. I wanted to make sure you wouldn't make me a puppet head, a mere servant.'' the woman said, giving a wolfish smirk, that expression almost sexily sultry. ''But if I was not a mere servant, then I would have no objections.. after all, I need a kingdom of my own, as an Infanta, and the city of love fits the being of Lust more then fine, don't do you think?'' she said with a charming voice still.

And then she didn't think about it; she kissed the male, pushing their lips together, as her body pressed closer. It was like she was attempting to warp his mind to her will; and yet she wasn't. It was a twist and a pull, and it was almost fascinating; the demoness' body was shivering with the contact, and perhaps it would drive him nuts as well. But who would know, until he actually reacted to her? All that Asmodeus could do.. was show the door. It was he that had to walk through it, fufufu~


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