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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thunderous Winds Of The Forest Empty Thunderous Winds Of The Forest

1/13/2013, 8:06 am


It was rather a great day, the sun was shining bright as a tall, lean figure walked several steps and raised his right leg; as he raised it, and he edged it over his bike and sat down on the seat. There was no one in the area as most of the people had gone to work or were busy and as he raised his legs off the ground the steel coating of Hati closed up and activated as it identified Zedas biometric signatures. As the bike turned on the front part began to hover as a wheel formed at the back of the bike! Zeda then tilted his head forward in order to view the three hundred and sixty degree camera whilst launching into action.

In a second or two the bike shifted and began to accelerate as he approached gate of the exit, his eyes scanned around as the reiatsu scanner quickly activated. Zeda applied pressure to the left side of the bike in order to divert it into the direction; as he did so he applied more speed which leads to the bike piercing one hundred miles per hours as he pierced through the area within the housing district of Karakura and exited into the Karakura Forest.

Along the way it was rather peaceful, children played within the surrounding areas as they enjoyed the prolonged sunny days. Zeda was rather bored, he drove through the roads at high speeds that were rather impressive; after several seconds he tilted right in order to direct the bike in that direction around a large bark of an Oak Tree, he then simply drove until he saw something fun! Meanwhile he raised his head as the wind brushed past his face which gave him a rather relaxing yet an exciting sensation that shot through his body.

Today, Zeda wore different attire; it consisted of a red or brown like shirt along with trousers that were similar color which in summary looked rather cool! His shirt was short sleeved which allowed the wind the to strike his skin and give him a small rush that lead to him smirking a bit as he drove rather quickly. Above all his brown spike hair blew back and forth as the speed of the bike gradually increased…

Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Thunderous Winds Of The Forest Empty Re: Thunderous Winds Of The Forest

1/13/2013, 8:22 am
It was early in the morning, and despite having spent an hour in the park last night past midnight, he was wide awake already to see a brightly shining sun through his window. Not being the kind of person that wanted to waste hours of the day just laying in bed, because it is at times like those that his mind is haunted by the memories of the past. Hitoshi had a lot of demons inside of him, that much was certain, though the fact that he kept all of these contained the way he did was nothing short of incredible. Getting into his white shirt, jeans and black shoes, he decided that he would go outside to take a walk through the forest today. He had already been to the park that was about five hundred meters from his house during the last couple of weeks, so it was about time to make a change to his routine. Closing the door behind him, he decided to walk to the forest, rather then take the car or a bike. It would not be for about an hour until he actually reached the place, smelling the fresh forest air up in the distance. While Hitoshi got closer, he could tell that there was something inside of the forest today, because he could sense a fair amount of Spiritual pressure further up into the forest. He could tell that it was not a Hollow, so that mostly diffused the possible threat level.

As a Quincy, Hitoshi never had any problems with the sensing of spiritual pressure around him, or figuring out what kind of energy it was, having seen the energy of his mother, the energy of a fair deal of Hollows, and even some particular human powers. It made it that much easier for him to figure out that the spiritual pressure he had sensed a while ago was that of a Shinigami, having the same type of energy, her being a former Shinigami. Slowly but steadily walking over in the direction of the Spiritual pressure, he eventually walked in on the thing he had expected to find, some sort of Shinigami. Noticing the spiked brown hair and a brown and red colored attire, he did not seem like a Shinigami at all, at least not in terms of clothing, though the Spiritual pressure never lied. Wondering whether this guy would turn out to be a friend or a foe, he walked over to close the distance by standing within a ten meter radius, keeping a sufficient amount of space between them while being capable of talking to him without being hindered.

Noticing the weird type of motorcycle he was riding, he wondered if it was some new thing used by the Sereitei to allow quicker movement. Then again, they had never been much for technology, preferring to do things in a more traditional way. It would not take long before the guy would notice him too, at least that was if he was not entirely daft. Wearing his Quincy attire, he was wearing white pants, white shoes, a white jacket and a white overcoat, all with the blue lining and occasional Quincy cross pattern. Having his hood on to cover his face and silvery white hair, he was leaning against a tree, just watching the guy as he rode his weird bike through the forest. If he would approach him, Hitoshi would not make any attempts at attacking or otherwise being aggressive, for that was not the kind of person he was, unless when provoked. No, he would return the favor by speaking in the same kind of way as the guy would speak to him, trying to keep things on friendly yet superficial levels.
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Thunderous Winds Of The Forest Empty Re: Thunderous Winds Of The Forest

1/13/2013, 9:14 am

As the speed increased his motions seemed like a blur but suddenly the spiritual pressure detector identified a spiritual pressure in the area. It seemed rather strong, similar level to Zeda; he was aware that other races roamed through these areas but without hesitation or desire to wait he rotated the bike in order to head towards this individual. The vehicle began to decrypt the spiritual pressure readings in order to determine whether or not this man or women was a Arrancar, Demon or one of the sort, however Zeda merely aimed to analysed the target to determine whether or not he was a thread to Karakura, either way as he began to approach the designated location the sub atomic spiritual pressure generators began to charge up a blast!

As Sasuke arrived he began to decelerate and watch the individual, it was clear and obvious that he looked like a quincy; he hadn’t seen one of those in quite a while but either way he didn’t seem hostile in any way which relaxed the tension that built up in Zedas shoulder and allowed him to lean back into his seat as the vehicle came to a halt. His eyes then looked the man up and down, the individual had a white skin tone alongside a attire that was whiter than day itself; it was rather cool to see someone who took such pride in their appearance but either way Zeda refrained from being hasty and simple looked up to the man as he spoke out, “Hi, I supposed you’re a quincy right?” He smiled as he spoke with a relaxed tone, after a brief pause he carried on to say, “I haven’t seen a quincy in a while, am Zeda – Care to share your name?” As he spoke he fidgeted with the touch screen of the vehicle that he sat in, all he did was record the spiritual pressure readings in order to later refer to them if they were to meet again; but the spiritual pressure reading itself would be useless if it didn’t have a name to accompany it and even though this man seemed rather friendly it would be interesting to see if he shared his name with Zeda.

In the depths of the forest birds chirped as they flew around, the wind seemed rather shallow as it blew against the bike built by Zedas own hands but even though it looked cool he gathered the fact that he was close to hitting an animal on his journey here which gave him some ideas of modifications that he could perform after taking some time here!

Coding By: [THEFROST] | Graphics Part By: Ulqui
Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Thunderous Winds Of The Forest Empty Re: Thunderous Winds Of The Forest

1/14/2013, 11:22 pm
When the metallic piece of machinery came to a halt, the man asked him whether he was a Quincy or not, if he wanted to share his name with him, and that his name was Zeda. Zeda in itself seemed to be a weird name, implying that this man had no last name to go with, or just chose not to give his. “Indeed I am, the name is Hitoshi, Quincy by profession. And you are a Shinigami, correct?” he answered, seeing as the Shinigami had done the same thing, and it seemed only fair to do the same. It was incredibly hard to trick a Quincy in terms of sensing spiritual pressure, for they were by far the most in tune with the spiritual energies then most could even begin to comprehend. In particular, Hitoshi himself was not like other Quincy at all, having the kind of skills that puts him on an entirely different level then any of the others he had seen so far. Making no use of trivial artifacts such as the Quincy bow and arrow, he had his own way of dealing with things in combat, his more advanced way of fighting causing him to stand out quite a bit. It made him wonder if this guy had ever seen any Quincy before, or at that, any Quincy that were more like him, rather then the ones currently living in Karakura town. If things went well, he could ask the guy later, though he had no real intention of figuring it out just yet.

Looking at the metal bike, it seemed strange that a Shinigami would use such a means of transport, figuring it to be redundant when taking the other abilities of a reaper in consideration. Seeing as the man did not really look all that dangerous or violent, Hitoshi figured he might as well ask him about the device, rather then to keep guessing and wondering. “I wonder, why does a Shinigami ride through the forest with a piece of machinery like that, when you have the ability to hover and levitate. Isn’t a place like this forest much nicer to just stroll through simply by walking?” he asked him, wondering why he could not act like the stereotype undercover Shinigami and had to ride in a certain kind of style. It was not a style that truly caught him, for this was not really something he was really into at all. As long as his feet could take him somewhere, he would have no need for things such as cars, boats or airplanes. He was a Quincy, and he was capable enough at what he did to have no need for those types of transport. Taking off his hood, it would allow the Shinigami to see his bright blue eyes and mid length silvery white hair.

Taking a closer look at the piece of machinery, it seemed to be able of fulfilling multiple purposes, and was run by some kind of computerized mechanism. He wouldn’t lie, it was an interesting thing to see, though he personally didn’t really see the point to such devices. “I may be old fashioned, but I believe that even though Technology is slowly taking over the world, it’s some of the oldest things in this world that allow us all to survive. Take for example this tree here, it provides us with the oxygen we humans need in order to breathe, while they are cut down by the hundred just so furnaces can be fueled to make new machines… like yours. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I hate technology, I just hate industrialism” he claimed, after which he let out a deep sigh. Hitoshi’s opinion was always out there, never really taking the time to cover his mouth or not say what he was feeling about a certain subject, not even for the touchy ones.
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Thunderous Winds Of The Forest Empty Re: Thunderous Winds Of The Forest

1/29/2013, 10:30 am


Suddenly Zedas eyes casually looked at the man before him who was dressed in a white attire; this individual seemed unimpressed by Zedas bike although this man seemed rather old fashioned so it wasn’t unusual to see such a reaction. But firstly the man replied to Zeda as he formally spoke out “Indeed I am, the name is Hitoshi, Quincy by profession. And you are a Shinigami, correct? I wonder, why does a Shinigami ride through the forest with a piece of machinery like that, when you have the ability to hover and levitate. Isn’t a place like this forest much nicer to just stroll through simply by walking?” Zedas eyes looked back and forth constantly switching from his bike and the man at which point he replied rather casually, “It looks cool; although I haven’t fought a quincy in a while” the last few words of the sentence weren’t meant to be aggressive or offensive in any way to the quincy but moments later the individual spoke out once again,

“I may be old fashioned, but I believe that even though Technology is slowly taking over the world, it’s some of the oldest things in this world that allow us all to survive. Take for example this tree here, it provides us with the oxygen we humans need in order to breathe, while they are cut down by the hundred just so furnaces can be fueled to make new machines… like yours. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I hate technology, I just hate industrialism”

This man had indeed a good point although Zeda had a theory to simply back his side up as he quickly replied, “Don’t worry this machine wasn’t made from any trees and I myself aid the environment” Zeda took a simple pause to point at the vehicle and carry on talking, “See my vehicle works of carbon dioxide as it has a high speed chloro respirator quotient which converts the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in order to generate more useful products such as oxygen; on top of this, the heat generated from the machine acts in as a form of ammonia which allows the nutrients in the ground to multiply at a much faster rate in order to allow the production of plants to speed up. So I suppose this is rather environmentally friendly… ” Zeda came to the end of his descriptive speech as he looked at the quincy who seemed to be on the similar strength level to Zeda which prompted a question that Zeda quickly presented, “Would you like a spar?” he asked rather inquisitively yet enthusiastically in order to bring forth a challenge that would allow these two individuals to test their strength against one another; after all this man seemed friendly enough to take part in a spar.

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Thunderous Winds Of The Forest Empty Re: Thunderous Winds Of The Forest

2/2/2013, 9:45 pm
“You want to spar?” Hitoshi asked, wondering if the guy was sure about his words. Hitoshi was not one for spars, for most of his fights had left himself wounded and the enemy near death. It was not really his fault, it was just that his powers were not really meant for casual sparring, made rather to inflict wounds that would soon lead to defeat or even death. Hollow, Arrancar, Demons and even Shinigami, all had tried to defeat him in combat, yet so far all had failed in doing so. Most had not been able to land a single hit on him, though a select few had been able to scar him. Being a man of honor, after healing the wounds he had sustained, he kept a slight scar to remind him of the one that had been capable of wounding him, for they had taken hits that were far more terrible then what they had been able to do to him. Hitoshi was just a human, and a human body was not as resilient as the body of a spiritual being, especially in the material world. When in a spiritual world however, this was no longer the case, for the world around him would become somewhat of a shield and sword for him. It would not change all that much for him, though it evened out the playground just a bit more, at least that was what he chose to believe. When he thought about it, some of the questions and answers provided by this guy had more or less given him the idea that his intention had been to ask him for this spar all along, a funny thought indeed.

“Before I sign up for sparring of any kind, I would like to explain a couple of things to you. First of all, i’d like to go somewhere else if we are going to fight. I’d like to keep this forest in one piece you see, which actually takes me to the next point. My powers are not.. meant for sparring, they have been created to destroy. When we do fight, please realize that if I do release this power, bad things are bound to happen.” It was nothing that had not been said before, though it was the first time he warned something about the brunt of his power before hand. His strongest release, the Quincy Vollstandich, had the power to not only destroy all forms of spiritual energy, it also had the power to bend and manipulate them entirely. This meant as much as it explained, because it meant that he could completely destroy spiritual beings with it and make them part of his arsenal as he had been forced to do so many times before. He did not like killing, so the least thing he could do before absorbing the particles that made up the bodies was letting their souls go into the spiritual cycle. It was truly the least he could do to make up for crushing them and ending their life, though most had sought death on their own by ignoring his warnings. Sometimes, warnings fell on deaf ears, leading to inevitable fighting, bloodshed and eventually death, for that was the way of the world.

With a flick of his wrist, a mass of shadows formed at his feet, reaching up roughly two meters from the ground. When one would take the time to stare into the howling darkness, one would be able to see the white sands of Hueco Mundo’s vast deserts on the inside. Just like any dim witted person would have figured out by now, this shadows were a portal that would take them from the Material world, straight into the world of Hollow. Making a gesture as if to say “follow me” without needing words, he stepped into the shadows that would transport him to the world of the Hollow in less then a second. When he stepped out, he would wait for the other guy to choose to follow him, taking his time to scan the area with his own senses. He could sense some presences, though none of them were really going to be a problem for him or for the Shinigami, most Hollow did not plan on rushing to their deaths when they did not have to, being much smarter then what most people would give them credit for. Now, he would just wait for Zeda to step into the area, hearing what he had to say about the warning he had given him.
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