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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:50 am
Time: January 2nd, 2413. 12:00PM CST Time

Artist: GoRA×GoHands - Song: Suoh MiKoto - Word Count: 1478
While most believed this was going to end up being a average, cloudy and overall cold winter day within the depths of Karakura's outskirts; fate had other plans in store for this section of the infamous metropolis. There was a storm on the horizon, and it's intensity burned with the same red hot fervor as the center of the sun's core itself. Thus, as the skies began to break apart in the skies above Karakura, nobody could foresee just how rapidly the horizons were going to change throughout the landscape. As closer towards the city limits, the very temperatures within this section of the city had began to rise very quickly. In a matter of minutes, the scenery had changed from a frigid winter landscape, to something which resembled late spring with it's warm and muggy atmosphere. Something supernatural was obviously at work, but the master behind this work had felt far bare any sort of ill-will against the inhabits of this spiraling concrete jungle.

In fact, if anyone had a decent control of their perception of spiritual energies, they become swiftly aware of just who this person might be and know this source would be a very familiar face throughout Karakura Central, if not the the entire globe itself. Now, with footsteps in the distance of the entrance into this massive city, there had been a man appearing to come from the horizons of somewhere great beyond. And with his presence? Man, did it ever bring a strong sense of power, will and pure flare behind it. As, if one were to look a few miles outward, they could detect nothing from this individual. This guy's entire aura was completely blazing. In fact, his spiritual power was so phenomenal that it might just possible rival the likes of one of Karakura Central's greatest protectors: Shadin Yuudeshi. Therefore, if people were to put all of these facts together with the hazy outlook of this fiery daze, they would know just who had made his grand return to the city of Karakura.

Sporting a confident smirk across his face, a somewhat muscular man with spiked red hair had began to pass through the entrance gates that would lead him further into the city. Without the need for any sort of identification, he bypassed all the traffic, security guards, citizens and others who would look in astonishment at who they had just seen for the first time in many months; if not a year. Making it to where with each set of eyes that had spotted this man, the more clear his features would become. If anyone had happened to be within the vicinity now, they'd get a clearer look at just what this distinct man was wearing. For someone of such high status, he appeared to be wearing a pair of regular-style, blue jeans that fit nicely around his body frame and went together nicely with a set of black boots he had recently acquired. As more looks at his upper body began to become more apparent, he was also seen wearing a basic white t-shirt that had complimented his muscular figure quite dashingly in his own opinion. Furthermore, it was easy to stylize with a lengthy black coat that had a fur covered hood and a very sacred necklace attached to the man's neck.

But, alas, the jist of his physical appearance had been foreseen by others at this point. Now was the time to unveil just who he really was. Hence, it was time to make his debut back into the very city he had sworn to protect alongside the Karakura Defenders so many hundreds of years ago. Chuckling a bit, the man would stop after he had gotten to a certain point to allow the well-known spiritual energies that were converging on this area to give him a proper getting back to his stomping grounds. It was time that the likes of Zin Yuudeshi had made his return to the place that he called home for so many years of his existence. As such, he would then stare idly into the clouds above him as he would think back to his reasons for every leaving this truly wonderful city. And, as a result, he would dwell into the confines of his mind and discover great assurance in his decision. While the world may have gone into further parallel throughout the previous year, he felt very at peace with himself after spending so many countless days, weeks and months in solitude with himself in order to forgo an amazing change within himself.

This change had brought about a great outward alteration of his bodies appearances. While he had the shape of rather young teenager, similar to his older brother, Shadin Yuudeshi, it seems that the intense amount of training he had placed himself through had manifested itself on a physical level and shifted the transformation of Zin's inner being to match his outer being. Furthermore, he had acquired a greater knowledge of his Zanpakutō well during his secluded training sessions and self-discovery. This had forged a closer bond between the two of them, and as a result, brought Zin's powers to a level where he could fully feel in charge as The King of Vizards. Likewise, it goes without saying that he has brought his Vizard prowess to a similar level as well. At this point? Heh, he could pretty much be considered one of the few Vizards in existence that had the capacity to wield the attributes of a Shinigami, Hollow AND Arrancar in one harmonized body. Making him a further force to be dealt with in the helms of combat with his new found sense of self.

Yet, all the same, he knew that all of this preparation was going to be needed in order to actually put his potential to good use. These abilities had been a long time in the making for Zin, but it was time to finally use them to protect the ones he had cared about and promised to defend. With the outlook of the world so grim these days, he felt that it was most likely time for a hero to rise. Could he consider himself to be that force? Well, heh, that very well may be a possible for him. The amount of willpower he had stored within himself, in his mind, and others as well, could very well lead an entire army of super powered freaks behind them. Leading them closer and closer towards the halls of victory; no matter how dark the outcome may appear to be or how overwhelming the odds may be. It's why he was quite unphased by the changes in the Vizard Corps he had heard about in his travels. So long as there was someone still willing to pick up the fight, this war would not be over by a long shot. Even if they had temporarily seized control of the great good, such as what he had dealt with in the case of Ender dominating the Soul Society, someone even stronger will appear to the take place of those who have lost and gone on to carry their flame of triumphant valor through the halls of darkness that echo throughout this maddening world.

Thence, in light of this philosophy Zin had about the world, he felt it was finally time to awaken to the world around him and be reunited with the ones he cares deeply about. He wishes to see the changes within Karakura Central, he hopes to see great growth in his fellow Vizard Corps members, he desires to establish solid contact the likes of the Yuudeshi Clan and he is itching to get back into the halls of combat. And so, accordingly to the flow of Zin's life's rhythm, he had welcomed Karakura Central with open arms as he had cracked a smile at seeing such a familiar sight still standing after his many journeys throughout the strange, twisted and barren world that we happen to call Earth. "Heh, I suppose it's time we see what our fire has lit a blaze in the hearts of our comrades, eh Nometsu?" Muttered Zin aloud as he pondered this question to himself and braced himself for the many incoming persons whom were descending upon his vicinity with great speed.

The time for a reunion of good had arrived at last. Where would this meeting take everyone and everything that would be near such a gathering of beings? No one was quite sure. However, nobody could doubt that this would be very beneficial to the well beings of those who had desired to protect this world and all those who decide to inhabit it in a peaceful coexistence.

Thus, it is time for the Chronicles of Zin to resume once again

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Sat Jan 26, 2013 2:51 pm

Zeda yawned as a cold radiant breeze pushed against his face; his red hair brushed side to side along with his captains Haori at which point he sensed a rather strong spiritual pressure. A spiritual pressure that he hadn’t felt in a long time although it was rather easy to distinguish due to the size and strength of it. The atmosphere was rather dull and depressing as the dark gloomy clouds hovered above the morning sky which didn’t particularly put Zeda in the best of moods but the spiritual pressure he had only recently sensed got him hooked.

Without time to spare he turned to face east from his current location at which point he edged his body to the side and vanished into the thin air in order to reach the destination in the least possible time. Throughout the last year or so this man had left everything behind in order to train and hone his true power although he was really strong prior to his departure; Zeda wasn’t aware of his return but even still he was rather exited to see him once again. His eyes looked keen as they analysed the outskirts of karakura in order to determine his precise location throughout the duration of his flash step. Zedas red spiky hair fled back and forth as he rushed towards the designated area, the closer he got to the man’s location the clearer he sensed the spiritual pressure which allowed him to determine the accurate signatures which allowed him to clearly determine the location.

Several moments later, Zedas feet touched the ground as they generated a gust of dust that engulfed his body at which point the greatest vizard of all time stood before him; the man had his back to Zeda but either way the individual would be able to sense the arrival rather clearly and possibly identify this young individual. The distance between the tall man and Zeda was around fifteen feet; Zedas eyes widened as he couldn’t believe what he was looking at, eventually he grinned as he took another step forward at which point he called out to the individual in the hope of catching his attention if he hadn’t already done so, “Welcome back pops; how was your trip?” his eyes flicked from one part of the vizard to another as he awaited a response.

Beyond the horizon some form of storm was growing but eventually Zeda tilted his head upwards in order to analyse the sky that didn’t seem as depressing anymore, at which point Zeda lowered his head and raised his hands from the depths of his pockets. It was good to see Zins return after all the legend of vizard corps and the head of the Yuudeshi family would finally take his place back and defend the Karakura district once again; but in summary Zeda felt some sort of a relief to see this man once again, it was rather a great reunion.

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:00 pm




As he stared out of the window, thinking to himself, the vizard's eyes narrowed. He had a funny feeling; something was definitely up. He looked to the sky, his eyes narrowing as he stood up from his desk. "Fish darnit." He muttered to himself, as he suddenly seemed to vanish from the spot, reappearing on the head of the building through his secret tunnel on the surface of Karakura. The storm was above the city now, thanks to the approaching presence which the vizard could feel entering the front gates, the absolutely massive power the being was giving off. However, Colin himself was now a defender of Karakura; and if someone was going to mess with the sky then he was going to have to say something about it, friend or foe.

"THE WEATHER FORECAST…" He said, throwing back a hand as a massive amount of air began forming in the blade that he held there. "WAS CLEAR SKIES!" He roared, throwing back his arm as he released the wind collected around the blade, as a massive wave of air shot up into the sky, simply massive in size as it shot upwards, barely missing Sukai Karakura as it impacted the red skies above the Vizard, the red circling around the energy as the wind dragged it off of the cities' sky, as the Eagle God placed his blade at his side, quickly placing it in his sheathe.

"I swear…" He muttered, as he smiled, looking up into the sky as the blade at his side changed into a set of claws, almost talon-like. More importantly, on his back formed a beatiful pair of emerald wings, as Colin's back flapped, shooting him high up into the clear skies he has just made himself. He spun around, his cybernetic eyes quickly spotting the man on the horizons, narrowing his eyes slightly as he suddenly vanished from where he was in the sky, his very particles seeming to shoot forwards.

And then, he appeared, standing within the entrance to Karakura, his right boot stepping down as he landed on the ground, stepping in front of the man as another spoke to him, the tilly hat on his back floating back a bit. "Sorry, but the weather forecast didn't mention raining fireballs… but more importantly. Tell me first, are you the one named Zin Yuudeshi? And if you are, then answer me this: What is my favorite food?" He asked, slightly smirking. He truly believed that it was the King, but there was just one problem with the whole thing.

There was no record of Zin looking like this man; either his head had been dipped in blood and his hair cut, as well as building his muscles, or else he had finally stopped smoking so much crack. Colin, however, highly doubted the second. He wondered if Zin realized that Colin would have had to ask this, as not just ANYONE could be the Vizard King. He fully expected Zin to reply that he was, indeed, Zin Yuudeshi; but there was always that chance. That chance that Zin would mess with him and say that he wasn't who he was, just to f#ck with Colin. But yaknow what… He thought to himself, his right hand reaching back and exposing his talons as he gripped his tilly hat, before placing it firmly on his head, smiling as he looked up at Zin.

That'd be more proof then anything else imaginable.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha


Sun Jan 27, 2013 11:30 pm
Jaeden Crow the rookie Vizard among the lot, the skies from his direction seemed to be well lighting seemed to loom in the distance where he was, he was still getting a handle on somethings that had been well off since that fight with Zefonse. Jaeden was known to never back down, never give up and never surrender. Believe it or not fight fans when he lost his duel with the monster, he didn't really seem to be caring about the loss of his job as a Captain. Jaeden had tremendous gift, that most people his age wouldn't have in several years of training. He was young and this made him gifted in ways that others couldn't begin to fathom. So the skies were raining fire, hm that's an interesting entrance very flashy. Jaeden dropped his reiatsu, he decided to investigate this little scene now. After all wouldn't hurt anything would it to look into the upcoming arrival of such a powerful man. A vizard for sure, his eyes looked on at the skies now. Those all seeing orbs seemed to grab the information without mercy.

Jaeden stepped forward, before vanishing he arrived on seen. His frame dressed in just some of his regular clothing. The crimson haired man was someone that he could tell almost upon looking was important, yeah this guy was a big deal. Damien-san had the same feeling, he could remember it. They had seen things that he couldn't fathom in a million years, even his fight with Zefonse was childish when held up next to it. " are him..Zin Yuudashi..." Jaeden had several gifts, he could instantly tell for some reason who this man was. He'd met Shadin and the Yuudashi clan had this effect on his eyes, so to speak. He could see greatness, nothing else that could be given an idea to word them. They were greatness, his eyes moved to Zeda. Him he knew due to his forefather, The One Armed Beast of his clan, the former leader Damien. "Zeda-San, Captain of Squad Nine if I am not mistaken...Damien-San informed me of things going on..My master has a habit of keeping me in the loop on things.."

Colin-san was here as well, he owed him alot Colin-san was perhaps the only reason he'd been given his job to lead Sector One. He didn't know much about the human world at all, if anything he almost got lost constantly. It was something that drove him absolute insane too, the humans were so very different from everything else he'd ever seen. But his eyes of crimson remained on Zin, Zeda would be there sooner or later. But he'd arrived after a question had been asked. This wasn't exactly his thing either, Jaeden Crow a name that would go down in history someday perhaps. But for now he was happy just being alive and seeing what this man brought.
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Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:08 am
Time: January 2nd, 2413. 12:00PM CST Time

Artist: GoRA×GoHands - Song: IKari - Word Count: 1335
It seems that the flock was gathering around him. Cracking a smirk at this, it made Zin feel a sense of pride to see all of the protectors of Karakura steadily beginning to converge on the area. This was because it meant that their senses were still sharp as a blade, their minds had not forgotten what it feels like to be in the presence of The King of Vizards and it ultimately meant that everyone still alive. So, with that said, he figured the first one of these spiritual pressures to arrive would most likely be one not too distant from his own...Zeda Yuudeshi. It appeared that his son would be one of the first arrive on the scene. And, as a father, he was curious to see what he had been up to until this point. After hearing stories about him becoming Captain of Squad Nine in the Gotei 13, it was time to see what he made of himself. In fact, just by feeling out the energy which radiated throughout Zeda's being, it was already made all too clear that he definitely experienced a jump in power since the last time he had seen his son.

Thus, when the new fond Captain had touched down not too far from Zin, he had turned his general body direction around to greet him. Giving a lazy wave towards his son, he gave an all too casual greeting to him that meant everything was going to be ok from this point onward. Meaning, through body language alone, it was clear that he was still in tact mentally and ready to take charge in this new day. Though, he was rather curious about the change in his offspring's appearance. Prior to him leaving, he had recalled that Zeda previously had mostly short, but spiked black hair. Now, with this new introduction to his son, it became probable that he had endured his own share of change throughout the year. As, in Zin's mind, there was no doubt that he probably had questions about The Vizard King's own radical change. "Heh, it's been quite awhile since I've seen this familiar face. Yet, it looks like you've done some growing, Zeda my boy." Putting his hands in his pockets, The Corps Leader had a better chance to really see his son's power up close.

"Hell, you even picked up on my own transcendence and decided to go through a growth spurt yourself. Look at you." He added, chuckling once more before taking a soft glance to the west of him. Picking up on the energy signatures of Colin Washi, it seemed that his faithful Co-Leader of the Vizard Corps would arrive here shortly. This meant that things were going to get more and more interesting as the day progressed; turning into an amusing outing to say the very least of this gathering of heroes. Therefore, before he would arrive, he'd attempt a shot at some more one-on-one conversation with his son. "I've heard you've even become Captain of Squad time during my leave. If so, I'm proud of ya for getting that under your belt. You should be teaching those goons in the Soul Society how the Yuudeshi Clan operates things, am I right?" Showcasing an entertained smile, it was rather obvious that Zin was happy to see his son was progressing so well and making his mark in both the world and The Yuudeshi Clan.

Then, after the exchange between the father and son had ended, the entrance of Colin Washi made Zin turn his head towards the general vicinity of the Vizard Corps Co-Head with another smirk seen across his face. "Come now, the exterior may have changed, but Colin, my dear mate, it's still the same man whom has called the Corps home since his youth." Lifting his head upwards, Zin seemed to emanate a cool, but humorous aura about himself as he was speaking with his comrade. "And what's with the wacky questions? Come on, come on. I know since you are a bird, it's obvious that worm food is the only thing that can satisfy a hunger such as yours." Cracking a lightheaded joke, it was apparent that he still retained his good sense of banter, despite his lengthy leave. "All jokes aside, it's good to see you've maintained the place the way you have in the past year. I've been hearing all sorts of rumors about all the clashes you have been in and it's a refreshing to see how well you have managed yourself until this point."

Shifting from Colin's attention for a moment, his keen senses would pick up on the presence of Jaeden Crow entering into the area. This aura felt rather unknown to him, but from what he was able to sense naturally, it didn't seem like he'd be much of a threat at the moment. There was no malicious intent behind his action, so he'd allow for him to converge on the meeting for the time being. Paying attention to his dialogue with Zeda, he insinuated that he had somehow had some form of an acquaintanceship with his son. If this was to be the case, then he'd lower his guard somewhat as he figured his boy was more then capable of handling his own business. So, in any case, he figured it was about time to address the man. "Aye, I am Zin Yuudeshi." He said, nodding his head to confirm who is identity is. Sheesh, if this keeps up, his new appearance will most likely have him repeating that phrase over and over throughout the next few days. 'Tis going to be quite a pain for him as he gets back in sync with Karakura Central and resumes more frequent contact with more of his friends and family.

Rubbing his chin once again, he figured it might be time to move this party elsewhere. With a gathering of these exponentially strong spiritual beings condensed into one location, perhaps the best choice of location to head would most likely be the Vizard Corps. At least there, he could rally up the troops to announce his return in more triumph and get an accurate summary of everything that has occurred, which was of importance, on Earth up until this point in time.

There was no doubt in his mind that he was going to need to divulge information about the varying findings he has discovered throughout the Earth's wastelands, the potential Vizards have in terms of advancing their powers, adjusting the whole situation with Shadow Fall and most likely waging war against the Monsuta sometime this year to at least have a shot at easing their clench over the continent of Australia. So, bearing these thoughts in mind, The Corps Leader would take a few glances at everyone assembled and chuckle yet again.

"So, with all you gathered here, shall we carry on our home?" Nudging his head downward, there was n o doubt in his mind that they would get the message. It was about time to make a move towards the Underground of Karakura and assemble at the Vizard Corps. "Heh, a meeting like this only comes every so often. Wouldn't it be rude not to include our friends in on this?" Stomping his foot down on the ground, a portal would rip open in the ground five feet ahead of Zin and from it would emerge an image of the Vizard Corps Entrance. "Besides, I'd like a more secluded location to be brought up to date with all the events that have happened in my absence. And, in my mind, there is just no better place to do that then the last thing I saw in Karakura Central: The Vizard Corps." Cracking his neck a bit, The Vizard King would take a few steps to get closer to the portal and exchange more looks with the men gathered around him one more time.

"What say you? Feel like taking a trip to the underground?"

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Fri Feb 01, 2013 12:25 pm


As Zeda spoke out the tall red headed King Of The Vizards turned his body in order to face Zeda at which point the two began to exchange some rather memorable words. It had been a while, possibly far too long in Zedas view but his father’s departure urged him to improve his skills simply to live up to the expectations of the Yuudeshi Family. Firstly his father began by warmly greeting Zeda; his radical voice calmly escaped into the atmosphere as he spoke out to say, "Heh, it's been quite awhile since I've seen this familiar face. Yet, it looks like you've done some growing, Zeda my boy." As he spoke Zeda began to feel the presence of other people that were all quickly approaching the area where both Zeda and Zin stood but out of the two spiritual pressure signatures Zeda could only identify Colin who was a rather strong vizard and the faithful co-leader of the vizard corps. As Zin spoke, Zedas face seemed to light up as he was rather delighted to see his father once again at which point he simply grinned as he listened to Zin speak, "Hell, you even picked up on my own transcendence and decided to go through a growth spurt yourself. Look at you. I've heard you've even become Captain of Squad time during my leave. If so, I'm proud of ya for getting that under your belt. You should be teaching those goons in the Soul Society how the Yuudeshi Clan operates things, am I right?".

Suddenly Zeda felt rather acknowledged and happy of the fact that his father was proud of him; to any individual being complimented tends to be a rather amazing feeling, but even more so being complimented by the strongest vizard of all plus the man who served as the head of the Yuudeshi family and was indeed Zedas father; his eyes glanced around as his mood completely changed at which point his lips began to part as Colin Washi touched down into the area. It seemed that this was getting rather eventful. The skinny individual seemed same as ever, brown eyes: small nose: a t-shirt and jeans, his appearances was un-mistakable but what fascinated Zeda was what Colin had said the instant he had arrived which to Zeda sounded something like, “Sorry, but the weather forecast didn't mention raining fireballs… but Tell me first, are you the one named Zin Yuudeshi? And if are, this: What is my favorite food?” although what Zin said seemed rather clear to Zeda, he remained phased by the compliment and therefore only picked up few of the words spoke out by Colin but almost instantly after realising his eyes diverted themselves in order to glanced at the tremendous Vizards as he launched his ears into gear to pick up anything else that was to be said.

Instantaneously Zeda kept track of the other individual that was approaching this area; it was rather a mystery to who this individual was but either way there must be a reason to why he had chosen to come to this area a this specific point in time. But even though Zeda wanted to remain tuned into the conversation between both Zin and Colin, his attention was diverted to sensing the approaching individual’s strength that seemed to be around Zedas level although his spiritual pressure wasn’t a match for any of the two vizards that stood before him. By the time Zeda phased back into their conversation it seemed that the questioned asked by Colin was swiftly answered "Come on, come on. I know since you are a bird, it's obvious that worm food is the only thing that can satisfy a hunger such as yours." Zeda smiled as his lips parted and spoke out to Colin as he exclaimed, “Nice to see you Colin” there was a simply reason to why Zeda didn’t speak before, it was simply to refrain from being rude and not allowing his father to reply to his friend so as Zeda came to the end of his sentence he heard Zin speak out one again as he said, All jokes aside, it's good to see you've maintained the place the way you have in the past year. I've been hearing all sorts of rumors about all the clashes you have been in and it's a refreshing to see how well you have managed yourself until this point." there was a lot of truth to that although neither Zeda or Zin witnessed the fight, Zeda still felt sorry for the individuals that would ever cross paths with any of these vizard gods.

Moments later the third individual finally came into the vicinity at which point Zedas eyes quickly pinned onto him and looked him up and down but almost instantly he knew that this man was no threat, he didn’t know how but he simply felt that this man wouldn’t cause any hassle. As the man arrived he quickly asked whether or not the individual with the red hair that stood quite a distance from Zeda was the Zin Yuudeshi at which point Zin calmly yet smoothly acknowledge the man as he exclaimed that he was indeed Zin. With time to spare the individual spoke out to Zeda as he said, "Zeda-San, Captain of Squad Nine if I am not mistaken...Damien-San informed me of things going on..My master has a habit of keeping me in the loop on things..". This alone relaxed the tention that built up in Zedas feet, his eyes looked up at the sky then back at the new arrival as he nodded and replied to the man, “Indeed, am Zeda” he smiled warmly as his eyes flicked back to Zin. Throughout his sentence Zeda was intrigued by the fact that Captain Damien was this individual’s master, a figure that Zeda hadn’t had in a while.

Zin then began to divert his attention to reuniting everyone in a form of a meeting at which point a form of his power became visible; the moment he stepped onto the ground a wide portal formed beneath his feet that spread across a large radius. Within seconds Zin exchanged looks with Zeda, Colin and the other individual at which point he ended by asking, "What say you? Feel like taking a trip to the underground?". Zeda was rather excited at which point he took two steps towards the portal and with both a clear and happy mind he stepped over the portal that would take him within the depths of the underground, deep into the Vizard Corps base.

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:39 pm




The Eagle God smiled, knowing that only the Vizard King would be absle to come up with something like that. "To be fair, this eagle prefers the salty taste of seafood." He admitted, although he was sure it was Zin by now. As he stood there, his gaze began to change, as his gaze suddenly turned blank for a moemnt. "There. Your files have been updated on the Yuudehsi Network… and people are commenting on it… If you wanna look at the comments I'll link it to the grid in your office." He explained simply, shaking his head as his gaze returned to normal once again.

"More importantly… Some things have been happening since you left." Colin explained, as his gaze began to become downcast. However, He allowed Zin to speak with all of the people he needed to, before blinking and looking at the Garganta. With a smile, his wings extended, reaching their maximum length, careful not to touch anyone around the Eagle God as he simply flapped them.

As he did so, light seemed to have done something wrong as only small pieces of the image where he was standing vanished, as if mere lines of himself that slowly dissipated into nothingness. He quickly descended once again back to where he had been, his body reappearing all blurred on the other side of the Garganta, appearing in the same weird way he had disappeared, nearly in the same instance as when he had vanished.

A single hand was on his tilly hat, a smile on his face as he held it before his eyes, unsure of how he felt. He guess he felt… relieved? He wasn't entirely certain. The one thing he did know was that Zin had been the only person that had ever really been like a senior figure to him; when he really thought about it, Ravana spent most of his energies with his girlfriend, and never really did anything stealth-like. However, Zin had always been open, and actually gave two s#its about the Corps.

He looked up at the portal, waiting for Zin to step through. "Things have… Changed." He spoke simply, the smile vanishing as the hat drooped down, following along with the smile on his face. "The Organizations of shadowfall and K-World have been taking over more and more territory around the planet. Their numbers have grown immensely… But more importantly, they are completely without check." He explained, breathing out slowly.

"I have done battle with the being known as Mana Mana, the group's leader. She was able to nearly slow ME down…" He explained, his gaze greatly dropping as he remembered the massive amounts of waste and devastation that Mana had caused. "Oh. There is one other bit of news." He spoke, looking up at Zin.

"This will probably interest you." He began, throwing out his right hand as a picture appeared in it, of a strange man with green hair. "According to my younger brother Nathan, Stefan has become the new leader of the Monsuta. You may remember him from the Vizard War, where I incapacitated him. We don't know of Hakai's current whereabouts… It seems he has simply vanished." He finished, falling quiet once again, putting the hat back on his head.

"I know this isn't the kind of stuff you want to hear right now, but I wanted to get it out of the way before, well…" he was cut off, turning his head as suddenly a little pink stuffed bear burst through the door, raising up a hand. "THE VIZARDS ARE COMING! THE VIZARDS ARE COMING!" It said in a mediumly high pitched voice, before alling down with its face, going completely unconcoius as a sudden clamor was heard, before Colin held up a hand, people looking in the door. He waved his hand down, getting instant quiet as he began to speak, the words creating a massive clamor among the men, who all began to whoop and cheer at the top of their lungs as a result.



Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha


Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:46 pm
Jaeden merely stood and listened, he wasn't recovered yet from his fight with the monster people called Zefonse, the creature wasn't normal and one thing was sure. Jaeden wouldn't bow before him, this was the facts and he wouldn't let go till he at the very least did his best in life. He seemed to go into a train of thought, allowing these people to do their thing. His eyes which were of such a legendary stature that some people forgot about them from time to time. Jaeden could feel Seiryu, the weapon was his greatest friend and most trusted companion. Though now their were two of them here, the blade and of course the hollow. Whom he remembered taking control of during his training, he just wanted to test something and had lost control. He couldn't remember much about it, but that was the past he may as well of begun living in the future. Jaeden didn't know much about the man Zin, he'd met Shadin before. However all he could do was humbly move forward, walking one step closer towards his future perhaps. Jaeden had come here for a job and well it was the only place he would go.

Jaeden walked forward quietly, his eyes remaining stone like as he continued to process everything that was going on, this had been the product of a poor situation. Little more could be said, he was the product of what happens when one crosses swords with someone who is out of their league. Jaeden however did believe he could become stronger, perhaps someday he would.
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