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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event] Empty A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event]

Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:43 pm

Song: Pokemon G/S Remix - Artist: Game Corner
Character Name: Shatari Yuudeshi - Word Count: 1555

Well, wasn't this a fucked day for the likes of Shatari Yuudeshi. She had expected to have a typical day to go to school in order to catch up with her friends, play in an awesome concert later on in the evening, get some good grub in the cafeteria, fool around after class and essentially just do whatever it is teenagers these days like to do for fun. Yet, it seems that the mistress of fate had other plans for Shatari today. Oh, no, no, no! Instead of having a regular day with some much anticipation activities, the whole damned school had been attacked by demon's. It did not take long for someone like Shatari, who was spiritually aware of supernatural being, to pick up on just what was occurring all around her. After all, her family made a damn good name for itself fighting against the likes of these for over four hundred years. When the sky had changed from a gorgeous sunny blue, to a dim and blood filled dark red; she knew just what time it was and ordered everyone in her class room to take cover after the initial round of explosions throughout the school.

Shit, she would be the only one in this class who had any spiritual capacity to fight back against these beings what so ever. With a gruff sigh, The Yuudeshi Clanswoman would check her inventory to see just what would assist her and what was going on. Thus, one of the first items she would pull out was a communicating device. This was just something simple in order to send messages through cyberspace, check streams throughout the internet and essentially attempt to see what was occurring on the outside world. As, thanks to the training she had received form her parents, she at least had a keen sense to know when some sort of displacement or barrier had been enacted. Logic would dictate that if this place had fallen under attack, all hell would be unleashed from the opposing side with all the super powered freaks that call Karakura Central it's home; such as when she had been apart in her own adventure to ward off Karakura Highschool from a smaller invasion of demon's many weeks ago. But, despite that, she couldn't even sense some of the presence of the citizens from Karakura Central.

Luckily for her, however, this device was built by the Yuudeshi Clan. With it? They could keep contact with each other; even through alternate dimensions, which this faction of people are clearly familiar with; as the creation of the Imaginary District back in Karakura Central was a testament to that. Thus, as she was surfing the information super highway, she was getting reports that they were indeed under attack and that assistance could not come because of some sort of displacement occurring with the school through different dimensional layers by a very power entity and militia attacking the school. It did appear to most on the stream that the likes of Shadow Fall was attacking, so it must obviously be some sort of smaller faction acting on it's own. Or at least, that's what Shatari would hope the case would be. She couldn't begin to imagine the headache of trying to go against that sort organization by herself.

In any case, she was probably going to need to act soon as she could hear them getting closer and closer to her vicinity. Glancing back at her confused, scared and powerless classmates; Shatari could only suck her teeth and mutter a curse about this whole situation that she was so violently tossed into. Swiftly thinking of the best solution to keep sure that everyone was safe, she had ran to the middle of the classroom, stomped her foot on the title and started dispelling any signs of fear that her peers may have. She had no choice, with the teacher suddenly pulling a vanishing act before the class could even start, she was going to take full control of this situation and she was going lead her classmates to safety. "EVERYONE, stand down!" She commanded, rising her energy to give off a flare of purple light and to instill attention towards solely herself. With everyone becoming aware of her shouting, they had turned towards the the new authoritative figure in the room as they were swiftly silenced.

"It's quite obvious that we are dealing with the likes of demon's. I already confirmed that by being able to reach the outside world and it's apparent that they are attacking this school with some sort of displacement barrier." Pointing outside with a composed expression written across her face, she had to really wonder if they had been transported into Demon World for all these beasts to be able to swarm the school at once. "I believe we probably got swapped between worlds or dimensions; as I can't sense anyone from Karakura Central at all. So, with any outside help pretty much abandoned, I can only try to fend these creatures off and see if I can get some help from other empowered 'folks in this school." Making it clear that she possessed otherworldly powers, Shatari had brief sparks of electricity spark all throughout her body to showcase that she meant serious business. "Therefore, I'm going to ask that you follow me, but I will protect you!" Digging in her pocket, she had pulled out a small circular device with a slight grin on her face.

"I'm going to place you guys inside of this little ball here and I'm certain it will be able to shelter you until I can figure out a way out of this place." With blood being spewed onto the windows from below, most of the students shirked and then looked towards Shatari with a worried face before giving a nod. "Yea, I doubt you were gonna argue with that logic, unless you had wished to be killed by those bastards." Grimly chuckling, Shatari had countered around twenty two students in her classroom and figured it would be enough to store. Not wasting another ounce of time, she pointed the object at her class members and seemly teleported them inside of the nifty little gadget. When, in truth, the item in question actually breaks down the atoms of any object it comes into contact with, from the owner's permission, stores it inside of the device and keeps all of Shatari's stuff organized inside of it by displaying her pictures of every object she currently has in her inventory. It's just, in this case, she had gotten to do a little trial experiment and was relieved to find that it could work on living beings as well.

Taking a look to her right, she could detect the creatures had finally reached her area of the school and could hear them storming down the hallway. Being only one teenage girl that only possessed so such limited power at her disposal and being sorely outgunned by the opposing team; she couldn't help but crack a wild grin; one almost similar to the likes of her infamous ancestor, Shadin Yuudeshi, and laugh. "Well, it looks like I ain't got a choice but to smash these creatures to bits, find out what the root of this problem is and become a bitchin' hero. This is the kind of circumstance where a name is made for ones-self, and I'm getting ready to curve my name deep into the halls of this place." Detecting that there weren't any being other then demon's on this floor of Karakura Highschool, being that they were most likely on one of the higher levels of the sky, she kicked down the door and stared each of these demon's down that raged towards the hallway. "You are gonna fear the name Shatari Yuudeshi after I'm done with you."

Digging in her pocket, the girl appeared to pull out a grenade. Chuckling a bit, she had to thank the idiot who had attacked her previously; as the likes of Hades had one of his familiars had an army armed to the teeth with weapons to meant to destroy the school and all civilians. And so, During that previous invasion of the school? She had swiped this weapon from one of his goons and was holding the device neatly in her palms. "Say goodbye, punks!" Throwing the explosive device in the air, Shatari had jumped out of a window nearby; making a loud shattering sound, and used her swift speed to kick her feet into the floor below her. Then, when she had started sprinting towards her next location, a massive explosion had covered a large vicinity of the hallway she was previously in and hopefully destroyed the demon's; at least, until they could get back-up. She also surmised that the building should be structurally sound as she had believed, in her mind, that the owner of this school should be prepared for some sort of terrorist attack and have amp'd the defenses a bit.

Not having much time to worry any further, she had to get to the power generators located in this school and figure out a way to get them out of this horrible mess!

With The End Of The Post Here
Are you still around for the Banshee of Karakura?


A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event] WVMWLOu
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A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event] Empty Re: A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event]

Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:18 pm
A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event] 5688-111

Glen could tell that things were not right in the school, as he could just feel that something had changed. Though Glen could not put his mind to It as he set in his class room waiting for his teacher who was later than usual, though this did not bother Glen As he figured that with the time he spent waiting on the teacher he could use it to catch up on his sleeping. Though as Glen nodded out he would not go into a regular sleep, as he appeared in a pitch black room. “Fuck” Glen would say before Seymour appeared before Glen with his long blue hair and blue ropes looking the same way he looked since Glen had met him. Glen was sure that this was not going to be a casual little talk, as the only time Seymour interfered with Glens sleep was when he had something important to tell him. And Glen could tell that this time would be no different.

“Glen I am sure you can tell that something is not right with this place right now, as from what I can see you have been involved in some dimensional transfer. And now your school is under attack and will not be able to get any reinforcements to help you. So Glen you and the phew students that will be able to fight the demons that have attacked the school must find some way to overcome the Demons if you ever want to get things back to normal. But I figure you could of guessed that Glen, but you must work with others and help them for you will not be able to do this alone Glen. And once you get to the root of this you might be able to use my demon magic to reverse whatever happened, though I pray to Touketsu that you make it that far Glen, just don't be Stupid my young vessel.” And instantly Seymour would vanish before Glen could even get another word in.

Glen could now tell that this was not going to be an easy task at hand. As he figured that they probably did not have any of the teachers to help them through this little situation that they had been dropped in. Though Glen also figured this would now be the perfect time for him to take to stretch his legs out. Since it had been awhile since Glen had a good fight with anyone, and if these Demons were strong enough to trap them into another dimension then they had to be able to put up a good decent fight against Glen and the regular students who would have the power to fight them. Though Glen also figured that he and the other students who could fight the demons would be at a disadvantage. Since they would also have to defend the other students who could not fight the demons, though Glen figured as a member of Judgment he would be responsible for the safety of all the kids who could not defend themselves.

Though this would limit Glen from being able to go all out and fight the demons, he figured that he would at least be doing something good. Quickly Glen would jump up from his seat as he snapped out of the little conversation he had with Seymour. Glen now figured that it would be the perfect time to tell his classmates what was going on. “Well listen up guys it seems like we have a problem here we have been trapped into separate dimension and are under attack from demons. We will have to defend ourselves as the teachers and no one else will be able to come and back us up against the demons. So its best that those who can defend themselves against these Demons help in defending those who cant. As this is are school and we aren't going to let no dam demons come up in here and take it from us.”

“So if your down to defend this school with your life stand up and fight, for it seems we are about to have a battle on are hand”.
And right as Glen got about to wrap up his speech a strange creature bust through the door and rushed the class room. But instantly Glen would summon his Quincy bow and shoot down the creature right in the center of its chest without a seconds hesitation. The creature would then go on to dissolve into dust. Glen could only see this as interesting, as he figured that the demons would be stronger than that, but this one could barely take one shot from Glens bow. Glen would then look at his class and see that they could all see that he was not joking and that this was a serious non joking matter.

Glen would then make himself out of the class room and make his way down the first year hallway to see how the other first year classes were holding down. As Glen wanted to make sure that his fellow classmates were ok and not in any danger. As Glen could tell that this was going to be a war and this school was going to need all the fighters it could get. Since Glen had no idea how many demons they would be facing or if they would even be able to hold themselves against these creatures. But Glen was not going to let his school go down without a fight no matter if he was even against Lord Touketsu himself. As no one was just going to walk on Glen's turf and start running the place like they owned it. As now was not the time to let anyone run over them. As it was now time for the Students of Karakura to prove themselves against whoever was opposing them. As this was now the start of a WAR.

A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event] A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event]

Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts


A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event] Empty Re: A Mad Dash Through Space & Time! - STUDENT SIDE [Karakura High School Mini Event]

Wed Mar 20, 2013 4:49 pm


Shisome had taken her time that day. In fact, she had been at schoo, but left the room in order to go submit a paper for Judgement; the girl was part of that organization, as she slipped on the side badge, which explained why she was so late to class. The rumbles outside of the school did nothing to the introspective thoughts the girl held, as she was massively evaluating some of the things inside of her, as she felt a soft whisk of air. It disturbed the mass of black hair, as something seemed to be moving. Shisome was thinking about the events that may happen this year, and the ones before that; she had a quiet summer, but then events started to stumble and move along at a rapid pace. The girl felt her body shiver at the thought, remembering of her quests to seek a demonic book that she had seen in her childhood. And the book had been absorbed by the girl; along with several new, very strong powers. Thus far, the chaotic stumbles in her mind were kept pretty simple; there was another power that kept most of them in line. This was called the Power of Order; it let her keep herself organized, as the soft voice of the thing kept the insanity at bay. She had adapted several other things; such as racial skills for Shinigami, Vizards, Hollows, Humans, Nature Iramasha and even Suigura's as well. It was amazing how much she had amassed in such a short time; that even more so all of the knowledge that could be found across several spectrum. In fact, she had noted a strange ball of power in the corner of her mind, but had left it relatively untouched. What Shisome needed was to manage her powers in a functional way.

But something would have to be the catalyst to that; she made a note to maybe research more into the Phantom Tech idea, as it was suggested to her. Perhaps that would allow her to create a mental library to catalog and control theses powers. That would be something interesting, as the school shook again. But it was not enough to pull the member of Judgement out of her thoughts; they had wanted her for her processing power and the sheer fact that apart from a Yuudeshi with access to that network, she could, single handed, keep data in such an organize format that it made it easy to find everything. She was also a good coordinator, since her eidetic memory allowed her to keep herself attuned to her surroundings, even when her head was distant. As such, when a locker tumbled, the girl simply side stepped it, her body working automatically to follow the dangers her senses had thought. All of this on a subconscious level, as she was thoroughly thinking of how to manage all of these powers that she acquired. The girl let out a deep sigh, as she figured that maybe upgrading herself, no matter how unwilling she was, would have to be an option. And then she would have to figure out these powers; since for the most part, they did NOT come with an instruction manual. This made it many times more difficult for the human to successfully keep herself from accidentally imploding the world. The only reason that her powers have not become such at a rogue state, is probably the fact that she can easily deduce the sources, and release them, and secondly, her sheer iron will. That in itself is perhaps the only things that've kept the girl from collapsing around people such as Shadin or Iori. But truly what was her power?

She seemed to be gathering some of the most well known powers; or rather a person in their entirety within her own self. Was there a limit? Then the girl felt something bring her back to the actual world; something was blocking her way. Strange, garbed creatures, but her senses told her that these were demons. That wasn't good. Even though she was the processing member of Judgement, the girl lifted her fingers. Bursts of flame spiraled from her fingers; with a ranging torrent, they rained onto the demons, trapping them in something that Shisome would call extremely cruel. But within seconds? The demons were burnt to mere ashes, as her fingers touched the badge. There was nothing. With a frown, the girl then took out a communication device, that she herself had suggested for the members of Judgement. ''To all Judgement members, this is Shisome Saihossoku. We have a code red; the school is under attack. Please mobilize to save the students. Someone also please announce this on the speakers.'' the girl said simply, before she began to move forward. A sudden explosion made Shisome almost fall, but her balance kept her, as she saw students panicking. That sounded.. oh perhaps that was something she knew. The girl heard many voices, and with a snap of her fingers, created a Megaphone. ''Everyone, this is Judgement, please relocate to the Gymnasium. That will be the safest area for you, it is the most fortified.'' she said, calling out her announcement. Everyone began to listen to her, as she kept listing instructions; those with powers protect those without, and as the masses were moving, the girl contacted her team again. ''Badges don't work. Please broadcast that as well.'' she said softly, hoping that someone would get to that area. In either case? The girl noticed some few running. White hair; that was easy to reconize, considering that the student was in her class. Yuudeshi Shatari.

The explosion that had occurred earlier, then was from her. That was sensible, considering that their class hallway was destroyed. ''Shatari-san! This is Judgement, please stop right there!'' said the black haired girl, her voice monotone and cold, but pretty loud. The girl's steps went out to her, as most of the students had evacuated; only stragglers and those willing to fight would remain. Strangely, their class was utterly empty, and this worried Shisome a bit, as she ran towards the girl. Her eyes caught it; the flicker of demons. Without warning, the girl burst with a ring of fire, extending out behind her, lashing the demons from her. ''Behind you!'' she called out, as she also noticed the filthy pair aiming to attack the Yuudeshi. Shisome could easily protect the other, but that was not something that the Yuudeshi girl would wish. That, the usually quiet girl knew very well, as the flames flickered in the air, like a mirage, swallowing the demons with a crunch. The gravity she had hidden in those flames grounded the bodies to dust, as she took out a breath, and finally looked out the window. That was no sky for them, and it was simple to deduce that it separated the teachers from the students, and that more so? The students were in danger unless they did something.

Hopefully, Shatari would be alright from Shisome's warning, as the girl turned to face the other.

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