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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Empty An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event]

Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:44 am

Artist: Meonly70 - Song: Evil Project - Word Count: 1430
Ugh, what a fucking week. It had been Rose Mischevang, one of the youngest Mischevang sisters, grand return into the Hollow scene. And oh boy, was it not a grand return for her. During the initial entrance of her debut, she had deployed into the burning wreckage that was Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was a horrid war zone filled with a never ending supply of bodies, mayhem, destruction and blood for as far as the eye can seen. However, for this veteran Arrancar, it didn't phase her one bit. In fact, she thrived in this environment; as she had displayed capacities worthy of her claiming the Primera Espada position for herself. One of the first major highlights of this return event for Rose was the fact that she had utterly blazed through a Shinigami who currently surpassed her Beta-State in power/strength, but had ended that confrontation in roughly a minute. Secondly, prior to that, she had finally gotten to see her loving sister, Ashlei Clixx, and had a short, but disgruntled reunion with her.

Lastly, although there was talk of another Primera Espada in Shadow Fall, Rose didn't particularly care for him or her. As, when she had sized the supposed Primera Espada in that battlefield, he was nothing more then a joke to her and ill-fit to take such a high ranking position. Therefore, if this asshole wanted to start a fight about who was going to be the new number one, she'd gladly bash his head in and fill the contents of his empty skull throughout the hallways of the Espada meeting room. After all, to be a leader of monsters, you yourself must have the raw strength needed to know when to put these punks in their place. Nobody listens to nice words, but everyone listens to peaceful words if they have the threat of bodily harm and non-stop brute violence hanging over their head. As skewed as that saying or logic is, it's something that Rose believed would be needed if she was going to properly assert her dominance in this group; and sometimes you had to get a bit irrational with fuckwads who dared to otherwise oppose your authority.

AT ANY RATE, it was about time she had held a gathering of the new Arrancar and Hollow who joined the ranks of this crazy organization known as Shadow Fall and the Shadow Espada. The lass had no idea who she was leading, outside of the database profiles this faction of freaks had posted up in their registries; so Rose needed to get a personal feel for each and every one of her teammates that could attend this meeting of beasts. Thus, as logic would dictate, some sort of introduction to her...coworkers...would most likely be required. As a result, The Self-Proclaimed Primera Espada would call a massive assembly in the compound that was Las Noches. Unlike Espada rendezvous of the olden days, Rose actually invited all those who were of Arrancar/Hollow origin, possessed a high enough rank within the depths of Shadow Fall and knew the location of Hueco Mundo to attend this convergence of hollowfied beings; as she wanted every elite warrior who was apart of this organization to partake in this event.

This message was spread throughout the networks of Shadow Fall to all those whom possessed communication devices affiliated with Shadow Fall, it was spread even further through telepathic connections thanks to the skilled sorcerer's who were among Shadow Fall's ranks and this bold announcement had even passed by word of mouth thanks to Rose having her own personal grunts alert those within this organizations membership that this gathering was going to be occurring today. With this declaration taken care of, she'd then go on to transport herself to the meeting room of the Espada. Prior to this, she had buried deep within the depths of Shadow Fall's research department located within Demon World. There? She had been devising something truly delicious for herself and other outstanding species of her race as well. Combined with Rose's intellect, craftsmanship and the resources pooled together from Shadow Fall; she had quite the large array of tools needed to come up with thousands upon thousands of new methods to augment the racial attributes of the entire Hollow race. With the major focus on augmentations, cybernetics and the transition of every asshole and their mother having some sort of superpower; there was going to be some sort of genius thinking required to set the bar a bit higher. If Rose's research was correct, she may have found the answer to quell such an issue and establish the Arrancar to the same level of fear they once had in the days of the Winter War.

As she was preparing for her own dimensional warp from a docking station contained within the compound back in Demon World, she had pondered if she was going to share this information in the meeting. This was because she was still unsure of the data she had gathered about this project. The only subject she had tested these experiments on had been, well, herself. Of course the Primera Espada had a strong understanding of what should, could and would not work with her body's structure; yet, in the back of her mind, she knew that all beings weren't made alike. What may have worked on one individual, could prove utterly lethal for another person. However, there was not a single shred doubt within Rose's mind that she'd at least mention a tidbit of this Intel with her eldest sister and Hollow Queen, Ashlei Clixx. But Despite that, there was obviously going to be some kinks that needed to be worked out in the early stages of this development. Ergo, it was extremely necessary to evaluate the minions whom followed her under the banter of Primera Espada. If they were weak shits? Then she'd give them no other choice then to undergo this transformation. There was no way she was going to drag around pathetic sacks of meat that were better suited to be spliced, diced and minced up into dog-chow then to serve her as fellow Espada.

After all, when she was watching footage of Lala Vega's encounter with some Quincy dipshit who took residence in the Forest of Menos, she wasn't none to impressed with the strength of supposed new generation of Shadow Espada. From the estimates of that fight, this chick was fighting with a vice captain power at best and it seemed nobody possessed the proper skills to take this guy out. So, with an irritated sigh, Rose knew this was going to be a touchy subject to bring up in the gathering, but she couldn't care anymore about the personal feelings of her men. All that mattered was asserting further Arrancar dominance, wiping out that Quincy fucker, getting to know her comrades better, seeing Ashlei once more outside of the pits of battle and possibly unveiling her project to put her plans into action. Furthermore, in a different train of thought, there was no doubt in her mind with this new war brewing across the lands, that these sorts of gatherings were taking place throughout other factions in the known universes. So, to play safe, it was wise to Rose Mischevang that she held this meeting while everyone was still in one piece.

Thus, with those thoughts in mind, The Primera Espada mentally activated the coordinates in the teleporation device near her and instantly warped her to the location of the Espada meeting room. Once there? She'd walk towards the entrance of the room, slam her fist on a object that appeared to be a hand signature device. Following that action, a brilliantly lit holographic set-up had began to arise towards the center of the meeting table. The facility would dim in lighting, a soft red glow would ease into the room and all sorts of video recording of the Shadow Espada's fights had began to flourish throughout the HUD, heavily detailed charts of the Arrancar Physiology were exhibited across this strange invention and data profiles of the Espada members were shown across the varying chairs in the meeting room. Glad that everything was following into place, Rose would take a heavy sigh, slam her ass on a cushy chair and then slam her feet up on the table; having a somber exposition parade across her face. At this point, it was all a matter of playing the waiting game and seeing what the events of today would transpire for the following year to come.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Thu Feb 14, 2013 10:27 am; edited 1 time in total

An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] WVMWLOu
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An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Left_bar_bleue0/0An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Empty Re: An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event]

Wed Feb 13, 2013 3:32 am
Lala was hardly in her room that she had in Los Noches. Heck even during an attack shes more libel to fight them at the main gate. Rose Miscehvang's adjuchas would have found the angry arrancar in the Hollow's End bar were she normally hung out getting drunk. Though disturbing her wasn't a good as this hollow would find out quickly. As he tried to get his attention, she swung back slamming her giant metal fist into him sending him out the door. She got up walking out to smash him as he delivered the message. Lala just sighed.

“Fine. Such a bother.” Even the slight annoyance of going to Los Noches was enough to get her temper up abit. With a flash of static she was gone.

She headed up into the large domed castle. She looked around as she entered the meeting room. Apparently she was the first one there, such an annoyance having to wait for these people. She headed over to a chair pulling it out and sat down. She propped her legs up and closed her eyes. If she was going to have to wait for these slow people they were going to have to wake her up.

My charaters:
Kenshi Oridama (vizard)
Lala Vega (arrancar)
Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid 10%
Schizoid 66%
Schizotypal 74%
Antisocial 50%
Borderline 10%
Histrionic 30%
Narcissistic 82%
Avoidant 10%
Dependent 10%
Obsessive-Compulsive 78%
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An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Empty Re: An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event]

Sat Mar 02, 2013 12:04 am

|Verathius: Espada Dos|

Verathius returned from his mission his power well some of his true might was showing, he couldn't quite contain it as well as others. Once his release happened against the Iramasha, things sort of just stayed out. It would be several days before he confined his reiatsu again. He walked towards the meeting hall, his number two on his back showing now as he walked forward. The shadows began dressing him, he wore a black suit now it was cloaking his body and flickering. With his true power showing this was a childish if not simple task to perform. The Espada were gathering to meet the new Primera, he'd not impressed her much. So what it wasn't his problem if she was impressed or not. Verathius wasn't here for friends, he was here for his memories. Otherwise it didn't really matter to him, his poleaxe hadn't reformed yet. Some places within the hallowed halls of Las Noches shock from his might as he came back to his home, his eyes of gold examining over the place he spoke to himself. Rubbing his hand across his lips as though wiping blood off them.

His hair instead of black was white as he looked at her, his voice was raspy and seemed to have a heaviness to it that would push down those not ready for it. His eyes were of some of the darkest most evil looking things one had ever seen. His fight with Moonie had been recorded, the only pieces missing was the things taking it ahd been overloaded to a point repairs were needed to figure out what had happened at the location."You called Primera." His eyes held an unwavering stare, this was rare for these two. They were getting to gaze upon the true form of Verathius, he didn't use it but once and they never did find the enemy he used it on. Some believe her very being was erased from the world and perhaps everything in between, darkness knows no mercy for those that anger the shadows only one path stands before them, annihilation. Verathius didn't remember much about his fight with the Iramasha, a problem with using this body his memories were effected somewhat. It would take some getting used to having his full power to use upon those who dared anger the Segunda, he waited for the red haired female's response.


An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Empty Re: An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event]

Thu Mar 21, 2013 6:24 pm


An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] YukikoBar2

Hueco Mundo. Such a desolate place for the ice arrancar to find herself in, as she gave a soft sigh. She was the queen of ice here, at least as far as Arrancar were concerned. Others? They could just freeze over in the artic storm she would bring to them. That was the nature of the woman; in fact, one could call her a Yuki-onna, in arrancar form. She had some sense that her entire family had been like that. She wondered how all of her siblings fared? It would be interesting to seen where they went in the soul cycle, already having touched upon her beloved Yukianesca. Ah, yes, that one had gone to the Sugiura's right? Her death had been one of the swiftest, being gone in mere moments as Yukiko ended her life whilst they were in a hug. Remembering that, the girl was jerked out of her half-asleep state. Gah, she might as well get there then, right? The girl's steps were pretty much determined, as she walked towards the meeting place; lucky for her? She was around when they started broadcasting it; honestly, they were lucky she didn't have a problem with cutting classes. Man just think if she hadn't been; someone would wonder where the Espada that hadn't even fought yet was. Actually, she didn't need to fight most of the time; her words in themselves were proof of her strength. And many learned to their woe that the arrancar, being bored all the bloody time, liked to find others to fill up her her game time. And well.. let's just say a few didn't appreciate it. After all, she loved being a sneaky little bitch; so her very own methods were often kept from prying eyes. That made it hard to analyze her strengths and her fault; but she had been gracious enough to let some training show for her beloved Primera.

The girl let out a bored yawn, her fingers covering her slender mouth, as she wiped at an eye. She was slumped a bit outside of the castle, near one of the peaks, just resting her body there because she didn't want to be at the entrance. Time was ticking by, as the girl pulled out a cellphone she twinked around with. It wasn't that fancy, but it let her access to the human world even from Hueco Mundo. Why did she want this? Because she had people to pester via text there duh. But nobody was responding to the poor girl. Gah, this was so boring, waiting for others. It was something that made her want to smash some faces in honestly. The girl then noticed it was oh, maybe five to six minutes to the time? She had almost fallen asleep but pity her, she had come out of her sleep trance at a good time. The girl just whisked herself away with a Sonido; she didn't have the time to waste on such long intricacies such as jumping down or walking towards a spot. The girl then just hauled her scrawny behind to the fucking meeting room; not like she wanted to but eh, she might as well right? The girl let out another noise, as she opened the handle of the door. The scene that she gazed on was pretty rare; only three others were in the room. One was a tiny loli girl with red hair, one was a girl with giant fists and pink hair, and she was staring at some dude's back. Of course, even though the girl was extremely self-sufficient and always surviving without too much damage, sometimes, she had a dumb side too.

''Holy fuck, stone block and do y'all need a knife for this tension?'' let out the girl with an extremely sarcastic tone, her body brushing by the Segunda's, her long dual toned hair flicking in the weird ass lights. In fact, one would notice that the girl was not in her base form. The power that rolled off her was evidence of this, as the girl let out a sigh, and sat in a chair. But it was too warm; the second she sat in it, the crackling of ice could be heard, as it was slowly covered in ice to suit the Espada's taste. Her arms crossed on themselves, as she leaned on the table, looking up at the things showed to her. Fights of the others, and there was almost nothing of her. Only a bit of a training session, but it was brief, probably because Yukiko didn't do much. She liked it that way, as she let out a soft smirk, before hiding her head in between her arms. Fuck she was bored, when she looked up again. ''Christ, that's kinda excessive'' she'd comment, from time to time, watching the movie like holograms. They were slightly amusing, and she would chuckle from time to time, her fingers idly making an ice dog run around, and then create a smaller ice cat to be chased, almost like a puppet master. Rather, she was just bored, as she watched the video, and then started to reproduce the fights in miniature with her ice, and even giggled a few times. ''Voi.'' she let out, picking up the catch phrase of one of the combatants. How? She had read his lips whilst speaking, and moved them around, mumbling to herself. But she was still hella bored, when she shattered the ice sculpture, and then leaned back in her chair with a crack. She couldn't seem to find herself an extremely comfortable spot, and just let out a large sigh, closing her eyes for a few moments. But the inactivity got to her, and it made her irritated. Soon enough? The girl began twisting her chair back and forth, and then finally gave up with an aggravated noise. The absolute silence and absence of things wasn't doing well for Yukiko what so ever.

''Goddammit, someone do something interesting already.'' she actually complained, tilting her head back. Or get this thing on the road, she added mentally as well.


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An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Left_bar_bleue13000/99999An Encounter With The New Primera Espada & Gathering of The Shadow Espada: Enter Rose Miscehvang [Mini-Event] Empty_bar_bleue  (13000/99999)

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Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:05 am

Suzu zumizimu

Suzu joins the meeting

Suzu was using her child like appearance with long sliver hair that flows past her waist. Suzu looking no more than six years of age was suppressing her spiritual power to the point that it was almost unnoticeable. Why did she do this? #One this was supposed to be a meeting of friends and allies. Unnecessary use of energy would be pointless. That is unless they wanted to show off to the person that may take the number one spot. IF that was so then suzu seen no need to show her power off in this manner. Two IF Suzu wanted to show the new 1 her full power all but Rose (the #1) and Verathius(the #2) would be effected by her Vast Spiritual Power. Just standing in the same place as Suzu win in her Dues EX would have made Akuma and Yukiko 20% slower in movement and Disrupt their own energy by 20%. As for Lala Vega it would hit her for 40% to both. It's quite obvious that making people fall to the floor was a BAD way to start a meeting. .. or is it?

Suzu calmly walked into the room without saying a word. She walked over to where Lala was sleeping without showing any hint of emotion and stopping just in front of Lala’s chair. Grabbing the chair leg with her left hand and placing her right hand to her for head. “ I am sorry you all must see this but…” with a small push on the chair to make Lala fall back. “Lala… this is important. You must act up to your rank as an Espada right now. This is a formal matter ok? We can get some drink's after it’s over. “ Suzu would than proceed to sit in an empty chair next to where Lala's . "hahaha I remember that. " as the screen shows Suzu killing humans in the Mexico jell riot. " That mission was both easy and fun."

"It only hurts till you go numb."

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