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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Empty Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk]

Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:58 pm

Template By: [THEFROST]

The sounds of revving and clicking sounded as Nozomi tapped her fingers impatiently on the side of the technological device with her left hand. Her right hand was preoccupied, pressed against a small dashboard attached haphazardly on the top of the device, with electricity arcing around those members. The woman was in deep focus, and though she was for the most part still, all of the action occured within her head at blinding speeds. Nerve impulses raced around in her brain, back and forth through her nervous system, her arm a simple medium of communication between her and the machine she was dealing with. A piece of thick paper that had been previously placed on the entry slot of one side was now sucked into the device, which would proceed to print Nozomi's chosen design upon both planes of the small card. There was no computer connected to the makeshift printer she was using, nor any other sort of device—the blueprints for the print were conveyed straight from Nozomi's mind to the machine itself as a current, hence the electricity flowing from her fingers into the dashboard. It did not take long for the design and writing to be illustrated upon such a small canvas, which was about the size of a business card; for all intents and purposes, it was a business card. Once it was ejected from the machine, Nozomi's left hand stopped its impatient tapping and extracted it from the cluster of metal and plastic and other such materials that could never have normally passed as a workable printer on today's markets. As she did, her right hand released its hold on the dashboard, and in the most unceremonious fashion the machine fell to pieces. The unusual energies that had been holding together now departed, back into the various separate instruments that had been used to make it. By all means, there never should have been a printer, but Nozomi's capabilities were capacious, often incomprehensible. In truth, she was simply misunderstood; living mystery.

The card was simple, passing in efficacy where it failed in elegance. A normal person when pleased would smile, but given that there was nobody to see, Nozomi wouldn't waste the efforts as she sealed the successful project away into her gloves; the pocket dimension she had created for storage had endless utility, and was incredibly convenient... though that very project was long in the past, so she did not spare her effort there either. She simply turned away from the mess on her desk, to come to face with the mess on her room's floor, seemingly comprised of random junk and resources that held no meaning to anyone but Nozomi herself. No windows, no door, no light, just walls. It didn't matter, Nozomi could see perfectly without light anyways, and this room was the physical manifestation of 'bare minimum'. Anything unnecesary and unusable did not belong in this room, and that included visitors. Now, given her print was done, she walked over to the far edge of the room and brought her arm up to tap the plaster wall with one of her fingers. After a reluctant enigmatic whine, the fabric of reality split open to reveal the turbulent dark energies beyond, as Nozomi's personal Garganta was used. She stepped through without delay and the portal closed behind her, leaving the godforsaken room behind her in silence; darkness. It was almost as if it did not exist.

The next time Nozomi stepped back out of her Garganta, she found her foot sinking an inch into the dusty grain of the Jigoku Dezāto, the desert of Kokuryuteshi. Her garganta imploded behind her with a tumultous gush of wind, a loud sound. Her two-pieced black cloak billowed slightly before dying down, just as dark blue hair had whipped in the wake of the gust. Then there was only the whistle of the windblown dunes, caused a much gentler natural airflow present here. Most of this desert was nondescript, as any Earthen desert was. However, before her stood a blight in lieu of this, or perhaps a haven depending on the opinion of the onlooker. The dilapidated building stood tall as an outpost, a tower still standing strong among the harsh environment provided by this wasteland. It perhaps had once been useful and modern, but now the sad little structure was presented in a state of disrepair as it was—for the most part—abandoned. Regardless, this was Nozomi's destination, confirmed by her sighting of the original Primera Espada with her Omnidou. She wordlessly ambled onward into the building, her movements silent without necessary effort, as if natural. She made her way through the various hallways and up the staircases ascending the tower, no rush in her movement. When she arrived, the only indicator of her presence would be by visuals, and the clearing of her throat. Starrk himself was out cold, but Lilynette—the second shard of his essence—was quite conscious and would hear the sudden sound in the doorway of the room they idled in. If she dared look, she'd see the woman's pitch black hues staring emotionless back into hers.

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Qx494h
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Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Empty Re: Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk]

Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:02 pm
The Arrancar's eyes narrowed, somehow stirring in his sleep. It was strange, he could FEEL the presence of another entering into his home. Consciously? No. But, the Arrancar was never a man of conscious, now was he? 90% of the time, he was fast asleep, nowhere near the material world. For right now, he was stuck in the realm of dreams, although it was really nothing but his own psyche.

Meanwhile, on the outside, Lilynette dropped the massive amount of paperwork that she had been doodling on. She wasn't quite sure why Starrk HAD all this crap, but she knew that he wouldn't care what she did to it. Suddenly, something was wrong. Something was very, very wrong. What was wrong? She heard a noise. Other then the monotony of Starrk's snoring, there should have been NO noise whatsoever other then something she made.

Her eyes rapidly turned around, staring at the person who had entered. "STAAAAAAAAAARRK!" She roared out without ceremony, as she ran towards the Arrancar, her right foot rapidly leaving from her side as it slammed firmly into Starrk's ribs, even as he without warning he was rudely awoken. His eyes shot open wide, as he rubbed one eye with a hand, staring at the person who had entered his place. "What… do you want…? D@mn… I just wanna sleep…" He yawned, breathing out as he began to right himself once more, sitting up straight, his head still nodding as he looked at the visitor, as if falling asleep.

"HELL IF I KNOW! BUT IT'S A VISITOR FOR YOU! AND YOU'RE A CROSS COMMANDER! SO GET UP AND SEE WHAT THEY WANT!" She yelled at him, before suddenly turning around to face her, blinking, her facial features calming down mostly as she looked at the emotionless woman.

"What is it you want, anyway?"

Last edited by JJ on Sat Feb 23, 2013 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Empty Re: Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:08 pm

Template By: [THEFROST]

It was hard to detect the shifting of Nozomi's eyes, given the pure darkness that had consumed them. Yet, when the man known as Starrk cracked his eyes open, there was no doubt that the strange woman was peering straight back into those gray hues. She didn't say anything at first, as the jocose exhibition played out before her, made far more intriguing by the fact in the back of her mind telling her that they were both one and the same. She didn't have to pour over her Daten of the former Espada to see now that fact; they both shared precisely the same Reiatsu as the other, and under closer inspection seemed to represent spiritual puzzle pieces that would fit side by side. Had she not the capability to ascertain these details though, she'd easily have believed them two separate and unique individuals. Coyote Starrk was the male, chestnut-coored hair and silvered irises, eyebrows that seemed to have never risen from that bored look in their life, and a faded goatee. His Arrancar remnant hung around his neck like a collar, resembling the jaw and bottom set of teeth from his old mask. Lilynette Gingerbuck, his partner in crime, was lacking any form of correspondence to the original. She was a youthful female, sporting a hair that was something of a mix between one of the brightest blond shades and a sickly lustrous chartreuse, though half of it was concealed under the helmet-like piece of her mask, with one and half demonic horns as well as the left eye; a burgundy flame rose above that eye of the mask. Lilynette's still visible right eye was wide and vivid to prove as a huge contrast between the two people in general, with a pink tint to it. Overall it allowed her to be more expressive.

As if on cue, the un-lady-like voice yelled out, delivering a chastising remark to Starrk's lethargic mumblings. If it hadn't been for the Lunstig Mentality she had currently adopted, she'd have laughed at the nonsensical exchange and taken it with a light heart. Unfortunately, the woman wasn't playing at jokes at the moment, and instead she'd disregard them and simply wait for an actual opportunity to get to the point. She finally recieved the chance when the Lilynette child readjusted her focus on her, and just decided to ask her what this appearance was all about. Nozomi did not take her eyes off of Starrk, though considering her power she did not really have to—both of them were within the dominion of her gaze. She didn't answer right away; she was reading the apathetic man who sat on the floor, just using a second to make sure he was conscious enough to hear her now. After confirming that he was, she granted her answer to the blonde. "To speak with the one known as Coyote Starrk. Him." Nozomi's arm had risen, pointing a slender finger at the man in question in an almost incriminating fashion. Just as quickly, that arm fell and she would clasp her hands behind her back in the same barren soundlessness her every movement had possessed thus far. "It's a simple proposition from me to a man who clearly is enjoying his job. Given the chance, I hope I can improve on that and make it beneficial to accept. All you have to do is hear me out." She could only hope the two of them could differentiate between sarcasm and actual intent.

[OOC: Sorry for short post, but I need to know your response to this before I continue. Depending on it, I'll either attack you or continue with the proposition]

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Qx494h
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Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Empty Re: Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk]

Thu Feb 21, 2013 3:28 pm

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] _or_do10


Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1

Template By: [THEFROST]

It was infinitesimal, nearly imperceptible, but it happened: Nozomi's brow raised by what could be considered a micrometer. With her eyes as they were—empty, a void without boundaries—this occurence was even more unreadable. It's cause came in the form of a small and previously inconsequential female, as Lilynette took it upon herself to yank her partner into an upright seat, by the strands of his hair. Nozomi didn't care to question the sound of pain he made on having something as deplorable as his locks pulled, figuring it was simply for effect and not because he was genuinely hurt by the action. But that wasn't it; wasn't why Nozomi took a hidden interest in the circumstance. Now as her musing rested in the back of her mind as a separate thought process, she took further interest in the interactions between the two, as their conversation continued. Starrk looked rather defeated, though he had done nothing so far to indicate he knew any other expression. Lilynette very vigorously commented on Starrk's behalf, explaining to the her what she reckoned was the correct answer. She thought because the man was practically in a comatose state for the majority of his days, that he was pleased with where he was and what he was doing; this, right before the man himself. Yet, instead of arguing the point, he simply seceded from the point altogether and wore disinterest right out on his sleeve. If Nozomi were a fool, or worlds less astute than she was, she'd have missed the details hiding behind that mask. She had the eyes, and she had the mind to break it all down and deduce the truth; doubt, wariness... the slightest anxiety.

Lilynette screamed her remark again.

Nozomi turned her head to properly focus on the young female now, or at least make it appear that she was since it did not matter which direction she was situated. Her expression didn't need to change, but it had a reason to now, as it softened for the sake of Lilynette. "No," she said, quick to address her question and sounding easily more friendly than any utterance from her throat thus far. The woman's demeanor changed to accommodate the situation, for her introspection finally clicked together like a puzzle solved. It was almost as if Starrk was submissive to the younger manifestation of his soul, adorning a defeatist attitude in the wake of Lilynette's antics. While convincing Starrk to join her team would be optimal, perhaps she only needed to sway the little one in order to get both on board. "I don't believe Starrk would appreciate another job. I am asking him to join a league, a team, whatever you wish to call it. It's an extraordinarily secretive organization of powerful people to work together for the good of the world." She sounded like a commercial, running pure rubbish by which probably would never fool the adult, but would manage to enrapture the child's whimsy. Though to be truthful, nothing she had stated was veritably incorrect. Rather, it was just that the last bit of it was more of an opinion than anything else.

"I'm not asking for sacrifice, or for your utter loyalty. But I ask for you to believe in the goal of the organization. And that goal is to fight and bring down any one force in the universe that becomes too powerful, to maintain the balance of all the worlds." Nozomi would pause to let this sink in, mostly for the girl's mind than for Starrk's, for despite the elder's tendency to sleep so often, it was somehow Lilynette's mind that inherited the sluggishness. After an appropriate delay, she spoke once more the finish up her speech. "In return, I'm prepared to offer an imperfect wish. Just speak a desire, and if I can possibly grant it then I most probably will. A nifty gadget, a high-tech car... or just a friend if you want." It didn't matter to Nozomi, for the most part, for until the day she could create powerhouses like Starrk from scrap and machine, she would have to rely on others. Instead, she could fabricate the desires of the benefactor to rally their support, which was good enough for now. But if the purpose of the organization alone was enough already, she wouldn't complain.

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Qx494h
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Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Empty Re: Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:19 am

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] _or_do10


Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1

Template By: [THEFROST]

If anything, the accuracy of Nozomi's Daten was impeccable. According to observations, Coyote Starrk's Reiatsu had been the densest and most abundant out of all the original Arrancar, hence why he had been labeled the Primera Espada with the number one of the back of his left hand. She could see it despite the glove attempting to stymie her view, her all-seeing eyes noting the worn ebony figure. It used to means much more than it did this very day, but that was when the world was still having issues with people like Sosuke Aizen—who although was incredibly powerful, did not quite live on the same level as champions these days. Discarding these thoughts and moving to the main point, Nozomi could confirm that Starrk's spiritual pressure reflected that as recorded. It brought her a slight lapse, though, to feel it in person. It was rare to encounter a presence like this that could actually push onto her like this, instead of just tickling at her sides as most did these days. Nozomi's own spiritual pressure was, like Starrk's, mercilessly heavy. It had once been known to incinerate any soul that dared come close to her, but instead of simply letting that energy define her, she chose to learn control and command it. Not only did it allow her to keep it from unintentionally killing others, but in time it became one of her weapons, a tool, a means to an end. And even when she was not consciously controlling it, she had invented a way to suppress it... hence why currently neither Starrk nor Lilynette could sense a single iota of Reiatsu from her.

Needless to say, she didn't even flinch at the new burden.

Lilynette chose to remain silent, and the previously uncommunicative elder man stepped forth and began rousting the reigns of the conversation—Nozomi was forced to shift the focal point of her body to him again, listening to the words she had inspired in him. A new aura possessed him, and she knew that he was trying to make something clear to her. "...The only wish I have is for Lilynette and myself to be with people who can live around us. If you can give us that, I don't really care about your other goals... Does that work?" She considered this; did it? Blatantly stating that he couldn't bother himself with the organization's purpose and then he wondered if the woman would just go for it. It was rather disappointing and not optimal—it made him no better than a mercenary. Though in the end all Nozomi needed was force, and as long as that force could carry out her wishes then perhaps she could sit well and lax with it. But again... not optimal. The woman brought her hands from behind her back, one coming up to cup the bottom of her chin as if she was considering something, regardless of the fact that her mind had already contemplated all that needed to be considered. This action was simply for the illusion of being human, because she did not want the quickness of her thoughts to be misconcieved as a lack thereof, nor did she want to make them feel uncomfortable. Starrk threw in one last comment before the blue-haired woman was ready to respond.

"You can have your wish. Everyone on my team will be able to stand your presence without so much as faltering. I probably could also develop several ways to suppress your Reiatsu as well, though it would be a matter of preference. Also, if you are willing to join, then all you have to do is fight like you did to the walking corpse in that ghost town. I won't downplay the facts, a goal like this needs power behind it." She dropped her hands now, letting them rest idly at her sides. Now finishing with Starrk, she blinked and turned to face Lilynette again. "Do you at least believe in my goal? I simply do not want any one force so powerful that they can take what they want and not be stopped. It's not about good or evil; it's just about balance." She wished Starrk was more sympathetic like his counterpart, so she could play these cards against him. After all, it was him who seemed to do the majority of the fighting, and the one seemed to possess all the power. She didn't like to rely on the indirect approach of using Lilynette to that end, but now coming in a complete circle, Coyote did not care of her ideals. Before becoming silent once more to recieve her answer, Nozomi would throw in one last card for Lilynette's benefit, wanting to make her feel included. "You can still make your own wish, you know."

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Qx494h
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Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Empty Re: Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk]

Sat Feb 23, 2013 10:35 pm

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Shoot_11

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] _or_do10


Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1

Starrk looked the woman in the eyes, before closing his own blue-gray orbs, putting a hand up to his head as if he were sleepy. "Its annoying that you just won't talk straight. Could you please look a bit more lively? It makes me uncomfortable and is a pain. Stoic business doesn't really jive with me." He muttered simply, before opening his eyes and looking at her again. He explained, looking straight into her eyes with an almost hard look, the hairs of his chin prominent in the neat little lines they made as he stared at her. He thought it was odd how stoic she had been up until she went to scratch her chin, and thought it the least bit odd... and so a tiny seed of suspicion entered his mind, very small... but there.

Now, what exactly had happened? Starrk himself was no slouch to mental games; in fact, he was one of the most perceptive beings on the planet. This woman wanted business with him, so he was going to make sure the business was on equal grounds. "YEAH! YOU TELL HER, STARRK!" Lilynette backed him up, not knowing exactly what he was talking about, but was just glad that her other half seemed so excited about something, his dead-eyed look gazing at Nozomi as these thoughts entered Lilynette's head.

"…" He remained silent as she replied, looking at her coolly through his gaze as she gave her explanation. "Then that works with me, though I don't know anything about limiting my power… Wouldn't that go against what you're wanting." He stated simply, scratching his hair, his posture slouching before he received a swift kick to the spine from Lilynette, straightening up instantly as the girl landed on her feet behind him, blinking as Nozomi spoke to her. "...Sounds like a lonely business…" He mused, thinking about how in the efforts of balance one could never truly make friends, because there was the chance the friends would get unbalanced and then you would have to break your friendship with them. That would be such a pain… to be in charge of something like that...

"I get A WISH?!?" She mused, blinking at Nozomi in her boundless energy. Without warning, she sat cross legged on the ground, her fist under her chin as she scrunched her eyebrows, deep in thought. She thought about everything she'd ever wanted, thought about what happened in the Espada, about what Aizen did, what Starrk's current situation was, what his problem was, and what he'd always been doing for her, even giving his wish to her, in essence. So, she made a pretty quick decision, looking up with her purple eyes to Nozomi

"Lady, are you strong? Like, really, really strong?" She asked, holding out har arms as she spoke. "Like, REAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLY Strong? Cuz if you are and you can grant my wish, then yeah, I'd be willing to believe your cause." She implored, her eyes wide. Starrk, to his credit, had managed to get a solid minute of nap time out of Lilynette's sleeping, although he couldn't help but snore. Lilynette, now standing up, got an angry look on her face as she threw out her left leg, before swinging it back and nailing Starrk right in the nads, who proceeded to yelp and roll over, before standing up again, cleaning some stray drool that had gotten on his chin. What are you…. I wanna do something for you, Starrk. Lilynette replied through their soul link, on the outside relaxed again from kicking him but on the inside, wires were actually connecting for once…

When the woman replied Yes, Lilynette blinked, opening her eyes wide as the sparks fully connected, smiling as she pointed at Nozomi. She spoke her words aloud, her posture totally convicted and perfectly positioned, even as Starrk suddenly collapsed from what she said, his face filled with sudden shock.

"Then I wish for you to marry Starrk!"

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Empty Re: Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk]

Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:02 pm

Template By: [THEFROST]

Well then... if his first response couldn't be considered cheeky, there was no saying what exactly was. He made himself taller, throwing his chin up a couple inches to show superiority; it was like a cat's fur puffing up to make the creature appear larger than it really was, though there were many more metaphors to explain the same process. From that vantage he attempted what could best be described as 'calling her out' on a condescending demeanor. At first, because the accusation was so callous, the woman failed to determine why this was. This moment of confusion was brief due to her processing speed, but the expression persisted with one eyebrow raised—it was about as much as either of them could possibly get out of her as the rest of her remained static. Apparently he sensed something out of the ordinary, something about her air that distressed him enough to make the accusation. Nozomi simply recalled and replayed her perception of the moment again in perfect detail, insuring that there were no cracks or seams in the way she presented herself. That being said, then the only possible way Coyote Starrk could possibly pierce through the act would be by a power previously unbeknownst to Nozomi that could read one's mind or some other nonsensical ability like that. Nozomi's Omnidou simply scanned his—and Lilynette's—spirit, analyzing and searching for the specific capability to make sure; soon the eyes would find none in their repertoire, meaning that this allegation from Starrk onto her was nothing more than pure bullshit and a bluff. With this fact established, Nozomi had no reason to lose ground and maintained herself as is, fixing him now with a slightly sterner gaze.

This thinking process completed almost instantaneously.

Ignoring Lilynette's half-hearted injection of herself into the conversation for the time being, she responded to Starrk with her voice aloof, losing that warmth she had been speaking to Lilynette with. It was logical; becoming slightly bitter at being accused of devaluing the one she had obviously valued well enough to invite into her league. Starrk would see it coming before she opened her mouth, and that was the point. "I thought I've been pretty blunt about this business actually. And I'm sorry, but if you're asking for me to be a little bit more friendly, you should look in the mirror first and change your attitude." Nozomi shook her head, referring to the deadpan and disinterested prejudice that the man had taken from the very beginning of this exchange up to this point; the request was dumbfoundingly hypocritical. In turn, the man chose this time to pause, either because he realized his mistake or for time to think. Irregardless, they were soon moving onto the next subject, dealing with the terms regarding his acceptance... for what it appeared to be it was indeed a nod her way, a go ahead. He commented, showing his confusion at her capability to suppress his powers. She had to bite back the automatic response to sigh, and explained it nice and gently: "No, not limiting. Suppressing. I can filter your aura well enough so that you wouldn't unintentionally kill a single insect with your presence... though admittedly it would only work whenever you weren't using your powers in combat; a small drawback. It would not hinder you in any other way." He would continue on, filing one more observation in that seemed to be flowing with sympathy. She would not show she even heard him, before turning back to Lilynette—the little Arrancar's mind was working and Nozomi could see the little electrical impulses racing through her mind as she was in busy thought. The cogs of her brain were turning.

And back to you, Lilynette, Nozomi said, showing that she also seemed to know her name just as well as Coyote Starrk's. They didn't bother asking how she knew, probably knowing they'd get a response along the lines of having it in a database or reading it in a book of some sort. It would be pointless to ask such a question if you took up such a notable position. Now as resolve finally showed in the girl's vividly pink eyes, she'd ask her question several times to put emphasis on it: 'Was Nozomi strong?' The answer to that was subjective; extremely subjective, and Nozomi didn't like giving out a simple answer to it... but then she felt it didn't matter. Considering her stance in capability and overall energy capacity, she could safely answer affirmatively to the question and it would be fairly satisfying. Lilynette would accept it. So that's what she did, throwing a curt "Yes" and waiting for the more important bit to arrive. Then, completely beyond her expectations she recieved it. Nozomi's anticipation crumbled in the wake of the unfathomably awkward request, and it would appear to have a much more striking result on the elder Arrancar. The wish she made, unbelievable and completely absurd, was for Nozomi to marry Starrk. Silence ensued and consumed the room, with Lilynette waiting for a reaction, Starrk unable to muster a response in his torpid state, and Nozomi for once taking longer than a fraction of a second to figure this out. For all her mental capacity, the thought hadn't crossed her mind by merit of its delusion, causing her to struggle in her attempts to figure it out. But still, with her acceleration the process didn't persist longer than two seconds, followed immediately by Nozomi's response. "Depending on the definition and conditions, I probably wouldn't mind. Though it would be Starrk's choice as well."

One thing was certain: Nozomi held no fondness of the man in any form.

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Qx494h
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Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Empty Re: Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk]

Mon Feb 25, 2013 10:37 pm

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] Shoot_11

Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] _or_do10


Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1Equalist [Nozomi, Starrk] 769px-Coyote_Starrk_Mugshot_ep277-1

...Hmm. Seems I was wrong. he though tot himself, rapidly noticing the difference in her manner. "…" He was completely silent as his behind landed on the pillows again, but one of his eyes remained locked onto Nozomi. Two seconds… He thought to himself, seeing the total pause in her manner. I was… right… He thought, having realized how long it would have taken most people to come to a conclusion on something like this. Normally it would have taken a normal person over ten awkward seconds of thought to really know how to react to something like that. Starrk automatically knew how to react, but it was only because Lilynette was another half of himself.

"Lilynette, do you know what you're asking?" He blinked, looking at her. "Well YEAH. Gilgamesh and Kin and even that creepy doctor guy only have ONE thing over you, Starrk! And that's a lady." She pouted, sticking half of her lip out as she sat on the ground, cross legged and cross armed. "And yet the former Primera doesn't?! That just can't be right. But your lazy butt will never get one normally!" She snapped, throwing back a leg as it slammed onto Starrk's skull, knocking his eyes in his head as he refocused, looking at the ground a bit solemnly. "...I know… But that's still a bit much to put on a stranger." He muttered, blinking, before finally standing up, looking at the woman, reaching a hand back behind his head as he realized the entire point that Lilynette was doing this; she wanted him to be at the top again, and apparently always had.

He sighed, reaching out a hand. "This is a major pain… But I think we got off on the wrong side of the bed… Sorry if I seemed terse.. Just too used to being manipulated by those who end up just watching the comrades I've made die all around me." He said simply, looking at her in the eyes with his own deadpan look. He knew he had been hypocritical, but only to an extent. He wasn't attempting to hide anything; this lady had all the cards, all the information. She knew Starrk's name, where to find him, Lilynette's name, what his history was, and all the information he had been giving off just acting as he normally did. On the other hand, he still knew absolutely nothing about this woman other then she wanted to form a business .

"It's annoying that you had to learn about me through something else. I'm Coyote Starrk, and I would like to know your name…. Even if it's a pain, isn't that what you do when you become someone's comrade? " He asked, seeming as if he had become bothered by what he had said before. After all, if she really had been honest the entire time about her intentions, then Starrk ahd essentially insulted his newfound comrade… and despite everything, that was quite something that he didn't like. The disturbed look could be seen in his features, even by Lilynette.

"I know EXACTLY what it means." She repeated, looking at them again. "I just want Starrk to have someone like that. Even if his lazy a## thinks he can get away with it, I'm gonna make him find a lady or beat him up!" She determined, smiling as she looked at Nozomi. "And if you do, then I have no problems with your ideal. Balance would mean that there wouldn't be any jerks like Aizen who are ridiculous themselves but leaves his followers to die." She explained, looking somewhat depressed. After all, Lilynette herself had been one of those causalities; if she wasn't attached through Starrk's soul where she could be recreated, then she would not still be here from all the damage she took in that battle.

"And I don't really care about "marry" or whatever." He said, grabbing onto his hairline with an agitated look, before Lilynette smacked him in the back of his head with her fist. "Ow. Fine, whatever. IT's going to be a pain, but I'm just going to get beat if I… OW!" He exclaimed, feeling Lilynette kick him fiercely in the back. 'DON'T BE SO LILY LIVERED!" She said firmly, looking at her with a fierce gaze, before blinking back at Nozomi, waiting to see if she had anything else that she wanted to add. Starrk's hand was still outstretched, despite everything, and he was aiming to simply hold her hand for a moment before releasing it, if possible. In addition, he had already gone through the trouble to hold his hand out, so he'd keep holding it out until she introduced herself and returned the favor to him…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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