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Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:01 am
Shani felt the strike hit her in the back of the neck, her body collapsing as she fell with a thud to the floor below. Landing in the rubble, she coughed, barely conscious. These people were allowing the only chance she had of reuniting with her parents escape, no, in fact they were helping it escape. Anger flooded her, something within her triggering. She began to change again, growing larger and larger. Her skin turned red as large demonic wings spread from her back. Her breasts retreated, her body looking genderless, and naked as it reached four times Shani's old height. With a loud roar, she zeroed in on the location on the one who had attacked her, rational thought gone from her mind. With strength in a completely different league from what she had before, she pushed out a fist at what she didn't know was just a clone. Right now, the only thing guiding Shani's action's was anger and rage, hate and pain. However, her movement were slightly slower, not used to moving with such a body. Rage was building within her, and she only wanted to do one thing now: kill.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Queen Of The Sands
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Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:16 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ashlei remained hidden from sight as she regained her posture. Sure she was taking hits and losing limbs but would you expect somebody that was said to be one of the most terrifying monsters alive today to allow herself to be injured for no reason? Sometimes, all somebody needs is a little bit of hope. A sign that says 'hey, I can actually do damage to her' and that will keep them from running away. Ashlei was deliberately throwing herself about as though she had no real idea how to fight. This amnesia was tricky to get a grip on. Thinking that, she smiled as though she just made a joke. Nobody else would understand why she found it funny. The red haired girl looked to her side, tapping the wall with a newly regenerated hand to detect the layout and energy levels of everyone in the room. She looked on, watching as she planned her next attack. However, something caught her attention. Two energy signatures from above. What part of the underground was this? What was above this chamber? Ashlei focused for a moment before realising who they were.

A smile cracked across her face once more once she had figured out who the two were. One of them was coming along nicely. Baking brilliantly in the oven that was Ashleis schemes. However, even though she was smiling and had detected all of this, her mind was only thinking the following: Who is nearby? I wonder if this girl is too much of a problem?

It was then that Ashleis thought said one more thing: Ceon, Stand back.

Ashlei had suddenly darted into the room using her rapid movement technique to land on one knee before the girl that was now powerless before her. Ashlei looked at her arm and with one great bite, tore off her hand once more. Her hand flopped to the ground, twitching whilst blood gushed form her now detatched wrist. The girl then held her arm close to Magnolia's face and with one surge, the blood of Ashleis arm lashed forwards, gripping onto the girls arms,l legs, waist, face, torso. Her everything was to be enveloped in this blood. if Magnolia suddenly freaked out, then Ashlei was also prepared for this. her blood acts like a shield to energy and bounces everything back like a tennis racket. If Mag tried to go crazy again, she'd have a hell of a time trying to break out of this magic negating orb of red. Ashlei lifted a finger on her other hand and the bloody mess spun round to form a sphere to encase Magnolia inside.

of course, if Mag had actually gotten away then none of this would have happened. Behind Ashlei throughout this entire process would be Shani going mental. Ashlei looked in Ceons direction without saying a word. Hopefully he'd get the idea that Ashlei didn't want to be interrupted here. She then thought to herself, guessing that Ceon would be listening in on her to try and understand her ideas by monitoring her thoughts.

'I wouldn't mind that one being tamed too please...'

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Tue Jun 11, 2013 10:07 am

"I did it again didnt i .. girl? .. no your ashlei.. arent you.. atleast.. thats what this bitch said in my head...Heh.. im sorry to have troubled you, quite..the wreck aren't i?.. I don't know.. my past my present or my future.. i know my name..and that name.. memories come.. in blurs.. ".. .. "

Nero whispered.. But what she did now was used a high resonating field of vibrations subconsciously the last bit of her old self, it forced somehow its body above the madness. It was the last memory fragment.. or the one of her emotions her feelings they where raw untamed and forced their way into the magic of the barrier using high Speed vibrations and accelerating the blood to above its normal capacity causing a anomaly within it, a split second at that merge in the signature, enough to convey these feelings the feelings of a girl that finally snapped and the memories that went along with it she didn't want to be forgotten.. which is why her eyes for the last time changed, as she slowly from raw will dominated the will of the hollow, the signature of despair and the new personality nero. Forcing them all to be put to the back-burner, as if this worked ashlei would hear a voice in her head.

"..I don't want to be forgotten, i'm scared of being forgotten, it doesn't.. make sense to me.. why i must go out like this, if you see Damien.. please let him know i loved him, and i'm sorry.. that i won't be around anymore for him.. ill wait.. to be free'd from this nightmare though.. waiting deep within the mind.. within this madness.. i will wait for him.. "..

The will behind this was that of a being who had felt such sadness.. memories hopefully. by now would be going into the woman that was Ashlei , starting from the beginning if it was allowed of course the memories.. of pain.. meeting toshiro and trying to take her life, kisuke and all he meant to her, all of this.. slowly memories flowed being shown the girl would have for the last time materialized a raw anomaly of pure blue energy bathing everything a light which shown from space a being made of pure energy forced the bodies hand to come up touching the blood, flowing out of her raw feeling emotion, and resolve, slowly her palms touched the blood which stuck to her hands as she slowly smiled, up through the blood , eyes closing slightly while she smiled hugely. her lips moving , slowly the words not coming from her mouth but popping into ashlei's head, as she slowly pulled something off, blood dripping from her palm, as her body slowly was glowing blue, the purest pristine blue that was from the love that she held for her significant other.

"..Ill be waiting.. for my prince, for the one who is to wake me up from this perpetual nightmare.. the one who will save me ..i guess.. its ironic.. a enemy.. is the one who will hear my will.. what i want my love to hear from me.. what i wish he would know.. what.. he needs to know.. and i'm sorry for the trouble that this is causing.. for you.. its not fair that you had to be the one.. but i guess its fitting...

Magnolia said as the lingering spiritual presence got larger, slowly but surely it grew focusing in her palms, as the body laid down and she slowly smiled, looking not at the woman but beyond, at the hole that had been blasted into the sky, looking at the moon light , the twilight the starlit sky.. which was amazing.. and pristine, slowly as she raised her palm looking at the blood that was there.. thinking back on the times damien had.. been there for her.. when she had overcome her fears.. the first time they had kissed.. the feeling she had felt.. which was still there.. lingering on her lips. . . . And tears.. ran from her eyes, dripping as she whispered.. the only one to hear would be ashlei..

"..I don't want to be forgotten, i wanted to be happy. . . . Why .. must i wait in the dark.. looking for the Light, why must i. . . . this feeling it seems.. that my time is short.. i cant stop.. the tide of three for long.. this feeling.. it seems.. that soon i will be departing.. ..Once i hated.. you .. and loathed you.. but.. you understand the feeling don't you?.. To be utterly alone in the darkness, that never ceases or stops, to feel the waking dream extend for eternity?.. To not be able to feel the caress of the one you loved?..

To not live your life with your own two hands to be able.. to live in love.. but walk into the darkness, in hope of seeing the light once more?.. To be afraid of yourself.. to not know what you want.. to feel the madness choking you like a tangling vine? Blooming the sweet nectar of your sadness for all to taste . . . . To be lost.. stuck in the darkness.. its embrace.. it never goes away does it..?..

Please don't think ill of me.. for this.. but i wanted him at least to know.. that i'm not lost forever.. this body.. its sick.. its full of that woman's malice.. and despair.. i will not be free.. until its gone.. there's nothing i can do.. i can only wait in the Light. my only light, holding myself in stasis waiting.. waiting to be free'd from the darkness, to walk in the light once more, i have.. to endure.. for him i will endure.. ..

For he is my light.. the only one.. and ill wait.. for him.. you understand don't you?.. The lust for.. the light.. even as you fall further into the dark?.. haha.. i might be rambling.. but.. my time is up.. please.. don't think ill of this body.. its been trapped in the clutches of despair for so long.. i have been clutching in the hands of despair for so long, we crave redemption, and we craved the light for so long. If you leave i understand i am your eternal enemy.. but the enemy of your enemy is your friend is it not? Give.. him this.. if you will Damien.. he will understand what i mean.. in time.. but.. i will be waiting at the final resting place.. where fear used to dominate me.. i will be waiting behind the chains.. the cage that was my only refuge then.. will become my refuge again.. i will see you again.. but.. hopefully it is on the other side.. In the light.. instead of this perpetual darkness which bleeds its hate.. and envy on this world. "

She slowly had pulled a band her mark as a vice captian off her shoulder.. and placed it on the ground, where is settled in the dust energy was fading as it poured back into her body, ripping into the inner world. as slowly she reached up once more, as if trying to give this .. girl.. a queen of blood a hug.. though the barrier stopped it, and her hand just pressed the flat of it against the dome of blood as she smiled once more, her lips moving.. saying one last thing..

"..Thank you.. ..ill be waiting.. "..

Then the massive amount of energy one which had saturated the battle field, dissipated.. fading back into the depths of the mind.. locking up.. in the prison which had long ago held all her power.. using the last of her strength magnolia bound it so tight.. that nero.. the hollow and.. even the girl in her head.. couldn't break through its confines. the body slumped.. and remained now .. . . tears of blood brimming on her eyes.. and pouring.. pouring onto the ground.

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Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:45 am
Shani roared in pain as her arm fell limply to her side. Her other hand went out as she stepped forward, her foot coming down exactly where Ashlei happened to be standing, threatening to crush her. Her anger was getting stronger and stronger with each passing second, and with it, the danger she posed was becoming greater then before. Then, strangely, tears leaked from the demonic eyes. Huge, salty tears of sadness fell to the ground as they cascaded from her eyes. Her sadness had now surpassed her rage, the sadness of being separated from her only family.

The giant body fell to its knees, the ground beneath it quaking. Then, her form began to shrink, her hair sprouting back out of her head as the wings disappeared in to her back. Her body returned to normal as she crashed to the floor, sobbing hysterically in sadness. She had lost it all, just when she had a glimpse at finding her family it had been dragged from her. Curled up there in her misery, ignoring everyone else, Shani let the tears roll out of her, her emotions finally bursting through the gates she had locked them behind so long ago.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

Queen Of The Sands
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Fri Jun 14, 2013 6:05 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Ashlei couldn't ignore the conversation that had been forced into her mind. This was the girl laying before her? This was Magnolia speaking? It sounds about right. the two girls had met before after all but it wasn't like this. Ashlei listened to what she had to say. Might as well. No point in ignoring something you can't control. She listened to Magnolia explain what she could but the more it went on, the more tired of it the Queen became.

"Forgotten? I'm sure this Damien person will remember you at least. And I don't think you recall meeting me before. That is a shame."

Luckily, Ashlei knew Ceon wouldn't be hearing this internal conversation. This was a different ability originating from Magnolia this time. It didn't even feel like telepathy.

"I don't think you are talking to the right girl. I do not know who Damien is and if that is the case, he must not be part of any organisation I have files on."

Ashlei listened on. She didn't really want to listen. After all, she cared little for what was happening here. She had one thing in mind and that was.... no. Too soon to spoil the surprise.


Ashlei chuckled at the idea of being alone.

"Hun, you don't know the meaning of being alone..."

the next couple of lines, Ashlei didn't even understand. Is this girl babbling? is this english? What was she trying to say? Give what to Damien? the enemy of my enemy is my friend? To hell they aren't! Once the entire ordeal was over and Magnolia went silent, Ashleis mind returned to her current situation as she looked around herself. Shani, of whom was very very close was now suddenly on the floor, curled up and in tears.


Ashlei stood up, holding her bloody arm towards Magnolia to keep her from breaking free from the blood prison.

"Why the hell is everyone crying around here? get a grip!"

Ashlei somewhat wanted to kick Shani over but she had little evidence to back up her actions so she chose to ignore it. Instead, she moved back over to Magnolia of whom at this point would now be encased in a perfect sphere of blood that would push her into a curled up position within. Hopefully, she would stay this way. Ashlei raised her other arm and opened a Gargantua portal behind the sphere and hovered the red orb of blood over it. This portal leads to a prison cell within Las Noches designed to absorb any reitsu that hits its walls and disperse it into the ground like one huge lightning rod. If Magnolia didn't want to be locked up, now would be the time to explode again.

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Sat Jun 15, 2013 3:01 pm
".. Boohoo.. the girl.. aww.. what a sweet one dont you think?.. it's so delicious .. just.. delicious that she seems to think you her friend but .. your not are you?.. Your a monster, that girls stupid.. haha.. dont worry.. sleep for eternity.. ill take the reins from here. "..

That was a voice.. that came.. slowly it echoed from the confines of magnolia's mind, as the barrier around her would have been dispersed by such a intense field of explosive energy that it had vaporized molecular compounds and structures, rippling out like a wave, it would have negatively impacted the given area, causing the blood which was by now a seething mass of roiling liquids more likely then not, to honeycomb its way inwards negative energy dawdling and intensifying but nothing was near done yet, her body bloodied, yet unmoving everything intensifying the ground turning black from unseen forces in the back burner, until boom , a switch was flipped raw force and intense energy all of it exploded in a small confined area, with more then enough force to simulate a minor nuclear explosion, all radiating outwards as raw spiritual pressure acted to cauterize bleeding all over the womens still body, this time, the voice came out, it was strange honestly strange, her spiritual pressure changing once more, fading into the depths of despair.. the girls mouth twitched.. then she cracked a huge ass smile, one which was creepy as fuck to boot.

Slowly she just raised her palm her energy levels rocketing as she released her state of bankai, her lips twitching, and twerking while she just instead decided to do another parlor trick, manipulating the magnetic field around the two, even if all else failed, causing catastrophic results when it came to energy discharges in short it was a brilliant flash of untamed electrical energy generated by causing the ions in the air to become non-cohesive and generating static charge, to the point that if ashlei hadn't gained some distance or something she would be struck with a lightning bolt a full on bolt of lightning, which would have enough external heat to burn or set fires to anything within a 100 foot radius, while she was a injured beast who could say that it was a weak injured beast?.. No one which was why she had if the escape worked done one other thing, by energizing her left palm to intense levels, she had put up a barrier directly in front of the garganta stopping any means of throwing her anywhere, even if she was still caught .

Which was why finally she would have opened her palm, and formed a extremely compact cero, which seemed to glow a faint red, however the cero suddenly would vanish with a extreme roar fired inches to the left of ashlei's face if she still was anywhere close to the girl, which would plow through buildings with intense speeds, causing basically a lightning fast cero beam to extend down the front of a already ruined environment, however though the speed and abruptness would be enough that the buildings it shot past would implode being sucked into a vortex after the cero, which broke the hypersonic sound barrier before vanishing in the distance a boom could be heard although, from the extent of the explosions power, as raw energy pulsed the face widened further, a splayed palm showing, as her hand lit up, firing a stream of bala's at break neck speeds which where aimed in the direction of the ground causing fires to break out everywhere while her fist accelerated with a clatter into the ground, causing the already weakened terrain to explode downwards caving in like rubble widening the fissure into a small lake of lava which finally Nero had raised her other palm, almost as if on auto pilot.

This shot went straight into the lava a highly compact and unstable overcharged cero which would detonate once it hit the lava forcing it to basically explode upwards in a fountain pumping hundreds if not thousands of cubic square feet of lava into the air, around 4 metric tons of it was flushed out of the hole from the massive force of energy however using Her Manipulation of polarity and magnetic fields she would take the lava and force it into a massive seething small sun like object that was polarized so that it was not going anywhere anytime soon, then she would throw it straight down, moving with startling speed, as her mask was glued to her face at this point, standing because she managed to focus the remaining amount of her energy she giggled and then seemed to flip as she'd fire a cero into the lava causing it to disk explode every direction bathing the field in a lava like rain, opening a garganta for cover then she would have dive bombed into the garganta going to who know's where after.

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:14 am
Shani lay on the floor, struggling to keep her eyes open. Her left arm stretched out weakly towards ashlei as her tears stopped flowing. Barely able to hold her arm up, she started to speak as the ground beneath her rumbled.

"Mama... Papa... Banshee Force..."

Then her hand fell to the ground with a dull thud, the last of her tears splashing against the ground as she lost conscious. Whether she lived or died she no longer cared. The only thing she lived for was finding her parents.

((OOC: well, Shani is out cold, and I believe that, unless someone saves her, she will die. Feel free to do what you wish concerning her, her body is still laying there, though I am officially out of the posting order.))

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

My crazy girls home
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Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:43 am


Ashlei stood where she was, unmoving like a statue. She knew that everything that was happening around her wasn't going the way she wanted but she also knew it wasn't controllable. She had lost her grip on the situation and felt like a fool for doing it. Her blood was pulled apart by molecular abilities? This isn't a good sign. She looked at the bloody mess that used to be a limb and sighed. She knew now that she still had some ways to go before she could use her powers to their fullest. After all, she shouldn't have been able to escape from that.

All the while Ashlei thought about this, she stood in the barrier that Ceon had provided to protect her from the blasts. It was a formidable defence and something to be reckoned with,. It was also something worth noting. She could use this later. For now though, she needed to figure out what to do with this situation. Ashlei waited for all of the destruction to cease and for Ceon to drop the shield. She then turned to Ceon and yanked part of her arm off the bone, slipping it into her mouth and chewing hard.

"Ceon, I think we have an issue..."

She looked around herself. The area looked like someone had driven a bulldozer through it. Seriously. There was just flat floor and lava. Why the hell was there lava here? This was slightly confusing but Ashlei shrugged it off as it wasn't the time to speculate natural conditions.

"All of this will likely summon the presence of... someone"

Ashlei stopped speaking there. She wasn't actually sure who would turn up. Shinigami? Yayjuu? Iramasha? Stupid people she didn't give two shits about at this point. They would come down here and take her by force or even kill her. Then again Ceon was here. She could use that to her advantage too. However there was one other thing that she needed to deal with first. This girl. She said something that sparked Ashleis attention. Banshee Force. Ashlei looked towards her.


Ashlei rubbed her forehead.

"I...I remember... Shadow Fall...Is this girl a friend?"

Ashlei looked to Shani. She didn't recognise her, no. However she played on the words she spoke of. It was the perfect farce. Thoughts bent on repeating the words 'Banshee Force' and 'Shadow Fall' kept her from being seen through. She stepped over to Shani and rested a hand on her back. Ashlei then looked over her shoulder to Ceon.

"This girl is important but we need to leave. Who could possibly get down here that might disagree with me being here?I'll answer your questions later but for now I'm more worried about this girl and myself."

Ashlei looked back down, lifting Shani with a regenerated pair of arms before turning back to Ceon.

"I think the things iv'e done in my past before I lost my memories have gotten me a more renown status than I had once thought"

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