Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Seasoned Member
Joined : 2010-11-25
Posts : 1317
Age : 35
Location : New England, United States

Member Info
Platinum Points:
UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Left_bar_bleue5/100UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty_bar_bleue  (5/100)

UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++]

Thu May 02, 2013 6:04 pm
The Spiritual Human Template

UHCM's Personal Theme
Original & Cover Song Title: Pure Imagination
Premiered In: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
Original Song Composed & Arranged by: Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse
Original Song Sung by: Gene Wilder
Cover Acapella Arranged & Sung by: Jacob Collier
Cover Percussion Arranged & Played by: Kenneth Benson

Basic Information

Name: Jacob Benjamin Smith
Titles: UHCM or "The Theater Master."
Birthdate: September 6th, 1988 at 7:00pm EST -05:00:00
Age Appearance: Mid-Twenties
Gender: Male
Affiliation/Rank: Independent.

Appearance Description: Generally, UHCM appears as a nearly six foot caucasian male with slender body and wild dark hair on both his head and face. When up close, he has gray eyes, but in any range, he is recognizable for having long hair that is either in a ponytail or was loose and a wild looking bushy eyebrows and scruffy beard. Despite having no packed abs other than a mild bulge and hardly any extra muscles, UHCM does have hair on his chest and blemishes to show experience in his field in and out of combat. Almost at all times, UHCM wears a square-rimmed eyeglasses due to his eyes condition which threatens to blind him if he does not wear them for a while with eyes opened. Despite the age, he constantly looks youthful while his hair made him look older than his supposed form's age, but he seems to have plenty of mysteries of his being at all times.


Personality: UHCM is reputed to be a quirky fellow with a big ego and a noble heart. His most noticeable quirk was his behavioral shifting, meaning that he is likely to change from a vowed pacifist to a brutal warrior when it calls for it. His least recognized quirk was his hypocritical antonym of seeking fair game and performing foul play; and to be simple as to the meaning, UHCM can raise and lower his style's effectiveness to be on their level, but it is expected that he will resort to dirty tricks to gain the upperhand, just like a rogue in Dungeons and Dragons. UHCM can be noble-minded as to keep the promises that he agreed to keep and always looking out for other people as he promotes fair game for all and equal freedoms for the privileged. He has a high tendency of being oblivious by natural habit while at times, he can keep a cool head and use his expansive logic to overcome problems.

UHCM has a sweettooth, so he can jump at a chance for pasteries and candy, but what gets him the strongest will be Shortbread Cookies. When it comes to drinks, UHCM is a non-alcoholic and prefers to drink soda to the point that he has a stockpile of new Coca-Cola Zeroes at home while usually has a 36 pack of the same soda in his cooled hover-truck and his classroom, which will be modified to his liking when he has the chance. Naturally, UHCM does not mind anyone, does not believe in hatred and likes those who he trusts, thus it will take great effort to make him hate someone while it takes impossible measures to make him want to kill someone. What UHCM considers to be unlikeable is moments when people resorts to using their position to gain leverage and using name-calling insults to slander a person's credit in a conversation or argument (jokes will need to be obvious because of UHCM's obliviousness.) He has a fragile heart, so he loathes to be manipulated and being betrayed, which would drive him to rebel against the one who manipulated or betrayed him.


Background History

(Based upon learned knowledge as each summary is added when discovered by other characters)

Summary 1-0: Pre-Bleach (Year 1988-2005/Age 0-17)
Known by: Shadin Yuudeshi

UHCM is born in the United States to a bibliophiliac mother and a computer programming father as his brother was born five an a half years later. Eventually he and his family moved to New England from the South due to his father's job. Enigmatic as to how he done it, UHCM ended up in the Soul Society at the early months of the year 2004 and was mistakened for a 4th Division Shinigami as he was thrown to the incident when Shadin's demon took over and devastated the squad who are with him, leaving UHCM as one of few who survived before he "defected" from Gotei 13 with Shadin, taking no chance in being dragged into another conflict. Traumatized by the events, UHCM refuses to leave Japan to return home and stayed with fianancial support in his education. Ever since then, UHCM progresses rapidly in his education and relations with few individuals such as Shadin.

Summary 3-0: Post-Bleach (Year 2007-2399/Age 19-411)
Known by: Rumors, Shadin Yuudeshi

After the conflict with Aizen, UHCM disappeared from scene and was not found anywhere. From time to time, UHCM appeared as a stranger who can change appearance during the time of high distress such as the time of Nero, Ender and "the War Against the Soul King," but quickly vanishes after each conflict and before anyone could distinguish his identity other than Shadin. There were reports by Shinigami, Vizards, and other allies of Karakura that the stranger was spotted using a special power to transform into other people to aid in their efforts of controlling the damage and threats after Kin's defeat. UHCM soon returned to Karakura Central as a premiered theater technician and performance artist with enough in his portfolio to be on high demand for theaters in the Sukai Karakura. Because of his reputation, he was invited to various courts of nobles of the Soul Society and royalty of Iramasha Island and Sugiuran Realm.

Summary 5-0: Platinum Hearts (Year 2400-2413/Age 412-425)
Known by: Universal Knowledge in Karakura Central, Sugiuran Kingdom, Iramasha Island and Soul Society

UHCM was retired from active duty of defending Japan from enemy factions and continued his career as the Theater Master. When he heard about the destruction of the United States, UHCM fell into despair because it was his country of birth, but now Karakura Central, Japan became his permanent home. After five years, UHCM recovered from his despair and became a teacher for Technical and Performance Theatre Arts in Karakura High School. Despite initial resistance against his radical changes to his permanent classroom, UHCM taught several students and is an active consular for the Drama Club in terms of stage craft and necessary technical needs. Now, he is merely known as a mere human with a quick mind and a caring heart for his students following his pacifistic nature.

Natural Attributes & Personas

Agelessness: To simply put, UHCM cannot die from old age as his body remains unchanged from age 25 during the four centuries of time. While he may not be the only one who has this attribute, he could be a rare individual to be figuratively immortal without any technological or spiritual supports. However, as tales foretold in the past, living forever is not all that is cracked up to be. UHCM suffered traumas in the past and witnessed virtually countless tragedies during his time. While he can live to see more lifetimes, he is consequentially cursed to live with the memories of the horrors that Earth experienced in the wars.

Occultism: Occultism is defined as "understanding what is beyond comprehension." Thus it means that UHCM can perceive more than average and possibly rivaled the technique of the Arrancar, Perquisa. Not only it allows UHCM to have great spiritual awareness and sensitivity, it allows UHCM to understand the kind, the significance and the details of the threat through various educated guesses from the vast knowledge he acquired throughout his years. The major drawback is that he cannot immediately understand what it is and it is limited to UHCM's knowledge and experience. Thus, he would often need time to study the threat whenever he meets someone new or someone was using an unusual power or powers that are outside the basic elements of Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Mind, Body, Soul, Light, Dark and Fate.

Great Willpower: With all the tragedies he faced and the eternal life on top from an unstable mind, most during his time would face suicide or commit to the such, but UHCM continued to live and manages to be at peace with himself over the lifetimes. This signifies that his willpower is far more than average as he can lift things that are mildly heavy and take on challenges that would be tough on sheer willpower alone. Because of his willpower, he would rarely surprise people with the amount of strength he has despite his flimsy or nerdy appearance. However, despite that he can summon the willpower to do the extremes when he puts his mind into it, he tires himself out quicker whenever he uses them. That means it is possible for UHCM to faint from using his willpower too much.

Uncanny Adaption: Mainly because of his intellect was two years ahead of his time and he acquired vast knowledge, UHCM is capable of utilizing them quickly and adapt both physically and mentally during various situations, including situations that consistently change so much in short intervals that it would be harder for others to do the same. In the essence, "uncanny" means "unnatural," which implies that UHCM can adapt faster than an average human. To an extent, UHCM can learn techniques and utilize them whether for civil challenges like shopping on sales and cooking meals or for martial challenges like using weapons or fighting faster foes. Although he is very quick to adapt, there are situations where he cannot do much and resorts to supporting others who can do what he cannot do. Two of the many things he cannot do was to enjoy a steak dinner during a bar fight and dealing with advanced mathematics or jargons.

Philosophical: Over the years, he was considered wise by some people he meets from time to time due to an understanding about the world around him and experiences when dealing with people. While he also made mistakes in the past, he is willing to pass down the lessons he learned and hope that the ones who heard him will not make the same mistakes that he made before. On the flipside, he can compose philosophies based on the lessons he learned from others and even blend them into metaphors and similes to hopefully make the lessons a bit more catchy. He only uses them when it calls for it while at times, he composes more to himself and fiddles with the logic of them. Unfortunately, not everyone can understand what he is saying because of his habit of using metaphors and similes with his odd logic that all added up to the term, "cryptic" or "nonesensual."

Theatrical Talents: As an artist, UHCM has a knack for using flairs and spectacular tricks to induce awe and possibly distract foes away from his actual intention. Because of his vast experience in the Performance Industry, he learned from actors, directors, producers and more than enough people to have the widest range of skills in the performing arts known to mankind. His specialized pair of skills are writing and costume design & making. He dabbled into techniques of acting, dancing and singing, which came to the point that he is capable of helping other actors, dancers and singers understand their roles and how to achieve the utmost effects of their performance. From time to time, he can be seen reciting musical tunes to himself or even playing with musical instruments.

Artisan of Words: Specialized in writing, UHCM can use various words and blend them into a prose of stories and poetry. Though he hardly published any of his writings, he is consistent with his writing of lyrics, notes, poems, and short stories. However, there are forms of prose that are not completed because of UHCM's lack of attention span and the tendency of forgetting about it until he does not have any idea to go by. If anyone was to discover his collection, there are chances that they see incomplete works and completed poems. Unfortunately, UHCM can only let so few people into his house, which would give them that chance.

Artisan of Costume: In various shows by UHCM, actors, dancers, singers, and other performers are dressed in unusual clothes with vibrant and abstract colors and forms. They appeared as such due to UHCM's desire to recreate the renaissance of theater while being the next premiered fashion designerr. While he goes on with his ambitions, he done various revivals such as Victorian, Renaissance, Ballroom and even Gothic. People would often find it strange that, most of his work are either bell-styled crinoline dresses, tailed-tuxedos with short capes, and accessories to add onto their more modernized outfits like a shoulder-cape or hip-cape and so on. However, given that his house was larger than an average house in the Karakura Central's Housing District, he has enough room for the costumes' mannequins, even when they are wearing them. It is said that he owned a private collection of his work and can only share them to those who he truly trust and care about.

Artisan of Material: When it comes to wood, metal, paper, leather and fabric, UHCM is an artist who puts his heart and soul into each thing he creates. As he builds sets for theater, make armor and weapons, and more, he pays attention to details and practicality, thus his craftsmanship are meant for a purpose that he conveniently labels with a piece of paper tied somewhere with the purpose in mind. For spiritual fighters, they would feel a strange reiatsu from the weapons and armors that are created by him; that reiatsu indicates that they are capable of being imprinted with their powers so they can have desired effects, just like an Asauchi to a Shinigami. For sets, they do not have the magic, but it appears the items visibly reacts to the structures that UHCM made, either for special effects or as an indication of something better for users. All weapons and armors created by UHCM can become stronger with longer uses, but it requires the user's heart to be synchronized with its own reiatsu, thus enhancing the user's reiatsu by a little bit initially, but when synchronized, it is possible for a powerless user to be on par with a Shinigami Captain's Bankai; however, it will take a long time and never there was one person who could synchronized themselves without extensive training and extensive help from a Shinigami who understood how to use their Zanpakutō because UHCM intended it that way to keep enemies from using the full potential of his weapons against the Gotei 13 and their allied organizations.

Master of the Theater: Due to the vast range of skills in both the theatre arts and the performing arts, he is recognized among the Karakura Alliance by the title, "The Theater Master." He also directed and produced various performances in theaters and in courts of nobility and royalty. Because of his resourcefulness, most of the budget are his payments and donations are also added as the remaining amount of the budget goes to the actual performances, making him very wealthy while also generous as he supported various theater companies that he worked with before. In the past, it is rumored that before UHCM became who he is now, he came to Japan with nothing but the clothes on his back and luggages containing memorabilias. It is also believed that with the support of various characters, UHCM eventually hits the jackpot with audiences of royalty and nobility and was rewarded greatly for taking the opportunities with wealth, friendship and alliances.

Meta-Physical Companion (Cobie): A mysterious keeshond dog that follows UHCM around. Not much is known, but what is known is that it came with UHCM upon his return to Karakura Central. Just like UHCM, it is ageless, but unlike its master, the companion does come back from the dead as along UHCM is still alive. The drawback is that it is primarily purposed with warning and guidance, so combat is something it will avoid at all cost. The best it could do when trapped in a battlefield is to find someplace safe to bunker down until the fight is over.
---Heightened senses for warning and guiding.
---Can use telepathy and astro-projection (able to enter dreams.)
---Respawns after death.
---Never does combat, it will hide instead.
---Everybody can see it, even without spiritual awareness.
---Fragile, it can get killed easily.

Essence of Pure Imagination: This passive ability is entirely voluntary as the players can choose to be affected or not be affected entirely. On top of that, it does completely nothing to benefit or penalize both the bearer and the affected. When consented, a single touch by UHCM can give the person the essence for an entire thread, but prolonged exposure of being touched by UHCM can make it permanently added onto the person's Natural Attributes. This is never designed to be a combat-oriented ability as UHCM was against fighting when it developed upon him as he began to unlock the concept of Pure Imagination. As a social-oriented, free-form, passive ability, the bearer can choose any up to 7 effect(s) (6th Tier=1 to 0 Tier = 7) they wished and switch them at any time; all they need is a sense of imagination where the highest to attain is pure imagination.
---Strictly social-oriented (no combat benefit and drawback.)
---Free-Form (it can be anything within reason and fairness.)
---Strictly not combat-oriented (useless in battles.)
---Consensual (cannot affect anyone at all until accepted.)
Effect 1 (Tier 6) --- Bottomless Stomach
--- He can eat and drink a lot, but suffers little to no aftereffects other than replenishing energy which only works in any social thread.
Effect 2 (Tier 5) --- High Virility
--- Easier said than explained, UHCM has more than enough energy and power in many ways in any social thread or mature thread.
Effect 3 (Tier 4) --- Your Truth Is My Lie
--- Anything forced upon UHCM backfires and affects the one who committed it instead in any social thread.
Effect 4 (Tier 3) --- Happy Go Lucky
--- Despite any bad luck happening to UHCM, he manages to get something out of it in the end; does not work in combat.
Effect 5 (Tier 2) --- Cola-Blooded
--- Whenever he drinks soda, he does not suffer negative aftereffects; he is immune to any poison or drug put into his soda in any social thread.
Effect 6 (Tier 1) --- Natural Cartoon
--- He can take a lot of beating and can do crazy things, but manages to still tick in any social thread.
Effect 7 (Tier 0) ---

Allowed Without Permission.
---Expansion of description by extending the paragraph or by adding new paragraph(s).
---Editing effects without needing rechecking, but is advised to check with Moderator anyway.
Required Permission from Author (UHCM.)
---Permanently affecting someone with this ability.
Never Allowed AT ALL!
---Forced affecting without permission from player(s) and/or from author (UHCM.)
Template for Permanent Attribute (Edit as Needed.)
---Space Above This Paragraph---
[b]Essence of Pure Imagination:[/b] This passive ability is entirely voluntary as the players can choose to be affected or not be affected entirely. On top of that, it does completely nothing to benefit or penalize both the bearer and the affected. When consented, a single touch by <YOUR CHARACTER NAME> can give the person the essence for an entire thread, but prolonged exposure of being touched by <YOUR CHARACTER NAME> can make it permanently added onto the person's Natural Attributes. This is never designed to be a combat-oriented ability as UHCM was against fighting when it developed upon him as he began to unlock the concept of Pure Imagination. As a social-oriented, free-form, passive ability, the bearer can choose any up to 7 effect(s) (6th Tier=1 to 0 Tier = 7) they wished and switch them at any time; all they need is a sense of imagination where the highest to attain is pure imagination.
---Strictly social-oriented (no combat benefits.)
---Free-Form (it can be anything within reason and fairness)
---Strictly not combat-oriented (useless in battles.)
---Consensual (cannot affect anyone at all until accepted.)
[u]Effect(s)[/u] (Select the [Strike] and drag it to the left side of a tier above your approved tier. If Tier 0, then you can remove [Strike] and [/Strike])
[strike]Effect 1 (Tier 6) ---
Effect 2 (Tier 5) ---
Effect 3 (Tier 4) ---
Effect 4 (Tier 3) ---
Effect 5 (Tier 2) ---
Effect 6 (Tier 1) ---
Effect 7 (Tier 0) --- [/strike]
[u]Allowed Without Permission.[/u]
---Expansion of description by extending the paragraph or by adding new paragraph(s).
---Editing effects without needing rechecking, but is advised to check with Moderator anyway.
[u]Required Permission from Author (UHCM.)[/u]
---Permanently affecting someone with this ability.
[u]Never Allowed AT ALL![/u]
---Forced affecting without permission from player(s) and/or from author (UHCM.)
---Space Under This Paragraph---

True Edge Creator: Secretly developed beyond even the eyes of his friend, Shadin, UHCM uses his crafting talents of decorative weapons and imbue them with the Essence of Pure Imagination, which creates a new strand of essence for combat-oriented purposes called, "True Edge." Given that it is against his original purpose, True Edge was heavily restricted to only one purpose, its power. In his pride, UHCM sees it as the next Zanpakutō, but also wisely sees it as a danger to those who would misuse it, so he also placed a dark mark on it, its fail-safe restraint. While it is a weapon, it is purposed with offensive use to overpower obstacles and opponents, but the desire of UHCM reflects onto its core; that desire is to "Defend the less fortunate from the tyranny of power and corruption." In a sense, it will grow stronger with each hit against enemies who are more powerful than or equal-powered to the user, but will grow weaker if striking down enemies who are weaker than the user, striking down enemies who cannot defend themselves against the user, or striking against allies, the defenseless or friends.
---Behaves like a Zanpakutō.
---Can grow stronger when fighting stronger enemies or enemies who are equal in Tier.
---Grows weaker when fighting weaker enemies or allies.
---Only one ability can be applied, regardless of Tier/Rank.
Allowed Without Permission.
---Expansion of description by extending the paragraph or by adding new paragraph(s).
---Carrying more than one True Edge.
Required Permission from Author (UHCM.)
---Acquiring a True Edge and activating it.
Never Allowed AT ALL!
---Having more than one ability.
Template for Permanent Attribute (Edit as Needed.)
---Space Above This Paragraph---
[size=18][b][u]True Edge[/u][/b][/size]
[b]Name:[/b] (The Name of the True Edge.)
[b]Phrase:[/b] (The short phrase to call out the ability of the True Edge.)

[img]<Optional Image>[/img]

[b]Appearance:[/b] (At least 1 paragraph/5 sentences description about what your True Edge looks like. It is completely optional to ask the Author (UHCM) to write it up for you since it is acquired from UHCM himself.)

[b]Past Users[/b] (The list of users who last used this specific True Edge.)

[b]Current User:[/b] (The name of the user who is possesses it now.)

[b]Ability & History:[/b] (It can only be ONE ability, no more than that. You can start it off with undiscovered ability by leaving it blank for developmental purposes, but to have one right off the bat, it requires more than just, "It activated on its own when I just touched it." or "It just happened." 10-20 sentenced or 2-4 paragraphs will be needed to explain how it is acquired so quickly. Remember, history is integrated into the ability, but it is also allowed to separate history from ability for easier reading.)
---Space Under This Paragraph---

True Guard Creator: Created the same way, but as armors and shields, the True Guard was reflecting UHCM's desire to "Stand between lives of the defenseless and destruction that comes for them." Whether friend or foe, should the wearer protect the life of any individual who are clearly unable to defend themselves from any attack, the True Guard will grow stronger for each individual who was necessarily saved from being opened to any attack, but grows weaker should the user strike down a defenseless character or a weaker character. Where True Edge is offensive, True Guard is defensive as it can protect the user from direct attacks, but it can also enhance an attribute as well optionally, but when it has two of the same effect applied, it will cause a conflict that hinders the wearer potentially to a severe rate. Like True Edge, the True Guard is combat-oriented, which means it is against UHCM's original purpose and thus is restricted heavily to only one ability. As the creator of both True Edge and True Guard, UHCM has a way to keep them out of enemy hands and it is through his Essence of Pure Imagination, which when he knows which True Edge or True Guard it is, he can call upon them to return directly to his house, where it will wait for its new user.
---Behaves like a Zanpakutō.
---Can grow stronger when defending characters who are weaker or cannot defend themselves.
---Naturally is lighter than average.
---Grows weaker when fighting weaker enemies or allies.
---Only one ability can be applied, regardless of Tier/Rank.
---Cannot stack; if it stacks, they will polarized to negate the effect.
Allowed Without Permission.
---Expansion of description by extending the paragraph or by adding new paragraph(s).
---Carrying more than one True Guard (but only as a set; who could wear five helmets at once when they have only one head (exceptions can be made within reason)?)
Required Permission from Author (UHCM.)
---Acquiring a True Guard and activating it.
Never Allowed AT ALL!
---Having more than one ability.
Template for Permanent Attribute (Edit as Needed.)
---Space Above This Paragraph---
[size=18][b][u]True Guard[/u][/b][/size]
[b]Name:[/b] (Name of the True Guard)
[b]Phrase:[/b] (The short phrase to call out the ability of the True Guard.)

[img]<Optional Image>[/img]

[b]Appearance:[/b] (At least 1 paragraph/5 sentences description about what your True Guard looks like. It is completely optional to ask the Author (UHCM) to write it up for you since it is acquired from UHCM himself.)

[b]Past Users[/b] (The list of users who last used this specific True Guard.)

[b]Current User:[/b] (The name of the user who is possesses it now.)

[b]Ability & History:[/b] (It can only be ONE ability, no more than that. You can start it off with undiscovered ability by leaving it blank for developmental purposes, but to have one right off the bat, it requires more than just, "It activated on its own when I just touched it." or "It just happened." 10-20 sentenced or 2-4 paragraphs will be needed to explain how it is acquired so quickly. Remember, history is integrated into the ability, but it is also allowed to separate history from ability for easier reading.)
---Space Under This Paragraph---

Persona: Initially, UHCM is not like the other fighters, so in his base form, he is considered on this true tier and every system in Platinum Hearts applies to him. However, Personas are his collection of canon characters that are technically outside the current universe like Guile from Street Fighters or Kain from Final Fantasy IV. He cannot transform into any of the native canons of the current universe, so if he is in the Bleach Universe, he cannot become Kenpachi Zaraki or Ichigo Kurosaki. When in a Persona, he has a far different system of rules applied to him. Due to such difference, UHCM's Personas are not all linked, thus while in a Persona, UHCM's base form does not take any damage or energy loss. On top of the different rules applied, his skills and abilities except for his Persona changing ability are substituted with the abilities and talents of the Persona that he is portraying.
---Can turn into any canon character outside the current universe as along he knows about them.
---Can select a base tier freely.
---Cannot become a native canon of the current universe.
---Fixed settings based on tiers.
Note About Face-Claiming
UHCM's Persona takes form and aspects of canon characters that are outside of the current universe and thus it is unnecessary to start claiming faces and asking permissions for each transformation when they are going to be temporarily used for as long as the thread or shorter depending on circumstances.
Tier Setting and Damage, Cost and Defense Balance Explained
---UHCM can be efficient and effective when he is on equal tier to the opponent.
---If UHCM's chosen tier is higher than opponent's, he is penalized with higher cost for his special/alternative actions, but is better with damage and defense.
---If UHCM's chosen tier is lower than opponent's, he is penalized with lower damage and defense, but is better with cost.
---UHCM's original/base form's tier is locked onto the tier given by the checker; the tiers can only change when he is in a Persona.
---He can change tier to keep an even game, but his original/base form's tier cannot be changed at all.
[table border=1][tr][td]
Base Tier Difference
UHCM vs. Opponent
Special Ability Cost
-(BH) Per Special Use
Base Damage
Base Defense
-(RH) Each Hit Taken
[/td][/tr][tr][td]6 Tiers Above[/td][td]-2 1/2[/td][td]Devastating[/td][td]-2 1/2[/td][/tr][tr][td]5 Tiers Above[/td][td]-2 1/4[/td][td]Critical[/td][td]-2 1/4[/td][/tr][tr][td]4 Tiers Above[/td][td]-2[/td][td]Serious[/td][td]-2[/td][/tr][tr][td]3 Tiers Above[/td][td]-1 3/4[/td][td]Harsh[/td][td]-1 3/4[/td][/tr][tr][td]2 Tiers Above[/td][td]-1 1/2[/td][td]Heavy[/td][td]-1 1/2[/td][/tr][tr][td]1 Tier Above[/td][td]-1 1/4[/td][td]Strong[/td][td]-1 1/4[/td][/tr][tr][td]Equal Tiers[/td][td]-1[/td][td]Normal[/td][td]-1[/td][/tr][tr][td]1 Tier Below[/td][td]-3/4[/td][td]Mediocre[/td][td]-3/4[/td][/tr][tr][td]2 Tiers Below[/td][td]-3/4[/td][td]Mediocre[/td][td]-3/4[/td][/tr][tr][td]3 Tiers Below[/td][td]-1/2[/td][td]Light[/td][td]-1/2[/td][/tr][tr][td]4 Tiers Below[/td][td]-1/2[/td][td]Light[/td][td]-1/2[/td][/tr][tr][td]5 Tiers Below[/td][td]-1/4[/td][td]Mild[/td][td]-1/4[/td][/tr][tr][td]6 Tiers Below[/td][td]-1/4[/td][td]Mild[/td][td]-1/4[/td][/tr][/table]

Reset: Whenever the Persona is "killed," UHCM is reverted back to his base Persona, thus effectively shutting down his powers and possibly render him unconscious if the last hit was substantial enough to overcome his (later explained) Quarter Mail Armor. When the Persona is killed, they cannot be used again until they are healed by consuming a Shortbread Cookie.
---Base Persona cannot get hurt when in another Persona.
---Preserves the life of the Base Persona.
---Can only fall unconscious if Base Persona suffered too much from having Persona killed.
---Killed Persona cannot be used until healed.

Quarter Mail Armor: It is both a benefit and drawback of using a Persona. Depending on his tier, he can take more or less or normal amount of damage when facing an opponent with a certain tier. Each rounding to the nearest quarter and never below 25%, it starts off with the base defense then it will stack with additional benefits and then reduces the amount of damage taken. The benefit is that it will fix the damage to the nearest quarter (either 25%, 50%, 75% or so on) if the damage is low enough to reduce it to the nearest lower quarter, but it can work against him as it could round to the higher quarter if the damage was enough to increase it. Since the minimal is strictly 25%, it is impossible for UHCM to attain invincibility or any further protections if it hits below 25%, thus even the lowest of tiered humans can do potentially significant damage to UHCM in his Persona, but it can still prevent higher tiered enemies from dealing far greater damage to him unless they used certain techniques or stacked benefits that allows them to overcome that.
---Can round down to the lower quarter if closer than the higher quarter.
---Reduced damage taken from weaker enemies.
---Can round up to the higher quarter if closer than the lower quarter.
---Increased damage taken from tougher enemies.
---Minimal damage taken is 25%, no further down.
6 Tiers Below Opponent's = 250% Damage Taken (Defenseless)
5 Tiers Below Opponent's = 225% Damage Taken (Prone)
4 Tiers Below Opponent's = 200% Damage Taken (Weak)
3 Tiers Below Opponent's = 175% Damage Taken (Mild)
2 Tiers Below Opponent's = 150% Damage Taken (Light)
1 Tier Below Opponent's = 125% Damage Taken (Mediocre)
Equal to Opponent's = 100% Damage Taken (Normal/Moderate)
1-2 Tiers Above Opponent's = 75% Damage Taken (Strong)
3-4 Tiers Above Opponent's = 50% Damage Taken (Heavy)
5-6 Tiers Above Opponent's = 25% Damage Taken (Harsh)

Quarter Based Actions: When in a Persona, UHCM's base damage is determined by tiers like the ability's brother, Quarter Mail Armor. Quarter Based Actions are based on whether or not the action used is the Persona's alternative or special actions like Final Fantasy's spells or InuYasha's Wind Scar special attack. Just as much damage he can initially do, it is also equals to the amount of Blue Hearts that will be used up (explained later,) thus it is cheaper for UHCM to fight something tougher than himself than to prey on weaker individuals. Initially, it will be the base damage dealt and cost added onto additional costs and benefits before reduced by opposing defenses. Note the additional cost is equal to the amount of benefits added onto the base damage dealt only if the benefits are by UHCM and not by someone else.
---Reduced cost to tougher enemies.
---Increased damage to weaker enemies.
---Minimal damage dealt is 25%.
---Increased cost to weaker enemies.
---Reduced damage to tougher enemies.
5-6 Tiers Below Opponent's = 25% Damage Dealt (Mild)
3-4 Tiers Below Opponent's = 50% Damage Dealt (Light)
1-2 Tiers Below Opponent's = 75% Damage Dealt (Mediocre)
Equal to Opponent's = 100% Damage Dealt (Normal/Moderate)
1 Tier Above Opponent's = 125% Damage Dealt (Strong)
2 Tiers Above Opponent's = 150% Damage Dealt (Heavy)
3 Tiers Above Opponent's = 175% Damage Dealt (Harsh)
4 Tiers Above Opponent's = 200% Damage Dealt (Serious)
5 Tiers Above Opponent's = 225% Damage Dealt (Critical)
6 Tiers Above Opponent's = 250% Damage Dealt (Devastating)

Red Hearts:Whenever he is in a Persona, he gets 10 hearts per base tier. Each heart is 100% of a point when it runs out, the Persona is killed and forced UHCM to Reset. When in his base Persona, UHCM can eat a Shortbread Cookie to restore a full set of Red Hearts (10 = Full Set) for all Personas, but as a Persona, the healing can only affect the Persona that he currently is.
---Not universally linked, thus each Persona has their own amount of Red Hearts.
---Less ambiguity.
---Enemies can see it behind UHCM's right shoulder when in Persona.
---Personas cannot heal overtime during inactivity and activity.
Tier 6 = 05 Hearts
Tier 5 = 10 Hearts
Tier 4 = 20 Hearts
Tier 3 = 30 Hearts
Tier 2 = 40 Hearts
Tier 1 = 50 Hearts
Tier 0 = 60 Hearts

Blue Hearts: Whenever he is in a Persona, Blue Hearts behaves exactly like Red Hearts, but while Red Hearts are his health/hit points, Blue Hearts are his power/magic points, thus it is directly linked to the costs for special techniques and alternative actions like spells. When they are empty, UHCM can still maintain the Persona, but he cannot use any further special techniques and alternative techniques. When in base Persona, UHCM can restore 10 Blue Hearts for all of his Personas by drinking Soda, but when in a Persona, only the current Persona can have their Blue Hearts restored by the method.
---Not universally linked, thus each Persona has their own amount of Blue Hearts.
---Less ambiguity.
---Enemies can see it behind UHCM's left shoulder when in Persona.
---Personas cannot recover overtime during inactivity and activity.
Tier 6 = 05 Hearts
Tier 5 = 10 Hearts
Tier 4 = 20 Hearts
Tier 3 = 30 Hearts
Tier 2 = 40 Hearts
Tier 1 = 50 Hearts
Tier 0 = 60 Hearts

Summarized Formulas
It is to show what kind of mathematics are used by UHCM for personal preference, thus everyone does not have to use them. It may seem excluded from posts, but they are used solely by UHCM to determined results for the posts with more ease and lesser chance of playing guessing games that would end with unfair tilts to either his favor or the opponent's favor. Note that UHCM will do thorough research to attain necessary variables for more accurate results. Again, it is made solely for UHCM's personal use to make less ambiguous results and it is completely optional for uses by others.

BH(x/4) = Blue Hearts (Quarter Amount)
DAV = Dealt Attack Value
DD = Damage Dealt
DT = Damage Taken
*Dura(x/4) = Durability (Quarter Amount)
RH(x/4) = Red Hearts (Quarter Amount)
TAV = Taken Attack Value

Damage Taken: [(DT - Benefits) + TAV] * 0.1 = RH(x/4) Lost
Damage Dealt: [(DD + DAV) + Benefits] - ODura(x/4) = % Damage Dealt rounded to the nearest Quarter.
Attack Cost: (DD + DAV) * 0.1 = BH(x/4) Lost

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

Human Reiatsu Sheet
  • Power Control: Beginner
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration: Advanced
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance: Advanced
  • Physical Augmentation: Advanced

Last edited by [UHCM] Hanako Shikijou Jr on Sun May 05, 2013 6:12 pm; edited 12 times in total

UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
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  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty Re: UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++]

Fri May 03, 2013 7:10 pm

Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
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  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [O]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: Everything is fine except this

Persona: Initially, UHCM is not like the other fighters, so in his base form, he is considered on this true tier and every system in Platinum Hearts applies to him. However, Personas are his collection of canon characters that are technically outside the current universe like Guile from Street Fighters or Kain from Final Fantasy IV. He cannot transform into any of the native canons of the current universe, so if he is in the Bleach Universe, he cannot become Kenpachi Zaraki or Ichigo Kurosaki. When in a Persona, he has a far different system of rules applied to him. Due to such difference, UHCM's Personas are not all linked, thus while in a Persona, UHCM's base form does not take any damage or energy loss. On top of the different rules applied, his skills and abilities except for his Persona changing ability are substituted with the abilities and talents of the Persona that he is portraying.
---Can turn into any canon character outside the current universe as along he knows about them.
---Can select a base tier freely.
---Cannot become a native canon of the current universe.
---Fixed settings based on tiers.

From what I gathered, he or you can just pick the tiers of the characterless in question, right? If so, I kind of have a problem with that since it seems like you can easily choose any tier for them to become. I'm not sure if I understood it correctly, but I'd prefer a set tier rate or something. Other then that, everything seems fine by me.

Tier: 1-3++ when finished

UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] WVMWLOu
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UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty Re: UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++]

Fri May 03, 2013 8:32 pm
Clarified the Persona bit.

Awaiting further instruction.

UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty Re: UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++]

Thu May 09, 2013 1:49 pm

Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: N/A

Tier: 1-3++

UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] WVMWLOu
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UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty Re: UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++]

Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:41 pm
New Natural Ability to be checked

Passive Meditation of Self-Taught Imagination
Benefit: Gradual increase in potency of general and will skills.
Condition: No attempts other than to rest, meditate, or to relax to build it up.
Limitation: Cannot exceed Master Rank; excess points are considered doubled the potency of skill at that rate.
Bonus points into a skill rank: 10 bonus points = 1 skill rank for all general and will skills.
Build Up Rate: 1 post per bonus point (10 posts of doing nothing to raise from adept to advanced temporarily)
Combat Cost: Entire build up except for one bonus point as permanent piece of development.
Non-Combat Cost: 1 Bonus Points using last known skill rank as base.

Description: During his life, UHCM acquired techniques and one of them is the ability to recollect his thoughts without having to sit or stay in one place to meditate. As his mind wanders, he formulates lessons and mental experimentation to unlock different aspects of himself and his knowledge. When he rest and be in peace of mind, soul and body (even if he is bored,) he can relearn and redevelop techniques that can enhance his bodily abilities, including his willpower, dexterity (weapon use,) agility (general speed,) strength, and fortitude (durability.) However, any action he does that would cause stress will dull his sharpened wit; combat stress will take a lot out of him and lose his peace of mind in the midst of the confusion of battle.

UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] 232?cb=20170319214106
  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++] Empty Re: UHCM, the Theater Master [APPROVED 1-3++]

Sat Sep 06, 2014 2:34 am
Archived due to member inactivity. Just post here if you want it back.

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I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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