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Nero's Cyberbrain Wip Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Nero's Cyberbrain Wip Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Nero's Cyberbrain Wip Empty Nero's Cyberbrain Wip

Wed May 08, 2013 4:03 pm


  • Item Name: Custom Cyber brain
  • Item Type: Nero
  • Used For: Supplementary , also being used for Enhancements, control and Mental Stability.

  • Item Description:

  • Lightning Fast Mental Processing:

    The Mental Processing upgrade into the body system is one of the first major upgrades, going from the full package it works outwards literally by transcribing electro-impulses with a high speed encryption/Decryption it allows for the mind to process things at a speed which normally would have been impossible, such Calculations allow for what would take the mind a minute to comprehend for it to be analyzed broken down and then processed into components that are needed in a time frame of about a split second, or no time at all for calculating processes which are needing to have taken place. Think of this like the normal cyber brain though instead of the stock processing speed, this speed is superior, easily able in mental processing to do the job over 10 times faster than that of a regular stock cyber brain would be possibly able to do, being made for duress and also calculations on multiple fields.

    This processing converts a multi stepped processing system into a lightning fast conversion of the variables breaking down processes and then through multiple core processors in the brain, which are not only crafted for durability but are able to run at the speeds of a small super computer, each are vastly superior to the normal cyber brain or a normal regular brains remote processing systems, and through this process is able to go about the system tasks not only with less stress but even going further at a higher rate of mental reasoning to break into encryption keys with little to no problem in the field of converting the key velocity and ratio of movement, even on those that would be greatly faster than she herself is.

    In Comprehension the core motor processing systems are able to handle the duress of calculation from even the fastest of movements, shockwaves and force motion can be broken down through processors which are made to handle what would literally freeze over normal cybernetic components, you could say the comprehension itself allows for even speeds majorly faster than what can be comprehended by the brain or normal cyber brain to be able to become broken down and then put in respected counter sections of code, such as the rate of movement, and even the rate of acceleration which comes from a nifty, co network of super core processors working in a high rate of synchronization to get the desired results out of the product in the first place.

    Of course though the Next part of The Mental processing goes with the comprehension or motion speed aspect, by being able to process things at the heightened rate that the machinery allows, it basically removes the slight restrictions that are implemented to give the time for things to be processed, in short it means that second it might take for someone to grasp and analyze a counter to the situation? Well in this case, that is not needed allowing for the boosters in place to be a great remedy for the actual function of that processing all together, In short allowing for the nerve processors or the nerve cells that lead down from the brain stem to be high grade optic infused , in short meaning that the rate that the electro impulses are transcribed then sent out in a pulse? Well that whole process becomes greatly Enhanced. The attributes present of course stem from the amount of technology that is present in this whole machine set as well.

    Technically part of the interest in the lightning fast processor comes from a data pool which is collected from interactive combat, building and compiling all the seen and analyzed characteristics of separate people, meaning it’s going to be a lot like an Photographic memory or a perfect memory, the codes and actions in a battle or even talking and so forth become tucked or stored away in the processing data-bases so that when push comes to shove that main or key knowledge is going to be present for future cross reference scans or comparison scans which could very well be needed because of how it actually is going about processing the brains main motor functions.

    In short you could say the lightning fast processing is one of many products present from a base set of key enhancements and even overhauls to a normal cyber-brain by upgrading and further fine tuning the parts that are going to be needed for such an equipment to actually take place. It is majorly because of this that the Lightning Fast mental processing also factors in higher reasoning for prudent decision making and planning for highly relevant courses of actions, in short it functions in many more ways than that of the normal cyber brain in the mental processing relevancy field alone, being that it outshines the actual cyber brain in the processing rate of speed, if for nothing else due to it is in essence, a upgraded or next generation in terms of functionality upgraded state of the cyber brains normal processing mental capacities or in short you could call it a newer generation model of the cyber-brain due to its higher rate and processing capabilities.

  • Optical System:

    The optical system itself or the system of sight has seen major revisions as well, while keeping the key characteristics of the old eye it makes use of nano-machines which are working around the clock, key “Helpers” To what previously would be just electrical impulse control signals going back from the eyes into the brain, these systems have processors within them , which when doing so analyzes the actual situation filtering out the irrelevant system irregularities or the not so much notably needed stuff, and by doing so it allows the brain to focus on the rest of it, fully focusing on the root or the nitty gritty aspects which keep popping up and need to actually further be addressed then the other system itself is needing at the moment. Because of this , it greatly increases the actual content to important content ratio , literally it works to make sure the information processed is stuff that for the most part is for the sake of functionality actually needing to be processed in the first place, the working substances also acute to fields of light that are invisible to most perceptory devices.

    Think of this as much like a newer model of the cyber eye the only difference is the processors within the eye are able to make sense of the actual visual information before it is sent to the brain, meaning its being comprehended on two levels, the functions working further to go about actually getting the facts which are going to be needed in the first place, not letting any of the key variables escape attention, it in short holds a ability to even store the unneccisary code or information and back log it into the mind for further analysis meaning that it co-op works with the brain, to give further aid assistance and back up functional processing potential thus boosting the operating systems innate potential in how it works greatly and at the same time goes about further smoothing out the process in which the processing actually is going about being done as well, in this case it also means that the eyes are going to become much more for integrity purposes accurate down to the high rate of speed that some of the fastest are able to go.

    Sure the eyes of a human comprehend much, but these can see things down to a level that is insane, perfect clarity even in speeds that are exceeding that of 4,000mph these speeds even look slow due to the mental processing capacity that alone is being derived from the super processing units that are part of the optical system itself, this primary transference breaks it down and keeps the main core, or the brain from overloading with nonsense, in short allowing for the proper materials to be sorted and then after sleeking it down it further is increasing the comprehension to time span ratio, by lessening what is actually going about being processed in the brain versus what is going about being processed in the eyes themselves.

    A main contributing factor to the integrity of these eyes is wide levels of durability which when present are allowing for the eyes themselves to maintain what you would call a state of “Functionality” meaning that because nano bots are in the eyes they are going to work to actually serve as a shield for the iris lenses, protecting it from the stronger attacks, through a means of moderate shielding which is going on from the massive scale attacks that even she goes under at the same time, This function allows for the optical systems to remain fully in tact without the actual system itself facing the potential of what would be in some cases considered to be a critical mal function or possibly a system failure. Protection is key in the eyes and allows for the whole thing itself to be able to function even on a wide base range of both stress and at the same time, beatings.

    With this kept in mind, you can see how these differ from the normal cyber mind lenses, they are fully redesigned and the shape itself of the eyes remains normal, but within the eye the structures are bending and processing the coding within the light at a ratio that is going to allow for the eyes themselves to see even in absolutely no light what so ever, meaning that they are able to pick up the minute ratio readings that can be reconstructed to form the light themselves, and by doing so what they in essence are doing is reconstituting back light for the lighting itself. In this manner the optical system doubles as a kind of night vision allowing for optimal clarity in dark low light conditions with little to no problem with the actual aspects such as going about and then coding that information into another process which will go into the functions and actions that the body will undergo.

    Optical meaning vision, the system also is able to clearly see sharp details from a high ways away the clarity on a scale of a speck of dust from a range of possibly 1 -2 miles in distance due to the ingenious way the engineering has been done to enhance and distribute the information load equally not half rods and cones, this way synthetically is going about reprocessing and then through the process is encoding the chunks together in a fashion that is lightning fast and accurate , such allows for the continuation of the systems high speed receptory and then response time capabilities, meaning that they are going about a high speed system overhaul, more however then this the energy frequencies such as gamma, ultraviolet, radio, and light waves are broken down into the spectrum coded , and then processed into the types in the backlogs of the processors and then are going to be recoded back into the brain for the main processing process which is going to take place in the brain after that point in time has passed.

  • EMP/ Metaphysical Anomaly Barrier:
    Among the other things the main construction of this brain is able to pin point and block the affects of electro-magnetic pulses and further going into spiritual energy, the barrier blocks the processing and brain itself from being compromised by powers that are at least a 2 tier above deficit, because of the fact of her rate of destruction being so intense it works to then go about the process of actually blocking that the barrier has to be much higher than the force of power that she is going to be on a regular basis putting out and then reconstituting that allows for the barrier to be able to negate her own affects and even then the affects off her own energy is going to be possibly rendered useless to the brain itself, of course the enhancing factors are going to be there but the present rate of defense is going to block most of the major incoming anomalys and even this goes back far enough to run a system purge purging down the fiber optic networks to then possibly go about eradicating the problem before it could actually cause any major problems for the system or the body itself.

    Because of the Barriers properties it makes for a innate defense for the mechanical system itself protecting its inner working from sabotage and other things such as a error or a freak accident in which attack possibly got through or even a attack which possibly had not gotten so much through but did some ulterior damage to the system itself, such as a electrical barrier type energy, or something that would screw with the systems main functioning capacity itself, so this is there as a prevention system for those situations which could very well go about causing damages problems and or even compromise the integrity of the systems functionality, and for this reason the barrier is warding off the problem ratio component variables which could prove to be not only dangerous for the system but even become considered to be harmful for the functionality of the systems that are ran by the technology, in short it is a high grade prevention system which when installed works towards the removal of problems to ensure high speeds being possibly able to be reached in a short period of time, in terms of the central processing units themselves which are possibly one of the more important systems present.

    This barrier works also against other hackers being able to ward off cyber invasions and elaborate attempts to jack the system by removing the key variables that allow a hack to take place it basically works to destabilize hacking attempts at the source and then fire off a reverse processed counter which could possibly then screw up the hacker in question further then it was previously without the actual stuff being there in the first place, this system’s functionality is select for protecting the over-all security of the mind itself allowing for the variables present to be somewhat of a highly protected vault being able to ward off threats of major amounts of power due to the functionality’s main purpose itself.

  • Network Sync Possibility:

    If permission is given this Upgraded cyber brain is quite easily capable of running separately and within a wide base or network such as those which run major nations and so forth, this capability runs when permission itself is granted through the permission of the owner or a high ranking control- of the networking itself, in this sense, after it has been granted the information databases and so forth of the network in question can be analyzed and accessed by the cyber brain itself, sifting through the facts and other networking data monitoring it on a high speed connection which once established can be used to monitor address threats or provide diagnostic help to the system, in short it is once permission is granted the possibilities within the server with the cyber minds involvement become not only wide in variety but at the same time within the variable components it is going to be likely able to work about A high Quality range of diagnostic compatabilities which will further allow tweaking of the server.

    In example control of the server as the server components or what is ran through the server can be hijacked controlled and then set on main functions or new binary command codes to fit the need of the situation such as reprogramming a drone through a series of compatible diagnostic analysis scans to then determine the problem or go through the system and then fix errors as they are found within the base system itself, meaning this hefty piece of technology is not only compatible with the networking systems but is actually highly optimal when it comes to controlling operating and reworking networks once access is granted, this functioning process allows in short for the key parts of the network such as the information flow to be fully accessed meaning when allowed access to the server literally the whole server database and what not is readily becoming ready for the brain to diverge information from.

    Of course the limitations to access can be manually set by the proxy owner or the controlling person of the server, in short limits can be set to the access present which is an easy means of going about actually deterring the working progress of full server take over, in short the brain may be able to do a lot within a Network but it cannot overstep the set guidelines behind what allows the network access meaning that for this reason, it is made to be compatible but also is not built specifically for domination of a network that the access panel has been opened up for , and this is the very reason that in the first place the data usage is going to be limited by the level of clearance granted to the individual and by no means is something that will be easy to use without specific access authorized by the owner or a administrator / operator of the network server itself.

  • Core Processor Cooling:

    The cyber brain has a core processor cooling system, which keeps the cyber brain no matter the stress from overloading, due to the connective systems that are being used, in short it’s allowing the system to actually keep up with the demands present without direct fear of what could possibly be over heating or critical failure from temperature rising above what would be the safety level for most of the processing systems, and for this reason the cooling system is heavy duty , being able to cool off temperatures that would melt down metal with relative ease, the need for this is the level of core processing that goes on in the head, working with this machinery the main cooling system is what is needed for functionality without it the brain can work but this enhances performance and reduces malfunction possibility by a pretty large margin by itself. Main functions of the cooling system go to the high performance processors and works as a safe guard against the overloading or the heat generated as a byproduct from the rate of processing that this brain runs at.

    Of course this works as well with the cool down of processing overload, working to clear up with two cooling/filtering systems this works for both literal cooling and data flow cooling, in short filtering out the data components compacting them into easy streams which are going to run through the brain, and at the same time this will ease the load that the main systems are undergoing “Cooling” off the data flow can be important for huge quantity loads, which could very well possibly without the main cooling system overload or crash the system itself, in those cases this works as a duplicate or buffer which lessens stress and promotes the optimal working conditions which are going to present themselves as needed for full system functionality.

  • Compatibility with Cybernetics:

    This cyber-brain still holds the functionality or compatibility that the normal cyber brain has aswell, allowing for the parts that can be added to the cyber brain to be able to or are compatible with this updated version, in short the brains compatibility works at a slightly heightened level but at the same time, will run all the same base program add-ons which the predecessor is able to use and run, it will run with the same rate of compatibility which is something that Is very much needed when the processing system functions are going to be first installed into the initial processing system.

  • Obtained From:

  • Yen Price: 10,000,000 yen
  • Notes: (Any other information or personal notes you'd like to add)



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Nero's Cyberbrain Wip Empty Re: Nero's Cyberbrain Wip

Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:02 am


Due to the fact Shizuo has not removed WIP from the title of this thread, I'm under the assumption that he has no intention to work on this as it's been quite awhile since there has been progress made on this. Therefore, I'm going to be moving this thread into archives because it's just taking up space at this point..

Nero's Cyberbrain Wip WVMWLOu
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