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Grave application. {WIP} Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Grave application. {WIP} Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Grave application. {WIP} Empty Grave application. {WIP}

Sat May 11, 2013 4:37 pm


Name: Grave
Former Human Name: Brandon Heat.
Former Guardian Beast Name: APALALA
Age: died 35 Actual age 275
Gender: Male
Orientation: Neutral
Appearance: Grave wears a black cowboy style hat with a red leather strap around the base of the rim of the hat. It bares a celtic cross upon it middle front of the hat and the left and right sides if the hat are pointed upwards more so then the normal hats. He wears a white dress shirt that normaly always has at least the top 2 to 3 buttons undone. He wears a black trench coat that goes down to about a 9 inches over his feet. The coat also has a brown Theather straps built onto the arms. The coat was made with a larger version of the Celtic cross upon its back that takes up close to if not the entire back of the coat its self. He wears a pair of small rectangular shaped glasses that has a metal strip where the left lens used to be. and have a massive scar over his left eye. Though unless his glasses slide down or is removed it is hard to see that the scar takes over the area his left eye used to be. the scare and healed over tissue go over his eye as if to say he never actually had an eye to begin with. the crosses upon his coat looks to be made of a silver color material and in parts if seen right it even appears to be made of a form of flexable metal. The cross upon his hat is made from a silver alloy metal.

He wears a pair of black slightly baggy dress pants that have a set of leather gun holsters that appear to take up close to if not all of the outside of his thighs. they are made of a brown leather and and are possibly considered bulbus in size. but considering what he keeps in them they are considered to be normal for him. He wears a pair of black combat boots that would look to be as if they were custom made specially for him and his mobility. If you were to be able to get him to take off his top coat and shirt. You would then and only then be able to take note of the holes on his body. there would be 3 in the chest and 3 in his stomach. along with an outword marking from each hole to say that he was shot at close range with a decently powerful handgun.

Grave application. {WIP} GunGrave23copy

Personality: extremely Focused: grave's focus never waver's no matter what he keeps a cool head on his shoulders. When he is sent to do something he gets it done without wavering from his intended goal. His focus is matched only by one other thing and that is his loyalty. his focus drives him to do things that most woud consider unsetling that he can do with such unrelenting drive. He strives to be the best that he can be no matter what the cost or the outcome of what may be thought of him afterwards.

Loyal: Is extremely loyal. If you can get him to follow you he will follow you no matter what even if it may end up getting him destroyed. He holds loyalty to the orginization that he was a part of in life even after the orginization he knew was long sense dead. He hold the values that it held up to the end and even in death he hold the loyalty to the group and the belief in a few words. "To protect is not to betray. Never betray!" his loyalty has gotten him in a few tight spots and even ended up being the arbiter of his death when he could not decide on if he should betray his best friend from childhood or the orginization he swore to protect for the one he loved.

silent: Grave can speak though he preffers to say as few words as possible. He can say much if he feels that nothing else can convey what he has to say. His silence is well known and has earned him the title of the silent killer in life. Though he does not say much his body and actions speak more so then usually any words could dare say.

Brandon was a orphan much like his friend Harry. They both grew up in the same orphanage and ended up getting beat by the caretaker on a regular basis. Though as they grew up they managed to get out and get a place of there own. They ended up starting a little gang of ruffians after Brandon got back from his time in the military. He ended up learning how to fend for him self and how to read those around him. As time passed their little gang began to grow and flourish. They ended up getting a rep as a bunch of street thugs though in more ways then one they were just doing what they needed to do in order to survive. One day they ended up getting double crossed by the small time group they were working for. In the end they ended up comeing home to find one of their freinds and members dead. He was shot point blank between the eyes while he was in the middle of makeing dinner.

Upon seeing this some of the members ended up getting scared and ran underground to hide. They all followed cause they did not think it wise to leave them alone. as time passed they ended up going out for supplies and brandon ended up meeting the one lady he could never ignore when she asked him a favor. Her name was maria and he had a massive crush on her though he felt he was not good enough for her. Soon one of the rival gang leaders ended up finding them and Maria's uncle steped in and saved brandon's life though in the process he ended up getting himself killed. As a few days had passed sense then and brandon and their group was out on a walk when the gang leader's brother ended up finding the 4 of them. One of the four had a toy gun on them wich the one of the other members quickly grabbed in an attempt to shoot the brother. Though when it would not go off he started to curse though only for a few seconds before both the one who grabbed the gun and the one who had it got shot by the man they tried to kill. Soon Harry began to flip out and kicked the ass of the man whose group he originally worked for.

For selling them out he made it to where after words he was only bearly recognized as a person. Soon after they both went and gave their friends a funeral of their own. In wich they swore to make the money to give them a better tombstone then the rocks they had set up for them. Soon after the graves were set up brandon would have noticed maria visiting her uncles grave. Soon after he would have gone to her though he then noticed she was talking to someone who looked important. though before he could let out a sigh the orginization they had so recently attack managed to find them at the cemetery and started a gunfight in the midst of the area. Brandon and harry both did not have any weapons on them so all they could do was take cover behind some nearby tombstone's. Upon seeing brandon in trouble maria would have screamed out his name. The man with him looked to her and said a few words. As she slowly noded her head the man sent one of his best men to handle the situation.

As the man approached them they had cought brandon and harry and were about to exicute them when the male stoped them. He talked about how they were defileing sacred ground by shooting up the place and his boss did not like that. He went on to talk about how those shooting really did not want to get the millenion orginization on their bad side cause of how much of a shame it would be if everything they had just seemed to vanish. scared at the mear mention of the groups name they ended up running away for their lives with left both brandon and harry happy to be alive and greatful to the person who had saved them. Upon finding out that the man who had saved them worked for millenion harry quickly moved to join the orginization. Not wanting to let his friend do it all alone Brandon to joined the group. He started out in the low ranks as a bookie for the gambleing portion of the group as his reputaion began to grow with each success he had under taken he got pramoted to join the groups family along with his friend harry. Though brandon's leap forward was a sudden one when he ended up killing someone sent to kill their boss. Soon after that the boss and brandon became close freinds each with a tie to Maria. In the end the boss married maria and they had a child together. as brandon grew his skills as a marksman began to grow as well.

by the time he was 28 he was marked as the best hitman the group had ever had. his skills were almost considered to unreal for him to even been human. as the time passed him and harry kept climbing up the groups rank untill one day. Brandon and harry soon began to rember how things used to be. back when they thought everything was so simple. When they arrived back to at the groups base harry talked about betraying the boss of the group. He talked about killing him then the lady brandon had always wanted but thought he could never really be with not would be all his. Brandon then punched his friend in the face and then proceeded to pull his gun on him.. Though he could not do it. He could not pull the trigger on his best friend. His hand shook as he held the gun only to drop it a few moments later. Finding himself unable to do what he knew he had to. upon the gun falling to the ground he then looked away to stare outside the constantly movein windows outside the large elevator. upon the elevator stoping he heard his friend say his name. Upon turning to look to him his friend fired six shots from close range three hit him in the stomach and the other three in his chest. He was still bearly able to stand when his friend screamed his name one more time before moveing forwards pushing the gun through his right lens of his glasses and fired one last shot point blank into his right eye.

After the shot he was thrown backwords through the glass of the elevator and window just byond it. As he fell his last thought of how he was not sure where everything fell apart. That he was not sure where him and his friend had lost their way though he did know he had to stop him. He then hit the pavement below after haveing fallen 25 stories. As instructed a doctor kept his body preserved with a new age science that he had perfected. and brandons soul seemed to slowly fade away until something ended up comeing to it and made him an offer he would not refuse. in exchange for being reborn in a manner of speaking he would be granted the power to make things right on that wich he had so pourly messed up on when he was not able to kill his friend. Brandon did not have to think very long on what his decision would be. He looked to the guardian beast that was before him and he quickly noded his head with a soft smile that screamed. "i will do anything to make up for the mistakes i have made." Upon seeing this the guardian spirit gave a soft nod as it soon began to merge with him. As it did this it said its name just before the merge was complete. "I am Apalala" The old group's way of thinking was to keep up a good image in order to protect those witin the family and to run everything with a form of respect that they thought the orginization deserved. Though when harry killed the old boss all that had changed. it turned into something that was only made afterwords in an attempt to rule the city and grew into the wanting to rule the world.

upon waking up he found two large handguns and that his outfit was changed to suit his new life. the handguns were custom built for him ad they fired a surge of reiatsu each time the trigger's were pulled. upon both sides of the guns the celtic cross was placed to color code with hand the gun belonged to. the right was red and the left was silver. there was one more weapon that he was given. It looked like a coffin.. In actuality it was his coffin that was remade into a small arsinal. It had a machine gun attached into it that fired rapid burst's of reiatsu at the target he was aiming at. the most powerful part it had was a bazooka that cam out when the center of the coffin lifted upwards. It fired a charged burst or reiatsu at the target that would cause a large explosion. the explosion would be at least 10 feet outward from the target in all directions.

Takeing up arms the coffin was tied to the leather straps on his arms with chains. and the guns fit perfectly into the holsters at his side. With this and the power he gained from the beast his soul merged with with him he started off to his groups base. upon getting there he was confronted by a group of guardian's to their new boss Harry. takeing up arms against them the fight began. the energy was flying through the air as he fought against the guards that his old friend sent agaisnt him. one by one they fell though then he came up against someone he was hopeing he did not have to fight. it was the man who taught him everything he knew Bear walkin. aiming the guns at him they stared each other down as the fight soon began. Bear was able to easily avoid most of grave's attacks though in the end he made a fatal mistake when he tried to choke the life out of grave whild only holding one arm. He let the red crossed gun fall from his grip. In doing so he caught it with his free hand and destroyed bear with a barrage of reiatsu shots from his guns.

Soon after the fight was over he took the elevator to the top floor where he met his best friend once again. Staring at his target he gave a deep and dark frown at him. He was not able to kill his friend before and he was not sure if he would be able to this time either. Though oddly enough his hands seemed to move on his own. he had picked up his other gun and now he aimed both at harry. Within a matter of moments he pulled the trigger constanly each shot digging into his friend. After a split second that felt like an eternity to him harry fell down dead though brandon could not find any form of relief in what he had done. Stareing at the lifeless body that lay before him Brandon slowly turned away and walked off. he had decided sense his job was done that he had nothing else to do but try to make the most of this new life that he was granted. though he had no idea how he would be able to do such a thing. In the end he decided to leave the town that he had grown up in and try to make it anew within a new city and a new part of the world. He had no idea how it would work out but he figured it would possibly all work out in the end.

Human Powers: Grave can feel the energy of those around him and can tell their intent before they can even act upon them. His Marksmanship is extremely accurate and he is known for his bullets never missing their mark even if he can not see the target. Graves skin Became extremely dense after his rebirth making it to where by human standards makes it where he is more durable then he had ever thought would be possible. his durability is great but second only to his speed and strength that was granted by the dragon of water. The speed comes from using the water in his body as a form of skates allowing his body to feel lighter then he ever thoguht possible. The strength comes from the fact that the water in his body can be altered to expand his muscle mass and increase its dencity for stronger and more accurate punches and kicks when in battle. the durability comes from the ability to use the water to create a mass of preassure built up within his body to harden the defencesof his skills natrual reborn capability.

Weapon: Grave application. {WIP} Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQoTm1UJ1txoIUk5_T5lW2S_bX5Op-mY22gO0zwVpascWo9ypFf
two large handguns and that his outfit was changed to suit his new life. the handguns were custom built for him ad they fired a surge of reiatsu each time the trigger's were pulled. upon both sides of the guns the celtic cross was placed to color code with hand the gun belonged to. the right was red and the left was silver.
Grave application. {WIP} Tumblr_mgqy3kJnai1rwu8gjo1_500
In actuality it was his coffin that was remade into a small arsinal. It had a machine gun attached into it that fired rapid burst's of reiatsu at the target he was aiming at. the most powerful part it has was a bazooka that cam out when the center of the coffin lifted upwards. It fired a charged burst or reiatsu at the target that would cause a large explosion. the explosion would be at least 10 feet outward from the target in all directions.

Monster Form: Grave application. {WIP} Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQsJU0PS0gz7BDueZWaqJz41yfTVterQ7zK1fiPQmckFYahZFbv
Monster Powers: Water creation: The beast has the power to pull water from the air and form anywhere from 2- 5 small orbs of water. the orbs can be used as either bullets that use the beast's reiatsu to shoot them at the target at high speeds as if fired from a gun. Or he can force the orbs of water to merge into one singular orb then he can turn the orb into a spear of ice. If the spear manages to hit its target on the arm. it will slowly begin to take over the arm though each one hit will only move so far up the arm. depending on where the spears hit upon the arm or leg it can take anywhere from three to five spears to completely over take that arm and make it where the person can not use that arm at all anymore. If he manages to get it to where the ice manages to over take the person arm. It will create an image of a dragon's head that covers the targets shoulder and goes outward at least 7 inches from the end of the persons shoulder. This is to create the illusion that the ice covering the arm is in fact a dragon that is consuming the arm that was his with the attacks. This is made to put the person more on edge around Grave and to give him a slight advantage. It is also to dissarm the target if the need arrises to where he has no other choice or if he has gone into a berserk state like when he first goes into the beast form and has yet to actually master it.

Guardian Beast Form: Grave application. {WIP} Water_dragon_by_Lileth
Guardian Powers: Will add later when it get to this point.

RP Sample: Grave made his way into the decerted city. He decided he would look for a place to live so that he could get to where he may not cause to big of a commotion. In his mind it would be better if he avoided the places tha were highly populated. His main goal was to live the rest of his days in peace. Though he was not entirely sure if that would ever truely be possible with events from his past slowly eating away at his mind. He slowly closed his eyes as he took in a deep breath. He had no idea how things would play out in his new town but he had hoped everything would be easier then the town he used to live at. Takeing in the scenery he soon managed to find a place to call home. True it was run down though it was something he kind of liked. It reminded him of the old days back before everything seemed to fall apart.

Giveing a light sigh he decided to clean the place up a little bit. He knew it would take some time to do but it was not like he did not currently have all the time in the world. He gave a light sigh as he slowly closed his eyes and thoughts and images ran through his mind as he began to clean up. It took a few long painstateing hours though he finnaly managed to clean up the house. It had a few things in it though it was not much it would definetly be enough for hi, to live in. He then moved to go outside to get some fresh air. He was not entirely sure what he was going to do now. EVerything he had awakened to do has been done. To him he had no more purpose in life. Though in a way he was rather happy to be alive to see just how everything will progress from this point onwards.

General Skills
  • Durability:adept
  • General Speed: begginer
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction:adept
  • Pain Endurance: adept
  • Focus: adept

Human Skill Sheet
  • Anima Stone Strength: adept
  • Soul Sorcery: beginner
  • Soul Dash: adept
  • Soul Detection: Adept

Racial Skills

Sugiura Magic: begginer
Animal Instincts: Adept
Martial Arts: adept
Beast Control: /Adept

Last edited by Natalia on Fri Oct 11, 2013 1:55 pm; edited 13 times in total

Grave application. {WIP} Empty Re: Grave application. {WIP}

Thu May 16, 2013 12:19 pm
Application Checklist
[LIST][*]Name [X]
[*]Appropriate Age [X]
[*]Gender [X]
[*]Appearance Present [X]
[*]Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
[*]Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
[*]10 sentences for personality [X]
[*]History is of appropriate length [X]
[*]Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept

Tier: 3-2

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Grave application. {WIP} Left_bar_bleue3500/9999Grave application. {WIP} Empty_bar_bleue  (3500/9999)

Grave application. {WIP} Empty Re: Grave application. {WIP}

Thu May 16, 2013 6:08 pm
changed it.......

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message


Grave application. {WIP} Empty Re: Grave application. {WIP}

Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:02 pm
Grave application. {WIP} Tumblr_msvzg8yRiK1si6c8no1_500

Moving this to WIP
Owner was notified of issues with the application, so changes are needed in order to make this acceptable again.
The Living Microwave
The Living Microwave
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Grave application. {WIP} Empty Re: Grave application. {WIP}

Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:40 pm
archiving due to failure to comply.
Waifu War Veteran
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Grave application. {WIP} Empty Re: Grave application. {WIP}

Thu May 21, 2015 1:20 am
Undead is a race that no longer exists. I will unarchive this for you to change your race (and your character as a result).

Grave application. {WIP} Qx494h
The Hybrid King
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Grave application. {WIP} Empty Re: Grave application. {WIP}

Tue Jul 28, 2015 2:51 pm
Yo. What's up man? What's goin on with the app? Lemme know in a week please.

Grave application. {WIP} FXpoQxJ
Grave application. {WIP} 2Y9rqGk

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Grave application. {WIP} Empty Re: Grave application. {WIP}

Fri Aug 28, 2015 9:36 am


Alright, since there has been no reply to this character, I'm going ahead and moving it into archives. If you want it unarchived, just message me here:

Grave application. {WIP} WVMWLOu
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