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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Waiting Voi The Gates of Dawn Empty Waiting Voi The Gates of Dawn

Mon May 13, 2013 3:00 pm

The man suddenly exclaimed, his body appearing simply in the plain of existence known as Hueco Mundo as his right arm thrust forwards, pointing his pointer finger straight forwards as his eyes stared plainly at the white cloaked male. "VOI! YOU'RE THE STRONGEST THING FOR MILES! LET'S GO, GIV EME A FIGHT! GIVE ME GREAT FIGHT! GIVE… ME…"

He cried out, as without warning his entire body became lit with strange purplish and black flames, as the flames all concentrated towards his right hand, feeling the flames become supper condensed as he threw his hand downwards, pressing it hard into the ground in front of himself, his entire body pushed up vertically in the air, his feet pointing towards the sky as he smiled wide, feeling the massive levels of force pulsing from his arm into the ground, shaking the entirety of the land around the two men for miles through the barren sands, the only living things for miles to be certain.

Without warning, the area around the man suddenly seemed to change as the entire area around them became covered in dust, dust rising from everywhere, sand trying to push straight upwards towards the man who was standing there. However, this was impossible, as the man was emitting such force from his body, force rolling off of him that the sand had to move away from himself, the force even carrying over past the other male, who would be able to feel the pure spiritual force pressing against his body as it stopped some hundreds of feet from the Moon Iramasha standing in the center of it all, as at last the sand had a place to go as the sand rose up in gigantic columns at the edge of the waves of force, meaning that they were now both within a massive coliseum, the ground around them pressed down flat from normal and walls of solid sand pushed up against the waves of force, dozens of feet tall.

The man standing in the middle of the chaos suddenly threw his right fist into his left, smiling broadly as his hands reshaped themselves, his right hand moving up a foot and a half above his left which began to open up, leaving his palms facing one another as flames shot from his arms, collecting around his palms into one massive Blast-ball, smiling at the man aways from him, the wind causing his massive amounts of blonde hair to flit all about. "A FUN TIME!!!" He roared out, throwing both of his hands out as from his hands shot an absolutely massive sphere of energy, which descended into the white haired, white clothed male, pressing massive amounts of force on him, ripping at him with an absolutely massive amount of force due to friction, leaving Moonie standing there, smiling to himself, small pants coming out of his breath mostly from the first action of such force, but still feelings lightly the use of such a massive attack while still in his sealed state, throwing out one arm as he prepared to go into unarmed combat.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Waiting Voi The Gates of Dawn Empty Re: Waiting Voi The Gates of Dawn

Thu May 30, 2013 6:25 pm

"...Voi, Your hand is fine! Don't you know the back of your own hand?!?"

Moonie demanded of the man, still smiling confidently as he watched the mand rop his arm. "VOI! I'm Mjesec Võrgukliendid, Also known as MOONIE IRAMASHA!" He roared, energy flowing from his body in waves as his battle aura continued to rise and develop around himself, as he heard the man ask what he sought, replying rather voraciously. However, what he saw didn't… quite click with the male, as his brain seemed to hyperventilate for a moment, before it calmed down just as suddenly as he watched the man catch his attack.

"Voi…" The Nature Iramasha breathed in wonder, before he suddenly grinned immensely wide. "VOI!" He roared excitedly, as he saw the man accept his challenge by matching his spiritual pressure. And then he tried to suppress it. Moonie's spiritual pressure, however, was doing something strange. It was completely and utterly reacting to Kimmimaro's energy, as without warning his own spiritual pressure matched Kimimaro's, not going above his, but not able to be restrained. It seemed as if it was simply covered around in complete, utter chaos. It had no goal, but neither did it want to let anything happen around it, so it merely raged all around itself, meeting Kimmimaro's headfirst and matching it.

"...Voi… And WHO ARE YOU?" He asked the man, as he began to lean his head forwards, his feet pressing off of the ground as he rapidly began to race towards the man who stared at him with an empty gaze, and as that thought raced through Moonie's mind, his mind seemed almost to accelerate. "VOOOOOI!" He roared as he suddenly stopped in front of the man, clenching his right hand into a fist as he leaned back towards it, planting his left foot firmly in front of the Arrancar.


His voice utterly ROARED, his own body's shudderings and shaking uncontrollable as he focused on all of his arm past the elbow, throwing the arm forwards as he threw ll of his strength behind it. IF he slammed into Kimmimaro, he would feel the massive amount of durability that was preventing him from simply blowing away the man, however then eh pressed down his right foot. His entire body was put into the strike, his entire form shaking as he increased his raw amount of power, his voice roaring as he slammed as hard as he could, using sheer amounts of force as without warning from his elbow shot a massive amount of Blast energy, shooting out into his fist as suddenly it EXPLODED, sending a massive amount of force along with Moonie's pressed up fist into Kimmimaro, most likely blowing the Arrancar away from the sheer amount of raw force that Moonie was putting into it.

'WHY DO YOU LOOK SO… EMPTY?!?" He roared at the man, throwing his body forwards towards the male as he shot into him, throwing his right arm into his left as he clapped his fist into his left hand, feeling the massive amount of force of his muscles, checking to make sure that everything was still doing alright as his eyes suddenly gained a crazed look. He threw his right arm back again, gripping tightly on it as he slammed it forwards once again.


The male's voice roared out again as he smashed his hand forwards into Kimmimaro, but this time after he hit he released his hand, shaking it as he felt the pain of the massive amount of resistance in the man if he had hit, as he brought back his left hand instead, shooting up into the sky as he leaped off of the ground, staring at the man below, his eyes still crazed as he tried to speak. "Voi, why don't you look like you… can feel anything?" He asked the man, strangely hyper, wanting to go and just let loose EVERYTHING against the man this very moment, but he was holding himself back. After all, he wanted to see what the man could and would do, as Moonie's eyes stared at the Arrancar, waiting and watching to see what he would do, shivers being sent all along his skin from the adrenaline that was running through his body at exponentially higher levels than normal…


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Waiting Voi The Gates of Dawn Empty Re: Waiting Voi The Gates of Dawn

Fri May 31, 2013 10:40 pm

"VOI! Of course I'm slow! That's what makes it FUN!" He told the man, wondering why this had never occurred to the Arrancar before him. Moonie could feel the pain going through his arm, and though he mostly ignored it he could feel the damage on it, his fist bruised. Moonie watched as the man laid on the ground, and he began to twitch. His right eye began to twitch, rather violently. "Voi, why…" he muttered, watching as the man slowly got up again, still standing in the air as he slowly brought his right hand upwards and forwards, pulling on some strange handle as out of nowhere a massive blade appeared out of thin air.

"Voi… WHY ARE YOU SO… SO EMPTY?!? VOOOOOOI!" He roared fiercely at the man, as suddenly his body changed gravity, his right feet pushing off as he pointed his torso straight at Kimmimaro, as without warning he shot forwards, shooting straight towards the man as he lifted the blade high above his head. "VOI! You're really tough, but VOI! I wonder if you can stop MUN!" He roared as he threw the blade forwards, slamming it as hard as physically possible into the man's skull, slamming it downwards with excessive force. The blade itself did not yield; it was far to large and solid for that to happen, even if the man was as durable as the entirety of the moon itself. However, Moonie was watching to see what happened to the man otherwise.

"I'm going to get this PARTY STARTED FOR REAL NOW!!" The male's voice range out, staring at the man with a force, as his body's energy began to force itself through his body at an accelerated rate, before suddenly he shot forwards, shooting straight towards the man who was facing him. "TAKE THI AND ENJOY IT! VOI!" He continued to roar, as he threw his right hand forwards again, clenching his teeth as hard as he could against his mouth as from his hand a massive amount of flames shot around his hand, turning his hand into a massive spear around his hand.



His voice roared out, as he slammed the massive spear formed out of blast energy into the male in front of him as hard as he possibly could, slamming him with such force that he himself could barely believe how much energy was around it, slamming into the man with the force of his own body, in addition to the raw amount of force that he had in his Blast energy due to the fact that he was slamming it into the man as hard as he possibly could. "Voi, VOI VOI VOOOOOOOI!!!" His voice continued, throwing the hand forwards more and more, as he slammed it into the man so hard that if he wasn't careful, the Arrancar actually had a possibility of losing an arm from the sheer amount of raw FORCE behind the attack, as Moonie had combined both his Nature Energy's properties and raw force as well as his own natural body's massive strength.

Then, he pulled his hand back, feeling a massive amount of strain on his arm from the push back of the man, also gritting his teeth as he felt the bruise that he realized that he had on it. "VOI! DO SOMETHING!!!" He roared at the man, as he threw both of his hands back, opening his mouth wide as his entire body suddenly became swathed with a massive amount of Blast energy, as the energy then shot out from around himself onto the ground, licking at it in a circle around him, before suddenly shooting back towards him from every side, consuming his entire body in blast energy as his blood red eyes, ringed with black, stared at the man through the purple-black flames, as his voice spoke firmly.


His vocal chords released, as without warning from his mouth emerged a massive amount of power, so massvie that the air currents behind Moonie were blown away, as from his mouth emerged an utterly MASSIVE amount of power, a sphere of energy that slammed straight into Kimmimaro, shooting straight forwards as it crashed into him, the very sand beneath it being ripped up with such force that bits of glass were being created as they flew around and away from the blast. However, the Moon Iramasha himself had shot into the blast itself, his eyes in a furious rage as he flew towards the man, putting his left hand onto his sword as well as he threw it high into the air, feeling every muscle in his entire body tense as he reached Kimmimaro.


He roared as he reached the man, throwing down the blade with the full force of his body within the Blast energy sphere that was affecting badly Kimmimaro to begin with. However, with the effect of Moonie's release and the new strength roaring through his body, he thought he had enough power to hurt this man unless he made his bones MUCH denser than they were already, and if he didn't then he would crumple wood under a hammer, most likely, unless he did something else to change that. "DO SOMETHING!!" Moonie roared, his body falling onto the ground. "VOOOI! WHY DO YOU HAVE NO SOUL? WHY DO YOU STARE AT ME LIKE YOU'RE BORED?!?! ANSWER ME, YOU BONE-DENSIFIER!!" His voice continued to roar as he threw his right arm to the side, still gripping Mun, before slamming it forwards into the man once again from his side, massive amounts of sand being kicked up and flying in the other direction from where his hand was pushing the force from the sheer amount of it when it impacted, and it would possibly even move Kimmimaro.

At this point, Moonie was panting. However, he was filled with so much energy, so much FURY from the look in Kimmimaro's eyes. He knew the sensation that he was feeling; he had felt it on one other occasion. He felt like he was alone again. That soulless look, that endless landscape within the mind of another - it reminded him of his encounter with Shisome. He wanted to fill it with energy, to FORCE it to become active. It reminded him of the moon, of the neverending landscape on all sides, where nothing ever happened, EVER. He didn't want that. His entire existence had been devoted to changing that for millennia. So here he was, his left hand shooting forwards as he grabbed the man by the collar, pulling so that the two were face to face, as Moonie began to bring back his head.



Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Waiting Voi The Gates of Dawn Empty Re: Waiting Voi The Gates of Dawn

Wed Jul 10, 2013 7:04 pm

"VOI! NO!" The Moon Iramasha's voice rang out across the plains as he saw that the male appeared dead, an almost disgusted coming across his face. "That's not what I want at all!" He continued further, gnashing his teeth together. However, as he looked more carefully at the male, his eyes widened. "Vooi…" He breathed out, looking at the male as suddenly the male looked at him, and asked if he was upset, before suddenly Moonie's face darkened, before he looked squarely at the male.


Moonie howled at the man, feeling the emptiness in his words, as his mind began to go crazy. As usual, Moonie's mind didn't think in thoughts so much as raw emotions, and right now he was feeling enraged. Not happy, not sad, just mad. Just like he was being used by this man, and while normally the Moon Iramasha wouldn’t care a single bit about that, in this case, the male wasn't even enjoying it. He felt like the only thing that was going on here was that the male was almost pitying him, and that was something that Moonie wouldn't stand.

It didn't take him long to note how tough Kimmimaro's bones were, as he spit out his saliva, as without further ado what could be called the Moonie emotion took ahold of him, and as his attack was diverted, his body began to spin around, staring directly at Kimmimaro as he opened an eye wide, staring straight at the male. "Voi… YOU'RE MAKING ME SO MAD! THIS IS NO FUN AT ALL!" He roared out, as suddenly without warning his body began to change, as suddenly his pectoral muscles bulged out for a moment, and then Moonie began to look like he was rather constipated.


His voice rang out across the plains, as he raised his arms up into the air, as without warning his body became consumed in a massive amount of blast, and it layered over his skin like a suit of armor, the only thing visible from the opaque flames the Moon Iramasha's own eyes, ringed and red as always, staring directly at his adversary. "I'M HERE TO FIGHT PEOPLE! I'M HERE TO DESTROY THINGS! I'M HERE TO SEE IF ANYONE IN THISF#CKING WASTELAND HAS A TINY BIT OF SOUL ENOUGH TO CLASH MY OWN AGAINST AND LIGHT THEM BOTH AFLAME! MY PURPOSE NOW IS TO DO NOTHING BUT BEAT IN YOUR SMUG, UNFEELING FACE!" He told the male seriously, as without warning his body suddenly became consumed in a wave of blast, and his entire body shot forwards, as the release had caused a massive torrent of energy to be released within Moonie, a fraction of what his body was capable of.

His body was consumed as the Blast triggered behind him, causing explosions to course behind his legs as he shot into the other male. "VOI!" His voice roared as both of his arms shot forwards, attempting to slam firmly into the other male's ribs, as his fists repeated the motion four times, each punch done with as much force as Moonie could muster. Finally, his body spun around, as his right foot came up to the other male's head, attempting to smash into it and send it flying away from the Moon Iramasha. However, these were not normal blows. Moonie's body was covered in the Blast Energy, the wild energy of his that damaged anything that it came into contact with and attempted to wear it away. If it came into contact with Kimmimaro's bones, it would attempt to tear them up, and if it succeeded, the male would have to replenish their reinforcement.

"Voi… Voi…" Moonie's voice came out in gasps, but not from exertion. Rather, he was just trying to get his body in order from the mindless rage that was consuming him, before he finally just shouted unintelligibly at the other male, his voice unable to form words other than purely guttural sounds as Moonie continued his assault, one fist shooting at Kimmimaro's right shoulder as the other slammed into his right hip, Moonie's right leg coming up and kicking into the other male's chest and shooting back onto the ground before his right hand began another strike, aiming straight for the other male's windpipe as his left hand slammed towards his stomach, delivering a rapid, well rapid for Moonie, succession of five blows as at last he reached his head forwards.


His voice roared at last, as in front of Moonie's mouth emitted an energy blast, equitable to a Gran Rey Cero, which shot forwards without any further ado, slamming into where Kimmimaro was standing and destroying everything a round the other male, most likely even consuming Moonie in the massive blast, leaving the male standing there, the digits of his hands flexing over and over again as he continued to stare at the other male. "AND WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HERE FOR THEN, HUH? WHAT'S YOUR D@MN PURPOSE, YOU SKELETON? DO YOU EVEN F#CKING HAVE ONE? DO YOU EVEN POSSESS A SOUL?" Moonie's voice raged, the important questions leaving his mouth, demanding to be answered as his wild eyes stared at the other male, feeling the burns that now covered around his chest and shoulders from his cero, dripping small globlets of blood as they began to close up, his eyes still wildly staring at the other male, demanding, demanding, demanding


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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