Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Night time walk[elendril] Empty Night time walk[elendril]

Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:32 am
Night time walk[elendril] Theodo10

The moonlight shifted through the trees as a lone figure walked through the park below. Night had fallen a few hours before, and this feminine being had decided to take a walk. Long hair flowed down her back, going past where her breast would normally be. However, she seemed extremely flat chested from some reason, though another odd thing would catch the eye of anyone who looked at the girl's hair. It was two different colors, split almost perfectly down the center. On the right side pink hair flowed down, on the left she had bright blonde hair. A brightly colored tee covered her upper body, a blue miniskirt barely covering her panties. Wandering through the park like a lost child, she eventually decided to sit down on one of the benches, sighing peacefully as she looked up at the beautiful night sky. From her pocket she pulled a large lollipop, taking off the plastic wrapping before slowly running her tongue along the flat side, licking at the sugary goodness.

For a good few minutes she sat there, licking at her lollipop while enjoying the peaceful feeling of sitting in an empty park under the moon’s light. After a while though, she stood up, stretching as she let out a yawn. She then started walking towards what looked like an extremely thick grove of trees. On her way there, she looked down at her shadow and seemed to start talking to it.

“Yea, yea, I know Thomas, I know. Sorry, sorry, it’s been a long day and I needed to relax for a bit first. Come on, we can hurry up this time, I want to get back home. I still can’t get used to this schedule, it’s a real pain you know.”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Night time walk[elendril] Empty Re: Night time walk[elendril]

Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:52 am
Night time walk[elendril] Rogue_profile_prop
Seraph moved through the park like a ghost making sure that no spotted him and that he kept his spirit pressure hidden so that no one would easily be able to spot him out of the crowd. As Seraph knew that he was not welcome here among these people as he was a member of K-World. And they were not the most welcome people here in the territory of the Yuudeshi. But As Seraph walked he could feel that something was not right here as he kept feeling something weird in the air. And this was not anything he knew of. Though he had to also remember that this place probably had hundreds of people with all different powers and maybe some people were doing something weird and the current moment. Though Seraph wasn’t sure what he could do about that as he walked he would soon see some strange things on this silent night.

But Seraph knew that this wasn’t his place to act on anything that he seen as he was not a member of the Iramasha like he once was and did not truly have any jurisdiction. Though Seraph could not help but look at this strange thing. As it brought back memories when he was a young child growing up on the streets out here learning how to make it without his parents until he was saved by his grandfather. And he could only hope that his Grandfather would not be mad at his choice of leaving the Iramasha and Joining K-World. But as Seraph walked he would soon bump into something. As Seraph was not sure if this was a man or a women, though he was sure that the person was crazy as they were talking to a person named Thomas though no one but Seraph was around them. Though Seraph would only get up and give the thing a strong look of what the hell are you and then start to walk away from the thing.

Night time walk[elendril] Night time walk[elendril]

Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts

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Night time walk[elendril] Empty Re: Night time walk[elendril]

Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:13 am
Thalia stopped walking as she felt someone bump in to her from behind. Turning around she saw a man that seemed to give her a dirty look before turning to walk away from her. A smile danced on her face as her shadow stretched, a long line of darkness attaching itself to the man’s shadow. The man’s shadow would then wind up his legs, entangling them as Thalia started to walk towards him.

“Well well, what do we have here? A delicious male, maybe today is my lucky day. Hehe, he’s probably very tasty too. Yummy yummy!”

She licked at her candy once more, her smile revealing her fangs to him as she did. Then she snapped her fingers and shadows on the ground started to quiver, raising from the ground to form walls of blackness around them, first behind the man, then to the sides, and finally behind her. She opened her mouth once more, her lips curling in to a devilish smile.

“So, what shall I do with you, what shall I do… Ah, how about if I get a drink from you, that would be nice, wouldn’t it? You look like you would have a nice, tasty supply, oh I can’t wait now, come here, I want my drink.”

Giggling she walked forward, step by step coming closer to the man, her fangs sticking out as she looked directly at his neck.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Night time walk[elendril] Empty Re: Night time walk[elendril]

Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:03 am
Seraph would continue to walk not giving a dam about the person he had just knocked over since he could care less about the thing since he was not really a people person. Plus the fact that it was not like he really had anything to fear since even if the girl were crazy enough to attack him. Seraph was pretty sure that she or he would not be strong enough to kill him, or cause him any harm at that. But as soon as Seraph was walking off he could fill that someone was going for an attack and it was aimed at him. And soon shadows would start to wrap up seraphs les as a wall of shadows also started to form. And this all would only make Seraph start to laugh as he knew what his opponent did not. And Seraph was a big fan of one always knowing their enemy before they attacked. But some people did not realize that knowledge was power when it came to fights like this. And Seraph was going to show his new little play mate why he had made the wrong choice trying to attack Seraph on a night like this. Because Seraph was not going to have any mercy for him or whatever it was.

Seraph would wait and let the person speak its mind and then the person would start o talk about how Seraph looked like a nice puppy and how they wanted a drink from him. And this would only start to Make Seraph laugh even more than when the person had started to attack. Since Seraph could clearly tell that this person had no idea about who they were messing with. And soon Seraph was going to show them why they should not try and fight a random stranger though he figured he would give the person a little more time to get confident with themselves. Since he wanted to see how the person acted when they thought that victory was in their grasp. Though he was not going to let the person have their way with him. Since even seraph knew that he could not be to confident in this fight because if he became that way it would result in him losing the fight and getting his ass kicked by a person who he could of easily beat if he had not played around with them.

Soon the thing would start to make its way towards Seraph with its fangs coming out its mouth as its mouth was wide open. And Seraph would soon start to understand what this thing was. As it was no normal species but some succubus. And Seraph did not like the idea of a creature trying to take a drink of his blood. Since he was not sure what would happen to the creature once it got his blood but Seraph was sure that it would not be a good thing for him. And as soon as the creature got within a meter of him he would wave his hands. Soon the shadows around him would start to move and form blades on Seraphs arms taking down the walls and letting his legs free. Seraph would quickly swing his arm at the approaching creature making sure that it did not get any closer as he started to make his speech. “So it seems your not the only one who can control shadows, maybe next time you will make sure your little trap will actually work, but for trying to drink my blood I am going to have to put you in your place and trust me it’s nowhere near me. Seraph would instantly dark at the creature with lightning speed. Slashing his arm blades left and right aiming to take the creature out.

Night time walk[elendril] Night time walk[elendril]

Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts

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Night time walk[elendril] Empty Re: Night time walk[elendril]

Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:23 pm
As the man formed the shadows in to blades, Thalia’s eyes changed to a more serious look. As the man tried to attack her, her body turned in to black shadows, forming in to a wolf as a second body appeared from her shadow. This one was a genetic duplicate of own, though it looked pretty androgynous, the feminine looks not pronounce like Thalia’s was. Her old shadow was sucked in to it, a scythe forming in its hand. Thomas smiled as the man shot off, Thalia racing after him. Passing right through the tree, she turned around, solidifying as she bit in to the man’s leg. Poison from her teeth would sink in to the man’s leg, paralyzing it. Some people were able to resist it, but most could not and she doubted he could. Appearing next to them in a burst of shadows with his scythe raised, Thomas glared at the man as he brought it down, attempting to just make a small scratch on his opponent’s back. After all, why would he need anything more than a single scratch? Smiling, he spoke to the man.

“So, Thalia thinks she needs to call me out so that we can take you down? Well, looks like that’s a good half an hour of sex I’m going to miss kid, so how about we end this quickly, what do you say?”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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