Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault

Search found 52 matches for staffhelp

by Henrex
on Fri Jun 04, 2021 9:32 am
Search in: Approved Equipment
Topic: Nemesis Rune [Henrex Equipment] [2021]
Replies: 3
Views: 701

Nemesis Rune [Henrex Equipment] [2021]

Topics tagged under staffhelp on Bleach Platinum Hearts RP  FrSC0tv

» Item Name: The Ancient Runes Of The Demons [Nemesis Rune]
» Item Type: Henrex

» Used For: Offense, with small defense and utility capabilities

» Item Description:

The Nemesis Rune: A black stone with ancient, almost alien writing upon its surface that feels cold to the touch. This writing, as it was created by demons, naturally is able to be translated and understood by its kin. As a result, this gemstone's theme is that of the element of ice and grants a very basic ability to allow the wielder to freeze moisture in the air within a ten feet radius. This also applies to any organic water within the area, and cannot be applied to water created from another's energy, whether from a Zanpakuto or other supernatural means. Through the use of mental command or physical movements, the user can also manipulate the shape, combining large amounts of moisture and water into various constructs, though this usually takes a great deal of time in order to gather and formulate, and thus is usually recommended to stick to basic manipulation. It should be noted that the ice formed from this ability is still deeply susceptible to fire attacks.

  • Hidden Ability - Teleportation: Meant to be reflective of the ever-changing nature of seasons, the hidden ability of this rune allows for the user to teleport. Depending on their level of power, they are able to reach farther distances by using their own energy to power the stone. At a base level, however, it should allow the wielder to teleport the distance of a small town, while those with a larger amount of energy and energy potency would be able to take this ability to travel anywhere in the dimension that they find themselves in. However, this can only be used once in a thread and, if not used as an escape, would disable all abilities of the Rune for the rest of the thread and would require the Rune to recharge for a full day.

  • Trump Card - Frozen Fortress: Meant to symbolize the rigidness and harshness of the element it encompasses, the penultimate ability of this gem is two-fold, but both sides of the ability are entirely directed around the wielder. Firstly, the Rune is capable of utilizing its power to create a shell of frost around the user's skin, numbing the nerves and granting them a tremendous resistance to pain, allowing them to continue fighting without breaking concentration due to it. The second half of this ability utilizes its base power, freezing the moisture in the air and wrapping it around the user, creating an icy armor capable of withstanding blows similar to someone with Advanced Durability. This can only be used once in a thread while sharing the same weaknesses and drawbacks that both the base ability and hidden ability possess -- a drastic weakness to fire and requiring the rune to recharge for a day, taking away all powers in the process.

Original Write-Up:

» Obtained From: Antarctica

» Notes: The abilities of this Rune have been rewritten as discussed in the #staffhelp channel in Discord on 6/12/21. I tried to keep the new write-up as close to the old one as possible.


by Aceltra
on Sat Oct 31, 2020 3:53 pm
Search in: 2021-Present Applications
Topic: Character application for Arrancar. #staffhelp
Replies: 1
Views: 677

Character application for Arrancar. #staffhelp

I. Basic Information

» Name: Ashtele Mukrose
» Age: 270
» Gender: Male

» Association: No association

» Appearance Written: 5,11 Male with dark purple hair and white eyes. His fragments from his mask had formed a beak over his nose and mouth. His hollow hole is located where his stomach would be. Other than that he looks like an average arrancar.

» Appearance Image: [Put an image of your character here if you have one]

II. Personality

» Personality: Has an underwhelming personality, that seems to be that annoying coworker or friend that we all have. Although if he becomes serious he quickly becomes cold and quiet. He hates anyone that dismisses themselves from their sworn duty. He acts very caring although he only does things for his own gain. He has a fascination with birds, especially scavengers such as crows and Ravens. He is disgusted by reptiles for they are not "elegant enough" For fun he usually tortures hollows around Hueco Mundo as well as studying birds. He is quite intelligent despite his attitude.

III. History

» History: As a human his father left him alone with his mother at a very young age. He was forced to put on a fake smile at all times enable to not upset his mother. However after he graduated college he comes home to see his mother murdered. He tracks the murderer down to crooked policemen. He slaughters all of them and lays there covered in blood until he is found and killed by officials. When he reawakens as a plus, he notices how powerful these monsters are that are patrolling the streets. One day he sees a man in black attire struggling to fight one of these beasts. Ahstele decides to kick the man while he is struggling against the hollow to allow it to consume the man. Afterwards his soul chain erodes and he becomes a hollow reawakened in Hueco Mundo. While he is there he advances to an adjuchas before deciding to rip his own mask off turning him into an arrancar. He then patrols the human world consuming anyone that he considers unworthy of life.

IV. Equipment

» Equipment: Well he carries his zanpakuto "Tsukizasha" as well as bags of ash that he puts over his prey before he feasts.

V. Racial Techniques/Abilities/Skills

» Racial Abilities: He can fire cero as most arrancar can, as well as firing his self proclaimed "Fastest bala among men" If he needs to he can also open his beak to bite the opponent absorbing their life force.

VI. Sealed Powers

» Zanpakutô Name: Tsukizasha

» Zanpakutô Appearance: It has a 1 foot blade with the hilt covered in black feathers.

» Unique Power: If he can make the opponent consume the crowfeathers from his hilt, it will cause the opponent to feel the pain of everything that person has inflicted on others. Rather that be mental pain or physical pain. This will not kill the opponent, and if the opponent has guilt over everything he has done, the effect is negated.

VII. Resurrección

» Resereccion Name: Carga Tsukizasha

» Resereccion Release Phrase: Rot in your regrets, Tsukizasha

» Release Actions: He thrusts his zanpakuto through his hollow hole.

» Resereccion Appearance: His body is armored with equipment that resembles a crow. He is given a black beak instead of his white one, as well as his arrancar clothes being converted to black crow like armor. He is not equipped with a crowfeather cloak that is illuminating with purple spiritual energy. Tsukizasha is transformed into 5 claws present on his right hand.

» Resereccion Abilities: Ashtele can throw the crowfeathers from his cloak at his enemy, and if it pierces the enemy parasites such as maggots will enter the opponent eating the opponent's spiritual pressure. He can also surround the feathers with a bala for additional damage. However while his resereccion is active, he cannot see not hear. He is completely reliant on spiritual pressure to hear sound waves and see his enemy. During this form he is also impossible to see if the opponent feels any fear. Although he can still be sensed though.

I. Skill Sheet

(To Find Out about what these skills are for, please READ THIS THREAD before you try doing anything to it. After you have read it, do not fill your skills out until a staff member has graded your thread. The staff member checking your app will also give you Will Skills in which you can add to your app when approved. Click the spoiler below to see what tier gets what kind of skills.)

Spoiler :

General Skills
General Speed:
Weapon Skill:

Racial Skills

Will Skills
Mental Deduction:

IX. Role Play Sample

» Roleplay Sample: [Ashtele although surprised looks over at the quincy] "Well it's been a while since I've seen your kind" [Ashtele hysterically laughs as if it's a joke, as he looks back at the quincy] "I suppose that will make things much more… how do I say it? Entertaining!!" [Without warning he wields his zanpakuto and dashes towards the quincy.]

by Sage
on Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:56 am
Search in: 2016-2020 Applications
Topic: Sevyne Novis(W.I.P)
Replies: 1
Views: 934

Sevyne Novis(W.I.P)

[mod]With no notice and no post in the mandatory activity check, this is getting archived. If you're back, just throw an unarchival request in #staffhelp and it'll get put back.[/mod]
by Sage
on Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:56 am
Search in: Character Archives
Topic: Hono Kaen [OLD]
Replies: 5
Views: 3879

Hono Kaen [OLD]

[mod]With no notice and no post in the mandatory activity check, this is getting archived. If you're back, just throw an unarchival request in #staffhelp and it'll get put back.[/mod]
by Sage
on Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:56 am
Search in: 2016-2020 Applications
Topic: Karin Kurosaki [WIP]
Replies: 2
Views: 1554

Karin Kurosaki [WIP]

[mod]With no notice and no post in the mandatory activity check, this is getting archived. If you're back, just throw an unarchival request in #staffhelp and it'll get put back.[/mod]
by Sage
on Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:54 am
Search in: 2016-2020 Applications
Topic: Morgan Kay [WIP]
Replies: 3
Views: 1044

Morgan Kay [WIP]

[mod]With no notice and no post in the mandatory activity check, this is getting archived. If you're back, just throw an unarchival request in #staffhelp and it'll get put back.[/mod]
by Sage
on Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:52 am
Search in: 2016-2020 Applications
Topic: Daggers Akarari [WIP]
Replies: 1
Views: 1177

Daggers Akarari [WIP]

[mod]With no notice and no post in the mandatory activity check, this is getting archived. If you're back, just throw an unarchival request in #staffhelp and it'll get put back.[/mod]
by Sage
on Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:51 am
Search in: 2016-2020 Applications
Topic: Kokoro Miyake [WIP]
Replies: 7
Views: 1654

Kokoro Miyake [WIP]

[mod]With no notice and no post in the mandatory activity check, this is getting archived. If you're back, just throw an unarchival request in #staffhelp and it'll get put back.[/mod]
by Sage
on Mon Jul 16, 2018 8:51 am
Search in: 2016-2020 Applications
Topic: Clatterbones [WIP]
Replies: 1
Views: 815

Clatterbones [WIP]

[mod]With no notice and no post in the mandatory activity check, this is getting archived. If you're back, just throw an unarchival request in #staffhelp and it'll get put back.[/mod]
by Sage
on Tue Jun 19, 2018 8:22 pm
Search in: 2016-2020 Applications
Topic: Snopy Saika [APPROVED, 0-5]
Replies: 4
Views: 1469

Snopy Saika [APPROVED, 0-5]

[mod]With no notice and no post in the mandatory activity check, this is getting archived. If you're back, just throw an unarchival request in #staffhelp and it'll get put back.[/mod]

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