Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu Jun 03, 2010 11:30 am
If you have any questions on our rules, please join our discord and ask staff/members about them:

Bleach Platinum Hearts Rules
Base Rules For Platinum Hearts
General Rules For The Site As A Whole
Consequences For Breaking Rules
The Posting Rules For The Site
Techniques, Abilities, Powers and etc
Character Application Guidelines
Skill Sheet Rules

First off; welcome to Platinum Hearts Role Play! Now we all know how excited you are in registering, logging in to make your character and start to RP, but please take the time to read these simple rules before you do so. And please follow them
Base Rules

Realistic Expectations:At this point, nobody on this site is superman in terms of actually trying to do every aspect of their job, rank, character or anything. Therefore, I this rule/note is being put in place to make sure people and new members know: we are all only humans. There is only so much staff, site helpers and members alike can do to keep this site going. So, if you see something wrong? Try to be a helpful hand and give staff a heads up along with taking the time to realize that we make mistakes just as members do.

Rule One: You can't start to role play until your character is accepted. We will reply to your character profile as soon as possible to tell you if you are accepted or if you need some more work. However, in some instances, we WILL allow WIPs to be RP'd in casual or non-fighting threads if the cause is just enough. This includes people like Kagari or Shiruma whose app's are not completed, but are essential to plot threads. In even rarer cases, we will allow them to be used for battle threads if they have basic powers set-up, but not any additional forms. Or something similar to this instance. (It should be noted that this whole WIP situation is rather rare. This mainly applies to characters who are related to events, personal plots, have justified reason and so on. Don't expect every WIP to have this special permission and don't expect to be approved every time.)

Rule Two: You may have as many original characters as you like, but you're limited to having 4 canons. With the exception of Nemu as she goes with Mayuri. And Lilynette since she comes with Starrk as well. Also, on the subject of original profiles; we do encourage growth in your characters, but try to keep the number of FC's reduced when you start reaching upwards of 50+ characters. Although there is no rule against it, hogging face claims is essentially a habit that takes away from others and isn't necessarily well liked in the community. When you reach 100+ FC's, please try to avoid using a FC for every form or change.

Rule Three: It is possible for your character to be in more then one thread at once, but try to make use of the timeline so you can better organize just how many threads your character is in. If none of them add up, and we run into a problem, we will squash it. So please, try to keep that in mind when dealing with your character. It should also be noted this site moves on a month-to-month bases; so if the current month is August, then it's most likely August 2412 on the site. (As of this rule's revision)

Rule Four: Respect all the members of the site and no excessive fighting amongst each other. If I see any of this you might be kicked, banned or blacklisted from the site. Although this is not avoidable... really isn't...keep it to a minimum. If it gets out of hand, contact a staff member or try to resolve the issue. If the staff member itself is causing problems, screenshot the issues so we can take your claims with more validity. Specifically, you should be sending it to the Head Admin if such an incident occurs where staff is abusing their power.

Rule Five: There is no Godmoding or perfect characters[Mary Sue/Gary Stu], as well as Metagaming! No one is perfect so everyone has flaws although they might not always be visible. Ichigo isn't perfect because he doesn't always win on the first try. That also includes Zanpakutō: non-counterable attacks, or invincible shields. So, for reference below I will briefly describe Metagaming/God Modding/Power Playing:

  • God Modding: I believe we all know what this one, do we not? It's making characters, that no matter what, cannot be damaged, harmed or otherwise ABSOLUTELY invincible when it comes to profile creation. However, they also come into play with threads as well. An example of this would be a character who has no idea how to operate machine like a plane, but suddenly, from nowhere, he is the master of this skill and controls it with ease. Or, if your role play partner dodges EVERY attack WITHOUT explanation as to why or HOW they could. It makes for bad role play and is usually intentional and will not be tolerated on the site.

  • Metagaming: What is metagaming? Metagaming, for the most part, is taking knowledge that YOU yourself know OR knowledge YOUR CHARACTER shouldn't know and placing that into the role play. So, say that John is walking down the street and suddenly he engages in a fight with Jin. If you yourself looking at Jin's app and saw that he had a weakness against water, it would be absurd for your character to randomly come to that conclusion and summon some sort of water kido to kill your opponent just because you knew it. This is a clear cut case of meta-gaming and will not be tolerated on the site. Just because YOU understand a character's profile, doesn't mean YOUR character does without any evidence to back these claims up.

  • Power Playing: Just what is powerplaying? We have a character named Adam. Adam is rushing to fight his opponent, Jack. In the midst of his against Jack, Adam decided to go in punch him in the face. What is the problem, though? It went along the lines of this: "Adam leaped into the air in order to punch Jack in the face and watch him fall flat on his back as he blacked out." What is the problem with that? You are controlling your opponents reactions and forcing the hit on them; which is against our rules. It should go along the lines of this: "Adam leaped in the air and attempted to land a punch against Jack's face. If he succeeded? He'd go on to bask in Adam's swift defeat as the damage done to him had the potential to leave him flat on his back." This is acceptable because it isn't forced, you describe the possibility and repercussions of your attack while allowing them to react to it.

Rule Six: When it comes to the topic of smutting on Platinum Hearts? We DO allow it, but it has to be done in the mature board. This is to avoid people who do not desire to see such a thing having it thrown in their face. It's also where a lot of the adult related things should most likely go and only those who are added in a special group should be able to see them on this board:

Rule Seven: In terms of activity? Try to be active by logging in at least once a month. These help us gauge a members pledge to the site, more or less. Failure to post in one can leave your characters ranks, positions and status null; allowing us to remove them from their positions, disband their terrority control (if you have Terrority Claims), deactivate their face claims and ultimately put them in archives. This is to avoid inactive people from clogging up space on the site.

Rule Eight: You cannot kill a character without the creators permission more often than not. HOWEVER, if the circumstances are allowing, you can fill out a Death Template and a team of two or three staff members will review it. If the cause of death seems reasonable, we will allow that characters death after the thread and their app will be moved to the Death Section of The Application board. If it's denied, your request will simply be moved to the denied sections of the Death Request board. Also, when it comes to event threads, you cannot have a non-death thread because of the nature of events. Such as if you were to have a no-maim/no-death the middle of a war -- that would not be accepted.

Follow these rules!!!!!

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Extra Rules


Fun: People come here to have FUN and relax. Remember that in all that you do.

Chatroom Notes: Talking in Main discord means everyone can jump in; be respectful and not shut them out with rude remarks like "you know nothing at all." It should also be noted that people may not catch onto what tone is used, so it is recommended to add in a tag like -chuckles- or -leers- to notify. Finally, when told to stop by even a member, they do not mean keep going, they mean STOP! This ALSO applies to skype conversations as well that are affiliated with PH.

OOC RP/Chat RP: OOC RP is fine in small doses. Do not swamp the entire general discord with unrelated ooc that would be much better used in an actual thread. Or, better yet, use the OOC RP or IC Rp CHANNEL. Not everybody wants to see OOC when they log in the general discord. On a related note: All characters should be respected in xat, OOC or not. Everyone cares about their characters, and if no one starts a problem, then there will be no need for a retaliation. So keep this in mind when you all are going head to head in these sessions.

Chat RP Documentation: And to make sure your stuff is canon, please use this board

Whining: If you don't get what you want, learn to roll with the punches and not throw a fit about it. Assuming the staff of wrongful acts because they do not do favors for you on time or ever is wrong in itself; it is grieving and as such will be punishable by degree of the amount and magnitude of the grief. So please, USE COMMON SENSES, MANNERS AND HARDEN UP!

Problems: If you have a problem, try to go to moderators first if possible. If they are unavailable, then talk to an admin or site assistant. The last person you should speak to is the Head Admin as he is a VERY busy person and chances are you will get delayed in talking with him. So please, if you got a minor problem, try to use moderators first or site assistants if they are on. Don't bug the head admin to death unless it's urgent. Additionally, If you feel someone's making a mistake, and you want to take the time to tell them they're wrong, go a step further and tell them WHY. It'll leave a better taste in both peoples mouths and will show common courtesy being spawned from something that was incorrect; along with not having to go to staff if it gets out of hand.

Eating: Character DO not get stronger (tier wise) by eating others. This means you CANNOT go around eating people in order to obtain more "power". We ran into a problem awhile back where a few hollow/Arrancar characters thought they were able to obtain new tiers from simply eating people. Well, after that incident, this rule was enforced and most characters do not suddenly gain a new tier from consuming another person unless it was a special circumstance. We do however allow small things like temporary energy boost and things of that sort.

Vasto Lorde: Concerning these characters, there are a rare amount of them and it requires some sort of admin permission in order to create one. Therefore, don't think about them often.

Location Rule: You CANNOT have private or personal threads if you are in a highly dangerous area where your character does not belong. For instance, if you are an Arrancar, you are NOT allowed to have a private thread in Karakura Central as that is a danger area for your character. And, on the flipside, a Shinigami CANNOT have a private thread in Demon or Hueco Mundo.
  • Location Rule 1.a: However, if you have a special license to be in Karakura Central, you can possibly bypass this rule. For neutral Demon's/Arrancar, they would most likely need to buy some sort of passport in order to be allowed into these cities with permission and are easily located, documented and contacted through the many types of networks, systems and etc in most places like Earth or K-World.

Work In Progress Characters: Please, if you have a character that you are trying to make, place it the WIP section here. Remember that WIP applications go in the WIP section ONLY. If you finish a WIP application, MODIFY THE TITLE OR IT WILL BE TREATED AS A WIP AND NOT CHECKED.

Reserving Spots In Organizations: You may reserve a position for ONE WEEK ONLY. However, in some factions, the owner may delay this for as long as they want. If they decide to remove it, then you may re-apply until they tell you to stop. If you do not document a reserve, then if someone else puts forth the effort and spares the time to reserve or apply for that spot your reservation is null and void. This applies to ALL reservations. None are grandfathered in. Speak with your organizational leaders if you need to otherwise make a dispute as this varies from org to org.

Autoplay: Autoplay on any Youtube or any embedded code is not allowed in any post what so ever.

Thread Tags: Thread tags are titles in the thread title that show if the thread is open, private, et cetera. While tags are not required, they are highly recommended. If a thread has no tags, it is considered open. Thus, you have no right to pitch a fit if you have no tags in your thread title and someone posts in it.

Bumping: Bumping is posting in a thread where you last posted to promote what you last said. This is normally done in applications to get it on recent topics. Only bump if 3-5 days have passed. Doing so will only postpone what you have checked.

One-Upping: While this is unavoidable, we do ask to keep one-upping someone in xat or discussion to a minimum. One-Upping is basically "x character can do this." "So what? My character can do this." "Oh yeah, my character can do THIS!" Although there is no general format, that is essentially how it flows. This means if someone asks you to stop, you stop.

Not Safe For Work: This basically means that any image with a "Questionable" or "Explicit" rating on Gelbooru (basically, no nipples, reproductive organs, underwear shots, heavy gore, very sexually suggestive images, etc.) is not allowed to be posted in Xat without saying NSFW right before or right after posting the link. In a thread, images like that must be posted in a spoiler with NSFW right above the spoiler.

Organzation/Faction Reserve: There will be a 2-4 week time limit reserve on characters who reserve positions in organizations. After that, they will wait another 2-4 weeks before being able to re-apply. This is to help keep org positions opened to those who are ready to go. Org leaders may choose to keep them reserved at their own decision, however.

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Consequences For Breaking Rules

  • 1st Offense: Warning
  • 2nd Offense: Kick from Chat OR 5 minute ban.
  • 3rd Offense: 1-Day Ban.
  • 4th Offense: 1-Week Ban.
  • 5th Offense: Permaban.
  • Disrespecting Staff is grounds for a ban in some situations.

Notice: It's worth noting, however, that all of these are not set in stone. In some cases, we'll deal with it by a circumstance by circumstance bases depending on what occurred. This is or more less a good guideline for staff to fellow in a decent number of mishaps where members happen to break a rule. So, with that being said, not all instances of rule breaking will result in an autoban or kick. Just watch where you tread, don't be an idiot and you shouldn't have to worry too much about these, really.

Notice 2: Staff may also try alternative means of punishment in order to better enforce our rules as well.

Posting Rules

We have a few rules regarding posting.

Posting Style:
  • Please do not use "text talk".
  • Please attempt use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Please separate your dialogue from action with an Enter key click and

Post Requirements: This is something ALL members need to follow in order to ensure the quality of Platinum Hearts' role playing is kept up to par. At the very least, in all roleplaying post's, you should follow this guideline: try to have at least three to five sentences in your post. This is not negotiable. AND TEMPLATES DO NOT COUNT! PLEASE MAKE YOUR POST BEFORE ADDING ANY SORT OF CODING TO IT! If we are able to catch people doing this, we will either give you a warning, make you expand the post or lock the thread altogether. So please, for the sake of the site, try to keep that limit up. It'll do wonders for your roleplaying experience as no one wants to reply to some guy posting one or two lines.

Posting Order: It will be set when the thread has all of the people it will have for one turn. New people will be last to post, and it is cumulative. It does not matter if you bring in more characters, the order is based of the ACCOUNTS. You are NOT change the order unless: No response in one week without temp. leave, someone leaving for over 1 week, someone quitting the site, or the person requests to be skipped. If you do, your post will be deleted and saved in an admin's notepad and sent to you via a PM. If you are a repeat offender, you will be barred from roleplaying for 1 day. If it continues, it may result in a temp. ban. However, the Original Poster in the thread (OP), can determine the course of the posting order as they reserve that right as it's creator.

Bookmarking Threads: Unless otherwise stated, a bookmark can be posted for up to three days to preserve someone's place in posting order. For example, let's say a Gotei member wanted to join in a fight between two fraccion. Let's say a third fraccion wants to join but the irrelevant person won't budge and doesn't see the point plot-wise. And let's also say that the fraccion needs to go to work or school. If the fraccion is supposed to post, but can't, he/she can post up a bookmark to preserve their spot in the posting order. It can last for up to 72 hours from the hour AFTER it is posted. (If it was posted at 11:31, the bookmark would expire at 12:00)

***Note: this may be different in some threads depending on how the original poster wants things set up***

Bailing Out Of Threads: Bailing out in a thread means you have to post RP-wise that your character is bailing out. Failure to do so may end up in unfavorable results for your character depending on the original poster who made the thread, staff members or if it's an event and you are up to the mercy of those in the event.

No Powerlevelling: Definition: In a game (particularly multiplayer role playing games), to gain experience--and thus levels--at a greater rate than is normally planned for the game; often accomplished with the help of other characters or with the use of exploits.

Common Sense For Fighting: When it comes to fighting, PLEASE learn when to take or miss hits. This isn't something we wish to regulate like a RPG game, but for the sake of your role playing partner, do not avoid every last attack by the time a thread ends. It's more interesting and fun for both sides to operate on a "Take and give" system so that you take a certain amount of hits, and your opponent takes a certain amount of hits. So please, before entering a fight, try to make sure this person is going to be willing to work things out with you in the long run should any issues come up. If you two cannot settle it, staff will be forced to enter.

And Remember: Everyone is trying to have fun in roleplay. IF your partner isn't having any fun and hasn't broken any rules, then there is a PROBLEM and both parties should work to fix it.

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Techniques, Abilities, Powers and etc

Poison Powers: We are officially allowing poison based powers, but under a strict eye of whoever is viewing the application. Do not make poisons that automatically kill someone, make sure you try to add as much detail as possible when crafting them and don't bullshit your way around this when making a poison based power, character or equipment.

Anti-Matter: From this point onward, some characters MAY have Anti-Matter control. However, it is going to be a heavily restricted as not everyone is going to have this ability based on it's lengthy uses. And, even then, they are going to be immensely reviewed to make sure everything is legit on the application. So, for the most part, if you wish to have Anti-Matter; you better make a damn good case for it and put some good work into this power.

Emotion Based Powers: Much like Anti-Matter, this is going to be a power heavily monitored and with restricted use. In fact, it may even be harder to obtain then Anti-Matter as it would require a highly skilled role player, immense detail, balance, drawbacks and so on.

Controlling Blood: Blood Bending, as some may call it, could be possible if one were to inject their own blood into a host. Temporary bouts of control would be possible as long as someone had a way to fight back, counter and so on. This one is going to need to be discussed, depending on the staff member who checks your characters applications whom has this power, heavily after remembering the last time we had a massive blood debate.

Absolute Powers: When it comes to powers that are unavoidable, unstoppable, uncounterable or otherwise invincibile; we will not allow those. An example of this would be making an offensive ability that has the ability to send a wave of fire at the opponent and they cannot move out of the way, defend against it, counter it or seal it. There may be instances on the site, however, where we allow them for plot with admin approval. Such as to speed an event along, we may allow an action to take place to seal off the range where this event is taking place to prevent from any new intruders without proper explanation as to how they got their.

Tachyon Powers: As of October 30th, we are going ahead and just banning tachyons. Literally, you can do anything else with the under powered version with better mediums.

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Base Application Guidelines

Concerning History: There is a mix of history on this site from Canon history and Non-Canon history. In this mix, there are Non-Canon characters that have made important changes in history and caused a lot of difference. Please remember while making the history for your character that you might not be able to have a bond with someone, or certain things cannot happen. Please feel free to review the site time line at the following link for details:

Concerning the History of your character: Not everyone has trained with Yoruichi, Kenpachi, Byakuya, etc. Thus, you need to do two things before saying so. 1: Getting Admin Approval from [THEFROST]; 2: Getting the current holder of the character's approval. If either of these are not met, your character WILL be denied and you cannot say you were trained by said character even if you ask.

Dealing With Canon and OC in history: If someone has the canon character in question, contact them. If someone does not, contact an admin. The same goes for OCs. The owner of the canon or OC must post in the application giving their expressed written consent.

Appearance & Personality Sections: Appearance needs to be at least 5 DETAILED sentences. If you use simple sentences, it must be 10. Along with that, personality is generally at least two paragraph's with the same 5 to 10 sentences as appearance. This is to ensure that you have a pretty well developed character.

Shikai & Bankai + Other Similar Forms & Powers: At this point and time, we have quite a few factors in this now. I'll state them below
  • Trust: This may bother some people, but I think there is a certain amount of trust we place in certain applications depending on the character, the person role playing them, their RP Skill, any mis-deeds they have done in the past to abuse power and so on. So, baring these thoughts in mind, trust IS an official system we use in some cases in order to determine rather or not you'll get a special form, power or something else like that.

  • RP Skill: Sometimes with different people, RP Skill can come into question with an application. Although this may sound similar to trust, it is not. For example, I highly doubt we'd ever give something like Anti-Matter to someone such as Shizuo as he has not displayed the proper RP Skill needed in order to wield such a thing. However, someone like ZX or Dai could probably figure a way to better manage this power with their skill.

  • Circumstance: In other cases, we may allow people to have more powerful then normal characters based on circumstance as well. Things like Of The Month Contest, The Antag Update, Admin Approval and other things would qualify for this.

  • Need: Do you remember when this site first started for older people? When races were low in population, we allowed some people to have Bankai at the start, more powerful tiers and so on. Since we've gotten so much better since that time, however, we have gotten more stricter on certain races and thus need vs want must always come into factor with new characters wanting these things. The chances of having Shikai off the bat lower with Shinigami, but the chances of having a Demon version of that or stronger is much more likely to occur at this point and time.

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Rules on Skill Sheet:

What is the Skill Sheet? The skill sheet helps keep things such as Speed, Durability, Strength and Weapon Skill in check usually. It also tethers into racial attributes such as Shunpo, Cero, Hakuda, Mask Wielding (for Vizards) and so forth. To read more information about it, please visit this thread:


0 Tier is allowed 1 Master, 2 Advanced
1 Tier is allowed 2 Advanced
2 Tier is allowed 1 Advanced, 2 Adept
3 Tier is allowed 1 Adept
4 Tier and below only get beginner.

Note: For all intents and purposes, these are just starter skills for when you ascend to the next tier level. Such as if you go from 3-1 to 2-5, you can now have 1 Advanced and two adept at the very least. However, you can upgrade them further through the tier upgrade store, contest; such as of the month series, filling out a character upgrade template if you feel they are ready and things such as this. So it's possible for a four tier, in theory, to have master speed. Talk to an admin or moderator to otherwise change it.

Also Important: POWER TIER -





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Last Notice: We do reserve the right to update, alter or otherwise modify the rules as we see fit. Therefore, these rules are subject to change at any time.

Now, why are you still here?

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat May 13, 2017 3:52 pm; edited 30 times in total
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Fri Mar 18, 2011 11:12 am

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Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:25 pm
New Rule Added

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Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:27 am
Cleaned and updated to 2012 standards

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Thu Aug 09, 2012 8:19 am
A massive update and overhaul on the rules has been made. More changes may come at a later date.

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Tue Jan 21, 2014 2:56 pm

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Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:41 am

Okay, I went ahead and decided to update some things in the rules. I might a few adjustments to the rules, removal of some and fixed a few spelling/typo based errors on the rules. I also added in links to our discord and modified anything relating to xat/skype.

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