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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sun Jan 05, 2014 1:07 pm


The male was completely silent, standing high atop a building. Not just any building, but a building made out of pure shadow. There was definitely a breeze, and it was definitely blowing up the flaps of the garment he maintained around his waist, the expression on his face set in a simple line. This building was the only of its kind for miles around. Other buildings, long abandoned, were around the area, but only this one went up to this height.

IN front of him, there was a vast expanse that was clear of any obstructions, completely and utterly demolished. Behind him, there was an area that could have been a metropolis at one point. Below him was the building made of shadows. Finally, above him, there was nothing but the full moon, shining down over everything that was below it, so illuminating that it could have even been mistaken for a cloudy day. Speaking of which, the sky lacked any of the clumps of condensation most populous among the figures of the hemisphere; but it was ideal.

The male's entire body was not moving an inch. Across his back was a single blade, if it could be called a blade. It truly, for lack of a better description, looked like a massive rock. The black rock was visible off of his right hindquarters, and extending from his left shoulder was the rod that stuck into the boulder's base. It had two edges, both of which were dully sharpened... It was obviously a weapon, not for cutting, but for pure and utter crushing.

From the top of his head, he could be called an intimidating figure. His hair was extraordinarily long, nearly reaching his feet. All along that massive distance it fanned out, ending in spikes that descended down his back, firm in their stature. His nose was firm set, as if paying specific attention, like a dog's. His mouth was stuck in that firm line. It was not a line of displeasure or indecision; but more of... impatience? His neckline and pectorals were well defined, and as far as the right one went, very visible. There was no nipple on his chest; but merely flesh. Around his torso there was a wrapping that went up to his left arm, ending in a shoulder plate, and around that arm he had another blue binding. Around his waist he had a single red ribbon, tied beautifully... though it was highly doubtful that it was this male who had tied it. His hands were extraordinarily calloused, and did not look like they could ever handle delicate work.

His legs had a pair of black trousers on, more of cloth that was pulled up his legs than actual pants or jeans. Around his feet he wore a pair of sandals. Both of his legs were extremely well defined, and his knees were not very large. However, despite everything else, the one only truly noticeable thing about his figure...w ere his eyes.

Red, pure red. Black rings swum around them, several black circles the likes of which eyes should not possess. Within them however, there was an inferno of life. A fierce amount of desire and expectation, a feeling of self-satisfaction and hope. More than anything, it was a gaze of preparedness. What it was preparing for could not be accurately stated at this point, but as Mjesec Võrgukliendid, Moonie Iramasha, or the "Moon God" looked out over the border closest to the snowy land of Russia, that same wind picked up once again, tossing his hair and garments about, his mouth opening a single time as the power source so large that it instilled a thrill the likes of which he had never, ever, ever known came close enough that he could finally feel its pressure directly on his body. It was a single word, a single syllable; but within it was a greeting, a compliment, and a source of awe... even though it lacked a denotation, its meaning could never be denied.



Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sat Jan 11, 2014 9:46 am

Artist: Kevin MacLeod - Song: Take The Lead - Word Count: 1401
There were many reports to the Russian Intelligence that the leader of Poland was steadily coming to the border of their homeland. The male radiated such great power that it warranted the response of their nation's hero: Radioactive - The Nuclear Shark Beast. There was no doubt in their minds that the likes of Moonie Iramasha came here looking for a challenge and there was no other fighter within their country that could give him that thrust for battle like The Berserker of Russia. The timing of this couldn't be better; for the likes of Radioactive had decided to return to his native land once he was finished safeguarding the likes of Karakura Central following and during the blowout of the Australian War.

Once his favor to his elder friend, Shadin Yuudeshi, was completed, he felt that it was time to pack his bags and set to the seas to return to his place of origins as the world descended further into chaos. They were going to need something strong to protect them, and he was going to be the force to do so. There was n o more time to dwell in his sorrow following his period of hibernation within the forest of Karakura Forest, so this would be the perfect fight to begin with that would allow him to activate that thirst of primal rage within him.

Henceforth, the alerts throughout the nation were given as the approach of this dangerous individual was given to the likes of Radioactive. Zooming into a base nearby the likes of where Moonie Iramasha had stepped forth, there lay their sleeping beast resting in the chambers of an underground military bunker nearby. A grunted sigh escaped the dirty-blonde's face as he was awaken by the many distress signals roaring throughout the compound. In a single bed within a steel-encased room, there lay The Infamous Nuclear Beast as he pulled away the white sheets from his body and stood bare as the day he was born in this lone room. Scratching his dirty blonde hair, gritting his razor-sharp teeth and adjusting his golden eye to the world around him; he took notice of the reddened hue of his room from the warning system going into effect and the constant screaming of that damn siren.

In light of this alert, a slight chuckle escaped his mouth as he knew this only meant one thing: a worthy challenge was on the horizon. Therefore, the quest for rest and sleep was about to be put to an end as he started gathering the bare clothing he needed. Being that the male, while even in his human form, stood at roughly seven foot seven, there wasn't many garments that could fit such a body when compiled with the muscular, toned and robust features of The Nuclear Beast. Thus, all the attire he needed for this day were a pair of oversized cargo pants that were black in color and a matching eyepatch that was slate hued in it's shade; seeming to have the symbol of a raging shark in orange encrusted plates. After all, wearing much more, in a fight like this? HA! It would get destroyed anyway!

Taking a glance at the many scars across his body, Radioactive wondered to himself if today would leave another mark on himself. Touching the likes of his eyepatch, he'd have quick flashbacks of the day in Karakura Forest where he lost his eye and ponder briefly where the likes of Flea Mischevang is these days. Allowing such a bold free-shot at his body was an action he was in no way regretting, as it was a testament to his bold nature, but he was disappointed that he hadn't heard much reports of her reemerging throughout the world. Hopefully....she wasn't dead.

In any case, as he unlocked the chambers from his entrapment, The Beast prepared to once again enter the dangers of combat with that toothy grin of his in toe. Always staring down the likes of perial with that unwavering smirk of his, nothing but absolute joy could be felt jumping in his blood. Sensing the immense power nearby, despite having subpar sensory skills, even from this distant he could tell it was that faint power which was growing in the depths of Poland. Yes, Moonie Iramasha, he had heard many great tales of his conquest emerging in the world and he knew, HE KNEW, that one day the likes of this individual would challenge him from all that he has perceived based upon the numerous rumors of the Moon God's fights. If he was anything like the stories suggested, this was going to be a grand day for The Nuclear Beast.

Stepping forth out of his lair, many sorts of soldiers gave him respective nods. Many of them wanted to give him data on the important, to get his side of the story and to warn him of what awaits....but they knew Radioactive wouldn't listen to such things. To blindly stare danger head on was his motto. It did not matter what the threat, the crisis or risk was: all that matter was the keen and deep seeded need to keep fighting and push his Inner Primal Urge further. Throwing caution to the wind as simply a fact of life for him, and a fact that made him all the powerful in his mind. Many opponents spent times trying to come up with the most convoluted powers, the most prepared plans and stepping so much time fearing that which is combat: when all that is truly needed is to be guided with their inner instinct and his instinct told him to take this new challenge on with such raw vigor pumping in his heart.

So as he stepped on to the lone platform that would send him into the snowy fields above ground, he could only fold his arms, close his eyes and radiate that shark-toothed grin of his even wider than before as the anticipation was TOO MUCH, HE NEEDED A PIECE OF THIS ACTION NOW! Reacting to this sudden spike in intent, in a matter of seconds, this podium he stood upon soon shot off like a rocket as it went from the depths of the underground, pass the entrance gates of the military front and into the depths of the now snowed in borders. Leaping from this metal platform, Radioactive let out a great laugh, opening his eyes with such radiancy flaring within them; RIGHT off the bat there was an immense surge of golden aura exploding throughout his body as he took off like a shooting star towards Moonie's location. Soon, in a matter of moments, he slammed like a bat out of hell into the building in which Moonie was standing; slowly raising to his feet as he now stared down the male with that cocksure grin of his at full strength.

"So, we meet at long last, eh Moon God? The name is Radioactive, The Nuclear Shark Beast, and it's a damn pleasure to finally meet ya." Having uttered those words out to his opponent, he'd take a sharp glance to the outlands of Russia's borders; staring at the endless sea of mountains and snow in the distance. "Come, follow me. There is where we will bare our fangs against one another. Come at me with your primal instinct there and show me what you are made of. I wish to see your inner beast and pit against my own. It's been so long since I had a worthy-foe, and it brings my blood with such joy to be awakened by you."

Rushing over to the snow coated lands, Radioactive motioned for Moonie to take pursuit. Rushing past the sleet slush, moving away the borders of their homelands and entering the depths of the icy mountains; this was the fitting stage to have such a fight as, after a few minutes of flight, the battlefield was marked by The Shark as he stood upon the top of a snowy mountain; awaiting for Moonie to follow as he held his fist and the echos of a beast's roar rumbled throughout the land.

"I will savor every second of this fight, so I expect you to do the same. Put yourself at ease, show me a grin and let loose, Moon God! Now is the time to take merriment in this clash and let it all out!"

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sun Jan 12, 2014 1:43 pm

"Voi... Seems I'm known. Voi, it gets my blood boiling that the great Shark would know that title. Caha....CAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!" The Moon Iramasha cackled as the man introduced himself, his eyes wide and alive. When Radioactive had arrived, Moonie could feel the entirety of his body feel like it was starting to become under pressure. However, it was not the kind of pressure that one would have expected from him; his form was shaking. It was shaking from anticipation, from the presence of the other male, like two tuning forks ringing off of one another.

"Voi, the paltry pleasure is mine, Shark Beast... And the identity of myself is Mjesec Võrgukliendid... though Shi and Boss James just say I should tell people to call me 'Moonie'. Works either way for me, VOI!" He finished, giving out his call as he listened to what Radioactive had to say. Every part of his body itched to begin THAT SECOND, to forget about everything else and just REVEL in the purely base attraction of clashing right on top of the tower. He merely looked at Radioactive, his body not moving in the least as he began to float off of the building, his body suddenly pushing forwards after the male. He was holding it in, plain and simple. It was only the respect that he had for the Beast that prevented him from jumping the other man there and then, wanting to bear his fangs properly.

At last, they arrived, and as he touched down... Moonie's entire body shivered. His eyes stared at Radioactive's, completely wide and open, his mouth breathing large but calm breaths.


He was off like a shot. His entire face seemed to be without reason, the entirety of his logic completely and utterly dissipated as at last he released the anticipation within him. His energy released from his body like a shockwave; all around his feet, the ground crumbled and dust was blown asunder, his body flying at Radioactive as his body flung around in a circular motion. His right foot had pressed off of the ground, sending him spiraling as he turned the gravity around his body down to next to nothing, resulting in his pure and utter momentum as he flew at the other male. His legs were wrapped together, keeping his body as as more compact shape as he entered into his final rotation directly in front of the other man, his leg suddenly snapping forwards.


The voice of the male roared, as an attack that would impress itself on a good sized building slammed into the space where the man's torso was occupying, gravity of the male suddenly seeming to come back into effect as the weight and momentum expressed themselves on him greatly, his weight rapidly increasing even beyond the normal as he slammed his weight into where the man's side was. In addition, the Moon Iramasha's own strength was behind the raw power of the attack, resulting in a massive assault on the other man, Moonie's body frozen in the air at the base of the attack for a moment, before suddenly and violently following through, attempting to blow away the other man with his leg.

However, Moonie knew not if that would work, but either way he would perform a backflip immediately after, his hair flinging out in all directions as he effortlessly hovered through the air, falling back, his eyes still looking directly at his opponent. The ground where Moonie had stood before his assault was completely spotless, impact wise. The same could be said of where he was now landing his feet; it was if the incredible pressure that the man was giving off did not transfer down to his weight. Or, that he had no weight.

"........Voi. What the hell is this?" He asked, suddenly knocked away from his frenzy as a pique of caution suddenly shot through his mind, his eyes staring directly below at the yellow circle that had appeared on the ground around himself and the man. "..." He looked around, and when eventually he saw that there seemed to be nothing restraining him or walls formed around his body, he relaxed once again, ash is focus went completely back into where Radioactive was standing.

"I DON'T KNOW, AND VOI, I DON'T CARE!" He roared, as finally his entire focus returned to Radioactive and he was able to remember the reason why he came here, the thought of the circle completely leaving his mind as the energy around his body stirred. The sandal that had been around the foot that had performed the attack had been completely crushed into dust from the amount of force that had been released; this left Moonie with only a sandal on his left foot for footwear, and even the bottom of his pantleg had become ripped and frayed from the simple use of the attack.

Moonie had performed his attack against the Shark; he was totally content at last. Now, he was going to see how the shark reacted to it; it was his turn to enjoy the feeling of his opponent putting out everything he could think of to assault his very soul in an attempt to crush it. Moonie was ready and waiting; and the entirety of the area that the two were sustaining was most likely going to receive the force of devastation of these two males. After all, now that Moonie was only a few feet from Radioactive, the very force of their pressures would begin to crack the ground around them, a prelude of things to come.


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Tue Jan 14, 2014 10:30 am

Artist: Dope - Song: Motivation (Group Therapy) - Word Count: 2202
This was perfect, this was amazing; it was finally time to see what this guy was made of and Radioactive was damn excited to find out how deep the depths of The Iramasha's strength goes! As Moonie started to approach him, instead of having sense enough to dodge...The Nuclear Shark Beast would take this attack head first to see the impact such a strike could be from the likes of The Moon God. Feeling the shockwaves of the energy released from the Iramasha, there was nothing but a thrilled grin widening across The Shinigami's face as he motioned for Moonie to engage him. Feeling his heart race, the blood within himself beginning to come to a boil and his energy spiking; these were such sensations that The Beast had not felt occur within him in quite some time. So it was only natural a joyous, hardy and bellowing laugh escaped his lips as the first lowering boom of Moonie's assault had made contact with Radioactive's torso. It was exhilarating, it was overwhelming and it was enough to make this fight more than worthwhile for The Monstrous Shark.

"Good stuff ya got there! You've got a mighty strong pact to that kick, now let us have a fair fight here!" Hollered Radioactive over the destructive booms following Moonie's onslaught on him. And indeed, they were keep potent. If this had been any other opponent on the same level, most would either have to dodge to get out of the way, make some form of counter or attempt to defend themselves against such a devastating blow. However, as cliche as it may be, Radioactive isn't like most opponents. After all, he didn't come this far in his progression, attained this level of strength and his endurance by running away from a challenge. Instead, he stood bold like a rock against the tides of Moonie's waves.

The ground buckled, the space around them was obliterated and smoke was left across every fraction of Radioactive's body that The Moon God was able to leave a mark on. Yet, despite these heavy attempts, The Nuclear Beast was still standing....and in fact....LAUGHING! Why was this infact? It was because he felt pain; even if it was on a low level. To be able to make this berserker feel pain was a good thing, and was a certain sign that this brawl would be a good way as it heightened in intensity and duration. Alas, though, one of the more primary reasons the individual was still standing was because of his dense durability.

There had been countless powerful foes that The Radioactive Shark had encountered over the years and it had allowed his body, progressively over time, to be able to withstand mighty hits like this head first. It's the sole motive as to why he focused on nothing but brute strength, hand-to-hand and natural defenses over venturing further into his radiation capacities or other racial traits that came to him as a Shinigami. All for the sake of being able to fight with his bare hands, and being able to withstand the might and fury of other combatants who fought with their fists alone. It allowed him to savor these blows, relish in the pain and make the ground quiver in chills as Radioactive's energy started to fluctuate, and in turn, cause a slight golden glow around the vicinity.

It didn't matter that Ceon was here trying to falsely protect them from forces that weren't here, it didn't matter that his country wanted to deal with this threat and it surely didn't matter what was going to happen to this land in the wake of their match. All that mattered to Radioactive in this moment was having a worthy opponent to combat against, with no tricks, no bullshit and someone who understood what it meant to fight with their primal instincts. It was this magic of the battle that The Nuclear Beast had lived for all of these years of aimlessly tearing through opponent after opponent, trying to find people who were capable of enough of unlocking such a thing. And now, before him, he believes he's found someone who understands that logic, who knows what it means to fight like a beast and one that had the capacity to make him full alive again.

It's why in a booming voice, the shockwaves from Radioactive's laugh were enough to blow everything around him as his spiritual energy started to synchronize itself to his psyche. "Damn, god damn! That was a great way to break in the fight. I needed something to wake me up out of that funk, ya see! Those hits, those moves; their breaking the mold in me, giving me my strength and making me wanna FUCKING MOVE!" In that moment, on that last sentence, for miles on end a devastating roar of power had rocked the mountains and made the earth itself quake to make an impacting statement when his blood felt that high. In fact, it had even resulted in that golden aura around The Nuclear Beast's body becoming more like a flare. And soon, very soon, bursts of similarly colored bioelectricity that were halcyon in hue sparked around him; while around the vicinity of the immediate fighting area, the faint sounds of a beast snarl, growl and howl were beginning to echo throughout the mountain range as The Shinigami's battlelust was on the verge of reaching it's peak.

"You feel the same way, don't you? I can tell from the look in your eye earlier, through the way you carried yourself before this brawl had even began. You've had nothing but a series of miserable fights against wretched spirits whom lacked the drive, the passion and the thirst for combat as we do. It's why your instincts had guided you here, it's why my primal urge directed me to you and it's why on, on this day, our fangs are clawing against each other! So, Moon God, ITS TIME I REPAY THE FAVOR! I FEEL THE INNER BEAST WITHIN ME THIRSTING FOR A GOOD MATCH, AND I FEEL YOU ARE THE ONE TO WAKE ME OUT OF MY SLUMBER! SO BE ON GUARD, I'M COMING FOR YA NOW!"

And in that moment, everything had been blown away from Moonie and Radioactive. The snow vaporized, the heavens themselves cleared and the entire area was basked within the overwhelming aura that was The Shinigami's essence. Mountains crumbled, the earth itself buckled and most importantly of all: THE RESERVOIR OF MOTIVATION SURGED INTO THE BEAST'S BLOOD TO FIGHT ONCE MORE! So, without wasting any further time, Radioactive leapt at Moonie with a great deal of speed. Enhancing the mass of his muscles, Radioactive was able to bolt at these increased rates of momentum to harmonize that with his overall weight, pressure of his fist and the spiritual energy enriching itself into his being in order to attempt and strike Moonie with an extremely heavy punch across the face.

Now, if this event were to transpire? A destructive force with enough power behind it to obliterate three mountainsides with the utmost of ease would be forced upon Moonie's body. The space around them would be nothing but a pile of pebbles for hundreds of meters on end, while the impact on The Iramashsa's body would be much more severe than that. Throughout his entire body, this daunting blow was meant to get a surge of pain flowing throughout the male's entire being in order to truly pay back his opponent for awakening him out of his slumber in such a way. More than that, however, there was the potential for him to be sent flying backwards for a half mile on end from the sheer collision of taking a direct hit like that to the face with the added momentum of Radioactive's speed from his muscle mass being adjusted and tightened for ample speed.

Thus, in any event, The Nuclear Shark Beast would follow The Moon God to whatever range he go to in order to keep up his barrage of punches against Moonie. In total, there would be ten punches: the first aimed at his throat, the next three against chest, two more for each kidney, a double strike against his stomach, a couple more against his arms and finally he'd pull down for one hell of an upper-cut against Moonie's chin to really level the pain against him. Letting out a bellowing laugh, he'd soon lift his leg upwards in the air in order to try and finish it all off with a disastrous dropkick that had the potential to leave a one thousand meter crater in it's wake.

"Oi, oi, oi, oi! I hope you don't mind, but it's been quite some time since I've let loose like this, and it would be a damn disservice if I didn't try some new things against ya, you see. My blood is livid, my instinct awakening and my drive to fight hardening. So as over the top as it may be, I'VE GOTTA LAY IT DOWN SOME MORE, MOONIE! I WANNA EXPERIMENT WITH THIS FIGHT, HAVE SOME THRILLS WITH IT AND SHOW YOU THE SHARK GOD'S FIST!" Grinning heavily with excitement behind his every intent, the arms of The Nuclear Shark beast would begin to emit a bright shade of gold than his entire body as something was gathering there. Getting in an offensive stance, he'd try to place himself above Moonie as best as he could depending on what happened between the time he made his final dropkick and the actions The Moon God would've made inbetween.

If all were aligned, he would be able to unleash a colossal fist that expanded for roughly one hundred meters out of his right hand and he'd fly down directly towards Moonie's destruction in order to give out his final assault in this reign of heavy hits against The Moon Destroyer. Should this Shark Fist Attack be able to make impact against anything, it would soon expand to cover a one thousand meter region in a destructive blast of pure, annihilating light. What just occurred, you may ask? It's quite simple: Radioactive took the overwhelming reserves of energy radiating within his body as a result of Moonie being able to get his blood jump for joy, direct that out into a punch and infuse it with himself to unleash a physical attack that would be able to annihilate a clean section of a city in one punch; while having the additional impact of an explosion on par with a Grand Ray Cero released from the Cero Espada herself: Ashlei Clixx.


And with the ending of that sentence, a wild scream of power radiated from the enormous fist generated from Radioactive's desire for his battle! The effects of his spiritual were so intense that screams of rapid beast echoed for miles on end; causing vortexes of energy to erupt out of the ground like a volcano into the heavens themselves as The Nuclear Shark Beast had at long last felt a true passion for a fight. Even Ceon himself would be able to feel such pure devotion, hunger and longing of Radioactive's insatiable thirst for combat. This insistent urge constantly growing, expanding and becoming stronger within The Shinigami through each fight that pushes him in such way. was going to be a repeat of his past rounds against such opponents as Kenshin Yuudai, Ceon Clixx, Kenpachi Zaraki, Ichigo Kurosaki and so many other worthy foes.

Yes.....This was it...this was the match he had so longed this battle would progress; nothing but great things could be achieved no matter the outcome. It didn't matter if Radioactive lost or won at this point; for what he was getting from just the beginning of this brawl was something more important. It was a sense of self, it was a matter of motivation and the thrill of fighting someone would such a strong spirit and helping them come back from the oceans of despair through his fist. Yes indeed, the mark of this battle was going to be certainly felt across the bodies of Moonie and Radioactive for eons to come as these two titans of battle finally clashed.

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:23 pm

"VOOI!!" Was the Moon Iramasha's only reply as his leg slammed into the form of the beast, a very wide smile on his face as he slammed the leg into Radioactive, feeling the steel of the defense of the other man. Voi… How much…? He wondered, feeling as his own body began to harden and steel itself at the very best level that it could in his sealed state, preparing itself the very best that it could as he realigned his body.

As he relaxed into his feeling with the Shark in front of him, his body began to assume a stance, his hot breath leaving his mouth and creating a layer of visible air in the space in front of his head, due to the cold of the area that they were in. He could hear the other man laughing, and only kept that small smile on his lips, retaining his battle stance, his mind at last able to cement itself into that layer of calm that was the Moon Iramasha's battle state. "Voi… if you came here with mold… then you better prepare to watch it get burned off." He stated simply as without warning another wave of energy burst off from the male.

Moonie could feel it in his bones; the figure before him was… 'waking up'. As the ground shook around his body, the smile on his face only continued to rise upwards, the massive amount of hair on the back of his head rising up on all sides as he focused his own energy inwards towards his core, the force of pure gravity around him changing as the aura around the man before him became more visual.

"...And you are really covered with mold it seems, shark beast. You're keeping me waiting." Was all that the man with the golden hair said in reply, his very soul seeming as if it could feel the man's words, the essence of them turning into one massive roar as the snow around the area was destroyed, the clouds parting for the spiritual energy that was beginning to be released as Moonie's own mind cleared, feeling the true power at last of the individual in front of him. It was massive, it was terrifying; it was incredible. It was enough to make most cower in fear and for those unprepared even be blown away. However, it only elicited one response from the being that it was being used on, who opened his mouth wide.


Moonie could see him as he approached, his own head being thrown to the side so that he got a sidelong glance at the Shark Man as he shot directly into the Moon Iramasha, his feet planting on the ground with an immense amount of force. Strangely, despite the fact that the dirt and ground was being obliterated under Radio's approach as he got closer to Moonie, the ground directly beneath his feet did not bend or break apart; but stayed right where it was. At last, the punch reached him, and directly across Moonie's face he could feel it.

A massive explosion of destructive force occurred, as Moonie grit his teeth, the smile on his face vanishing as he focused, the plate of ground beneath him crumbling and forming around his legs, possibly showing what was occurring as Moonie's face took the full brunt of the attack, his body being pushed away about ten feet. Just ten feet… above the massive crater that had occurred from the force of Radioactive's attack, but Moonie was still standing there. A single plate of something flesh colored had launched off of his face, shooting off high into the distance as if it had been fired off like a missile, finally slamming into the barrier covering the area as it was fried into nothingness, leaving behind a black smoke.

Meanwhile, Moonie's gaze was directly on Radioactive, though his face seemed to be torn between a smile and a grimace. That was because of the force, the pure force that was singing throughout Moonie's body, the 3 inch wide hole made in his left cheek beginning to ooze out the black substance that was the inside of his body able to progress a very small amount as it literally plastered directly onto the male's face. Most people would have been sent flying from that attack; Moonie for his part… simply increased his own Gravity and mass, one hand on the handle of the blade behind him. This made his gravity so massive that it was literally as if Radioactive's fist had collided with a mountain, and yet he had still been moved so far, and his flesh torn off and discarded from his body, cracking off instead of tearing. That was, after all, the only way that it could have been removed at that point.

The incredible part, the most incredible, was the position of the man's face. His face had not once been forced back from his gaze. He was pressed hard, and nearly lost it, but he had managed to keep his neck perfectly staring at the male in front of him. However, Radio was at last after him as he could feel his hand leaving the blade behind him, his body being pushed back another ten feet as the residual force that he had been dealing with had at last left him… and Radioactive was on top of him once again. The first blow aimed at his neck slammed directly into Moonie's own hand, his gaze looking beyond the fist as he smiled, the dust around them dispersing all about as Moonie could feel the bruise that was rapidly forming on his left palm.

After that, he took two more of the blows at his chest, both hands shooting out as they caught two of the before one got through, slamming into his chest as a massive bruise appeared. He had been stripped bare by the earlier assault; if frozen ground could not maintain itself against that attack, what chance did fabric have? The answer was very little… statistically zero. Not that Moonie particularly knew this, nor that he cared. The shots landed on his kidneys would have mattered if he had kidney's; instead, he took the chance to raise up a foot to one of the fists, kicking it out of the way and suffering two more hits to himself, another two bruises appearing on his body as he spun about, the man's fists landing on his stomach as he spat out another wave of black blood past Radioactive's face, his arms moving away from the final blows as he felt Radio grab his body, pulling him down into another uppercut as it slammed directly into his chin.

However, even as he did so, Moonie's hand landed on the blade on his back once again. As he did so, the force of the man's uppercut reached his head first, pushing it far backwards as he instantly recalibrated his Gravity, stopping in mid air and upside down. "That was… fantastic." Was all that he stated as he felt the other man appearing high above his head, his foot coming downwards. "...Voi." Was all he stated as the kick slammed into his upper back, his body spiraling and cascading as it went downwards, relishing in the feeling as he slammed into the ground below, his face landing in first and his mouth filling with cold rock.

As he rose up again, he merely swallowed it. The injury he had received on his face had nearly reformed by this time, and he was looking upwards towards the other man as he roared. "I WOULD BE DISAPPOINTED WITH ANYTHING LESS!!" He roared in reply as his eyes slightly shook, seeing Radio become consumed with some kind of golden aura as he gathered his spiritual energy, Moonie bringing back his own fist as strange black flames flowed out from his elbow, layering it in flames as he watched the man descend, his fist brought back as it began to radiate the black energy, tendrils of patterns forming around his elbow as he focused, looking directly at the approaching disaster.


The Moon left his mouth at an incredibly violent crescendo as his fist slammed into that of Radioactive's,, the Blast having intensified to such a level that it was pushing through Radioactive's attack, tearing it apart and discarding it before it could come into contact with the Moon Iramasha's fist, resulting in Moonie's body shooting directly through the attack as it slammed into the ground behind him, his fist leading him directly through the explosion that occurred behind his body, the momentum of his leap having destroyed quite a bit of the ground beneath him and giving him more room as he ascended, still releasing that crescendo. At last as he emerged through the other end of it, his fist slamming into Radioactive's as the Blast fired out in a massive wave around his body, blowing away and tearing apart the energy that surrounded his body as Blast emerged from his feet, exploding violently as his fist finally connected with the Shark Beast's, at last yelling out the smash part.


Was all that Moonie yelled at the man, completely disregarding the vortexes of energy as his entire body flung around at an unnatural angle, but seeming completely natural as his body flung around, his right fist flashing outwards as it became consumed in Blast, the energy hyper-focused as it had been earlier, as at last he brought back his fist, his eyes completely white with power as his hand clenched, forming a knuckle punch as it was brought all the back, a purple wave of color emerging from his body as it aligned with Radio's face, and connected at last with the fist. This Gravity was connecting the two and increasing the momentum of Moonie's attack as he brought the fist forwards, slamming it directly into the side of the face of the Shark Beast, trying to slam him directly in the side of his jaw. In addition to the basic attack that Moonie launched with all of his might, the Blast which had been hyper-focused would light on fire, burning the man's flesh and the Blast itself tearing away at his flesh, durability, and any other barriers that were outside of his body to allow for the knuckle's impact to slam at him with the full force he possibly could.


This was the only sound that came out of Moonie's mouth as he performed the punch, before his left foot pushed off of the ground, the pain from the bruises on his hands not even registering in his mind as he spun around suddenly, his feet becoming consumed by Blast once again as another focused spurt appeared around his knee, his body once again unnaturally moving through the air as he bent his torso back, exposing just his knee as he shot forwards, attempting to slam it into the Nuclear Beast's torso as similar effects to the first two attacks would occur, most likely causing Radio to feel a massive amount of pain in his sternum.


The man's relentless assault, the most common style he knew how to perform, had begun occurring, as at last his mouth began to change, opening wide as a spherical sphere of energy began to appear in it. No matter what position he was in, his ball would suddenly light on fire, bound to the front of Moonie's mouth with energy as he pointed his head directly at the Shark Beast, his eyes once again completely white with power, the lack of bones and other structures that made up this strange creature in plain view.

At last, from his mouth radiated the massive attack as a ball of concentrated Blast descended from his mouth, exploding directly onto where Radioactive's body was and staying there, attempting to consume him in flames that would attempt to tear at his defenses and rend them into dust the best that they could. Failing this, they would tear and rip up at anything else they came into contact with, and would push Moonie out away from them, his own Gravity reduced so substantially that the microscopic friction was enough to push him away from the assault.

"Moon Roar."

He stated simply as he spat out another wad of saliva combined with blood, his eyes looking at the massive sphere of Blast energy. It would sustain itself for a good ten seconds before abruptly collapsing in on itself before fading away. Meanwhile, the Moon Iramasha would have taken a deep breath, his gaze towards the sky as he released a single roar. This roar was without intelligent substance he sheer bestial nature of the man coming COMPLETELY to bare as the outpouring of energy began to finally reveal his aura, the focus going down and his raw power beginning to get away from its dumbed down nature. This was a battle that Moonie could afford to hold nothing back on; his eagerness had gotten the best of him earlier, and as the waves of power began to shed from around his body, his spiritual pressure beginning to accelerate to the point where it clashed with the force of the Beast before him, his body began to shake violently.

No, that wasn't right. It was the air around him that was shaking. The male's body was perfectly still. Black flame began to appear around both arms this time, forming into constant appearance, the Blast making a constant presence around the two of them. It was a strange state; Moonie's energy was leaking out as if he were within his Return state, where 10% of his power would be completely released, and yet he had not begun to unlock it. He was simply enjoying himself too much.

For the male, that's what this experience was. It was valuable; the most valuable experience that he had had the chance to partake in yet. No longer would he have to teach his opponent what it meant to slam his fist against their body and happily return the favor unto him. In addition, he needed to hold back absolutely nothing; the same force which had desolated Poland while being held back by the abilities of his opponent was completely unrestricted at long last. His nature, the being which had existed for thousands of years on the Moon, solitary and without aim, creating craters that surrounded its surface purely for his desire to release presence onto the infinite plain of dust around him…

This Beast that had to fill the space of the Moon with its presence was completely awake, and completely alive!


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Fri Jan 24, 2014 8:23 am

Artist: Shinedown - Song: The Son of Sam - Word Count: 2753
This fight was beginning to become too much for the likes of Radioactive to bare at this point. The primal spirit within the man that stand before him was utterly great and was enough to leave him thoroughly satisfied. Through the contact of their fist, the connection of their souls and the destructive display of their power; each of these wonderful warriors were making the marks on the other's spirit ignite in this display of savage combat. The burning sensation that roared within The Nature Iramasha's core was all that needed to be spoken at this point. The need for such words were beginning to dissipate like ash in the wind. Yes, it is here that The Nuclear Shark Beast could feast upon such a valiant fighter, a worthy champion and someone with the strength, skills and instincts required to give The Titan Of Russia his will to fight once more. For what Radioactive thirsted the most out of this? It was a person to push him pass his limits, to beyond what he is capable of and unleash the true depths of his strength out of it's dull slumber. This is what he sought out in Moonie, and in the same respect, he'd get every ounce of potential that lay within the Moon God in return.

By the time the two of these beast fist were able to make contact with one another, a monstrous explosion detonated throughout the area. In a blinding flash of light, for miles on end, the land around them was entirely consumed by these fighters massive force. It obliterated the Earth, the wind, the air, the snow and everything that had been devoured their clashing. So in this chaotic moment, it mattered not that the offensive measures of the attack were able to be broken through. Nay, Radiaoctive actually welcomed this challenge. No matter how difficult the road may be ahead him for this battle, it merely that he was just going to have to push himself harder, find new depths of strength to obtain and another monumental battle to be carved within his memory from this glorious day.

Everything else was a blur within the male's mind; as nothing else seem matter much to him but the keen passion to keep propelling himself forward with this aggressive fury , brute strength and the power of the primal instinct thrusting him towards this path of absolute victory of one's internal self. Thus, as the male took the heavy hit to the jaw, nothing but an explosion of flames erupted out of the left side of The Nuclear Giant's face. Laughing like a manic man, he could begin to feel the sensation of pain leaving it's mark across his body. Despite the fact that there was no deep lasting mark, there was an extremely reddened spot left across the shark's cheek from the spot that Moonie was able to deck him. What did this mean? The full extent of that attack was able to be felt by him. Sure, the melting attributes of this blow wasn't able to be realized when you are dealing with someone like Radioactive, but if anyone else other than The Russian Shinigami or the Nature God were to touch that portion? They'd surely melt their hand, weapon or anything else that touched them; showcasing the radiant nature of their fighting spirit coming to the surface in such a way.

In fact, this blow was strong enough to even leave a burn mark across that portion of his skin; which is not exactly an easy feat to accomplish for someone of his durability level. More importantly, it seemed the a small bit of crimson liquid was seen squirting out of the beast's mouth as The Iramashsa was able to draw blood from that punch. In that moment, a bellowing laugh produced from the Nuclear Beast overpowered any other audible sound in the area at that point in time. It brought him such joy yo be able to feel such things yet again; it gave him a bizarre sense of hope that maybe there are worthwhile fighters still waiting to be found on this desolate planet. With the way Moonie was moving, however, there wouldn't be much luxury for intricate thoughts, feelings and recollections such as the ones that were beginning to brew within the depths of Radioactive's heart and mind.

Swiftly following up that full out assault, The Onslaught of The Moon God was already moving towards the next attack. Sensing a burning sensation of pain suddenly outbursting across his chest, it seemed that the youth was still going all at against him. There was no need to even fight back at this point as the smoldering red marks that craved his skin were proof enough that he was making his hits count. This is what the Shark Beast wanted, this is what he desired; to see the best of that this damned opponent burst out like a blazing sun before him as he unleashed volley after volley throughout his body. Staring at his next assault, nothing but a tooth-filled smirk crept across the shinigami's mouth as he watched the likes of Moonie beginning to gather up a large deal of energy in order to perform some sort of energy based attack against him. Which is, during this build up of the brawl, is when he decided to hit back with a little bit more force when it came to the counters.

Preparing himself mentally and physically for what was about come, The Shinigami braced his body for a heavy impact. Opening his mouth at a fast rate of speed, he'd soon toss his body backwards in order to make distance between himself, Moonie and the massive sphere of blackened flames heading towards his direction. Pulling it in within a vortex being generating within The Nuclear Shark's throat, it appeared that he actually planned to take this attack head on and devour it with his own teeth! Clenching down on everything this destructive blast had to offer, he'd literally taste the fearsome might that The Nature Iramasha had to offer during this fight. He ate through his valor, his determination and thirst for the pursuit of the primal spirit and it filled Radioactive's veins with new life; causing a destructive burst of golden light to blind the area, clear the atmosphere themselves and make it seem as if it were daytime itself in the midst of the now smoldering rubble that was their battleground.

Stomping back down to the burnt ground, nothing but a strong flow of smoke exhaled out of Radioactive's mouth as he stood on his own two feet to pay tribute to the overwhelming roar Moonie released from his being. Through all of the exchanges had until this point, it seemed that the weight of this battle was pressing down on his essence and forcing a monster straight out of the surface. The Shinigami wouldn't be surprised if some sort of new strength came out of him from the results of this clash; as within himself he could feel a great deal of power raising to the surface. Wiping away the blood from his cheek, he'd get a taste for his own fluid taste like as it had been awhile since someone was able to do that. Silencing everything inward and within himself, The Nuclear Beast decided that this was going to be the time to take root into his original form. This was more than the awakening he required to restore himself back to a familiar state of consciousness.

Turning around to the likes of Moonie Iramasha, there were only so little words that could be expressed. Through that bout they shared, in the way their fist collided with one another, he was able to pass the test to see if he was truly a formidable adversary. Through the marking of his blood and the sensation of pain, he had determined that it was going to be on this day that he'd revert back into his Shikai state and unleash the shark within himself in order to truly reclaim the title as The Nuclear Shark Beast once more. In accordance with this desire, the ground below them started to shake violently throughout the whole fifty mile radius quivered in fear of the storm that was beginning to loom over the horizon. Bolts of golden lighting struck down on the ground, burst of magma shot upwards into the air and the sounds of beastly animals ROARED throughout the lands as a tense pressure slammed into the entire vicinity.

"It's time....for The Shark to come out once more. You've more than shown me through this exhibition match that you are indeed an excellent opponent and I'd be happy to show you why I have the title I do. So without much further talk, I'll let my actions do the talking from this point onward, Moon God. Brace yourself for the release of my true self." And with those words uttered out into the world, Radioactive would slam his fist together and unleash a deafening boom that deepened the carter around them by roughly one mile; releasing a giant way of golden light outwards towards the sky and shattered the barrier in one foul swoop by the discharge of this daunting power. Just what was taking place in the awakening of this power? The depths of The Shark were being awakened and his shikai was at last coming to the surface once more. Officially coming out of his state of inactivity, the Nuclear Giant finally released his Zanpakutō at long last and underwent the transformation process of turning into the classic figure that most fighters throughout the globe and the Soul Society were more familiar with.

In the first wave of changes that were to come in accordance with this metamorphosis; the height of the man grew to even greater proportions. Extending from his seven foot eleven height, he soon grew to a stature of roughly eight foot eleven for how tall the Shinigami grew into. Following that, every muscle, tendon and fiber inside of Radioactive's being had grown in size and bulk. Muscles pumped up, skin became denser and, fairly soon, the scales of a Radioactive's released form were displayed across his body; as a foot long tail came out of the center portion of The Nuclear Beast's spine. Coming in like a charging wind, a long pair of blackened claws extending out of his hands; while the sharkskin across The Male's body became a faded and dull shade of orange in color throughout most of his body; while transforming into a purely white color at the base of his lower jaw, down to his chest area and ending in belly. And, to signify the last stage of this transformation, two fins sported behind the man's head; with it coming along an extremely unkempt and lengthy set of black hair. As a result, as the whites in his eyes gave way to a crimson color and his pupils became orange in color, the release was complete and the light soon dissipated in the area as he was once again back in the form all had known him as.

Hovering out of the smoldering creator, Radioactive's body emitted a thick layer of radiant orange and golden light as he clenched his arms. Cracking his neck, swaying his tail and taking a long, deep and relaxing breathe; it had honestly been quite some time since he had been brought back into this state. It felt like he was reborn once again since the last time this state was active. As a matter of fact, the The Nuclear Beast felt even stronger than in the past having ascended to this form. Why on Earth was this sensation happening? It's easy: his muscles were now well rested and had recovered from his centuries long release of The Shinigami's Constant Shikai. They say some of the best means of improvement come, not during training, but in the duration the body is put at rest. Being that Radioactive's overall bases for power is, for a majority, mostly physical; the time he spent in his base form allowed these muscles to repair themselves, gather the strength they need and improve his physical energy two times more than before. Ergo, it's results would surely show throughout the upcoming year as he finally had a reason to breathe this form new life.

In consequence with this, without much of a warning, Radioactive's entire right arm was soon devoured in a blinding golden and white hued light as his internal source of spiritual energy appeared to come out. This was the instincts of the shark coming out, the desire of his power to be used and to finally unleash his true fangs against this fighter whom stands before him today. It awakened to the world with a mighty roar, as the screams of a demonic beast could be heard echoing in that arm of his as he had a surefire smirk come across his lips. In the mind of the Nuclear Beast? At this point in time, it seemed that he had only one means of attack for the entry into their next round, so he'd hold his fist out to Moonie and say these words: "Now that you've brought this beast within me out, it's time you do the same. Go ahead, unleash your next form for me and let the commencement of the true battle begin with the marking of our fangs and fists as one. I'll give you the time you need: NOW COME AT ME, MOON GOD!"

Hollering out those words for the entire battlefield to echo, the call to action had finally arrived and things were about to get immensely heated on this battleground. Very soon, The Shinigami would position himself back towards the direction where Moonie's body would be directed at. Taking his time to adjust his body, The Shark Beast started running at a slow pace towards him before eventually picking up some heavy speed. During these critical moments, Moonie would be allotted the time to do whatever he needed to do in order to unleash his next stage. Although, in the end, it didn't matter much to the shark if he did it or not. What's more important was that, no matter what occurred until then, he'd keep charging and charging and charging towards his range until he finally tightened his fist as tightly as he could to hopefully collide against The Nature Iramasha's fist in a blazing glow of powers. One that could be felt for many towns over, seen throughout the depths of space itself and one with enough power to once again obliterate the Environment around them for miles on end just about.

Of course through this attack there was the obvious potential for injuries akin to severe burning, broken bones and other similar means of taking damage. It was simply apart of the game of doing combat. However, there was much more to this hit than just that. Oh yes, there was a lot more soul invested into the depths of this blow no matter where it was able to strike at. In this final action, through these callings, perhaps the shining star that was birthed inside of Radioactive could be conveyed through his fist. They were beings who communicated through fighting, and it was only natural that the only way The Nuclear Beast could hope to pass on a meaning was through his actions. It's the way he should of come at him in the beginning of this fight, and it was a mistake he was rectifying here and now. It was unclear what the results of this clashing of their fangs would be, but The Shinigami was assured that it would be utterly delightful if it were anything like the first round. He was awaken at long last and it was time to have a bit of fun after all of this time spent waiting to find a worthwhile battle.

And so, with the upbringing of their powers reaching the threshold of the release stage, this would commence the second round of Radioactive verses Moonie in the outlands of their countries borders. Who would be the victor on this day? Nobody knew for certain. But from a fight like this, there was certainly much more to be gained than a clear cut winner at the end of the day.

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Sun Jan 26, 2014 3:23 pm

Moonie felt as his fist collided with the side of the male's face, his eyes wide with eagerness as he felt the sheer amount of resistance to his assault. Voi.. YES. His thoughts, as simple as they could be in this point of time, were all that spoke within his mind as he buzzed past the shark with his fist. His assault at the Shark Beast's chest also was successful, and the amount of joy that he felt towards this was utterly incomparable.

However, his mental process stopped as he watched Radioactive, tilting his head. "Voi… That's pure nature energy, Shark God. It's going to hurt… A LOT." He said simply, knowing that due to the nature of, well, Nature, it would extraordinarily difficult for the male to digest it or even assimilate it within his body. The Blast and fire ripped at the shark god's teeth, attempting to whittle them down constantly as they performed massive amount of friction on their defenses; even if they didn't break or lacked any seen damage; their defenses were weakened.

As the aura swam around his body, Moonie stared directly at his opponent. His mind could process what he was looking at; but his eyes could not. It was a rather different scenario than most when they had disbelief. Mentally, Moonie understood what was happening before him. Physically…? It was a completely different scenario. As the pressure pushed down on his body, his mouth wanting to howl in reply to the male as he roared, his Gravity within his body triggered. He was perfectly fine, without pressure; this was simply the way that the Moon Iramasha worked.

"Voi, Shark Beast. I'm not the Moon God. I am merely his reflection. Moonstrosity should work though, CAHAHAHAHAHA!" He commented to the male in reply, that laugh of his echoing throughout the plains as he braced himself. Moonie's eyes watched very carefully as they beheld the man before himself… It was a different kind of man. It was the same one as before, without doubt; but now the eyes agreed with his mind. The one that Moonie could feel could sense… he had come to the surface. Moonie's arms slowly began to unfold from his body, his fingers curved as if beholding something before himself, his mouth open wide in a grin. "I WILL DREAM OF THIS BATTLE UNTIL THE DAY I DIE." His voice, suddenly much deeper, echoed from his body as the male before him changed, as without due warning Moonie's own body began to vibrate and shine. At last, a wave of power coursed through him and outwards, as Blast energy began to flow from all over his body.


The voice emitted once more, as Moonie's right hand gripped the blade on his back, pulling it off from its almost magnetic connection as he held the sword aloft. Perhaps 'sword' was stretching it. To be more accurate, it was a huge rock on a stick. A very polished, very designed rock, but a rock nonetheless. It was a weapon used for crushing, standing on a handle that was nearly as long as the blade itself. Moonie gripped it at about halfway up the handle's length; after all, the blade was taller than he was. The Blast energy coating his hand had no effect on the blade or the handle itself; it seemed as if it could not spread to the weapon itself. "VOI!" The noise left Moonie's mouth as he looked down at the male, his Blast energy becoming tight and smooth like clothing around his entire body, even his face, but it still flowed, revealing every part of him in its natural state.

Moonie was already ready as Radioactive cried out at him, knowing that he wanted to waste no time as he brought the blade back, the pressure all around his body increasing as he felt force reverberating throughout his body as he prepared to launch forwards, his eyes wide as his entire body shook from the force. Mun, the blade that he wielded, soared from one hand as he gripped it with his left, clenching his right as he felt his dominant hand's entire focus straining, his body suddenly releasing in one loud roar as he began to launch forwards, slowly at first before it began to pick up speed at an insanely rapid pace, like an avalanche that had been unleashed as he poured forwards towards the Shark God.


The two fighters fists collided, Moonie's pouring out Blast energy in copious amounts as it battled with Radioactive's own golden pressure, the sheer force of their collision streaming as it smashed into Moonie's arm, the Moon Iramasha's mouth opening wide in natural reaction of appreciation of the force that was being communicated through his body, four cracks appearing through his forearm as blood attempted to escape, but due to the raw and utter pressure was unable to escape from within his body.

The clash of their fists proceeded for some time, the cracks on Moonie's flesh slowly expanding up his arm, before at last his eyes became white with power, his mentality shifting positions as it accessed the archive of the many weapons that he had used against his opponents in the past. These were his techniques, and it was one that he used against Arabella long ago that he now chose to revive.


The Voice roared from his body as a rapidly accelerating, extraordinarily dense beam of pure Blast energy, totally purple in color, shot straight forwards, as it rapidly changed into a black color. This blast of pure energy soared into Radioactive's fist, creating space between the two fighter's blows as it streamed forward from the Shark God's arm, slamming into his body from four different sides as the intensely powerful streams of pure Blast energy aimed to leave massive burn marks and torn flesh all over his body, one strand going up towards his face, another going around his back, a third going over around his waist and down his legs, and the other straight around his chest. They moved rapidly, like liquid, but with an effect that one would not expect from something so fluid; an absolutely brutal amount of pure frictional force.

Moonie's body was blown back from the explosion of energy as it roared from his hand at last, his body flying away as he spun around vertically, finally catching his feet as he stopped on a plate of pure Blast energy that expanded from his feet, his head able to look up and directly look at Radioactive… he had stopped horizontally. He did not seem to be perturbed by this fact in the slightest as he examined his arm, clenching his arm as he grit his teeth, blood spurting and flowing from it for a moment, before the cracks closed over again, his face turning back to Radioactive. Do I need to go further? Was the only question he asked himself as he threw out Mun to the side, gripping it with one hand as he gripped his hairline with the other, his gaze lowering towards the ground as he began to step forwards…

But his body moved backwards. This was the legendary "Moon Walk", a technique so legendary, so well known that it would have been inconceivable to imagine that this brute of a man had the pure finesse to pull it off completely perfectly, as he was doing… And then suddenly, he was gone. His body had reappeared high in the air above Radioactive, the blade in his hands swiveling around in his grip as he gripped the handles with both hands, his mouth opening wide.


His voice roared out as a MASSIVE nexus of Blast energy began to pour out from his body, swirling and churning all around him as his body became extraordinarily dense, so dense that his body was put on the bottom of the massively forming, swirling sphere high in the sky, his eyes looking directly down at Radioactive, panting for pure joy as at last, his body began to descend. His Gravity pushed him down at a massive pace, like a dropping comet as Mun's ability activated, the gravity around his body increasing by over 100 times over as he absolutely DESCENDED, so fast that he could not keep track of himself any longer, the massive blob of energy becoming sharply focused and targeted like a drop of rain, or sweat, as Moonie's mouth merely ROARED his intention, shooting straight downwards on top of Radioactive's body.

If Radioactive was not hit by the attack, Moonie's entire body would be far flung straight down into the earth, creating a many miles deep crater that would reach far into the Earth's mantle, the nature of the Blast energy not effecting the earth as it merely shredded the ground away in its path, instead of impacting against it. Not even lava would be match for the Blast energy, consumed all the same. However, Moonie extraordinarily doubted that this would be the result of his attack. It was precisely aimed directly on where Radioactive's shoulders were, with the blade being the first thing to impact against him, both of Moonie's feet pressed against its base, his hands gripping the handle. The explosive force would be well enough that the crust itself was completely OBLITERATED by the assault, revealing the lava below. The massive force of Blast energy, after slamming into where Radioactive was standing and attempting to decimate his defenses, would continue to soar straight downwards, creating the destruction that Moonie knew he himself would be at the bottom of if Radioactivei ndeed dodged the attack.


The roar of the male would out-volume even the roar of the force that was coursing through the area as he pressed the blade down into Radioactive's body like a demon, attempting to press him straight downwards into the lava below. After a few moments of this, at last Moonie's body would press off the blade, the massive increase of Gravity dispersing as he effortlessly jumped away from the male, or attempted to. As he performed this, the Blast energy that had gathered around them far below began to react, forming into individual spheres. This was a true variation on the attack that Moonie had used against Micheal Ashvaton, so many vois ago. The original attack was one which completely annihilated the male, and if Moonie had not been holding back would have obliterated him from the planes of existence. However, this one that Moonie was using was much different. He contained no sadness, unlike with the use of the Moon God's Tear. This one was one of joy, a tear of pure exhilaration; a drop of sweat that rapidly descended down onto the other male, communicating his pure desire for battle better than any words ever could.


He called out as the charged blobs of blast energy, more than forty of them, rose up, all of them shooting towards Radioactive's body. As they approached, they began to explode,, the Gravity restriction removed, leading Radioactive's body to be surrounded by the massive spheres of Blast energy, as Moonie brought the blade back up behind him, a sharp CLANG emitting from behind himself as it stuck back to his backside once more. He was laughing; laughing with pure happiness. To most, this would seem utterly insane. To Radioactive, it would mean that Moonie was greatly enjoying their battle; and especially the things that he was able to perform against the God of Shark Beasts. This attack was another that had been revised for its usage; the original came from his clash with Yoruichi Shihoin, the Goddess of the Flash. One of his most beloved battles, he deemed this to be a place worthy of growing what he had developed to use against her.

"COME, SHARK BEAST! " Was all that he roared as he brought up his right hand, slamming it into his left as pure LIGHTNING from cations attempting to escape from the massive force he was releasing began to emit from the action, his hands performing this three more times as more flashes of light went away from his body, his mouth smiling like one who simply could not stop; no matter what was done to them; it was plastered there now. It was a part of him. It was the reason he had come here. It was the reason that he would truly never be able to leave.

It was his lust for battle.


Template By: [THEFROST]

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sun May 04, 2014 11:44 pm

Artist: Dope - Song: Today Is The Day - Word Count: 2431
There was something along the lines of the Moon God warning The Shark Giant that the very nature energy within that blast would cause a bit of an issue with his internals. Yet, if it was one thing that Radioactive cared little for? It was caution. Indeed, with every step he took forward towards new future, caution was always torn towards the wind and would be in this case. Despite the gnawing of the energy nagging at The Nuclear Beast's very teeth, he'd take it all in stride as the pain only made the adrenaline in his blood pump harder as he left out a boastful laugh in response to it. Gums beginning to bleed after taking in such a blast, the durability of his jaws started to weaken -- but for someone of his caliber? Even if those defenses were weakened, it would take one hell of a gap in power to make up the difference in strength between Radioactive and his opponent. As a certain esper always said: "Just because I am weaker doesn't make you stronger, DOES IT?" The same scenario applied here.

Nevertheless, as Radioactive ingested this force into his body, he opened the pores within his skins and let off a great deal of heated steam as he exerted the monstrous blast in a smog of golden smoke. In this brief pause in their clash of fist, he'd take notice of the title The Moon Iramasha so proudly proclaimed. Smirking his bloodied teeth at denying the power of a god, Radioactive seemed more than impressed at the commentary as he felt like he was fighting somebody worthwhile. "It seems I'm working with their fist screwed on right. Consider me fascinated now, Monstrosity." After wiping away the blood dripping from his mouth following the full unleashing of Moonie's energized attack, the sounds of the shark's non-stop laughter started to echo in the area until he let out a boastful roar. In this single action, a burst of golden energy shined around his body as he even blew away the very clouds and sky around them; giving birth to a shining orange and gold skyline as he grinned happily at what was heading towards him next.

Watching the male forge his new weapon, it was obvious that this battle was revving up to be something spectacular. Therefore, he'd allow for this action to take place as their fist clashed like a freight-train in the night. Everything was fine by Radioactive at this point as he cared not what was thrown at him -- as long as it had moxy and guts behind it. Meanwhile, at the same time, Radioactive could only relish at everything being torn to sunder all around them. The trees, the skies, the earth, the water; all of the elements and then some were being ripped a new one in the wake of these two titanic forces clashing against one another. The joy of a formidable opponent was something that made Radioactive want to keep pushing further, to continue digging deeper within himself and to press forward with everything he had to give -- and then find even more well after his limits have been succeeded. This is what he yearned for and this is what he got out of this battle: the revival of the shark god's thirst.

So while The Shark Beast went pressure building up within his bones, through the muscles in his arm and a bit of pain; it all was par for the course of a battle worth waging. Licking his lips out of great enthusiasm, he'd shove the burning sensations in his arm to the side and continue pressing forward as more challenges were thrown towards his path to overcome. Paying attention to a sudden increase in energy coming from out of Moonie's arm, Radioactive braced himself for what was coming at him next. In a damaging burst of purple and black light, the energy from Moonie's attack was able to make The Nuclear Monster's arm become devoured within burn marks. Laughing more at the brazen display of power, The Beast figured he should get on his guard as to not disrespect the attacks. After all, when toying with weaker opponent, he'd usual find himself not even bothering to move if they lacked impact or strength; but he'd do no such thing for the man he faced now.

One of the first counter maneuvers he'd do to the liquefied pressure is forge a defense of hardened spikes more durable than steel. In his stood, they'd suck in the impact and leave Radioactive's organic body unscaved as they fell to the ground with a powerful thud. The same process soon repeated itself as he glanced at more of the goo heading towards his flank. Once again, the spikes were summoned and endured the strain for The Shark Beast. Then rows of spikes sported up around his waist side to endure the harshness of the force impacted by the liquid and Radioactive himself would unleash the final killing hit: a monstrous sonic boom meant to vaporize the last of the attack with his sheer spiritual pressure being condensed into a powerful soundwave that rocked the earth and heavens around them in a overbearing display of power and strength. If all went as planned, they'd be nothing more than a memory as he set his sights further towards Moonie's arsenal of assaults.

Licking the reddened skin on his right arm, he'd enjoy the burns given to him and let the heat sizzle on his hand before turning his eyes back to The Moon Monstrosity with a gleeful smirk across his face. It felt quite splendid and joyous to feel such pain and he wanted to keep moving forward in this way.Before long, however, The Nature Iramasha was already on his feet and moved towards the air. Glancing to his backside once more, Radioactive felt the energy within Moonie beginning to accelerate to a profound rate. It was growing exceptionally, becoming more wild and something fierce was on the horizon as the very heavens started to become contorted. So as Radioactive would put burning red arm to his side, that flare of golden energy around his body only grew further illuminated as he was prepared to take this assault on head first. A resolved, but jovial expression seeped in across his face as he got into position to either defend or attack this burst of power.

"Come on then...I'm ready for anything."

Those would be the only words echoed out of The Shark Giant's mouth as his eyes radiated a burst of white light from them; becoming entirely colorless as he clenched his feet in the earth around him. Letting out a monstrous roar, the energy within The Nuclear Monster was surging, heightening and reaching a level to where he would be able to endure the bellowing strike preparing to impact the behemoth. In spark of light each of Radioactive's arms were becoming entirely devoured within this overwhelming power. At the moment? Haha, The Shinigami's spiritual energy was so dense that he could more than clear this entire landscape with but a flick of the wrist. So when combined with his daunting durability and frightening strength, he was more than prepared for what Moonie had to offer: and he an incredible amount of punch to bring to the table.

In a clap of calamitous thunder, the ground beneath their feet once again started to turn to sunder; as lava and magma came surging from beneath them. Sweating and gritting his teeth, Radioactive's body actually took a good deal of the collision. Of course there were a few cuts around his body beginning to open and spew blood, but he still remained standing tall for the time being. Veins emerging on his eyes, he have that shark-toothed grin of his become further widened as he anticipated the next move from that weapon of The Iramasha's. While being pushed back ever so slightly, The Nuclear Giant decided to null the force of Moonie's rock blade with his own tail. Yes, having dozens of energized spikes that glowed with a bright white color to them emerge out of the skin of his rear end, he soon swiped right at the blade and used that additional firepower to overpower it. In this scenario either Moonie would drop the blade outright, or the blow from the weapon would more than be nullified due to two enormous forces cancelling each other out.

It truly didn't matter what happened from the crash course of powers, as Radioactive's mind was already moving towards the next means of attack The Moon Iramasha had in store for him. Shaking off the soundwave as if it were nothing more than a gust of strong wind, The Crazed Shinigami opened his mouth and unleashed a devastating blast of nuclear energy at Moonie in order to melt through his skin and inflict great energy upon his being. Now, Radioactive wasn't too sure what he could do against someone who had a organless body, but he understood that no being is immortal on this realm and even if it took one thousand years, eventually something in this man's metaphysical being was going to tire out or breakdown. It was up to The Shark Beast's resistance to seek this goal and thus he intended to wear him out, break down his energy and make him sluggish through constant barrage assaults.

So to add more fuel to the fire, Radioactive had the spikes around his spike launch off like projectiles during Moonie's backjump and attempted to increase the effects of his nuclear blast on him. And the accelerated effects on the male's body were intended to make him further injuries from the inside out. The Moon Iramasha should more than likely feel his internals beginning to be turn to fire, eyes becoming blinded by the radiation and his entire body would take the brunt of multiple gamma ray burst. It was quite the hostile assault to endure and was the reason Radioactive was able to make himself more durable during Moonie's comet-like assault. By hot-linking his spiritual energy to his radioactive core, it gave his body the cutting-edge to remain standing; albeit with increased strain and many multiple openings in Radioactive's body beginning to excrete more and more crimson fluid as this battle progressed. Most of all, it was the first time in awhile he combined his radiation powers with his physical fighting to make a deadly combo; so he could only make a hearty laugh at the end of this exchange as he was glad to make use of it.


That would be the only sound heard for dozens of miles on end as Radioactive proved the might of his nuclear energy and title. In the emission of an all powerful banging that seemed as if it reached heaven's door, Radioactive released a hellish burst of radiation that was meant to obliterate and reject all forty of the blast from ever hitting him as he felt himself let go. This collection of nuclear energy would then tap into the wealth of spiritual energy, becoming orange in color and expanding for roughly ten miles as he attempted to overpower everything around him as the wrath of The Shark Beast's play was coming to devour everything within sight. So this bellowing scream transitioned into a demented laughter as the man was having the time of his life within this inferno of destruction.

From this unreal amount of energy? Even the very earth for two cities over started quaking and a powerful 9.0 retoscale earthquake rocked the area; sucking everything within it's grasps into the earth. If caught within this grasps? Moonie may very well be crushed to hell and back with the amount of debris that had been super-charged and made extremely lethal by the force in which they were spun around and the strength from Radioactive's own spiritual energy making them able to melt his very skin. Even reishi weren't spared as The Shark Giant's assault vaporized them with the amount of raw power behind it; so one would be dealing with quite the unforgiving attack.

Yet, even as the world turned to fire all around them, Radioactive still motioned himself throughout the explosion to find Moonie. In this way? He'd give him one hell of a punch. On spiritual level: this attack was filled to the brim with a rich amount of reiatsu enough to even melt through a Grand Master's Hierro. Mentally? Radioactive's entire heart was behind this and his will was thrusting and aiming to give him this thrashing. Physically? Combined with his raw strength and radiation, this blow to Moonie's being could more than inflict some sort of critical injury. As, in one shining burst of light, The Nuclear Giant gave Moonie one hell of jab to the jaw as he implanted the utmost of determination behind it and expanded the explosion of the attack all around them by two times and increased it's range to twenty miles.

With both assaults combined, Moonie would more than likely feel his entire being on fire as he attempted to vaporize him, crush him and let the weight of his power rain down on him like an unending hurricane. However, there would be no malice or ugliness behind these intentions. Nay. He was giving him all this because he felt he could take it and wouldn't die so easily from it. Therefore, there was no reason to hold this back from a powerful man like this. It wasn't often he came across bold creatures like this one, so he was going to savor it in the way only he could: utmost and total destruction!

So as the mushroom cloud rose into the skies above them, Radioactive waited in the ash and fire of the after-math to see what the results of this daunting attack was. At the very least, he understood that there would be a colossal mile deep carter for roughly ten to twenty miles from all this. But -- he was more concerned with how his opponent would react and what state of condition he'd be in when awakening from this move. Would his body be recognizable? Shall the Moon god continue this fight? Hell, would his face even still be attached to his head from the intensity of such a punch? All of these questions and more were pressing forward in The Shark's mind and he couldn't wait to see what would come of it!

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Tue May 13, 2014 11:41 pm


The smirking on Radoiactive's face merely further encouraged the pleased look on Moonie's face. This truly was a battle that the Moon God was enjoying, no matter what he said or looked like on the outside. The blood on the male's face reminded Moonie that he needed to feel the soul of Radioactive slam against his own, an experience he had not yet had the pleasure to revel in as intensely as he should.

"Voi, shouldn't that be fishinated?" Moonie asked seriously, the serious nature of his question nevertheless very honest as he watched the smoke leaving Radioactive's body, his own senses rapidly becoming more and more energized. Moonie's eyes looked up towards the sky as he saw it being wiped away by nothing else but pure force from the Radioactive Shark, destroying everything above them, the only thing stopping the blast from destroying everything being the massive barrier that was hit with the residual damage. Far into the distance, Moonie could hear the intense boom as the roar hit the back of the sound barrier, reflecting back down to the combatants as Moonie experienced Radioactive's roar all over his body.

The male's arm emerged from its clash with the Shark Beast quivering slightly, a line of blood descending from his elbow, totally black in color as he began to laugh. The laugh was high pitched, sailing across the night sky as it echoed fiercely throughout the area. He observed Radioactive's spikes, his eyes wide as he studied the structure of them, carefully noting how they took his energy and acted as another layer of defense, preventing Moonie's attack from being able to annihilate the male.

The final outburst soared across the area as it dispelled Moonie's attack, leaving the male watching in pure awe. It was like a little league player watching a pro batting; the intense concentration, that feeling that Moonie desired to transmit to his opponents being transmitted to perfectly to him that it left him breathless.

Moonie's body continued to rise into the air as he performed his next attack, leaving no time for rest as he continued to assail the monster's body.


The male's lungs bellowed as he looked at the white lights blaring in Radoiactive's eyes, his own leaking power as they mimic this behavior, though it was a common trait of Moonie's for his eyes to do this… he was simply amazed at the similarities between the two warriors. The roar that passed around his body sailed like a dragon's through the mind of the Moon Iramasha.

He saw Radio's tail beginning to approach Mun, and in that instant his mind felt like it began to approach a different space. He knew very well what those spikes combined with Radio's strength would do to Mun, and so in that single moment, he decided to ascend beyond his known limits. Without thinking intensely about it, Blast soared around Mun, transforming into pure Chaos Energy as it began to harden rapidly… forming spike like structures that slammed directly into those on Radioactive tail. The blade and the tail slammed into one another with sheer ferocity, making it impossible for either to reach the end of the other, an extremely strange state of affairs.

This rapid thought of the male's part, of the ferocity of the male known as Moonie Iramasha as his senses became truly activated began to be felt by both himself and the male before him as he tore another path open with is bare hands, the two attacks struggling against one another as Moonie's smile widened intensely… his eyes staring with that same intensity.

Finally, Moonie saw the Shark Beast release his first great attack against him. From the Shark Beast's body, a pouring torrent of pure nuclear energy was sent flying towards him. He looked at the radioactive energy coming towards him and seemed to open his mouth for a moment as the gravity in the area began to rapidly change… but suddenly, something paused. The energy did not go into Moonie's mouth, indeed, his arms were thrown in front of his body as the massive amount of force slammed into him. His body was thrown downwards from the pressure and weight of his body, causing him to rapidly descend. His body slammed into the ground as the earth parted, the blast pressing him onward and backwards as he felt wounds opening on either arm, his arms suddenly and violently throwing themselves out with a "VOI!" as he broke the hold the blast had over him, pushing it away with willpower and gusto.

The spikes came rapidly towards him as Moonie's arm reached back, hefting Mun as he looked directly at the Shark Beast, his body beginning to move forwards. The blade trailed behind him as he roared, the roar going directly towards Radioactive with a momentum as without warning a tumultuous amount of Blast appeared from his left hand, flaring forwards as it stunned the spikes. Moonie's right hand tossed itself forwards as it released the blade at last.

Mun flew forwards, shining like a dark shooting star as it sailed directly towards the Nuclear Shark beast, deflecting spikes and sending them darting about as it sought to nail itself firmly into his chest like a missile-turned-boulder, perhaps even sending the male flying as fiercely or fiercer than Moonie's body as tossed by the man's exultation of power.


The male exclaimed as his attack left his hand, his fist clenching tightly. His hand moved rapidly as it moved to punch a spike out of the sky, rotating wildly as it did to the same to another spike. Around his hands was emanating that Blast energy as it disintegrated parts of the spikes before touching them, though bits of his fingers and sandals still fell off as he denied the projectiles with sheer melee ability, targeting each one individually and knocking it out of the sky as he made his way towards the male, like a charging, flaming train.


The male's voice continued as Radioactive released a roar, his own vocals attempting to pierce against the male's. Even as the male released a torrential mass of energy, Mun kept flying. Admirably and speaking to the power of the sword, it was not turned to ash by the massive release of power, or was even deterred, flying true on its course as Moonie followed behind his blade. IT was slowed, certainly, but it kept its force as it created a pathway, tearing down the excess energy of Radioactive and over-weighing it, pressing it down and away from the blade as Moonie made his approach in its wake.

The very earth around the male's body was shaking. The space around him was physically vibrating! The earthquake roaring around his body was making his form shake from the presence of being so close to its epicenter as the male roared, his hair billowing out behind him as the edges of his body began to peel slightly from the presence of the nuclear energy…

And then Moonie saw him. Emerging out of the roar of energy, he saw Radioactive directly before him. The display of the emerging power known as the Radioactive Shark Beast was enough that the male's body could feel that presence at last. The true presence of Radioactive was on his body now as the male sought to punch him; he had sought Moonie out, accepted Moonie's invitation, and was there to deliver his blow personally.

And yet, the male's body still held its ground. The male landed a foot down as a massive torrent of Blast energy emerged, looking directly at Radioactive with both eyes wide, the intensity of them skyrocketing as he took the blow directly to his abdominal area. Instantly, the gravity in the area became warped, changed. Moonie's stomach was blown out; that was obvious, and in that instant it would become obvious, perhaps, to Radioactive, exactly how Moonie had trespassed that area.

All the decaying, dying cells of his body that couldn't take the radioactive energy had flowed to his stomach, as they simply couldn't be shed. And there, in his stomach, his body had attempted to heal around those dead cells, making a layer like a ring around the dead skin. As Radioactive's fist hit it, pain and feeling rocketed through the male's body, like a lightning bolt striking through the entire core of his body as his flesh was outright blown-out, the blast energy around his body being blown away as it turned into a bright purple…

And slammed directly into Moonie's arms. His arms shot forwards with the momentum of Radioactive's strike as he turned the momentum around through the power of his Gravity, using it to grip onto the male's shoulders, even breaking any spikes that got into the way as Blast energy became violently hard. He attempted to hold tightly, like two vices had gripped Radioactive as the momentum flowed backwards….

Radioactive could likely feel his own forehead being drawn forwards by the force of his own momentum being turned back around as it pushed the Moon God's forehead backwards.


The male's voice cried with the full extent of its powers as the gravity focused on one point, Moonie's eyes both shining with pure power as the momentum of Radioactive's intense punch, the feeling of pressure of the radioactivity all around them, Moonie's own strength, and even the influence of Mun being suspended nearby attributed to the increasing amount of force as Moonie's forehead began to move forwards. Its sheer force was comparable to a rocket ship entering the earth's atmosphere from the exosphere, with a width long enough to create a mile-wide crater. To put it simply, the force was intense. So intense that as the vacuum of Gravity moved towards Radioactive's body, it would find him already being drawn towards the Gravity of Moonie's own head moving forwards, the density so great it was attracting things nearby to it, the ground that had been demolished below them beginning to crack and rise upwards as it was destroyed by the nuclear power…

And at last the forehead attempted to strike. If it landed, Moonie's forehead would be seen coming out of it with a gem of pure Blast energy ,serving as a cranial plating of intense durability, cracking away into nothingness as it materialized into pure particles. Moonie's hands let go of Radioactive as the radioactivity near his body was abruptly dispelled, becoming pushed away like a massive cloud had appeared in the middle of it, making the area clear of its influence but a massive ring of it appearing all around their bodies. This was from the force of Moonie's attack leaving his body…

And far below, the ground cratered. IT began slow at first, beginning to move outwards, but then the ground abruptly moved straight downwards. Lava began to pour from down below as the intensity of the after-shocks broke the crust clear through, but it didn't stop there. The lava moved to the edges of a pillar that was rising out of the middle as the after-shocks came back from the attack, forming a pillar of pure rock that rose out of the ground, directly below Moonie's forehead, and if Radioactive was caught in that attack, that is what his body would have slammed into, crushing the entirety of it into oblivion.


The male's voice roared as he let his feeling out completely, his head tilting back as power began to flow from his body, his mental limits coming off as power began to exude from his body, the draw-backs he had placed on himself not to kill his other opponents being released as the very space around his body began to warp from the gravity around his body, Mun staying suspended by his willpower at his side, his hair rising up from its points at his back as he looked down at Radioactive.



Template By: [THEFROST]

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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