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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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[CLASH OF LEGENDS] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[CLASH OF LEGENDS] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)


Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:26 am

Artist: The Enigma - Song: Buunemba Theme - Word Count: 3482

Throughout the fire, explosions and earthquakes of this battle of Titans; there stood the hulking giant of Radioactive staring down his foe with a ravenous grin smeared across his face. To find that his opponent was still breathing, much less having the energy and health to still stand up and shout, pleased him. Many of the foes he had faced in recent times were nothing but pockets of flesh begging to be smacked down. But this guy? This guy -- was different. This -- difference -- brought a great joy of fighting back into his blood slowly, but surely. And to that end? He'd give him an honorary shout back from the depths of their chaotic hell which was the field of combat.


This monstrous shouting bellowed throughout the four corners of their contained arena and shook the very earth itself once more; causing carters to open all around them, the ground to buckle up and gazyers filled with lava started to expand and rise into the heavens themselves from the wake of Radioactive's power. Indeed, The Nature Iramasha could feel the excitement, the thrill and the desire to proceed with this battle as the very land itself could not contain his thirst for a befitting battle. Even the barrier itself was beginning to crack and utter out low-moans from the weight of attempting to contain such a power.

However, it seemed that Moonie was distracted by the shark blast in the sky. Radioactive could only let out a series of laughing fits. Really? The fireworks were nice, but they could produce a more spectacular series of artwork in the skies if he focused on him instead of that.

"That doesn't matter! JUST POWER UP!" Short and to the point, Radioactive's voice was jovial, but very firm on this point.

As to be truthful? It didn't matter in the slightest to The Titan. As soon as those blasts were exhumed from his body, Radioactive's mind was already shifting and turning towards the next series of attacks he'd need to extract from within himself to keep on with this battle. So, for this reason, he'd use this lull in the battle to summon up more spiritual and nuclear energy that was being generated inside of himself.

This surge of power rose and came forth as an all-glowing golden light that radiated with intense heat across the area; melting everything within a half mile radius of The Shark Beast as he let out another defying roar that rattled the atmosphere once more. Sparks of gold lightning erupted through hundreds of meters; ripping open the rock and mold of the earth as if it were butter; digging so deep that more lava started to erupt in the lands and the battlefield became a mixture of volcanic matter and stone. While, in the skies above, numerous shifts of color started to rapbidly fade in and out of existence as numerous hues of green, gold, white and orange made for a dazzling show.

And from tapping deeper into his power, the menacing giant's body started to become -- bigger. Not in height, but in pure muscle size. Tendons tightened, veins pulsated across his body and it seemed that the male's physical strength was sucking in energy from this ascended state to enhance itself in order to be stronger and have a source of power to allow Radioactive not to tire out so easily in the realms of hand-to-hand combat. Indeed, his mind was sharpened, blood was boiling, power overwhelming and body hard as diamond.



As the might of The Shark Beast's tail clashed with the boundless levels of Chaos Energy from mun, there was a violent burst of pressure that was released in the area. One that blew away all the molting lava in the vicinity around them and held within it enough power to crush an entire city. Indeed, this was the level of strength that the two berserkers were beginning to reach as Radioactive let out an elated snarl during this struggle.

All the while, the beaming grin across the Shark Beast's face became larger and unveiled more of those toothy fangs he was oh-so infamous for! His heart was pumping, blood rushing and power accelerating more and more as he felt a decent workout at last. So as they broke away from the struggle, Radioactive was sent a few dozen meters backwards. Shaken up, but still very much ready to go for another round.

Exhaling pure steam from his mouth and nostrils, the male's eyes became entirely devoured by a white light; as if there was no color in them anymore. Just staggering power and desire to FIGHT! Boiling like a raging volcano, a golden burst of light expanded from Radioactive's body like a flaring inferno; while bioelectric sparks of red, white and gold hues sporadically appeared across the male's frame; adding for a layer of defense that could prove quite dangerous to touch for The Moon God. For, at this point, just touching The Nuclear Beast could burn away skin from the mightiest of Hierro's.

Meanwhile, it seemed that The Nature Iramasha was able to deflect his nuclear blast. HA! That just meant he was going to have to hit harder and that his opponent was indeed a tough and admirable one to fight. If anything, it was a testament to just how much each of those combatants were relishing in their brawl. Showing that much will and strength made Radioactive more relaxed, further thrilled and more content with the idea of unveiling more of his potent power.


In that thunderous explosion of yelling, more of the rotted earth and sizzling magma were decimated by the shockwaves of Radioactive's aura. Thrusting himself at a higher speed than before, The Shark Beast redirected the energy that his body was generating into his muscles. By doing so, he had more stamina to work with and could push himself harder to cover a greater distance and become faster by not tiring out as quickly as he'd normal would.

And so, the two brutes were going to go at it once again as they charged each other through this wild field of basalt, lightning, earthquakes and light. Moone with his trusty sword in hand and overflowing will; and Radioactive with his primordial desire and two fist to bare the weight of any challenge that may come his way. It is why, while Radioactive felt a sling stinging pain from the shockwaves associated with Moonie's roar, he was more than willing to bare it and continue pressing forward as he always had. There was no other option in a fight like this.

So, he'd let out a laugh and savor the sensation, before turning his attention towards the flying star was The Mun Blade. There was no way in high heaven that thing was going to pierce him. Thus, it was time to prove his might and have a bit of fun with it. Pulling each of his imposing arms together, Radioactive let out an excited laugh before slamming together around the blade and CATCHING it with his bare hands. In doing so, another strong wave of power oozed over the area and blew away more of the earth as it was nothing. The next few dozens miles around them, in fact, were beginning to resemble more of a planet descending further and further into armageddon; just to put things in perspective.

Nevertheless, as the blade did begin to burn Radiaoctive's palms, its momentum would be ceased by the raw strength that The Shark Beast's substantial physical power had. In fact, the material which compromised the blade would even begin to crack and shatter throughout a good deal of its structural being. Alas, however, Radioactive had the potential to break the sword -- but he would not. He assumed there was some attachment to it with Moonie, so he'd only redirect it back at Moonie with a stab to his gut and seek to either maim him with his own weapon or allow him to fight with it once more. The male didn't care which result occurred so long as this fight kept on.

Now, with each of them staring each other down face to face, The Hulking Giant of a Shinigami shifted his focus intently on Moonie and was prepared to take this battle to the next level once more as he felt this tremendous growth of power swelling up within Moonie. He could feel it, he could taste it and he KNEW that this battle was pushing the limits of The Moon God. Each time that he came back for more, Radioactive felt his strength beginning to become more potent than the last and it brought him satisfaction that he was forcing the utmost of potential and strength from the body of this Iramasha. It meant he was tapping into his inner primal beast and this fight was shaping up to be a very important milestone towards both of them.

The Moon God would reach a new plateau of power, while The Shark Beast would rekindle his old flame for battle and reawaken the strength he already had once more. Unveiling to the world why he was indeed feared force; the genocidal maniac who nearly drove the Quincy race to extinction, the berserker who plunged the Soul Society into a nuclear hell, the freak who blew Hueco Mundo to oblivion; so many examples of his strength, but as important as they were to understanding his strength, they were equally unimportant to the matter at hand: fighting Moonie.

As The Nature Iramasha would grip on to his shoulders for dear life, the spikes and volatile sparks of bioelectric energy would make that task a very difficult one. It was possible for the male to grip him at this close of a range, but it would not come without cost. He'd notice his arms being fried by the lightning surging around the Nuclear GIant's frame, while the nuclear effect from his energy would invoke an intense heat from his body and begin to melt away his very skin; and, on top of everything else, the spikes themselves would continue to pierce at every angle they could to make this a painful and hard feat to accomplish.

Yet, if it was one thing Radioactive knew from this combatant, it was the fact that he would rise to challenge and only find a new level of strength to ascend to. That was the intent of this battle as The Menacing Figure of The Shark Beast enjoyed seeing his opponents grow and become stronger. Thus, as his forehead was pulled forward towards The Moon God, Radioactive knew he only had one path to take: RETALIATION!

Being that the male was already in his powered state, it was not far-fetch for him to condense all of his energy into a focal point. Dense and vast quantities of energy would assemble towards his forehead as well, so that by the time he and Moonie's heads clashed against one another, an explosion of purple, black, gold and red energies would rocket across the area and blind everything in sight for the next ten miles over. This collision of raw might would be so excessive in force that the barrier that was once containing them -- was vaporized! Exploding into a bright star, from the depths of space, a blaring gold flare could be seen for many miles over from satellites observing this battle.

Indeed, their combating auras could now be felt for many cities and countries on over as these two berserkers started bursting out their ungodly wrath upon one another. The entire landscape around them would be vaporized, while Radioactive himself would have blood gushing from his forehead. There were vibrations of pain throughout his body, but he still felt very much in control and enjoying himself as he laughed off this little showdown they were having.

Lava was rising into the atmosphere, the skies were reddened with an ominous glow and the area had risen to temperatures that were nearly as hot as the surface of the sun from these two colossal forces. Indeed, this was turning into a no-man's land quick and Radioactive understood that fact well. So, before the pillar of rock and magma could hit him from Moonie, The Shark Beast let out an exhausting amount of energy to better contain this fight. Before the entirety of the barrier gave way, Radioactive redirected large amounts of his energy towards fortifying it, expanding it to a one hundred mile radius and keeping this area sealed tight from any intruders. As this fight, if it let out of hand, could change the landscape of a small country between the damning power between these two demigods of strength.

Then -- THUD!


Radioactive was sent hurtling backwards into a sea of raging stellar lava form the assault Moonie delivered. There was silence for a few seconds. No sound was heard emitting from The Shark Beast and one could almost assume that a person would not survive being thrusted into the very crust of the earth's magma. Especially a pit of volcanic matter that was amp'd, turbo-charged and made to be as blazing as the beaming rays of light from the surface of the sun itself.

However, this was an entity that was considered to be superpowered in strength even among some of the strongest Shinigami the world had to offer; on par with those from those blessed by the Soul King himself. Thus, he would not go down so easy. Henceforth, the earth would rumble for the new few dozen miles over; as numerous earthquakes that were 10.0 on the reactor scale started to scream out within this confined area.

In a matter of moments after that a flow of lava, electricity, golden light and fire started to rise into the heavens. Thrusting itself so far into the atmosphere that it exited out of Earth's amount; temporarily making a hole in the barrier before it patched itself up. Condensing itself into a sphere, this mixture of elements soon dispersed and unveiled a glowing red Radioactive staring Moonie done with the biggest grin he had shown yet.

His body was as crimson as blood, while his eyes were as bright as the glare from a burning star. While from his mouth Radioactive seemed to be oozing with scarlet fluids, the aura around his body mixed that glow and shifted colors to a golden and red glow. At this point, although he took some serious damage, pain that flared across his entire core, Radioactive was STILL raring and ready for more as he heard Moonie cry out to see the depths of this power within The Shark Beast's body.

And, just by standing here, Moonie would understand just how far the durability of The Nuclear Disaster could reach. In no way did it seem that he was rendered incapable of fighting by these extremes put forth in the environment from their battle. Instead, this freak of nature was still growing stronger as his muscles tightened, body bulged and spiritual energy became more potent and raw.

"Well, brace yourself, Moon God. HERE COMES A LOT MORE!"

In that instant, the fiery light around his body grew and expanded to a region of twenty feet on every side. When finished summoning more of his energy, Radioactive's speed seemed to increase further; as he reached Moonie's side in a matter of seconds and grabbed him by his mouth with his right hand. Gripping him with enough strength to crush diamonds, Radioactive thrusted him downwards and slammed him into the pool of lava beneath their fight. All the while, he'd let out a hollering laugh while smashing him OVER and OVER with a headbutt; upwards of two dozen times. The likes of which had enough potency behind their blows to crush a mountain ten times over.

But, if this was not overkill enough, there were still other elements at play to bring Moonie further towards the edge of his ability -- and to ultimately thrust him over the edge of that limit and force him to tap even deeper into himself to awaken that potential The Shark Beast felt within The Moon God. For starters, Radioactive had coated his body in lava in order to make just touching him dangerous for Moonie. The reason for this is because the magma was becoming one with The Nuclear Hulk and feeding off the energy from himself; on top of that which it had soaked up from the two combatants as a result of their energies affecting the environment around them to a high degree.

Then, on top of that, there was the fact that the electricity screaming from Radioactive's body could stun, cripple and choke off Moonie's strength from the absurd volume of energy it sucked in from The Beast's nuclear core. At this point, one could almost consider The Shinigami a superpowered nuclear reactor. As, while the radioactivity that Moonie wiped earlier was gone, Radioactive could just as easily make it come back in spades with his heightened state of strength. So, to further compound things, the layer of radiation could have as much power behind them as a full powered nuclear blast.

And, most notably of all, the very spikes from earlier could pierce through graphene itself with how much directed energy Radioactive had pinpointed into these areas. To put the situation further into light: graphene is some two hundred times stronger than steel and is hailed as a miracle material. So it can only be assumed, that if his spikes had enough potency to do that, the physical strength alone from The Shark Beast could be much worse to deal with. Nevertheless, he'd begin thrusting more spikes forth from each of his sides; seeking to dig them into Moonie's flank, chest and stomach; totalling to four in all.

Then, with his left hand, Radioactive started unleashing a volley of hyper-focused punches with the same method of technique as his spikes. Directing a good deal of his energy and elements into that left hand, it glared with a burning white light and he was able to deliver upwards of twenty hard strikes to his abdomen to further the chance of bringing The Moon God to his knees as they both went hurtling towards this ocean of molten lava.


Roaring those words out, Radioactive opened his mouth and summoned more power from his nuclear core once more to put the final nail in this combo attack. Radiating with a gold light, a sphere of pure energy escaped from The Shark Beast's mouth. If allowed to make contact with Moonie, then it would expand for a ten mile radius and an explosion with the capacity to destroy two large-sized cities would devour The Nature Iramasha. However, what was most notable about the attack is that the constant crushing sound of animal's roaring would seize the area; adding an additional effect of multiple soundwaves seeking to crush every inch of his body; while the flames from this blast wanted to reduce Moonie to a cindered and bloodied pulp.

All the while, Radioactive would not be affected by this. As, if nothing else, the frequency of this energy would not seek to harm the one who created it. So, in that sense, it seemed Radioactive had enough control over his energy to attempt to deflect these effects from himself.

As the last effect of the attack eased in, numerous rows of teeth comprised from this new "Primal Crusher" technique sought to eat, consume and incinerate Moonie with their grip. Hundreds and hundreds of these teeth would appear within the core of the blast; while Radioactive would continue with his headbutts and punches to put the unholy pressure of strain on Moonie's body to see if he really was ready to go all the way with this.


Those would be the last words uttered out from Radioactive's mouth as he awaited to see what the results from all of this would be. Was Moonie going to give in here and admit defeat? Could there be a chance of him even being able to live through such vicious assaults? Or would he arise to the challenge and surprise The Nuclear Beast? There were many outcomes for a brawl such as this, but it seemed that lady fate and mother time had those answers. For now, The Shark Beast had found what he was looking for and his daunting power had been awakened.

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Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:09 pm

"VOI! I would love to, Shark God… but I let my FISTS DO THE TALKING!"

The Moon Iramasha roared in reply, having no idea how to describe this sensation. This battle, this combat… he would never be able to forget it. He had no idea if he would ever experience a struggle like this ever again, and while on the one hand that idea saddened him, it felt… right. This fight that they were holding deserved that title. This much destruction, this much intensity, this much lust for battle… the emotions consumed him, alighting his eyes with the desire to fight.

Geysers of lava appeared… nay. They did not simply appear. They were dragged upwards and outwards, forced out of their pits as strongly as they were looked down upon, forced to emerge from Radioactive's presence, the very intensity of the attacks being waged by the combatants. "Voi. It matters." The Moon Iramasha told the Radioactive Shark Beast directly. His fists began to clench, the smile plastered onto his face as he heard the male's demand to power up. He may well do that, but there was something he needed to do first… and that involved the preparation of his sword to be thrown, his glorious charge to be performed, and his ringing strike to be attempted.

The very lightning that was gathered from the powering up of the male before him blew away all reservations the Moon Iramasha held; his face was now frozen in the expression of pure ecstasy at the sight before him. Moonie's charge was done with the full force of his body that he could muster, the roar that left his mouth little more than expression of his commitment as he charged the Nuclear Shark Beast.

His breath caught in his throat as he watched Radioactive catch Mun totally, the smile on his mouth multiplying in its level of excitement as he began cackling. "VOI!" Was the reply given by the Moon Iramasha as his own blade was chucked into his stomach, smiling as his mouth opened wide, the blade changing directions as it slammed parallel into his own body, its top against his teeth as they bit down, a terrific noise echoing out as he bit the tip off of his blade, his body rotating as he felt his ribs beginning to crack from the force of this action, grabbing it with his right hand before it had the opportunity to go flying away.

Moonie's grip upon those massive shoulders would only tighten as flakes of his skin began to shatter off of his body… it gave not an inch. That was the respect which Moonie was giving to the Radioactive Shark Beast; he would continue relentlessly, without even pause for breath.

Their two foreheads clashed, and Moonie's vision faded completely and utterly to the color white. His forehead was still pressing forwards, but it was like pressing his forehead against a wall, a living, breathing, hulking, powerful wall. Moonie's own forehead was still tilted forwards, unwilling to allow himself to be knocked back as the very skin on the back of his legs had been blown away from the sheer amounts of force the male had sent roiling through them.

As Moonie stood there, his body felt as if it were locked into place. It felt as if he were bound by terrific chains, when in reality it was simply the actions of their combat that had sent shuddering amounts of force ricocheting throughout his entire body. He stood there, purple waves of power flowing from his body and around his form as he did so.

"Voi, are you kidding me?" He asked as he finally straightened his body, the earth around him cascading backwards with the amount of force that was exerted in this simple action, creating a waved background of rubble behind the Moon Iramasha. "THAT WON'T HOLD AND YOU KNOW IT! DON'T KEEP WASTING YOUR ENERGY ON TRYING TO CONTAIN THAT WHICH WE BOTH KNOW WILL NEVER ALLOW ITSELF TO BE SO!"

The demanding cries left Moonie's mouth as he slowly began to look at where Radioactive had been sent, watching the Moon Destroyer taking its effect as Moonie's strongest physical attack was sent flying. The spectacle below his body shook his body around to his very core from the elemental forces that were being pushed aside with raw power.

"Voi…" The noise left Moonie's mouth in wonder at Radioactive's declaration that a lot more was about to come… and he would not be disappointed. He noted the increase in speed which Radioactive deployed as the Shark moved rapidly, following his opponent with his eyes. As Radioactive's right hand shot at his throat, Moonie's left arm became infused with that black energy, rapidly hardening as he felt the taste of the Shark's thumb in his mouth, biting down on it with his impressive chompers but unable to break it.

So instead he would use it as something to focus on instead of the impending pain as he threw that left arm forwards into the Radioactive Shark Beast's side, sounds like lightning striking the ground as Moonie's open eyes stared at the Shark Beast, his red ringed eyes shining as Radioactive's continuous headbutts caused the skin on Moonie's forehead to begin cracking, cracking, the cracks spreading across his face, shooting over his nose, his mouth, and even beginning to go down the top part of his throat, as if his very face were made out of stone tht Radioactive was taking a hammer to.

Finally, Moonie's right hand shot downwards, Mun's terrific handle sticking out as for an instant, time seemed almost to stop. In that moment, Moonie saw within his mind the free-body diagrams of the two fighters. The colossal amount of force that Radioactive had inserted into Moonie's skull had been focused and diverted into that left arm of his as his face had suffered its initial damage. The forces of his arm were going to be projected outwards. Radioactive's dragging him down was increased by the gravitational constant itself multiplied by Moonie's own weight. To aid him in that descent, he had terrifically increased his own weight, to the point where it would make Radioactive likely wonder if he was still the one guiding the Moon Iramasha's descent.

And then, finally, there was the smile. That smile on Moonie's face, as his hair finally was swept away from his eyes, revealing that jovial look that possessed his cornea. "OM NOM NOM NOM!!" He called out as the lava coating Radioactive's body flooded into Moonie's mouth through where Radioactive's hand was holding him, draining all of it in an instant. As he did so, the forces that had been calculated began to change. Rapidly, the 'gravity' around the two directed Moonie's entire weight… directly into Radioactive's stomach. The velocity this maintained was placed into that arm as the back of Moonie's elbow blew out from redirecting this much force, the very ground beneath them shattering into a massive chasm from the tectonic-class motions from the inside of the Moon Iramasha's body… transmitted through that rock-like blade.

And all of this was while working through the paralysis that the Shark Beast's lightning was attempting to transmit to the Moon Beast's body. The spikes rammed into his body and pierced his flesh as his blood began to emerge, the force of these actions also being put into his hand as he let out a terrific cry, feeling the punches landing across his body as he kept himself moving forwards with this altered state of gravity, wounds now covering his body from Radioactive's attacks.


This positively bestial exclamation echoed even as he thrust that fist back at Radioactive's own mouth, causing it to collide directly with that terrific attack that was being launched at the male. The energy coating his hand transformed into something like that attack which emerged from Moonie's own mouth, turning into a terrific spiraling presence of raw force and destruction as it was thrust at Radioactive's assault.

This terrific amount of black energy consumed Moonie's body from that arm, rapidly increasing the potency of his Moon Armor as he smiled, his left eye closing slightly as he began to chuckle. "VOOOOI!!" He roared at Radioactive as the attack that had been sent against him poured over and around his body, covering him completely and hiding the Moon Iramasha from sight.


And then, the very front of the attack would be replaced by a black presence. Behind that presence, a golden strand of hair flew, a smile with teeth appearing. A body emerged soon after, blood sketched and traced along it. Pieces were missing from his flesh, and a gaping hole could be seen on his back from where the 'teeth' of the Primal Crusher had been particularly ruthless due to the low amounts of shielding forces present at the man's backside.


Was all that was given in reply to Radioactive's challenge as the Blast energy covering the man's body suddenly surged, his weight increasing terrifically as he attempted to plant his attack directly into the side of Radioactive's face, putting his entire body into the blow as it coursed forwards, attempting to nail it into Radioactive and send him flying.

And there was Moonie once more, standing as the massive amount of golden devastation rapidly extended behind his body, his hands gripping into fists as he threw both of them to either side of his body, his head shooting upwards as he opened his mouth wide. As he did so, the lava below their bodies began to turn into a terrific cylix, before pouring directly into the Moon Iramasha's mouth, before his arms crossed in an x pattern in front of his body.

Blood continued to drip from all over his body, and the nuclear energy was quite frankly hampering the healing process, causing small splatters of extremely dark black blood appearing around the male's body as he finally threw both arms behind him, words leaving his mouth as his hair was thrown wildly back and forth behind him.


As he said this, a well of power began to emerge from Moonie's body. This attack held nothing back as his body's gravity began to rotate, causing him to go in a circle as an absolute inferno of black and crimson flames, his eyes consumed with a white power. The terrific amount of Blast energy emerged with such magnitude that this 'Barrier' was filled with it from the inside, crushing everything from within it as Moonie's mouth finally just stuck upwards, emitting more and more power as his entire form began to glow.

Finally, the Blast energy would dissipate, Moonie's body appearing on top of the 'ground' that was so much dust as he grabbed Mun with his right hand, Blast flames surging along his body and intensely forming on his hands and feet as he looked directly at Radioactive, his left foot slamming into the ground as a purple light radiated before his body, consuming the space between the two individuals as his Gravity changed once more, his feet pressing off as he spun his body around, flying like a speeding bullet directly for the Shark Beast.

Droplets of his blood continued to fly in that spiraling pattern, creating a thin black line behind his body as his bodily mass rapidly increased, gripping Mun with both hands as he placed it before his body, the gravel below his body getting caught up into it as the man turned into a great drill made out of earth and power, with the tip being Mun itself, covered with the solid black energy of Blast.

At last, this construct would slam into Radioactive's body, attempting to pierce through his abdomen with several rotations. The Gravity which had been deployed was like a great 'cone' - Moonie's origin point was surging forwards, and everything in the 'cone' was being pulled towards that middle path where the drill had been created. This was what lead to the present situation as Moonie attempted to rapidly spin and crush Radioactive's body beneath layers of rubble and specifically with the force able to be transmitted through Mun itself.

After twenty rotations or so of this movement, finally the entire structure would collapse, showing Moonie's body reappearing through it, his right hand throwing Mun to the side as his blade rapidly flipped around several times, both hands clapping above his head as he brought the back. As he did so, a terrific structure of pure Blast energy appeared there. It appeared as a blade of Blast, of that nightmare-colored inferno, before rapidly and inexplicitly shrinking downwards, compressing, compressing, compressing. In that instant between its creation and completion, Moonie now held in his hands a blade made out of Pure Blast Energy.

And this was the blade that he would bring downwards, slamming it into Radioactive's shoulder, and with enough force perhaps even taking the whole arm off, his right foot pressing downwards as he brought the hands to his right side, slashing it at Radioactive's belly, before finally his entire body would spin around one final time, creating a nearly whirlwind-class motion as rubble and lava were sent cascading around his form as he thrust it directly into the Shark Beast's Sternum, watching as his blade was broken into tiny pieces from the resistance it met, until he would attempt to press both palms against Radioactive's torso.


With that final proclamation, a surge of pure force would pass through Radioactive's body. The final bone of Moonie's fingers were all scorched to an intense extent, with the middle finger's parts being lost entirely. However, this wave of force would surge outwards until it hit the barrier, in which case the barrier would suddenly begin cracking all over that point, before shattering as if it had been hit with a shotgun blast, the outside being reshaped into a valley from this physical attack that had been emitted by Moonie's body.

His arms would then retract themselves as he finally changed the 'Gravity' one last time, reversing the backwards-forces from this assault as he reconfigured his body's own weight… sending him flying from Radioactive's body far faster than he could ever go himself. His legs stuck out as he gripped his very toes on the air, bright Blast energy tearing the very particles of air into shreds as he used them as traction, forcing himself to slow down with Friction as he finally gripped both hands down, blood dripping from his fingers as he finally came to a stop, his torso leaning downwards as he looked at Radioactive.

"Voi…" This… was a dangerous voi. It was bestial, and it was an indication of full seriousness. Moonie was, to put it one way, 'in the zone'. As a black tail of Blast energy appeared from his backside, followed by claws made of Blast appearing on both hands, and finally noticeable dog's ears appearing on either side of his head, before finally what appeared to be a beast with Moonie's eyes appeared before Radioactive, a construct of Blast energy that had been created around Moonie's body staring at the Shark.

Moonie's body within the creature was still breathing, still living. However, he was no longer thinking of things as 'thoughts'. He was 'experiencing'. He was in tune with that inner bestial nature to the point where thoughts were no longer necessary; only his actions. How long this state would last was uncertain. The wounds that covered him were slowly healing within that cocoon of Blast energy, new layers of skin being produced over the minor injuries and the bloodflow from his back slowly subsiding. His fingers would take some time to recover, but he felt refreshed. The assault that Radioactive had given him had been exactly what he had wanted; the four holes that still were still throughout his body continued to drip without stopping.


Template By: [THEFROST]

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Sun Jun 14, 2015 7:02 pm

Artist: TNG - Song: Super Saiyan God Broly Theme - Word Count: 2625

A laugh and nod was all that was needed in the eyes of Radioactive when he heard the Moon God speak of letting his fist do the talking. Indeed, this was a battle of spirits, fists and primal fury; there was no need for them to say anymore than what their potential could bring to the table. Therefore, everything became all but a blur -- everything -- except the blazing golden flare which was that of Moonie's soul. For as he saw that alluring glow of power, his own inner instinct wanted to match that intense desire and will. As it is this directive guided him in the hopes of achieving his own goal of awakening that warrior within him. Therefore, more power, further intensity and increased determination was needed to obtain such an objective.

Ergo, Radioactive rushed him at once again with total disregard for the landscape around them. It didn't matter that lightning was pouring down like a rainstorm, nor did it matter that lava was filling the very earth beneath his feet and burning away his clothes. No. Nothing but the utmost of desire to reach his combatant mattered as Radioactive let out a menacing howl of laughter. While his eyes became devoured by golden light, something deeper was coming from within and the feral nature of the beast was bleeding into the atmosphere around them as the sounds of demonic beast roaring rocked the entire continent around them.

From this deep rooted and feral spiritual aura, not a damn thing in the environment seemed to stop this mad man's march to his foe. Mountains of earth crashing down upon him did not impede his march. Nor either could hell storms of lightning and lava cease this stampede. As mother nature herself threw everything she had against Radioactive body -- it simply did not phase him in the slightest. They were deconstructed, eradicated and wiped clear from existence just from how toxic and high his reiatsu was becoming. The blood was jumping and he knew this was the apex point.

In the instant that Radioactive plunged Moonie's own blade into his gut, The Nuclear Giant let out a booming roar of primordial adrenaline as he could feel both the pleasure and pain of inflicting and enduring that agony and ecstasy. So as the sight of blood spilled on to his face, The Hulking Figures aura started to contort further and volts of crimson lightning started to spiral around his body. It was so vicious that just touching it yielded the potential to melt through even some of the toughest hierro known to hollowkind with its presence. So, from this scene, it could be inferred that a powerful force was brewing within the depths of Radiaoctive.

In that space, as he inhaled both his own and his opponents blood, something was beginning to slip within Radioactive. While it is true that the inner shark within himself was awakening and the scent of iron sent his mind into a frenzy, that sight alone isn't what made him so feral and so -- natural. It was the fact that he was able to find an opponent in which he could meet his challenges, rise up to fight him and bring both of their potential out to the forefront in a dynamic clash of primal warriors. Therefore, something within himself was coming to life and he wanted reward his foe for bringing them both to this point in this long and drawn out battle.

Even as the two clashed against each other in a dynamic series of headbutts, the Moon God before him still seemed as determined as ever to meet this daunting challenge which was the depths of The Shark Beasts own strength. That commitment, that courage and that valor required acknowledgement in his point of view. So, as Moonie backed away to further savor the battle, The Hulking Shinigami had other intentions for his fellow partner in battle.

In mid-fight, Radioactive seemed to outright give out as his energy took a sharp decline. The male leaned over and became hunched as his limbs hung freely in the air; while his hair covered his entire face to the point of obscuring its view. Then, despite how loud and furious the sounds of their battlefield were not but a second ago -- it all -- became silent. An eerie silence. It was almost as if time itself stopped and they were in the cold nothingness of space with how dim, quiet and cold it was. This energy, despite it receding, held a commanding and hard grip on the environment.

"At last, Moonie, you've done as I've asked....."

Those words -- that voice -- it wasn't the same. Now, at this point, the tone of Radioactive's voice became distorted, deepened and almost downright demonic with how drastically it changed. Yet, even with all that change, there was still the gruff and Russian accent hiding behind the depths of this new beastly aura. But, even despite this transformed speech, the body of The Shark Beast just wasn't backing up that voice. In fact -- he was an outright shell of his former self in that moment. The body which was Radioactive seemed to be outright anorexic with how much muscle mass was lost. Yet, in spite of that, that same incomprehensible force still grew stronger behind this veil of stillness.

"...I've waited a long time for this moment."

With his eyes closed, The Shark Beast slowly started to rise his body to an upright position. His hands were moved in a way that seemed as if he was giving praise to the son, while his figure started to further contort and shift. Hundreds, if not, thousands of veins started to emerge across the Nuclear Giant's body with violent muscle spasms and twitches. While, from the skin pores of his body, a miasma of blood red and solid black smoke started to ooze from out of his body.

"I will show you my true essence as destiny has rewarded my patience with a worthy foe."

Then, everything became blackened in that moment. The lava faded. The skies faded. Even the very earth around them faded. All that could be seen in this intense darkness were the bodies of both Radioactive and Moonie. Not even The Moon Gods own attacks could otherwise pierce this ungodly aura. For The Shark God himself wanted Moonie's whole and undivided attention for this simple statement.


Akin to the Big Bang, an explosion larger than life itself devoured everything within a two hundred mile radius. The earth, the ice, the sky and everything else in between became consumed within a crimson light that shined brighter than any star, any universe, any supernova that one could imagine. And as this star expanded, the pulsation of its rumbling grip was felt throughout the planet itself. The entire European union could sense the outrageous levels of energy that this transformation was generating.

No. Even further beyond, numerous nations across the entire globe started to notice this foreign signature of power coming to life. As blood red shooting stars streaked across the four corners of the globe, the power that brought The Quincy Race to the brink of annihilation was awakening once more. It was a power that experienced thousands of battles, pitted itself against planet breakers and brought Radioactive himself to near death in his attempts at mastering it throughout his countless centuries of existing.

So as this reflection of his soul spilled out into the world around him, The Shark God let out countless cries of primal fury into the air as he transformed. No matter what assault Moonie sent him, this dense and hellishly powerful cluster of energy would not allow it bypass until this ascension into a higher primal self was completed. Thus, with each and every attack that The Moon God sent, a truly overpowering roar would travel out throughout the entire region of Russia itself. And with every shout, the sounds that Radioactive made would almost sound as if The Devil himself was howling out in rage and pain.

This is because Radioactive's radiation was reaching critical levels on the physical and metaphysical scales. Therefore, it had climbed to a point where it was able to perform Molecular Dissociation. With this in effect, the overkilling volumes of energy associated with Radioactive's Bankai release were able to outright tear away the bonds of Moonie's attacks and cancel them out. While, Moonie himself, would be kept at a strong distance away from Radioactive as his reaitsu forged a dense dome of spiritual power meant to outright swallow and consume all of his remaining physical attacks wholly. To The Moon God? It would be as if he were sticking his hands into the mouth of a shark and the damages from his hits were outright being ingested by this unforeseen creature that was The Shark God's power.

Ergo, with him entrapped within this reddened dome of raw energy and primal fury, the transformation of a lifetime could proceed. First his height started to accelerate to new lengths. No longer would he be seven foot eleven, but instead, a gawking ten feet tall would be his new and improved height within Bankai. Which meant that with this change in body frame would come an equally radical change in weight. Henceforth, not too long after that daunting morph, the new muscles of his ascended form sprang forth to life and he appeared to be a raging red hulk. They were engorged to such extreme levels that one might even consider it absurd that such a form of physical prowess could even exist.

Yet, like a non-stop bullet train , this transformation of legends was still going full burst towards its final destination of absolute primal essence. As he opened his eyes to this burning world filled with molting lava, the fiery gaze of Radioactive's stare was consumed by pure red fire and flames expended from his eyes like an unending streaks of exhaust. The scorching sensations across his body just wouldn't stop as five small spikes engulfed in black flames emerged out of his eyebrows. Then, after that, one foot long and wide spikes developed from out of Radioactive's elbows. While, across his knuckles, these same spikes emerged and became extended claws for him to utilize. And, as if on cue, even the nails across his feet became devoured by these flaring extensions of himself. It wouldn't be too long after all of that when a row of four rods extended from out of right and left side of The Nuclear Beast's backside. This then caused a chain reaction and produced the growth of another grouping of six spikes to prod themselves from out of his wrist for further durability.

With his extra defense equipped, The Shark God bellowed out yet another roar into the heavens as the symbol for nuclear atoms emerged in his eyes with a golden glow. As, at this point, he was a walking atomic bomb. After all, this was the form that was designed solely to genocide entire species of people. So it goes without saying that his eyes would unveil such a symbol for power that was capable of obliterating whole races, civilizations and planets themselves. That is the power of radiation harnessed at its peak.

And so for that reason is why numerous streaks of crimson, black, gold and white energy started to spiral and dash around Radioactive's body. Just what were they? Simple: beta particles. These particles were known electrons released during nuclear fission or radioactive decay. This indicated, to the trained eye, that Radioactive's inner nuclear core was now capable of controlling and harnessing the power of nuclear fission within its depths.

When this extraordinary shift occurred within Radioactive, a pulsation in power gripped the lands around them and Moonie would feel as if there were two Radioactive's standing before him. This was due to the fact that both The Shark Beast and his inner nuclear core merged into one to reach the apex of their power.Because of this, the dimmed orange scales of The Nuclear Giant's body shifted from their dull shade to a bright crimson glow. While the white scales going down from his chin to his hips and palms of his hands turned a hard shade of black.

In pure red flames, the symbol for nuclear power than appeared dead in the center of Radioactive's chest and the transformation was nearing its end with the summoning of this marking. Hence, the blinding red lights that devoured these hundreds of miles of battleground started to dim and the sight of endless streams of lava that scorched area became unveiled. This land had become so contaminated by the unleashing of The Nuclear Beast's Bankai that this scarlet glow of fire could be seen as far as the moon itself.

So, in that moment, even the primal mind of Radioactive understood that this battlefield was becoming far too small to contain such rage. Therefore, he looked to the skies and saw a way out. It the depths of Earths orbit would they continue this clash of legends. Thus, as steam hissed out of Radioactive's skin, The Monster of a Shinigami opened his mouth and let out a battle cry that the whole entirety of Russia could hear; and the entire European Union could feel in shock waves. Flames then erupted out of his mouth like an unending inferno and the power of The Nuclear Beast Bankai was at last at hand.


Those words were stunted and slowed, but the adrenaline was all too fast and real for The Shark Beast to keep up with. For this reason is why he let his instincts take control and utilized his rapid source of energy to dramatically bolster his speed. By converting nuclear energy into physical energy, The Nuclear Mammoth bridged the distance in the blink of an eye at the cost of putting tremendous stress on his muscles and body. Then, in one quick swoop, he aimed to grab Moonie's face with his hand, clench to the point of almost breaking his skull and then taking off like a rocket out of hell towards the skies.


In those booming words, Radioactive intended to inform The Moon God that they were going to take a trip to Earth's Orbit and finish this in the dawning glow of the planets rising sun. But, during this frantic flight, Moonie's own durability would be put to the test. As he plundered into orbit at chaotic speeds, the pressure and friction from this flight could tax The Nature Iramasha's body. And, not only that, but body of Radioactive was generating enough heat from his nuclear power to become two times hotter than the surface of the son; meaning that he could outright melt through Moonie's defenses being in this close of a range to him.

Regardless of whether he grabbed him or not, however, Radioactive intended to let his foe off once they reached high above the pale blue dot of planet earth and finish their scarp where they could not be disturbed by any hindrances. This inevitably left The Moon God in the middle of one of his hardest challenges to date with The Shark God now in his bankai. So the question that laid lingering in the air was this: could he arise to the challenge and meet The Nuclear TItan's expectations? Or would he crumble and fall just like a hurdling piece of space debris back to the grounds of Earth? Only time would tell which outcome would unveil itself in this battle of legends.

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Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:23 pm

If Moonie were aware of political terms, he might have identified this as the calm before the storm. As Radioactive's hair flew back before his gaze, Moonie's own body slowly came to a halt. He could feel it in the air around them; he could feel the sensation of something changing. He himself fell silent as well, as if he were nothing more than an animal who was experiencing the rise of an ancient beast, something more primal than could normally be imagined.

"Voi." Was all that Moonie let out in reply, a bit of awe mixed in with the verification that he had done as asked. He was not letting his guard down, rather, he could feel something deep within him. It was a sensation the likes of which he had only felt once, perhaps twice before; his heart was stilling. It was calming, it was slowing down. He could feel it, that focus that possessed him when he was overtaken by the Captain Võrgukliendid. It was not controlling him or withholding him, rather, it felt more like it was standing next to him.

With the lightning striking the ground around them, Moonie watched the Shark God slowly stand. Lava continued to pour and spit around their bodies in waves, torrents of it beginning to explode and fire into the sky from the ratcheting energy that was still surging from the tension and conflict that had been performed around this battlefield.

"...I've waited a long time for this… Radioactive, THE SHARK GOD!!" Moonie declared after Radioactive stated that he had found a worthy foe. The twitching veins all over his opponents body made Moonie smile, even as the area around them darkened from the mass of precipitant energy built.

And then, like the birth of a new star, it exploded. Energy surged outwards, flowing directly towards Moonie as the Moon Iramasha stood stock still, looking with his eyes wide into the light as it poured around his body, smiling as it ripped and tore at him, completely tearing layers of skin from his body as it broke and crushed his outer defenses.

Within that blinding light, Moonie could… he could 'sense'… something. He could feel Radioactive's 'aura'. The carnage, the battle experience that this aura held… the stories that it could tell… the experiences… It was layered deeper than anything Moonie had experienced before. He could not think of any way to describe it, so he simply let his mouth drop in awe as he smiled sincerely, his flesh continuing to sever around his body from being so close to the point of release. If not for the layering of his own defenses, he would have been killed almost instantly.

He did not attack. After all, to do so would be a discourtesy. Moonie lived by his own code; and while it was a far cry from anything like the Samurai, his Way of the Fist did not allow for one to strike while their foe was transforming. Even if the foe were to attack him while they were performing this transformation, it was Radioactive's power to wield. Moonie would never disarm an opponent. He would never remove their capability to completely display their soul. Even if… that power was strong enough to annihilate him. The shell of energy that approached him saddened the male. He desired to watch, to witness, but he respected this boundary as he rendered his own body weightless, having finally abandoned the several thousands of times he had increased his own weight to remain standing.

His body was thrown back, being sent flying away as his back slammed against the back of the barrier that had been established. This barrier that… was now crumbling into pieces. This situation was quickly becoming something that could be considered a threat for the planet itself. This power… it was similar to the power that Moonie had wielded himself, once upon a time. The power of a killer. The power to destroy, to do nothing but. It was a tool, that was true, and the tool held by Radioactive wished to bathe in the blood of his enemies. Moonie himself had no specific 'use' for the tool of his power, now. His fists were for his use, and his alone. Perhaps a better way to explain it was that his blade was meant to present itself upon finding another, and to sharpen both of them as a result of their brutal conflict.

As Radioactive spoke, Moonie could feel the tremors down to his very core. His eyes gazed outwards, blood continuing to drip around his body as he opened his mouth once more, whole streams of energy that had been displaced and dispersed by Radioactive beginning to flow into it. The very earth around them began to flow into his body in waves, whole miles of ground, flame, air, water, and snow entering deep within his core, before opening his eyes wide as Radioactive appeared in front of him.

Arms crossed before his body, a rapid acceleration of pure energy flowing outwards as the silver energy sparked at the contact with Radioactive's arms, before finally buckling and breaking as Radioactive reached farther, grabbing onto his face as the Moon Iramasha was grabbed and moved upwards.

His hands wrapped around Radioactive's arms, feeling the adrenaline pumping through his body, the pain from gripping his foe, as they were dragged upwards, the sparks of Radioactive's body thrashing and damaging around his form. His eyes were wide as he projected a flash of purple around his body, Gravity changing to divert in every direction around his body as all the wind pressure that would flow into him was forced away, pushing Radioactive's very influence off of his body to Moonie's advantage as the pair took their ascension up into the heavens...

As Radio at last let go of his head, Moonie stood there, looking at his opponent. He looked directly at his opponent, his own face entirely scarred. His mouth, left eye, nose, and most of the flesh of his face had been completely destroyed, patches of his hair lost in the ascension upwards. Only his red-ringed eye gazed out at Radioactive now, a single eye filled with determination and spirit. Blood dripped from every pore of his body, his skin bronzed from the intense heat that had flowed around him, cracked and damaged as if he had leprosy, entire patches of his skin falling off as Moonie gazed up at the sky.

Slowly, he reached his head down, his mouth beginning to open as he brought his head back, looking up into the sky behind him. Before Radioactive's body, a single object was plain to see, here in the Earth's orbit. It was… the Moon. It's progeny was standing before it, the flesh of its face opening as it began to release waves of sound, pure power beginning to pulsate as Moonie's will began to answer Radioactive's.


The single word roared out from Moonie's mouth, as if it were an explosion that was released from pressure. His arms shook, blood beginning to drip from them as Moonie began to reach for his power, his source, that was deep inside. The source that began to shake the air around them, flashes of Purple and Black coursing through the air as a roar like a hound entered in the air around them, as if he were a werewolf calling for the moon. Indeed, Moonie's mouth began to change for a moment, becoming like a muzzle as it extended outwards, power rippling away from his body before its lowly extended back, the skin that remained of his face and his white eye falling away from him.


Upon that word, the muscles around his body firmed. The sikn that was covering him exploded violently outwards, destroying everything in its path as his random pieces launched like cannon balls, creating whole waves of typhoon-class force as he began to emit purple and black energy outwards, creating a shell around his own body as his clothes fell away, all of the color leaving from Moonie's body as the very air around them began to cluster in towards him. This was due to the increase in weight that Moonie was experiencing. He was becoming his own orbit due to the mass density that he was creating. Only Radioactive's size would prevent him from being dragged into that cyclone of hurricane-force winds of destruction.


This final word echoed outwards, as along with Radioactive's power, another flared outwards in the sky above. The very ground below began to shake, whole boulders rising into the atmosphere as all around them a cataclysmic amount of earth began to rotate around Moonie's body, accompanied by lava and heat from the Earth's Mantle. At last, Moonie's spine began to curve back inwards, his eyes slowly emerging once more as the rubble and debris around them began to settle into an orbit, maintained in place from the residual aftershocks of Moonie's release around the localized area. Moonie had to be extremely careful as he released; if he was not careful in the Earth's orbit, he could end up… breaking it.

So, he had to carefully release, mitigating out his power gradually as all over his body, Radioactive could only behold a figure that was black as night. All along Moonie's body and hair, small pinpricks of light emerged, as if they were stars against the night sky. Moonie's right arm slowly raised itself into the air, slowly gathering his control over this power once more, feeling the calm that it brought into his heart.

He was overflowing with Nature Energy. He was the strongest Nature Iramasha, the most powerful for sheer point for point of energy. Around Radioactive and Moonie's bodies, only their sheer weight was preventing them from smashing into one another. At last, Moonie gained control of himself once more, his mouth slowly close as his mouth emerged, his teeth showing as he smiled at the Shark God, the Moon God releasing a noise as he held up his right hand.


With that noise, a torrential amount of energy flowed from his right hand. Blast energy, enough to sunder miles of city into ashes, shot out in an instant. When it reached Radioactive, it would explode, creating a devastating, expanding wave of Blast energy outlined with flames, consuming all of the debris that had collected around them.

Moonie's body would flow right behind it, his hair flying in the wind as he and the Shark God had a moment, a single moment, between the explosion and this strike. In this moment, Radiocative could see it. The emotion that Moonie suppressed. Radioactive was correct. He had found someone that he could choose not to hold back against. To that degree, Moonie entirely agreed. Even against Yoruichi, he knew that the female would not be able to take his strongest attacks, physically. It would also not have done him any good to release this side of him, the one that lusted for blood, for carnage.

This was Mjesec Võrgukliendid, and for the first time in three years, he was going to fight to prove that he was the best. There was no other motivation behind his assault as a cyclone of black energy swarmed around his right fist, crashing it into Radiocative's left pectoral with the force to dislodge a mountain as his left rapidly followed it, Moonie's body leaning forwards as he began to cascade blow after blow, his mouth laughing as he began to release his animalistic nature, that of a beast.


That derisive cackle, that love of battle, escaped Moonie's mouth as his body lunged, grabbing for both of Radioactive's shoulders. Huge cuts slashed down the length of both of his arms as a result of this movement. The force of the two of them approaching like this was alone to tear at a layer of Moonie's defenses, and Radioactive's new presence was cutting clean through. However, Moonie's arms were layered with cluster after cluster of pure Chaos energy, reinforced by the surging layer of Nature Energy that covered his entire body. As he gripped Radioactive's torso, his forehead lunged forwards, gravity around the area surging and shifting as all around Radioactive's body the color became: purple. This gravity was dragging him directly towards Moonie, whose forehead was rapidly approaching him.


With that exclamation, Moonie's forehead would attempt to smash into Radioactive's. If it did, Moonie was crash forwards, releasing his strongest physical move against Radioactive's skull, an attack which would cause tremors of force to the astral body known as the moon that could cause it to fall apart. Moonie was not immune to retaliation, by any means. His own body was thrown back, his hands slamming down against the very air as licks of flame coursed from the air around him, shooting up columns of fire as his feet slammed into the sky behind him, creating a wave of Blast energy that brought him to a stop. His tongue slowly licked out, licking the blood from his forehead from a wound that Moonie was certain would not heal during this fight.

"Cahahaha… THIS SETTING… IT'S… PERFECT…!" Moonie informed Radioactive as he cackled maniacally, looking up into the sky as he held his arms to either side, enjoying the feeling of the moonlight pouring around his body. While it did not grant him strength… it had a much greater psychological effect. It made Moonie feel his own power. It made him aware of what he was holding in his hands, and how he desired to use it. And now… he wanted to defeat the Shark God. He wanted to fight him, to battle until he could no longer draw breath, and then to stand once more, his will power overwhelming with strength… his thoughts gradually returned to the present, a smile forming around his lips as he stared at Radioactive's eyes, seeing the beast there and speaking directly to it as he bared his chest.



Template By: [THEFROST]

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Thu Jun 25, 2015 7:00 pm

Artist: Dope - Song: Bring it on - Word Count: 2019

The vast nothingness of the cosmos around them was an alluring sight. Even in this primal state, there was a certain beauty that the serene nature of space held within its empty glow. All of the dazzling lights of stars long since passed, the over-pulling grip of the sun's radiant shine and the sedative trance of the moon's glimmer proved to be things that could all be considered -- naturally beautiful. So, The Hulking Giant took a moment to appreciate view as it was not one he was accustomed to seeing. As, after all, this was quite the rare occasion to push one of his brawls this far into orbit. However, given the depths of his unstable power, and the strength of Moonie's Primal urge, this was the best decision to make without dragging any unnecessary fighters into their mess.

So, on that note, Radioactive soon focused his energies back on producing oxygen once more. It seemed that even he was surprising himself as there was a sense of wonder that he could sustain his body so far away from Earth. That glorious bastard, KJ Yunashi, must've implemented this feature within his nuclear core. As he seemed to have no problems with breathing in space. And, together with the extreme amounts of heat his body was producing, he also did not require a space suit as the odds of him freezing over were rather low. Thus, environmental factors were of no concern to him at this point.

Ergo, Radioactive could only focus on the transformation that was taking place before his eyes with The Moon God. Despite how harsh the injuries were in him being pushed so hard into orbit, Moonie seemed ready and revering for more action. This pleased the instincts of The Shark Beast as he let out another damning roar into the cosmos. There was something about that signal eye staring at him with the utmost of determination that drove him crazy in that moment. It was as if there was a non-verbal communication for The Berserker to tap further into himself and to keep pitting this primal spirit against his wonderful foe.

Henceforth, The Nuclear Hulk held his ground against the might of The Moon God's transformation in spite of that mental image being burned into his minds eye. He clenched his fist and howled out into the endless and eternal night of space with the utmost of intensity to match Moonie's and surpass it. For, even in this broken state, the intuition of Radioactive could indeed sense the desire to defeat him. And so, for him not to desire the same would be a disservice to his fight. So now, in this moment of spirits ascending, The Shark God was determined not to lose this either and would give him what he had with his gargantuan powers in toe.

As a vortex of violet and shadow energy intermixed into the air, the radiant flare of Radioactive's crimson energy shined even brighter and saw to give the viewing eyes back on Earth a show to see. It was now a hurricane of varying energies from these two legends and it was bound to be a match to remember with how hype these two were becoming. So as the damning grasp of The Nature Iramasha's power sought to obliterate everything, as to did the burning aura of Radioactive's presence yearned to do the same. Which meant they ultimately collided in a collision of utmost primal spirits; the likes of which could be sensed throughout many nations at this point and felt all the way back to the moon itself.

But alas, when the light show ended, and all the spacial debris around them had been eradicated, his new foe awaited him. This brought forth a sense of anticipation within the heart of Radioactive as this was now going to be his chance to test the extents of his Bankai and push his opponent further along in the process. As, if nothing else, he was craving an opponent that could push him to find these depths of his soul. Since, without a worthy challenge, there was no point in even trying to summon up the power to ascend to his full shikai power; yet alone go into the depths of his shikai. So, spiritually and physically, Radioactive was impressed with what he was given and was not disappointed in the slightest. He needed this like a person needed oxygen. It was required to awaken that monster he once was.


For that reason is then why he let out another jovial howl into the universe as he was so very pleased to be able to release this extent of his power without concern or need to hold back. And, it is because of that line of thinking why he embraced the shot of raw energy surging forth from out of the palm of Moonie. It was another chance to test his might and reach further inward with his power. Thus, as his ray of energy shot off with destructive intent, the hulking giant held his ground and punched it clear with his right fist.

In that instant of Radioactive's strike hitting against The Moon God's energized assault, there was a high release of spiritual igniting within that palm of his. Together with the absurd volumes of nuclear energy and physical might, The Shark God was able to overpower it and endure the explosion with his heightened defenses. Of course there was a bit of smoke, scrapes and minor burns, but nothing that was going to stop him. Instead, there just seemed to be a smile as he seemed to enjoy bathing in the flaming aura of Moonie's attacks.

Why was that? Well, his defenses were at their prime in this moment and it made sense as to why he would be able to better endure this attack without critical injury. However, that did not mean he didn't feel pain. In fact, that entire right side of his body could feel a burning sensation crawling up its circuits and fueling his desire to fight even harder. So, he could only let out a series of howls and laughs before continuing on with this fight.

It seemed that The Nature Iramasha's next means of attack was to try and grapple on to his shoulders. Radioactive allowed this and he seemed amused at the extent Moonie went to in order to actually grab on to him. There was blood spewing all out of him, injures galore and a strong sense of determination to leave his mark on The Shark God. So, in order to match his opponent, The Nuclear Giant would let out an ominous chuckle and use each of his hands in order to attempt to crush his foes arms. Together with his piercing claws sinking into his skin, he may very well melt through the defenses of Moonie and reach straight for the flesh and bone.

Of course, this is what The Moon God signed up for and Radioactive was more than happy to oblige with showing him his strength. However, he was curious to see why his body was steadily turning purple. This must've been more gravity nonsense and he was ready to face it headfirst in order to prove his durability to him. Therefore, he let out another booming cackle and welcomed the challenge.

Thus, when he finished his little eclipse, The Nuclear Giant summoned a huge cluster of nuclear and spiritual energy to his own forehead. In this way, he would meet him headfirst as his entire skull erupted with blood red and shadow energies. When this clashing of heads came to pass, those from the Moon could very well feel the vibrations of that clash. And, Radioactive's body certainly felt the impact. In fact, his head started gushing with blood as he started to cackle like a manic.

Yet -- he still wasn't stopping. Yeah, there was certainly damage done from that hit as his energy fluctuated wildly after it, but his tolerance for pain was one that the gods themselves could only wish to attain. As stabbing, crushing and burning sensations erupted within Radioactive's powers; his energy flared like a volcano and rushed to the surface in order to repel Moonie backwards into a hurdling comet with the same amount of force with an extra push of nuclear energy behind it.

He left his mark on The Berserker, but Radioactive wanted more and he howled out into the cosmos once more as he pulled backwards from Moonie. Now that his foe had his turn, it was time for The Shark Giant to dish out something of his own. It was a move that he hadn't used i n quite some time, but still felt he had a knack for. It was one of The Nuclear Beast's few techniques, but he felt that Moonie was a good enough foe in order to unveil it to. So, the sounds of beast howling once again ripped apart the atmosphere and a dense gathering of spiritual pressure slammed into the battlefield like an asteroid setting the earth ablaze.

With his right arm risen in the air, the cackles of Radioactive's laughter continued on before yelling out these words into existence:


In that demented snarl, a colossal explosion of scarlet, amber and black energies assembled above him. In a matter of seconds, there appeared to be an energized shark that took up enough space to fill in an entire mid-sized city. And, from Radiaoctive's reserves of energy, there was a noticeable dip. So it was obvious enough that this attack was going to pack a punch.

By throwing his fist in the direction of Moonie Iramasha, the energized shark understood where it needed to go and hurdled itself towards his path. Should Pride of The Shark hit Moonie? Well, it would hold enough energy in order to decimate a city the size of New York two times over. That is why there was a noticeable dip in Radioactive's energy as he planned to give Moonie something to remember. Ergo, this beast would swoop down in order to consume him and entrap him within an explosion of pure primal fury.

As, once this thing would explode, there would be a sensation of hundreds, if not, millions of punches scattering across the depths of The Moon God's body. This is because whenever Pride of The Shark explodes, it also unleashes the fury of Radioactive and takes his signature punches in order to overwhelm and flatten his opponent on top of the explosion. Henceforth, if Moonie wasn't taken down by the explosion, he'd certainly feel the extent of hundreds of thousands of punches from Radioactive.

However, Radioactive wasn't one to just remain idle while all of this was going on. With the smell of blood filling his nostrils, he'd leap into action with his energized shark and seek to sink in his fangs deep into Moonie's chest. He wanted to outright TASTE his primal nature and use it to feed; ripping off chunks of flesh and bone wherever possible to help feed this innate hunger within himself. And, while clinging to Moonie, Radioactive could very well begin to start unleashing a series of punches across The Nature Iramasha's face in order to further cement him into the cosmic asteroid beneath them.

And, along with this, he'd even move his tail behind Moonie in order to strangle him with its spiked grip and bleed the very life out of them with its razor sharp grip. Altogether, he'd then unleash a fury of nuclear powered spikes from his body and seek to add on to this explosion and take The Moon God for one hell of a ride. As now Radioactive was fighting like a beast and he was ready to deliver one hell of a fight that The Moon God would never forget.

In fact -- he wanted to outright savor this shit. So this brawl could on for eternity as far as Radioactive was concerned at this point.

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[CLASH OF LEGENDS] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue20650/20000[CLASH OF LEGENDS] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)


Sun Sep 20, 2015 7:42 pm

They were in space.

Orbital influences coasted around them, and in the emptiness of the void Moonie could only feel pure happiness. This happiness coursed through his veins, down to his very soul. What else could be said? They were within his element. They were within the vast depths of space itself. The moon in the distance seemed closer than it ever could on earth, and it was bathing the Moon God in its rays.

Radioactive's roars were a divine symphony, causing Moonie's willpower to fight, to live, to cascade outwards. The amount of energy that they were outputting was enough to be seen from the ground below, two great powers of shadows and crimson flooding into and crashing against one another.

Moonie's mouth slowly let one corner turn into a smile as he watched the Shark God punch his attack, causing it to flare outwards as it violently exploded around Radioactive's body. After that brutal assault, Moonie ended up before his opponent, feeling the Shark God's hands laying down on his arms and attempting to crush them. Moonie would not simply sit back and wait for his arms to turn into nothingness, meeting Radioactive's chuckle with a smirk as he flared pure Blast through each of his arms, cracks appearing through the substance directly into his skin but keeping his grip on the whole, even as he felt the searing pain flowing into either one of his forearms.

Moonie's head crashed forwards with all of his might, like a meteorite smashing down into a mountain that was erupting as Radioactive met him blow for blow. The resulting impact knocked Moonie's body back even as he increased his weight to maximum, the right top side of his head blown into nothingness as a bucket of blood shot out of it into space, his body slamming back into the comet that was streaking behind him… Voi.

Moonie's right hand pressed into the stone, Gravity spreading over the comet's length as he crushed it with one hand, shattering it into nothingness as Moonie looked Radioactive right in the eyes. Even as the giant created out of energy began to emerge around Radioactive's body, Moonie's gaze did not falter. As that punch was shot forwards, Moonie's body began to dense itself instinctively. Throwing his hands out to either side, the comet that had been destroyed flowed towards him, guided by his Gravity directly onto both of his arms. Crushing down exponentially, the entirety of the comet had been converted into the size of two baseball bats around his arms. Then, another ray of Gravity shot out of his arms as he roared, releasing his full power outwards as the amount of pure energy that his body began to release created a gigantic tail that extended from his backside, sliding downwards as the comet around his arms began to change, chips flying outwards like bullets that flew towards the Pride of the Shark as Moonie's mouth opened up, his teeth completely purple as he leapt outwards at the oncoming attack.


With that climactic roar, Moonie's arms and mouth flew forwards, slamming into the oncoming attack as the coverings around his arms were decimated into absolutely nothing, completely obliterated as they revealed claws, purple in color, that were digging into the shark. Purple energy had flowed around its body, spreading around in every direction as Moonie's teeth exploded in response to the beast before him. All around his body, a cloak of black energy, which proceeded to erupt into flames, emerged. This cloak met the explosive impact, Moonie's body shaking and quivering as more blood flew out of the wound from his head, his clothes becoming absolutely decimated as he took the impact of the explosion, his mouth wide as he released a constant wave of pure Blast outwards, smashing into the oncoming wave of pure decimation.

The visual effect of what Moonie was performing would look like the shark exploding outwards but being blocked by some kind of wall. The wall, however, was shaking, and Moonie soon went temporarily deaf from the sheer intensity of the attack. His arms that were releasing such massive amounts of power were beginning to twitch, and as the blast finally began to subside, they were unprepared for the after effects of this particular blow.

The punches that erupted outwards were met with Moonie's very torso, as the male stood there and took each and every one of them, great cascades of pure damage smashing into his body as his mouth was open wide, teeth flying out of it as bruises appeared all over his body, his arms breaking apart as they had turned into stone from using up all of the nature energy that they had contained up to his elbows, his toes breaking and shattering as the very outside form of his Chaos Energy shell was crushed.

Finally, Moonie's body would still be standing, having taken each and every one of the blows with the absolute maximum of its endurance, his arms that were half of their former size hanging limply on either side, his feet and legs mangled, his face unrecognizable from its original state. That was the form that Radioactive jumped on, and as he did so…

He would see a black energy forming within Moonie's now toothless mouth.

"...MOON GOD'S ROAR!!!!!!"

With an explosive roar that shattered the comets that were hurdling around their bodies from the sheer intensity of the waves it emitted, Moonie released a wave of pure energy directly into Radioactive's torso. His eyes could now be seen, even through the crumpled outline of his beaten face. They were bright white, the symbol of his power being used at its greatest extent. If Radioactive was still delivering punches across Moonie's face, then the Moon God would take them, increasing the intensity of the blast, trying to blow Radioactive's body off of his own.

The tail that was wrapping around his body caught him by surprise, finally cutting off the blast as his mouth opened wide, another savage roar surging outwards as he bit down into its flesh, his mouth becoming filled with the taste of blood as the release outwards of force would shatter even the pieces of the comets that had already been demolished.

At last, Moonie's body fell back, his right arm almost fully formed down to his palm, though no other part of his body had begun to heal as Radioactive released his surge of nuclear spikes. He was totally silent now, his focus entirely on the situation before him, entirely deaf and mostly blind. For Moonie… neither of those things were a handicap. All around his body, he could feel them. He could feel the approaching spikes. In the Moonlight, his body could feel the lunar presence, and feel where it was being disturbed. Without taking a breath, his body surged forwards, the arm crossing across his torso as he then threw it outwards, smashing into the spike as he reduced his weight to next to nothing, throwing him flying as the spike was obliterated, his mouth opening as he released a shout of pure force, his fist smashing down as he crushed a second one, his middle knuckle crumbling from the sheer amount of force being generated as Moonie's body ricochet'd again, this time gaining pure distance as the spikes launched towards him.

Then, his body stopped, his feet stepping down simply as he held his right arm outwards.


With that declaration, his arm twisted, his elbow flashing out as he decimated a third spike, his body pivoting hard on his right foot as he entered into a deadly dance. His left elbow shot outwards, crushing a fourth and obliterating it , before he brought up his right knee, his left leg tilting him back as his fingers closed above his palm, forming a jaw-destroying posture as he threw his torso forwards, crushing a fifth as he changed his gravity, changing his posture directly as he rotated backwards, his right foot pressing into the ground as his left shot upwards, hitting a sixth off course, his body rotating sideways as his right elbow smashed into a seventh, and his mouth opened wide as he looked right down at the eighth.


With that declaration, a tornado made out of Blast energy and flame poured outwards, smashing into the eighth and ninth as the entirety of the blast decimated them, coursing directly towards Radioactive's body and attempting to absolutely blow him away as Moonie's feet crashed into the ground below him, throwing him forwards as his right eye began to reform, his left arm coming back as in the end, he had experienced a dip in his power just as Radio had, losing the Nature Energy that had been preserved in those parts of his arms that had been lain to waste.

Now, Moonie had reached Radioactive's body once more, his left arm flowing forwards in a fist as his entire body suddenly changed directions, flowing to the left as he threw his right fist forwards, the knuckle-less arm attempting to slam directly into the Shark God's mug and knock him squarely off of his block as Moonie's body kept moving, his body flipping itself around as he slid downwards, bringing his right leg back as he threw it outwards into the back of Radioactive's legs, attempting to throw them out from behind, Moonie's head now at the position of Radioactive's legs as he grabbed the Shark God's legs, changing his bodily weight immensely, granting himself over three hundred thousand times his normal weight as every muscle in his body shuddered, his Nature Energy going at full blast as he rotated himself, releasing Radioactive's form as he attempted to judo flip his opponent downwards at a terrific amount of speed. Could even the Shark God deny gravity to this extent?

Meanwhile, the Moon God had reduced his own gravity once more, his hands reaching down to either side as two handles appeared within them, drawing the blades outwards as Mun and nuM, fully forged, entered the fray. Holding the blades out to either side, his back also began to change. Spreading outwards was a great vortex of pure Blast energy, flooding the space around them as the Moon God's Prayer emerged at his backside… and then lit into flames, condensing itself as Moonie pushed his blades backwards, pressing them into the condensed Prayer as the great boulders that he had used for thousands of years began to change…

After a moment, a single handle emerged from where two had gone within the strange forge that Moonie had created. The Forge itself flowed into the object that was emerging, producing a great amount of light like a star in the sky as Moonie's hands gripped around it. Pulling it out, a blade that exuded pure flaming Blast had been created, a single claymore… with an actual blade on both ends.

Bringing that weapon upwards, Moonie then slashed downwards, looking directly at Radioactive as he released the energy that had been stored up within its length. Tearing outwards, the energy that had been torn extended the length of their battlefield, the Blast energy destroying everything in its path as the meters wide slash poured outwards towards Radioactive's body. The amount of released energy was so great that even Moonie's eyes were left wide at the power that he had released… for on the edge of those flames, a strange green had emerged…

The green of devastation.

Around the edge of the rend, the very particles of air were being destroyed, ripped off into nothingness as this colossal presence poured downwards onto Radioactive's body, crashing directly into him as Moonie held the blade outwards, a great surge of energy returning to him as he linked up with the attack he had produced, his eyes flaring white as the Moon God released another gigantic wave of pure energy downwards, fueling the attack with even greater force as it tried to split Radioactive's body and crush it to dust.

At last, Moonie would release the attack, holding the blade with both hands as he brought it backwards, holding out his left arm as the gauntlet which he had always held there, the only piece of clothing that had escaped near obliteration, waited. Pressing the blade forwards, he slotted it into the holster, his arm slowly lowering as it extended outwards over the top of his arm, the Moon God's eyes looking outwards as he opened his mouth.

The comets that had been obliterated in every direction began to flow towards him, and among one of them was one which had been spawned from the Moon itself. As a result, Moonie felt a small surge of power, flowing through his body as a small amount of what he had lost was returned to him, refreshing him as his mouth opened once more, pointing his left arm with the blade downwards directly at Radiocative, standing on his two feet even with his body still greatly mangled in several places.



Template By: [THEFROST]

The Barracks!


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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