Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet  Skies [Black World Arc] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet  Skies [Black World Arc] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet  Skies [Black World Arc] Empty The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet Skies [Black World Arc]

Tue May 19, 2015 3:19 pm

Artist: Exilia - Song: Nobody - Word Count: 1065

This day was filled with many shifts in consciousness, changes in character and alterations made to countless lives. The Refllective Eclipse was in full swing and the Inverse Realm were doing their damndest to otherwise suck-in victims into its shadowy grasp. As such, for The Realm of The Hollows, this force sought to taint the minds of one of its strongest defends: Rose Mischevang.

Spiraling forth out of a cloud of darkness, the body of the Primera Espada was flung into the blackened sands of the Inverse Hueco Mundo like a rancid piece of meat. Curled up in a ball, a trail of blackness followed her path and the Mischevang started shivering with a wicked fright. Body sweating, heart racing, vision blurring; the claws of something fierce was tearing into her mind. Ripping apart her senses, tearing asunder the walls of logic and breaking down the shields of restraint; the intentions of the hurt and sorrow that the Royal Miscehvang held within would not be contained anymore.

No more would the stress of maintaining this kingdom the Mischevang maintained be sealed away. No more would the anguish of her sister choosing outsiders over her own family be suppressed. No more would the terror and fear of just existing be enclosed within! No, no, NO! The Kora A'ina of Yang's influence seeped into the body and mind of The Primera and turned this pressure into fury, power and unbreakable conviction.

Thus, in screams of rage and pain, Rose started feeling the tendrils of this beast seep into her soul and morph her very spirit into the ugliest desires that were locked within her heart. It caused The Primera to spike back up to an upright position, as there was a strong urgency to get back on her feet. Following this, a rush of power surged within and she began hovering in the air and yelling bloody murder as a blackened aura erupted around her body like a raging fire. Tightening her fist to the point of drawing blood, these negative pulsations of the mind were akin to daggers piercing the flesh, striking the heart and repeating this same hurt and agony over and over again until it turned into an endless succession of torture and misery.

As the minutes passed, the space around The Lone Mischevang started to become tainted in a red glow. While the sands beneath her feet grew coal in color, the skies above the Primera bled into a sea of crimson hues and shadow clouds. It spread for dozens of miles on end as the pull of Rose's infected energy spread further and caused her power to react violently. Cracks were ripped apart in the earth, plums of red lava shot out of the ground and claps of white lightning screeched and roared in the heavens ahead.

This all represented the burning inferno of conflicting feelings taking place within the Primera's inner world. The constant battle between choosing herself or her family's sake played out; while the urge to kill her sister or let her remain breathing intermixed and the thoughts of hiding away from this world and sealing herself into the digital realm once more came rushing to the surface and turned into a hurricane of doubt, fear and anger. Her vision was becoming reddened, the sights of this world were becoming distorted and the eyes of the The Mischevang became engulfed within scarlet flare of light; giving the illusion that nothing but bloodied, red rage lay behind those eyes of hers.

And -- that extreme temper came to a threshold as her rabid thoughts pointed her towards a goal: kill Ashlei. Yes. Stretching back as far as the day where they were just children, she had always been the pin-pointing source of misfortune in her life. Ranging from the plagues that torched her family's life, to the sickness that tore apart their very village and ended her human life and sanity; everything hurled and accelerated whenever the scent of Ashlei was thrown into the mix. It was why she was this monster she was today -- because of Ashlei's miserable influence on the world. Well -- no more. She'd see to it that The Queen of Hollow's would be dealt with.

Thus, the transform eased and her heart settled with this vengeful goal now being the fuel to sedate these chaotic and unstable feelings. It caused her to let out a wicked chuckle, before grabbing her chest and letting a fluctuation of energy rip apart the lands in the gust of a damning surge of wind. There was plan forming into that demented head of hers and she was going to utilize the resources of Shadow Fall to make it happen.

With a few transmissions from her cybernetic mind into The Demi Network, The Mischevang sent the coordinates of her location into their defensive systems and had a red vortex open up wherever the detection of The Hollow Queen's energy could be felt by this grid of technology and supernatural wonder. But, with it came a message from one of her holograms in the shape of a man with a black robe across his body that hid the male's face:

"Miss Ashlei Mischevang, your sister request that you attend the events in The Inverse Hueco Mundo. She has ran into a complication and requires your assistance post-haste. Here, follow me into the portal."

The voice was dull, dry and monotone. He got to the point of why he was there quickly and showed Ashlei the gateway towards the location where her sister would be awaiting. Hopefully, she would take the invite and pay little Rose -- a visit.

Meanwhile, The Lone Mischevang started to relish in these thoughts of homidce, destruction and vengeance. Upon waiting for her sisters arrival, The Primera had already butchered and slaughtered countless Arrancar, Hollow, Demon and Human alike whom were pulled into the Inverse Realm around her. Numerous bodies piled up until there was nothing but blood covering the pale white dress that The Regale Hollow adorned. As a strong gust of wind blew over once more, the unkempt pink hair of the Mischevang blew in the breeze and she let out an ominous chuckle. This wouldn't be enough to satisfy her blood lust, fury and rage. Not even close. She needed her to arrive and she needed her NOW.

The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet  Skies [Black World Arc] WVMWLOu
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Joined : 2010-06-03
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The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet  Skies [Black World Arc] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet  Skies [Black World Arc] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet  Skies [Black World Arc] Empty Re: The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet Skies [Black World Arc]

Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:54 am
[adm]Since Chaozi isn't active, I'm going to go ahead and lock out this thread. It can be assumed that Rose regained her conscious mind through willpower and escaped back to Hueco Mundo.[/adm]

The Tale Of The Blood Sisters: The Mischevang Unite Under Scarlet  Skies [Black World Arc] WVMWLOu
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