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Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] Empty Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread]

Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:01 am


9/30/2415, 4:30 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 4:50 PM in Fjarðabyggð, Iceland. The temperature is currently forty five degrees, it is beginning to rain, the skies are turning scarlet and a crimson dome is covering the city of Fjarðabyggð itself to prevent Vanguard operatives from breaking in. Their objective is to get pass the line of tens of thousands of Shadow Fall Troops that are now guarding the borders starting through a wide field of grass, dirt and rock. And, for antags, their goal is to otherwise prevent them from breaking through this line. The thread will start in the mountains of Fjarðabyggð.

Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] WVMWLOu

Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] Empty Re: Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread]

Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:58 am
Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] SVBPQb7

It called.

Yukiko's eyes were closed, as she let out a deep breath. Today was the day she was going to return. And come hell or high water, she would not surrender. Her heart thundered, the feeling in her chest tight. She couldn't help but feel anxious and excited. Not that it soothed her intellectual boredom, of course, but for once she felt thrilled and alive. Perhaps it was the possibility of enemies, perhaps it was merely the fact that she was here, about to step into the light once more. This, this would be a true test. Her return was not with greater, but weaker strength. And that was fine. Because now she knew more - more then she previously had. And that meant that her style of fighting had changed.

Learning from scratch didn't make one more powerful.

But here she was, the air before not mind numingly cold. Not yet anyways. She could feel it. There were people - bodies in the fields and the dirt before the actual city. Troops moving, united on their will to keep the intruders out. Her mind was looking, sensing through the crystals. And with a final breath, she opened her eyes. The shade of ice stared back out, and with a hand, she moved the crystals. The broadcast - the ability to use Garganta as a observing method - was to her alone. She shut it off, because now was no longer the time to watch - but rather, the time to take action. Pulling away from the crystals, she cast another Garganta. This time however, it would lead her to the area.

The beautiful crystals glimmered in the light.

Her steps were still a distance from the city - in fact it was nearer the border. The closest she could get without revealing her presence to the troops, but still remain near the action. Once more, she opened the broadcast, letting the crystal in her hand be the relay. Her stance seemed relaxed, but rather she was forcing it to be so. She was ready, waiting for someone or something to approach her - friend, foe, or even someone to merely pass the time. Whatever it would be, or what it would become, it was merely the prologue.

For a moment, she toyed with the idea to reveal herself.

However, she was not quite ready - not just yet. She wanted there to be a battle, something she could sink her teeth into, and push forward into. To show her worth in the chilling grip of victory. In fact, she could not think of any other way of coming back to Shadowfall, and for a moment, a smile fluttered onto her face. Of course however, that would mean that someone would have to approach. Hopefully, the long missed arrancar would get an oponent neither below or above her caliber, and thus could enjoy something more then just escaping or shallow beatings.

She longed for the real taste of combat, and thus, she would wait.

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Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] Empty Re: Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread]

Sun Nov 08, 2015 6:51 pm
Shestiva had been sitting from a far for a while now. Her wave of hollows in the distance sat underneath her as she rested on a medium sized hollow watching over the battle space waiting for a change in the situation below. Before she could think about what she would do she got her change in the form a giant garganta that opened a great distance away. She had barely noticed it but the hollow she rode atop looked in the direction causing her to avert her eyes. She continued to stare in that direction as she thought about what to do. She could approach the estimated landing spot of the target, but what if they were on her side, then she'd be getting off on the wrong foot, after all she really only aimed to join Shadowfall herself through this battle and it'd be a bad idea to attack a member most likely.

The sky began to reform as quickly as it opened as if it had never been ripped open. Shestiva watched for a moment longer then looked back at the bottom of the large hill where a dome sat atop a city surrounded by soliders of an unknown origin. The only thing keeping them safe was the fact again that she didn't know if they belonged to shadowfall. She decided the best idea for her would be to send a pulse of energy towards the person that caused rip in the sky. She would also send a few winged hollows to fly in their direction and scout out to see what caused the garganta. She couldn't help but be curious as to what was waiting only a few moments from her.

The night was still silent minus the whitsle of the wind that blew through the grass below. Shestiva would wait for the response.
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Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] Empty Re: Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread]

Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:29 pm
[adm]Since there has been no response from a protag, I'm going to give them three days to respond after this post is up. If no one joins? Then it will be up to Aiv and SIjel to close out the thread and claim it for SF and this may be considered one of their strongholds. [/adm]

Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] WVMWLOu
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Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] Empty Re: Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread]

Wed Nov 18, 2015 1:32 pm

The Hero Arrives!

Click above for music.

"Lo, and behold…"

A voice let out, a beautiful voice, a voice that had been designed for singing. However, in this world, singing was not as highly valued as something else was. Indeed, in a world of war, the voice of a man was often roaring and shouting, not delivering subtle chords, beautiful lyrics, and crying with a brave soul.

However, one of those three had a component still useful in this world.

The male in the small officer's uniform trailed behind him, the advance wave of hollows he had met being left unconscious in his wake. Interestingly enough, not a single one of them had been killed, or exorcised. They had simply been… knocked out. A very unusual state for a horde of hollows, to be sure.

Finally coming to a stop, he opened his mouth again. "Aah…" A single note passed outwards, before his hands slowly formed a pose. He had been observing the formations of the various hollows, his eyes scouting out each encampment as a gust of cool air whipped at his golden hair. In his hands, a guitar had emerged, and he plucked a few notes, the guitar's strap racing around the back of his neck.

"Ah, yes, hello." Len Washi spoke, as within him the spirit known as The Voice amplified his voice several hundred times, ensuring everyone in the area could plainly hear him. "Testing, testing, one two three… This is Moryukuna 'Len'. I'm Second in Command of the Hound Dogs! Let's give it up for the Yayjuu!" He proclaimed, letting out another rift on the guitar, his hands flowing up the chords before slowly coming to a stop, hearing the 'roar' of the crowd. Well, it was a genuine roar, as the hordes of them approached him.

"Woah, woah… come on, troops, let's be honest here! I know you all want a piece of this, but I would prefer that you at least take me out to dinner first. Though I'm afraid none of you are my type, and I'm not interested anyway! What I am on the hunt for, however, are your bosses." He told the group as he released his hands from the guitar, a smile on his face as he leaped off the ground, grabbing onto the side of a building before bounding off again, spinning in the air as he landed on the roof of another.

"So if you're looking for a good time, then look no further than this concert. LET'S ROCK!"

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] Empty Re: Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread]

Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:57 am
Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] SVBPQb7

if you have any problems or anything, feel free to tell me! this is gonna be fun ;D

However, she should have known.

Things almost never go exactly to plan.

The first thing she noticed, was a pulse of energy. Of course, anyone worth their salt understood that Arrancar had perquisa - a heightened sensing ability - and thus would easily pick up on such a pulse. So unless that was their intention - and she reserved judgement on that - it would have put them into danger. Therefore, it was worth investigating, as the arrancar let out a breath, and closed her eyes. Should she engage more crystals? Perhaps she should, the woman debating on this for a few moments. And then, with a soft touch, crystals floated from her hand, and flew across the sky, catching a glint of the sun at times, but mostly clear.

There, now she could hold a gaze above the battlefield.

But now, she had to deal with the presence. With a push, she was already moving towards it, when something else happened. A voice seemed to speak along the area, as the dual haired being landed near a small company of hollows. To be fair, the voice was easily found as a blonde male, in the other direction then where she was headed. But that meant that someone was going to attempt to lay siege to the city, for a single moment, she couldn't help but want to grin. However, she had to take care of the presence here first - as her gaze landed on something above. Rather, the child like figure sitting on a hollow before her.

''Well, well. Probably doing like me and joining Shadowfall. If you're not, get out. Either case, I think we have a little problem to solve.'' she said.

Her tone was blank, but her words were almost dismissive. In fact, she didn't expect an answer from the girl, as she was already moving towards the area she knew the boy resided. To Yukiko, her curiosity was absolved when she had met the other arrancar. Now, she had something else to do - using her crystals as reference, she wound up exactly where she wanted - and that was taking care of the threat. Yukiko arrived, only to see the majority of the swarm knocked out. Strange, she thought as her face remained blank for a moment.

It was time.

With a slow step forward, she snapped her fingers to draw attention to her. ''Why he- holy shit. I know you. You're that kid at school - the one with the cat. What was it? Lin? Rin? Ren?'' she said, before she snapped her fingers. ''Len! Although that doesn't really matter if you're beating up hollows right now does it. But I herd you wanted some bosses? Luckily - or unluckily - I need a ticket back into Shadowfall. So indulge me won't you?'' she said, flashing a shit eating grin at him. Right, where was that cat anyways? Yukiko had seen the boy - in passing mind you - but it was obvious he doted on the cat like nothing else. Maybe she could use that to her advantage? Well, whatever it was, she was itching for the fight.

Of course, she wasn't honorable per say, but she didn't want to come back due to a brawl. No, she wanted a fight where she pulled out most of the stops, and she ached to do so, her fingers twitching. And he felt like a worthy opponent - bonus points for being from the same school, although she doubted he'd recognize her, what with her boobs and her long hair. Ah, the days of being a reverse trap - but there, she was getting distracted again - were pretty fun. The arrancar waited, the excitement tingling up her spine.

This was going to be great.

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Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] Empty Re: Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread]

Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:48 pm
Shestiva was approached by a very....odd woman. She asked if she was trying to join shadow fall like herself and shestiva kept silent. She hadn't even yet acknowledged her presence, but if she wanted to she couldn't due to the girl vanishing before she could say anything. Both the females were focused on the booming voice that came from around the city. Shestiva would casually carry herself off of the hollow she stood on and began to head towards the target area. She let out a pulse of energy specifically towards the hollows commanding them to attack the man that was screaming and releasing horrid music into the air.

The hollows responded with a series of roars and they began to charge the man know Moryukuna len. Shestiva was grabbed by one of the hollows and with all it's might it tossed her towards where the man could be located.
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Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] Empty Re: Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread]

Fri Nov 20, 2015 9:09 am

The Hero Laments...

Click above for music.

The blonde haired male's attention was drawn, for better or worse. His eyes looked over, blinking at the woman with two different colors of hair. "….Len. Len. Len." He told her, three different times at the end of each guess, though she seemed to not get his message before finally saying it properly. "And you're right. Whatever you knew about me back at school doesn't matter if you're supporting these things." He told her in response, Len's smile slowly vanishing as she gave him the reason she would fight. That is… not good.

However, the fact that she knew about Sassy was still lingering in the back of his mind. Len had left his kitten at home; after all, Iceland could get extremely cold. Cold was one of those things which Sassy did not like. That was why he had asked for the Yuudeshi household to look after her while he was gone.

Of course, Len had no idea who this girl was.

When he had gone to school at Karakura High, he had mostly been a loner (or punk, depending on how you looked at it). He had had a bad reputation for getting into fights with other students, although he was never punished for it as he never fought out of being mad about something that happened to him. No… each and every time he got into a fight, it was because of some injustice that he had witnessed. Being a loner, he tended to witness quite a lot. Most of that stopped when he had gotten his 'cat', though then he had had to deal with the various antics and shenanigans that she got up to.

Thinking about his days at school… it filled Len's heart as he looked at the woman before him. Evil. That was the one descriptive word that came to his mind, judging her as such in his mind as the guitar slowly faded away from his hands, revealing a blade sheathe from within it. Reaching for the hilt, he looked at the approaching hollows, his eyes slowly widening as a golden light slowly began to emit from his right eye as he drew out the blade.

"So you aren't even going to fight me yourself?" He asked the woman commanding the hollows, before his feet began to smash against the ground. An impressive display of speed, three times that of a normal person with his level of power, was released, his body flying towards the hollows as he assumed his stance. Flashing the blade outwards, he smashed its reverse edge into the back of one, leaping into the air and running up the arm of a second, before reaching its shoulder as he smashed the blade's length into the hollow, completely destroying its arm with raw power.

Another hollow came up from behind him, faster than the rest as it shot its arm outwards. Len's body leaped in the air, twisting and curving as he felt it brush against his thigh, making him grit his teeth in pain as he felt three times the normal amount of pain. Flipping his body around, he brought his reversed blade downwards, smashing the blunt side so hard into the hollow's head that its body smashed forcibly into the ground, its trade off for speed having reduced its defenses and resulting in Len being able to crush it.

Raising his body up, he slowly pointed his sword outwards, aiming it directly at the woman who was releasing those pulses of energy, a small smile on his face. I know you're making them attack me! The thought ripped through his mind as his mouth opened, a roar of rage leaving his voice as his mouth spoke, as one of Key's emotional abilities activated, crushing the hollow's around Len's body as if he had a spiritual pressure from the sound of his voice.

On the tip of his fingers, a yellow flame began to emerge as Key's energy poured into the blade, amplifying Len's own as out of the blade's tip fired a cero-esque laser, flashing out at the woman before violently exploding on the hollow she was riding, likely consuming her in the blast. Len's eyes then slowly turned around to the other woman, gripping his blade with both hands as he flipped it around, showing the sharp side.

"I'll kill you if I have to. This is your one choice to leave from my sight, and take your forces with you." While Len did not inherently want to fight, he knew that he may have no other choice but to do so. If I could avoid that… then… I would be glad… But… I probably won't be able to. He thought to himself, his eyes gently darkening as the hollows began to get back up around him, his golden bangs falling down over his eyes as he reached both hands outwards, grabbing onto the length of his word before releasing a pulse of pure energy.

This energy wave shot out from his feet, knocking away everything in a ten feet radius around him, blowing them away from his body. He did not fill the radius with energy, but rather created an outer shell that knocked them away. This would leave Len facing the woman before him, and whether or not she would continue her attack was entirely up to her...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha

Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] Empty Re: Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread]

Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:26 am
Brawl For Fjarðabyggð [Iceland Conflict Event Series Thread] SVBPQb7

@jj @sijel
Hopefully, everything is fine, but I assumed that the barrier used was one that didn't prevent environmental things like rain. Let me know if it does. I also brought back the fack that yes, it rains, and we kinda forgot oups.

tl;dr - Yukiko basically stands there, and as Shestiva was bullet ejected towards Len when he sploded her ride, Yukiko just water bubbled her to safety, and gives Len the right of first turn.

Should she?

Several cases of her life had started with that. Should she antagonize that other student? Should she go to where her instincts were driving her at? Should she push herself to relearn, rather then just forcefully use what she could before? So many questions - and so many events that changed her life. Yukiko was not stupid - she was quite aware that most likely, this kid wouldn't remember her. Even as she just glossed over his corrections until she came to her answer herself, ignoring them in favour for her own accomplishment. But he was strong - stronger then back then, that's for sure. Her thoughts wrapped up inside of each other, but her entire body knew one thing. This was another of those moments, and her life would change.

Should she go all out?

The urge to prove herself, the need to battle something other then the simulations she controlled - it sung through her blood. The fight with that pathetic AI had only whetted her appetite for something worthy. She could almost feel the siren like call in her veins, she could almost see the blood that could splash across the specs of water, and then the surprise on the face of the poor kid. Oh no, she wouldn't kill him. He was too interesting for that. In fact, she would rather beat him, shatter his pride and conviction, and send him away. After all, even if he did defeat her - which, she would not believe in for the matter of keeping herself confident - there was an army of troops further ahead. And by that, she meant she a literal army.

The rain started to fall, small drops slowly picking up in tempo now.

She had arrived her as it had begun to rain, and that the sun would slowly set. She was at a prime opportunity for herself, and nobody could take that from her - and not even to mention the sea that lay just a little bit over there. She had picked her area well, as everything was to her advantage. And the boy's words - if anything, she started to laugh. ''Oh, I forgot how much you were amusing! I've always supported the aims of Shadowfall, but tell me, little man, have you walked amongst them?'' she said, before shaking her head. ''Ah but those are -'' she had begun, only for the roar of hollows to interrupt her.

The dual haired woman let out a sigh.

Honestly, that child had no sense of preservation. The arrancar toyed with the idea to let her die, but even as the hollows listened and came under her, Yukiko had an idea. That could be very, very useful to the organization, if played right. Although at this point, she was mostly sensing the movements, before they showed up on the sight radar. The hollows seemed to swarm the male, but she knew that he would be able to handle them easily. Her goal, was the rapidly speeding bullet that was the arrancar. The male seemed to react in different ways - and that roar crushed many of the resistance of the hollows.

But Yukiko was already working on her own plan.

Her fingers flicked through the air, and in a snap moment, all of the water around the arrancar child seemed to still, before suddenly surging, and wrapping it in a bubble. The blast that took out her mount was troublesome, but with another flick, her fingers placed the arrancar child at her side, the bubble slipping off. The male seemed determined, as he let out a sort of push that forced everything but the two of them out, as Yukiko smiled. Turning her head slightly to the smaller arrancar, her voice came out sharp. ''If you want to live, I suggest you step out.''

Her body turned towards the male, as she let out a small laugh. ''Kill me? I doubt it. Honestly, do you assume me as what, evil? Probably, if you have such a limited world view... then whatever I have to say won't matter. In any case, you want to assault the city, and I can't let you do that - I can't let you put innocents at risk. So let's end this here, won't we?'' she said, before she smirked. Curiously the rain didn't seem to stop coming through the barrier, and that was probably a mistake. The woman however, was patient, as she waited for the child arrancar to step away, and for them to actually begin the fight.

She'd only seen a few touches of his power, and perhaps placing herself as the defensive party was not the most sound of ideas, as most would say. But to Yukiko, she knew that she had to wait - to wait and see how things would develop. Because she was not a melee combatant, although he couldn't know that. She had the advantage too, because if she drew him to the sea, then he would be devoured whole. But for now, she had to content herself with what she had, and see just where she could push his buttons - because the more she pushed, the more power she had in this fight.

And that was what would win her the victory.

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Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:02 am
As she watched calmly the beam surge towards her Shestiva began to harmonize her body with it's energy and would attempt to phase through it. However as she closed in on the attack she was swallowed up by water and appeared next to the woman with an eyepatch that had said something to he earlier. She now told Shestiva to leave as it would get dangerous. Shestiva glanced at the female in front of her then stared at the man who had attacked her and her swarm of hollows.

She watched his moves carefully in an attempt to somewhat read his reaction time and such. It became hard when he gained more speed than she could read, but she noticed one of the hollows had grazed him. Though he was fast it was evident that his defense seemed lacking. She looked at the backside of the woman who stood before her and decided not to move. She would watch the man a little longer before she proceeded to fight him.
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