Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Circles of Sugar Empty Circles of Sugar

Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:43 am
Circles of Sugar Tol0JGb

He finally managed to make it home.

Days were either of two flavours - mind numbingly boring, or mind fucking weird. And he preferred the first variety over the second, but at the end of each one, he'd get to come home, and relax. Well as relaxed a powerless guy in a super powered world was. And that meant turning on his tiny tv, sitting on his tiny couch, and just spend time watching whatever program was on. And eventually, that meant getting back up, making himself some food - because after being a delivery guy, he wasn't going to order shit out okay - and then figure out what he needed to do when he got home. It changed everyday, but sometimes it was just something small, and others something big.

Today, it was fixing the light bulb.

So placing a stool under him, he got up to the ceiling fixture, and was pulling a rope near him. On the tv, he left some program on, one about a murder mystery. They were just about to get to the good part - the one where one of the suspects tries to kill themslves via noose. All in order to prove their innocence, and how they couldn't live with the shame of the accusations. It was a wonderful little show, and he loved watching it over and over - he totally recorded it one night, and has kept it around since - and try to pick apart some of the things going on, like their mental states and psychology.

Slowly, the rope that he was using to pull the rolling light towards him was winding around his body. And then the girl in the tv started to scream - shouting about how a suicide was taking place and they needed to get help right now. He couldn't help the small smile that lit up his face. It was nice to be able to come home, watch a program he liked, and then take care of little things. No fuss, no muss and certainly no goddamn spirits or hollows or whatever else liked to follow him around. He always had a problem with things like those, but as expected, his life would only get weirder probably.

And cue his door flying off it's hinges..


Circles of Sugar Empty Re: Circles of Sugar

Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:43 pm

She blasted in the door, a suicide was not happening on her watch. She glanced over the situation hearing the woman's voice, she didn't look frantic. With a swipe of her hand that rope was cut cleanly without an trouble. "What are you thinking, giving up on life! Their are doughnuts and some many good delicious things in the world. That tears it, today is about making you enjoy life..your coming with me." She said with her cheerful demeanor as she walked into the house now, her orbs taking in everything. The doll Shinigami had no intention of letting some human give up his life for no reason. Was this her jurisdiction, nope and it didn't matter a single bit to her. She wouldn't let a flame go out without good reason. She grabbed hold of the arm and began dragging him out of the house. First stop was a doughnut shop and then many other candy palaces in living world. He had so much to live for and by god she wasn't letting him waste it. She would drag him outside and the moment his body got out that door it began. "How can you kill yourself on a beautiful day like today, fresh doughnuts are being made and sweets are being produced." She said her cheerful and bubbly tone of voice as she evaluated the male before her, she wasn't willing to let a precious life die. Ironic considering her job was to take lives and bring about death when she could. She was the Vice Captain of the Gotei 13's assassination unit, yet she got involved with a human. Making him try to understand the value of life, assassins knew the value better then anyone else. It was of course the very thing they spent time taking. She would make him enjoy this day if he liked it or not, see the beauty of the sun and clouds. She didn't plan on making this easy for anyone who wanted to commit the unforgivable act of suicide on a sunny day. This wasn't something she could accept with a clear conscious, she simply couldn't accept it. Her father gave her all the love in the world, by god if she could change that old mans he would get him to do it.

Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]

Circles of Sugar Empty Re: Circles of Sugar

Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:22 am
Circles of Sugar Tol0JGb

See, as he tripped and the rope tangled, it was both a noose and a safety net.

But as his door was unceremoniously kicked down, and then the rope severed, well he had no back up. He fell hard onto the floor with a groan. ''Urg, that's gonna leave a mark... jeez...'' he muttered to himself, before slowly getting up, as the - wait a girl, what the flying fuck - spouted something at him. The male, using his stool to get himself back up, just gives a blank stare at the girl. He opened his mouth to protest - first she had broken his goddamn door, second it was just a movie and he was fixing a light bulb, can you not see that - and instead, was greeted with a surprising grip on his arm.

And then being kidnapped.

She kept talking as if he was intending to kill himself - and each time he'd open his mouth, she'd move just a bit too fast, or force them in a place that made him feel a bit queasy. And then when she finally slowed, the male was rubbing the bridge of his nose with a free hand. ''Look, lady - I don't want to be rude, but I don't need your help. I'm perfectly fine as is. Can you just bring me back home and fix the door you broke? I need that door.'' he said, trying to speak calmly. He couldn't help the undertone of irritation that lined his words however, as he looked over at her. Now, if she had done anything but break his door, and give him a near concussion, he'd probably think she was beautiful.

But right now, his most pressing concern, was going back home and get that door fixed.

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