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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:56 pm
Character: Steiner Franz
Time of Day: Afternoon


Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTK8c61wFgaHQ8U4eNWz2ooelkFYa5Wu8xLcnR9gJ0edAFYBBTHnQ

How long had it been since Steiner had embarked from his home, dressed in his best clothes, and looking for a job to pay for his meals and lodging? Because to Steiner it felt like hours. He had checked everywhere! From small kiosks to large department stores, Steiner Franz had found no jobs available. At first this had not been an issue for him. He hadn't been worried when the first few places had said they weren't hiring and he had gone on his merry way none the wiser to what awaited him as his day progressed. Now, standing in front of an ice cream parlor downtown, his tie loosened , and his eyes droopy from exhaustion, he realized that this may be harder than it looked. He had never really held a steady job, outside of working odd and ends job for an allowance from his foster family, and he had never once realized how difficult it could be to find a job. It isn't like he wanted a job either, no it was because he needed a job. He was running out of what little funds his foster family had given him to live on during his time in Tokyo, which he had foolishly spent the bulk of it on trying to help his brother.

He cringed at how stupid he had been when his brother, Yve, had approached him with a golden opportunity which in turn quickly became fool's gold for the young Steiner. Letting out a deep sigh as his eyes drifted over to the nearby window of the parlor, Steiner could clearly see a small poster stating they were, in fact, not looking for employees at that time. Steiner reached up and in defeat tugged down the hair band keeping his mop of a hairstyle from springing out all over the place. He looked down at the ground as he took a seat on a nearby bench. "Might not be so bad going back home to live with the family.", Steiner stated as he thought about his options. It was true, he could always move back home, and live with his foster family. It was a serious option that he would have to consider, however it was also the option that would have him shoulder the most shame. The last time his family had seen him they had wished him best of luck as he went on to study at Tokyo University to become a History professor. If he returned now, no money in hand, and with no degree of any kind he would never live it down.

"Never mind, that is clearly not an option.", he said murmuring to himself as he leaned back on the bench, spreading himself out across it without thought as to if anyone else was on the bench with him. He was running out of options to be sure and as the day continued to drag on he doubted if he would be able to find an employer with his specific set of skills around this area. Not everyone was looking to hire a guy who had knowledge of mythology and ancient history after all. Steiner grunted as he fixed his posture on the bench and leaned forward as his mind drifted into deep thought. Ever since he had arrived in Karakura nothing had gone his way. First, he had found a sword that just didn't know how to stay away, and in fact he was sure was planning to sabotage all his future efforts of finding employment in this city, somehow (not that Excalibur could think). Secondly, there had been that incident in the park with the Shinigami. He still had singe marks from that day and remembering it reminded him of the things he had done on that specific day. Steiner still questioned why the Shinigami had targeted him, but he didn't want to rack his head on such manner at this moment. And then lastly was that ungodly bill. The whole thing that had started this mess.

Who would have thought that lodging in Karakura could be so expensive? Because Steiner couldn't. Oh no, Steiner had been hit full on by the reality of his situation and had quickly realized that a job was not only needed, but necessary to ensure that he could continue to live here. After all, it wasn't like he could just pack up, and leave. He still had no idea how he had got here or how he had somehow magically appeared in a hospital after drawing Excalibur from the stone it had been held in. There wasn't an easy answer to that and spending his time job hunting wasn't helping that situation either. "Gah! I need to stop thinking about all this stuff and stay focused.", Steiner said to himself as he stood up from the bench, and began to walk down the side-walk as he continued on his search.
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Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:58 pm
work work work. killerants had been working so much lately it seemed like the soul society was trying to get rid of him. from paper work to earth patrols, kill was doing it all. he was exhausted and needed a break. right now he was patrolling karakura. he was in a gigai so civilians wouldnt recognize his shinigami status. as he trudged through the streets the lack of sleep and faitgue was starting to get to him. people, signs, and buildings were starting to blur together. the bordeom was real.

"gah, i have to concentrate. my work is important. anything could happen. i must be alert and watch for any threats." kill kept walking. after a while his body was just moving on its own. just moving and walking and then boom! killerants had walked right into a person. a boy with some red hair. the boy was dressed in some rather nice clothes. "whoa, sorry about that. i wasnt paying attention." kill bows "im killerants ishida. and you are?" kill was trying to be as polite as posisble. hoping that the boy wasnt too angry about kill running right into him.

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Tue Dec 08, 2015 5:11 pm
Character Name: Steiner Franz
Time of Day: Afternoon


Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) C4c0ae6ddcc5a2418cfdbefdb268c3e8

And there was the fourth thing. Walking forward and minding his own business, too deep in thought to actually be considered to be watching where he was going he bumped into the man known as Killerants. Not just a bump though, no that would have been too simple. Instead Steiner found himself falling backwards and landing on his rear, in the process tearing his back pocket clear off his pants, luckily not showing the boxers underneath. He looked behind him, saw the damage, and then let out a sigh. "Wonder how much it is going to cost to get this fixed. I guess it doesn't matter because the job hunt is clearly done for today.", Steiner stated as he stood up and brushed himself off from his fall. He looked over at Ishida with no anger in his eyes. It was just as much his fault that they had bumped into one another as his. "Are you alright, Mr. Ishida?", Steiner said unsure how to address the man in front of him. They appeared to be similar ages, but none the less he had been taught by his foster parents to show respect to those he happened to wrong. "I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going. I was just looking for a job when I bumped into you. I apologize.", Steiner said meaning every word as he smiled brightly.

He gave the man a once over, noting that he seemed a bit odd, but not really caring as who was he to judge others. Steiner extended his hand to shake as he had no clue what the customs were in the city, but where he was from shaking hands was the way to go. "I'm Steiner Franz, pleasure to make your acquaintance.", he said while eyeing him over to make sure that Killerants wasn't injured. In truth this was a welcome distraction from the hardships of the day, though he had ruined a pair of dress pants, but this was most welcome. He liked to mingle with people and especially one's he had never met before. It was just who we was and now that he had something to distract him away from his current joblessness, he felt a tiny bit better. Though he knew that this was only a momentary break from the stress filled reality that was in his future. "I hope I didn't cause you any harm. I was surprised someone of your size could knock me over. Must show how deep in thought I was, huh?", Stein mused as a grin broke out across his face.
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Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) Empty Re: Jobs? In This Economy? (Open)

Wed Dec 09, 2015 7:54 pm
Ever since his return from his sabbatical Carter found that he craved to be immersed in the flow of life, which was funny considering he was considered dead as a Shinigami. Something about the the seething mass of people who were so at peace with life, small hardships were to be had but none really held an ounce of fear in them and it was comforting to know that even after the things he had seen himself, the horrid things that seemed to be happening more and more regularly, that people still managed to put on smiles and live life, actually live it.

That was his thought while sitting on a park bench off of the side walk while he snacked on his potato chips, dill pickle flavored, something about them made his mouth water and the mere word and they were his guilty pleasure. His angelic blue eyes watching a person jog by the crowded streets, a woman walk her toddler down the path, people stopped and chatting, people hurrying to or from work, people just enjoying the day. This is what it's all about he thought while a warm smile played across his face, his eyes catching two people run smack dab into one another, a younger looking boy that appeared to be dressed up getting knocked on his behind.

The kid got up as if nothing was wrong, a huge smile on his face as he brushed himself off. Carter nodded, That's what life takes, getting back up and rolling with the punches His eyes watching the kid as he noticed his pocket was ripped but didn't seem to notice the wallet that had been knocked out and flung off to the side behind him, on the edge of the sidewalk, almost on the road. The kid seemed engrossed in apologizing to the man he hit and taking a moment to get to know him, the man he ran into talking and then bowing. An eye brow rose on Carter's face when the man bowed, it was an oddly old and out dated way to greet someone, a greeting he didn't see many humans use. Let's see the air around him vibrated just briefly when he let his spirit pressure come undone a bit, not compressing it, only just for a second before tightening the lid again and appearing to be a normal human, to see if the man caught onto it before Carter stood up and walked over to the wallet the kid dropped, grabbing in one fluid motion before standing quietly behind the two men and waiting to introduce himself. "Ya dropped this" He said, his voice light, almost jokingly so.

|Death is but the first step in life|

Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) ZfrGue8

Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) EUuCTxy
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Thu Dec 10, 2015 11:12 pm
kill looked up as he greeted himself to the proclaimed steiner franz. steiner had brought his hand out for a shake instead of a bow, confusing kill a little. it threw kill off but nothing I quick recover cant fix. kill straightened and shook steiners hand. he gave him a hardy and firm grip and look him straight in the eyes. clearly an outstanding handshake, that kill had developed from multiple years of working on it. its a pleasure to meet you as well steiner." kill says. "you can just call me kill or killer or ants for short. my name is a... different kind. then kill let out a light chuckle as steiner stated how surprised he was that he got knocked over. again sorry about that. I was most likely sleep walking when I bumped into you. I hope you're well."

Kill sent out a small burst of his reiatsu to feel out steiners own power. Just an average human. nothing out of the ordinary. kill thought to himself. But one thing was out of the ordinary. kill thought he felt some sort of energy for just a second. it was way to short to be by accident. so someone was letting there presence be known. kill quickly took a glance around the area to see if there was any suspicious characters hanging about. just as soon as he had looked some white haired and blue eyed guy walked up to kill and steiner. the man then proceeded to hand stein his wallet that had fell out of his ripped pocket. at least the guy was a good Samaritan.

"hi there." kill said. trying to be more conservative. He needed to figure this blue eyed guy out first. he didn't seem human the energy he put out. so maybe he was up to something. or maybe he was just a friendly passerby trying to do a good deed. only time could tell. 3 is a crowd.

Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) Rapid_Cero_Fire
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:55 pm
Character Name: Steiner Franz
Time of Day: Afternoon


Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) 284fca2137a6a309c4f4f8fe0721bdf1efdefc9c-1-1

"Ants it is then.", he said as the smile slipped from his face as he remembered that in the very back pocket that had been torn when he had fallen was his wallet. In that wallet had been the last of his money and in essence his only way to live at this moment and time. He scrambled, looking around in confusion as to where his wallet could have possibly gone. "This day couldn't possibly get any wor...", as he began to utter that sentence another man appeared. As he had appeared, Steiner felt a bit uneasy, but he didn't understand why. He was confused by what he was feeling as he had never felt it before and dumbly grinned as the man held up his wallet and jokingly asked if he had dropped it. Steiner nodded his head and grinned brightly at the newcomer. "Thanks, sir. You are a lifesaver!", as Stein reached out toward the man to grab the wallet.

Something was off about the two people around him. The man had just appeared out of thin air, he hadn't seen him around, and though he hadn't been paying attention to his surroundings very much he couldn't help, but feel uneasy. "Thanks for the help, I know it was probably a lot of trouble to bring this to me.", Steiner said as he internally scolded himself for judging the two. He was in no place to judge either of them, especially after they had proven themselves to be warm and open people. Maybe it was his harsh upbringing or his recent run in with the Shinigami in the park, but he had found himself on high alert for really no reason at all. Stop being a dick and introduce yourself, Steiner thought to himself as he began to introduce himself to the second person he had encountered on this fateful day. "I am Steiner Franz, it is a pleasure to meet you...", as Steiner said this he extended his hand to shake the newcomers hand as well.

"I'm fine by the way, Ants. I'm built sturdy from all the training I do...fat lot of good it did me yesterday, but that is neither here nor there.", Steiner retorted, waving off any concern hopefully to Ants that he was in any sort of pain from their momentary collision. He was in fact a lot sturdier than he appeared, but as he had no powers, he was clearly outgunned by those with powers. Such as the Shinigami a day ago.
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Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:15 pm
He handed the wallet back to the boy who had dropped it while maintaining a leveled look at the man who called himself Killerants, after holding the look for a moment he shook hands with the hapless boy and smiled, "My name's John, I saw you drop your wallet and I wanted to return it." He said, lying through his teeth about his name but not missing a beat, not giving away the lie. He turned back to the other man and bowed, an old fashioned bow from a forgotten time period.

With that he turned on his heel and walked away into the crowd. (exit thread)

|Death is but the first step in life|

Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) ZfrGue8

Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) EUuCTxy
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Tue Dec 15, 2015 1:12 pm
The blue eyed man stated how he was just returning steiner's wallet and told them his name was john. And then Walked away. Just like that he was gone. Kind of weird but weirder things have happened in karakura. Luckily he didn't cause any trouble and was simply being a good citizen. "John seems like a cool guy." Ants said. "But anyway what were you up to before our little stumble?" Ants asked curiously. He was getting way behind on patrolling but no one will notice. "Let's walk and talk" he says

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Sun Dec 27, 2015 4:09 pm
Character Name: Steiner Franz
Time of Day: Afternoon


Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) Tumblr_ng95vz2oqc1u2lyiwo1_r1_500

One moment the man who had handed him his wallet introduced himself and then the next he was off. Probably has places to be and people to see, Steiner thought to himself as he put his wallet into a non-damaged pant's pocket while watching the man disappear into the crowd, and turned to face Ants again only after he could no longer see the man named "John". "Well that was weird. Two bumps in the same day, must be my unlucky day!", he said with a grin as he scratched the back of his head while doing so. After finishing his statement Steiner heard Ants asking about what he had been doing out here, the grin faded from his face as he was reminded of his dilemma. He was a poor teenager without a job and barely had the funds to continue living in his decent apartment. "I was looking for a job. Don't got much funds left in the bank to keep me living where I am at so I decided to go job hunting today. It sounded good in my head, but in the end turned into a really bad time. Is there literally zero jobs here in the downtown area or are they just against giving jobs to outsiders?", Steiner asked as he put his left hand into his empty pocket while letting out a sigh.

Maybe they aren't looking to hire a guy who wanted to major in history, moron, Steiner thought to himself as he looked at the ice cream parlor that had declined his application. It was quite possible they saw him as a drop out due to him never officially attending college. Which brought back the all too familiar fuzz of the turn of events that had brought him here and caused him further irritation. Yet, he didn't show Ants any of that, and instead gave him the most confident grin a man with no job and barely any cash left could give. It was a feeble smile at best, but it was a smile that would show that he was still fighting against something that seemed inevitable at this point. "Why, do you have some place to be?", Steiner asked as Ants blurted something out about walking and talking. Not that Steiner really had a problem with walking and talking, but it seemed odd that out of the blue Steiner was asked if he wanted to walk and talk instead of just standing around and discussing things. He shrugged it off and nodded his head.

"Sure, lets go ahead, and walk and talk. It will give me some time to look around and see if anywhere is hiring.", he said with his weak smile still on his face. Besides, it would be much more interesting looking for a job with company instead of traversing the downtown area alone. At least he would have someone to actually have a conversation with instead of internally agonizing over being turned down. "Plus, it will be much better to have someone around to talk to instead of just wandering around with my head down in disappointment, you know?", Steiner said as he began to walk off toward the innermost parts of the downtown area. Maybe he would have more luck looking deeper?
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Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:50 pm
Looking for a job ? Ants hadn't did anything like that since dieing more than 400 years ago. The closest thing to finding a job was applying to the shinigami academy and the gotei. Kill hope steiner wasn't looking for a job as soon as he walks into an establishment. Opportunities like those was very rare. But ants was ready to help out. And by help out he meant take steiner with him on his patrol. They could pass by some shops and see if they were hiring. And steiner agreed to walk and talk. So things were running smoothly.

"I have no where to go specifically. I'll help you find a job steiner. There's so many shops in karakura, one place I'll take you." Ants says ecstatically.

"Let's go this way." Ants points down the street. The street lead to the next section of the city he was supposed to patrol.

Ants walks in that direction. He let's out a quick burst of his reiatsu to sense if they was anything abnormal around. The cost was clear. The city was so quiet and peaceful today. It was boring to say the least. At least the people of karakura was safe though. Ants looks back to steiner and asks.

"So how old are you steiner? How long have been in karakura? Age can play a role in the hiring process for jobs."

Jobs? In This Economy? (Open) Rapid_Cero_Fire
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