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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Mon Jan 04, 2016 8:31 am

Artist: Pokemon OST - Song: Ecruteak City, Cianwood City - Word Count: 448

"Twenty and most of the places I've been around here are saying I'm not experienced enough.", Steiner stated in reply to Ants question as he followed the direction his finger was pointing with his eyes. It was true he hadn't gone to that particular portion of the city quite yet, but it was quite a distance from where he was currently calling home. By the time he would reach that part of town it would quite possibly be night fall and if it was nightfall who knows what sort of people would be out that late. Not that he was scared of getting into a scuffle, he was just scared of ruining his good clothes any further, and possibly losing what little cash he had left on his person if the scuffle got too bad. Still, he needed the job, and in with a deep breath nodded his head.

"I suppose there would be jobs in that direction and if you have no where to be, I could use a local guide. I'm not from around here you see? I just happened to end up here in this city.", Steiner said honestly as he embarked into further conversation with Ants. It was good that at least someone was willing to help him look for a job as he was having absolutely zero luck on his own at this point. "So as you can see, I haven't been here too long, and it would be really nice to have someone at least be able to guide me around the city in some way shape or form, you know?", Steiner said as he put his two hands in his front pant pockets. He began to walk in the direction that Ants had pointed as he posed the question over his shoulder: "So this way, yeah?"

He wondered just what sort of places would be hiring on that side of the downtown area, as he had mostly been applying to fast food as they were the most likely places to be hiring. Sure, he could have applied to other places, but most of them had no openings according to the people he had asked around town. Maybe he would have more luck with Ants guiding him around as he seemed to know the area much better than he did. Which was good, because Steiner felt like he was wandering in the darkness looking for a needle. Needless to say it was kind of fruitless to be honest as he had yet to find even one damn lead this whole time and it was beginning to effect his state of mind much more than the imminent homelessness he was about to face.

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Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:59 pm
It seemed like stein has been struggling to find a job ever since he came into town. That has to be hard on him. After all, housing and food wasn't free. Ants wondered how did stein even make it this long without a proper job. But anyway he would do his best to look out for stein. They were walking towards the downtown marketplace. Home to many vendors and small businesses in karakura.

"20 eh? Well your age should be able to get you into most part time jobs. We just have to be patient and find the right one for you." Ants says optimistically.

The marketplace was hustling and bustling with loads of people. All trying to buy it sell things. There's so many people one of them have to hire stein. Ants looked around. There was plenty of stores. They just had to pick one. And almost as if fate had planned this moment out a loud bang sounded out into the air. Followed by screaming and people running away from where the shot was heard. At the center of it all you could see a man in a suit on his knees. In front of that man was a masked assailant with a gun pointed at the business man.

"He must be an owner of that shop." Ants thought to himself. He really didn't want to interfere in the event since there was no hollow or other spiritual being involved. But of course his heart wouldn't just let this event take place. He came up with an idea.

Ants looked at stein.

"This is your chance. Fate has given you an opportunity. Save this man's life and ask him for a job afterwards. It'll be perfect. He'll be too gracious to deny you." Ants says. Ants then puts his hand on steins shoulder.

"You can do it." He says as he transfers a small amount of his spiritual energy to steiner. Just enough to handle a violent attack from the assailant.

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:07 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: Final Boss Fight, Final Fantasy VIII - Word Count: 1045

Save the business man and ask him for a job? It seemed like that would be taking advantage of a situation and not really doing something heroic, but Steiner at the time had other things on his mind. Staring at a potential robbery his only thoughts were: What he could do and how he could do it. He felt odd as his own non-existant spiritual energy surged a tiny bit, it felt odd to him to gain anything like that out of the blue, but Steiner once again had no time to question what was going on. Seeing someone in need of help was all Steiner could think of. He wondered why Ants wasn't going to help or what he was doing just standing their egging him on to save him while he was there too, but his mind was now in one thought mode, and that thought was him feeling the need to save this man.

He needed a weapon, the man was armed, and as he was now he couldn't really do much. He was powerless and though he hated to admit it, a powerless man could not do anything against a man armed with a gun, but that is when Steiner caught the familiar shape of Excalibur. The sword seemed to be casually leaning against a nearby stall, rusted, and covered in mold, Steiner smirked nonchalantly at the sword. How had the sword came to be there, how did it continue to warp to places where he was at, and how did it seem to know he wanted to do something reckless right now. Steiner took a deep breath and then booked it toward the sword, picking it up by the handle as he rushed by that stall, and toward the shop. He couldn't make out the words of the man speaking while he stood over the shop owner, but Steiner didn't need to hear his words. He could read the body language, the language of a man who couldn't care at all about the people he stepped on to get what he wanted, or the lives he put into distress to simply get what he wanted.

He would get his, Steiner would make sure of that, and as he neared his foe, he would see him. The man with the gun, if his face was visible would probably have contorted into a surprised gasp, as he aimed his gun for a head shot. Ant's spiritual energy would not be necessary, in fact something inside of him seemed to click on for a single moment as Steiner, with a surprising burst of speed, ducked to the right, and then swiveled as the gun shot rung out for those in the market to hear. The man was shocked, he could read that in the body language, as he brought the sword in an upward slash aimed at the gun itself. The man, who was too surprised to really make a movement at this point, watched as his gun was batted from his hand, and sent sailing up into the air, landing casually in a nearby shopping basket. The man had very little time to react as Steiner placed the tip of the blade, the only sharp part of Excalibur due to the nature of its' condition right at his throat. Steiner had no killing intent, but the man couldn't read Steiner, he couldn't tell that Steiner had no intention of killing him, but he sure as hell could tell that the blade was sharp.

"Leave, now.", Steiner said through gritted teeth, his eyes filled with firey determination, and his body in a state of poised relaxation. He felt so calm with Excalibur in his hands, it was as if the blade was keeping him from feeling worry that the man might have an extra weapon, or if he had some formal training. In fact, Steiner's whole body had shifted earlier from man swinging something, to the form of what looked like an actual swordsmen. His natural skill with a sword, once again, rearing its' head as soon as his hands touched the hilt of the legendary blade. He didn't understand how it worked, but Steiner was grateful that it had worked this time at least. The man stumbled back a bit, landing on the front counter of the store, as the shop owner, who had grabbed a nearby pan, slammed it on top of the would be assailant's head. In comical fashion the man fell to the ground, taking a rack of magazines with him as he fell into unconsciousness.

Steiner spun Excalibur in one hand, a show of his natural skills, and then slung the blade over his shoulder as he grinned widely at the shop keep. "Sorry about the mess.", Steiner said with sincerity as he kicked the man aside a bit and began to tidy things up for him. For a moment the shop keep just chuckled, he had no idea who Steiner was, but none the less he was relieved to be saved from that situation. "Is there anything I can do to repay you?", the shop owner asked sincerely as Steiner turned his back to him and began to walk back toward Ants. "Your safety is a good enough reward.", and with that Steiner exited the shop, and returned to Ants who had probably been watching him do his thing the whole time. For a moment Steiner would stare at Ants and then shake his head. "I don't take advantage of people, Ants. Getting a job because I take advantage of a situation is not the type of guy that I am. I'm sure I will find a job somewhere out here, but it won't be because I'm good with a sword or because I can take advantage of someone's feelings after a life threatening event.", as Steiner said this he casually placed Excalibur back at the same spot he had picked it up from. He knew it would find its' way back to him somehow, so leaving it here wasn't a big deal to him.

"I will earn it because I am qualified and because the person who hired me is of sound state of mind.", Steiner said in finality as he gave Ants a confident grin.

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Sun Jan 10, 2016 12:22 am
Ants watched in awe as steiner handled the situation effortlessly. Steiner looked like a natural out there. Ants wondered where steiner got his swordsmanship skills from and more importantly why was a random sword just lying around. Although the sword didn't look in any good condition for a battle, it still got the job done. The robber was knocked out and the day was saved. Steiner did a great job and Ants was sure to take note of that. He cracked a small smile as steiner came back to face him.

"You're a very honorable man steiner. Full of pride and righteousness. But sometimes opportunities are given to us. You don't want to miss your chance at moving forward. Sometimes that one shot is all you get." Ants said not disappointed but more concerned than anything.

"You're a talented guy and I would hate to see you struggling when you can do so much more. Those sword skills you have csn get you far.

At this point karakura police had shown up. Officers coming out sqaud vans and handcuffing the dazed criminal. It was about time to leave the area before news reporter came in and started asking questions. Who knows how long they would keep them there.

"We really should be going don't you think. The media will be here any minute. " Ants says as he walks into an empty alley way. Stein would probably be wondering why ants wanted to go into a place like this. Well because it was nice and secluded. Away from prying eyes. Ants then transports himself out of his gigai. He was donning his shinigami uniform and zanpackuto at his waist.

"You did great out there stein. I didn't help because I didn't want to reveal my presence out in public. You never know who could be watching. I enjoyed our short walk. But I really use be going now. Until we met again." Ants says.

He then opens a senkaimon. A small hell butterfly floats besides ants. He waves and steps into the portal. Vanishing into the light. The senkaimon closes behind him and leaves no trace.

[Exit thread]

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Sun Jan 17, 2016 3:01 pm

Artist: City Sound Effects - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

Steiner watched with a grin as the police began to arrive on the scene to arrest the man who had earlier been threatening to harm the shop owner. It was a good feeling helping people and that was one of the main reasons that Steiner had started on this path that he had chosen. He was greedy for the feeling that he got when he did the right thing, not just because he had to mind you, but because he wanted to. Helping people and saving innocent lives to him was more than any gift that could possibly be given to him. He listened to Ants closely as he gave him props for his physical accolades, Steiner waved him off, and sort of laughed at the thought that he was anything more than a guy swining around a rusted hunk of junk. He was a human, a powerless one at that, and he was living his life to the fullest that he could.

Maybe some day he would begin his trek to becoming a hero, but for right now, Steiner Franz was just a man with a dream. For now, that seemed appropriate to him, but one day he knew he would lust for more. Such was the nature of humanity, never truly content with what they had, and always seeking higher plains of power, or striving to understand things that they did not know. It made them at times into monsters, but Steiner knew that it also had the potential to make them into the earth's mightiest heroes. "I'm just glad he is okay to be honest, Ants. I know I could ask him for a job, but it seems selfish of me to use my skills, and take advantage of another person's good will.", Steiner said as he watched the elderly shop owner talk to the police about what had happened. He pointed over at him and the police seemed to look confused at him. They were probably wondering how a boy could stop an armed robbery and to be honest, Steiner himself didn't understand.

Something had clicked, if only for a moment, and in that moment, Steiner Franz had pushed himself far beyond his physical limits at that moment. He grinned, maybe he had some power inside of him after all, and all he needed to do was keep pressing himself to make improvements. As silly as that sounded to a boy who trained every single day to get stronger, faster, and more talented with his blade, it made sense. If only just a little. "Still need a lot of work. Can't just keep swinging the sword like it is a baseball bat hoping for a home run, you know? I should definitely dedicate more time to training my sword skills.", Steiner replied as he glanced at over at Ants who was already making his way away from Steiner. Steiner wondered what was going on until Ants began to speak about the media.

Yeah, it was probably best that they leave the downtown area. Steiner was happy to do something heroic for an innocent bystander, but wasn't really wanting the whole media circus that seemed to follow acts of heroism such as this. So, Steiner would follow Ants. After all, Ants probably knew Karakura better than he did, and that meant that there was definitely a great deal of safety in following his would be guide. He followed until they reached an abandoned alley way, to which he stopped after stepping foot into. He glanced around, confused as to why this particular alley was chosen as the place to escape too. It wasn't that far from where he had disarmed the armed robber and in that sense it wasn't really the safest location in Steiner's mind to be camping out. Soon his description would be spread about the media and more than likely some young reporters would probably come looking for a scoop at the cost of his privacy. And to be honest, Steiner didn't want to divulge the juicy parts of history. After all, he was still murky on what had happened in Europe, so really he wouldn't have much to tell the media in any regard.

That is when the amazing happened. He listened to Ants closely, his head tilted in a quizzical manner, as Ants reached up, and then unlocked the air? No, not the air, but an invisible gate of some kind that seemingly opened into a world filled with bright, white light. Steiner shielded his eyes, using the sleeve of his jacket, and then questioned: "What the hell is going on!?" He, however would never get his answer as a Hell butterfly fluttered by him, and Ants walked into the beautiful light only for the gate to close behind him, leaving Steiner alone in a part of town he had never been in. Steiner's face distorted into what could only be considered a confused grimace as he stomped his foot on the ground. "I have no idea where I am...still, it was nice to just chill out, and walk around downtown. Though he could of at least told me how to get back to where I was before.", Steiner said as he let out a deep sigh before continuing to walk forward through the alley.

Steiner had no clue where he was, but still he was happy to have made a new friend at the least. Even if that friend had ditched him in an alleyway. Still, the feeling of actually meeting someone new who he could relate to was enough to make the slight feeling of betrayal worth while. "Until next time, Ants...", Steiner said to no one in particular as he disappeared into the crowd of the bustling downtown area.

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