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Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:16 pm


9/30/2415, 6:50 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 6:50 PM in Ísafjörður, Iceland. This is a moutain-city and it is secluded higher-up in the snowy peaks of Iceland. Therefore, it is frigid, cold and filled with a crimson and red sky. There is a dense red dome around the city and the objective for Shadow Fall is to block incoming Vanguard from storming the city. While, for protags, their objective is to clearly get through.

Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] WVMWLOu

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Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:38 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

“Clank.. Crack.. Clank.. Crunch.. Clank… Crunch”

The echoing sound of heavy footsteps, followed by tremors would be felt throughout the city as a single form began to walk through it’s empty expanses. A sound that any vanguard member would recognise from one of their former wardens, an individual known as Blackheart Gremory. Who’s armor clad appearance would have begun to approach the middle of the city even with random enemy troops trying to slow him down. He was a elephant among ant’s and his calm demeanor would clearly show this, as he wasn’t about to raise his hand even as useless magical and physical attacks slammed against his many ton’s thick armor, his gleaming red gaze showing partially from beneath the top of his helm, as he couldn’t really understand why the vanguard would start such a pointless fight in the first place. Had in the small time he had left the vanguards policy have changed? It made a guy wonder when an organization dedicated to protecting the inhabitants of earth essentially waged war against those same inhabitants in the first place, but.. for now that didn’t matter to him, no instead as he let his gaze focus inwards to a lone individual who radiated power like a sea has it’s depth.

“.. Could i ask you to leave this place, i do not know for what purpose but the vanguard want’s these lands for themselves.”

His tone was curt and his speech was clipped, accented by a strange dialect that only could be found in the world he had destroyed all those years ago by himself. But for now? The Davana of Bare-Hand Combat would have allowed his posture to remain neutral , while at the same time maintaining a certain gravity about himself even though for the moment, he didn’t even exude a lick of spiritual energy, seeing as his armor itself was draining mostly all of it in the first place, acting to suppress that immense spiritual pressure of his hiding the shark that lay dormant beneath the cloak of a sheep, yet for now? The Man merely settled to tilting his head to the side , a small jet of steam blowing up from beneath his helm, the ground grinding and crushing beneath him, as his mere steps brought cracks and fissures in the pavement, due to his immense weight, a weight that was greater than what any normal man could carry without being ground into dust that would be blown away in the wind.

Even though he was no longer technically a part of the vanguard, the davana of bare-handed combat would still command respect from these men, and as such had ordered before hand for the entire city to be evacuated in light of what surely was going to be an impending fight, a fight that more likely than not, was impossible to avoid in the first place. Yet he still didn’t feel the need to rush this, continuing to walk at his own pace, as he had for the past 8,000 years, as he had when he had brought his own world to it’s knees. As he had when he had emerged, and as he had since then. His gravelly voice echoing from beneath his helm once more as he approached, roughly 50 meters from the other now. His whole form probably coming into view at this point, like an emissary of death garbed in it’s black mourning armor.

” If not i will unfortunately have to have your name, as chivalry dictates i put one on your tombstone. It also dictates that i make sure no one else will be caught up in this unfortunate and otherwise childish spat that the vanguard has on their own decided to wage against shadow fall for reasons that i probably don’t have the patience to grasp nor understand. “

The Man knew he was rambling a bit he didn’t care that was the thing with him, he just moved along at his own pace despite his strictness and his otherworldly determination. For now though he settled with a casual remark while he closed the gap, 30 meter’s remaining between him and this .. other demon who radiated so much power that it could be considered to be quite absurd. His whole body exuding a calm determination, as if he knew that more likely than not it wouldn’t be a one sided fight, it would be one of those dance’s that fighters have fought since the beginning of time. That unproductive dance that continued to bring his calm blood to an otherworldly boil.

” But.. this isn’t about what i understand, now is it? I am merely an emissary that seeks for this world in which lives are sacrificed day in and day out for no reason other than petty strike to end. If this is a stepping stone towards that goal, then well. . . Who am i to question it or stand in the way of that?.. still though.”

The Davana of Bare-hand Combat would say in a slow flat tone that showed the true weight of 8000 year’s of carnage, even despite his dislike for war and the killing of innocents on any real level. A voice that showed even though he disliked it? He still would pound this individual into a grease-stain if that was what was needed for him to help quickly end this war. Seeing as the Danava of Bare-hand Combat wasn’t here to parley.. nor to negotiate, he was here with an ultimatum , leave or be forced to leave. It wasn’t a matter of power.. or confidence, it was that as he had before and as he would continue to do, he’d march step by step, moving forward one step at a time, until he achieved his goal of a war without war.. conflict and strife. Even if he must subject himself to the highest level of hypocrisy to do so.

“.. I don’t suppose you would just leave this city peacefully.. of course not.. you too are a warrior who has his own path to follow. In which case.. Either you strike me down.. or i will strike you down. I may not kill you because life is precious. However i will be taking this city. for your sake.. i hope you throw the first punch. my fellow warrior. “

With the niceties out of the way he stood. 10 meters away from the other warrior and waited. To see which instinct would win out in this case. To see if it would be flight. or if it would be fight. As yet again this unproductive dance which would ultimately lead towards this ideal world began again. The endless cycle continuing to turn, one step .. at a time..

Template By: [THEFROST]

Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] LzZCuy7
Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] BtXe12b

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Tue Jan 19, 2016 11:42 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

“ you are right, we both may be demons but we have slightly different outlooks on the situation. my outlook isn’t personal it’s just me doing my job.. but i guess you aren’t going to let this go peacefully.. are you?”

As he said these words the davana had observed zaine’s initial sword swing. and merely slid his foot back and jerked his fist forward. The force of his punch jerking outwards to leave a fairly severe shockwave, given this was the compilation of swinging 25,000 pounds on top of the strength his body naturally possessed. Scratch that, swinging his fist was the equivalent of swinging 25,000 pounds because of the weight of the gauntlet, but that wasn’t really important. Instead his fist would crack against the air leaving a concussive shockwave that would cancel out the first sword swing with a blast of raw power strong enough that it could potentially if spread out level half a city without a problem. However all this destructive power would be condensed in a city block radius.

Next as a fire blast was launched towards the davana of hand to hand combat, he wouldn’t punch this one, he would merely backhand it. The flames being destroyed the impact of his heavily demonic energy saturated armor. The flames of course wouldn’t explode on impact though, they would be launched off behind him to explode with luminous brilliance, illuminating blackhearts back and turning his front momentarily into a sillouette. Next he would behind to exhale his eyes narrowing for the moment, given he didn’t really see the point of the other attacking him, or what they would gain from fighting eachother like this. However he had been attacked and the code of honor between fighters generally dictates that when one is attacked they reciprocate in kind.

”..I guess that means there is only one other option here.”

The davana would have exhaled as he brought his fist forward once again but this time the gauntlet was flung past the likes of the rakashasha of wrath crashing against the ground as then his other gauntlet fell off, then his boots and platelegs platebody and then helmet. All of it would fall off as his immense demonic energy would roil out in the form of a shimmering red haze that would for a moment surround blackhearts entire form. then it would give way to monumental levels of steam. After which the davana would have utterly vanished his sudden start having caused a myriad of after images.. in his wake, his true form appearing right under zaine’s guard his fingers curling into a fist as he said in a slow voice.

”Triple Bone”

His fist wouldn’t have seemed to move but three indentations would most likely appear against zaines torso while the davana straightened up the force causing the ground in a half mile radius to shatter below them the air above blasting in every direction and steam rising from his fist. His body would suddenly vanish and reappear in 40 different places at once due to after images, while the davana had struck the male atleast 150 different times probaby in the span of 10 seconds , each of those punches having enough force to cause the ground in a 1 mile radius to shatter, falling deeper and deeper and deeper still until finally there was a quarter mile deep hole in the ground finally he would have reappeared above zaine spinning as he clutched both his hands together and brought them down in and anvilling movement that even if it missed would cause the ground to jump a earthen wave rippling past while the davana of bare handed combat would finally reappear on the very top of a skyscraper in their vicinity.

“.. I returned your warm-up attack in kind. now are you ready to get started in earnest? I’ve gone ahead and evacuated everyone who was in the city. so we have no need to worry about how hard we fight. so come .. lets get this.. unproductive dance started shall we?”

Template By: [THEFROST]

Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] LzZCuy7
Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] BtXe12b

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Wed Jan 20, 2016 1:22 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

“.. Why is it whenever you say.. lets get serious.. they have to rush their attacks.”

The davana demon thought as the denizen of hell known as zaine had re-sheathed his blade, drawing it out one more time in a brief span of time. the mutiple slashes rushing towards him at a frightening pace. He’d then begin by using his foot work, shifting subtly on the balls and heel’s of his feet, pivoting and ducking at a frightening rate of speed, the process allowing him to avoid most of the attacks, even though the davana demon still had gotten a few minor scrapes from this unholy flurry of attacks he wasn’t done yet, as for not his evasion had just been so that he could figure out his opponents pattern, and rythm. how he was planning on attacking if you will. His eyes tracking the trajectory of the hell demons slashes as he would begin to use his left hand, lightly smacking each sword slice slighty off trajectory, so that they would go wide, his eyes narrowing as he had quicky stepped forward using a brief gap in the oncoming flurry and the next oncoming attack, his fist jerking up in a quick stop-thrust, his palm opened seeing as he didn’t want too much damage to come to the city.

The next attack was going to be a doozy, he could tell by the increase in demonic energies that was eminating from his opponent, and so? As the davana demon brought his fist forward his lips would part into a shark-toothed grin, demon barrier appearing on the tip of his knuckles, just enough to cushion the blow on his knuckles, the augmented force causing his shoulder muscles to ripple while even though he did for the most part avoid that augmented slash which would shatter the ground below he then would have said in a quick deep rumbling rockslide of a voice..

”..Is it my turn now? Well then..”

The davana would have brought his fists up rapidly, singular punches blurring in that one second that was between attacks, one hit becoming ten, then becoming one hundred. While his body seemed to fizzle out turning into several after images as he reappeared above the likes of the hell demon his fist jerking down with a flat palm this time, his blood all rushing to the surface while the soundbarrier broke as his strike was reaching the realm of around 700 miles an hour. This devastating thrusting strike known as iron palm would smash into zane’s shoulder while he spun off landing with a light skid on two feet, the force of his attack causing the ground to cave in long nasty looking fissures forming these fissures soon after the likes of zaine had caused a volcanic eruption had filled with lava, lava which would shoot up like geyser. seperating the two of them for the moment before he finally had exhaled, seeing the lava expand outwards before he began to stretch, moving from one foot to the other.

”..I thought you wanted to keep this land, not turn it into a lava-pit. . . Why are you being so rash? Is it that you want me to take this fight seriously. Very well. . . Prepare.. ”

He’d vanish suddenly skipping through the lava which would blast apart as he broke the soundbarrier, speeding up and finally just vanishing all together for a second, before he appeared his body spinning around and his foot impacting the hell demons side, switching as he would vanish one more time, his fist then jerking into the rakshasha’s spine, with enough force to drive the individual atleast a mile under the earth. His eyes narrowing before he landed on the ground and exhaled , pulling out an old com he had from his former time as warden in the vanguard. he’d say in a calm tone that showed he was fully serious about keeping those civilians safe.

”.There’s been a change of plans, move the civilians further away from the city, the hostile just caused a volcanic eruption in the vicinity, essentially which is going to eat away and destroy the entire city. Over and out. “

The davana demon would cross his arms now as he looked down into the hole if his hits had worked, and said in a slow tone. “.. get up, i know you are still alive down there probably.”

Template By: [THEFROST]

Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] LzZCuy7
Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] BtXe12b

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Wed Jan 20, 2016 10:20 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

“... You are stupid.. why do you keep floundering your potential with such.. obvious attacks?”

The davana demon had said as he felt the tremors of the rakashasha demon emerging from the ground, his sword thrust towards his gut. There wasn’t much time for reaction but as the davana demon shifted subtly to the side he would have let out a deep deep exhalation of breath his palm jerking into the flat side of the sword knocking it away as his foot jerked up and came down, nailing the likes of zaine back into the original hole he had just gotten out of . It wasn’t power that was dictating this fight at this point, it was merely that the davana demon had more experience, more knowledge and knew how to utilize his abilities better than his opponent did in the first place. which was why as the davana demon exhaled inspecting the latest wound he had gotten, a fairly nasty laceration going down his right bicept he finally decided to spit into the hole and tilted his head to the side.

Next Blackheart would have grasped his armor, bit by bit as the demon was in the hole and you know what he would do with it? He’d drop it, all 300+ thousand pounds would be dropped down into that hole ontop of the mad demon who had continued to use simplistic attacks since the very get go. Relying on his sword instead of using his creativity. going for such obvious points of contact that how couldn’t any seasoned veteran fighter know what he was trying to do? it just.. didn’t matter at this point and the davana demon would have tilted his head to the other side cracking and stretching his muscles as he finally decided to say in a semi serious tone. not trying to scold the demon , but instead trying to help him learn, even if he was the enemy. his life too was precious and as is he was wasting it.

”..Listen. i long time i was like you, cocky. headstrong. i thought i could accomplish anything by swinging my blade around as long as i had enough strength behind it young’un. But you know? I learned something along the way that i haven’t even forgotten to this day, and im going to share that with you now, so listen carefully, as this made be both a better fighter and a better person.”

Blackheart had shifted now striding off against the cracks in the earth, because as things where the davana didn’t really see a fight here he saw a child swinging and overgrown stick around because he felt that if he had enough muscle he could just make his way through anything and everything. Which was a shame as despite everything he saw potential, he saw a strong fighter who could improve if he just figured out his own techniques how to vary and how to not rely on just running forward and putting every single bit of his energy right back into his blade.

”..Sometimes you need technique, don’t think about how you are just going to strike them, think about how you are going to dodge their attacks, how you are going to counter their moves. What you are willing to go through to beat that person, and how you ultimately are going to get through it. As.. sometimes it’s not about how strong you are, because trust me young’un you are vastly stronger then me if it came to what we call a raw power slugfest. You don’t need strength, you need to figure out your own fighting style that lets you maximize your strengths and cover your weaknesses. Like right now? From how i see it, you are making too many unneccisary moves, when you swing that sword? it seems like you are only thinking about how to defeat me and that is a very narrow mindset.

You cannot think about merely how to defeat me, you have to think how are you going to avoid me, you have to think about what it this cretin is able to block my attacks? what if he turns out to have more experience then me? How am i going to counter that?.. Like take my case for example. I know i can’t win in pure strength against you, so instead? I look for the gaps between the attacks you make, i’ve been finding these very simple gaps and exploiting them for awhile now. If you leave yourself so wide open, you can’t hope to attack me with physical attacks. So.. i know you are down there.. most likely alive, so lets take 5 for a second from this fight a reset because i really need to know. IS THIS what you have to offer, or are you going to mix things up and find out what works best for you? Because yes we are enemies and yes i fight you because ultimately i wish to see the vanguards ideals realized . HOWEVER BEFORE THAT? i am a demon. and you are a demon, so we may not be on the same side, but i have an obligation to help you get stronger.

With that said come. fight me, strike me, until you cannot lift that blade anymore, until you figure out how to use that blade of urs to its best potential. come. lets see what you got”

Template By: [THEFROST]

Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] LzZCuy7
Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] BtXe12b

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