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Thu Jan 21, 2016 3:05 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

” Who said i served shadow fall either? Get the Wax Cleaned out of your ears..”

The davana said as his eyes narrowed and he let a breath leave his mouth, steam rising before he had decided enough was enough. He wasn’t about to let this carry on any longer. His body began to tense up, and he stared forward.. slowly rotating his head in a half circle while zaine kept talking.. and talking.. and talking. Blackheart actually at one point thought..”..wasn’t there a limit to how much someone can yap?” Then he heard the word Zanpakutō and his eyes shifted..and.. he had heard.. this individual had thought that something like a flimsy blade would be enough to beat him, that just because he had pulled out a new toy that the outcome would be necessarily different. It.. was almost cute but the davana merely kicked off his body vanishing to the left in a sonic shock wave, as he accelerated upwards of mach one. His eyes slitting as the missile was fired at him at high speeds.

However as the davana shifted by it he merely evaded it, as the speed of bullets was almost like a slow crawl to him, and because of this, the missile would spiral around before smashing into a building behind them with a frightening detonation. The Davana Of Bare-Hand Combat rapidly closing the distance as his opponent had begun firing in earnest. and the davana demon had felt one blow strike his fist that jerked to meet it. Billowing flames reaching from the mouth of zaine. He had let out a small laugh before he felt it.. he was so amused.. so .. very very amused in the way this primitive lifeform fought. So amused that as he began to shift avoiding blast after blade in quick footwork that made him look like a whirling shadow, while the explosive blasts had increased around blackheart smashing into the earth and the buildings surrounding him , he couldn’t help but then allow his demonic energy to increase as he said.

”..You don’t know the difference between us. not as people, but as fighters. Let me show you the gap that you could never.. HOPE to overcome. “

While blackheart was covered by the ash the soot and the grime of the explosions? His eyes would narrow and his demonic energy would begin to finally vibrate and glow, the air turning red with the demonic miasma that began to saturate.. and distort the physical world around. His body beginning to shimmer and change as his voice echoed through the midst of the fight. His tone being rather firm. but boisterous for the moment.

"A dragon's Fangs rend, a dragon's breath destroys, a dragons power dominates, a dragons force is absolute. Burn the Warrior Spirit, Dragon Force Activate. "

Next blackhearts oceanic demonic energy would begin to expand outwards and would spike even further before he vanished through the midst of the onslaught. His fist jerking forward while his shark-toothed grin expanded from ear to ear. The Beast having been released to the surface while he missed and smashed his fist straight into the ground the force of it? Causing the ground that he hit to instead of merely shattering apart to disinigrate into ash, it wasn’t even a matter of it becoming .. broken apart, it was that it just vaporized due to his immense strength, while he crashed completely through a building a low chuckle leaving the demons mouth while he said in a voice that was finally showing both him and his eternal partner.

”..You.. Dipshit, come here. i will make a pair of slippers out of your bones”

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Thu Jan 21, 2016 9:07 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

” … Enough with this. “

As the Davan began to get his bearings , he watched the rakshasha begin to lose it. To that? He’d shake his head, before he finally began to move, even with his slight disorientation his current state? He would have been able to between his insane durability which came in the form of dragons scales and the speed that he was able to travel, he’d have no problem negotiating the first of the attacks that had been thrown at him. The first attack, had been a chain of blood and shadow. Which he hadn’t noticed until finally it had impacted his leg, however the fact was? In his current state the chain would have slammed into demon energy and his demon barrier with such a density that it slowed it down for just enough time that he was able to through his disorientation notice and correct it by flipping backwards landing on his hands and vaulting back onto his feet, skidding back and nearly tripping over his heels, lips parting as he exhaled. Cursing the effects of his release causing him major disorientation.

Next he had as the rakshasha had paused brought his body up, launching over the scythe before his fist went down , even through his disorientation he had managed to slam squarely into the side of the swinging scythe sending it directly into the ground for the time being, his whole body revolving like some strange spinning top as he cartwheeled through the air landing quickly against the ground and skidding, his gaze shifting for the moment, given he had at that point felt a very very strong urge to vomit, seeing as he was seeing spinning motions around his eyes.

NOW .. the rakshasha had surely to have lost his mind, as he had smashed into him with of all things a gigantic rock, which had broken apart when coming in contact with his scales. At this point? The davana of barehand combat had given a deep huff working on being able to see straight. It wasn’t because he had been hurt all to much, as in his released form all the attacks thus far hadn’t been quite enough to do more then put a few scratches on him. With dragon force slowly adjusting in his body? The davana demon had looked forward able to atleast at the second see clearly.

Next? His eyes had widened and he let out a demented laugh, falling backward and landing on his back as a beast from hell pounced over him, his whole body rotating as the beast sailed over, hand jutting out to grasp the things tail his foot smashing scales and all directly into the beasts face sending it shooting backwards , while at the exact same time? Blackheart had jerked his hand forward either causing the hellbeasts tail to be ripped off, or at the same time causing for it to be flung like a ragdoll off through a group of buildings all which would collapse unfortunatey from the sheer force of such a large beast impacting them one by one.

“..ARE YOU KIDDING ME , THIS IS IT~?!?!? i’ve known elderly people that fight better then this”

The demon then fired a blast directly in the air and at that? Blackheart had to just take that chance, vanishing and reapearing with his augmented reflex’s he had in less that a split second delivered a devastating flow of punches, roughly 200 of them each with enough force to disinigrate everything in a city block, his form disengaging rapidly as he tripped on a rock and fell rolling backwards eyes glancing up disoriented again. From then? He had exhaled and let out an “OH FUCK ME” groan hands pressing on the ground while he launched back another boulder smacking into him and breaking apart with no real affect, unless of course he got struck with lightning. Which seemed like an increasing possibility with the gaping maw of a gigantic lightning beast baring down on him, smashing into his position as he skidded back flipping and crashing into a building, his hands smoking as he flipped onto them, minor scorch-marks permeating his scaley hide for the moment as he then dismounted in a spinning fashion to land on his feet,

”..Now.. that one stung abit.. GOOD. KEEP IT UP”

Template By: [THEFROST]

Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
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Thu Jan 21, 2016 11:08 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

” sure you want to stand there?.. “

The davana demon had said, his eyebrow perking for the moment, as finally.. FINALLY he could see straight again. Better then that he was 100% in tune with his final form. So as he let his body shift? The Hellbeast had launched at him, bombed him but as the davana of bare hand combat moved he was like the wind, dissapearing and reappearing he had shifted behind the chanting demon, even before the beast could begin to attack blackheart had shifted unleashing his full might for a second. Fists vanishing as the first strike Would compact the male in the middle of the gut, and the first blow? It would been the devastatingly powerful single bone, one single strike that would crash into the individuals side, with enough force that spread out it would have been enough to shatter a quarter of the city. However was he done? No. in that one second? struck again.

This time it was the double bone, two powerful strikes in the same position that literally would double the amount of damage that his gut would have been dealing with, his eyes narrowing and grin spreading out wider before he finally moved on to the triple, bone, this way? Take the first attack and triple it’s damage, and this would all smash into the likes of zaine’s gut, the force rupturing internal organs probably and definitively because he was just standing there more likely then not causing his ribs to shatter. However he wasn’t done , next came the quadra bone, which was just the same attack but it was in a single burst 4 times in a row, his fist by now was creaking and groaning. But yet, the other demon was still chanting, so blackhearts fist shifted and he went into the penta bone, striking him in the same spot five consecutive times, these blows slamming rapidly into the body of the rakshasha of wrath like meteors pounding into the ground.

After that? It was penta bone, and by now he had tapped into his internal demonic ki, activating strike points which took all that force and focused his internal energy ontop of it in a single blow. This would multiply the damage of his attack by 5x , meaning now? It was in that one concussive strike enough that this one blow would be enough to level the city, but was he done? No because his opponent wanted to use an all out attack, then blackheart was going to strike him with everything he had while the fool was doing it, meaning? He was in adrenaline stage 1 his body moving into overdrive further augmenting him as he went into his voracious sexta bone. 6 viscious strikes in such a short period of time that the wind would have exploded windows shattering in a mile radius, next? His fist would rapidly strike forward as flames jumped his striking points still activated making this his third consecutive strike at 5x the damage.

This strike would be his dragon fist, which would ignite and cause an immense amount of fire to explode outwards, engulfing the rakshasha before with a glimmer in his eyes? Blackheart would finish the rain of blows that would have lasted for a second but with enough force to break both his arm and cause the ground below them to vaporize, with a cataclysmic impact, the force of this final strike being enough that if it struck it wouldn’t be exaggerating to say that for the time being this blow would be enough to completely shatter every bone in the rakshasha’s body, while he had said in a loud voice. “METEOR IMPACT” as this quick blow slammed into zaine? It would have enough force to generate a crater that would engulf half the town atleast, if not the entire town given the force would have shattered his fist. But was he done? No no he wasn’t.

The Davana of bare hand combat would have swung one more time completely obliderating the bones in his arm as he put his entire body weight into it, yelling once more “METEOR IMPACT” . the strike causing the crater to double, the entire town vanishing into the pit of lava before blackheart because of his rapid movement had finally jerked back evading the hellbeast weaving through the attacks as his arm was uselessly flopping around, then he shifted sensing a massive burst of energy, and jerked out of the way.. only not fast enough right in time for the likes of zaine to finish his unholy attack, he would have shifted backwards focusing all his energy into a demon barrier on his broken arm, atleast he instead had forced his body to then tighten the muscles and his scales which could take a nuclear blast? It would be hit dead on by this final attack, his staggering defense being enough that it would skitter around, giving him the time to swing himself to the side, that broken and useless arm being blown completely off, burnt to ash and thrown to the wind, as now he stood literally in the middle of the air, deep exhales leaving his lips before the mere heat cauterized his arm to stop the bleeding.

Next? His eyes would narrow and his lips would pull into a shark-tooth grin, as he couldn’t say anything other than just merely.. something along the lines of,, well seeing as he had no arm, and his torso was covered in minor lacerations, ..

”..THAT. is how you attack people. ..but now.. seeing as we probably.. are.. worse for wear.. .. what is next?”

The way he finished and with his huffs showed clearly that the davana demon himself was hurting just as much as he had hurt or hopefully hurt zaine with his attacks, as he shifted his feet apart from each other and waited. waited for zaine to make his next move.


Template By: [THEFROST]

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Sun Jan 24, 2016 5:15 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

”..Your are getting sloppy again”

The davana said as he had shifted to the side slightly, his body rotating onto his feet as he began to quickly pick up speed, his first rising strike with his foot having a peculiar affect, which was, simple the winds that it picked up and split would smash into the blade with the same affects as one might see from a sword mashing into another sword. In essence as he hopped back it would have cleanly stopped Zaine’s first strike. His gaze lingering as what he did then was simple he’d kick off his back foot and launch forward bringing his fist solidly into the male’s gut on the slight amount of time between attack and defense, using again that chink of armor that he hadn’t quite mastered from what he could see against him. A feral grin spreading across his face as he finally had saw what he wanted to, which was his opponent began to do something peculiar, which was.. he began to regenerate, it wasn’t unusual these blokes usually had some form of regeneration or another, however the fun part was?

Black Heart did as well, shifting to his internal demonic ki he had began to utilize it in the form of his own high speed healing, beginning to mend the injuries not only to him, but to his armor, his arm itself slowly was beginning to repair itself but that wasn’t really important to him at the moment. instead it was that he was healing in the first place. Seeing as this meant that this demon was intending to fight for a VERY long time if he had too. Blackheart understood that and respected it, however it didn’t really mean that he liked it. Instead? As he felt his body getting marginally better he had kicked forward launching from the tip of his toe and flipping to bring his right foot stamping down on the flat end of the blade, his left foot jerking around to smash directly into the side of his head to hopefully launch him off the ground as blackheart himself landed on his legs with a light frown.

Next? He would have switched his feet and began to spin in quick spiral movements kicking out to send out these whirlwinds that he was creating through his movements, beating the air into a cyclone with each and every one of his movements, given he was at the moment utilizing the martial arts skill he knew , which was aptly called the art of whirlwinds. In doing so? He was extending his reach for a moment, before he jumped directly back into the fray, his fists clenching and his lips drawn back in excitement while he’d kick off zaine’s shin and vanish, appearing behind him at that moment, his fist slamming directly into the back of the man’s shoulders, hopefully breaking the spot that just finally had been healed.

”..You are slow you know that?

Blackheart would ask as he appeared before zaine and then in a procession of after-images began to bombarde him, of course he wasn’t at his full strength, but it didn’t really matter, instead? He was just enjoying this fight at this point, seeing as from how he saw it, either way he would either leave here or win, because honestly he knew the people were safe, and it seemed like this individual was more interested in breaking his skull open then finding and harming the civilians in the first place. Thanks to this though? The davan was able to fight without a care in the world, he didn’t have to worry about other individuals jumping into the middle of the fight. He didn’t need to worry about civilians dying, it was merely a good ol’ slugfest fist to fist to.. er blade. That wasn’t important though, it was important that he was having the most fun he had had in centuries.

Bah, then the opponent would try something with pain, [ note im letting this slide but you can’t just LOL inflict pain on others instantly im pretty sure there’s a rule about that] Yet what he didn’t really understand was every single day his life was about discipline, it was about bearing that bone-crushing armor every iota of the day, what he didn’t understand was pain was something that he was extremely tolerant to, so sure this new pain hurt like fucking hell, but he endured it, and he moved on from it, letting out a sigh. and try draining his energy, but the fact was? Other than using his five striking points he hadn’t used a lick of his demon energy, meaning that while his opponent drained some, he just had so much left in this regard that it wouldn’t do jack squat to anything in the general scheme of things.

Next? The likes of the Rakshasha of Wrath seemed to be trying some, going into some sort of heightened form to then.. blast him with of all things flames? Well that was interesting, after hearing his release , which had the tell tale word “dragon” in it he was trying to use flames against him? This was a cosmic joke seeing as for the most part he was pretty close to immune to flames, and these would merely tickle as he swatted them away, It wasn’t as if Flames would work on a real dragon, a fire breathing one that is, so why in the world would it work more than giving him some very slight burn marks which would continue to heal with his momentary high-speed regeneration .

However it was slightly more then “slight burns” after he was smashed into with every ounce of the rakshasha of wraths power, the only difference was? If he had used any other attack he might have come out ontop, but this was fire, even if it was demonic in origin or cursed fire, it was still fire, and the fact remained that his scales which could withstand nuclear detonation, and specifically had their highest resistance to flames, would mostly remain intact, some sever burns forming down his arm which he had shifted over his body after activating his demon barrier with a slight grimace, the damage of course sliding off him further as he contracted his muscles putting a third barrier between him and the blast.

Finally the Davana demon would have shifted and allowed his fist to slam directly into the back of the rakshasha’s shoulder, but this time? He bore with his full force down after gripping it, this movement coupled with him vanishing suddenly after if it worked? Would have ripped the mans entire arm off, t owhich he then threw in some random location as he tilted his head to the side looking at the other, a small smirk spreading from his lips as he couldn’t help but giving zaine a smug smirk, and a slight laugh , showing just how much he was enjoying himself. But now, as the burns seemed to slowly be mending the davana would stare at him and tilt his head to the other side with a firm pop as he’d say firmly.

”..I can tell you have nothing left in the tank, So im giving you another chance, leave here and try again later. You have done everything you can right now, and unless you want me to forcibly eject you, i’d take a hike.”


Template By: [THEFROST]

Enter The Mountain City Of Iceland [Iceland Conflict Event Thread] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
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Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:29 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

”..So.. thats over..”

The Davana Of Bare-Hand Combat had said before he let out a deep groan, and sat down, as now? He could afford to rest to relax and to finally recover from his injuries as he left his heightened state of energy, the scales receding from his body. His whole body shifting as he flew across the lava. His arm slowly was regenerating thanks to his internal ki being set into healing mode, it wasn’t pretty and it certainly was’nt easy but what was pretty and easy about fighting someone vastly more powerful than blackheart?.. There wasn’t anything easy about it, if it had been any other day and his opponent had been any more experienced they would have killed him and he wouldn’t have been able to do anything other than put up a hard-ass fight. Yet.. today it seemed was not one of those days.

He was thankful for that, and thankful when he was able to begin making his way over to where the people had been taken to, slowly flying over the ruins of the city that had been turned into a massive crater that was effectively now filling with lava, there was nothing left of it, and blackheart was mostly responsible for the damage, but at the time he hadn’t had another choice, that was the thing, his opponent was just so strong.. so powerful, that he hadn’t been able to hold back, he had shown that power that he disliked using because it was a last ditch kind of effort. Something that he didn’t show people if nothing more then because it was his ace, the trump that he normally had left hidden up his sleeve, and it also drained him quite It left him feeling groggy and nasty inside, making it so he had a hard time concentrating whenever he either entered it or he left it.

Right now? He was having the repercussions of leaving that heightened state, which included a feeling of lethargy that he couldn’t quite shake, even with the multiple blurry images he was seeing of the same damn patch of ground he was faring fairly well al considering. Now he just had to get there, using those thousands of years of rigorous determination to push himself to fly through the air, the pain of his regrowing arm and the aching in his back that was all because he used his meteor impact twice, that one attack having a fairly high amount of strength behind it, as it didn’t only put strain on the arms but at the same time it also put major strain on the body as well, and all this put together caused a rather large amount of pain for the davana of bare-hand combat, so even as he was halfway to his destination the side-affects of that continued to show.

Such as the tremors that overtook his body then, causing him to shiver and shake, violently as he flew, his mouth forming into a clenched line as he felt the pain just increase further, some of it however also because of what zaine had done, that last attack’s lingering aftereffects had become quite a bitch to deal with when compounded on all the affects of his own techniques, his form being released and all that other jazz, had led up to him really feeling the bite that lay behind that denizen of hell’s bark. It wasn’t the priority though, dealing with his own injuries came second, as had been his own primary ideals even during his time with the vanguard itself as a warden.

The people come first, life comes first. That is his motto, beyond his determination and rigorous self training, it was the fact that the lives of everyone else were infinitely more important than his own. That single thought drove him and made him go to new heights to protect them, such as how he had gone above and beyond today, forcing himself to elevate his own power for the sole purpose of beating his opponent. That much was certain but now? As he landed lightly feeling several vertebrae pop in his back as he settled into a slow gait , his arms resting against his sides as his slighty torn pants fluttered lightly in the breeze.

Next he’d check slowly making sure that everyone was okay, that every woman, man, child, and otherwise sentient in nature creature was accounted for. It took a long time, but he’d find them all to be okay, and then he would have collapsed rear end first on the ground and laid back looking up at the sky with the heat burning on his back as he had motioned for the vanguard members to stand down, his mouth parting as he said in a calm factual manner..

”it’s all over men, you can stand down the beast is gone and the land is ours.. now i must heal recoup and move on to the next location “

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Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:01 pm


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