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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:52 am


4/2/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on April 2nd, 2416. There is a distant fire and explosions heard in the distance from Sector A. Therefore, the defenses are being put up in this sector in order to prepare for the attack. Read more on the mission to understand and sign-up:

Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 10, 2016 8:08 pm
Leaning against the steel wall of the base, the woman let out a sigh as she turned in the direction of sector A. The sounds of fire and explosions could be heard from that direction, and the red eyes stared in to the corridors that separated the two sectors. She was the first line of defense in to sector B, and she was going to do her job as well as possible. However, for now there was nothing to do but wait, and as such a gloved hand reached in to the pocket of her jacket, pulling out a packet of cigarettes and putting one to her lips. Returning the pack to her pocket, she then brought a finger up to the end of the cigarette, watching it light as a small smile spread across her face. One of the joys she had missed during her time with the Iramasha, smoking.

Bringing both hands behind her head, she quickly tied her flaming red hair up behind her in a ponytail with the thin leather cord she possessed. Letting out a puff of smoke as her eyes shifted to look over at the bird flying just below the ceiling of the area, it's brilliant red, yellow, and orange plumage brightened her day. Her almost constant companion was here with her, and hopefully they would soon be back down on the earth below. After all, to Aish Iramasha, the earth was her home, and while she had come up to this rock in hopes of earning some good will with the Vanguard, she would be happier back down on the green and blue planet. However, now was not the time for such thoughts, and so with a sigh the jean clad iramasha returned her hawk like gaze to the most likely entrance for any adversary.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Apr 11, 2016 12:08 am
reserving post

Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] MNjstuP
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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Apr 11, 2016 1:34 am



Artist: MGQ OST - Song: Black Alice's Theme - Word Count: N/A

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The sounds of her watch ticking away, representing just how long it would take for this base to be destroyed and obliterated. The Demon of Lust had her faith in Neoveta to do what was needed and to decimate those that would prove a true challenge, leaving the weaker Shadowfall members such as herself to handle the rest of the expansive base. Honestly, she worried a bit for her close friend, what if she got hurt? No matter, Neo would come through, as would Belle in any fight that threatened to challenge her. She has won massive battles as the last one standing before, and she wasn't afraid to do it once more. Now that she thought about it, she was alone on this mission... meaning that she wouldn't have to be cautious or careful of others around her. All the better!

Each careful step was taken through the wonderful base of the Vanguard. Honestly, Belle didn't hate the Vanguard. She just hated those that simply joined to fight everything that wasn't one of them, or wasn't strictly from earth. Those were the people she hated and strove to do harm to. Belle was very understanding of other's pleas, but even with this, she was here for total destruction. Innocent or not, you shouldn't have ended up on a base in the moon if you wanted a nice and peaceful life. Especially associated with the group that had just launched a massive attack on Shadowfall. With that in mind, no matter who came at her, for help or for harm, if they wore the Vanguard badge, they would join the others. Six feet under... well, there were exceptions, but she hasn't found a plaything worth bringing back home yet!

Soon enough, Belle came into view of what seemed to be a woman defending a certain point by herself, and smoking too. Was it safe to smoke on the moon? She honestly had no idea, but it did bring up a question she'd have to google some time. With a silly thought such as that aside, Belle had to gauge her new foe! Flaming bird pet thing? Check! Smoking habits? Check! Obviously not so concerned attitude? Definitely a check. She already figured out just enough from her target, even the fact that they'd much rather be back home on Earth... well, an alternative for if she didn't want to kill this being came to mind already. With such a fiery pet should come a feisty girl, right? Belle loved them feisty, so as the woman continued to step into the scene, a playful grin would come across such plump, pink lips.

"Greetings and salutations Vanguardian! Vanguardian? Vanguardish? Like, what do you call yourselves, honestly? Nooo idea, but anyways, hi! I'm Belle, and I'll be your demonic friend for today, now there's two things you can do. You can surrender and go back home, I'll let you do that right away if you want, I'll even open up the portal for you! Orrrr you can try to be loyal and fight against a force that can absolutely obliterate and demolish every single last thing that you've ever loved in your life, including that Earth if you anger us enough! So, what'll it be sweetcheeks?"

Straight to the point, Belle made her offer simple- well, there was a third choice, but that was only if this new foe would become a problem to her. Probably not! As Belle continued to get closer and closer and closer, her energy began to get all the more excited and start churning within her. Her body was preparing for a fight, no, a war. Even if this Iramasha decided to leave the fight and let her go on her way, there were so many other operatives within this base that needed to be taught a lesson. Slowly but surely, more of Belle's presence began to span outwards, to the point of feeling a bit overwhelming. She was powerful, and she had the tools to only capitalize on said power.

So without another moment to spare, she had to make the first strike. If this foe wanted to up and leave, then it'd be extremely simple to reverse. If not... well, it'll surely be difficult to keep the fight going for long with a strike such as this. This strike wouldn't be physical at all, as it didn't have a true form. It was made entirely of spiritual energy, no, Belle's spirit itself. A single tendril only the size of an arm spawned forth from her being, invisible to the naked eye but sensed easily by those spiritually aware. This tendril was quickly shot out straight for Aish herself, zooming through as quickly as it possibly could in order to latch itself right upon her and burrow deep into her soul. Despite the verb used, it wouldn't bring any pain but like a prick from a doctor's needle. If this strike were to hit, the very first thing Aish could feel was pure demonic energies being linked between the two, forming them almost as one, in a sense. If it were to miss, well, there's always next time for the re-bound!

"Please make this easy, I wouldn't want to use too many resources for one person..."

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] MNjstuP
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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:24 pm
"You really shouldn't assume things..."

She spoke while turning to the newcomer, cigarette falling from her mouth as she spoke.

"After all, I am not a member of the Vanguard forces."

Lifting her foot, she squashed the cigarette beneath the toe of her shoe. Tilting her head to the side as she felt the woman's energy rising, her response was to simply raise hers as well. Feeling the energy construct rushing towards her yet seeing nothing in her eyes, Aish twisted her foot, sending her body spinning to the side swiftly, Swiftly stopping her pivot, a sigh left the iramasha.

"And while I would love to simply leave and return to earth, how could I waste this opportunity to cut loose?"

With that she shot forward, a wicked grin spreading across her face. Closing the distance between the two of them as quickly as possible, her fist lashed out towards the individual's face. Even as her punch completed its path she was once again on the offensive, bringing her foot upward, attempting to slam her foot in to the intruder's chest and force them backwards. Launching herself backwards after her assault, Aish simply stared unblinkingly at her opponent for a few moments before speaking.

"Honestly, I don't care about whatever beef you've got with the guys here. It's none of my business, nor is it my business what you decide to do about it. However, if I simply go back home just as I am someone is going to ask questions, and we can't have that. Besides, it won't hurt anyone if we spend some time roughing each other up a bit, right? So, do me this favor and maybe I'll give you a boon of some sort, aye?

With that said, Aish reached out with a hand, grinning as black-red energies coalesced in her palm. Energies writhing as she compressed and formed the blast, she finally let out a cackling laugh as she loosed the chaos blast at her opponent, uncaring for any destruction that might be wrought upon the base should her opponent dodge. Grinning as she watched for any signs of her opponent's reaction, she knew that this was going to be one difficult battle.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat Apr 16, 2016 1:23 am



Artist: Homestuck OST - Song: Pumpkin Cravings - Word Count: N/A

The first thing visible upon Belle's face would be a look of surprise. How could someone not a part of the Vanguard be part of their base? Sure, maybe the defense would be loved, but aligning yourself with one of the most potentially hated group by a majority of demons? That's just purposely trying to get into trouble. Well, at least Belle got to be the one to interact with this Iramasha before their downfall. From what it sounded like, surrender wouldn't be on their mind, nor would backing down. A direct challenge, and one to a Grand Duchess too! The two may be somewhat similar in terms of pure spiritual presence, but the ranking and purpose for each varied greatly. But who would have the batter chance of success? The one honor bound to this fight? Or the one that came here of their own accord for a little tussle? Only time will tell, but one thing was for certain, this would be a fight to last.

At the sight of her tendril being avoided, Belle already could guess what she was up against. Quick to react, and sensitive enough to sense what was going to happen. Sharp, demonic fangs were soon visible as the demon of lust visibly bit down upon her lower lip. Ooo this was gonna be -exciting-! With the return of grins, Aish's own becoming visible as she sped forwards, their fate was sealed. The woman didn't even try to move, she was being out sped and honestly? She needed to test something out before taking any action. With a non-moving target, all of Aish's strikes landed, a clenched fist upon Belle's face, a foot slammed against her chest, and a powerful kick to send her skidding backwards.

The damage was done, but Belle seemed to have a bit of backbone herself, her heel slamming against the ground behind her to keep herself from tipping over as the biting of her lower lip turned into a wickedly twisted grin, just like Aish's. Rather than simply having a row of normal teeth and fangs, every single tooth was as sharp as could be. She was excited, and already her senses began to elevate themselves. Her demonic side was starting to become all the more apparent. One thing happened that she didn't expect, a nice trickle of blood falling from her nose and running down her lip and to her chin. So this person was strong enough to actually hurt her a fair amount? All the more fun! Rather than grimacing from the pain, Belle's pupils dilated as her smile only grow all the more wider, a slick tongue escaping past her teeth to run along her crimson lips to lap up her own blood.

So... Aish was just here for a nice, rough time. Amazing. That already decided the Iramasha's fate if she were to lose, not death, no, but something that could either be much better or much worse. It all was up to how she saw it, but this fate would only come about if Aish couldn't pull her weight in the battle. Belle's body began to tense itself for what was going to come forth from Aish, energies already beginning to form within her grasp as she was charging a blast. A chaos blast, energy with destructive capabilities of even harming the base if used wrong. The whole purpose of Belle coming here was to do damage to the base, but a bit of her own desires would come forth. She wanted to -taste- the raw potential Aish had for herself. Belle stood still once more, letting the blast soar straight towards her as it exploded upon contact, englufing her body with it's energies... either by purpose, or Belle using a bit of her magic to create a shroud, one of the two happened, and a change took place rather quickly.

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Submissive Frailty




Song: Emerald Terror - Artist: Homestuck OST - Words: N/A

"-FUCK- that felt good~!"

The voice that came forth from the blast was much different than the womanly one of before. It sounded much younger, much higher pitched, belonging to someone too young to even fight. As the smoke began to clear, a much different sight was before Aish. It was one of a small child, much darker in complexion than Belle with a body not only shorter, but supposedly weaker. The only thing that revealed that it was her was the same set of clothing worn as Belle arrived, showing that this was a release. Must not be that amazing of a release if she ended up shrinking instead of growing, and with the stable spiritual presence, it didn't increase her raw might and power. Maybe it healed her, or did something to prevent massive damage? With the new release, she seemed to be lacking any real damage to her. The faint trickle of blood coming from her nose had already stopped as there were no real marks from the blast, just a few bruises along her frail arms. Not a single hint of pain was given off, only pure excitement.

"Come oooooon! You gotta have more than that, my little Iramasha~! Or should it be big Iramasha? Not sure, but anyways, I hope you're actually ready for what will happen!"

A quick wink followed by a giggle was given to her foe as the next action would be one to actually challenge one of Aish's greatest skills. Speed. What was once a single, readable tendril soon became three, all branching out in different directions. One forming from the left of Aish, another coming from the right, and the last one arching from above to slam into her form. Each tendril seemed to have the same property as the previous, though their speed matched Aish enough that if she couldn't pull off something to combat them or a burst of speed to avoid them, she'd be caught in a rather unpleasant situation with no real escape. Even with the looming threat, Belle's face didn't show intent to harm, but rather, to play. Her smile looked child-like, and her demeanor seemed to be the same. Her goal wasn't to kill Aish, that was for certain, she was holding back at the moment and trying to get something else done.

What could it be? Only time would tell. Whilst Belle waited to see if her tendrils would land, the girl began to already take another action. A single flick of her wrist led to a blob of pink energy to be shot forth from her fingertips, resembling a nice pile of gunk when it landed on the ground right in front of Belle. What sprouted forth from it would show Belle's entire theme, another tendril that was writhing and squirming about. This tendril was thick, thicker than her body and already taller than her at 10 feet. Other than the creation, nothing else happened so far, though Aish could easily sense that this tendril was connected to Belle almost directly, to the point of where it wasn't summoning, but most likely a projection of her powers unto the field.

"If it starts to hurt too much, just surrender and I'll make all the pain go away, kay~?"

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] MNjstuP
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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:58 pm
What the fuck?

Those were the thoughts going through Aish's mind as she saw this new transformation of her opponent. If this individual thought she would go easy upon them simply because of their childish body, then they were in for a nasty surprise. Her eyebrow twitched at the female's words, was she some deranged pervert? Well, it wasn't like Aish hadn't dealt with those types before. Leaping back as a tentacle swept by her from the right, pivoting to avoid the tentacle from her left, it was only then that the red head realized her mistake as the tentacle from above slammed in to her. However, just as it began to leech the energy of the Iramasha, Aish let out a call.


With simply the word the bird from above flew down, wings outstretch as it settled upon Aish's head, a tear falling from its eyes unto the red eyed Iramasha. As soon as the tear touched Aish's body, an overwhelming force would seem to force the tentacle out of Aish's body, severing the connection between the two. Then, letting out a cawing noise, the bird rushed in to the air, its body bursting in to flames as it rushed towards the demon before it, attempting to scratch out the eyes of the opponent.

Even as this was happening, Aish herself was on the move, chaos warping behind her opponent, her fist now alight with flames as she attempted to slam it in to the head of the child like body. One foot came up in a round house kick, aimed at sending the intruder in to one of the walls with the force behind it. Once more she followed up her melee assault with a chaos blast, a smirk upon her face. Despite this, her body was obviously different. She had grown a few inches, her hair not as vibrant as it previously had been, there was no denying that within the course of this small fight Aish had started to age more than normal.

Seemingly taking no noticed to her now older form, Aish once more addressed this individual.

"I'd worry more about yourself, rather than myself. After all, I'd be willing to bet that I've experienced a more intense pain than yourself in the past. Anyways, how about you actually fight back, or are you one of those pacifist shit stains?"

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:03 am

Submissive Frailty



Song: Beatdown (Strider Style) - Artist: Homestuck OST - Words: 959

Deranged pervert? Yeah, that fit Belle's description. Pushover? Never. Her body may have changed, along with a bit of her mentality, but the actual being within this body didn't. All the experiences she had from years and years of service still fueled her every action, ranging from being a lone survivor to leading troops to massacre those that dared to defy Shadowfall's rule. Every strike from Belle was planned, every action was plotted, and every reaction by Aish herself was guessed upon as well, and she was correct. Everything went as she thought it would, except for one thing. The bird. The tentacle from above was planned to hit, while the others missed, but she really didn't think the bird could do that much other than appear fancy, considering the demon had rarely faced Iramasha and their familiars.

Though it's power was something that made her even scoff. For such a great and mystical being, this phoenix really was pathetic. A single tear, filled with the burning energy within, was not enough for a being the -dined- on the succulent aura of Neoveta herself. The overwhelming force that burst forth from Aish's body did do something, it alerted Belle just what the tear was supposed to do. To purge things from Aish, to overload her with energy to combat something. Luckily for her, neither Aish or Fawks had the raw spiritual energy to banish the tendril. It was simply crying tears over their tier gap at this point. The tendril, now free to do whatever it wanted, burrowed it's way deep into the core of Aish's being. This brought no pain, but a bit of fatigue as only a 15th of Aish's energy was forcibly ripped from her and given to Belle herself. Not very much, but enough to survive.

Now the next issue coming at her was this bird. With it's initial plan done, it soared over for an attack, one that would leave her pretty hurt if she just let her eyes be torn out. A simple solution to this was to counter the element of fire with something else, ice. Water would just be evaporated too quickly, while ice would be there for just enough to halt this phoenix while Belle moved away. With a flick of Belle's wrists and a leap backwards, the girl launched herself away from the flaming bird with a nice, large blast of ice. This wasn't a giant chunk of ice, no, he'd melt right through it. He needed to be pelted and slowed down, so the solution was to send a nice, thick barrage of 5 inch long, inch thick spikes flying forwards, a total of 30 in that one blast as the girl landed herself a fair distance away.

"I like animals, but uh, please keep that bird away from me. I'd happily put that screeching banshee in a cage before letting it get near me."

The bird had done something right, act as a distraction. Aish was easily happily to warp right behind her target and let loose her barrage. A powerful punch landing itself right into the back of Belle's head, followed by a round-house kick that sent her soaring deep into the steel walls. For Belle, this didn't even hurt that much. She was hoping that this big threat would have more behind their punches and kicks, more power, more -oomph-. Sure, her head was hurting and throbbing, but it was more like a headache than anything else at this point. With mastery not only with her Pain Endurance, but ability to survive blows to make it useful, the Iramasha would need to try a little harder than -that- to get through.

The next part of Aish's plan was entirely flawed. It ran off the assumption that Belle didn't have the focus nor ability to react to her. In one moment, the small body of the demon of lust was against the steel walls of the Vanguard's Moon base, the next, gone. The blast filled with pure Chaos energy had only managed to explode against an empty place as Aish left herself right open for a counter-attack. With how quickly Belle appeared behind the flaming beauty, it would almost seem that her Shadow Movement -doubled- what her Chaos warp was capable of. With Belle being in the prime position to launch another assault of her own, she went for a point-blank strike. The two remaining tendrils she could create were formed once more in the blink of an eye, and shot forth -right- to Aish's back just as quickly. If both of these were to hit, they'd have the same effect as the first tendril, burrowing their way into Aish's core and slowly draining her of the reserves within.

No need for more movement, Belle had all that she needed. The sheer spiritual presence to overpower Aish, the durable body to not only keep up with her assault, but survive it. And even the ability to outlast her in this fight. She could easily make it a war of attrition or a war of brute strength, but either way, she was confident she would succeed.

"Hurr Durrr I'm a cocky Iramasha girl, I suffered worse pain than the big war Grand Duchess who won wars by herself, hurr durr~! Oh please! And chill, you're gonna lose either way, so why do you want me to go all out at the start? That's just asking for me to be tired when the next guy comes around to stop me! Now, you might need to start going all out at this point. I dunno, do something. Do more damage, hit harder, your speed is pretty much useless if you can't back it up. Orrr you could take my offer and surrender~"

It was worth a shot.

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] MNjstuP
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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:58 am
Well, this wasn't going to go as smoothly as Aish wanted it to go. With her energy being sucked out from her being, there really wasn't anyway she could delay this fight any longer. So as soon as the two other tendrils buried themselves in to the iramasha's form, wings burst forth from her back, the brilliant plumage of a pheonix radiating with heat. Blue flames erupted around her body as she charged forth, ignoring anything but the form of the opponent as she chaosed warped behind her, attempting to grab her arms around the woman.

However, at this point the woman would notice something strange: there was no energy being sapped from Aish. Nothing was being leeched from her. Why? Well, she had drained herself dry for one last technique, one last assault. If her hands made contact with her opponent the blue flames would peel back, revealing Aish's kamikaze grin.

"Well, you wanted hard hitting, this is about as hard as it gets at my current strength."

And with that she'd press herself as tightly against the demon as she could, and the bloating of her stomach would become noticeable to the one who had fought her. Her body glowed bright red, bursting in to an explosion of flames to reveal where all the energy had gone: to a chaos blast hidden in her stomach. Now, without her will to contain it, the blast exploded outward, the iramasha's last attempt at an assault lashing out in all directions. When the smoke would settle, it would appear that all that remained of Aish and his pet was a pile of ashes.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:09 am
Sorry for the delay, I had to deal with life situations. I shall be responding either later on tonight, or tomorrow.

Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] MNjstuP
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