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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun May 01, 2016 11:08 pm

Artist: The Great Anansi - Song: Dark Yet Darker - Words: 972

Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 MddEm42

Drip, drip, drip.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

Something was churning, twisting and contorting within the bowels of Belle. It was foul, prime and ripe with demonic energy which permeated the area with satanic glow. All around the little demoness and The Half-Blood would this sense of daunting demonic influence spread until it became eerily similar to the power felt in Sector A. This overwhelming feeling should prove potent enough to even force Belle to drop that miserable jar with that loathsome creature stored within it.

Since, as the moments went by, the residue of The Cruor's energy within The Demoness would be expunged by this force; akin to a toxin being cleansed and purged from the body of Belle. Yet, not before it was researched, analyzed and studied very carefully by this careful and investigative being. For it was with this knowledge that forces of Shadow Fall, nay, The Princess of Demon world would understand just what occurred here.

Indeed, Belle was a Grand Duchess of Shadow Fall, to fall under the assumption she was not being watched was laughable in it of itself. Namely, after their mating session within the confines of Demon World, The Priestess had been keeping loose tabs on her and happened to channel into the situation which was unfolding on a whim when assessing the status of her allies on the battlefield. As, with the faint remains of her essence and energy tagged within Belle, Neoveta was able to produce a form of remote summoning to transport her replica shell to this area.

It was stored, broken down and made into a liquefied form at first to prevent the poor demoness from being a puddle of guts and blood. Then, once this murky fluid was expelled from the pores of Belle's skin, would it then materialize and shape up the resemblance of a liquidized being. Everything on this child's body seemed to be made out of a foreign substance which radiated a putrid force of death and staggering power. Which is why it's devoid eyes then lit up with a faint red glow as it painted it's lone, right index finger at Kamui.

"To answer your question: my originator began this quest of murder. You know may know of her as Neoveta."

Following those words, the tendrils attached to Kamui would have all but been dissolved by flames of black energy and reduced to cinders to otherwise cut the last remaining connection to that male. With a glance back to The Lustful Demon, the demon would give a low raspy laugh and utter these words telepathically to her mind only:

"You should hope that your position is not compromised, dear. As much as Neoveta adores you, we aren't opposed to killing our own if it comes to. Her holy plan comes first."

As the melty creature bent it's neck backwards to view Belle's being, the intent behind those secluded words were all but earnest. Neoveta had no patience for traitors and would see to her demise if such a desire still lingered within her being. Otherwise, nothing the but earnest of Khalaism's love would flow through the being of The Loveless Whisperer.

"Fortunately for you, the seeds of trickery should be abolished. It was rather foolish of you to believe you could take a threat like this on your own and not come out harmed. Leave this place at once and allow me to handle the rest. Otherwise, you will test our wearing patience."

The sheer force of this Replica's core should prove enough to send the demoness hurdling backwards into a crimson vortex filled with demonic energy. Through her grand mastery of the magical arts would this shell of Neoveta seek to hurl Belle back to the depths of Demon World to recover in an undisclosed location of Demon World. It is there that the prowess of Za Koa would further sanitize her spirit and bring this creature back to life.

With orders taken care of, the slop of demonic embodiment would then set it's sight on Kamui and tilt it's head to the side bother uttering these words out to him:

"Kamui. Cruor. Lead Researcher of the The Combine...Sugiruan Royalty....mother of Aceldama Cruor...and a miserable creation of Saca Dila accident."

Knowledge. Overwhelming knowledge. Nay, the source of Neoveta's awareness would not be so easily divulged, but it was rather hard to keep secret something her own mother created. Yes. These two were bonded more than Kamui could possibly ever imagine by events which far supersede each of their births. So, it came with that baring that the suspected suppressed malice of the male could be sensed by The Shell. With The Void infecting every bit of The Princess's power, her awareness of wrathful intent was at an all time high and there was something quite resentful about this male's energy.

"...ha, ha, ha..."

Each laugh was slow, pained and came to raspy pauses before she continued

" obviously desired my attention, so speak your words before I lose my humorous mood..."


There was an oozing of decaying element radiating from the liquidized beings body. It would spread throughout this sector and begin to the steady process of rotting, collapsing and crumbling the seeds of life throughout them. She was still here on a mission and that mission would be to finish the job which Belle clearly was not equipped to do. Yet, there was something that she needed to make clear before the two of them would come to potential blows:

"...since someone with the mark of THAT world has no business being with my enemy..."

[Note: this is Replica Shell 3 of Neoveta's replica shells.]


Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:53 am; edited 1 time in total

Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon May 02, 2016 8:29 pm

Dominating Tension



Song: Missing Pieces - Artist: Manic Pixel - Words: 1367


She was being controlled, not directly, but through minor methods. Toying with her body, toying with her mind, she was getting sick of it. The worst part was? She didn't have a way to defend herself against such methods of toying with her. No influx of energy could remove what she had willingly brought into her, and no spell could safe her now. It was a horrible feeling, and with the fact that it didn't seem like this hold would be let go, her mind began to wander. Sure, it was wonderful dining from something new, but for the risks that soon began to present themselves, it wasn't worth it at all. The one risk that especially wasn't worth it was the toying with her mind. She didn't love him. She didn't want to marry him, or do intimate things. At most, she'd do something quick with him, as she did with all others that she was only interested in what she could gain from. Her love was meant for those that deserved it, those that she wanted to give back too, to make happy, to see strive and succeed. Honestly? She could give a rats ass towards Kamui's success, only if she could safely retrieve his energy.

And at this point, the only thing that really kept her interested in him was taken away, though now she was stuck. Her body was feeling all the more sensitive, her entire being changing as her knees began to shake from side to side, wobbling in place. Her eyes were forced to widen as she realized what had happened. She was starting to become a pawn, something with no real course of actions to continue on wards... though this realization didn't come purely from her own mind. No, if she were left entirely alone, this conclusion would have never made itself apparent. No, what really began to set off bells in her mind was a familiar presence within her, something churning and forming. The questions Kamui asked would not be answered by Belle, but rather, someone much more intimidating and frightening. Someone who held a much deeper place in her heart.

Someone that could bring Belle to her senses.

Pain arose from her very essence as the familiar, lovely, oppressive aura of Neoveta rang outwards, emanating forth to encompass the area. Two things were the cause of the pain within her self, the first obviously being the forming of something deep inside of her. The faint sounds of crunches and things being mixed about within to form room for the liquid that was taking place within her. The second was the toxin, the invading chi that took place within her very being. Expunging a substance such as that was painful, causing her entire body to lock up and freeze, even twitch at the fingertips or neck. The movements were odd, yet needed for what was to happen.

What came next was something just a bit sickening, fluids coming forth from her pores. Stretching them far apart enough that the essence of Neo could trickle forth and spill unto the ground before both Belle and Kamui. Just feeling the very presence of one of her most admired people could bring Belle calm and ease, though that only did so much for how much her body was invaded recently. Typically, she did the invading, and having so much happen within her was uncomfortable enough to brew about new, different emotions. Emotions that followed more on the negative scale of things. She -is- the Grand Duchess... she should be smarter than this, more capable than this. She got cocky, she got greedy, she almost ruined everything by being such a fool who wanted a taste of something she might never get to see again.

If Neoveta were the only being she could stay attached too, then so be it. It was better this way, lusting for more tastes in the world certainly fulfilled her aspect, but it put something much greater at risk, something that took a bigger hold for the Demon of Lust's mind. No matter the case, a shell of Neoveta had formed, and it began to speak. Belle remained silent, for rather obvious reasons. There was a reason the shell formed at this time, and not earlier. She was in danger, and a response was needed... Belle did feel somewhat flustered over the fact that there was something so great to protect her, but it also shamed her for making Neoveta waste resources on her. A mental note would need to be taken, though not before the warning was issued.

She messed up. The actual thoughts of betraying the one thing she held above all were never in her mind, but her body's will to fight against the hold of Kamui certainly did attribute to why that could be thought. It was... scary, horrible for the demon. She didn't want that to happen, no, she only wanted to help and empower the Shadow Fall. How would she do that if she fell prey to trickery on her mind. The threat of being offed was one that... that hurt just a bit. As it should. She would never blame Neoveta for erasing her from existence, but rather, she would feel guilt and shame for making the woman go through that. Rather than deterring and truly hurting Belle's feelings, it only furthered her drive to grow and develop. She still had so much more to learn, so much more to do. So many more things to accomplish before she could truly give back to Neoveta as much as she has taken. Her very form began to shift, and rather plainly, she skipped many of the dramatics. In a flash of light, someone that would tower over Kamui formed, clothing the same as before as crimson eyes glared downwards.

Even with such an intimidating form, she was much weaker, and it was easily sensed. Even if she was trying to bolster herself to at least leave with a parting gift, to let Kamui know that she would remember this. Perhaps without the intervention, Belle could have been toyed with a bit more and even tricked to helping Kamui in whatever schemes he had not involving the Shadow Fall... but that was not now. She was angry, pissed. Her lust for energy had turned into Lust for Vengeance. The very point of that was easily sensed within her being, with how her power seemed to rise much greater than before. Even with her tendrils burned away and reduced to nothing, she could do one last thing for the shell before departing.

A new tendril, quick to form, quick to offer assistance to the shell, and just as quick to -pour- a majority of Belle's power into it. It would be her form of apology, a way of saying sorry as she was blasted off into a place far away. She didn't struggle at all, if she were to be pushed away, she would happily follow the commands of her higher ups. If this apology was denied, then that would leave Belle rather sad and feeling quite negatively over the entire scenario. If it were accepted, then the influx of energy would actually bring a boon unto such a powerful replica. A boost in strength. A single tier increase for only three posts. It was small, but something. Anything to show that Belle did plan on making up for the mistake she had made here. She had defeated a single foe and left their jar, but almost fell to another.

She would need to bide her time elsewhere. The Demon of Lust didn't want love or affection at the moment, but to grow stronger through her own means, even just for a while. This encounter taught her a valuable lesson. Just because the energy isn't in the foe's grasp anymore doesn't mean they can't manipulate it. She's been a leech for far too long, and it's time this leech used it's fangs. A single, quick wave was given off to Kamui as a single thought was sent towards the replica.

"Understood. I shall go train and strengthen myself. Please forgive me for ever endangering her holy plan. I wish you luck in your endeavors..."

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed May 04, 2016 3:09 am
Imakuran wrote:

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count:


The word was said with a sort of dismissive scoff. He supposed it didn't take long before SOMETHING ruined his fun. Kamui didn't, visibly, seem to react to the rather disgusting display that was unfolding before him, turning his eyes toward the small urn that was holding Aish in it. Even though the object of his affections lately have been demons, even outside of Belle, he was seriously beginning to find the species to be boring. Out of every species, Kamui genuinely considered them to be the one with the least potential, at least the one with the least readily tapped in to potential. They were useful, but as far as a genuine flagship race for his purposes, they were so...dreadfully boring. Kamui flicked his fingers gently and the small urn kicked up in to the air before being jettisoned toward Kamui. The urn hit the young man's hand with a soft thud as Neoveta's shell was still oozing itself out of the young Belle. The urn did not stay in Kamui's hand very long however and almost as soon as it hit his hand, the Urn was suddenly gone. A considerable amount less showy than the massive portal that'd show up later, but Kamui had already sent Aish back off to the HQ and away from the squabbles that could erupt. Unfortunately, there was not much that Neoveta would be able to glean from the energy she saw in the young demon's body. Whatever was within her system had already been converted in to his ability that had been layered right in to her nervous system. Unless Neoveta could read microscopic letters, she wouldn't be able to read the ability and whatever energy she really had left in her body would have been tainted by her own energy. Neoveta would have known that Kamui's energy was part Sugiuran and part something else, perhaps Chi if she were particularly astute, but not much more would be gleaned past that.

Kamui took a few steps away from the bubbling mass that was now Belle as whatever the creature was formed itself in full, creaked her arm toward him in her best Ghost of Christmas Future fashion, and announced what had been her progenitor and confirming his suspicion. It was unfortunate, they had sent the one he was the least interested in for this little endeavor. It was of very little consequence however. Neoveta being the one Shadowfall sent did not hamper his plans at all, in fact it only made it easier. Neoveta was the predictable one, Kamui had a pretty good idea what exactly she was going do to. She was going to, in a straight line, attempt to run her head in to the Vanguard forces. It'd be a little cute if it wasn't so sad. Kamui followed the line of energy manifesting in the telepathic connection as the force transferred from Neoveta to the now substantially more attractive and less goopy looking Belle. Whatever force radiated from the being had sent Belle through whatever Demons used for inter-dimensional transport and while the force that radiated from Neoveta's shell would be enough to hurl Belle through, Kamui barely reacted short of his hair blowing softly in the breeze. What came next required all of his self control to not burst out laughing. The only thing she said, outside of the ridiculous stipulation that he had somehow mothered his own mother...he wasn't sure how demons worked maybe that's how they reproduced, that was even somewhat intimidating was that he was an accident from a word he was not familiar with. Everything else she said to him was something she could have interrogated from a random Vanguard Grunt. If it was information Kamui cared about he wouldn't have inserted himself in to the Vanguard.

"Neoveta. Asthavon. Officer in Shadowfall. Decidedly the Boring One."

Kamui mimicked her delivery for his response. The other thing he mimicked however was in direct opposition to her. As her death energy began to perforate throughout the area, it would amusingly find itself halted. A few meters between the would become an awkward area where the death and decay caused by her presence would seemingly just stop as Kamui's Tilan filled the area, the sheer strength of his "life" energy balancing out the steady release coming from Neoveta. The small area behind it was not spared of her decay, but the large majority of the sector to Kamui's back however felt no effects from the demon's aura for now, Kamui's presence keeping that insidiousness at bay. He didn't really care about the sector, but the demon was arrogant and this was evidenced further by insinuating that Kamui gave a damn about her mood. That sort of attitude worked with her underlings and people that needed to stay on her good side to survive and Kamui rather clearly demonstrated that not only was she not intimidating to him, but she also wasn't going to get her way simply through existing. These were things he sincerely doubted that Neoveta was used to dealing with, but the statement she followed up with broke the calm and dismissive demeanor that he had been maintaining a genuine, hearty laugh erupted from him.

"And who should I be with exactly? I did not want your attention, I didn't really care. I genuinely was substantially more interested in your sexy little companion there, I am quite a sucker for good tan. I was honestly hoping it'd be one of the other two Shadowfall talking heads, Rose and especially Mana feel so much more interesting. Could you bring her here?"

Kamui grabbed his umbrella and gently poked it in to the now rather vibrant soil directly in front of him, behind that seeming barrier of Chi that was keeping Neoveta's Shell's corrosive nature in check. As he calmly began drawing little doodles in to the ground, looking like a child with an especially ill timed attention deficit issue. A calm smile was on his face as he did this, as if he hadn't a care in the world as the tone of his voice took on a slightly more somber tone. His attention had never really deviated from Neoveta as he spoke.

"How much do you know about the Humans' history? Not much I imagine. It was around the twenty first century, probably near the end of it. This was humanity's golden age, before the hollows and arrancar and you lovely demons broke through the veil that separated our worlds en masse. The humans had everything. There wasn't much conflict, there wasn't much of anything. People were happy, people were at peace. Do you know what happened? They got complacent, they got weak and the greatest offense of all, they lost their creativity. When a species has all the answers, they lose all their potential, they lose all their growth."

Kamui gently picked up his eyes and aimed them at the Asthavon. He hated the humans, he hated the human side of him. His heritage was forever a source of agitation to him and it manifested greatly in to is hatred. However that heritage wasn't what Neoveta's shell was referring to. Kamui had no idea what the Saca Dila was. He had no idea what fractured his psychology in his mother's womb and what all had truly surrounding the conditions of his birth and he was curious, but the answer Neoveta had for him would not do much past sate that curiosity.

"I have been studying each species in this dimension for almost my whole life. Some studying was rather monsterous, some a little more intimate, but do you know who reminds me most of that failure, who I find the most disappointing and useless species? Demons. Do you see similarities? You demons are not much different than humans, you barely even do it in a different way. The humans fell to atrophy and collapse because they had every toy they needed to triumph over the challenges they faced. When they came up against an enemy their toys couldn't handle, the great human dominance of the planet came to an end. You demons are so diverse that as a collective, you have every answer to each problem and as're such a boring species, you have no creativity. Even this altercation on the moon here is following the formula. Your success here is entirely predicated on you being stronger than your opponent. There are no creative tactics, there is no growth. You bring overwhelming force and attempt to ram it down your opponent's throat. You've never really faced adversity, you've never faced a problem you couldn't just overwhelm with that genetic diversity and when you finally do, your Holy Plan will collapse under that weight. What will you do when you are not the strongest person in the room? The Tig-Ani are coming, little Asthavon. You won't be able to bore them to death."

A soft sigh escaped him. He wasn't usually much for long winded speeches. The words unspoken were typically more effective than the spoken ones, but he threw his own unknown word in to play. The Tig-Ani would be new to Neoveta, probably the first time she heard the term, and Kamui was in no rush to explain it to her. All the same, this wasn't a fight Kamui especially wanted and while he was curious as to what this Saca Dila she spoke of was, Kamui couldn't let himself get dragged in to an altercation with her here. He was a ridiculous creature, he was not an infinite one and he had a long day ahead of him. Kamui finished the last line of his little drawing in the ground, his head raising once more to look at the demon.

"As loathe as I am to diminish your humorous mood. You should leave. If forced to destroy you I would and Neoveta would have to spend so much putting you back together...and that's so much work on my part that I really can't afford at this point. As curious as I am as to what you're talking about, I'm going to have to ask you to get off my lawn."

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Tue May 10, 2016 9:41 pm
[adm]Still planning on posting here. Dealing with IRL shit and if I don't post in a week just skip me. If I'm unable to post within the next week, get with me in PM[/adm]

Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun May 15, 2016 10:04 pm

Artist: Toby Fox - Song: Waterfall - Words: 1228

Warmth. That's all that The Void could sense when Belle infused her with the last bit of strength she could muster before her retreat back to an undisclosed location. The gesture was not lost on Neoveta as she could undoubtedly feel a new found strength swirling about within her that made her just as strong as the original in this moment. It was something which come in handy all too soon as the tides of this clash swirled and began spinning towards something foul.

As, the climate of this all out war was now reaching an apex point in the distance none too far from here. It was enough to make the the remnants of The Void which lived on within this Replica Shell feel twinges of uneasiness and dread. There were so many factors, obstacles and circumstances all looming and circling towards their plan which needed to be weighed in and considered before such reckless fighting could begin.

With the shine of an ominous crimson cloud loomed in the distance, the Replica Shell understood that their plan was coming into motion faster than expected, but as to were the rate of complications. With the battle between Neoveta and the Vanguardian forces approached their climax, a strong disturbance was felt within The Princess's energy and the call of The Void yearned for it to oversee and take care of the mission.

Therefore, as much as she would love to oblige this one in combat, she wasn't exactly in a position to waste her time and energy on a squabble for this sector either. Henceforth, The Princess's Shell would just brush off most of the drivel which came out of his mouth when it pertained to the sarcasm which spewed from his voice. In that moment, it reminded her far too much of another self-absorbed fool who referred to himself as "Matthew Hinote". Each of them possessed similar mocking attributes and yielded arrogance so great that even Gilgamesh himself would weep such tears.

It is why her face soon shifted from one of amusement to one which looked as if it were utterly bored out of it's mind. As, to The Shell, it was deju vu all over again and that wasn't quite entertaining. Therefore, while the male was busy having diarrhea of the mouth, The Replica Shell would take this moment in order to actively utilize her DE Force in order to begin rotting and decaying the sense of life energy within the region.

This could be achieved by her increasing the potency of the ability through more concentrated quantities of Death Energy being infused into the air. From there, it would begin to crack, break and wither away portions of the life energy within the vicinity in order to gain more ground and inflict further death and decay. Meanwhile, to the already devastated regions behind her, The Replica Shell would then guide the cluster of destruction towards the atmosphere of Sector A in order to further fill the region with destruction, instability, wrath and death from the cluster of phenomena occurring within the war.

As, at this point, Kamui was no longer of any concern to her and she was assembling the needed resources to lay down the ground work for something grander and wider down the line. Though, that did not mean his words did not capture her attention when he started talking as if he had a modicum of sense in that head of his. For the male first brought up the subject of human history and that knowledge was indeed infused within the grimoires of demonic magic infused within her mind.

"The humans of that era grew delusional. They believed no other threats could subdue them after the war for the Soul King concluded. We took advantage of that and grew because of our malicious nature. I'm not quite certain where you discern the notion that we have possess all the answers in the known universe, but I can attest to the fact that such a sentiment is false."

Indeed, such a thing was truly an erroneous conclusion. As shattered memories of Khala played out within her mind, The Semi-Divine Shell understood that absolute knowledge was not probable in a world as theirs. It broke the essence of creator and such a thing could never be true as a result. Thus, instead, The Princess had a rebuttal.

"That really is quite incorrect. While our species as a whole are blessed with strength, the backbone of it lies within our nature. We will kill, lie, cheat, steal, overpower, deceive and do anything within our arsenal to achieve the cravings our hearts desire. If we have the resource of strength? We will abuse it. If we have knowledge? We will exploit it. If we lack either? We will bid our time in the shadows until the opportunity arises for us to strike and claim it just as we did in the 21st century."

There was not an ounce of hesitation or pause in the words which The Void Princess spoke. It did not matter to her if they were weak, strong or in between these two constructs; they would adapt and do what it took in order to ensure their sinister goals were met. So, as she heard the words of the Tig-Ani uttered out of Kamui's mouth, there was a slight raise of the eyebrow had. It sounded vaguely familiar to The Princess, but she wasn't quite sure why.

Though, it was pointless in the end. She would research that name further in her demonic grimoires later. The only thing which The Void Princess could assume in this moment were that they had to be some form of threat coming to this world. This could be deduced by the boy's sudden change in demeanor and lingering sense of dread had by his tense body language.

As the smugness seemly washed away from him in that moment while he spoke of those creatures and it was enough for Neoveta to take strong notice of. Why else would he bother researching these species if it wasn't in preparation for something big? Therefore, The Princess of The Void would give him a warning in return.

"In the end, it appears we are both caught up in our own pursuits. When the Tig-Ani arrive, we'll be sure to give them a warm welcome. For now, I have my own plans to attend to and it seems I can't stick around here for much longer. If you wish to follow your own delusions in believing you can destroy me so easily, I'd be obliged to see it and prove it wrong. Otherwise, someone will be standing in my place."

With another shock wave from Sector A shaking the whole of the battlefield, The Replica Shell's face grew more stern and it began to levitate in the air before taking off like a bat out of hell towards Sector A. Clearly, it was in a rush to do something. Yet, just as it said, someone else was approaching....

"Jesus Christ, this looks like a fucking shitshow. No wonder you bastards called me out here...! "

[Attempting to exit and reserving next post]

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:54 am; edited 1 time in total

Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Tue May 17, 2016 10:40 pm

Artist: Street Fighter IV - Song: Juri Theme - Word Count: 1020

One can't spend their entire life in the laboratory, can they? Nah, then they would be nothing but some crusty shut-in. And that's the last thing Rose wanted to revert back to. So, yeah, things were getting hella' screwed up outside the confines of The Primera Espada's comfy little lab. People were going to arms for an all out war on both sides of the fence, multiple high-level positions were engaged in combat from Shadow Fall and two of her own Espada were already out on the field of combat.

Now, if those two bastards hadn't gotten themselves tangled up in this dog and pony show, perhaps the runt of The Mischevang wouldn't have bothered bringing herself into this mess. However, she wasn't going to ignore both her sibling AND THE most crazed of her Espada going out on an operation. No way in hell that was going to happen! Miss Rose Mischevang intended to run out in this cosmic shitstorm of a battle and make some noise in the process.

After all, she had to admit she was doing quite a shit job at representing the sorely large shadow that Ashlei Clixx left in her place. And maybe, by doing this small little act, this borderline shut-in could do some justice and appease her ever elusive sibling.

Thus, for this line of bullshit love would Rose Mischevang emerge from a strawberry pink vortex and come in with one loud groan. As this luscious, fruity looking light faded from the battlefield; the stains of this woman's reclusive nature were tattered all over the her silky dress. Or at least, the thing USED to be silky. What was once a pristine and white fabric had been tattered, dirtied and riddled with brown spots from a long days work in the laboratory. And much of the same could be said for most her once milky white skin. All over her body were different nicks, bruises and dirt spots which showed she wasn't one to oppose getting her hands dirty or cared much for appearances.

In fact, even the woman's cherry pink hair was unkempt and filled with split ends as her right hand continued to rub it's way through it. Yeah, her entire appearance seemed quite jacked up and dirty, and it was one someone might not associate with royalty. Yet, did Rose care? Not a bit. Her mind was so far gone in her work that the world outside of it had honestly become a distant second thought. It's only at the request of her own little project (Neoveta), the advisory committee of Shadow Fall and the fact her own men were out on the field that prompted Rose to take any sort of action.

So, here she was at the helms of the real world once more and she was surveying the poor son of a bitch whom she needed to clash with to fulfill their half-assed "quota". Apparently, this was suppose to be some search, destroy and ransack mission on Shadow Fall's part. Something -- Rose couldn't give less of a shit about, but provided an ample opportunity to at least prevent her fangs from becoming dull and from her just being a simple mouthpiece.

Thus, as those bubblegum hued eyes of her set their sights on the bloody gaze of Kamui, The Primera Espada was already at work accessing the situation as many sorts of blips, bops and electric sounds were heard emitting from her eyes. After the environment, recorded data and threat level had been accessed; a low whistle escaped the lips of The Espada as she seized up her new playmate. Well, at least before a painful sigh came not too long after.

"So, I take it you aren't having the best of days, eh? You look mighty tired over there, pal. Sucks that I'll have to agitate ya some more."

While the words were crude, it wasn't necessarily spoken out of malice or smugness. Rose spoke things as she saw them and it looked like this cranberry haired bastard was exhausted. It was a shitty state of affairs, but she figured her opponent was prepared for something like this to occur. So, The Primera would instead test the depths of what her foe could do. This started off with her palms hitting the ground and having strings of beat red energy fire down at the circle Kamui forged around him. These extended for about the length of an average city block and could possibly get him to move around a bit.

From there, if he didn't move, the male would undoubtedly get third degree burns, but her intent wasn't too focused on that. She was merely curious to see if the male had set-up some sort of defense or offense with that circle and was testing the waters. Or, instead, would he defer to some form of magic? Who knew. Perhaps he'd do something utterly basic to dodge it.

"Well, Cranberry Superhero , you have my shitty apology. Anyway, crappy introductions aside, the names Rose Mischevang and I'll be your partner for a bit until this circus act of a night is over."

With a wink of her right eye, the overworked and tired looking Primera would then point her right hand out and shoot off a basic cero straight towards Kamui with enough destructive power to at least level this portion of the sector by a few city blocks or so. It was to add extra measure to her assault, and to warm up her metaphysical muscles. As, after the shot had left her palm, The Mischevang was seen observing that same hand and gripping into a fist a dozen times.

"Fuck me, this is gonna be a cruddy warm-up."

After uttering out one more complaint, The Primera would then crack her neck a bit to loosen up the joints and get this shitshow underway....

Last edited by THEFROST on Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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Thu May 26, 2016 11:13 pm

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count:

Kamui didn't show much of a reaction when the replica spoke. It had not taken long for Kamui to write Neoveta off as an incredibly boring specimen. It was a strength of hers honestly, it made her rather difficult to read. People typically had emotional reactions to things, people were usually interesting and those interesting reactions were what provoked response. Responses were what were read. It made it difficult to read her as a result, for instance Kamui had absolutely no idea if she was just especially thick or being intentionally obtruse simply to upset him. He was leaning toward the former though. He did not know much about Neoveta, his research had been spent more on the others both because they were more interesting and because he genuinely considered Neoveta to be the least useful of the lot of them. An encyclopedia was a tool, it was not a life. It did not possess creativity, it did not possess ingenuity, it was not a threat. Neoveta as a result, was not a threat. It became more and more obvious as she began to try and force more of her insipid energy in to the area...and the line where it had been halted before did not so much as budge. This shell, this remnant, was not going to overpower Kamui through sheer energy...the fact that she tried still was all the more reason for Kamui to hold Neoveta in such low esteem. The "if it didn't work, hit it harder" mentality was not going to work against the a result she was useless. A fact further proven by how she chose to respond to Kamui.

She completely and utterly missed the point. Though it was to be expected. Attempting to explain abstract sociological issues to an Encyclopedia was akin to trying to explain "Love" to a computer. She took it to mean that Kamui thought the demons were infallible...and if she had paid any attention she'd notice he had a healthy amount of contempt for them and their weakness. He did not think they were infallible, far from it. He thought them the weakest of this multi-verses' races. No, he thought they were a species that separated their tools instead of functioning as a toolbox. There was no unity, no cohesion. A group could not struggle for greatness when its individuals were individuals alone. This conflict was already proof of that. The demons were disorganized, they were scattered, and were a threat solely through an indomitable show of force. So what would befall them when that was not an option? What would befall them when that tactic was not available? Kamui knew the answer to that, Neoveta did not. It would prove unfortunate for them and in her arrogance she was not especially interested in listening to his warning. It was expected, unfortunately. The creature before him was going to do what he told her to however, even if she wasn't going to acknowledge that she was doing it. How quickly she took to saying the word "Tig-Ani" was marginally confusing, but they were a common name among Sugiurans, it wasn't beyond the realm of possibility that Neoveta had heard it from one, they were a bit more active lately. Though it would seem all she had was a name and no actual description on them or Kamui doubted she would be so cavalier, then again arrogance was sort of her thing...or stupidity. He supposed the two were not mutually exclusive. Then again, listening didn't appear to be a strength either. He didn't remember saying anything about it being easy to destroy her, in fact he specifically said the opposite. Destroying the replica would take too much energy and be too difficult. The opposite of easy. Thankfully though, she was gone, she was so very boring.

Further unfortunately, she wouldn't simply be leaving him alone. Fortunately however, she was replacing herself with an infinitely more interesting alternative. Not a difficult feat, but still a breath of fresh air. As the pink vortex manifested, Kamui finished his drawing, putting that finishing touch on with a flourish as Rose stepped out on to the moon. His mission here, his personal mission, was done. He had drawn enough attention of the Shadowfall there and the attention of two of their generals in some form or another while still managing to finish his seal. They weren't exactly in a rush to stop him, more arrogance or just indifference, Kamui was not sure. To be fair though, if they knew what he was doing he doubted they'd be in any real rush to stop him. Kamui erected himself back to his full height as the creature spoke. This one looked so much younger, just his type in fact which in and of itself was a rather surprising happenstance. Given what he had heard, he almost expected her to be taller and perhaps a bit more intimidating on the surface. Them being here however meant they weren't getting in the face of his actual target, it was an accomplished mission. However, if he relinquished this place with such a little squabble, it might break the Facade...and Rose did seem rather intent on engaging him regardless of how disinterested she tried to sound. The thought that went through Kamui's head however was more directed at disappointment at Neoveta not elaborating on what she meant. Part of him was hoping she'd try lording information over him and letting it slip instead of rambling about how "nuh uh, demons are cool bro" her species was. It was an unfortunate regret.

"Not tired, little Lord, bored."

Targeting the circle was pointless, Kamui had already disseminated the effect while Neoveta was talking about the demonic dominance and Rose let him know that he looked tired. Even still, Kamui was not one to dodge such obviously provoked leading shots. They were boring, he wasn't interested in engaging the typical back and forth feeling each other out routine. Kamui wasn't typical and his fights would not be either. Kamui dropped his arms to his side and from his sleeve dropped out a silver canister, crashing in to the ground and immediately spewing a gray cloud of smoke. However, before that smoke could proliferate throughout the area, the air around Kamui's body would hyper-accelerate, whipping up in to a fierce and oppressive, lightbulb-esque dome around his body the both kept the oppressive levels of smoke...and caused the inbound energy to bounce off and careen in all directions, the heat from the blow spreading around Kamui's form in the process.

Kamui was not content to simply defend however. From inside his perfectly concealed dome of smoke, Kamui demonstrated his magical proficiency, chaining off spells with a speed that would quite frankly seem impossible. As soon as the heat from the girl's energy attack so much as tickled the air, Kamui's second spell initiated. Using the heat her own attack had generated, Kamui's Dry Blizzard began to collect the carbon dioxide particles in to shards of dry ice before he converted that thermal energy, using it to drive those highly psionically condensed particles straight for Rose's little form and using her own attack to propel them at rates of speed far exceeding all but the most impressive of Balas. As the attack was flung at the girl, the Interference Armor was dropped, allowing the smoke to spread out for a second and for the first time hinting at just what Kamui had been doing inside his shell. The umbrella he had carried had shifted in to a large bow, comically large arrow nocked and pointed at Rose. As soon as she either dodged or defended against the attack, the arrow would either level another attack on top of the other or track wherever she tried to dodge as the smoke continued to creep out around him.

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 28, 2016 8:16 pm

Artist: MintJam - Song: Hallucination - Word Count: 1108

"Bored, eh? Why the hell are you bored? I take it you are one of those tired of the same old scene of death and destruction or something along those lines?"

There was a slight laugh had from The Primera Espada as she observed the reaction the male gave her. In truth, she was here to get the sludge out of her own blood. So, as a result, the further they spiraled towards battle, the more lively The Royal Arrancar seemed to get. As, within a matter of moments, those hot pink eyes of The Royal Mischevang started to light up with life and she was feeling the adrenaline knock the tiredness out of her system. For Rose wasn't disinterested in this engagement; far from it. The five foot five ruler was just in need of something to make her feel alive once again and she was hoping to find that in this battle perhaps.

Henceforth, as soon as her sensors picked up the increased movement within the dome of smoke, the ever accelerating mind of The Espada had already anticipated the trajectory and velocity where the chunks of dry ice would travel down. However, given their immense speed, it was going to be tricky for Rose to evade them all.

Therefore, she decided to quickly infuse a large cluster of spiritual energy into her legs. This would help to increase her physical capacity in those regions briefly in order to give her the edge needed to avoid the storm of shards heading her way. With her heart accelerating, Rose could feel the tension rushing through her veins as she put her earnest effort into putting her plan in action.

In response to this release, an eruption of white and neon pink light devoured each of her legs and she was ready to cut loose. Thus, The Primera would stomp on the ground and have a large chunk of metallic earth arise. In doing so, she would then put her body in motion and leap upwards in the air at a break neck pace and pushed herself into a full sprint. This would result in the chunks of dry ice smashing against the metallic wall and allowing her an opportunity to evade being caught up in that flurry of frozen obliteration.

After taking a quick breath to catch herself from the frantic leap, The Espada would give a low whistle at what it took to narrowly avoid becoming the next piece of abstract art against the cold metal earth. Whatever this guy was made of, he certainly had the element of speed on his side and it was from that moment that Rose understood this was going to be quite the tricky battle to engage in because of it.

[Sensors used]


And, ss she observed the male, it was also beginning to become clear that he was magic user of some kind. The reason why Rose could tell this is because her APS sensors displayed various warnings across her vision that informed her that magical priorities were being used to alter the world around them. Ergo, The Primera would make a mental note of that in order to anticipate what may or may not come later.

For now, what mattered was getting rid of that torrent of smoke around him. So, through the prowess of her spiritual energy, The Espada decided to generate an intense wave of wind throughout a twenty meter radius in order to have supernatural winds rain down upon them. In turn this would hopefully dispel the smoke and unveil the males position. While, as a secondary effect, huge chunks of debris would be spread at super-sonic speeds in order to serve as an additional line of attacks that could skewer, cut and cause intense piercing injuries.

Additionally, as she continued to generate high velocity winds from her energy, the densely packed small particles would produce a sandblast effect which could potentially blow away large chunks of clothing -- and huge bits of skin. Furthermore, if the wind was able to get into any cavities such as the eye sockets, nose, mouth or ears; then these guts would be capable of inducing intense internal damage and generating gruesome mutilations of these regions.

[Ability used]


Though, Rose didn't forget about the barrier crafted around Kamui's body. The Primera Espada viewed the world in nothing but code, and these strings of reality were quite capable of being manipulated by the mind of The Royal Mischevang. Hence, on each these torrents of wind, Origin Code's influence was inscribed into them in order to generate a metaphysical influence made to try and dispel chunks of the barrier so that her assaults could have a chance of penetrating The Prince's body. (I.E. she programmed the attacks with Origin Code to try and either negate the shield, or attempt to try and dissipate piece of the barrier)

All the while, there were still more assaults being thrown The Espada's way and she needed to be on guard at all times. Since the male had already fired off an arrow hurdling towards The Primera's way during the time of their exchange. Thus, Rose's cherry pink eyes once again analyzed the projectile heading towards her way and was able to determine the trajectory of it yielded it having a high chance of reaching her.

Therefore, she wouldn't bother moving out of the way. Instead, she would get on the defensive and utilize her energy in order to help her with that effort. The Primera quickly increased the density of her energy, formed it out in a energized wall which spread for 5.6 feet in width and was 15.4 in height. From there, she aimed to have the arrow collide with the barrier in order to evade taking the hit herself.

Regardless, she wasn't going to be a sitting duck. The Primera Espada continued to keep moving in the air above Kamui and would observe what type of effect her assaults were able to induce upon the male. In this time, her heart was pumping, blood was rushing and there was a grin beginning to be seen upon The Mischevang's face as she was beginning to enjoy this battle. Therefore, she'd holler out these words to the Prince in a buoyant tone of speaking:

"Fuck it, let's help each other become un-bored then! I've been feeling the same way and I need something to get my blood to boil once again. So, show me what you got!"

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:12 pm
[adm]Alright. Since I'm going through and sending out notices in different threads, I'm tackling this one as well. Not sure what's up, but you have 3-5 days in order to make a post before you may end up getting skip. I can try and extend it if something came up, but I need to get some of these threads moving. @Imakuran[/adm]

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Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 3 Empty Re: Sector B [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Jun 19, 2016 12:23 pm


Planning on giving ya an extra day since I'm aware you are off today since it's a Sunday. If there isn't a post in this thread, then I'll proceed and move on with skipping Kamui.

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