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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:54 am


4/2/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on April 2nd, 2416. There is a distant fire and explosions heard in the distance from Sector A. Therefore, the defenses are being put up in this sector in order to prepare for the attack. Read more on the mission to understand and sign-up:

Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 10, 2016 12:27 pm
Henrex sat on top of a wall, near Sector D of the Vanguard Moon Base. He sighed as he heard explosions and screams from Sector A, obviously annoyed by it. Could they be any louder? He sighed and slipped off the wall, with his shihakusho tearing from the back, revealing his set of wings on his back. Pure black, and glowing with his spiritual energy, the wings on his back were a very...sinister appearance to some with him. He hovered a few feet from the ground, before landing, staring at the massive structure that was Sector D. So...his job was to protect this? From the defenses and all the precautions taken, it seemed to him that it didn't really need protecting. This thing was pretty sturdy. But, then again, who knew how powerful these people were who wished to destroy it? He sure as hell couldn't get past probably half the defenses that were shown to him. He sighed and looked around, seeing yet nothing again. This had to be the 20th time he had looked around, constantly on guard to see who exactly would show up.

"This is so incredibly dull..."

Henrex looked over his shoulder, watching the flames from Sector A grow. He felt like he could feel the heat all the way from here. That's how hot the flames felt to him. He quietly paced around, waiting for something to do. This mission had seemed exciting, but now since he had to wait for however long he did just to defend it. When you get stuck waiting for someone to show up so you can fulfill your job, it gets very boring, very quickly. Henrex sighed and flew back up to the pinnacle of a wall, standing there, and not losing his balance.

"If this keeps on, I'll be eligible to die of boredom."

Henrex looked down towards the ground, the Moon's white rocky surface gleaming within the light of the area. His left eyebrow rose in amusement as he felt a spiritual power source nearby. Hm....perhaps this won't be so boring....Henrex leaped down from the wall he was stood on, landing on the ground with a loud thud, making a slight crack in the rocky surface. He had put most of his weight into his legs to make his landing a bit more....theatrical. Perhaps he could spook this person with his entrance. He looked up towards the area where the spiritual pressure was coming from, spreading his wings wide, covering a large area of where he stood. His wings began to radiate with his own spiritual energy, black with an secondary aura inside the large black one, which was purple. He was seeing if this person would react to this, since he was attempting to put an aura of fear within his spiritual pressure. He looked onward, waiting for whoever it was to come into sight...

Last edited by Henrex on Fri Jul 21, 2017 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 10, 2016 11:12 pm

Artist: Nhato — Song: Outer Science

''Whaaaaaa... you're going to to mooooooon~? That's craaaaaazy...''

The red-eyed beauty would close her eyes, smirking as she retrieved her Vanguard coat from her personal locker, throwing it over her shoulders and tying the strings around her neck to hold it in place. She didn't actually put her arms through the sleeves since that wasn't her style—she'd just let the article of clothing hang from her back like a cape, the Vanguard symbol fluttering lazily in the wind. The coat very clearly represented her team and position on the outside, for she was a member of the Initiatve, first to respond to crisis like this, even if that crisis was on somewhere as ridiculous as the moon. Hell, this was the first time she'd ever heard of a Vanguard base up there, but now that it was in trouble, she was made very aware.

''Yeah, sis. They just called me in to work, it seems...''

Despite how indifferent Kimiyo's tone took as she responded to Naomi, her body was shivering with excitement, just barely containing the adrenaline. She could feel it from here, the fervor of battle emanating all the way from the Moon. It called to her, and she was more than eager to answer it, and face that overwhelming opposition that she could sense. Inside, she was smiling from ear to ear, thought such enthusiasm was tinged with bloodlust; it was her inescapable nature to desire fighting. ''Take care, all right? I can handle this one,'' she would say as she pet Naomi on the head, ruffling her azure hair with her palm.

She would walk outside of the building, where her other sister Kokoro was awaiting, a soft smile on her face. Kimiyo would look up to the sky and just barely catch the outline of the moon from where she was standing. She'd stretch all of her limbs out before crouching down and building up energy into her legs, concentrating on controlling her breathing, her flow of power. The asphalt beneath her feet cracked under the building pressure, causing small pebbles to rise against the pull of gravity. ''All right, Koko, show me where I'm headed,'' is all she would say, giving the signal to the woman to come close and adjust her stance. The plan was literally to jump to the moon, and she would need the smart one of the family to help with aiming herself. After a few moments of her hands moving parts of her body around, Kokoro would step away and give the thumbs up to send her off.


She would struggle to utter that word, just before she released herself and launched off the face of the Earth like a rocket. Kimiyo's ears were deafened from the resulting shattering of the sound barrier, as she quickly found herself approaching the darkness outside of the atmosphere. Her body was going numb, and only the heat of such high-speed travel was keeping the chilling cold away. Several times her consciousness would fade from her body as the blood rushed away from her brain, but in mid-flight she would flip over so that her feet were now at the front and her head at the back. She would come crashing onto the surface of the moon, where the hidden base of the Vanguard awaited her.

The raven-haired woman perforated the ceiling of Sector D, a little off from the primary conflict, but good enough. Her landing came with an explosion of dust and debris, which was quickly sucked out through the hole she came in from as the vacuum of space pulled at it. However, before the oxygen could be emptied from the room entirely, natural defense mechanisms built into the base would activate, sealing off the hole with emergency plating. That left Kimiyo, crouching at the center of a crater she had created with her landing. She looked up with a wry smile, blood dripping from a wound on her lip that she didn't even realize she had due to the adrenaline pumping through her veins. At some point during her trip, she had bitten her lip, but she was far too numb to everything right now to know it had happened.

She looked around, and was quickly able to discover she was in a lesser wing of the structure, where conflict had not yet reached. There was only one other person present at the scene, whom Kimiyo could sense was behind her. The Vanguard symbol hung upon her back, and would be the first thing this man saw as he approached. She would turn around to face him, at first thinking him an opponent... her aura of violence would swarm the room, causing her to appear as a black demon at first. But as Kimiyo realized that he was a fellow member of the Vanguard, the illusions were replaced with reality. Kimiyo was but an Amazonian-built woman in modern clothing, nothing but her coat to suggest she was more than an average civilian.


Template By: [THEFROST]

Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Qx494h
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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:52 am
Henrex's eyes narrowed, as he heard a sound, which sounded like someone landing on the Moon. It seems he was not alone. Maybe it was someone he could try and beat to the dirt, or, stones, in this case. He slowly unsheathed his sword, with the black climbing gloves on his hands giving him and additional grip on the hilt of his Zanpakutō. He could feel this person's spiritual pressure. Not one of a captain's, that's for sure. It seemed more around his own level. Perhaps this could be a fair fight, if it comes to that. He slowly crouched down slightly, keeping his sword facing away from him, ready to attack. He watched the person come into view. A hair....normal clothes....partially dark skin. Hm, a polar opposite to his insanely pale skin. He went to pull the scarf on his face up, before realizing that it was already up, and this person would see nothing but his black eyes.

He kept his combat stance, not risking making himself vulnerable. Unless this person would confirm that they would not a threat, Henrex would stay on his guard. This was a serious mission. He had no information on this person. He activated his Cyberbrain, scanning this person to see for any traces on them within his database. He found nothing. This person was completely new to him. An enemy? Could be. But, if so, they probably would have attacked by now. He swallowed nervously, unsure of what to do. He slowly rose, taking a more offensive stance, and kept his sword at the ready. His voice was quiet, but dark, as if he were a whisper within a shroud of darkness. He was trying his best to keep his voice from shaking, since he was partially nervous, partially afraid. He was nervous because he was talking to a woman, the gender Henrex had the hardest time communicating with. He slowly took a few steps forward, so his voice would be heard clearly, if this person wasn't deaf, or hard of hearing.

".....Friend....or enemy?"
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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:18 pm

Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] JCRrxmK

Artist: Nhato — Song: Outer Science

When no answer came immediately, Kimiyo raised an eyebrow at the rather unorthodox silence. It would take a moment for her to realize that her ears were still ringing from the reckless trip she made, causing her to start clapping her palm against her ear as if she was trying to smack her ear drums back into place. With every strike she made, it would feel like she was getting closer and closer to the surface of an ocean. Her hearing would return to her, and with it came the sound of distant explosions and fighting, quite a ways away from this sector of the base. She widened her eyes and turned her head in its direction, the spirit of battle resonating strongly within her. It was almost as alluring as a siren's song...

But then the boy's voice reached her ears, causing her to turn back with a much more disinterested expression. Really now? Could he not judge for himself by the uniform she had hanging around her neck? Actually, she didn't like the way his tone sounded at all, as something about it just got on her nerves. She narrowed her eyes at him as she took a sudden step forward, her foot coming down with a stomp.''Ehhhhhhh...?'' she began, looking at him in an interrogative manner, but then her voice would turn soft and effeminate as she played the innocent woman. ''Is that really how you were raised to speak to a lady such as myself~? That makes me feel so scared and uncomfortable, mister...''

Sighing, she turned around again, causing her Vanguard coat to wave in front of him for a clear look at the symbol emblazened upon it before her hair fell over it again. She swung her hand up and jammed her thumb into her back, showing him where to look in case it wasn't clear enough. This was the Initiative's uniform all right, and she was from the Vanguard as well. She may not have looked like a fighter considering her attire and appearance: she was a tall light-skinned woman, wearing a white school uniform with a shirt and skirt that bared both her legs and arms. The way her figure lacked any noticeable flaws and possessed near perfect proportions; the long flowing ebon hair that was only in a mess right now due to the wild ride from Earth. Truly, she looked like somebody in the modeling business than she did a Vanguard warrior. But that was the honest truth.

''Don't know why you're even out here when you can tell where the real battle is from where we're standing, anyways. But, I'm heading out that way.'' She smiled wide, bearing her teeth with glee. Yet it was not an expression of innocent enthusiasm that displayed across her face. No, with the way her brows angled inwards and her crimson irises glowed with fire, this was an emotion of violent excitement. She began walking in its direction, her cape and long hair flowing behind her. Her fist rose and was brought slamming into her other hand with a loud smack.

''That's where all the fun is~''

Template By: [THEFROST]

[OOC: Kimiyo is the character in the center of the template, for reference]

Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Qx494h
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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu Apr 14, 2016 6:20 pm

"...They want what…?" The lazy voice of a man asked, his head tilting to the side as he looked at the messenger they had sent to him. A bit of a scrawny Arrancar, not exactly the type one would expect to be employed by the ranks of the evil and nasty Shadowfall. "Aaaaah…" The skeletal being just yawned, before turning back around in his bar booth.

"Well, I'd say that they're shooting for the moon if it wasn't so appropriate." He muttered to no one in particular, before opening his eyes once again. "Guess I'll go. No promises on mass destruction though…" He mentioned… before he vanished from his chair.

Where he was sitting, a small fire now burned. The Arrancar who had lit it reached his hand out, before wiping it away. A small bead of sweat was going down the side of Sonny's head, and he placed his hands back into the pockets of his sweater. "...Oh… the Doc sent ya, did he?" He asked, before his right eye faded away. He looked at the soul of the Arrancar… and sure enough, there was the Doctor's seal. "...So that's how it is… "

"Man, this job's really been working me down to the bone lately…"

Two slippers touched down on solid ground once again, their owner finally taking in a breath. Turning his head around, he slowly tilted it back and forth. "Twenty seconds… that's probably a new record… or not. Let's just call it a personal best, t hen." Turning his head around, Sonny blinked.

In that moment, his Pesquia flared around his body. He very rapidly acquired the energy signatures of each individual in the area, even those who were hidden reasonably well. Blinking once again, he decided that there were currently two energy sources that were likely going to be a problem.

Of course, the only thing threatening about Sonny himself… was the fact that he was an Arrancar. He did not seem to hold any great power. In fact, he did not seem to harbor any spiritual power that could be considered greater than your average Shinigami. In reality, that was all the power that he had. Taking a small bottle out of his jacket, he put it up to his mouth, before taking a few gulps.

"Well…" His body had vanished, before appearing in front of the woman as she let out a sound. "Members of the Vanguard, huh?" He asked, as his shadow preceded him. Walking into the light, the small skeleton looked first at the young man, before turning his head over to the woman. "...I'm an attacker for Shadow Fall… but to be honest, terrorizing people really isn't my thing." He told them, his skeletal hands rising out of his pockets before they lifted into the air, performing a large shrug.

"But they're still going to expect for me to put on a bit of a show…" He trailed off, looking the two of them over. Huh. One of them's barely started learning about being a Shinigami… the other, however… Looking at her made Sonny feel a bit… nervous. Like she could probably hit him, even with his ability to evade as it was.

"Yaknow, I've been thinking about buying a cape recently. But tibia honest, I don't think I have the backbone for it." He said with that smile on his face, his single eye looking at them and past them. "But enough about me…" Sonny explained, before his body… vanished.

Fifteen instances, and fifteen Sonny's. These fifteen individuals appeared around the bodies of the two, before the Skeleton reappeared in front of them once again. It was… odd. While he had moved… and had appeared, as if moving fluidly, normal running… he also hadn't been in the spaces between them. If anyone nearby could perceive how fast he was going, it was almost as if he was blinking in and out of space itself. As Sonny reappeared in front of them, he shrugged again…

And then bones shot out of the ground.

Great pillars emerged all around them from all sides, crashing through the nearby buildings as they created an entire circle. More bones had been embedded into the tips of those bones, and they too expanded, crashing into other bones as they created an entire mini arena. "Yeah… I'm not really feeling this... So… let's just pretend to fight, and take it easy. That way… nobody else will come here, either... that's what you kids want, right?" He asked, honestly not sure if they would accept his offer.

While he was talking with them… his eye was still not looking at them. It was looking past them, looking at the individuals who had begun to do battle in what appeared to be the most prominent area. Hmm… one of them… appears to be a bit… unfair… Sonny thought to himself, though he showed no sign of stress on the outside. His gaze did turn to the solemn Shinigami for a moment, before his eyes slightly narrowed in amusement. "Hey, we're on the moon, but that doesn't mean you can't get some sun, kid."

He could see that the woman wanted to leave this area and go over to the main fighting arena… but the truth of the matter was, if she wasn't here, then it wouldn't seem like a 'balanced' battle. Otherwise… others might come, and that would put both the environment and the lives here in danger. Probably best to avoid that… Sonny thought to himself, though he didn't let off anything but a casual presence on the outside.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Apr 15, 2016 6:05 pm
Henrex slowly relaxed his body as the woman revealed the cape she wore, which showed the Vanguard's symbol, and Henrex slowly returned his sword to it's sheath, and his wings lowered so the ends were pointing towards the ground. He took a silent breath, one of relief as he looked at her no longer with the cold expression he always kept, but one of not exactly warmth, but merely a gaze of knowing, since his gaze softened just by the slightest.

He looked at her with slight amusement. Perhaps he shouldn't have been so cold to her. He slowly started to walk towards her, his footsteps not making a sound on the empty atmosphere of the Moon, and he was now only mere feet from her, now able to examine more about her clearly. Ebon hair, which was currently a mess. Possibly from the travel to the Moon. Light-skin, and it...was flawless...."No! Don't...get distracted. This was a mission. It would be time to be a blushing nervous wreck later. Must. Act. Professional."

Henrex's thoughts rang out like a church bell within his head. The woman standing in front of him was beautiful, and his cheeks started to turn pink, which was clearly noticeable if you looked at the area of his face above his scarf, you would see the pink of where he would blush. He quickly turned around, clearing his mind of the thoughts and quickly switching his primary thought to the task at hand. Operation Moon Massacre, they called it. That was the name of the plan where Demons, Arrancar, and more evil beings would attempt to destroy the Vanguard's Moon Base. He didn't know why, due to Henrex not much of one to ask questions. He only listened, due to sometimes the best strategy is to listen.

Henrex turned around, his blush now gone, and his sword sheathed. He nodded towards the woman, then outstretched his right gloved hand, hoping for a handshake. Afterwards he started to head back towards the wall he was previously sitting upon, before stopping abruptly, as he looked over, seeing a white man standing there. He was bone white, with a blue eye, blue bubble hoodie, and...slippers? Why...No matter. He turned to face this strange newcomer, seeing that this man was, indeed, practically a skeleton. He listened to what they were saying, making sure not to miss anything. They were an attacker....for Shadowfall. The name of the enemy. Henrex immediately withdrew his sword again, moving into a combat stance again, this time, his eyes flaring with fury. "Enemy located. Registering into database." Henrex said, with his Cyberbrain activating and scanning this newcomer. This man...was odd.

He seemed to radiate an aura of...uneasiness. Henrex's thoughts were going mad as he scanned this person, and found a name and race, but nothing else. Sonny Ray. This man was an enemy. Henrex was ready to fight. Finally, something that wasn't incredibly boring on this rock! But then...the next sentence the Arrancar Sonny Ray said...sent him into a state of confusion. Terrorizing people....wasn't his thing? Henrex gritted his teeth under his scarf, annoyed by this phrase. "Then why are you fighting for Shadowfall, Arrancar!?" His voice was trembling, because he was very afraid of this person. He was no match for him. This guy was incredibly powerful. His arms and legs were shaking, and he slowly started to make steps towards him, trying to make himself look brave.

He had only made a few steps forward before bones shot out of the ground and he leaped back, hovering in the air with his wings, keeping his Zanpakutō in his hand. After the bones shot out of the ground, Henrex kept his sword at the ready, prepared for another attack, but none came. Instead, bone pillars appeared, forming a makeshift arena. He wouldn't bother trying to break it. He probably couldn't. Instead, he readied his sword, looking the Arrancar in the eyes...or, eye, as he spoke. He wasn't feeling it...then why did he decide to come here?! He heard him say something else....they were on the Moon...but it doesn't mean...he couldn't get some sun. A stupid remark. He continued to hover in the air, pointing his Zanpakutō in the Arrancar's direction, annoyed at his remark. "I could say the same for you. You're as pale as a ghost....or a skeleton." He slowly started to descend, before landing and gripping his sword with both hands, ready to fight...
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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Apr 15, 2016 9:33 pm

Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] JCRrxmK

Artist: Nhato — Song: Outer Science

As she mentioned the prospect of a magnificent battle only a few sectors away from this one, it would seem as though her mind had already left the building to look forward to the high-octane combat that could be found there. She turned, and began walking toward the nearest door that seemed to head that way, relying on her sheer sense of battle to guide her for she had no idea about the layout of this facility. As such, the other Vanguard member's gracelessness went by in disregard. To be honest, Kimiyo didn't know his name, despite the fact that she probably should have. If it weren't for the promise of challenge, perhaps she would commit herself to a proper introduction and acquaintanceship, but alas...

Her fingernails dug into the fleshy palms of her hands, pinching her skin, but not quite piercing it. Adrenaline pumped through the veins throughout her whole body, and Kimiyo had just barely enough self-control in order to contain the shaking caused by it. That same aura from before... even though she looked merely human, merely a young unarmed woman... there was a power that rose from her core, causing that reality to be subverted by the essence of her battle spirit. Her skin turned black like shadows, her hair whipping up into an unholy fire, and crimson light streaming from her eyes. This illusion was an image that was no longer even close to what Kimiyo was before, but that was the truth of the rancor residing deep within the woman.

Then, like a bad joke, an animated skeleton done up in weekend casuals would emerge from the shadows off the door Kimiyo was approaching, hands stuffed in the pockets of his clothes. Kimiyo stopped slowly, her crimson hues training on the vacuous holes that were supposed to be his eye sockets. A tired old voice came from the person, quickly identifying himself as an invader. It was surprising to Kimiyo to hear those words when she couldn't detect any bit of hostility from the thing, whether it be a lack of aggression or simply his 'unique' make-up. But it was precisely that reason that she frowned...

The black-haired beauty would bring her hands up to her neck, pitching her head roughly to the side to crack her bones, while pale white ivory emerged from all surfaces around them all. This skeleton, which had seemed to appear hear to stop them from continuing on towards the main threat against the Vanguard in Sector A, despite his disinterest in the matter. Ah, that explains it, Kimiyo thought to herself. If he was only here on a job and not any desire to fight, then that would mean he had not spirit of battle to sense. This man... lacked passion at all!

Unflinching as the colossal bone fragments encircled them and trapped them in the now unrecognizable Sector D, Kimiyo would snake her fingers underneath the strings that held her Vanguard coat to her body, undoing them with a single tug. In one fluid motion she swung the article of clothing around in front of her and tossed it away to the side, before punching her fist against her own palm strongly enough to produce a shockwave of kinetic force. The invisible blast truly... rattled his bones. Though, Kimiyo had the human dignity to not utter such a thing aloud.

''The way I see it, this matter will be resolved simply. If you think you can hold back a femme fatale such as myself, then you will give me the challenge I desire... But if you are weak, then I will merely step over your body and find a true opponent.'' There was no subtlety, no complexity, no dishonesty to Kimiyo's intent. She strode forth confidently, scarlet wisps of energy escaping from between the fingers of her clenched fists. Every step she took seemed to create cracks and deformations in the metal below her boots; audible snaps could be heard, and steam would rise from the print afterwards. Her right arm would rise up to the level of her neck, telegraphing the attack she was about to make, while her face darkened to something... sinister.

''Show me a good time, ya creep~'' she cooed, before punching out in the empty air several meters away from the skeleton man. Physical contact was unnecessary: Kimiyo released the Chi she had compressed into the empty space within her fist, and it would explode outward in the form of an overpowered beam. Her energies carved out a valley in the ground before her, racing towards him at the speed of a lightning bolt. It would swath him and the bony wall behind him in destructive light, with enough power to disintegrate them on the spot. The beam's width was easily larger than the man, and the hole created in the wall could fit a truck through if anyone wanted to. And assuredly, this pure destructive power was much simpler and easier to achieve than his ability to create such stupid fortifications.

As she smiled wide and beared her sharp teeth, one had to wonder who the real monster here was.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Qx494h
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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:35 pm

Huh. Looks like the kiddo's got a bit of a crush. The small skeleton thought to himself, observing the pair of them. "If you're wondering kid, they're for giving you the…" Sonny paused, raising up his right foot and dangling the object for a moment. "…Slip."

He obviously seemed to be very pleased with himself over that one.

"Woah, woah kid. Woah. Woah." Sonny told him, holding up both hands and shaking them from side to side. Sonny could almost… feel the violating waves of the sensors, making his bones crawl due to how sensitive they were. However… The truth of the matter was… Henrex's scan… returned nothing. Or rather…

It returned the result of a powerless human.

In fact, if it were possible, it seemed as if the being before him was even less than that. The Yuudeshi Network wasn't even capable of storing him properly, due to the fact that his threat level was so low.

However, it seemed he was still given away. The shift in the stance of the young man, made things pretty obvious, not to mention his… question. "… It's just my day job, c'mon." He said, blatantly avoiding a genuine answer to the question. "Really though, that's not much fun. And by not much fun, I mean you've gone and sold my existence here to everyone, haven't you?"

Sonny's expression darkened for a moment, along with an extreme urge of annoyance leaving his form. The one eye darkened beyond all belief, before he slowly opened his eyes. "...Is it really that cold out?" He asked, looking at the shaking and shivering kid. Sonny could understand why, if the pulse of annoyance he had let out was truly filled with malice.. but it wasn't. It was irritation, plain and simple. Perhaps that would catch the woman's attention, if even for a moment. After all, in that instant… the tired and dull voice held beneath it a razor edge, a blade whose movements would effortlessly demolish concrete and slabs of stone.

Come on, kid. I do everything I can to try to make it so that this place doesn't come under violent attack… man, you're just asking for other people to waltz in and make this place spice up more. How do you think information networking works, anyway? Sonny was distinctly reminded of that small… reputation he had built up when fighting through the layers of Hell. It made a lot of the later fights a lot less interesting, because they had heard of him already and therefore tried to counter what he could do. It was perhaps even more irritating now than it was then, because of the nature of the fact that the Moon was more then likely not the most well-guarded place in terms of their Information Security.

The Skeleton was not ignorant. In fact, from what he had been able to understand from the way the Doctor messed with them, most of those information systems tended to store information as quickly as they were accessed. It was therefore highly unlikely that the kid had only accessed the database to see who Sonny was... he'd probably stored his presence here in some kind of database. ...Damnit... With a heavy sigh, he blinked, hearing something else come out of the kid's mouth. Slowly, Sonny raised his head again, though this time his smile had a bit of a genuine tone to it.

"...Heh. Good one, kid." Sonny let out, seeming to have calmed down a bit. He couldn't deny that he was pale as a skeleton. It seemed like the kid might be able to look past his base assumptions and naïve reactions after all.

And failing that, he at least made Sonny laugh.

Then there was this woman. Possibly a fine specimen. Sonny did not particularly care one way or another. He supposed that her flowing ebony hair and confident stature would be considered rather attractive. Unfortunately, Sonny had long abandoned the mere idea of being able to pursue such things in the typical manner.

Sonny's hands slowly went back into his pockets, his head tilting to the side as he observed her. Speaking of base assumptions… heh. The smile on his face did not dim or disperse, but simply remained in its casual form.

The pressure released from her palms coursed past his body, but only for a moment. It was as if he allowed for his small form to be carried by them, moving along with them rather than resist. "Even if it means risking the lives of many innocent people?" Sonny asked her directly, his gaze looking straight at her now. It lacked any form of vitriol or spite. It was a voice which seemed as if it did not care, simply casually pondering whether or not she would do such a thing. The truth of the matter was, it didn't really matter to Sonny whether or not the people of this base lived or died. They weren't very… important to him. However, he did not agree to meaningless bloodshed, and would at the very least question those who would walk down its path.

Each step she made caused for the ground all around Sonny's body to shiver. He himself, however, simply looked at her. He showed no signs of fear, no signs of anticipation… in fact, it was almost as if she were approaching an animal. Like a whale, who simply did not have the beginning inkling to imagine how she would be able to be considered a threat. "...Huh."

Sonny's body had shifted to the side, his slippers stepping off of the ground. Her Chi was observed, analyzed, every bit of it tracked and monitored as the skeleton man hopped away from her attack, watching it smash into the doorway behind him. Even as his body moved, however, rotating to avoid the attack, a single finger trailed out of his coat pocket.

The bone fragment slid across the ground, before… a second knocked into it. As this occurred, one of the fragments erupted, rising up into the air as it elongated. It was very likely that it would smash full force into Kimiyo from the front if she did not evade it; like a soccer player who had ended up going full force into the goal post. Meanwhile, the other bone had released as well, and was shoving the first bone. If it were pushed out of the way, this one would move forwards and slam her in the stomach, possibly knocking her off balance. It would not cut into her, but it could leave one hell of a bruise.

Sonny was observing the destruction, before looking back over at her. "That's one hell of a right hook." He told her, his form slowly turning to face her. "But really, didja really think I would just stand there and take it?" He asked her, his hands reaching out of his pockets as he shrugged. "Anyway, hey kid, you should probably watch where you're walking."

With that word, another bone would emerge… from beneath Henrex's feet. Another seed, planted on the bottom of that which had pushed up the polebone. It had been ejected from beneath the other bone with its expansion, landing directly beneath Henrex's feet. This one, however, widened greatly before attempting to push its target straight up into the air. If the man wasn’t careful, it would lift him several meters into the air, before leaning back and just letting him drop. At the very least, it would be embarrassing to fall over just like that.

"Did you even have lunch today?" He asked the woman then, still seeming like he did not understand the gravity of the present situation… at all. "... oh, Creep? Have you tried looking in a mirror lately, lady? I've seen gentler sewer monsters!" He asked, suddenly realizing that she had, in fact, referred to him as a creep. Or maybe it was to give it a poignant pause.

Or maybe he simply had forgotten about it until then.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Age : 23

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Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector D [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:54 pm
Henrex smiled to himself under the scarf around his face. Giving him the slip....hehe....a little amusing. He closed his eyes and bowed his head slightly, the smile under his scarf remaining. Well..that was a surprise. He didn't expect himself to smile at that, but Sonny Ray had indeed humored him. He lowered his sword, and sighed. This guy....was odd. He was the enemy...yet he was treating the conversation as if it were talk between friends. He slowly took to the air again, hovering just mere feet above the ground. He had stopped shaking when he had make his "joke", as now he wasn't afraid of this person. "'re not too bad...Sonny Ray. But...that still doesn't change the fact that you are still my enemy. Perhaps if things were different. Although it won't stop me from..." Henrex stopped, before flying towards Sonny at rapid speed, aiming for a single strike to his head. "CUTTING YOU DOWN WHERE YOU STAND!!" He finished, bringing his sword crashing down, which, if avoided, would cause a large crater where Sonny and Henrex were just standing. After the attack, he leaped backwards, hovering in the air for a short time, before landing next to the woman from before.

Henrex quickly opened the results of the scan on Sonny's power, to find the results shocking. His strength was....the level of a powerless human?! Impossible! His Cyberbrain had to be malfunctioning. He did a re-scan, only to find the results the same. Powerless Human. If he was this weak....then...why was he radiating an aura of insane power? Who...was this guy? He slowly raised his sword as he heard the next sentence come from Sonny's skeletal jaws. Watch...where he steps? What the hell did that mean...wait...He looked down, an instant too late to dodge fully, but Henrex was pushed into the air, gripping the end of the bone that had protruded from the ground, before the bone leaned back, and he let go, before staring down at Sonny, seeing a grin on his face. He now knew one of his main powers. Osteokinesis. The power to manipulate bones. Or at the least, from what he had seen now, he had the ability to create them. He was unsure of the full extent of this ability, or abilities, but now Henrex had to be even more cautious. This guy was very unpredictable.

He slowly descended, glaring at the skeletal Arrancar standing before him. He didn't land on the ground just yet, he was still hovering in the air. Staying in the air seemed like a safe bet for now, since he tried tripping him with the bone shooting from the ground. He twirled his Zanpakutō in his hand, before stopping, then moving his arm to his side. Without warning, he shot forward again, aiming to slash at him, but he misjudged his attack, and the blade landed in the white surface next to where Sonny stood, "Damn...." He thought, before flying backwards, his eyes slowly moving towards where the woman was standing, then back to Sonny. He may have been facing towards Sonny, but his words were meant to reach the woman next to him. His voice was quiet now, not a whisper, but it was meant to be hard to hear for the Arrancar across from him. "I suppose I should tell you my name....and you should tell me yours. Henrex Astillon, member of the Gotei, Covert Operations member. Nice to meet you."
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