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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Apr 10, 2016 7:42 pm


4/2/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on April 2nd, 2416. There is a distant fire and explosions heard in the distance from Sector A. Therefore, the defenses are being put up in this sector in order to prepare for the attack. Read more on the mission to understand and sign-up:

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:27 am
The wind blew as his coat blew backwards and the sky began to turn crimson slowly. He exhaled softly as he arrived finally back from it all. His feet walked forward slowly as he knew the Princess had a goal to accomplish here. After the fall out the Iceland Conflict as it became known. Something he decided to stay out of due to injuries from the Shark. But he'd healed enough as he glanced at the people coming towards him. Defenses weren't even set up yet when he arrived as the heat began to cause the area to burn. Verathius arrival wasn't something many would have expected. As the Segunda rarely did things like this as he felt the flame blow around. He was finally able to think clearly thanks to that battle. He could now perform his duties clearly with a sense of purpose. His face remained stoic as he looked on simply raising his right hand. He fired a massive cero out effortlessly as it blasted into the sector. What defenses had been raised were annihilated almost instantly. The defenses were poor at best and that was interesting to notice. He felt a blade clang against his skin as the man fell down. His hands were bleeding from the blow as Verathius merely looked at him. Letting a finger point at the man, he was blasted away with not even an ash remaining. Verathius was known for extremely durable Hierro, attacks were shot at him from every angle. But did nothing to the stoic figure as he walked towards them. His hands slipped into his pockets as he released a massive amount of spiritual pressure. Sending a wave of flame out that killed most the weaklings that tried to contest him. He offered a sigh as more moths gathered to the flame as he glanced at the entrance to the base he was nearing. The huge hole in their defenses made it evident something bad had happened. Flames were running rampant here as he stood still for a moment. He sighed softly and raised his hand in the air as a ball began to appear. A large sphere appeared in the palm of his hand. It wasn't a special cero or anything of that nature.

He held it as many of them got closer they burst into flames. The heat from him was enough to cause spontaneous combustion. He gave his ball a throw and watched as many a man tried to stop it. Only to be incinerated by the fireball cero before they could do anything. He continued his leisurely walk towards the base. He could feel nothing of threat just yet. These were simple minions it seemed the strong defenders had gone elsewhere. He would take as many of these as possible for the Princess. The Shadow Fall Princess hadn't gotten aid from their people in some time. It was high time the Hollows did something aside from sitting. He was no longer content to be in the background as he'd found it. His resolve he would protect his sister and create a new Hollow Monarchy. Verathius felt the pull finally find his emotions as no was left to stand before him. He could continue his leisurely walk or speed things up a bit. His eyes had a fairly good view of the sector here. A man who sat wounded fatally reached his ears as he turned."Why?" He stopped for a moment as his orbs turned to look at the man empty. "You drew first blood.." He said without a hint of emotion before walking away. Bringing his hand up a marking appeared on the palm of his right hand. He thought about finishing this off with his might quickly. About using something like the Magnum to just punch a hole through the base itself. He would draw what he could from the Princess and perhaps find out more of his answers. His powers of the Tribal Hierro and Cero, he'd only scratched the surface of what this could do. He knew it from just how fast it reformed. His eyes glanced down at the palm of his hand slowly as his orbs stared towards the base. Both cero had struck the side of the base with extreme force. His cero's felt stronger than they had previously. He'd certainly come back into the fold new and improved. But he wondered how much more could he increase his strength.

That disdain for the demon race was gone, the desire to be free of them. No longer plagued him or his mind. The Princess and her mother were no different from anyone else. The only thing different was that the hollows had lost their teeth. It was high time they got them back and he would do any dangerous mission to bring them back. He would do his best to become a pillar of the species. Someone feared by their enemies and respected by their allies. So while this proved a boring matter in that of itself. Verathius felt a fire inside again for the first time in ages to do something. To make better the Hollows as much as possible.

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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:28 am
His eyes shifted now as he stopped where he stood finally. He saw the figure of the Shinigami arrive. His mouth parted a sigh as he looked around at the enemies. It was a very bloody battle from what he could see. Verathius couldn't see a point to the reason why all this went on. Neoveta the :Princess seemed to one a conflict of some sort. But it matters very little in the end as his reiatsu flared his eyes stared towards the Shinigami. Flames burned the moon scorching the ground as it went outwards. His index finger was raised up as he pointed at the figure of that creature. A massive bala shot from the tip of his finger. His eyes remaining fixed on the creature as the tribal markings on his body hidden away covered most of his body. He didn't intend to release his power just yet here. He wasn't majorly concerned with the overall detail of all this. Verathius made sure to keep a close watch on the shinigami's position after using a bala. Verathius specialized in two very special areas of combat. Cero's and Hierro were his favored method. Allowing him to fight at a range with little trouble as his Hierro was strong enough to take massive impacts. Verathius had a secret weapon that he decided not to use to date. Its destructive powers were far too devastating for use. But here on the Moon, it made little difference to him. The first attack was to measure the Shinigami's reflexes as he would take into account how it fought. Representing the hollows here was his duty. He decided to watch the Shinigami closely as his finger began to glow. Another bala but this one was different from the last one. Flames of crimson and heat melted the ground beneath him. It wasn't something he had to release right away. Another thing was that his finger wasn't the only spot he could release from. Verathius found no honor in defeating these weak canon fodder. It didn't jive with him at all, this sort of thing. But orders were orders and as a Segunda, he had a simple job to perform. If he couldn't do this much how could he accomplish his goal?

They had become pathetic at best, Hollows were once feared and respected. But now they were a joke among the darker side of things. He had never met the figure Nagato but he intended a conversation after this. Their species wasn't nearly as impressive as it had once been. "They brought it on themselves when they attacked Iceland.." Verathius said in his normal melancholy voice. His stoic figure was not changing as he watched the Shinigami closely for movements. Murder was murder but, this wasn't something unprovoked. Vanguard had drawn first blood as he put first and this was Shadow Fall's retort. Verathius had not taken part in Iceland due to incidents against the being Radioactive. His eyes of crimson remained unwavering as he stood ready for the combat to truly begin between he and the Shinigami. Something did catch his eye as the being manifested his Zanpakutō. What kind of power did the Zanpakutō have that he could manifest it in such a way? Only time would answer that vital question.
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 21, 2016 7:44 pm
[adm]I'm leaving this notice that Gin can now be skipped at anytime. I'm aware that perhaps Ulqui's character is going to come in and replace Shiro as his opponent perhaps. If you are concerned about this, then please leave me a contact in my communication thread:

At any rate, anyone can come in now or Crow can proceed on with the thread.[/adm]

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jun 13, 2016 6:14 pm
[adm]There are a few things that can happen with this thread: the first is that I'll have someone come in and fill in for Gin. The second is that Crow can proceed and try and destroy the Sector with his character since we'll effectively say that Gin's left the field. If I cannot find someone to fill in within 4 to 72 hours, then Crow can proceed with whatever he thinks is best. [/adm]

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:04 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Entering the combat on the moon the young woman walked with a certain elegance to the long strides which her legs made. Only fifty minutes earlier the Yuudeshi Mastermind had been in a meeting while receiving data and information about the massacre that was occurring on the orbiting celestial body that was in Earth's atmosphere. For fifty long minutes the young woman had to listen to the updates, slowly but surly sectors began to be destroyed and lost to the Vanguard. Many being killed in the crossfire. It was only ten minutes prior to her arrival she had received approval to leave for the moon, after all help was needed a lot in this troubling situation.

Which brought us to the present, the prodigy mapped a path to Sector G where the opponent she would face resided for the moment, two opposing goals. Hers to crush him and force him out of the Sector or at least try to hold him off until reinforcements arrive and his goal to destroy the Sector. When the woman finally made it to the opponent that she must face, interfacing with the Yuudeshi Network and syncing with her AI Cyrus the woman analysed many files and reports on Verathius Mischevang, of course much was incomplete and there were some blank spaces in his files. Nevertheless the Yuudeshi decided to start small, instead of attacking head on like an idiot which would engage in a fight she stood there for a moment as if regarding him curiously.

Of course the surrounding screams of the Vanguard soldiers nearby made the air full of background noise, she chose her words carefully - after all she was trying to stall not win - and finally spoke to the mighty Segunda Espada while her head and attention seemed to be directed at the soldiers who were dying or screaming. "You did all this. Why?" the question was only audible enough for him to hear though, she decided to try and make him explain which would hopefully lead to a small chat. But she was THE Yuudeshi Mastermind after all, despite the fact her eyes were not focused on him the woman was very aware of the actions he was doing and mainly by using nearby scanners and systems she could get basic data on his current actions.

Her day was about to get interesting, hopefully she made the right choice in choosing such an opponent.

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Last edited by Gamma on Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:18 am; edited 4 times in total

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Jun 15, 2016 10:38 am
His eyes scanned but quite quickly located the girl as he the flames danced across the base and around the area. His spiritual pressure was crazy as he shrugged his shoulders for a moment. Fire danced across the body of him causing what clothing he had to incinerate around his torso. "As I stated before the Vanguard drew first blood in Iceland. It is foolish to believe yourselves above response." His words were calm and cool with a collected tone of sorts. He didn't mind answering the question as it was honorable to do so. He wasn't like his fool King Nagato that couldn't see past the truth. He respected his sister but didn't care for the King. Had he met the man to be a judge of his character? No, not really but then again he'd not met many. Verathius was a strong well put together guy for the most part. His body was muscle upon muscle. He was a brute under most circumstances as it were. Except one thing kept him from being a simple brute. Verathius build wasn't like the regular builds one would see.

Black lines could be seen similar to tattoos of tribal markings on his body. They covered all around his upper torso and wrapped around his arms. The clothing he wore often covered these up as a large number two sat on his chest. It was in a spot the other ink like substance didn't touch. Verathius hadn't shown his body off much. He calmed the inferno a bit before slipping the back end of his coat on now. Zipping it up as he covered the markings from his upper body completely. It hadn't burned due to the substance being used to fire. It was made of a special stuff that could survive it. He'd gotten serious for a moment to fight the one. His eyes followed the massive bala he shot previously. It slammed into the base with an explosive amount of force. Cracking his shoulders his eyes glanced At her. "Don't act like you are above other beings, it isn't honorable." He said with a calm tone as he smelled the air. He could smell a few scents in the area that were familiar.

His sister came here as well, it seemed the Shadow Espada had moved. His eyes stared at her as he began to speak now. "However I won't claim that I came here because of Neoveta. I follow another and she told me to make for my sister I will destroy this portion and move to the next one." Verathius said calmly as he released his massive spiritual pressure the moon base began to shudder as heat filled the area. It was time for him to cut loose as he began to slowly walk towards the girl. He brought his index finger of his right hand up. Releasing a bala at her that was fair size as he watched her reaction. Verathius was a smart fighter but also extremely powerful. He'd learned from Radioactive what strength could be. But was that the only form it took he wondered. Could it possibly become something else aside from that? Those questions would wait as the Yuudeshi girl would be his focus. But something told him this was a nicely tied piece of bait to lure him.

Verathius may have been muscle and a pure machine of destruction at times. But he wasn't an idiot when it came to fighting. His brain was a steel trap and often he could see things due to experience. Others couldn't always see what he did but that wasn't the important part here. What was important was he drew someone from his sister and her goal. How much more could he pull here before it ended? He didn't know her plans or designs for this place. But a good warrior didn't ask questions or press. He trusted Rose his sister much like he had Ashlei. They were a family and would act as such no matter what came against them. Family came first and blood was much thicker than anything else in Shadow's Fall.
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Jun 15, 2016 9:17 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Standing almost like a statue and she didn't move, her gaze directed at the bala which exploded. There wasn't much the woman could've done to prevent the Bala from destroying the portion of the Moon Base. Although with the resolve of the explosion she redirected her eyes towards the Segunda Espada. The prodigy wanted to try to speak again before her Phantom Tech detected the formation of a bala, it was something to be noted. The man obviously focused on the use of energy-based techniques.

In one swift movement she drew upon an item that she had previously kept hidden, the piece of tech was her own design. The Pulse Sword was a powerful tool, especially when she was using one which was deigned to have the power of a Gran Rey Cero behind its blade. The pulse sword which was of the high-level activated in a glow of soft blue and in a graceful movement of her arm Chifuyu's blade cut through the bala with ease.

The moment the weapon activated her AI synchronised the amount of time that the weapon would remain active, and began to countdown. With the weapon active it was pointless to waste time with it and lose precious power and energy that it emitted. The Yuudeshi made a gamble with her next movement and took the lead to this fight, it was apparent that the man before her wasn't going to take the easy way out and so with a quick movement to close the distance between them she attempted to strike him.

The girl decided to strike from the side, not going head on but it was mainly to test the powers of Verathius. It was a risky move, even for the mastermind to attempt although with the force of a Gran Rey Cero behind her attack it would hopefully at least put a dent in his defences. If the attack was successful then she sure as hell had no intention of sticking around near someone of his caliber and would take the hit and run method. After slashing at his side she raised her hand and revealed the hand device she wore on her right hand, using her reiatsu to transform it into kinetic energy Verathius would be hit with the equivalent force of a moving vehicle.

The attack was meant to work from two angles, with the force to move him away from her and the force to push her away from him. The result would be a explosion that resulted in the two of them being blasted apart should he be affected by the force since he was incredibly durable and strong. Something she lacked in many ways. "I guess if you won't see reason then I will have to fight you since I cannot let you destroy this sector while I draw breath" came the statement which ended all conversation or at least was meant to.

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Last edited by Gamma on Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:18 am; edited 2 times in total

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:40 am
So the weapon the girl used had quite a massive amount of power. He judged it around a Grand Ray Cero, though he wouldn't say it was on par with his. A small smile formed on his lips so the girl was either in denial or new. Well, this called for a bit of practice with some of his less explored powers. Verathius had ideas for how to close the gap on Nagato and others. So this little one would do for a target. He raised his finger pointing a bala where she appeared at. He could judge her locations and movements with some relatively good judgment. He was also a bit faster than her with his foot work. A black bala began to form as it shot from his finger faster and with greater power than the last. It was a bit quicker but a little harder to direct well. He prepared the tribal around his arms for impact. He glanced at his hand for a moment as the blast of her attack connected somewhat. Flames shot around him outwards going everywhere. Crimson color engulfed the place as he sighed softly.

It seemed the conversation part of this was over now. "Before we continue, I am going punch a hole in your logic now. Reason would be seen before had you not slaughtered or caused the death of innocents in Iceland.I don't claim purity on any front girl. But when first blood is drawn don't act as though your people have greater or lesser value than ours. Both sides have lost families, now if your resolve remains come at me.." He said calmly making sure she understood one thing. The way she'd said the one line indicated to him she felt they were without reason. Did she not realize that Vanguard did start this conflict? It wasn't something he carried to get involved in as it was. It was about time he began to try out something else. Around his hands began to glisten as the hierro shined for a moment. Black energy and flames began to emit from them. He was walking towards her slowly as the heat began intense enough to melt the ground under him. Moisture was beginning to fade from the air around him.

It was a strange feeling channeling the Hierro Oscuras now as he had begun pondering about cero. Verathius had one step further he could take it. But for now, Oscuras was as far as he wanted to take it. The intense heat of the black flame and spiritual pressure coming from him was causing the weak to pass out. Those who ventured too close would burst into flames from the heat. His hands were covered in flames as he advanced slowly towards the objective. Hierro Oscuras was a suitable name for this unstable flame. Had his hierro around his hands been weak it would have destroyed his hands. The heat felt intense enough to damage a regular Hierro. He was thankful that it was working differently than predicted. The flames were creating an offensive defense at the moment.But it was about time he attacked the girl with his strength. Two more tricks remained up his sleeve for Oscuras, but after that, it went towards something that worried him. Grand Ray Hierro, he didn't want to use that here.

Its power being channeled through his hands made the black flames look like a parlor trick to some extent. The only difference was the output of strength from the channeling of cero through his hierro. Nothing else really changed much, he had one other thing he could try. Tribal versions of the previous attacks but those made him uneasy. Verathius couldn't see that turning out without some form of extra damage. Here it wasn't such a big issue as he raised his hand a flaming black orb appeared slowly. The Black Flame Cero Oscuras was the next tactic in mind. He released the blast with surprising timing, but this time, he would make her decide. The blast wasn't aimed at the girl this time. Instead, it was shot towards the remaining base as it melted the ground towards it. Verathius was finishing the objective at hand now. She'd gotten him awake now so it was her choice to decide what came next. The girl was spirited he could give her that much. But from what he sensed as a warrior of many battles.

He could tell something about her coming here was off. She'd sliced through his regular bala which was in itself impressive. Verathius glanced down at his hand now for a moment, so no damages were occurring to his hand. The Tribal markings protected him while using the Oscuras, his wasn't like regular ones. Something else was lingering in that dark flame. It would burn his target without fail in some instances. He watched the black cero let ablaze head towards the remaining base. Those that got carelessly close were lit on fire without remorse or moment. They didn't burn slowly it was almost an instant burning for those too weak. Should the girl decide to stop the blast he was curious how she'd do it. If not that would signal the end of this Moon Base. Could he restore the hollows to where they were so long ago? Was this the strength he needed to do so? Verathius wasn't sure what outcome was to come of it all. Cero was his means to an end in some ways to develop his power.

Someday he would deliver Rose and Ashlei to the goals they had. His strength would plow the way and destroy whatever fodder got in their way.
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