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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Jun 17, 2016 8:46 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Seeing the explosion of her attack and her successful strike on Verathius gave her that little flicker of hope. She didn't even register the wound she had received in the attack until Cyrus updated her Phantom Tech processor with the data from her nerves. She looked at shoulder and saw a very red graze it hard obviously hit her own an angle to not put a hole in it. She looked at him, a small hope in her mind that maybe he took a bit of damage from the offence although that died too when he appeared completely fine.

Chifuyu really felt annoyed when Verathius brought up the subject of how he didn't value humans any more or less than he valued demons or hollows. She brushed it off, intent of finishing this or at least trying to help towards this battle. The Prodigy took her opportunities as they came and she couldn't see any come forth at her. She didn't know how she was going to beat something she couldn't break, even a Gran Rey Cero level attack did nothing to his defences.

Standing back she activated the Valkyrie system and the personal gravity manipulator engaged. Lifting herself a few centimetres in the air the woman watched as he began to charge yet another attack, this one took the form of black fire. Fuck, could this get any worse after all she was struggling against this bala and now this came along. It was a huge pain, quickly using their combined processing thought and mental understanding she quickly figured a method to reduce the damage he was causing.

The Valkyrie system was employed and moved her in front of the oncoming wave of fire which was very hot and destructive, she had already used the two devices on her hands in the form of gloves, the single Crystallus Breaker on her left hand and the Hand Device on her right. Aiming her right hand towards the blast she began to use her reserves to blast very strong waves of kinetic evnergy which would keep the majority of the fire away from the taret that was he base and also herself. Using her Crystallus Breaker she then emitted a burst of vibrations on the frequency his fire existed on which after being weakened by her kinetic force assault she was abe to quench the majority of the remaining flames.

Although she succeeded in stopping Verathius's attack on the base she used up a very large sum of her energy on this defence, she was visibily panting from the effort and her rising shoulders and heaving chest only contributed to it. The only thing keeping her off te ground was the Valkyrie System and Chifuyu gave one look at the Segunda Espada before deciding on a few words. "Is that all you've got?" although the words sounded weak and after saying them she started to cough violently before staring at him once more. Time would tell how this played out, she was finding it hard to remain hopeful with the obvious fact she couldn't even wound him.

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Last edited by Gamma on Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:09 am; edited 1 time in total
The Game
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Mon Jun 20, 2016 10:54 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 623

His sector of defense had been quiet for awhile but he felt a battle happening with one large energy source facing a much smaller one, he could feel the ill intent off the large one and the sense of hope and protection off the smaller one and that was enough. The small white haired boy had made his way quickly to the fight area, his power amplified from being so close to Cirno's holy aura as well as being in space. He knew his soon to be enemy was stronger than him but he could close the gap and protect those in need of a hero.

The fun part about his appearance was that neither of them were aware of him, they literally couldn't be until they saw him, he gave off no spiritual pressure at all at it was a huge surprise for him to use that he loved to utilize. When he did appear though he saw a sorry sight of a girl coughing and trying to look tough while her body almost shook from over exerting herself and a large arrancar that was almost without damage, covered in a fire, he stood a few feet away from the girl but Carter knew that at that distance a single bala was life ending for this girl, sure it was weaker than a cero but the speed on it would be unstoppable.

With a tired yawn he stepped out from the base in the girl was attempting to protect and strolled forward, "What kind of man fights a girl?" He taunted, trying to get the large Arrancar to notice him as he strolled forward at a lazy pace. He looked like a lost kid who didn't know just how fucked he actually was, not having any spiritual pressure at all, a Zanpakutō on his right hip so he could draw it with his left hand. If someone didn't know better they would think he was a hot headed bravado filled boy who stole a shinigamis Zanpakutō. It wouldn't be known here that he was actually a captain of the Gotei because he left his white robe behind, this was a vanguard territory so there was no need for him to publicly drag the Gotei into this if they didn't need to be, as far as he was concerned he was here doing this for himself.

" Girl, get back a bit. I don't want you caught in the cross fire." he said, trying to sound tough and cool but it coming out almost stupidly, his small 4 foot 5 inch frame making him look like a runt and the smallest person out here, his lack of energy signature making him appear to be nothing more than a whisper of a spirit to the two, hell a normal human would appear stronger.

But still the white haired boy didn't waver as his golden eyes came to rest on the flamed coated arrancar before him, his left hand not hesitating in pulling out his Zanpakutō, the star shaped hand guard gleaming in the light of space while goose bumps appeared on his arms, making his hair stand up a bit. It would appear to be fear to someone who didn't know any better but honestly it was excitement at being able to fight this close to Cirno, she wasn't far away, his elder sister was kicking serious ass and he needed to show her he was worthy of being her brother and worthy of being a hero.

A smirk appeared on his face while his eyes slanted, honing in on the man, ready for a good fight to come. [/font]

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|Death is but the first step in life|

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 ZfrGue8

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 EUuCTxy

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Tue Jun 21, 2016 7:27 am
He watched as the female stopped his attack with some serious effort. Verathius eyes slowly traveled to his next fighter. His hands stopped producing black flames for a moment as he sighed softly. They were going to make him get a bit more serious it appeared. So they handled most of his powers with excellent precise movements. He wondered how would the handle something that came from all directions? Say a three hundred and sixty-degree attack that covered this entire place. Verathius toyed with the idea, of using Oscuras as his massive attack. But two other ideas began to occur to him. These were what people called good guys, so they have this terrible issue of doing noble things. So, on the other hand, he could vaporize a whole bunch of their people to see how they acted. Choices were something he had a large amount of as he stood judging things. He pointed his hand towards them now as he got a sense of things. Oscuras went over that hand as something else did as well. Verathius was using flames but he intended to combine his attack into something fierce. The direction he pointed would be covered in this blast. From one end to the other towards the base and it's warriors. So not only did they have to stop one angle as a wall like a blast fired. They would have much more to deal with in the long run. He fired and like a massive flame thrower the attack shot outwards. Verathius cut the attack off as he sent the thick energy outwards while they tried to talk. He could have continued pouring attack into the Cero Oscuras wave but that was pointless. He got a sense of how to do it and figured out a couple things. First, his hands could easily handle the planned power increase from the other thing. Second was that his body could handle it with the tribal hierro. The preparations were complete and it was about time the warm ups came to an end. He had one last cero he'd been brushing up on during his time. Verathius had stopped his wave inches from touching the girl or the others.

"I want you to understand one thing, I don't agree with this situation. By as a soldier my choices are limited and nor do I agree with Shadow Fall on a general basis. I don't agree with Vanguard's choices either. They have been reckless as of late and it's only put their people in needless danger." Verathius made his point clear he wasn't a bad guy just not a lot of choices were around. His first attack was mostly a warning to let them know he wasn't fooled by the Shinigami. He knew damn well what it was as that smell filled his lungs. But this wasn't the time for that was it, his eyes glanced towards the base. He brought a hand up as he sighed softly they were leaving him no choice. "I had hoped to end this with few casualties as possible.." His pride as a hollow was on the line and he wasn't spouting nonsense. Verathius was in all situations honorable and generally wouldn't strike the defenseless down. Something then became very clear most those who tried to attack him died.

The others remained untouched as he sighed softly and raised his hand up in the air slowly. It began to form something dark as massive amount air blasted around the battlefield. Verathius was serious as the flames danced and sparked along the area. His eyes watched as the javelin was formed slowly. It wasn't like Ulquiorra, he just had to shape it differently. The black frames and intensity of the pressure coming from the object. It was a Grand Ray Cero Oscuras as he held the weapon in his grasp softly. He took careful aim at the base now as he just held the weapon outwards. Almost like he was pointing a wand or something. He couldn't throw the weapon just yet it didn't work that. It shot like a bala with insane speed from his grasp. He looked at his hand it was slightly red from holding it. That thing was dangerous for the amount of compressed energy that was in it. It reminded him of a grenade shoved with glass in it. When that compression broke it would be extremely dangerous.

The weapon moved around as it had a target set on it. This style of cero he could give a target and it would move to try and hit it. The weapon traveled at bala speeds and allowed for the damage of a grand ray cero. But it wasn't something that was stable, to say the least. Verathius could he guessed make about four of them and shoot them at present. Maybe he could wield them too if he created an area to hold. "For now all I can do is get results, I cannot make changes from this position as Segunda." He said calmly as the weapon shot towards the base. Most the people were awestruck by the speed of its movement. And the realization that Verathius could create cero weapons. Verathius had left a battle just because the odds shifted in Soul Society. He had the chance to take advantage and defeat Ibiki possibly. "I can't promise you that changes come from this...I can tell you this Nagato the current Throne will bring nothing but bloodshed to humans.."

Verathius said calmly as he watched the attack shoot towards the base. Verathius didn't want to take the weak it wasn't honorable in the least. He didn't do that and wasn't going to stand for watching it happen to others either. Verathius wasn't that kind of man, his crimson eye stared at the girl. "I don't approve of Nagato's methods." Was the last thing he would say, Rose his sister surely didn't either. It was too messy and would cause nothing but riots and later issues.
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Jun 22, 2016 6:49 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The feeling of exhaustion and the feeling of anger was strong in Chifuyu, after all this man was talking about destroying the place she was meant to protect. Shakily she stood up and her brain received data from her AI who was surveying the network in the Vanguard base. Her eyes shifted to the newly approaching figure he seemed to taunt the Segunda Espada but what did he call her? A girl. She looked at the kid that seemed so confident in his abilities. Slowly and painfully she rose up and walked over to stand next to him a few metres away, using her Valkyrie System to stay in the air. The mastermind hovered and began to regard her opponent carefully.

"You best leave kid, what are you even doing here?" the woman sounded slightly annoyed, when her AI had synced someone approaching her location she had hoped that maybe it was someone who could actually be useful but instead it is some lost kid that came to a battle field. She was about to continue although was interrupted by the sound of a young male's voice in her head. "Umm Chifuyu, you're talking to Captain Carter of the Gotei 13... who might I add is much stronger than you." that phrase alone made her stop with her mouth about to speak to the kid, the words shit and fuck constantly shot around her head as the mastermind realised this.

Before apologies could be said Verathius spoke once more to them and began charging an attack, she knew she couldn't stop it as it exceeded the threshold of her abilities and the woman could only watch in disappointment in herself as the blast took for before the Segunda raised his hand and threw it towards them, it went straight past the prodigy who looked shocked as the wave of dark energy flew in between the two defenders, it was up to Carter to stop it. No pressure though, it wouldn't be his fault if the base was destroyed, it would be hers since she was actually a member o the organisation.

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Last edited by Gamma on Mon Feb 08, 2021 8:10 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu Jun 23, 2016 5:29 pm

Artist: Renard Queenston - Song: Baby Bowser's Lullaby - Word Count: 1504

(I'm having Shatari join in this fight, but if Carter doesn't want me to go ahead and post, I'll remove it or modify it. As Shatari is coming in to save Chifuyu)

"Twinkle, twinkle hollow star.
How I wonder how you'll fall!
Up above the world you hide,
Now it's time to cry, cry, CRRRRY!"

Echoing all throughout the battlefield at every side, the voice of the crazed Banshee of Karakura carried around the base. Not satisfied with her previous clash in Sector E against the likes of White Eye and Kor, two high ranking figures in Shadow Fall's army, she needed to somehow continue feeding the battle lust her Yuudeshi Drive craved. Therefore, her objective was to provide support to both her fellow Yuudeshi sibling and The Shinigami who came to help the Vanguard.



Ripping forth out of the fabric of existence itself, The Warden Of The South East tore through the battlefield and laughed with an energetic shout as she came flying out of the vortex like a bat out of hell. For, while she didn't even possess the energy levels of someone on par with a Captain, not many could keep up with her speed and she was intended to use that to her advantage. Since, before most parties could think to react, the silver haired lass pulled out circular device that was white in color and pointed it at vast

"Fill the skies with such a light,
Watch it fade with quite the fright!"

Humming her sadistic melody with the utmost of joy behind those blood red eyes of hers, The Warden would place her own body in danger, but it certainly worth it and the risk was considered to be sufficient for the reward. As, from her estimates, she expected a sixty percent chance of succeeding, and a forty percent chance of failing. Since, as she approached the ungodly attack, The Yuudeshi gave a low whistle at how power it packed. It was enough to make her body feel strained to the point of her bones, organs and muscles having a gnawing pain eating at them.

Yet, she'd transform her willpower into a tangible force of energy in order to fortify herself and improve her durability for the time being in exchange for mental and physical energy drain. Otherwise, she'd be toast right now and even her psyche that was drunk on power could realize that. Thus, before it could roast off her ass off, she'd activate The Container's special ability. It yielded the capacity to suck in mass objects and break them down atom by atom to securely store them within it's depths.



So, why couldn't it work on attacks to?!

With a hardy laugh, she'd let a rip and let the equipment suck up the mammoth sized cero. In the process of doing so, it would almost appear as if it were sucked into the gadget, but it was simply being divided up and then broken down to be processed and stored within her machine. In the meantime, the impact from the blast was still massive enough for her to feel the kick back this base-destroying attack yielded. As, the right arm which held The Container ended up becoming covered in blood and spewing it at a great volume as this was an assault launched by an Espada at Segunda level.

So, she'd suck her teeth and bare with it for now. While that arm hurt like a bitch, at least she could seal off the wounds by solidifying her chi energy and forcing it to close for the time being. They would more than likely reopen the second she stopped having enough energy to sustain this feat, or if she managed to lose consciousness during this fight. Hence, it was definitely something that was going to need medical attention later, but it would allow her to fight for now. As it is better to sacrifice her arm, than the alternative which would have clearly wiped this base clear off the map. And, as a warden of the vanguard, Shatari wasn't going to allow that to happen!

"'Baby, shine no more, shine no more
Shine no more til comes the night!'"



With a snap of her fingers, six TCCU Clones clocked at a 2-5 tier would emerge at the ankles of Verathius, the wrist of Verathius and the neck and backside of The Hollow. With their itty bitty hands filled with stunning needles, The TCCU Clones would turbo charge the effects of the paralyzing needles with their electricity in order to to try and jam ten each into the positions they locked themselves in on. It was estimated that at least one, two, three and perhaps even four could be attacked or neutralized during this exchange. However, so long as one or two could get a hit in, then Shatari's plan could work.

In the mean time, with his chest clear, The Banshee of Karakura Central would wriggle her left wrist and utter this next verse:

"As when the sun has set,
The grass dew will be wet with red!
Hollow blood, hollow blood will be wept!"



Then, with a laugh, a multi-barreled pistol appeared in the palm of her hands and she had the inner mechanisms of it's machinery lock on to The Espada's spiritual pressure. Once that feat was achieved, she'd let the diamond encrusted bullets fly and enhanced their speed with her own lightning control. Coming out the gate with a sonic boom, Shatari herself was flown back from the speed at which the bullet had been unleashed at.

As it was moving at Mach Three speeds and heading straight for The Espada. Combined with the material it was made of, and made even stronger at the kinetic speeds it was moving, there was no way that his hierro could ignore the hit and she would undoubtedly draw blood and it'd be hellish painful for The Espada to endure. For the shell would shatter and scatter across his body in order to produce multiple shattered fragments to ignore him; possibly even having these fragments hit his eye or nose to make it especially painful.

These bullets were also enhanced by Shatari's lightning, so in combination with the TCCU Clone's attacks, the chances of him being stunned by this attack and being locked into place were rather high. The paralysis would last for a post or two, but that's all she needed. If she could just get that she'd show this bastard something good.

Therefore, since she wasn't fighting alone, the telepathy of the Iramasha fighters in the Vanguard would be put to use and she'd channel her thoughts into Chifuyu and Carter.

'There isn't much time to explain. I'm here to provide support. So, Carter, you go ahead of me and take advantage of the situation and hit him hard. Keep him busy while me and sissy over here make preparations for my assault. Stun him, blast him, restrain him; do something to keep him still. That's all I need you to do. Sissy, try and shield my body in crystals. Your file on the Yuudeshi Network says you have the ability to do that, so do it fast!'

Keeping her distance away from The Espada until the results of this round were clear, The Yuudeshi would sling herself over to The Warden Of The North East and utilize her lightning to take her at break-neck speeds to that location.

"Twinkle, twinkle, all the night,
Fear the light of The Warden's might!"


Them with a motion of her right hand, Shatari would finish her song and signal for her fellow Yuudeshi kin to start with the operation. Though, not before having two glowing spheres of light, no longer than your typical pill, emerge at her sides. She was suppose to eat them, ingest them and feel a strong surge of power fill her being in order to bring Chifuyu back to one hundred percent. Using her chi energy as a medium, she'd have these energized cells appear by Carter's side and nudge her head at him to eat it so he would be overcharged enough with power to be equal to a 0-4 for at least one or two post until he blew through the excess energy reserves. Which, in a battle like this, could drain fast and why he needed to hit hard while he could.

So, the results of this clash vested heavily on speed, reaction time and a bit of risk and luck to see which side would have their plan be successful. However, if The Banshee of Karakura had anything to say, this bastard would be six feet under and defeated by the time her plan was finished on him.

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The Game
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu Jun 23, 2016 11:04 pm

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 1350

He didn't have time for the idle chat with the silver haired girl, sure she had some tig ol bitties but he wasn't going to get caught staring when a base full of people was in danger. His mind was solely focused on the brute before them that he was well aware had more power than Carter and by the deep look in his eyes he had a quick wit that was most likely on par with the young shinigami. When the Arrancar spoke he showed his deep thought, he wasn't a blind sheep.

He considered himself a solider that disagreed with his side but at the same time didn't agree with the vanguard and Carter could understand that, the vanguard could be self serving and annoying, as well as reckless, at times. But fuck all if they didn't try, they were doing more good than the Gotei of late and they were here defending their turf with all the guns they had. That was something he could get behind and he hoped that if he survived this he could count on them in the future when and if the SS needed aide. Then the Arrancar said something unexpected, he didn't want casualties, or he wanted as few as possible. The tone though sounded remorseful and the young captain's golden eyes turned to slits, his left hand drawing Nacuto from her housing, bringing the Zanpakutō out so the metal could gleam in the light of space.

As soon as he pulled his weapon free the Arrancar's spirit pressure ramped itself up, showing a charge in power that carter wasn't ready for, he was charging an attack that could level the entire area, an attack that if it hit them even from this range it would ruin the base and most likely damage the caster in the blast radius and that was enough to make the boy focus. He was no newbie to these kind of fights but he wasn't excited at the idea of unleashing his Shikai this early on, he liked to gauge the fight and find his openings before rushing in but this man wasn't here for that. This tank was here to destroy and already carter knew his bare sword by itself wouldn't be enough to get past his defensive armor like skin. He needed more power and even his Shikai might not be enough, they were still so far apart in power.

He created a javelin like energy weapon that hummed with power, the black energy shot forth and speeds equivalent to a bala but with power that would destroy this area if allowed to detonate. The wiry white haired boy opened
his mouth and uttered his release words, sparking the soul of his Zanpakutō to life, " Auferes malum occide lumine! " With that his Zanpakutō unleashed its Shikai form, the blade widening and gaining a second edge to favor that of the English long sword, the grip of the hilt grew and additional five inches to allow him to use it for two hand fighting as a way to reinforce his attacks and defenses, a chain attached itself to the bottom of the hilt with six links in it measuring and inch in length each, at the end of the chain a tiny church bell no bigger than his thumb floated making no noise at all.

The blade of his Zanpakutō grew from 33 inches to 43 with a width of 5 inches, the metal dyed itself a crimson red coloring with the depiction of seven stars on each side of the sword, the stars gently pulsated light at all times. With the transformation of the weapon completed that happened at a rapid speed he slammed the blade of the weapon into the ground in front of himself and the girl whom he had forgotten about, with that done his first Shikai ability activated creating a barrier around himself and the girl, the barrier looked like a wall of golden glass that came up twenty feet and stretched outward eight feet on both sides of his being, it came up with the intentions of absorbing the blast of the cero attack and making the shock wave and damage rebound back at the caster but at the last moment in a blur of light a new figure appeared that looked to be absorbing the light into her hands.

It wasn't until the attack was finished that he saw she had put it in a container and even though she had negated it she still had suffered a serious injury to her arm that she was actively blocking. She looked like the girl standing next to him in a weird way and he was trying to figure out why. It hit him when his golden eyes saw her chest, same bust. He almost wanted to drool but regained his composure before they noticed, the boy simply had a weakness for breasts.

She wasted no time going into a flurry of attacks and speaking into his head saying she needed him to create an opening, to halt the bastard and if possible retrain him and he almost laughed until a floating orb of energy appeared that he knew would increase his power if ingested. She might have a plan in all honesty and he couldn't push someone with an idea away, wasting no time he swallowed the energy cell and felt his body tingle with power before he blasted forward, speeds he wasn't really used to doing unless using his angelic ability, going for the arrancar while he was being assaulted by her flurry of attacks hoping it would give him an opening, he followed her pathway from the diamond blast attack hoping it would crack his armor enough for the boy to get an opening in.

He didn't have time to waste so he tripled his speed, using this burst of energy along with one of his shikai abilities that boosts his speed and mental deduction but at the price of internal bruising and eventually hemorrhaging, he activated the Speeding Warrior. In the moment he did the world seemed to almost come to a halt, his body moving at godly speeds and his brain processing them well enough to keep up he added one more boost to it to put him over the top, to make him damn near one of the fastest beings around for miles if not the fastest on this moon. He used his angelic light step ability and blasted forward in a blinding ray of light, his Zanpakutō out, aiming to slash at the impaction mark of the diamond attack had it landed.

The stars on the blade of his Zanpakutō lit up all at once, almost violently as a blast of energy surged forward from his blade, the energy moving toward the brute at speeds higher than what Carter was moving due to it coming from him and having its own added propulsion. The energy blast took on the form of a giant blade that shot outward toward the location of the diamond bullet, it blasted away in a flare of light leaving a deep fissure in its wake. He couldn't see if it hit because by the time he stopped moving he had ende dup a good twenty meters behind the man now, his speed having really went into hyper drive. His body ached already from feeling the after math of the speeding warrior but he knew he could handle it, he knew his energy was still above full due to the new comers aide. he would need to thank her.

Wasting no time he turned around to taunt the Arrancar, wanting the beast to focus on him instead of the girls. "You better not be dead yet, we're just getting started!" But in all honesty he hoped beyond hope the beast would fall over so they could go home and not face possible death here, not today.


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|Death is but the first step in life|

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 ZfrGue8

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 EUuCTxy

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:59 am
Anger was starting to bubble to the surface, not because they couldn't let him end it. It was the dishonorable way they did things now. Attacking him from behind was disgraceful and deserved no mercy. Even had they landed the blows the needles wouldn't have worked anyways. Verathius body was much too hard to punch through with the tribal hierro guarding those areas. But something else happened preventing it from mattering. Verathius spoke once as he saw the female and smelled the air. He detected those rejects as they appeared the heat around him skyrocketed as the ground around him melted. "Enough!" He felt his body release the warm light as it engulfed him. A large cero was released not the kind that they could avoid easily. The massive blast went outwards from his body pushing and hitting those six that appeared. This massive dome-like blast met and pushed against the Shinigami's attack. Verathius was a very powerful and strong enemy and they'd just awoken the beast in him. The blast was massive as the expansion seemed to continue for a while. His spiritual pressure was off the charts as he released a megaton worth of damage on this field. The area had changed after the blast faded away as he now began walking towards them. Instincts and reflexes were extremely sharp for Verathius. It was anger that made him tired of this entire game. Rose had gotten her free pass as he drew the flies in. The shield of the family was performing as previously imagined. He was effective at fighting a large amount of enemies in close quarters combat. "I had hoped to limit the casualties..but you leave me no choice." Verathius said in a calm tone as he felt a bit of regret come out. But they really left him with no choice as his eyes saw those clones. Had they not been wiped out by his cero attack he would promptly finish them off. Verathius moved his form now vanishing as he used Sonido. While not at the level of someone like Starrk. He was certainly quick enough as he vanished six bala's were fired at quick speeds. Sending them at the downed clones as his attention turned to those others now.

What had happened was simply his blast had taken everything out that was coming at him. Now he was moving around and being active. He wasn't joking about trying to limit the casualties as he breathed out. Steam emerged from his lips as he selected his target carefully. He'd been making sure not to just go all out as he pointed his hand outwards. This time, there was no intent on holding back to the regard of the other. The blast was strong but he'd planned to block most of it and make sure those alive stayed that way. That was gone now as he seemed purely agitated with it all. His speed at firing the blast to come was insane. "Grand Ray Cero." Was all he said as a massive blast shot from his hand far stronger than the last one. He was planning to blow this entire sector into a new hole. He wasn't going to let them off easy anymore with it.

"I really wish you'd of let this base go..I wanted your people to go back..without too many casualties..someone will stop these demons." He said calmly as he clenched a fist as he in rapid succession barely a second between them shot three special bala off. They were what one would call Grand Ray Bala's. Twice as fast as the Oscuras one he shot previously and twice as strong. They flew towards the intended targets seeking them out. Verathius was planning to level this entire area. He was an Arrancar as he spoke calmly now as his spiritual pressure hung over them. Verathius decided on his action as he brought both hands forward. He was going to use Cero Terra Destroyer Oscuras. It was a version difference and a bit weaker than the regular one. He didn't plan to let them limp away from this one. He drew his hands back as a giant orb appeared above his form. Creating a death ball of sorts he'd done this while they were busy with the Grand Ray Cero heading towards them and the Bala's.

The size of it was huge but not as large as it could have been given time. He gave the orb a toss now as he glanced down. His tribal markings had taken a little damage. Nothing overly bad as they were rebuilding already beneath his clothing. The flaming giant cero orb moved with impressive speed towards the base. The amount of power coming from it when it went off would be several megatons. This place had just escalated a great deal. Verathius watched as he would only get to see their actions now. He gently touched his weapon on his belt. It seemed like he would be needing to step things up soon. If they handled this well enough he would go to plan B. He would begin the goal of defeating those present. Even if it meant releasing his resurrection to do so. He was prepared to step into his released form to handle this. What could he prove by doing this he wondered. Verathius had proven his massive strength here. Creating Cero's that were extremely potent for such weak enemies. Was he a monster, that was a possible outcome for it all. The Segunda wasn't that weak of a man to be bested so easily.
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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:00 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 742

Hovering a few centimetres in the air gave the young teenage girl a chance to be able to move much faster at what was going on. She began to draw on minute amounts of energy from the Yuudeshi Network and let the reiatsu flow, unfortunately due to the amount of chaos going around the network was redirecting power left, right and centre so it only managed to get her to 30% power which was basic for the mastermind. In the time it took for Chifuyu to recharge herself Carter had already created a large glass barrier around them, the glass appeared to be gold stained which brought the image of windows in a cathedral to her min although it was quickly dismissed.

The Yuudeshi woman began to run possible outcomes using her processor, very little of them looked good and then came a miracle in the form of a member of her kin, Shatari arrived and began to assist in the battle with the Segunda Espada. She could only watch in shock as Shatari did what she couldn't, it made her feel quite annoyed at this and that she was so incompetent that her own father's descendant could do a better job than her but nonetheless she was grateful for her help.

Floating ever so slightly off the ground Chifuyu watched as her kin's plan was set into motion with the formation of multiple clones and a variety of equipment. Deciding it was best to stay out of it for now the white haired prodigy began to assess the information around her. Unfortunately Verathius thought that he could penetrate Carter's barrier with the Gran Rey Cero, using her algorithms and calculations she determined the barrier could withstand it although it would shatter afterwards, and so she let it happen. The cero crashed into the barrier and dispersed as the barrier lasted only moments after the brutal assault on its structural integrity.

Those few moments were precious though in what happened next, a plan was formulated and it was time to be executed. Chifuyu ingested the pill and felt her energy levels reach back up to 100%, that was a real bonus. Even better is that the plan was executed immediately, her telepathy made an excellent communication network and the team launched into action, the empowered Chifuyu was quickly grabbed by Shatari and torn away to a new location which she didn't mind since a very powerful bala would've impaled her if she didn't get any help from her kinswoman. Moments later she arrived and began to do what Shatari wanted. Unlike her normal method she decided to take it to the extreme levels of her crystal manipulation. A method that was dangerous to the both of them, "Ready Shatari," and with that she turned her arm into pure crystal which appeared similar to diamond although in reality it was much stronger than that.

What occurred next would be quite the surprise as Chifuyu grabbed her upper arm and ripped it away, in order to create a large enough shield for Shatari she would need a suitable amount of crystal mass. She wouldn't be able to generate such a mass as quickly as the warden needed it and so she used her arm as it not only had more mass but could grow faster and easier. No blood came out of the wound as it appeared to be crystalline substance instead. Using Crystal Manipulation however Shatari would feel her cells being transmuted on a molecular level into crystal through the arm as a catalyst. Despite this though only the outer most cells of her body would transmute and effectively give her a outer skin that was stronger than any naturally occurring crystal in the world.

That took its toll though on the young woman, after all she was literally turning Shatari into a part crystal although she had to make sure that she didn't damage her internally and that was hard. She sat back in the air as she was unaffected by gravity and visibly was panting from the mental and energy drain. She wouldn't be able to continue this much longer, there was only a certain amount of times she could take those pills and even with a constant stream from the Yuudeshi Network she only received a raise to 50% of her maximum power due to still having some strength leftover.

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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Fri Jun 24, 2016 6:14 pm

Artist: RWBY - Song: I'M THE ONE - Word Count: 2063

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! This bastard was getting angry and Shatari could do nothing but laugh like a wild woman in response. She was getting to him, driving his nerves and pushing him like a wild animal cornered by the masters of humanity. It's why she couldn't help but grin because the evolution, progression and mind of the human brain, intellect and ingenuity was pushing her harder and harder to find a way to victory for her people. They weren't going to cower and bow down to tribal beast. They were apart of mankind and mankind always eventually found a path to defeat monsters.

So, with her mind filled with nothing but electric thought, the lightning fast movements of Shatari's body worked like a machine. For in her left hand she possessed The Container; a mass storage device which held many of her lovely pieces of equipment that made her opponents fall so easily into a rage. Then, in milliseconds, the woman pressed all the lovely little holographic touch-screens and summoned an orange cube in her right. Following that, those fingers moved at tremendous speeds in order to produce six worm holes for all of The TCCU Clones to escape in. With how much power Verathius wasted attacking those little rascals, Shatari's bait worked and she'd have them abandon their attacks in exchange for draining him further.

After all, each of them only needed contact with the skin for their effects to be activated. Nobody said anything about it needing to fully pierce through his skin. And, with six of those clones carrying ten needles each, there was enough stunning power in it to leave even someone of an Espada's caliber frozen stiff for a bit. So long as the paralysis agent could make contact with his body, Verathius's movements, reaction time and speed would be greatly lowered for the next one or two post. Making his soindo and general speed on par with with an adept user. Combined with Shatari's electric bullet, and the TCCU Clone's electric stunning ability, there was no way he wouldn't feel at least some stunning effect.

As, even if this male was a Segunda Espada, no being on this planet had infinite energy and there was bound to be a limit to ones power. The question simply was: could they endure a battle of stamina and power to the end? As far as Shatari's electric mind was concerned -- yes -- yes they could! So long as they worked as a team, synced as a unit and kept their timing perfect; they had just as good of a chance of warding off this Arrancar as he did of wiping them out.

Provided Carter couldn't handle the bala's, then the speed of movement from Shatari's hands would keep pressing and configuring different coordinates on the battlefield. Once they were programmed into the device, she'd simply utilize both The Container and The Orange Box to suck up the bala's. The Orange Box would create white vortexes which sucked up the bala's, while The Container would break them down atom by atom in order to store them in her box. And, at this point, it was burning a mighty bright shade of red to reflect the amount of strength being stored within it's vessel. It was reaching it's limit of what it could take, but Shatari's plan wasn't done just yet!

When she was done typing in her commands into these different devices at hypersonic speeds, the fingers of The Yuudeshi were seen bleeding and having plums of smoke ooze from her hands. It was a testament to how fast, adaptive and on point the precision of Shatari's movements and thought patterns were to be able to keep up with this type of high-speed combat. Yet, this was still just a breather. Since Verathius was still going on the offensive, and she wasn't certain what Carter would do, Shatari kept in the movement and had her fingers blaze again as electricity started to emit from The Container.

While doing so, however, it seemed that the fun-loving smirk of The Banshee's face faded and she stared at The Segunda Espada with the most earnest of expression. The corners of her face curled into a scowl, the fangs of her teeth were bare, the gleam of blood red shined behind her eyes and her aura let out a "hissing" sound which began turning all the crystals which Chifuyu was infusing into her body into a dazzling shade of scarlet color. Indeed, the Yuudeshi Drive was agitated and the genetic evolution of her human spirit was the one speaking to this cluster of hollow garbage.

"Let go? Give up? Don't fucking joke with me, monster. An insect like beast should never look down upon humans as if we are nothing but cattle. You are nothing more than an overgrown pest infestation that has gone out of control for too long and needs to be purged like the plague you are."

Then, with a release command typed into The Container, Shatari unleashed a combination of his six previous bala's from the device in order to merge as one and move at hypersonic speeds when infused with her masterful speed via her lightning as the medium for this event to take place. From there, she would position it to appear below the Grand Ray Cero so that it could knock the hellish blast into orbit and away from the base. In turn, it would crash against a chunk of space debris and that debris would become vaporized by a nearby satellite erasing the rubble form hitting the battlefield with an eruption of white energy.

'Carter, provide cover. I'm going in. Pray my body holds out.'



After Chifuyu had finished infusing her crystals into Shatari's body, there was an eruption of raw will energy radiating from the body of Shatari. Faced with a perilous foe, the conditions for her Yuudeshi Drive's unique chi ability had been set and she was able to crank her speed, durability and energy to levels on par with a veteran shinigami's full release. For the reason why The Warden had Chifuyu guard her body with crystals harder than diamond is because of the fact they were Yuudeshi's. Therefore, since their genes were similar, it was easier for her to harmonize with this ability and evolve it to the point where she was able to generate diamonds all over her body which served to give her a defense comparable to a master hierro when combined with her defiant durability.



'Thanks, sissy. You are amazing!'

Moving at speeds on par with mach nine, the hypersonic movements of The Banshee would more than likely appear as nothing more than static flashes to most, if not, all combatants on the field if they weren't at least released in form of of ascended state akin to shikai or bankai. And, since a powerful attack like that took time to charge, Shatari took advantage of it and risked everything on a gamble meant to cripple The Segunda Espada.

Therefore, at these tremendous speeds, she had to out-class him in reaction time and speed given the stunning effects of her previous attack. There was no way he could keep up with her even if he managed to pull off a release in time. So this was an all or nothing moment for her. Appearing at the backside of The Arrancar at near instantaneous movements, The Warden pulled out a black collar and pushed the movement of her arms to reach mach ten movements; which in the process had caused vast amounts of blood to pore from both arms, her bones to break and a shriek of pain and determination to radiate from the mouth of The Yuudeshi as she went in for her killing technique.



Once that collar was secured on any portion of his body, the Cero Terra Destroyer Oscuras would more than likely implode on Verathius or cancel out entirely. The reason being is because The D.E.S. Choker was a device made by the Yuudeshi Clan to contain monsters like this. With the device running at four times the strength of it's usual capacity form Shatari's will influencing it, it would not take long for it to do a full scan of The Segunda Espada's body. So, in as little as the same post, there was a GREAT potential for him to be subdued by this device.

The first method to achieve this feat would be a series of nano machines being compromised on a spiritual level that would be released from the choker when it's analysis scan was complete. Following this, it could slip through the pores in Verathius's skin, or attempt to broke force their way in since they were empowered by a 0 tier's influence. Once these creatures are within the targets body, each of them are capable of creating antibodies which block off the pathways of spiritual energy to prevent them from releasing their power and rendering in a state of power that leaves them with 1 to 20% of their power.

However, she knew the body of this giant possessed immense strength that made him quite feared in the lands of Hueco Mundo. For, while Shatari was assured of herself and filled to the brim with ungodly confidence and adrenaline form her Yuudeshi, she wasn't an imbecile and did NOT underestimate the power her opponent had. So, at the same time, it activated the second movement and used waves of energy which came straight from Imaginary Computation itself to augment this effect and further compound her chances for success. Since they could mimic anti-negation values and they could work top produce a field of energy which nulled many forms of defense constantly as long as the choker was active.



Therefore, with her duty done, The Banshee of Karakura utilized her lightning and extended a string of it from her backside to a pole-like object ten meters away. With a pull on the string from her chi's influence, she would pull herself back and begin forming appendages made from pure electricity around her. These took the shape of hands and they began typing more information into The Container. When they were finished, Shatari managed to form a colossal armed weapon that took a rectangular shape and expanded to be roughly four foot long in length. There were many glowing, triblaistic symbols in a crimson red neon glow across this white weapon and it seemed to have The Yuudeshi Clan's logo on it.

The looks, however, weren't important. Towards the center of this colossal weapon had been two enclosures. When they became opened, a missile shell comparable in size to an RPG was launched from the device and flew at mach six speeds towards Veratnius. Under the influence of Shatari's powers, she would be able to utilize her will power to condense the impressive blast power of the shell to a half mile radius. As, it yielded enough potential to be on par with a cero osucas; given the fact it could take out a five mile area. So, in his weakened state, there was no doubt this would result in a critical injury for The Espada which could cause mass burns, hearing lost, broken bones, vast blood lost and the potential to be knocked cold.

As, one way or another, Shatari was planning to leave her mark and this plan of theirs wasn't going to fail. So long as she was The Warden of The Vanguard, she was going to fight until the very last bitter breath. For this Yuudeshi was not about to left a bunch of beast rule over her on her own turf. Therefore, in one defiant shout, The Banshee would utter these final words out to The Arrancar:


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Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Jul 17, 2016 7:13 am
[adm]Alright, since Carter and Crow are no where to be seen on the site, we can just assume that Verathius was able to get caught in the D.E.S Choker and was subdued. However, he was taken away by Shadow Fall reinforcements at the last minute in order to prevent him from falling into enemy hands. After that happened, they would have backed off and this Sector would been secured. Gamma can choose to post if he wants to, but this thread is more or less done. [/adm]

Sector G [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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