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Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 21, 2016 12:06 am


4/2/2416, 12:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 12:00 CST time on April 2nd, 2416. There is a distant fire and explosions heard in the distance from Sector A. Therefore, the defenses are being put up in this sector in order to prepare for the attack. Read more on the mission to understand and sign-up:

Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu

Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat May 21, 2016 1:03 pm

The situation here on the moon was passed grim and perhaps into the screwed category. But the Unabara didn't really care about the situations they were Devils. Where the question would be posed was it that devils were at home. The hellish battlefield was home and like a crib to them. Tetsuya was no difference as the screams and agony going around were music. They were a sound he was familiar with all too well. A comfortable sense filled him as he exhaled softly walking out the door. He walked past the enemies making subtle moves as he moved through the group. It wasn't till he walked out the front door to greet those who'd come. That his presence was made aware of. The spiritual pressure finally arrived as he smiled faintly and the people who'd rushed in fell over. They had been killed without realizing an enemy walked right through them. The training the Unabara went under was insane to walk through crowds with little trouble. They could blend in on battlefields or city streets with a crowd. But that was gone now as his presence was well documented now. He glanced at the surroundings as his brain began processing. The other would be arriving soon to handle the being in that sector. Slowly he gripped his Zanpakutō pulling out as he glanced at the soldiers in this area. So the question was to be who would be arriving here to stop him. It mattered little as Tetsuya had a job to do. The Unabara would be rejoining the Gotei 13 more than likely. "Guess now is a good as a time as any.."He inhaled his breath as he yelled now his voice carrying to each region of the Moon base now. "RISE UP, DON'T YOU GIVE IN TO THESE MONGROLS. THIS IS THE BASE OF THE VANGUARD A BEACON OF LIGHT...FIGHT ON TO THE LAST MAN STANDING!" He finished as the rallying cry would be heard on every field of the moon. Calling for them to fight with reckless abandon and throw everything within them at the enemies here. Tetsuya's eyes lowered down finally on his enemies.

These were words of a man who believed firmly that the Gotei 13 was in need of this. The action had to be taken but for now, he would focus here. The rush was about to come as he glanced at those who'd arrived to invade here. He'd already killed those who'd broken through without remorse. "As for you, well let's just see what kind of luck I have today." He didn't know if his message would get out to those around here. Hell some of them may not have even known his voice. But for now, that wasn't the point of him being here. Inspiration came from within someone's own desire. They needed to want this with ruthless resolve to do this. Tetsuya understood because of his experience on the battlefields. It was time that the Unabara stopped cowering behind Tsubasa's back. It was time their elders acted. It was time the blades trained under the Pale Rider came out. Tetsuya was done waiting around and pretending to be background. His father was strong sure but he would make that man nothing before him.

Tetsuya had a goal and whoever came he would fight with ruthless resolve. He would put every fiber of his being into it. His life was on the lie and he stood in the door way. The enemies stopped advancing the fear of death that came from him was immense. He got a sense today wasn't going to be easy and if his fears were to be confirmed. He knew presently the big guns for Shadow's Fall had yet to even come out. The Queen of Demons wasn't here though her daughter was. He detected that an immensely powerful Arrancar or hollow had arrived. Things weren't going well in terms of troops. Morale was at an all-time low but the fact was he didn't intend to leave here but one way. Tetsuya would die here for his cause if need be. He'd just met his sister recently as well to give her a future. All must face death someday and do it alone at times. Giving his wrist a flick the blade cut a line into the ground. The line was long and just in front of him. "Cross it at your own risk." He said as he brought his sword to rest on his shoulder.

For now all that remained was to fight. Fight with the knowledge you are alone and fight smart was the voice speaking to him. Tetsuya had one thing most didn't have which was a ruthless resolve. A devotion to the task that was at hand that went beyond imagination. His resolve would take those that arrived as his enemies and face them with unwavering strength. Tetsuya would rise above the Pale Rider and all who called him equal. He would go beyond it, but he made sure he was ready. Ready to make the ultimate sacrifice to win this battle here.

[center]Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]

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Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun May 22, 2016 8:31 am

Artist: Gray Wolf - Song: The Enigma - Word Count: 1610

Angels, devils, reapers and supernatural human's oh my! This whole damn cold hunk of celestial rubbish was set ablaze with an all-out war which attracted many forces from the Vanguard and Shadow Fall factions. For those apart of the Vanguard, it was almost hard to ignore this event taking place as it had been dispatched all throughout their emergency broadcast systems and they were calling in back-up by the dozens.


Oh yes, that shark toothed son of a bitch known as Radioactive was geared up, placed a ship and hauled off straight to the moon with one of the Vanguard's fastest aerial ships. And -- for good reason! From the reports coming in from the moon, this situation was turning grim and they were going to need stronger players to help change the tide of things. So, it was no wonder they wouldn't spare any expense they could to get one of the strongest known shinigami directly to the front lines.

Thus, as Radioactive sat in the shadows of his one man cargo ship, there were numerous rumbles which shook his blackened cage. Whatever was going on on the moon certainly had to be apocalyptic as he was seeing bullshit which looked like it came straight out of a bible pop-up book. There were swirls of crimson red light appearing in Sector A which resembled something straight out of hell, while towards Sector R he could see angelic wings extending into the heavens and all in between there were multiple different sources of power that he recognized lightning up the cold rock.


Was all Radioactive could say when the power output of Moonie Iramashsa was so pained and potent that he could sense it all the way from his ship. Yeah, he needed to hurry and start raising some hell if he could detect that man's power thousands of miles away from the drop-off point. The Nuclear Beast wasn't one of the sharpest tools in the shed when it came to power sensing, but even he couldn't ignore what was being thrown around on the moon.

" bastards better speed this shit up! I'm missing out on all the good action over here!"

With one warning stomp, Radioactive stomped on the metallic floor and he wanted this damn vessel to speed it up. To which, a feminine voice on the ship responded....

"Calm down, Radioactive! You are putting un-needed pressure on this ship and you'll be lost in space if you keep this up. The thing is already under strain from the shock waves coming from the moon, so sit tight and you'll be there in the next thirty seconds!"

Bossy, annoyed and in charge; the tone of that person speaking could be none-other than Priscilla Yunari: sister of Radioactive. Appearing in the form of a holographic image, this pink eyed girl with far too many blue, white and grey hair highlights was known as the second Master of Arms in the Vanguard's Initiative branch. At the moment, she was doing her part to assist with the Vanguards efforts on the moon, but she was more concerned with getting her big brother to the moon in one piece.

"Right, right. I'm just pissed I waited so long to get in on the action. Anyway, you better give me someone good to fight, sis."

There was an irritated sigh had from The Nuclear Beast as he sat down on the metallic floor and gathered his energies. Since, as much as he was ticked off, it wasn't in his interest to blow his chances of having a good challenge. Hence, he calmed his golden ass down and simply awaited to be briefed by Priscilla.

"Thank you, bro! Hehehe, anyway, we just felt a sharp surge in power appear in Sector R. Early reports are telling us that it might be that weird fella who is one of the thrones in Shadow Fall and Hollow King. The name is Nagat...."

In that instant when his opponent was declared, the light behind Radioactive's single eye brighten and her quickly cut off his sibling as that fanged grin of his became as bright as a child who just found a new, shiny toy

"...HELL YEAH! I don't need to know anything else but that, sister. I know it's some shitty war between the Vanguard and Shadow Fall. And, while I don't give a damn for someone attacking our lovely family, the prospect of fighting that bastard is making me forget all that. Just put in the coordinates and I'll see if this guy has any teeth to knock in."

Giving a soft sigh in response to her younger siblings giddiness to test himself, Priscilla could only see that display in a positive light as it was nice to see her brother beginning to find pleasure in fighting once again. It was certainly better than seeing him in the slump he was prior to joining The Vanguard. So, she could do nothing but puff her cheeks, smile and utter these words to him:

"Fine, fine! Go get him, beast! While you were busy speaking, you already arrived, doofus! Give 'em hell, bro!"

And, as promised, Radioactive would take a glance to his right and view outside a glass window to see that they had arrived in Sector R and he couldn't be more than delighted to see this sight! So, with one final look to the holographic screen in front of him, Radioactive would give a simple thumbs up and reply with:

"Don't worry: when I'm done with him, not even hell will want the regurgitated shit I'll leave him as."

Confident and full of zest, Radioactive would cut off communication with his sister and await for the doors of the ship's hanger to open. When they did, The Nuclear Hulk would then crack his neck, pop his fist, spit on the ground and make one mad dash out of the aerial fleet in order to coming flying down at The Hollow King. There was another major power that Radioactive detected, but it wasn't of much interest to him. After all, as far as he was concerned -- Big Daddy Nagato was all his!

Therefore, like a wrecking ball, our golden haired protagonist came crashing in and went in for a single punch straight to the center of Nagato's skull. As a way to introduce himself, he made sure that the pressure from this attack was capable of leveling multiple city blocks and directed all that beautiful force to the base of The Arrancar King's skull. It didn't matter what ridiculous power he had, what counter moves were placed or even if he defended himself; all Radioactive card about was having one brutal time with this foe and seeing just how far his own depths could go, while seeing if he could awakened something primal in this creature of vile negativity.

Thus, throughout a forty meter radius, everything would be obliterated and a dense eruption of spiritual energy spread as the amber glow of Radioactive's power influenced the region. If things were positioned right, he'd soon find himself jumping away from Nagato and in front of Tetsuya. As he licked his lips out of excitement from the sights he was seeing, the male cackled wildly as his bare, scared body felt the daunting winds of their powers colliding; causing his loose fitted, black pants to also flutter against this hellish gust.

With a single glance behind him, the lone, gold eye of Radioactive would observe The Shinigami and give him this one warning:

"If you aren't prepared to stake your life on battle, get the hell out of my way. If you are? Welcome to hell and let's have a great time."

Grin widening, Radioactive would take a look around and make sure there were no more innocents. In the distance, he could feel many around him and he wanted to ensure that they would make it out of here all right. So, since he was built for battle, The Beast assumed that Tetsuya's assumed speed could handle the task of gathering the bodies. Hence, he'd add this bit:

"But, regardless of whatever you do, make sure to get these bastards out of here. Get them on the ship, gather up anyone alive or dead and have them evacuate. I ain't much for speed or anything, so I'm hoping you can do that."

With his sight focused back on Nagato, The Nuclear Beast would entrust that task to the Shinigami he just met and take a blind leap of faith. Since, if he was an enemy, or didn't do what he said, eh wasn't opposed to using violence to get what he wanted. So, with that situation handled, all that was left to do was greet himself and get this show on the road:

"Your the Hollow King right? Well, show me what the hell a Hollow King can do! It's been so long since I fought an Arrancar that I nearly forgot you bastards could pack a punch. Show me that primal spirit, King~!"

Taunts aside, Radioactive was ready, willing and able to throw himself into battle and hoped Nagato would respond with something nice to get his ol' blood a rattling!


Last edited by [THEFROST] on Mon May 23, 2016 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total

Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu

Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun May 22, 2016 1:02 pm

The situation was looking bad as Nagato appeared and he began to take stock of things. His eyes glanced at Nagato as he took him in. Skill wise this person was closer to father's level. That meant he would have a chance to cross blades with him. "Guess I won't be going home this time...well let's make sure this entire moon is nothing but a memory.." His eyes were icy cold as he stared at Nagato now. He was willing to destroy the entire moon to keep it from Shadow's Fall. He wasn't going to go down without a fight and would fight with everything he had. Tetsuya prepared to face the outcome that was possible. He was going to be in some trouble here. Realistically speaking he was the junior here against the figure before him. But the only way he would know truly what limits he had was here. A death match between him and Nagato was his solution. It was here he prepared himself mentally to fight to the death."Evacuate the base now...get the hell out of here everyone...Do whatever you have to get out of here now..I'll keep him busy." He said calmly as he slowly sank into a sword stance. No way could he fight Nagato the Throne without releasing his Shikai. So it was best to get that out of the way first. Beginning the battle against this man was the first goal. His eyes began scanning everything looking around carefully as he released his Zanpakutō. The room began to bloom plants around him as the metal of the base shuddered. His eyes began to focus as he began thinking about a plan of attack.

Composure was the key element here he still was lucky as far as he was concerned. Tetsuya could make this work somehow and would fight like his life depended on it. It did in every single aspect as the plants spread around the area making sure Nagato didn't have too many openings to move. A good amount of surroundings were building up. The plan was rather simple from here to combat the target as though nothing was left to lose. But to do it with thought and precise movements. His plants shot at Nagato to test his reaction time as he prepared an earth armor to protect himself. He wasn't sure what sort of power this guy had but this base was compromised. Defending it and those in it was not possible right now. Still all things considered he was ready for a fight to come against this Arrancar. It was something important to him as it seemed both figures had snuck into the base undetected. The Shinigami with him and what not had begun to leave this place behind. Tetsuya's strength wasn't to be underestimated even by the likes of a Throne. It was just then he noticed a spiritual pressure one he knew from some rumor. It was when he blinked for a moment feeling the power coming towards them. It wasn't a good sign at all, him releasing his sword was more for safety reasons. Tetsuya knew for a fact that Nagato was one of the most dangerous creatures here. The Demon and another hollow in Sector A it seemed. He was needed to be in that location not here, his eyes narrowed a bit. Could he take this down with that thing coming? Something told him toward would be the day answers would be told. Could Tetsuya surpass his old man without biting the bullet here? Or would he have to let go of his personality and become something primal? Give into his instinct and animal-like nature to fight unrestrained. It took him so long to distance himself from it. He would have to fight Nagato with every fiber of his being. But today was his lucky day and he grinned a bit. "I'm still feeling pretty lucky King of Hollows.Let's test something out.I challenge you to combat Nagato King of the Hollows."

So that previous comment about it being his lucky day had come back to bite him. Nagato the King of Hollows and Radioactive the man who invented friendly fire. This wasn't a good place to be but something inside made that calm smile disappear. He grinned as he looked back at the people behind him. Oh, this was a death match alright and he was gonna be smack dab in the middle. Something about the danger and risk made that calm composure begin to fade. He began laughing for a minute as he stood there. "I don't think so...I am gonna fight here big guy...I need to know something and if I die finding out that's fine." He grinned a bit as the more animal-like side was showing the ferocity of a tiger was on display here. Perhaps not even that was a suitable word for it. This was the dragon standing before them. No something else it was a beast hungry for combat. Desiring to know just how much his hunger for blood and battle could be satisfied. Tetsuya buried this deep within him often as he glanced at Nagato. Spores were shot at him from the plants that were around Tetsuya's frame refusing to die. Once the spores were around Nagato while they weren't threatening at the time they exploded on him. The explosion didn't create a smoke cloud, however. It created plants around Nagato's form that began attacking.

This was a battle that he could enjoy without equal now. His eyes glanced towards the exit as powerful gems began forming around it. The gemstone growth formed making the male grin a bit."Well guess this is the blast radius.." He said as he closed the exits to the room now slowly in gemstone, these specialized in reflecting energy around. So the attacks would bounce off of them generally speaking. Tetsuya took a stance now as he began laughing a bit at the prospect of this. Radioactive the beast incarnate and Nagato the Sage in one room with him. Oh, this was a learning opportunity beyond anything on this planet or any other. Tetsuya would get his answers as he grinned towards Radioactive. So how would this turn out was the question would it become a 3-way slug fest between them. He reached up to his ear touching a communicator device. "Sector R is going to go down, due to some unforeseen causes...move our people to the next location..See ya later...I am gonna enjoy this scrap." He pulled the communicator from his ear shattering it.

Now it was time to focus on the problem at hand. That hollow over there needed his ass kicked and without sense. It was time for Tetsuya to let his composure run away for a bit. Rationalizing this situation was for a different breed of people.Oh, without a doubt if he'd been some happy to go yes man. He would have taken Radioactive's request and got them out. But they were told to run away and he would hold Nagato. So that order was in the middle of being taken into account. Now, on the other hand, this was a golden chance for him to really cut loose. To let go of this sense of right and wrong. To stop playing by all these rules and just let his blade do some talking. Tetsuya had always been restrained by Tsubasa and his lessons. Here was the chance to be free of it, his spiritual pressure began spiking without his control. He licked his upper lip a bit as he looked like he was in a state of elation as he looked at Nagato.

Spiritual pressure for him was something tied to his older self. When he fought and put everything up for grabs. It felt like he could reach out touch those lost memories. The fragments of his past becoming clear as though looking into the looking glass. It was something that required almost nothing but him letting go. How close would he get to who the woman was? Noir echoed in his brain as he felt the bloodlust surging to the front. He made one last mental note, whatever you do don't hit Radioactive. Focus your fury and lust on Nagato alone. Everything had to be channeled properly and focused on the target. Tetsuya wasn't the type to normally do this anymore. But his spiritual pressure as a plus was beyond that of a regular spirit. It was due to the past he couldn't touch yet. Something always felt like it was missing. He only joined the Unabara to find what it was and take it back. Tetsuya felt like a Wolf that lost his pack at some point.

But he couldn't remember what they were. He couldn't remember anything but little memories within himself. Times when he was much like Nagato before him. Perhaps the King of Hollows could illuminate things for him further. Tetsuya was looking forward to getting the answer. No matter how far into his bestial urges he fell that was on his mind. Could he overcome the Pale Rider and perhaps even those gathered here? This scrap would answer many questions and let him measure the strength within him. The animal that was Tetsuya was excited about the principal. The only sane thought that went through his mind. Was he was happy Tsubaki and Takae wouldn't see this form of him. The place around him was turning into a forest within this room. Tetsuya's power was out of control with his excitement. Gemstone began coming out of the ground around him as tree's and other plants began to form. Metal shards and earth began flowing around him as his eyes stared towards Nagato. Though he wasn't ignoring Radioactive as his grin remained.

This was the beginning now as he began walking towards Nagato. He didn't care what the outcome was of this all. He was going to fight this hollow with every ounce of strength he had. No more lives to worry about him at all. Only one and the man who invented friendly fire would be fine. Radioactive could handle the force of attacks that he put out. Now it was time to begin his rampage in this place as he cracked his neck. How many moons had it been since such a danger was in front of him? Last time was when Tsubasa had nearly killed him in a serious fight. He could see that face clearly that time and he felt her hand on his shoulder. She was telling him to cut loose and go on a rampage. So he let his spiritual pressure flow out without regard anymore. The power of his reiatsu was earthly and took many forms. But in this state, he could use them all as he advanced towards Nagato. Testing the waters were done as he swung his sword outwards. The blade swung at him sent out a shockwave towards Nagato.

The amount of strength put behind the blow could cut through the building itself.But if only that was all earth shot from the air forming a large blade that sprung at the man on one side. Sharp gem shards came from the front as plants spun around his form in spore form. They could be turned into plants or made to erupt into explosions. He'd already sent a few surgical attacks at Nagato this was the first definitive attack on the Hollow King. He was ready to begin without restraining as he stared towards the man. Unleashing himself on those here it was going to be a battle of creation, death, and destruction. The Sage, The Beast, and the Savage would send out blows. Something wasn't predicted however as the building began to get overtaken. Tetsuya's power was on a rampage due to him not holding back at all. This was his chance to begin an honest to goodness fight for answers. While the woman of mystery haunted his dreams another thing did even more.

Was he a monster of a different breed from his father and that family? Was he fit to be called Tetsuya Tachibana or should he be called something else? Did he deserve to be called what Radioactive was? A Beast did he belong to the people like Zaraki who lost themselves in the pure elation of battle. This place was familiar almost like a lullaby to him. It would sicken his family but for some reason he didn't care. This felt natural as he clenched a fist ready to counter attack whatever came his direction. Not just from Nagato he was prepared to handle Radioactive as well. If need be he would fight them both. He was so hungry right now it felt as though he was starving. It was time to truly begin the battle for this place without any further ado. It was time to unleash the Beast and feast in this place. Whatever came next no calls would get in the way of this battle between these epic monsters in the clash they were in the middle of. Tetsuya recovered his more feral form as he stood ready. To use his own style of Kierudo for the art to break and destroy everything here.

[center]Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]

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Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed May 25, 2016 6:44 pm

Artist: The Enigma - Song: Unofficial SSJ3 Broly Theme - Word Count: 1267

Good, good. It was great to see that the advice was being taken seriously and these bastards were evacuating. While Radioactive wasn't exactly known for his vast intellect in matters outside combat, he still desired to handle this with his brawn and combat experience. These are the two tools in which he has used to help serve his hellishly long track record of battles; as Nagato himself put it. So, while he won't be winning the noble peace prize for scientific advancement, The Nuclear Hulk was damn good at dealing with a variety of opponents despite his seemly cut and dry powerset.

Therefore, Radioactive wouldn't appear to react too much to Tetsuya outside of the nod and grin. He could feel something primal leaking out of the boy, and that was all he needed to know that he wouldn't totally drag him down. Though, to be honest? He didn't really want anyone meddling in with this fight. Yet, even he had to admit that at some point he would have to learn how to operate on a team. It's only natural if he wanted to integrate properly into the Vanguard.

So, for now, he'd allow The Unabara to take the first crack at him and he'd observe the interactions between the two in order to get a sense of what fighting this King Of Jerks was gonna be about. The first thing that he would take note of is the fact that he was exceptionally strong. Watching the interactions with the bala and this pesky plant-life show was enough to warrant that deduction. From there, he would then recall the density of his attacks and assume that his defense must be based around keeping foes from touching him. As he could still feel the burning sensation coming from his bare knuckle following their first encounter.

With that much known, all Radioactive's initial impression had to go on was the fact he was filled with raw power. When he observed the speed and brute force associated with Nagato, that belief soon changed into one which made him somewhat of a speed-tank. He'd need to keep watch for that pesky speed movement; as it looked like many soindo he had encountered before, but something felt off about it. No doubt he may modified it or enhanced it, but by what means was of no concern of Radioactive.

All he needed to know was that he was fucking fast.

There were a few odd occurrences which were taken into account, but he'd test the bridge by getting head first as he had done enough watching for now. In preparation to deal with those subtle effects of his speed, or special ability, Radioactive decided to increase the density of his body. This was done through his spiritual energy increasing the weight of his muscles, hardening his skin and making his organs more durable than before. From there, even if some unholy forced tried to move him, it would take his full strength to make this beast move.

Furthermore, with his energy now flaring up, The Nuclear Hulk's body was suitable enough to engage in this battle of demi-gods. As, to showcase his strength, Radioactive spread each of his legs out, opened his mouth wide and DEVOURED his Cero Disk without the slightest bit of hesitation. Munching, chewing and gnawing on it; he'd soon have it pass through his throat and promplty had it become added to his additional reserves of energy in order to afford him a physical boost in strength as his body exploded with a golden glow.

Yeah, it was a bit hard to chew, as smoke was seen coming out of his mouth and he was seen spitting blood out of his mouth from taking direct contact with the blast; but it was like the blackened cup of Joe one needed in the morning to get their blood pumping. It's why he started cracking his neck, popping his fist and bouncing up and down as he could feel something wicked flowing through him.

"Primitive apes? In case you hadn't noticed...I'm a fucking shark, ya overgrown Clownfish!"

When he was done with his little jumping routine, Radioactive came to a stop, directed his right fist at Nagato and released a devastating wave of pressurized force at Nagato. One which was capable of even stopping and negating Grand Master level kido spells for an adequate comparison. With this strike being infused with both his feral strength and spiritual energy, the latter served as a medium to reflect the destructive spirit of Radioactive and tear apart any types of abnormal supernatural phenomena that it could touch.

Therefore, if Nagato was hit with this, not only would his durability be put under strain, but he'd find it somewhat difficult to perform his supernatural attacks. This is due to the fact that this attack was meant to knock the internal energies of The Hollow King clean out of him and make it much more difficult for him to summon his abnormal assaults. Which, in turn, should hopefully leave him with the option of needing to fight Radioactive purely with his speed and strength.

Therefore, as this pressurized burst of carnage expanded for thirty meters, Radioactive followed it up with another hit and expanded the region of destruction upwards of ninety meters. In this way, the whole Sector would once again be rocked to the core; as the deafening sounds of this monsters attacks blocked out all other sound in the area. As, to him, it didn't matter if Tetsuya or Nagato were caught up in this wave; all he cared about was getting this fight heated up and testing the depths of his opponents primal nature.

"You Hollow's are the epitome of hostility, right? Show me it. I wanna see the primal beast within you and show me what the pure savagery of your race is capable of!"

With a stomp of his feet, The Nuclear Beast would then amp up his AOE game and send another catalytic shock wave towards Nagato in order to create a "Stunning effect". The trampling of his feet would create a chaotic burst of spiritual energy to pour into the air and a rapid, dense explosion of air. It would be akin to being hit with a brick -- one hundred times over. Simultaneously, across Nagato's entire body, his entire nervous system would undoubtedly be in for a shock as these atrocious forces slammed against his core.

Even with his durability, the risk of bones being pulverized, blood vessels rupturing, and even liquefaction of organs occurring were all rather high. These potential damages rose even higher for Tetsuya if he wasn't able to find himself out of the way from this cataclysmic assault. As, in the air all around them, the reishi would become destabilized, and within a fifty meter radius, would supernatural attacks be harder to release due to how The Shark Beast was beginning to constantly bombard the atmosphere with his unstable reiatsu and attacks.

So, as sparks of golden electricity spread throughout the Sector, the howling laugh of Radioactive could be heard as he could have the space he needed to begin unleashing blow after devastating blow without having anyone around to ruin his monstrous assaults:


Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu

Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu May 26, 2016 8:59 am

He could sense it in the bala's they weren't going to strike him directly. It was as he thought previously that his Zanpakutō wasn't going to work well in this one. But it's earth shield and metal shields would do nicely. He would need to use his strength and prowess as a close range fighter he figured that much. He watched closely at the Footwork of Nagato as he moved around. This guy was quick was all he needed to think about. Tetsuya's instincts took over as he knew the logical choice was to take him out. A couple things had become clear to him as his plants and other attacks continued getting destroyed. His powers weren't a good matchup for Nagato's as the man could keep destroying them. His eyes watched the way Radioactive was fighting now. He needed to be stronger to have enough power to demolish things with his own hands. His desire to fight and gain answers here were too great. He wouldn't back down yet as the time for this fight was just getting started. Perhaps he should have activated his bankai to battle one like this.

But he refused to do it yet, he needed to prove to himself he could stand. It was at this moment Nagato had vanished from his sight. His only thought was that someone else he knew moved that fast. Nagato's speed was comparable to his father's making the man a dangerous foe. But now he needed to figure out something important and fast. He had not even seconds and it was perhaps mostly reflex. He turned around in time to react using his footwork from the Kierudo Shukuchi to move faster. He dodged the blow to the neck but the kick was coming next. He wasn't in a position to dodge this one. Tetsuya's speed wasn't too bad so he could manage to barely keep up with Nagato. Part of it came from instinct and training every waking moment. With a person who attacked from behind rather often. Tetsuya was in a position for one thing however he could. He didn't need solid footing or anything to do it. But he knew for a fact in the exchange he would be blasted a safe distance.

Dokenjitsu Yokai was the best strategy for this moment in time. He would need to us his full strength in order to survive here. Nothing less would work on Nagato. He shot his palm outwards with amazing force as he sent a massive shockwave at Nagato. The blast of which destroyed some of the ground as Tetsuya was blasted back by his own move. He landed a couple meters from Nagato but not on the ground. Plants and earth and come and caught him. Now he needed something to exchange with Nagato evenly. He could tell that blow didn't scratch the man much. He'd be lucky if he'd damaged the man's clothing or leg. Had he been even a moment off in his counter it would have gone badly. Nagato was faster than sound and that was dangerous. What was the answer for him then? Did he need to increase his speed and strength in order to fight Nagato? He couldn't afford to release his Bankai or Shikokai here yet. His eyes observed Radioactive's tactics for a moment. He would only have a moment or less to decide his action.

Radioactive was ready to fight without hesitation and put everything on the line. Time was up as Tetsuya's plants, metals, gems, and earth continued protecting him. No choice was open to him in order to fight these two his green reishi began to glow and the area exploded with it. Tetsuya's insane amount of energy was released as he grinned a bit. It was time to fight against Nagato with all his cards on the table but two. After all thinking about it and going all strategy like wasn't the point. Tetsuya's grin didn't disappear as he licked his lips. It was time to begin attacking without remorse. His Reiatsu Shunko was a powerful move and he could feel his own energy pouring out in explosive nature. He was ready now to fight as he began to use the Kierudo Shukuchi to set something up. It was time for him to get moving. Nothing but raw speed and power would defeat Nagato. He would attack him with everything in Shikai he could now. He watched for his opening as Radioactive had begun.

It took a moment but he did see it and without hesitation he moved. Like a flash avoiding Radioactive's attacks leaving those areas the openings. Tetsuya was ready to begin his attack Kierudo no Kitanashi into Dokejitsu Yokai would be a good tactic. His sent a massive attack out with the sword swing. The destructive force would come at Nagato putting some strain on the Arrancar, knocking this aside wouldn't be easy. It wasn't a water feeling out move the swing of the blade was perfect despite him being on the move. Tetsuya didn't need to stand still to do it or any such thing. He shot forward as the massive force of his blow caused the plants and such to explode. The force of his own attack had destroyed a portion of the moonbase under them. Behind Nagato, a tree branch shot out coated in two substances. Gem's were wrapped around it so energy attacks wouldn't work now as well. Tetsuya was ready to combat the hollow without holding anything back. He was willing to combine powers and do what it took.

The tree branch attempted to shoot through the hollow's leg. However it was unable to do so it would wrap around it unless he dodged. The moment Nagato moved Tetsuya was hardening his hand with the metal coating. Making sure he was able to defend himself as his arm moved. He got himself into a position this time behind Nagato. Tetsuya had masked his scent and his spiritual pressure completely for a moment. Hiding that massive energy as not a breeze or anything to give off his location. His energy flared back to life behind Nagato and he shot Dokenjitsu Yokai at the man with double the strength of the last one. If contact was made Nagato would be sent flying into metal spikes with a gem coating on the outside. The damage wouldn't just be to the outer body as this attack focused on damaging the insides. He wanted to know how strong Nagato's hierro was. The answer was simple if any contact was made against Nagato's skin. The metal would break into pieces, however, protecting his hand.

Perhaps a triple coating of his powers was needed to make it through this battle. Tetsuya hadn't ever thought of using his weapon this way. He would from here on wrapping his fists to the elbow in plants with special fibers. Then cover them in bark, cover that in metal. And lasts put some gemstone over it in order to reflect energy back at people. That would be enough defensive use for him to fight against Nagato perhaps. Around his arms, for now, the process began. He didn't stop jumping as he kept his senses tracking Nagato. Around his form plants and other things float ready to protect him.It was obvious he would need to get more innovative than this. The way he did it was extremely creative as his hands still had full movement. The wrapping felt like the kind a would have boxer would wear when going to the ring. He had one more idea as he glanced at his sword. Plants wrapped around the entire blade slowly. As a metal coat and gem slowly followed with Bark hovering around the edge.

Preparations were complete as he stood in place as he looked around for the figure of Nagato again. The first exchange had taught him a lesson. The second one gave him an idea and the third was him putting it into practice. Would he be able to fight Nagato like this as he had begun trying some things out he'd never done previously? The answer was soon to be found out as he could set up the wrapping and things for a few more areas. This used his Shikai and his fighting to it's fullest potential. With that, he moved towards the location of Nagato as spikes formed on his fits slowly. His fits would be striking Nagato frequently so he would need this moment to figure out how to repair things. The area had gotten out of hand with the activation of his shunko like move. The place had become a herb garden on the outskirts of it. Outside of this room that had been surviving for the most part. Things were green to the extreme. Tree's and other things were growing quickly around the area.

It was time to begin now with thunderous fury he would release that primal fighting. He could launch some attacks from his fist that were related to his Zanpakutō's powers. The area would still attack Nagato every chance it could now with the coating method. The question was could he use his sword this way for all of the modes and how far could he push it? Tetsuya would have to find out just how much he could manage with it. The trouble with hard headed people like Nagato was it hurt punching them. Upon finding Nagato's form he threw a punch with all his strength again. Tetsuya was able to throw extremely powerful blows without compromising his form. If the blow struck Nagato he had no idea what would happen, but the amount of power he could generate now was far greater. He sent out a blow with enough force to shatter the body of a normal man. But Nagato was far from a normal man, his prowess was something to be feared and respected.

Tetsuya wasn't in a fight where he was on even grounds. If anything of the three of them he had to try harder. Had to be more creative to do things to even stand in their presence. This wasn't something tested or well thought out. But in battle, you innovate to fight enemies. You showcase your best skills in an attempt to show them just how powerful you are. Tetsuya wouldn't be ignored or forgotten as some second fiddle. He wasn't going to be chasing shadows for the rest of his life. He refused to accept that was his lot in life. No, he would be the strongest Shinigami and would prove that fact right now. The advantage of the wrapping was he could repair it and not have his hands take damages. It was like using something to defend himself but not take damage from it. The coatings were helping him do the impossible. He was standing here and fighting the Sage. Nagato the King of Hollows, he would need to be far more creative. This wasn't enough in the slightest for him to use. Using his one hand for melee and his other for sword blows.

It was hard to tell just how well things would go here. Tetsuya wasn't willing to just let things end with a simple attack. After his attack on Nagato he would regroup planning something else. He had one other idea he would try soon enough. He wasn't sure if it would work but he was bound and determined to find out. Just how far this coating power could be taken in Shikai. Just how effective would it be for him to be able to punch his enemy. This wasn't like a boxer's glove after all on his hand. It was if you consider the glove making the blow stronger and more fatal. Tetsuya could only wait for results to see what would come next in this battle between these Primal forces.

[center]Graphics by: Forsaken Crow
Coding by: [THEFROST]

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Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sun Jun 19, 2016 7:09 pm

Artist: STVORE - Song: Osob - Word Count: 1277

Shifting. These single word could be used to described the hyper sonic movements of this battle. The environment didn't even matter anymore. Both of these opponents were immensely fast. In fact, each of them far outclassed The Nuclear Giant in terms of raw speed alone.

However, Radioactive was a hardened veteran of combat. One who spent nearly every waking moment of his life in the past eight hundred years in conflict. From the day he was a human, to the day he died, to the day he was reborn as a shinigami; this beast face many physical, mental and spiritual struggles which forced him to go above and beyond. It evolved his senses, hardened his body and pushed his power to unforetold levels which made him a deeply respected warrior among many different organizations and powerful individuals of all races.

Therefore, as he once again found himself in the sights of hell's grasp, the primal traits of the shark beast within him started to consume the mind and body of Radioactive. As he reached deeper into his depths of spiritual energy, the physiological attributes of his animalistic nature would rise to the surface and influence his psyche and body. And one of the first traits of this which were birthed had been the innate and instinctive capacity to to perform the feat of electroreception.

Referred to as "Ampullae of Lorenzini", these are reference as special sensing organs which are found in the head of many sharks and extends to their lateral line. These allow sharks to detect the electromagnetic fields that all living things produce. It was an evolutionary trait which allowed them to hunt their preys with the utmost of accuracy and direction. As, out of any known creature in the natural kingdom of animals, the shark is the one with the greatest electrical sensitivity out of them all.

So, with Radioactive being a creature whose body was filled with many bodily traits which stem from this predator of the sea, it stands to reason that he to was capable of this feat. And, when amplified to the level of a demi-god, this trait of the shark evolved and adapted with Radioactive's humanity to allow him to sense these electric fields on most objects and particles within a one hundred meter radius.

Thus, when Nagato released his "Shinra Tensei", Radioactive could immediately feel the otherworldly strength of this technique as this bodily trait of his was amplified to sense metaphysically charged particles in the air around them. And, although Radioactive didn't know much about science, this natural instinct gave him a clear idea of how much strength this electric field possessed -- and how much it would take to stop it. As each time this sense was activated, it informed him of how powerful a field could become and how much might he'd have dish out in order to cease it's effects.

Therefore, with little warning, Radioactive unleashed an equal force of power away from his body through his body producing a dense metaphysical field of energy which would serve to equalize and cancel out both of the attacks. When two forces of equal power collide, it's only natural for the two to null each other and in this action he would prevent that assault from spreading into other sectors for the time being. It extended a high amount of spiritual energy, but Radioactive was a man who had more energy within his body than he knew what to do with.

It's why in a flare of golden light, the nuclear shark would unleash the equivalent to numerous high end nukes detonating at once. When these two chaotic forces slammed against one another, the shock wave was strong enough to rupture and shake the whole of Sector R and the next few Sectors over. In fact, Tetsuya and Nagato may have felt their bodies feeling the strain from being near such a calamitous sight. It would be as if their skin was burning, while their organs were being pressurized to mush and their senses of sight and balance would become deteriorated without proper protection.

However, in the case of Radioactive, he would endure with stride. As, with him being forced into his empowered state, the rapid release of his energy served to enhance his durability and harden it to the point of being able to withstand even the most hellish of atomic explosions which could erupt in battle. It is why so many opponents faced difficulty in bringing the man down: his body, even in base, yielded enough durability to be equal to Carbyne; a material which was two hundred times stronger than steel. And, when enhanced with spiritual power, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to deduce how tough it get this man to crack.

So, as the smoke and flames filled the air around them, The Nuclear Beast would only stand in the fiery inferno with a red shine coming from his eyes as nothing but cuts, scrapes and the dripping of blood from his fist were all the injuries he sustained in that clash. Sure, he exerted a decent bit of energy to perform that feat, but anyone with acute senses could tell the well of his power ran tremendously deep. This was only the beginning of a long and daunting battle to wear this creature down.

"Eh? What are you crying about? When the hell did I underestimate you? If I hadn't been powered up, that would have a pain to deal with. So come on, throw more at me and get this blood of mine pumping!"

The tone was ever so casual and nonchalant that one might have thought Radioactive believed this was just another sporting match with his best friend down the street. However, he was totally serious and getting worked up! It just took a hell of a lot to get him going given the way he adapted and adjusted his strength to differing opponents. And, since this foe before him was equal to him in strength, Radioactive saw no reason to limit or lower his potential. It wasn't often he got to test himself against someone of equal footing and he wanted to see how far his durability could be pushed yet again.

At any rate, that attack made him realize a few things: he was going to need to put a lot more oomph behind his punches, and that he had better not power down from his enhanced base state. It was a fun thought, but in order to take this battle to the next level, there was no way he could do it here. Everything was too small for him. As, at times, Radioactive felt like the world around him was glass and everything was simply too fragile to bare the brunt of his existence.

So, as he began rubbing his hair and letting out an irritated sigh, The Nuclear Shark beast pointed upwards towards the cosmos itself and nudged his head towards the east:

"Look, if you've got something to prove, follow me there. I don't want to fight somewhere so confined. Same goes to plant boy over there. I need open space to fight."

With an eruption of golden light flaring from his body, The Nuclear Beast would then fly away from the Moon Base and motion for Nagato to follow him as he went further and further away from the cold, rocky mass.

"That is...if you even have the guts to do it."

Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] WVMWLOu
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