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Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu Jun 30, 2016 2:44 pm
[adm]Based off a private message I saw, we can assume that Tetsuya is going to need some time to decide if he is going to pursue Nagato and Radioactive or not. Therefore, I will allow Nagato to begin posting; while Tetsuya is still back at the base. As the fight should be heading further towards space. [/adm]

Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 WVMWLOu

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Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:04 am

Artist: Blood Stain Child - Song: Forever Free - Word Count: 2026

"Radioactive Yunari? That's interesting. Did you steal that information from the identity my sister took and my project code name?"

There was a hard laugh had from The Nuclear Shark as he heard the words of Nagato reach him in regards to his taunts and actions. However, that cackle would drown out, fade and be replaced with a more somber face as The Nuclear Hulk let out softened sigh. The moment The Arrancar's energy started to sky rocket and surge to new heights, Radioactive understood full well what was going to happen because his primal instinct guided him towards the conclusion the male wanted to destroy this place.

And this scene of dismay and destruction -- was familiar and comforting.

None of the over-top alterations to the scene around him in the moment. As it didn't matter what he destroyed as everything could be easily rebuilt. What mattered more was the fact that he managed to save and evacuate all those precious souls who called The Vanguard the home. And, by having the grace made, Radioactive could afford himself the luxury of finding himself lost in a sea of nostalgia.

Larger than life consequences? Overly powerful opponent? A family to protect? All of these questions seemed so familiar, yet so far away from Radioactive as he stared upwards at the cluster of cataclysmic power hurling towards him. It was if history was repeating itself time and again as he churned through the gears of all out war. Imagery of a knight slaying a humanized Radioactive first played through his head as he recalled the first time he died in war. Then the reflection of his monstrous prowess as a Shinigami burned through his mind, while the soft sounds of ember played sights of a family long gone in the ashes of time.

That life was so far away and Radioactive was uncertain of his place in the halls of time. His body felt boundless and unlimited, but the memories of the ones he swore his spirit and power to were finite and trapped in the chapters of history. As the chunks of space debris became obliterated under the weight of The Arrancar King's Tendōdama Cero, Radioactive found herself further staring into the scenery of oblivion and wondered if it was the same thing his wife saw before she died. As without this attachment to the Vanguard, The Nuclear Beast would be as aimless as the endless space which compassed them all.

So, in an effort to keep his psyche focused, the mind of Radioactive projected a hallucination of a slender woman with hair as white as snow and eyes as blue the most pristine seas. While her image became more realized, the bare bodied woman extended the reach of her silver tail and twitched each of her ears as she caressed the cheeks of her husband whispered in his ears:

"Big R, you know what to do. Fulfill your promise to us and continue to endure and survive..."

"...yeah. I know. No need to rub it in, hun. I was just taking a moment to appreciate the scenery, is all. "

Radioactive was not one to let his wits get about him. He knew what he needed to and he would not fall prey to the madness of his mind. He understood that he was stronger than that and he needed to channel that maddening aspect of his soul into a bountiful harvest of power.

So, it is why he -- let it all go.

The hallucinations faded, the space of his mind was fixated back in reality and a dominant power was released from the primal beast within himself. It shined as brightly as the sun, radiated a warmth that dissolved all it touched and brought with it the summoning of his shikai. Flesh and skin turned to hardened orange and white scales, while all of the Beast's razor styled teeth formed all through his mouth. And, in that moment, a tail that extended five feet in length stretched out of the male's spine and fins protruded out of his head, neck and upper back.

Then, with a mighty roar aimed at the heavens, the body of the male became immensely dense and transformed The Hulk to a daunting ten feet tall giant. All the while, the male's hair would fade from a dirty blonde to a long and silk sheet of black that extended down to his backside. And, as tremendous amounts of nuclear energy flowed within him, the whites within his eyes turned to blood red and those orange pupils of his fixated their fiery sights upon his target. Once it was identified, Radioactive would let out a grim chuckle as the symbol of nuclear power appeared on his upper right chest in black ink and symbolized the stabilization of his powers.

One wrong slip -- and this whole moon could be caught up in the wrath of the nuclear beast. It took a great amount of control to maintain the prowess of nuclear energy and he had centuries worth of time to cultivate it, strengthen it and use it to his master command. Therefore, as his strong soul faced off against this enormous force, the rapid speed in which Radioactive could summon his energy came into play. While he was not a fast person in general, the enhancements in his release state allowed him to swiftly create energized attacks of mass destruction.

Therefore, the solution to prevent the moon from being destroyed was simple: fight fire with fire. By the time Radioactive unleashed a flare of golden light from the pours of his body, this eruption of pure nuclear energy surged forth from out of him with enough strength to equal his opponents moon crushing attack. In the process of performing this act, each of the attacks would have collided against one another and negated each other in an burst of power which could be felt all throughout the moon. It would come in an ungodly boom and feel as if the moon itself obliterated.

However, Radioactive would not let that happen; not so long as there was a single breath of life flowed through his being. Ergo, most of the debris generated from this flare of hellishly bright light would be dealt with by an onslaught of thousands upon thousands of white spikes being expunged from The Shark Beast's body. Each of them would collide against the chunks of debris and subdue the damage by unleashing enough heat from the nuclear energy associated with his abilities in order to vaporize most of the collateral damage to nothing.

All of this new terrority for The Nuclear Beast after spending so many years destroying either to build others up or to tear others down. He had never battled like this since he truly felt something worth fighting for during the days he spent with his own family and the times spent with The Karakura Defenders. So even he was perplexed at the way his power to destroy was being used to protect in ways only he could utilize them.

So, even if Nagato could not be visible through the burning cosmic skies of space, Radioactive would chuckle grimly and utter these words out to him:

"Well, your highness, I'm honored you are taking this seriously. However, I....can't allow you to eradicate this place. No. I don't care about this worthless base. It's the people in it I care for. It's absurd considering my track record, but I want a family, you see. And I got the feeling I won't find that family to replace the one I lost if I allow some weasels like you hacks to trample upon that."

Then, Radioactive would tap against his head and keep laughing as the hallucination of his wife continued to re-appear; while the imagery of his children shouting for him to take down and stop this hollow menace cheered in his mind as he grinned against his grim emotions and thoughts. He understood that his mind was trying to wake him up and alert him to the pain it was under, but he was the master of abuse and pain tolerance. This wasn't going to hurt him. Not here. Not now. That promise he made to his family was too strong.

"Plus, my wife didn't marry someone so weak that they'd run away from a challenge. It's why I stand here with everything that I am to stop this. I feel it's what she would want. So, because of that, I'll use the jaws of a beast to seize a way to victory. Even if this form was designed for nothing but genocide, who says I can't use it for my own damn desires? That's all I give a shit about anyway."

At this point, The Nuclear Hulk's power just kept boiling, surging and expanding to the top as this form was potent enough to destroy and skewer even the most mightiest of vizard resurrections, bring the Quincy to a mere handful and fend off release states even on par with the late General Yamamoto himself. He was an overpowered mammoth and these attributes of himself were beginning to be felt all throughout the moon as his body radiated like a light akin to a burning supernova.

When he was ready for his next attack, Radioactive would have steam exit from his mouth in high amounts before volts of yellow bio-electricity scattered across his body. This is because he was summoning a high amount of energy in order to penetrate and drill through Nagato's body. Since he was clearly faster than his physical body at the moment, The Shark Beast made up for it by releasing a multiple grand ray cero level attacks from his body. These took the shape of drills and they were intended to dig through the layers of defense of Nagato and begin boring a hole through him in order to start forcing him to take some damage.

As, these drills would be akin to the tools used to pave through the multiple layers of earth that most human used to excavate the planet. The same logic appeared here and he wanted to draw blood, lower his energy from the strain placed on his body and possibly even penetrate skin, bone and flesh for the great chance of making a direct hit that leaves a mark. It certainly wouldn't stop him, but it would leave the message that he wasn't going down without swinging. For Radioactive was the king of spam and fighting him in an energy based fight was not going to be one that could be achieved so easily.

And, to further hammer in the point, the amount of heat that he was generating was becoming so obnoxious that it reached a metaphysical level of influence through his spiritual energy and it began melting through reishi. Any attacks launched by Nagato yielded a great chance of being slowed, while their attack potency could be lowered by ten to twenty five percent by the effects of his nuclear energy tainting the area. Additionally, this would serve to assist in melting through the layers of hierro scattered across Nagato's body to help lower his health further and make him feel pressured as this colossal energy weighed down on him like a beast nagging at it's prey legs.

"Yeah, bring whatever you can and throw it at me. This is the kind of fight I've been looking for. I feel the fear of adrenaline pumping through my veins, I see my wife nagging at me to win and I've got a reason and a purpose to use my powers. It feels nice and I want to keep exploring this feeling until I can't anymore. SO COME ON!"

And with those final words echoed out in the depths of space, Radioactive mentally, physically and spiritually prepared himself to engage in -- war.

Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Sat Jul 23, 2016 9:14 pm
[adm]Since it's been ten days since the last post in this thread, I'm giving a five day warning to Gin. If he does not post, then I will skip him and proceed with the thread.[/adm]

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Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sector R [Operation Moon Massacre]

Thu Aug 04, 2016 8:52 am
[adm]Alright, since Gin has not post, we are going to assume that Nagato got flung out of the thread by the attack. This could have been achieved by the eruption of both of their attacks removing him from the thread. In turn, Sector R would have been destroyed by Nagato, but Radioactive would have allowed time for most of the people to evacuate by keeping Nagato busy. This will then free Radioactive to try and drag himself to another Sector and Nagato would have been taken back to Hueco Mundo by one of his familiars after finding him in space. [/adm]

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