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A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:34 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa let his spiritual pressure come back down as he smiled softly. She had something but wasn't sure yet. Ah to be young again and begin from there once more. Her issue was a special one indeed but she was important to people here. Ibiki valued her and so did others of this organization. Traumatic experiences aside it was the only way to truly grow. She was someone who would find her own answers. Finding that something precious for him took him a while. For her, it could take just as long but till that time. She would find that wall which few could pass over. It wasn't something that came naturally to everyone either. Tsubasa could tell her one thing for sure. "I see, reminds me of someone I used to know. " He said calmly as he turned his orbs to focus on her now. It wasn't as though he didn't intend for things to come. But he guessed it was about time he and here start the real thing here. Training her to ascend to the next level of power. [color=red]"Well I got a good understanding of your personality now...So we'll begin training for real now. [/url]

He said softly as he drew his zanpakuto from its sheath slowly and precisely. His blade slowly came from of its sheath as he waited. He didn't leave many openings with the stance he took slowly. He decided on from two of the Unabara Lotus for now. He was waiting for her attack and ready to defend. Tsubasa's eyes of scarlet stared at her seriously. "For you, we will do something a bit more direct and later..I'll let you try my personal training tools." He said calmly as he looked at her. Smiling as he kept a grip on his blade ready to begin this fight. Sparring only took one so far and for her to truly grow she needed to see this. Tsubasa knew well enough she had immense skill and talent before her. His focus became intense as he let all his instincts focus on him. Creating that field again as he prepared for the coming female and her assault. The question was what would her response be to the training so far. He left his second blade sheathed yet as only one was required at the moment.

He stopped himself here as an idea came into his mind. Tsubasa realized something else important. He sheathed his sword and shook his head as he put his hand up motioning for her to stop. He couldn't just put her into sparring till that issue was resolved. Mirja had a problem he'd noticed she had no control yet. He reached into his kimono pulling out several little devices hitting the buttons on them he tossed them out. A River of water spawned as though it had been there and a single dummy stood before her. This one was different it didn't matter how hard she hit it. The spell on it would reflect damage to her body where she struck it. Equal to the damage her enemy would take the blow. The final stage was a small purple sphere with a light flying around inside it. "Nevermind the sparring for now, I am going to teach you something more important."

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:35 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja nodded and shrugged her latex-covered shoulders, smiling to Tsubasa. He was a nice guy, a guy that didn't drive her instincts to tear his guts out and strangle him with them. It was nice not to feel that desire. And she reminded him of someone when he was younger as well.
"So, you've been around a lot. You know Oni-chan, Ibiki, right? What does she like? Aside from alcohol. I already have that one covered. What else does she like? Food, Entertainment, clothes, I dunno, weapons? Anything that I can do to impress her?" Mirja asked. Clearly, there was someone she cared about, but it seemed as if she didn't include Ibiki in the 'people you care about' thing. Maybe because she thought Ibiki didn't need anything Mirja could give?

Then he offered something direct. Which was right up Mirja's alley. Punch it till it fell over and stopped moving. Sure, she was technically a highly skilled martial artist with enough styles and techniques to fill four separate classes a week, but she never went too fancy. It was always basic stuff, most of the time at least. So she faced him head and and would evolve, adapt to his speed until it was her speed, because that was how she rolled.

Taking her stance, she decided to use a new technique on him, and fell forward, seemingly about to smack into the floor. But while she was falling, she saw him put his sword away, and signal for a stop. Suddenly she panicked. Was it a trick? Was it something else? Was she going, was she stopping, was The Tundra economically viable in the current Vastime situation, would she lose it now she had a spat with Hayden, would she even be allowed back in?! And it was now, that she realized a flaw in her Falling Wolf Punch technique.

Don't get distracted.

One inglorious faceplant later, Mirja stood up, wiped the dust from herself, and smiled sheepishly.
"So, what's this super ultra important stopping concept you want to teach me?" she seemed a little sour that he had suddenly just stopped, but still, she was a nice girl, most of the time.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:35 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

His eyes looked at her as he examined what appeared to be a face plant. Though at a guess it might have been meant to distract his attention from something else. Tsubasa's frame walked over towards the Dummy summoned before her. This one looked plainer than the one before it. Nothing was special about it aside from the fact it returned damage to its owner each time. It didn't matter how fast or strong you hit it. Till you hit it correctly with the right amount of fluidness and control. Everything got returned to send not even scratching it. "Control, I am going to teach you how to control that power of yours. Techniques are great and all developing them. But at this point, I think you could us this much more." He said softly as he gestured at the dummy and smiled a bit. "This one's different you'll find out when you strike it..Take as long as you need and we'll move on to phase two." Tsubasa slowly crossed his legs sitting down as he pulled his kiseru out and smoked for now.

Nothing more to do but observe her and see how she handled it. It didn't matter how hard you hit the thing as it would return the damage back to the sender. Radioactive himself could punch it, but if he hit it wrong the dummy would deliver it back to the sender. Tsubasa didn't often think Hakuda and Zanjutsu crossed paths. What made him dangerous wasn't the strength or power he held. It was the sheer control he had of things. Tsubasa let a soft breath escape his lips as he put the smoke out. That stream he suspected would be hard for her. Few people made it past phase one but he suspected she'd get it. The technique on that dummy was special. Had people beaten it before, of course, they had. It wasn't something that never got beaten regardless of the foe it came upon. Tsubasa didn't intend for it to be such a thing either way. It didn't attack or defend itself, it couldn't even move. It looked pretty standard and run down in terms of that. He doubted she would like that he was gonna teach her control.

Techniques could come later as the female was good at those. Hell, she may end up coming up with some on her own. Tsubasa's brain worked on a different problem that needed salvaging at this point. The Clan's Defenses needed to be shored up the Retainers were specialists. People who would come and act according to the Clan's defense. Each one is sworn to protect them. Tsubasa did have an idea something he could do to make sure the defense was even better. His eyes looked past her as reconstruction had begun of the Unabara's home. They were beings with tools in their arms and dolls. These were creations of Tsubasa Unabara. Beings who could fight or defend themselves depending on what was needed. His plan was to create them into greater classes and then two leaders for them. Tsubasa didn't intend for things to get to that extent again. But if his people needed protecting the Dolls would come online as well. Defenses would be required at this point to push things to the next level.

"I know Ibiki well, she's someone precious to me just as she is to you. But her relationship is different with each person as she knows they are dynamic. She's my dearest friend and is likely the reason we are talking now as I would have been left for dead at the hands of Stefan." He said softly as he looked at her regarding the female. Ibiki was a complicated woman and Tsubasa wouldn't give away false information or try to guess. They were friends in arms and defenders of a goal. They both wanted to bring the Gotei to its former Glory. Only one of them did it with success, Tsubasa's strength was only good for one thing. For now, he could do this much for Ibiki. Teach Mirja beyond what she knew. He previous stated he would teach them how to fight. But there was no one set way to fighting or style that was right. Fighting didn't always mean fists and swords. Sometimes battles were fought with words over those things. A tongue could be so much sharper than a blade.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:56 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Control. That one word immediately had her hackles up and her beautiful silver iris/pupil'd eyes shrinking. It was a topic that was not very good for her. She wanted to just walk away. Or run. Or throw a smoke bomb and flee while everyone was distracted. But Tsubasa would have a reason for this, she knew he would. So she gathered her wits, her courage, and her zeal, and nodded, looking to the dummy. Knowing that it was against Mirja, there had to be something about this dummy that was special, something that prevented it from getting broken. So Mirja walked over to it, and prodded it roughly, feeling the return jab and knowing that it was all Mirror of Yata style. Bloody thing. And Tsubasa hadn't said anything about how to hit it, hadn't said anything about anything except control. And did that mean he knew she had a tick that buggered her on that point?

Maybe it was a test. A test to see if she could think of a way to get rid of the dummy without punching it. So she nodded, and walked up to it, picking it up off the ground, and then launching it off towards the horizon. Job Done.
"There. I have finished your dummy. What is next, that isn't control" She said, her smile betraying the scar on her heart as she said the word. She could still feel the way that boy crumpled beneath her fists. Still feel the breaking of bone, rupturing of organs, still hear the cries of surprise and alarm, hear his pained gurgle as he choked on his own blood. It wasn't something she was ever going to get away from, even when she had so much more that was so much worse to stress over, she still couldn't get away from that day.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:27 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Obviously, a topic that she didn't want to discuss. So she'd taken a life she didn't want too. How familiar was the topic that he couldn't even help but smile? It wouldn't be long now before that dummy hit something. She would, of course, feel it due to the return as that certainly wasn't the right way. The concept behind the dummy was simple enough it taught you to loosen your body up. "I sort of guessed we were similar, guess more than I previously imagined. Mirja when I was a child a long time ago I accidently killed my sister. Throwing my brothers and family into a bloody conflict that we never could avoid. I had to face a demon so to speak as a child that I was born with unnatural strength. " Tsubasa didn't sound happy go or anything just sad that his sister something so precious was lost. That he lost her due to him not being able to contain his own strength. That he lacked control as he looked at her eyes judging her expression. "I won't make you do it if you don't want too. This is something that you must do when you're ready. "

Tsubasa remained seated and seemed to be thinking about those days. The death of his sister was something that just happened and even his memory of it wasn't good. He knew he'd done and that's all that mattered to him was that sin was burned into him. She'd forgiven him of that much he knew for a fact. Tsubasa didn't know how it must have felt for her as everyone's different. One thing was for sure Mirja wasn't a cold blooded killer. That was reason enough to try and help her. The original Unabara did nothing but that. Survival seemed of the key interest to him. He met Unohana Retsu when he was younger and was compared to the first generation of Captains. But he did feel remorse and respected the dead. Tsubasa was a complicated person who was an enigma. Mirja was similar in that regard as he could sense that pain to an extent. But the choice needed to be her own as he sensed her discomfort in this situation.

It didn't mean he wouldn't teach her or even force her to do it. He waited for her to decide on her own. Tsubasa wasn't able to cry about it now because he wept that day. Uncomfortable was something of a topic of choice on his part. He didn't give in to that but remembered his sister's blood stained his hand. It's partly why Tsubasa hadn't told Ibiki or females he liked he loved them. Because he didn't deserve such a happily ever after. Tsubasa accepted his role in this world to be a murderer. He never considered himself above that title at times. He snuffed a life out of the greatest importance. That killed his parents and destroyed his brothers. Leaving both of them to become monsters like him. Remembering when he ripped his brother's arm off because he'd broken the law. That was another day in the life when he acted as the Pale Rider. Not acting as Tsubasa Unabara or anything similar to himself. Cold and calculating with ruthless aggression that filled his veins when like that.

It didn't matter much now as his story was told and finished. It was Mirja's story now and it was time for her to decide how the pages of her history would flow. Would she face down the trauma of the past or would she run from it?

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:03 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja looked to Tsubasa, and couldn't feel his pain. She only knew she had a family because everyone had a family, she had to have come from somewhere. But that is all she knew. Unknown, if it was a good family, a bad family, a small family, or a huge family. She then felt the dummy hit something, but she hadn't launched it hard enough for it to have sufficient velocity to do more than irritate her.
"I've never had a family. I woke up in Shin'o Academy some two hundred years ago with a nasty scar on my forehead, and that is my earliest memory. I often thing it would be better to know they are all dead than to be trapped in ever-lasting despair over their fate. It's also why I was so worried about joining your family. I had lost one, so I don't have the best track record. I didn't want to lose you as well"

She looked out to the horizon, and then to her latex covered fist. The red colour suited what she had done with them.
"I never wanted to kill anyone. Despite the torture that Caanan put me through, I didn't even want to kill him in the end. At the beginning, I was full of piss and vinegar, they had turned me into a monster for their own amusement, and so it was turned on them in the end. But when I regained my cognitive capabilities, every person I killed weighed on me terribly. The blood was always there on my hands. I went through all manner of scraps and scourers trying to get it off, even tried a cheese grater at one point. Ripping off the skin and the blood with it. I couldn't get rid of it. The kid and Caanan's thugs were the same. Neither were a threat to me, not really. And yet I killed them" she clenched her hands together, tight enough to shatter the bones of a person if she held their hands, and cried softly.

"I can't let go of my strength. I have to keep it under control, at all times. One slip up, and somebody dies"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Sat Feb 18, 2017 3:21 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"Let me explain what I am offering to you Mirja. I am offering you control beyond what you have right now. Control to the point you can pinpoint incapacitate or fight unhindered against stronger foes. I don't like revealing the past often, but I can't understand your pain. For me, I've always been killing people as it was second nature. I killed five hundred thousand people one night without being detected for the first couple thousand. Just to protect my family from getting snuffed out by a larger clan.I won't make you do something you dislike as you are precious to me Mirja and I don't want you to suffer. But I can tell you, the control you have now is good but it can get much more precise and accurate if given the chance." Tsubasa didn't often talk this much as he addressed her situation as he sat there and watched her allowing her to make up her mind. Killing people would weigh heavily on everyone's mind as he smiled. "You asked me what I know about Ibiki before right? She is the kindest person alive to accept someone like me despite my sins." He said looking at Mirja with a warm smile.

Tsubasa now had mellowed out and was willing to talk and even have discussions. Before he was silent and didn't desire anything but to see the horizon. To defend those things precious to him regardless of the future. Tsubasa's gaze remained on Mirja now. It was time for her decide what she wanted. Did she want to learn a control beyond this so she never had to worry? Control where she could stop herself on a whim. She didn't have that right now from what he saw of her she didn't let herself. Tsubasa saw one thing that struck him, was that she didn't trust herself. She didn't trust herself to control beyond control. Even though she was capable of it. More so than most people ever realize with her. But she didn't want to kill again that was something he could taste in the air. Tsubasa knew eventually he would have to kill again to protect her from that.

To make sure she didn't have too because she was precious to him and those around her.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Sat Feb 18, 2017 4:54 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja's heart was thumping in her chest so hard she felt something was going to break. It was like she had used her Heart's Kiai but without the accompanying rush of power, or indeed actual reason to use it. Tsubasa spoke about his past, about how he had killed so many people to protect his clan. But that was fine, to Mirja. Killing to protect another, wasn't as bad as killing because you wanted to kill their boss.
"Nobody died clean. There is so much blood on these claws, and yet...Ibiki just took me in her arms, and hugged me tightly, and told me that it would be all right. I want to be with her because I can't think of any other way to express my gratitude to her for how she treated me that day, I can't equate thanks to anything but sex. I'm a broken woman who's best off just dying, and starting again" she exclaimed, shaking her head.

"But, far too determined, and driven to do that. I can't risk getting into a body that can't reach such elative levels of speed. So I stick it out. As for the control, I don't know. I'm scared. There is so much about me that I used to be scared about. My power, my mind, my Bankai, my stupidly high cravings for women in the bedroom. Most of it I have managed to conquer, but my power still looms. It's been so long, it would be like a badly healed bone. I would have to break my control entirely and then refix it from ground up. And breaking the control now could be a catastrophe. You'll protect them from me, right? I can recover from pretty much anything that doesn't kill me outright, so don't be gentle. It will be your downfall"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Sun Feb 19, 2017 8:54 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa handed his kiseru off as he exhaled a breath he was right before. Training her the traditional way wouldn't work for Mirja. He needed to fight her in order for her control to grow. He could teach and fight people at the same time. Especially this time since he had no intention of just using his hands. He pulled his zanpakuto free slowly as he nodded to her slipping into Form Two again as he decided to let her start. "I was right before, I can't teach you like the others. I will teach you control beyond that.As for what you can do for Ibiki, this is something more than just passion in the bed. Ibiki's dream is this Gotei United.Protect it with your fierce strength just as I plan to..Her dreams are precious to me and I will defend them without fail even if my body shall shatter." Tsubasa said finally as he nodded for her to begin attacking him. He let his reiatsu out now as he decided for her he would tear down these walls. Make her build new ones that would define her more as a person.

A wall made of out fear was weak compared to one made out of the desire to protect. If she wanted to do something for Ibiki this was one thing she could do. Her body was strong and capable as he would allow her the first move. Tsubasa's reflexes were on alert and he'd not allow her to get through this without coming up with something new. She could heal most any injury so there was no point in using the blunt edge. She needed this badly and he would do what he could for her. Tsubasa wasn't the kind of man to not break down the walls between people. He had a singular talent and skill and he would put it on display here. She would witness why he had no talent in the field of Hakuda. Tsubasa's prowess with a blade was legendary. They said his skill in that was on part with the legendary Yamamoto's. But to him, that comparison didn't matter anymore. It wasn't important and didn't make him smile or feel pride. Khala had a point about one thing what was the point behind that?

The pointless bravado that leads nowhere but to ruin of one's self. his digits softly gripped his sword as he remembered the move she went for. A badly broken bone wasn't as bad as one that was healed incorrectly in his mind. Tsubasa didn't intend to hold back on her much as he would fight her with the power that he had worked for. Let her understand just how far she could go. That her hollow and spirits within were on her side. It was time for him to unleash upon the Mad Wolf what he could to make her closer to Ibiki. If she could fix this and overcome this hurdle she would be much better for Ibiki. Tsubasa didn't know what Ibiki's thoughts were of her friend. He did care about her a lot and almost to a degree loved her. But he didn't believe he deserved such a thing. Happy endings were for people who did good things. Tsubasa's only good deed so far wasn't present. He'd never fought with consideration of other people. He never got involved beyond that and put himself into a situation like that. But he guessed it would involve a dive into the depths of one's soul. Mirja could do that and so could other people he would use everything he had to rebuild her.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A Visit to the Past - Page 2 Empty Re: A Visit to the Past

Sun Feb 19, 2017 9:21 am

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

He was prepared for her. This was good. Mirja was not going to lose another person to this. She would fight Tsubasa, and then probably die. Or some miracle would happen and she would actually be able to control all this now. Maybe she was scared of something that just wasn't going to happen in the end. She was mature, she could control it, right? Probably not, but it was always best to do it in a controlled situation with someone who wouldn't hesitate to bring her down and would actually be able to bring her down.

He drew his swords and readied himself, so Mirja went into the mindscape, and found the leash that was her control. She needed it, and so had never touched it before, but now was the time to do exactly the opposite. Mirja clenched the leash in her hand, and snapped it, feeling sickened by what had just happened, but knowing that she needed to do it. There would be no progress beyond this point without it. And so, her body was freed from it's own restraints, and the world trembled with every step. Or rather, the ground trembled. Without any degree of control, even her footsteps where enough to shake the very earth. Between her weight and the sheer power that was within her muscles, such a thing was not unexpected, after all.

She didn't rush him, didn't charge in fists swinging and voice screaming battle cries. She just walked towards him slowly. She'd never released herself like this before, and so she had no idea what could happen, what was going to happen. Tsubasa had proven himself a very potent combatant, but right now Mirja was dangerous on a level she had never been before, and so there was doubt in Mirja's mind about what was going to happen.
"I'm sorry, for this" Mirja said, as she came into range and then threw a punch at his chest. She wasn't going fancy, or even fully in the fight, mentally. She was absent, as if she didn't want to be here for this.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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