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A King's Escape Empty A King's Escape

Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:50 pm
He pushed his black hair back and moved his armor gauntlets a bit adjusting them. Slipping away from his guards now that was the tricky part of it. Qiang didn't really know why or what he was going to do here. But revealing himself as royalty wasn't in the to do list. He'd gotten tired of sitting within the Palace in the East. It was just a place that kind of looked the same damn thing every day. He wasn't looking for hand outs or things like that. Qiang's power had certainly not improved since the days of old. He rubbed at his shoulder remembering something foul. The park was lively he'd heard about human attractions like this. His mid section was tattooed with markings of his clan. Among other things he appeared different and stood out. He didn't mind that so much though, it was nice. He found a bench smiling to himself he leaned back a bit. Everything required time and effort from those involved. This wasn't something small, he glanced at his hand. He'd of only held Kamui back in his current condition.

The only application he was good with, it was those eyes of his. He could see things that few people would understand. Cognitive function and understanding weren't so simple to explain. To put it plainly in lamen terms he could see future possibilities of sorts. Though that didn't quite reach out either. Qiang had developed and created an answer for the loss of magic for him. Internal and External Kenpo usage, his people saw him as the man who overcame things. Speed and strength those weren't his price of fortune. He was the man who came for a single purpose. To build the East to something new and functioning. But for now, he could only do what was available to him. Train and prepare for when the day came when he was needed. The Tarots weren't all awoken yet, he could go further, couldn't he. Unlocking them through the context and requirements. He leaned back against the bench listening to laughing children he merely smiled. Qiang wasn't sure what to call it as he observed the things going on.

His expression turned grim as he went towards one of the playground areas. Something was about to happen here, his eyes could see it. He took a stance as he prepared to exhale softly. Inner control through the external world. A scream about a boy being taken was heard. It was a single blow, not explosive or extremely fast. It didn't look that powerful as Qiang set the boy down softly. Smiling he patted his head and gestured him back to his mother. He glanced at the man who'd been knocked out. He sighed softly sitting him down on the ground now. Rubbing the back of his neck, he could see this looking potentially bad. "Didja have to snatch a kid of all things, I mean you got me in sort of trouble here. Guess I'll let someone else tend to you, you should wake up in an hour..I think." He said shrugging his shoulders. The blow wasn't fatal it was something from the Martial Arts of Qiang's. The Kenpo of the King of the East, but Qiang did his best to disguise that part of himself.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A King's Escape Empty Re: A King's Escape

Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:16 pm


A King's Escape 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Hanging around - in a very literal sense -Fuma park, there was an interesting wolf girl, dangling off some bars by her tail, and observing the world around her. Only a few people actually noticed her, testiment to how the modern man had evolved, she guessed. Such that a woman with wolven parts hanging upside down was not a strange sight enough to attract a crowd. Instead she just got a few laughing children and a couple of stares from people that were not interesting enough to comitt to memory. She was looking for someone interesting, while also working on her Tai Chi meditation. She thought if she hung upside down she could make it work harder and gain better muscles. Or something like that.

But then there was a commotion. Mirja pricked her ears to pin-point it, but another person was in the area and resolved it with speed, grace, and fluidity. Now that, was a man that she could get behind. She had never seen him around before, or smelled his like. And new smells were intreging. She wanted them. Dropping down from her perch, she walked over to the man who was dealing with the aftermath, and stared him right in the eye for a few moments.

"The Sparrow Flies South For The Winter" She said. Out of the blue, very seriously, and with no explainion as to what that meant in the slightest. What did it mean? Why was she saying it to the man? What was the smell of sweet confectionary coming from the girl's robes, and why did she have wolf ears? These were the questions that would probably be going through a person's mind when approached by Mirja and given such a criptic statement to try and decipher, but who knew the minds of man or mer?

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A King's Escape Empty Re: A King's Escape

Thu Aug 17, 2017 7:36 pm
Qiang's rubbed the back of his neck sighing as he detected that prickle sensation on his neck. Someone was coming who was rather forward and able to be felt somewhat. She was quick as well, from what he could tell agile and able to move fast. Had his Mystic Eyes not been potent he'd of never seen the Wolf Girl coming. His eyes locked on her as he smiled a bit speaking. "Only when the situation demands it, I couldn't let him take a child from their mother." He knew what she meant as he dusted himself off and picked the guy up off the ground slowly. He set him on a bench. He didn't have to concern himself over that as he looked over the Wolf Girl. She was rather attractive and interesting, from what he could discern. She wasn't a human, no that didn't seem likely. She wasn't like the other innocents here. Blood was on her hands, she was a warrior. The way she carried herself. That was what told him it mostly, she was a fighter perhaps a skilled Martial Artist. He couldn't be sure at a glance, though she had an impressive body as well.

Was she one of that Shini whatch call it's? That was his first thought, but his eyes began to detect the energy beneath the surface. He wondered if she'd realize that his eyes were looking through her. Qiang shrugged his shoulders somewhat. It wasn't his place in this world to judge or look on. [Color=red]" Sorry about that, if I caused a problem for you."{/color] He said calmly as he could tell from how she moved what she was. Qiang was a martial artist as well, it showed very much in his movements. Qiang was graceful but something about the blows he mustered didn't make sense. He used immense strength as well as speed. But that was neither here nor there, the Kenpo he practiced wasn't from here. Nor was it imagined in this world, that was the closest thing to compare it too though. He felt a bit stiff after the blow, exhaling gently he controlled his breathing. Bringing his hands up like he controlled its movement he extended them on exhale.

Had it truly been so long since he'd struck a man with his arm? Combat was what he desired. Winning and losing were irrelevant in his eyes, it was the enjoyment of meeting a good match. Warriors had to learn and become something more. Warriors fought for the sheer pleasure of it, not using tricks or cheap moves. It was about mastering one's self to become more. Qiang himself was a case of that, as his connection to magic was completely cut off.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A King's Escape Empty Re: A King's Escape

Thu Aug 17, 2017 8:05 pm


A King's Escape 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Certainly no ordinary man. She could see that in everything that was about him. How he smelled and how he moved and how he did not try to steal her cakes. It was interesting to see such a man outside of the Wandering Bazzar. Not a place that he would populate because he lacked Tai Chi. There was claim that the light of Bronze 1 was so dim to Black Gold cultivators that it seemed as if it was entirely not there. But she wasn't even nearly close to that level of power, so it seemed the man was simply a martial artist from elsewhere.

Curious as to how he would react, how sharp said reactions were, and what would happen in the aftermath of such reaction, Mirja almost punched him. Almost in the fact that she intended to do it with such vigor that people owuld be able to feel it coming, if they were tuned into the martial world. But the actual punch was not forthcoming, not that it changed the fact that the air was so heavily staurated with the fact that it was coming that the reality of the matter made little difference to the end result.

Mirja herself was ready incase his reactions were sharp enough to deliver a counter-blow to this intent-punch, but that was not something that would surprise Mirja. In her quaint little head-space she was already eight punches deep with six different versions of the man. In this instance and this instance alone, Mirja's focus and mental faculties where nearly unrivalied in their potency.
"Mirja. Mirja Eeola, by the way. It's lovely to meet you" She spoke suddenly. Introductions should always be made before you started trying your hardest to make the other person's face turn concave.

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A King's Escape Empty Re: A King's Escape

Thu Aug 17, 2017 8:54 pm
It wasn't speeding or such things that determined things. As the female began moving his eyes saw it. The cognitive beginning of the strike, the trouble would be avoiding it. He couldn't mount offense due to the nature of the strike. The resolution behind it was a testing blow to see how strong he was. Qiang realized what she was doing and didn't bother to move. Remaining still and able to read into her a little bit through that stop."You've great external power, it's quite clear your punches are very destructive. He didn't act like was the wolf girl as he gently lowered his hand. Qiang's movement had started before her movements were complete. "I'm Li Qiang, it's nice to be given a warm welcome for a change."

The style of martial arts Qiang used some flexible and able to change. The biggest thing was that Qiang's see the future or even move faster than Mirja entirely. But he could see a cognitive possibility. A possible outcome of the situation as the female's body came into movement. This was the power of his Mystic Eyes, it wasn't all known are unbeatable. The truth was Qiang sometimes couldn't make up the speed gap at all. It was a matter of gritting his teeth and using his capabilities as best as possible. Sometimes you just couldn't dodge a punch even if you wanted to. But on the other hand, to take a punch willing can be very exciting. It's like meeting a new person, a fun experience. The number of people willing to hit him due to his royalty position is so few. It was refreshing to see a real punch for a change and not some sissy throwing a half assed mockery. But Qiang did have warriors who trained with him as well. But he always got the sense they wished to see just how much his eyes could see.

This world's veil wasn't meant to be pierced. It was meant to be left the hell alone to manage its own problems. As for his eyes, the way they worked was special from his youth. Only Qiang had them, no other clan member did. That was the grape vine ruling anyways. Qiang didn't pay mind to that or anything else. His movements were fluid, but something was strange. He moved differently from this realm's style entirely. it was a fluctuating style that could evolve and change on a dime. No standard or stuck principal, it was free as the wind or the water.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A King's Escape Empty Re: A King's Escape

Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:52 pm


A King's Escape 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

A broad and elated grin would strech across Mirja's face as he didn't move. Maybe he had balls of steel, of was just incredibly confident in himself. Maybe he saw through the sheer raging intent of it to the lack of follow-up and knew there was nothing coming, despite reality's attempts to convince him otherwise. And that, if nothing else, was something that impressed Mirja.

"Steely mind you got there, Li Qiang. It isn't every day you meet a man who knows he is going to get punched in the face, and does nothing about it. I think we could get along very well, you coming out from nowhere as you did. But, you are not anything I have ever met. No Shinigami, or Vizard, or Quincy, or Hollow or Demon or Iramasha. So what does that make you?" She asked, curious as to what he really was. And how he was. The way he moved, was at once nothing, and everything. It reminded her a great deal of herself, in that respect. And so she decided to see just how far this new man's abilities streched down the line of martial awareness and proficiency.

The act was simple. Mirja, slipped her hands, into her pockets. And smiled. This was her Wolf-Fu style. Not that she knew it, but the moment she took the Wolf-Fu stance, Qiang's cognative eyes would explode around Mirja. Suddenly seeing thirty, fourty, fifty different possibilities stemming off the woman simultaniously. A few were even surreal, mad futures where she used some strange rocks from a pouch to create snow and throw it at him. But this was the core of her Wolf-Fu style. A fighting style so thorughly grounded in a lack of actual planning that there was no telling which future would be the real future until it happened.

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A King's Escape Empty Re: A King's Escape

Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:22 pm
Qiang smiled a bit as he seemed to remain relaxed. Hear her compliment as he decided to speak on the matter a bit, before answering her well put the question. "" Well, you weren't going to hit me..And sometimes it's good to take a hit..Sort of a hello in a manner of speaking with fists." He said smiling, his logic was different from other peoples. It was simple and to the point, he didn't know how much people knew about them. "I am what's called a Suigura, we are complicated." He said shrugging his shoulder as he didn't feel he was best for explaining a species. Let alone the fact they were divided into different classes and such. That different types of Suigura lived and existed throughout. But that was neither here nor there, it was merely a matter of opinion from that. He'd let that idea settled as his eyes detected it. This was a fighting stance for her it seemed. Cognitive reasoning aside he was playing quite a game here. Lots of possible outcomes it seemed from just this stance.

But there was so much more to the Emperor's eye and how it functioned. Qiang merely smiled at this and waited for what came. The different possible outcomes were indeed many and could distract from the true one. But there was something that often defined truth, the cognitive outcome. A physical choice or movement that changed those possibilities into one singular one. That was the thing that made Li Qiang different from the average bear. He was special in that magic school bus way. He was able to read into things few others did. This wasn't a game of minds or mental prowess. Qiang was by no means a genius or a mastermind. He was just used to playing a game of guess that outcome. And he'd paid for it before, but he'd gotten really good at figuring it out. But even when wrong he could at least navigate to a decent outcome. Besides the world was full of interesting people, Qiang's position didn't change. There wasn't a hint of anything about his Kenpo.

It did not give off an air of danger or attack that was coming. It was a silent quiet thing that merely waited. Waited to see what the female had up her sleeve. Sometimes in this world a King had to make his own fun, this was indeed a good day to meet someone new.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A King's Escape Empty Re: A King's Escape

Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:23 am


A King's Escape 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Mirja nodded softly, as he introduced himself as a Sugaria. Certainly not something she had ever met before, and that was very interesting. She was always in for meeting new people like this. And he seemed to have something that told him for a fact that he wasn't going to get punched, despite the universe surrounding him being conisderably to the countary on that subject. Something she would need to be more experimentive of. So she took a step forward, each step changing what could happen in strange and unpredictable ways. A few steps in, one of the outcomes saw her vanish for a second before returning with a bagpipe and starting to play it.

But nothing was solidified. She was surrounded by the ghost of possibility, and even three steps away from him, she had not a single truth. It was like she had no idea what she as going to be doing when she got there, and would just do whatever came to mind as it came to mind. And that was the essence of Wolf-Fu. Take the best outcome of any scinaro, and do the second best, unless you like the number three, and then do the third best.

She took the final step towards him, and then there was a finger on his nose. This Wolf had truly mastered the Last Second, as it seemed.

"Boop" she exclaimed, with a broad and friendly grin streching from ear to ear. It was not just that she was fast, it was that she had esoteric understanding of how to use it. Such speed came cognatively as well as physically, and this was the best way to show that off without actually having to go full-tilt and destroy the entire F-district in her attempts to display herself.

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A King's Escape Empty Re: A King's Escape

Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:37 am

Word Count: --

So she'd caught on to his eyes and wanted to test them out. If he'd had a nickel for everytime someone had done this. He'd be the world's greatest nickel collector. There was more to it, cognitive outcomes for him were seen through energy. Muscle movements simply eyes and everything in between. He didn't blink or show a reaction to the things coming. As he let the female touch him on the nose. This was an interesting turn of events that was going on. His eyes were being put to the test instead of his martial prowess. It was like a game of chicken almost going on to see who blinked first. But something about that was exciting at the very least. But the Warrior King wasn't known for being a regular guy. "Well, I'm flattered that you want to touch me and everything. But is this the right spot for foreplay?" He said offering a smile as he looked at the female. Who touched his nose now, this was his own way of teasing the female somewhat. But it had the classic Qiang quip to it.

Now whoever said royalty didn't have a sense of humor were idiots. Grant it the girl didn't know of his royalty or anything. Which was how he wanted to keep it. Being of royal status got old real quick in some places. They were like oh here is your aged wine sir, with your personal ass scratcher. That sort of stuff always got on his nerves it was such an invasion of personal life. He could scratch his own ass just fine without help. But enough about his ass and the things going around that region. Qiang's eyes maintained their normal calm look about them. Did he know she'd touch his nose, he had an inkling? Because out of all the crazy outcomes only a few were realistic enough. The rest were distractions to take his attention away from fact. But energy, muscle, and those things. Along with Mirja's own cognitive thoughts were helpful in providing a decent guess. Now, this could be misunderstood as mind reading and that would be understandable. He's reading the cognitive outcome of a choice made by a person.

Now in order for this to work, he must first fart rainbows and dance like a pixie. In truth, it's more that Qiang's eyes due to the extreme stress he was put under as a boy developed this way. Cognitive outcomes and thoughts are different from regular ones. An outcome is a choice that the body makes upon its first movement. Qiang's eyes see every muscle and bone acting and see what function they are going towards. Taking all the facts into the old dusty computer that is his brain. He then proceeds to play rock paper and scissors and decide which is likely. This isn't mind reading and sometimes it doesn't matter. He couldn't avoid her blows if he wanted he surmised. She was faster than he was and that was a simple fact of the matter. Stronger too from what his eyes were telling him. The information did not lie as his Emperor's Eyes were nobody fool. Well except maybe Greg in accounting, but that was love at first sight. Anyways this was indeed an interesting being that stood before him.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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A King's Escape Empty Re: A King's Escape

Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:55 am


A King's Escape 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Foreplay. A lead up to sex. With a man. Who was pretty good at fighting. Well, that was quite possibly the worst thing Qiang could have ever said to Mirja. She wasn't very in control of herself in this subject. She knew it was just a joke, and knew there was no need to tear him limb from limb and drown him in his own blood but she was never a girl to let what she knew get in the way of what she was going to do. Her intention was to see how this man ticked and what he was up to, but now she was just struggling with control of herself.

Cognatively - and quite possibly physically if she didn't get herself under control - Mirja had turned into a wild animal and could be seen throwing primal, yet precise blows uterlizing her fingernails which now looked a lot more like claws than before. She was a mess and there was no getting away from that, but she didn't want to maul some random stranger in the street simply because he made a joke. It was just probably going to happen. A lot of things happened that she didn't want.

"Mmm" Mirja muttered, hands shaking and her eyes - deep silver eyes that were like the depths of a bloody abyss - stared with such vigor and passion it was as if they could bore through solid steel simply by willing it. Qiang was now situated with an interesting choice to make. The girl in front of him was possibly going to rip out his pancreas and used it to cave his skull in. But if he attacked first she was defintely going to rip out of pancreas and use it to cave his skull in. The only advantage would be the advantage of pre-action.

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