Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Empty A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto]

Tue Oct 17, 2017 8:21 pm
"...Anndd there ya go!"

Aiko had been up to usual shenanigans in the woods, though this day was a tad different. She had actually gotten around to toying with this rather... Strange gray goop that plopped from her mouth ever so often. It was a rather uncomfortable process to push it up, and she definitely couldn't keep it down, but this day she would, in terms of rather disgustingness, would play with her own "waste".

She had shaped a rather lovely blob of goop into three interesting but familiar shapes: A bird, a deer, and a fish. They were rather small in size, small and cute enough to fit in one's palm She knew Mika wouldn't be too pleased to hear that she had shaped something that had come out of her into creatures, so she wanted to surprise her with them instead of telling her... Wouldn't hurt, right? RIGHT!

The girl rocked back and forth, utter gooey sweet joy on her face as she looked at the sculptures before her. She was rather proud of them, very much so! Strangely enough, one could never ever think someone as childish as Aiko could create such simplistic but correct looking statues, but she did! She indeed did! She felt so happy she could just... Just!

...And a peck on the deer statue she indeed gave! It rocked to and fro momentarily, giving the girl a sudden spook. She didn't intend to... To... The girl's mouth was agape as the statue crackled and shook. For a half second, she thought she had broken it... No, NO! Rather the opposite happened! It suddenly burst to life! The little grey deer had suddenly began to hop around, black eyes having formed on it's little cute head as it looked to and fro, getting a grasp on it's world.

Aiko gasped quite the bit, quickly but tenderly lifting the deer up by the back, which resulted in the little now living creature to squeak and squirm, though it sounded like no creature man has ever heard, though...

"Cuuuutttee!" The girl suddenly squealed, getting a handle of it in her palms. Her tail beat against the turf with sheer excitement, the girl letting out a rather loud but surprisingly satisfying squeak.

"Cute cute cute cute cute!" Mika had to see this! She just had to!
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A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Empty Re: A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto]

Wed Oct 18, 2017 6:05 am



A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] 6EdIfMt

In the passing months that Kokuto had lived, there was still little that he found that he had given him purpose. The Seal of Eris was something that gave him a small bit of purpose, sure. to spread the Seal and master control over his Seal. But. it was more of a motivation for him to find that purpose. Which, in turn, would cause him to further seek out those motivations.

So, it wasn't a surprise that Kokuto was finding himself in Karakura Forest once more. A place that he was frequenting more often in order to clear his mind, or potentially find that purpose. For all he knew, that purpose could be hiding in the most random of places. So, Kokuto believed that he needed to look everywhere for it. Thus, the male stepped out of the crimson portal that was the Demon's Kage Chokyoshi and into the forests on the outskirts of Karakura.

"Maybe here..." The male mumbled, his foot softly pressing against the forest floor.

His eye subtly slid around in the socket as he gazed around at his surroundings. One cautious step forward and Kokuto continued to look around, wary and aware of the forest's contents. There were people that wanted to kill people like him, whether it has reason or no. But, as he continued to take step after step, Kokuto was quick to hear sounds of, something. A loud screech, annoying and painful. Plugging his ears as he bent over slightly from the noise scraping against the walls of his ears, a loud, audible growl rumbled from the throat of the demon.

Annoying. That was the only word that he could derive from the loud screech that had just happened. Beginning his walking once more, Kokuto soon came to a clearing, where he saw the origins of the screech. He saw a little girl sitting in the opening, playing with what looked like a deer of some sort, with two other little creations sitting next to her.

As the male slowly began to approach the girl, he heard the girl exclaim and squeal how the deer was cute, before he heard something beat against the earth -- a tail. His face turned from one of curiosity and annoyance to one of pure confusion. He had heard of Demon's using Body Manipulation in order to give themselves the traits of others, or some even have it naturally, but he had never seen it up close and personal before.

So, Kokuto stepped from the shade of the trees and knelt down near the girl, looking at her creations. "Cute, huh?"

"Not exactly the first word I'd use for it. But, I guess it could be kinda cute."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Empty Re: A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto]

Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:56 am
The little fox child marveled at her creation, it trying to poke its tiny ,grey legs from her palm, crying out to be released. Aiko soon caught onto it's cries being rather unsatisfactory, causing the girl's ears to dip and for her to frown. The girl was about to set the little deer down until a voice floated by her ears, causing her curiosity to take over.

Her head quickly turned to view a... Rather strange sight. It was a man, a rather tall man indeed. What particularly drew her attention to him was his head wrapped with a scarf, revealing only one eye, and chains on him...

"Oh! Hullo!" The girl called out. Of course, as usual, she wasn't fearful of him in the slightest. The girl rarely felt fear to things that would normally scare the piss out of children. The man hardly fazed her, rather only causing her to get rather curious of him.

"Ow!" She squeaked, opening her hands. The tiny grey creature hopped out, bounding off into the wilds, "W-wait!" She cried out, trying to run after it, but it was already quite out of sight, "Ohhh.." A sigh of defeat came from her.

She faced her peculiar, towering guest with a smile, walking rather quickly to get the remaining little clay figures and scurrying over to him, presenting them.

"Hi! I'm Aiko Inari! Do you want one? Don't take all of them though, one's for Mika!" She was rather assertive in an adorable way in the last sentence, though her eyes were full of innocence as she asked the man, "Also, what's your name? I've never see you here... Never!" Her fluffy tail swayed to and fro, as she appeared to look at him rather expectantly.
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A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Empty Re: A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto]

Wed Nov 01, 2017 6:41 pm



A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] 6EdIfMt

Staring at the girl, his void eyes shimmering with boredom, Kokuto watched as she continued to play with her creations, causing a faint smile to spread along the lips of the Demon. However, his face soon turned into concern as she cried out, opening her hands and Kokuto was able to see that the creature that she held was running. The girl turned crestfallen as the creature ran.

With his gaze turning towards the creature as it disappeared into the woods, Kokuto rose to his feet, the chains on his wrists and ankles jingling slightly. Drawing his arm back and hurling it forward, causing the broken chain link to repair itself, before extending in the direction it was hurled at. The tether flew at rapid speeds, snaring the deer by the ankles in mere moments. Quickly reeling the catch in, Kokuto snatched the creature up in his hands, gently clasping them together to keep himself from breaking it.

Exhaling softly, Kokuto held the creature out to Aiko, wincing as it tried to worm it's way out.

"Aiko Inari, huh?" He said. "Sure, I can manage one."

Grunting as the creature grew evermore persistent to escape his grip, Kokuto growled as his grip slowly began to tighten around the creature, before releasing it slightly. He hadn't killed the creature, but he knew that he had at least warned it not to be so fidgety. Turning his head back to Aiko, he could see that she was a mixture of excited, curious, and overall -- hyper. The tail that swayed back and forth with seemingly no end was something that Kokuto was quick to pick up on as she asked him for his name.

"Kokuto." He said, before raising his right arm and swung it softly to bring emphasis on the broken chains on his wrists. "I'm a demon, previously a Sinner that was trapped in Hell."

Sitting down and resting his hands on his knees, Kokuto set the clay creature down next to him, placing a small red barrier around it to prevent it from running off. Then, he turned his head to Aiko once more.

"So, what are you doing here? Heard you mention someone called 'Mika'. That your friend or something?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto] Empty Re: A Man of Hell Approaches! [Aiko/Kokuto]

Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:32 am
Aiko watched as a chain whizzed by, which caught her utterly by surprise. She was rather confused as to why he had chains around his body. She couldn't think of too much to associate the chains with, aside from a little whisper in her mind saying "prisoner". Aiko wasn't too solid on the concept of containing people, but in a way she was familiar with it, though moreso on the side of subliminal than upfront. Her ears twitched as she watched the man reel the small grey deer in by the ankle. It was an amazing sight to her, even her tail was stuck up rather stiffly!

The deer was doing all sorts of squeaking and struggling, until the man had brought it into his grip. Aiko was somewhat afraid he would hurt it, but she was met with relief when he was surprisingly gentle with it. Her ears flicked, noticing he was emitting a rather.. Relaxed sort of mood. No... Not relaxed.. Just calm... Bored? The girl interpreted this rather negatively, appearing to give the man a slight pout. Did... She bore him?

Something of his immediately broke her from this pout however, not specifically his name, but rather his origins. A Sinner that was trapped in Hell...


Her world momentarily stood still, frozen in a moment of a cold, hard stop.

So... That was where the chains came from. He was trapped... Trapped...

The word had so much resonance with her, as if slowly but delicately driving a poison tipped needle into her heart, the sting heavying and strong. The girl's head was slightly dipped for a moment, her tail drooped, and her eyes glazed over as her mind analyzed these thoughts, before she suddenly perked up once more.

Aiko smiled at him as he asked about Mika. Of course, she definitely would be inclined to tell!
"Mika is my Mika! She takes care of me and visits me!" The girl smiled, clasping her hands together, "I'm out here because well.. I think Mika said that it's the only place I can stay for now.." She frowned for a bit, but immediately smiled up, "But I love her lots and she loves me lots too!"

She looked at the man, placing the two small sculptures down, sitting in front of the man while rocking side to side with obvious excitement returning to her body.
"So.. Mr. Ko.... Ko... Ku... Kuto!" Aiko tried rather hard to properly say the syllables in the proper sequence, just giving up and going with the last part, "Mr. Kuto, are you bored of me?" The girl frowned, tilting her head, "...I feel like you're bored of me."
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