Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99999/99999A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only]

Mon May 28, 2018 10:30 pm


Enter Liu tounao

A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Slow Motion - Artist: Sidewalk Skeletons

Listening is better than taking the lead and talking all of the time. To take the time to actively overhear the concerns of another heart leads to one gaining a greater understanding of the people who compromise this universe. Therefore, as Henrex bled out his fears to the liberating devil before him, the woman took it all in before cutting through those notions with a new perceptive from a creature infused with the awareness that freedom of the mind grants one:

"Does one want to be restricted in a place where those who are supposed to love, care and be there for you have the wild urge to shun you for being true to your heart? You needn't chain yourself to such mental images of internal subjugation, Henrex."

There was a pause before she gave a firm pat to his head before continuing on with her input on this tender circumstance.

"If you are pushed away from a community or people, they weren't for you and it would serve better for your spirit's health to forge your own place where you and people like you belong. There is always someone, somewhere out there in this vast existence of ours which will take you in with open arms."

An observation was then made when she ceased speaking. With her blood eyes focused on the male beneath her arms, the Devil of Liberation noticed that he seemed to find great comfort in touch, warmth, and comfort from another physical being. And, to that sight, Liu gave a placid smile before further mending away at these shackles of self-fear.

"Creatures find a lack of need to feel terror when in the arms of another. Touch is something which can help us remain bound to this world and forget the inner-trappings of our mind. I doubt you are thinking about such things in the arms of someone who is able to comprehend that, am I right?"

Of course, this was a new world to him and it was understandable that Henrex would still have his nerves raddled by such a thing being a reality to his perception of reality. Therefore, Liu allowed him to compose himself as he tried to utter the words of freedom, release, and comfort from out of his mouth. Sure, he failed to articulate it, but there is a certain knack for reading the room and understanding what a person means even if that person cannot utter it with words.

"Awareness is a precious gem. Insight into a person's aura and heart is all that you need to read the language of their intent. You don't have to say it with words, but I can feel you truly find comfort and peace within this embrace. You simply feel accepted and loved in this moment."

With a final look into his eyes, Liu only had one question for him to answer:

"And, because of this embrace, do you not feel released from that feeling of restriction of fear? You aren't alone, Henrex. Do not believe others will abandon you for these truths of fear your heart speaks."


A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue419100/999999A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only]

Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:51 pm



A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Henrex had fallen silent not long after he had finished speaking, mainly due to the fact that he was thinking of how to express how this emotional and mental freedom felt -- but also because it was now his own turn to listen to Liu. Her words seemed to wrap around him like a sheet, piecing away these intense feelings of fear, with Henrex's returning embrace only becoming tighter and tighter as her words continued to sink into him.

It was through the touch of another, the warmth and comfort of someone else, that he was able to think clearly and detach himself from these deep-rooted feelings of trepidation and dread. Thus -- still remaining silent -- Henrex simply nodded in response, with one word being added on -- his voice barely a whisper as he spoke.


And, while he had failed to speak how he felt, Liu's awareness and observation had come to a conclusion that may as well have been a perfect summarization of his thoughts -- acceptance and love. He truly felt accepted and loved at this moment. For the longest time, fear had been such a driving force in his life -- as, while he had come to terms, personally, with the things that made him strange and different amongst the world of supernatural beings, it was the acceptance, love, and care of others that he desired the most -- and was scared of the possibility of ostracization.

But, now he was able to come to terms with what he had been in such deep denial of for the longest time -- he wasn't alone. He was loved. As a result of this, a gentle, warm smile spread across the half-breed's face as he savored this moment of comfort and internal peace. He had no fear of being rejected or being alone -- at least, not for now. Thus, he once again retained the simplicity and briefness of his words, speaking with only one word once more.

"Thank you..."

However, mere moments after he said that, the male's body tensed for a moment as he spoke again -- only slightly louder than before -- but, this time, two voices overlapped one another, speaking in unison.

"Don't forget kiddo, you're nothing without me."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Head Admin
Head Admin

Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19297
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A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue99999/99999A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 Empty Re: A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only]

Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:44 am


Enter Liu tounao

A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Song: Slow Motion - Artist: Sidewalk Skeletons

The Liberation of love can be a powerful tool in the arsenal of weaponry used to fight against the shackles of enslavement. Yet, that power of love could also so easily be used to entrap a spirit in the bondage of that addictive craving of affection and feeling of being desired. It was a fine line that had to be walked upon when dealing with subject matter which touched upon the heart, but there were many routes one could travel upon to find themselves on the shores of freedom and slavery. Thus, for Henrex, his path ended in that hunger for acceptance.

Therefore, having received this sense of admiration from another spirit of this world most unlike his own, it was apparent that her duty as an agent of liberation had been completed on this evening. For this reason is why the half-breed would then be able to sense a swelling power beginning to grow within the devil which stood before him. One which radiated a sense of release as her body illuminated itself with a tender white glow as she stared down the demonic blood which was beginning to ooze out of Henrex.

"Well, I can see that this phase of my job has been finished, but another is soon to begin for that other half it seems."

Voice as a calm as soothing as ever, the face of Liu eased into a relaxed smile, but those piercing blood eyes of hers never left the sight of the half-demon.

"You are quite welcome for the release afforded to by grasping the experience of love. However, we will most likely need another session to deal with your demonic blood. It seems that it is craving to meet me from the looks of things"

With a wave of her hand, Liu called upon her possessive demonic energy to rise to the surface and activate a summoning technique. When this motion of the hand was given a black scroll drenched in glowing scarlet energy emerged in the right palm of The Hell Demon. Following that scroll landing in the palm of her hand, The Devil then moved forward with handing the piece of satanic magic to Henrex for him to use as he saw fit.

"Provided you give me proper warning of your arrival, you may visit hell anytime you desire. Even if myself or Nizhuan may not be here always, I'm assured of the fact that our replicas will always be here to greet you until you do."

After giving a slow pat of Henrex's cheeks, Liu then saw fit for her to begin her departure from this encounter. Opting to fade into the abyss of the crowd nearby, The Hell Demon gave a final wave of the hand before uttering these words out to the half-breed:

"If you want to deal with this demon once and for all, demon world is a good place. Hell is the best."


A Missing Hostess [Liu] [Vastime Gala Event] [Open; Serious Plot Only] - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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