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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Tue May 22, 2018 4:14 pm

Crush, crunch. The sound echoed out against the howling wind, beating and pulling and tugging at the man. Blonde locks streamed out in the wind behind him, the skirt-like garment he wore billowing beneath it. The half of his chest that was bare surged as he breathed in and out, sweat pouring down his face. The muscles and veins in his left arm were bare, showing their tension to the world, his entire body shuddering as he pulled himself up another foot.

His feet were pressed up against the rock face, breath after breath coming out. "Voi…" The man breathed out, his head pointing upwards again. He could clearly see where his fingers were driven into the rock and stone, halfway up his arm. Dust and rubble was still falling around him, bits of scrap descending down. It had been several hours since Moonie Iramasha had been able to see the bottom. He could see the clouds beneath him now. The cool stone pressed in against his arm, his other hand extracting itself from another hole.

Great pressure pulled on Moonie's body, his entire form dipping down slightly. "…Rrrrn…!"

CRUUSH, crunch…

The Moon Iramasha let out another hard breath, pressing his forehead up against the cold stone. He was beginning to near his physical and spiritual limits. He had been near to them ever since he finally reached past the clouds. He had used his Gravity Manipulation to force his body to become exponentially more heavy than normal. It was like lifting up a building, and fixing it back into the mountain.

'…Aaa…AAAAH…!" He let out, feeling his muscles strain harder against him. They were exhausted. They did not want to keep going. They did not…

Moonie's body froze, his arm halfway extended up to the next part. His teeth clamped hard in his mouth, feeling his body seize up in resistance of his actions. The strong wind bit and tugged at his body, as he began to feel his entire body… sinking backwards. His arm was sliding out of the hole, even as he gripped his fingers into the stone. "nnnnnnnNN…No… NO….!"

Moonie's neck tugged forwards, the rest of his body pushing backwards, slipping out of the hole. His teeth clamped directly into the stone. His jaw screamed in agony, his neck muscles shoved directly into the wall as he slid down. Both hands pushed into the rock face, trails of rubble kicking up as he resisted the gravity both inside of and outside of his body.

Moonie's arms then seized back, his teeth getting a grip in, throwing both of them against the rock face. He could feel mind-numbing amounts of pain in his mouth, the taste of rocks and soil reaching the back of his mouth. Both arms snaked their way inside, and Moonie's entire body seized up. His entire body screamed at him as his eyes opened once more, the taste of earth still in his mouth.


In the circular radius around the peak of the moutain, Moonie's left and arms worked furiously, his entire body screaming at him. THIS IS MY BODY, THIS IS WHAT I WILL DO. THIS IS WHAT I WANT! Moonie's mouth was opened wide as he breathed harder than he could remember, slamming his arms back and forth against the wall, going higher and higher, past the lines of debris where he had fallen behind…

And at the end, he could see the top within reach, one arm dangling him feet away from his goal, his head pointed downwards towards the earth, the Moon Iramasha forced into a rare moment of having to catch his breath…


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Tue May 22, 2018 4:43 pm

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

This mountain climbing thing was hard work when you didn't cheat with wind-power flash stepping bollocks. But Ci had made a cool gravitation thing vest that went completely over Ulv's head, and it needed testing. And of course, she had her own reasons to want to climb a mountain this size properly. The Regal Wind blew freely, so high above the ground, and with a proper climb, Ulv would prove herself worthy to talk with it, and in talking, understand it better. Because she really needed to understand this whole thing better. What was it, why was it, why was she it's Queen? Surely she couldn't have been the first person in the history of ever to do anything with it.

Climbing really used a different set of muscles than swimming or fighting, and while it could - and indeed was, because she was not just a cheating bastard, she was the cheating bastard when it came to cultivation - be considered Martial Meditation, it was a wholly different exercise. At least she didn't have to worry about the thinning air or the biting wind, because of her own natural entourage when it came to The Wind. It was a hard climb, and her clothes were sticky with sweat by the end of it. Ulv could really relate to Mirja's biological change to simply not sweat and vent heat in some other freaky biological manner. It was a horrible thing.

But then, there was someone else on the summit, in the early hours, on top of the world near enough. So Ulv went over, to offer a hand up if they needed it, and to engage in conversation. Anyone climbing a mountain like this was bound to be interesting.
"Morning! Do you have any esoteric reasoning to be up here, or did you just get up this morning and think 'ya know what, Imma climb a mountain!'?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Tue May 22, 2018 5:04 pm


Repeated smashing noises echoed up towards the summit, even against the strong wind. Perhaps that is what clued Ulv over to the peculiar event which was happening off the other side of this mountain. Moonie's head was pointed downwards, his entire form beating with sweat and exhaustion.

"…Voi…" There was no laughter, nothing. The normally exuberant Moonie Iramasha was drained. As he reached the summit, he could swear he heard someone talking. But no, that was surely impossible. Why am I imagining that there's…? Moonie looked at the outstretched hand, his hand in the stone gripping hard, his other one reaching up, two fingers lightly tapping against it. Tap, tap.

His fingers were soft, and his expression curious, even though he was exhausted. He looked quite puzzled, pressing the fingers in against Ulv's palm, pushing it against the stone. "…………..Voi."

That was the only response Ulv got to her question, as Moonie gripped around her arm. Very slowly, he began to release the weight on his other arm…

Tearing and ripping. If Ulv had dealt in extreme amounts of weight in the past, she would be familiar with this sensation. However, even with extreme amounts of weights, this would be impressive. He just kept getting heavier. Exponentially so. The experience would be similar to finding out that someone wore weighted clothing. But Moonie kept going, and going, and going. Finally, at the point at which the ground beneath her feet would start shattering and cracking, he let go of her arm, slamming his arm against the summit's floor as he pulled hard, his entire body screaming.


Perhaps Ulv would expect that this man's body would destroy the summit they were standing upon. Yet, as he lay there, a purple haze began dispersing from his skin, removing the enchantment that his abilities had placed upon him.

There he lay. His blonde hair was splayed out against the ground, its sheer size almost bigger than he was, an absolute mane. Half of his torso was covered, and the other half had a wrap snugly tied against it, ending at his waist. His waist had three large flaps, under which he wore dark, saggy pants. His feet were bare.

He looked like a wreck.

His whole body was covered in dirt and debris, but especially around his face. A trail of black liquid could now be seen dripping from the sides of his mouth, splayed out along his chest. His eyes were open, but they were not trying to see yet. "…Arroooo…" He let out, his left eye looking over at the woman. His head lightly gesturing at his arm and the full moon above them. "…Could you give my arm a hand…?" He asked her, cracking a miniscule grin, even as pain coursed through his head. If Ulv got his meaning, she would help him lift his arm up at the sky in triumph…


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Tue May 22, 2018 5:35 pm

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Voi. It seemed the man liked that word, not that it appeared the mean anything. And from the look and smell of him, the idea of 'lets climb a mountain today' seemed very accurate. Like he was entirely unprepared for what such an undertaking would require. So she grasped the man's hand, and gave a tug. Only, he was exceptionally heavy. Like that one time Mirja tried to lift a Troll off the ground, and wasn't prepared for how thick and dense the muscles were on that thing.
'Little help?' she asked Hvit, her eyes turning sulpher-yellow a few seconds later, and the reiatsu output changing. But even with Hvit's aid, the guy was getting even heavier, bitting Ulv to activate her Resolve Tulpa and use the strength she got from that.

With those two, and with some Reiatsu Platforms - the kind that Shinigami used to make it seem like they were flying - she managed to get the stable footing required to finally pull him up. But damn it was hard work. Rolling her arm, she looked to him, ready to make many quips about how he was from America, and a disapproving lecture on his eating habits. But, seeing him on the mountain, all dishevelled and exhausted, she couldn't help but pity him. Hvit left to go to Hollow Things and Ulv's eyes and reiatsu turned back to normal.

Crouching down, she lifted his hand up into the air in celebration, and then just smiled. This, certainly was very interesting.
"It's a good job I am me, or you'd be back down the mountainside, clutching tenaciously to my severed arm" Ulv giggled softly and took a breath. The air wasn't nearly as thin as one would expect up on the mountain, and Ulv was the cause of that. Even now, the air seemed to tussle her hair lightly, as if in a breeze, and dust blew about her feet. "So are you one of these extreme sports spiritualists who did some spirit stuff to be a billion times heavier and then decided to climb a mountain?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Tue May 22, 2018 6:53 pm

…Stronger… and stronger… and… stronger..? Moonie wondered, feeling her change her level of strength. And yet, she did not seem to be releasing any kind of form. That was pretty unusual. Those eyes were pretty interesting. Moonie had not taken a good look at the person at the top of the mountain yet.

Moonie's entire body hurt. As Ulv watched, the wounded sides of his face slowly began closing up, his skin reforming around the holes. "Ca… ha…" The man let out, though it still hurt to breathe. He loved the sight of his arm pointed at the moon, not even thinking about what would happen if this woman was an enemy. After all, she had helped him celebrate his triumph. "Voi, you can see my… haa… face, can'tcha?" He asked, laying there with his arms splayed out. "If you… lost your arm… I woulda' had to use my teeth again…" He explained, the top part of his torso slowly jerking as he tried to lift it up, before finally falling back down again.

"Vooooooooi…" Moonie let out, closing his eyes as the breeze she gave off passed over his face, tussling about his blonde locks. "Am… I… what?" He asked, trying to lift himself off the ground again. Again, he failed, his back coming back to rest against the cool surface of the summit. "Haaaah…" Moonie's eyes closed, his entire body relaxing as his face became an even, controlled line. Slowly, he began to rise up, floating off of the ground, his hair majestically falling behind his head as his body slowly rotated, floating in front of her, his body hovering there in front of her.

"Voi… I just wanted to go really far, see if I could make it to the top like that." He replied, his eyes blinking as he regained a little bit of his composure. His eyes looked at the woman, finally able to look at the peculiar individual who had met him at the top of this mountain. "And what're you… ah…." Moonie's eyes opened wider, his limbs moving a bit.

He was being blown backwards by the small wind that surrounded her, sending him back towards the mountain. "…Voooooi…!" He let out pitifully as he tried to resist the current, the Moon Iramasha seemingly helpless as he lightly moved about, not enough to stop the breeze she had going…


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Wed May 23, 2018 6:50 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes 6EdIfMt

Ulv was glad she climbed this mountain today. If it had been yesterday or tomorrow, she might not have met the guy and her world would be darker for it. He certainly seemed rather flat on his back though, with all the gasping and Voiing that was going on. Strange man, but strange was never bad. She found the way he had clawed his way up the mountain rather admirable. So she reached behind her and brought out her energy drinks, Tsu-Approved! With the skill that woman had in alchemical buggerations, if she told Ulv something worked, then she was prepared to believe it without question.

Handing one to her new mountain friend, she opened the lid of the other and drank from it. Tasted nice, and with her ultra-efficient metabolism, she could feel it getting to work immediately. The other guy could have been on a slower time-table biologically, but would get his breath back with it quicker than simply hanging around. However, he did have quite the neat trick in the fact that he was now floating in the air like a cute kite or something similar.
"Yea, climbing a mountain to say you have climbed it is something I have done before. But, this time it's business" She told him, before looking his way as he drifted away, buffered by the light wind she had around her.

Reaching out a hand to grab his leg, she pulled him back in, and then just looked up at him.
"So first you were the fattest of pigeons, and now you are a size minus three supermodel? Have you got some sort of weight manipulation or something like that?" Ulv asked curiously, holding onto his leg and drinking her drink. "If you think you can stand being a weight enough to not get blown away, I'll show you what I am up here for. I think it'll be pretty cool"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Fri May 25, 2018 7:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Thu May 24, 2018 8:19 pm

"Tsssaaaah…!" Moonie let out, his sore frame strongly objecting to the small can that was placed upon his body by the peculiar woman he had met on the mountaintop.

It was a peculiar scenario. Both of them had climbed to this height. It did not really matter who they were, or where they were from. For all they knew, the other was an absolute monster, who killed innocents by the thousand.

But at this peak, such things were irrelevant. It was not something Moonie put words to, or even tried; but that was how he felt about the matter. Mutual respect. People reaching for what they could push towards, pushing themselves as hard as they could. …The Way of the Fist… Moonie thought to himself, the smallest smile appearing on his lips as he rose up into the air, the can floating next to his head.

"…Voi." Moonie's mouth opened, reaching out as he crushed his teeth against the can. Sharp canine teeth grabbed around the can like a hound, Moonie's eyes wide as he consumed the substance. Gnashing teeth tore straight through the can, the sharp edges brushing against his gums and yet… not harming them a single bit.

The can was still in his mouth, his razor-sharp teeth going to work on it as more and more of it crumpled. Finally, the liquid inside burst inside of his mouth, making his eyes widen a bit. All at once, his lips closed shut, and the chewed up mass that had once been a metal can disappeared as a bulge down his throat.

"Nnnnyackh. What's business possibly got to do with climbing?" He asked her… before feeling his body beginning to blow away, the woman's arm gripping onto him. "Nnnn…" He let out, before his head slid back, his mouth opening as a belch left his gums. Ulv may have had a hyper metabolism…

But Moonie did not have organs.

The energy from the drink was… interesting, to say the least. Moonie's blood pumped inside of him once again, still standing there with Ulv's arm around his leg. "Haha… Vooooi…!" He let out in approval, still letting Ulv hold him there against her wind. At her question, the Moon Iramasha tilted his head, his arms crossing in front of his body.

"Voi… Boss James said… Most people can't just float, or get big enough to crush things by thinking about it. That's how it is with me, cahahahaha!" He told her, Moonie's gigantic smile returning to his face as he laughed. It was a grin that took up his entire face. He was clearly used to amusement, and did not mind showing it one bit.

"Voi? Like what?" Moonie asked her, as the leg she was holding onto became much heavier, Moonie's body lowering back onto the ground. His head was slightly tilted forwards, clearly still a little tired from the task he had performed. The drink she had given him had restored his stanima, but the strain on his energy reserves would take some time to recover. Damn… so hungry.

One hand reached into the ground, gripping against the dirt of the summit, opening his mouth as he shoveled the substance into his mouth, watching her while crouched on his knees. Dinner and a show.

What could be better?


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Fri May 25, 2018 8:42 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Ulv watched as, while normal people would have taken the lid off and drunk from the container, he simply ate it. It certainly was a.....unique way to go about it. She already knew he wasn't normal with the whole floating and being ultra heavy and all that stuff. So seeing him eat the can wasn't really that shocking, aside from the general shock of seeing a guy scarf down a can. He came back down to earth, in a manner of speaking, and so Ulv let go of his leg, no longer needing to hold him down from the wind blowing him away.

"No, we can't float exactly. We can make platforms of spiritual pressure to stand on and give the illusion of floating, but kick us off that platform and we plumet like any other. I knew one girl who could run on the air, but if she stopped running she'd fall like anyone else. So, floating is pretty unique to the person" it was nice, to just talk. Not have to prove herself or rip some guy's spleen out or have to think about Typhoon. But, Typhoon would have to be dealt with, or he'd bring about the whole Cannan 2: Electric Boogaloo. And that was such a faff last time, she'd much prefer to just kill the bastard.

"As for business, well. You might want to be heavier than you were. It's gonna get windy" she told him, turning to the wind and then with a deep breath, she began to sing. A beautiful voice, soft where it needed, strong where it was required. Almost as if it had been made for perfection, rather than simply developed.

"The god that flies on the wind exchanges an oath with fate. The god travels on the wind with its roaring wings"

Almost as in in response to her words, the wind picked up, dramatically. First it was a gust, but quickly became a gale, whistling around the mountain, almost as if it was making words of it's own through aeroharmonics, backing and complimenting Ulv's song.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Fri May 25, 2018 7:43 pm

"Voi. Boss James said that's normal for everyone else… but then, he also said that normal people can actually move in water." Moonie replied, shaking his head as if the idea of it was dumbfounding. For a moment, Moonie's mind wandered to his previous battles. He supposed the reason why individuals typically did not fall down if they could not suspend themselves in the air was typically because the Moon Iramasha's hands forced them into the sky, holding them there with him.

Moonie might not have been much of a wordsmith, but he did have a pretty good read on the emotions of others. He could tell that the woman in front of him seemed… unnaturally at ease. As if she were used to staying wound up all the time. It was little things; the tone of her voice, how fluidly she spoke, the way that she carried herself. She was extremely formal for someone who was eating a can whole in front of her. Moonie did not, however, spend any extra brain cells wondering what caused her problems. What he was concerned with was how she would resolve that strain.

"Cahahahaha… you want to test that, breezy?" He asked her, one hand still shoveling dirt into his waiting maw, the other hand reaching into the ground, strong crunking noises echoing among them as he lodged the digits into the summit.

Crunch. Crunch'n. Crunch. Crunch.

The blonde-maned man beheld the spectacle of the red head singing out, one eye closing as he wondered what exactly she was singing about. Gradually, his crunching came to a stop, his neck rising up. The gale that had developed wafted over his torso and face, his hair being blown about pleasantly. It felt good.


Moonie's mouth remained slightly open, the wind still blowing around him. Along his backside, the mane of hair had sprouted a… tail. Golden in color, and fluffy like a retriever's. The tail slid along the summit, back and forth, the tails owner letting out a deep, soulful noise. Moonie enjoyed the spectacle of nature, not caring at all what the words were or what they meant. He just enjoyed the energy, letting it play and exist around him, moving his body to its shifts and turns, his fingers going out of the ground, swaying back and forth.



Template By: [THEFROST]

Song: There for Tomorrow ~ The World Calling

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Sat May 26, 2018 6:47 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes 6EdIfMt

Ulv's song was one of beauty. Even without understanding the words or the intent, it seemed something that song to an 'El Ragna'. Ulv danced, The Wind sung, and it blew hard around the mountain, scattering sediment and seeming to do little more than tussle Ulv's hair. And then, after the song was gone, the gale entered into a spiral, blowing up from the mountain top and funnelling into a being coming into existence far from Ulv and Moonie. His size was immense, to have stood on the ground he would be able to stare at Ulv and Moonie where they stood now. Floating as he was on level with the summit, he broached beyond the atmosphere itself.

Ulv smiled and looked up at the being, and then to Moonie, who had really entrenched himself, and grown a tail, it seemed....hmm.
"This is business. That is El Ragna, the Emperor Of The Wind. When the first breath of air blew across the plains of the world, he was born. He's the ultimate ruler of my Wind powers. They aren't mine, they are external, given to me because of some reason I was never quite sure about" Ulv told Moonie, turning back to the massive man. "It's why I have come here. Hoping that talking to him, would give me a reason why"

Ulv was smiling, broad and happy as she looked at this giant man. She was somewhat in awe of him, his Majesty and his power. And then a deep rumbling, like the thudding of the greatest bass speakers in the world, ran across the mountain, a crashing thunder roaring out as it's reveberations caused an avalanche on the mountain. And then the summit was scourged with a mighty blast of wind which carved deep funnels into it, missing Moonie with extreme precision and blasting Ulv clean off the mountain, forcing her to fall into the tumultuous chaos that was the rocks and snow below. The blast of wind had concussed her, and there seemed to chance she would be able to right herself in time.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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