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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Sat May 26, 2018 11:23 pm

Moonie's body swerved lightly backwards and forwards, looking at the being that had begun to form. He wondered if this guy was any strong. Sure, he looked big, but could he honestly handle something like the Way of the Fist? Moonie's experience so far was that dangerous looking individuals tended to be much more ferocious than those who were simply large. Not to mention this one seemed kind of… comical, with his nose hairs sticking out like that.

"Voi… He might not like me very much." Moonie replied, his tail lightly moving back and forth. Moonie was known to kick up some air now and again, sending it scattering and whipping in every direction from the force of his various attacks and impacts. Moonie wondered if he was older than this guy. To be honest, he had no idea. "…Weird." His opinion of her belief that her powers were not her own. To him, that was a strange and absolutely foreign concept. It contradicted everything about the Way of the Fist to not claim one's power as one's own.

"…What's the point of using power that ain't yours?" Moonie asked, his eyes wide as his tail slowly came to a stop. Moonie's instincts were razor-sharp, and the being that had summoned itself before them sure… did not feel friendly. A deep reverberating sensation rolled over Moonie's body, his senses all activating at once. He did not have his normal energy supply. Ulv was quite clearly not paying any amount of attention to self-preservation. Right now, a great furious force was about to descend upon them…

Raw force. He could feel it in his bones, something threatening and scary, his sensitive ears catching the sounds of the wind bursting towards them. Moonie's left arm whipped out, wrapping around Ulv's wrist, a grip like iron pressing hard into it. If she were unprepared for the level of force that just entered onto the side of her body, it was possible her wrist would just plain snap. Moonie's other hand dug straight into the ground. He was fresh off of his climb, after all. It was an instinctual action. She had gripped him to keep him from flying away... and now, he was obligated to return the favor. In this case, though, her investment paid off in an extreme way.

"…GRRARAAAAH…!" Moonie's entire body shook, his eyes looking directly at the being as the wave of pure energy dragged Ulv and Moonie's bodies nearly clear off the top of the summit. "Not…!" Moonie's entire body increased in weight, so much so that the wind could not clear him of the ground, his free arm slamming into the side of the mountain. Moonie's head looked to the sky, driving his fingers deep into the earth, his eyes blank as he released a primal roar.


The raw force of the sound leaving Moonie's body was enough to likely leave Ulv's ears ringing, making the summit shake and quake nearly as forcefully as this 'El Ragna' had. The voice was directly targeted towards them. Moonie's eyes glowed with fire, tugging Ulv's body as he slammed it into the rock face next to him, not letting her wrist go for a minute. The magnificent shout was all that she would get in regards to warning as the earth and rubble around them began to shake, dislodging from the Mountain itself. Moonie's grip began to loosen, his mouth opening wide once again as he bit into the mountain face, drops of black blood spilling down onto Ulv's body as he formed a second grip.

"..NNNNNNN…!" Once the onslaught had come to an end, Moonie released his arm, holding himself and Ulv by his teeth, rendering his own bodily weight to nothing, before implanting his arm back into the side of the summit, his entire body feeling like it was on fire.

"VOI! Get it together, breezy! That thing's tryin' to kill you!" Moonie told her, before finally letting himself relax a bit, let her get her bearings. He had little to no idea what was going on, but she was amazingly lucky that the person she had met on this summit was more animalistic than human…


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Sun May 27, 2018 6:26 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 6EdIfMt

There was whispering in her ear as she was blasted by the awesome power that El Ragna had released. And it was magnificent. There were words around, both in her head and in the world, but they didn't reach her ears, and so they were just noises, as she was beholden to beauty. While getting smashed off a mountain by galeforce winds seemed rather an aggressive move, Ulv saw it for what it was. Just a misscaled attempt to teach her something that would get her started on the road, and tactile acceptence of her position, as the Queen.

Then she came back to the world, and the giant form of El Ragna stared, before slowly unraveling, returning the wind to the flow of the world, and leaving things to be calm, again. Her wrist hurt, a great deal, but she could feel there was nothing broken. Echidna Project's reactive enzymes had saved her from that fate. And her tattoo had finally finished it's work, which blossomed into a new rank. All this work she had been getting up to, all her cheating advantages, and she'd still gone up only one. God-damn this realm was big.

"Uhh, hey. Um, no. It was an accident, he doesn't quite understand me. Or living beings, for that matter. He showed me something as he would, but it was a lot higher than I could handle, which isn't his fault. If you step on an ant on the way to the shop, would you claim that your purpose was to kill that ant?" Ulv put a hand to her head and shook out the rest of the cobwebs from the blast, and then grinned. "No, this was just a lesson" Ulv smiled at Moonie, and then with a wave, and a palm-thrust, blasted a gout of air out. It was nothing in comparison to the mountain-sundering power of Ragna, but it was something.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Sun May 27, 2018 8:53 am

Moonie watched as the towering being dispersed, allowing himself a small smile. He did not know for certain, but to him it seemed pretty obvious that the roar he had let out had scared the thing off. Bigger doesn't necessarily mean braver. While Moonie was enjoying his so-thought victory, he could not help but pick up the words she said, finally saying something.

He was glad that her arm had not been ripped off. Honestly, Moonie had no way to heal or comfort others. If she had snapped her wrist, he would not have been of any use at all. "Voi, get your head out of your ass." Moonie replied, looking directly back down into Ulv's smiling face. His gaze was one that clearly had no idea what she was talking about. "You know that was meant just for you, right? Voi, you were the most unprepared for an attack…" Moonie's head shook back and forth. From Moonie's point of view, what had happened was abundantly clear. She had rung up a powerful being, the powerful being did not like what it saw, the powerful being tried killing her. "Where d'ya think you'd be if I hadn't caught your arm?" He asked, staring right into her face.

Even if she was right, that seemed a bizarre conclusion to an animalistic individual like the Moon Iramasha. "Why would someone who gave you power think of you like an ant?!" What she was saying made absolutely no sense to the Moon Iramasha. He half wondered if the blast of air had blown her off her rocker, or she was in denial. "What the hell is he if he's not alive? And if he's been around 'as long as the wind has', voi, how doesn't he get living beings?" Moonie asked, wondering where she had even heard something like that. For him, his mind was racing at a million miles a minute. Does she not realize how hard to deal with that was for someone who could be swept off their feet that easily?

Moonie shook his head again, his eyes closing. His bodily weight changed once more, light as a feather, as he tugged on the mountain side, launching himself and Ulv up and back towards the summit. His arm slammed back down, throwing Ulv upwards directly into the air as he made a rotation, sending her directly above the summit. He had heard about her plates, now it was time for her to show them, or she might not like the rock face she would drop directly into. Moonie was a lot of things, but he was not particularly soft. If she did land face-first, maybe it would knock her out of that weird belief that she understood that thing as well as she did. Moonie might have had a simple manner of speaking, but he was actually quite intelligent. You did not get into as many scraps as he did without being able to put two and two together, and in this case it seemed like she was saying two and two made twenty-three.

It just did not make any sense to him.


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Sun May 27, 2018 9:29 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Hmm, this was certainly awkward. He didn't get her metaphor, and seemed to think that El Ragna wished her wrong. Which, if he had, she'd be dead. No two ways about that. But replies would have to wait for now because she was throw into the air, apparently having lost a dozen foot of mountain while she was ko'd. Shifting her body in midair to regain control of her ascension, she made a reiatsu platform, and then dropped down onto the summit once again. Waiting for Moonie to land next to her, she began to explain the whole situation.

"I was unprepared for an attack because it wasn't an attack. Without you, I'd be in an avalanche right now, maybe, depends on how quickly I recovered. But if Typhoon can survive it, then I can also survive it. We were cut from the same cloth after all. I can't really tell you what he is, to be honest. He just, exists. But why would he understand people? Have you ever seen the air stop by for a chat? He's got more important things to do than watch us fuck about and understand what makes us tick"

She rolled her arms and hopped on the spot to get her body back to how it was meant to be.
"He doesn't think of me as an ant, it was a metaphor. In this situation, I am an ant, he is a person, only I am an ant that can be taught things. It's a strange metaphor" she then looked out to the bottom of the mountain, and grinned. "It's just a thing, you need to be part of to understand, so don't think to hard on it. Thank you, very much for the save, by the way. Avalanche does terrible things to a girl's complexion. I'm off home now, do you wanna come with, get something to eat? Or are you rumbling for a different reason?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Sun May 27, 2018 9:53 am

No, metaphors were certainly not the Moon Iramasha's specialty. His daily life did not involve metaphors, for the most part, considering how much time he spent roaming and engaging in combat, combined with the fact that he had only been on earth for about five years now. Moonie's eyes traced her as she seemed to suspend herself in the air, hopping back down to the summit.

"…Voi, is it some kind of training then?" Moonie shook his head, looking up at the sky, one fist against his hip. "Is this Typhoon guy strong?" He asked, focusing on that part of what she said. If they were someone who could take on something like that, and be able to withstand it, they would probably be pretty strong. "…Voi." Moonie said, his tone having shifted, becoming a bit softer.

Moonie was not ignorant. For most of his existence, he had looked up at the Earth, wondering what was there, wondering what that marble was filled with. When he had finally reached the place he had been dreaming about, it had been filled with all kinds of interesting things, beautiful things. Of course, he also had things to do. There were the missions he got from Boss James, and the Vanguard Moon Base. But at the same time, humanity had interested him. They were different than him, and he had inevitably interacted with them, understanding bits and pieces of what made they tick. It reminded him of Shisome, and how she also did not look much at the world around her. \

Moonie's expression visibly softened, his tail coming to a stop behind his legs, his eyes looking almost… lost. "…I always thought of the wind as something boisterous, all-surrounding. Who could understand people better than the air that blows against them all the time?" Moonie's head shook back and forth, clenching one fist in front of himself. "Every time they move hard against the wind, roaring at the top of their lungs… Voi! That sounds amazing, to be able to feel every person who's ever done that on this Earth… Cahaha… But… he doesn't understand humans… What a waste." Moonie shook his head more, his great mane of golden locks sliding back and forth before looking back at her as she continued to speak.

"Bad teacher then, if he just knocks you around and leaves." Moonie was vocal about what he did not like, and was not afraid to say it. Moonie had had his share of students and disciples since arriving here. But he could not imagine treating them that way. He could not imagine someone doing that to him. He would be so furious. What she said next felt to him like a cop-out, but he shook his head again, crossing his arms. "Voi, that doesn't sound bad." He told her, clearly displeased with the picture she painted of her relationship with that creature.

At her thank you, however, he beamed, shaking his head lightly from side to side. "You grabbed me when I was going to fly off, cahahaha…" He replied, referencing the significantly less dramatic event where he was going to lightly float off the peak, and comparing it to her getting painfully blasted off the peak of this mountain. One thing she said, though, made him tilt his head… him, who was covered in dirt, dust, and dried blood. "Complexion?"

He did not know what the word meant, or why it would be a bad thing for an avalanche to happen to it. She did mention one of his favorite things, though, making him grin wide. "Voi! Food? How much?" He asked, his tail wagging from side to side behind him quickly now. Moonie had been trying to fix the problem of his hunger, but he had not noticed how bad the rumbling had gotten. His whole body was making a strange, needy sound, contracting lightly from want.


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Sun May 27, 2018 10:29 am

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ulv looked to Moonie, and for the first time her jubilant nature faultered, and there was a grim look replacing it. She stared off into the sky for a few seconds, and then back to Moonie.
"Yes. Typhoon is strong. If I didn't hit him with an avalanche, I would have lost the fight I had with him, and I certainly wouldn't be here. Probably wrapped up in some machine giving birth to monsters, like the intended when they made me. Which is why I need El Ragna and his acceptence. I need to master The Wind so I can use it better and not get my ass kicked next time we meet. Because if they are anything like Caanan, one setback isn't going to make them cut their losses"

She then took a breath and pushed away that grim look, replacing it with her usual cheery persona.
"So yes, I guess you could call this training. I climbed a mountain, and asked a guy for help. Got help. And while I will admit that he could use some work, I am the first person that he has ever properly interacted with. It's know, I don't want to make another metaphor just to confuse you, so I'll just stop trying to explain it and say, very much food. I have a hyperactive metabolism and, generally all bodily functioned are turned up to eleven. So I eat a lot"

She walked up to the edge of the summit, and Grasped The Earth. It was strange, to do it to a Mountain, but interesting none the less. "See you at the bottom. And, might have to teach you a few things depending on how fast you can run. Home is quite a way from here" she told Moonie, before kicking off the mountain and falling. She twisted her body so she was in prime falling position, and then let the wind whistle by her ears. Wind-Becoming-Stride, it was in these points that she felt most aware of Jaeden's movements, most able to think on them, and replicate them. Not the best time to get lost in thought, because she would die if she hit the ground, hardened enzymes or not. But, it was still a lovely thought.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Sun May 27, 2018 2:32 pm

"…Voi, that sounds really bad." Moonie replied, having no idea what she meant by 'giving birth to monsters'. Truth be told, Moonie had no idea how birth worked. After Ulv finished giving him the lowdown on her mission in life combined with a bit of her origin story, it appeared the two were back to relatively normal. "Well, you've got your fists." He told her with a grin, clenching both of his own.

"Sounds lonely." Moonie commented about the wind, grinning when she said that there would be lots of food. While he normally consumed rocks and other such minerals, he did still have a sense of taste, and if the food tasted did in addition to being enough to fill his stomach… "Cahahahaha." Moonie watched her grip against the edge, seeming to prepare herself. He, on the other hand, lowered his head down, licking his lips. "Why not? Could use a little cool-down after that. Plus me and Mr. Windy can better acquainted…" Both of Moonie's feet smashed into the ground, destabilizing the part of the summit he was on, jamming forwards towards the edge.


Unlike before, when his cry was one of rage, this roar was one of jovial emotion. Moonie's body sailed through the air for just a moment, Ulv and Moonie both dropping off of the side of the cliff. Moonie, for his part, began increasing his total amount of gravity around his body, making the wind tear and rip at his entire form. His arms wrapped around his knees, spinning next to Ulv, keeping pace with her as he got heavier, and heavier, and heavier. Terminal velocity began to kick in… before a wave of purple energy appeared around Moonie's body, redirecting the wind resistance against his body as he shot past Ulv, the blonde ball that had become Moonie's body spinning rapidly down the mountain face.

The blonde-spiked sphere kept off the mountain's edge, the purple field pushing up against the mountain's side, directing gravity down and away from the mountain. Moonie's entire body felt the excitement, the adrenaline-like rush pumping through him. The wind beat against his body, trying to augment enough force to stop his acceleration but failing as more of the purple energy exuded from him. At long last, the ground came into view, not that Moonie knew it. He was too busy having the time of his life, as usual.

Moonie's body came into contact with the ground all at once, landing on his back. Specifically, the top of his back, just beneath his neck. Gravity did what it was supposed to, his legs spinning downwards as they slammed forcibly into the ground, Moonie's neck and skull slamming in as well. His mouth was open when he impacted, the wind getting knocked out of him as massive bruises formed on his upper and lower back, dark purple and black in color. Up in the sky, Moonie watched as Ulv descended, laying there in his soft warm crater, the crushed earth feeling well molded to his body.


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Sun May 27, 2018 3:26 pm

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ulv was feeling happy as she felt, and then Moonie dove in after her, and even managed to overtake her, despite starting after she did. It really flared the competative speed related buzz in her blood, that had only increased after talking to Ruin and getting the memories of Mirja's obsession. While she could handle it better, she still wanted to go fast, and be faster. So she sung to The Wind.

"I'm a cheetah on the plains, I'm a highway star
The supersonic princess in a million dollar car
Blood on fire pumping through my veins
Weaving in and out while I'm bolting through the lanes"

It was a fast-paced song, one with an intense beat and a tempo to match the lyrics. The Wind swirled around her and blasted her forwards, the ground rushing up to meet her at a rapid rate. But even so, Moonie hit there first, and crushed the ground under his body. Ulv came soon after, The Wind slowing her down so that the landing was only hard, like hitting someone with Female Dragon Fist. Getting up from the landing pose, and gave a soft laugh, and looked at Moonie.
"Not every day you jump off a mountain, huh? is? Either way, that was fun! I can totally get why she loved going so fast..." Ulv petered off for a moment, and then came back to reality. "Well, you can certainly fall quickly, but can you run quickly? Food is this way~!"

Hearing his enthusiasm over food, Ulv knew he'd not hold back, and so took off in the direction of her home, pushing her Earth-Grasping Step to it's limit, using the thoughts and theories she got from her memories with Jaeden to enhance it. It wasn't quite a whole new technique, but it was better than before.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Tue May 29, 2018 8:37 pm

"Caha… ha." Moonie let out, laying there flat on the ground. The noise of the impact was still ringing into his ears, watching the woman descend along with him. The way that she fell down was much more majestically than he. He could see her lips moving as she descended, filled with a spirit that got excited by what he had shown. He could appreciate that.

[color=gray}"Voi… Nope."[/color] Moonie replied, completely deadpan as one hand pushed into the ground, lifting his body off of the ground as he effortlessly floated back up into the air, the bruising and bleeding all over his shoulders and back much easier to see, his outfit tattered along the edges. "Voi, I'm not that fast." He told her bluntly, both arms crossed over his chest. If Ulv was hoping for someone with the ability to cross continents, she was going to be sorely disappointed. Moonie was absolutely able to fall from the sky with the best of them, impacting the ground or opponents like none other. But when it came to horizontal movement… Well, that was not his forte. In the slightest.

And thus she blew away, while Moonie stood there watching, his eyes open wide.

Moonie felt the exploding gale of pure force as she exploded outwards, his clothing and hair being blown about in the tussle. His head was cocked to the side, a toothy grin still on his face as he watched her dash forwards. "…Voi." He let out, before putting both arms to the side and shrugging before crossing both of his legs, beginning to float in her direction, a purple stream forming around his body as he was pulled by gravity forwards. His body tilted to the side, one hand holding up his head as if he were laying down as he gingerly floated in the direction she had gone.

He wondered how long it would take her to realize how far away he was. He also wondered if she would reappear at all, as truth be told he had no idea where it was that she was going, and from how fast she had moved he could no longer sense her energy. Not that Moonie's energy detection skills were that good at range to begin with. She's got a lot of energy, but she also expects me to keep up with everything she does… …I do that too, though. He thought to himself with a smile, turning his head back to the side to take one last glance at the craters they had left behind at the foot of the mountain…


Template By: [THEFROST]

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 Empty Re: Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes

Tue May 29, 2018 9:08 pm

Advent Of Fury

Ulv Auber

Keep Climbing, Shining Eyes - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Ulv didn't stop to look back for Moonie, just heading home and starting the cooking. From the way he spoke, he was a guy that wanted a lot of food, so she began a fantastical spread, some food that would be ready now and not really be terrible cold, and others that would require some time to cook. This way, whenever he got in, he would be able to start eating immediately. While not quite Mirja's level of skill in the kitchen, she still knew her way around a stove, and found great joy in feeding people who needed it.

But Ulv didn't leave Moonie out on his own entirely. In case he couldn't keep up to a point he lost her entirely, there was a guide. As Moonie went along, he would see a tremendous Wolf standing waiting for him. Some fifteen foot tall, the beast radiated hatred, anger, a desire to rend, rip and tear. And also, of Ulv. It felt very much like her, to the point it was unnerving. The Wolf saw Moonie, bared teeth in greeting, and then turned and began to run back to Ulv's home. It's great, land-eating gait was quick, but not insanely fast like Ulv was. So Moonie would be able to keep up with it at a sprint.

To see, and to feel, this creature and know it was connected to Ulv, was something quite interesting. The carefree woman who always had a smile and was always ready to lend a hand, was affiliated with something like this, who had such hatred in it's every fibre that the only way it could reach such a depth of emotion was that that emotion was the only thing it was ever capable of feeling. There was certainly a topic of conversation when he got to Ulv's house. Unlike Ulv herself, the Wolf would slow down if Moonie was getting too far away, but would never keep a walking pace to allow Moonie to walk beside it, only so that Moonie could still follow it. Not a hard feat with it's size, admittedly.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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