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Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  Empty Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]

Thu May 31, 2018 8:49 pm

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: Glassy Sky [Full] - Word Count: N/A

(Note: This Replica should be at 1-3+ tier)

Memories. They came in many different shades. Some red, some blue, some white. Attached to these colors were vivid feelings of love, hope, fear, terror and a desire to find warmth. Indeed, what was once destroyed couldn't simply be erased from existence. No energy which exists in this world is ever truly eradicated. And so, in the heart of another familiar rebellion uprising, a sense of awakening began to beat within the heart of the false demon princess.

In the midst of ember red fire and black smoke, the six blood winged creature made those who had gathered to oppose the Asthavon, Shadow Fall and current Demon Regime seem as if they had seen a ghost. On that day of The Moon Massacre on Earth, this childish image of the princess was torn to sunder as he emerged from that war as a fully figured woman and demon. Yet, what stood in front of them was a piece of the original Princess of Demon World in her natural image.


None of these notions mattered in the mind of this Replica, however. All it could feel was a sense to deeply cry; but for what reason it could not discern. Was it suppose to be killing these people? Did it need to do these actions? Could it's destiny be to become another killing machine? It wasn't quite sure what it should be doing, so it followed it's demonic impulses to calm those feelings of confusion brewing within it's mind.

Row after row of people was slaughtered as each of this silver-haired creature's blood dripped wings extended for dozens of meters on end to mow down the rows of rebels coming for the blood of this Asthavon. In spite of all this death which was reaped by her hands, nothing beat within her heart. Not an ounce of hate, anger, loathing or hostility. It felt -- robotic. As if she were merely going through the motions.

But -- she persisted. Again, again and again. This figure of a princess once dead proceeded to keep these rebels at a distance with her capacity to slaughter. Of course, the true princess of demon world made her own orders that her replica was here to do her dirty work; this shell still knew that was a lie. That wasn't....the true Neoveta. The public may not be aware, but she knows that's not....her.

The closet thing to that the dolls. All of her sisters.....they are the only things which hold the flame of that person. So as one of the rebels hollered a demand to know who this creature was; the child gazed up at the protestor and stated her identity:

"I am Neoveta R2: Servant of The Central Demon Nation and False Princess of The Queen. Please, do not advance any further if you value your own physical safety."

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Mon Jun 04, 2018 12:14 am; edited 2 times in total

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  WVMWLOu
Joined : 2011-09-01
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Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  Empty Re: Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]

Fri Jun 01, 2018 11:37 am

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

”You know, now that it’s gotten down to the wire you'd think i’d want a little more time.”

The deep baritone rumble of a voice reverberated out against the masses, shaking the earth with the rich tones of power that lay within it. It was the voice of the proud, the voice of the strong; and it cut through the masses like a knife as the very earth seemed to hiss with power. Power which expanded everywhere like an uncontrolled dam, rising further and further, causing the ground and the skies to be altered by it’s majesty. This voice belonged a man whose hair seemed to be of the mismatched variety, the suit that adorned his body barely containing the rippling muscles that lay underneath. With each step, the ground beneath him crackled from the energy that roiled on the very edge of his skin. With every step, the man walked forth towards that line, his hand coming up as he shucked his suit, and he threw away his tie. He discarded the possessions he would never need again, the softest of sighs escaping his lips as he glanced forward at the shell, the servant of the tyrant that ruled over these lands.

--Back in the vanguard, there would be a commotion going on. The desk of the first of the unknown, was vacant. Normally the sight of blackheart with his regal back, and striking figure could be seen there doing paperwork. However today there was merely’ two things upon that time worn desk: his badge, and a letter that had only just dried, written in the brush of a ink and quil. The letter would read the following.

--” To my comrades, the time we have been together was but a blip in the eternity of my existance. However i learned what it was like to have a family. I have fought alongside you, i have shed blood alongside you as we tried our hardest to fix the fractured realm, and restore what rightfully belonged to humanity. In these few years i have been at peace, and i have had the smoldering embers that lay quietly in my heart rage upwards into a passionate flame.

My heart will always be with the cause, and in spirit i will remain with you forever. However as all good things are--they never last forever. My time here, at the vanguard has come to an end, because i can no longer ignore the tyranny that lays within my own backyard. Turbulent times are head, and to those of you, my dearest comrades i urge you. Stand Strong! Be the backbone, be the light that illuminates the darkness of these harrowing times.

Often, when i first came here i wondered “What was the vanguard about” At first i thought it was merely a group that came together to protect. However it is more then that, we are healers, we are warriors, we are fighters, and we are family. I was truly blessed to be able to be a part of this family, and i have finally come to terms with what i must do.

In the future i am sure we will never meet again, and to those who i know, and to those who come after me i wish you the best of luck. The vanguard is strong, we are strong. Change is upon the horizon, my only regret is i will not be there to ford those uncharted streams alongside you. “

Always with you, Blackheart Gremory.

Now, going back to demon world though. Blackheart walked through the masses as he looked forth at the female known as R2. His footsteps sure, and powerful as he came to a stop right in front of the shell of a broken princess, who sat upon a throne of oppression and chaos. His power billowed out as sure as the conviction that lay within his heart. He would not give her eloquent speeches, and he would not give the crowd any eloquent speeches on this day. He would simply raise his fist and point it at the puppet of mana and spoke one word. Yet that word was laced will killing intent that billowed out like the gates of hell descending upon the realm.

It was the killing intent which lay from a being who slaughtered billions, a being who had killed his way out the sub-dimension that he had called home. This was the demon of the east, the gentle man who fought and died for the vanguard had no place in this fire, in this hell and damnation that would take place here today. He discarded the emotions he had built for himself, like shucking a skin while keeping the memories of the vanguard close to his heart.

On this day, he would become the asura once more. On this day he would carve a path of blood through anything that opposed him. Be it the gods themselves, they would be toppled. There was no need to second guess the path of damnation he had set himself on. He had attoned enough, the past was behind him and now it was time to set things right.


It was a day of reckoning, and he was going to brave these storms to the bitter end, for what he truly believed in.

Template By:

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  LzZCuy7
Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  BtXe12b

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The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  WVMWLOu
Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 26
Location : Google Maps

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Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  Empty Re: Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]

Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:02 pm


Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

They did not need to say words. No, they did not need to say anything anymore. As mifune spoke blackheart’s body flew forth, the ground simply eviscerating under his motions. A foot which was like the hardest of steel jerked forward and skimmed through the air as his arcing motion also coincided with the timing of Neoveta’s chains. Avoiding them (By mere millimeters) as he flipped to catch himself on his hands. His entire centrifugal force was mighty, it was like the gale of a storm has ascended to this place. Demon’s where simply whipped up by the gale as all this titanic force, this motion. . this Power came crashing down right against mifune’s arm. The result of this power would be devastating even if he blocked. It was a mighty blow which would physically cause the entirety of this massive city to shake.

It was a flurry in the making as Sparks flew from blackheart’s foot, his entire body using the rebound force to instantly flip backwards. His body a spiral of wind in the air as chains flew past him left and right. Steam rising from his body from the sheer speed of his rotations before he landed upon the ground once more on his feet, the very earth beneath him caving in as the kinetic force redistributed across the ground. It was like a wave, the earth rippling out beneath him before it shattered--unable to take the titanic force that was being leveraged from his legs, that was being exuded from his body.

He exhaled Steam as he looked forward at them. Soon he was but a blur once more as he launched forth. Demons that tried to stop him would simply be vaporized into nothingness as he appeared before neoveta. His stalwart fist like a descending comet as he roared loudly. This was a single bone, a technique made famous by the shinigami’s, however the only difference was the amount of force behind this mighty blow caused ripples in the realm around them. Not from blackhearts immense strength, but from his ungodly amount of energy. The energy he normally held in reserve for training he had began wildly burning it. He was a comet on it’s final bend around the sun, ready to fade away into nothingness.

SO WHY SHOULD HE BE AFRAID?!? Blackhearts’ entire body swelled as the power raged through him. As his fist fully extended this amount of force would transcend the normal parameters of strength because it was focused so precise due to the root of his nature. Normally all of this force would dissipate in the air, dissipate in the ground beneath blackhearts feet, it would dissipate in the soundwaves that raged around them like the center of a thunderstorm. So what happened when all that force decided to vent itself solely on a petite lass like neoveta’s R2 shell? The answer was simple: Complete and Utter Devastation. It would be like the weight of entire mountain ranges had been bottled into the surface of a fist, and then shot off at mach speeds to smash into its target.

If the shell was to take this blow, undoubtedly the amount of force that assailed her would turn her from the false princess of demon world, into a bullet that would go flying through the city at many times the speed of sound. As a testament to the force of that blow, miniature fragments had already chipped themselves off of Blackhearts bones. His entire frame rattled as his lips parted and his laughter billowed forth. Oh how unfettered and free he sounded as his laugh boomed across the heavens, how unrestrained, how dominating was that laugh that blasted its way forth with enough force to cause the very earth itself to tremble.

This was his day of death! This was his day in which the entirety of eternity finally would blink away. However now that he had left his message, now that he had resigned himself to fate, HE HAD NOT A SINGLE REGRET! Instead he would burn brightest at this moment, raging against the tyranny before him. If he was to die, he would die in a spectacular fashion. This thing before him, be if mifune, be it the shell, be it god himself they wouldn’t stop him. He would fight the world, and he would raise it. He would eclipse the sun, and extinguish it. He was the demon of the east, and he was going to cause as much mayhem and destruction as he could and go down in glorious battle!

This. . emotion was conveyed within the smoldering eyes of blackheart. Warriors could easily tell the look in blackhearts eyes showed he didn’t give a damn about what mifune said. It was the look that only those who knew that they would die should have. He was not afraid of death, and he welcomed it. It was like these eyes said ”COME, come and kill me if you dare! “ with that sentiment he already was on the move again, His body a blur as he appeared before mifune once more. Soon his fist would arc forward, shimmering as it became a solid wall as hundreds, if not thousands of punches would be traded in the span of not even a half of a second.

This man, the demon of the east didn’t even care about the state of his own body. He would give his flesh, he would give his bones, he would give everything to striking a trembling blow to this nation. THIS WAS THE START OF IT ALL AFTER ALL!

Template By:

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  LzZCuy7
Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  BtXe12b

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