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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mon Jun 25, 2018 11:16 am

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: asphyxia - Word Count: N/A

Fight. Fight, fight, fight. FIGHT.

That was the only thing coursing through the mind of the Neoveta Replica as her blood surged to life. Focusing in on the target before her, the phrase "fight" repeated again, again and again in her mind. She needed to fight to keep this portion of Algos alive, fight to not be consumed by the abyss in her fight and fight to keep the flames of war within Demon World from becoming worse on behalf of her abyssal mother and family. Indeed, even if she were enslaved by these shackles of suffering, she'd adorn them as a precious jewel and use that pain to thrust her further forward into battle as a proper vessel of one of Eris's many children.

Thus, as soon as Blackheart had found himself narrowly evading her chains, Neoveta merely utilized the teleportation system linked up within the Central Country in order to have these metallic binds emerge some 35 meters away to where Blackheart found himself. Since, around the time that Mifune began his assault on the lone demon lord, as to would The Princess's chains seek to constrict and zap the male of his vitality. Furthermore, to inflict further carnage on his body, the foul taint of her demonic energy bled it's poisonous influence into her wings. When this occurred, Neoveta appeared at mach two speeds to the male's right flank in order to rapidly release a grand ray cero level blast which was meant to vaporize him right on the spot; inducing thick levels of augmented damage meant to further deprieve him of energy, lower his duraiblity further and place immense strain and burns throughout his body.

All the while, even if he managed to release that mass force of energy, R2 Neoveta had already taken precautions in the form of placing a barrier with her energy around both herself and Mifune. In this way, they'd have lessened effects from his assaults even if they were unable to react in time. As a result, The Princess felt her body being smothered by this intense force as cracks in the shield did allow for portions of this assault to harm her. She could feel her body having random pains flare up, her energy become strained from having to activate multiple different processes to deal with this threat and she was eventually tossed back a few dozen meters before landing in a building. However, she quickly arose back to her feet after spitting a small amount of crimson blood from her body. She was a bit battered and bruised, but the determination to fight still bled within her withered soul.

Yet, for the time being, this oath to uphold her family's sick desires would have to wait. For as soon as she was ready to invoke another round of hell upon this demonic lord, Inami's "lover" appeared to seek her attention. In this moment, the half-blooded demeon explained that the shinigami whom emerged before them was her pet. In spite of these words being uttered out, R2 Neoveta did not buy it for a second. The body langauge indicated from her pauses and apphrension to speak up about such an arrival gave the shell reasonable doubt to believe her story. Despite that, it made no difference to Neoveta in the long run. If the woman wanted to keep this person out of the way, that would be her problem. And if she ended up dead because of it, that was her own prerogative.

"Do whatever you desire. If that one claims your life, that is your responsibility to bare."

For a few seconds in time, R2 Neoveta set her crimson gaze upon Ulv. Whatever energy the woman was emitting seemed to have the effect of loosening the grip that Algos held on the demoness for the time being. It felt rather...comforting and was something she needed to keep her wits about as the likes of Algos began to reforge itself. However, it was naive to believe that she alone could challenge the atomsphere of hell which was demon world.

"Thank you. You can relieve the strife in my soul and comfort it, but it will take much more than that to restore what I am."

Not wanting to express her whole life story in the midst of combat, the R2 Shell punched her fist into the air, broke open a black vortex and motioned for Ceal to use it to get out of here. Then, when she was ready, the princess took flight at Mach Three speeds and went back to the scene of conflict to assist Mifune; firing off mulitple barriages (around two dozen) of black spheres of DE Energy to further add on to the decay of Blackheart's body and coninute her plan of sucking the very life essence from this male until he was no more.

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Thu Jul 05, 2018 7:43 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Explosions and chaos, masses of violent energy and blurring motions. Blackhearts world was one of heightened motion and elevated adrenaline as he was dealing with the multivariate factors all at once. What mifune probably didn’t expect was as the vanguardian moved he simply shifted rather than avoiding the brunt of the attack to deliver the maximum amount of his force into the confines of neoveta. A crimson stain of blood had exploded forth from the demon of the easts back, however due to the forces in play, how he shifted marginally and sped up at the last moment, the attack while deep wasn’t enough to impede his bodily functions just yet as twenty swords fell forth from the heavens and impaled the earth the demon of the east had flipped backwards, his body landing on the earth some twenty meters away.

From there his body moved forth in a mad dash, weaving betwixt the many chains. As the sword wielding member of shadow fall attempted to yet again slice against his back side the entirety of blackhearts body spun upon the centrifugal axis of his back foot, the side of mifune’s energy attacks being met with the side of blackhearts foot as it moved in a rapid semi circle: knocking the twin strikes out of the way. Mere seconds later he would duck underneath an oncoming chain as he used the forward motion to quickly bridge through the gap and meet mifune’s unward rushing form in a abrupt manner. As he did his body seemed to become like a honed edge. The surface of his fist being cloaked in a shimmering mist like substance. Blackhearts warding KI ability would then come into play, causing his fists to become like the edges of a honed katana. Deadly, and sharp. However if this was not enough the man had utilized his penta-bone strike. Five consecutive punches would take place simultaneously from the force of his blows. Coupled on top of Strike-points which was put into play the force of this blow would easily be capable of shattering a good portion of the city.

If this wasn’t enough the force of this blow which was timed near-perfectly to slip between the gap that presented itself between mifune’s strikes would be hyper-focused. Meaning this near-city wrecking attack which caused further damage to blackhearts muscles would focus almost entirely upon mifune’s body. Even as the pain seemed to predominantly assault the demon of the east there was an almost feral grin upon his face as he exchanged blow for blow with his adversaries. It was almost akin to him being capable of redeeming himself for doing nothing all this time.

It was for that reason that the male seemed to appear before mifune. His body like a natural disaster as his foot came down with an immense amount of force. One kick turned into hundreds that appeared in the blind of an eye. Each blow had nothing held back, even though each movement brought pain lancing through him, he persevered through. Each of these blows had the potential to vaporize a city-block completely due to the nature of how blackhearts strength worked, given it was hyper-focused in that set area. Logically because of this after hundreds of blows rained down around them it would look like the very earth itself in well over a half-mile of the two combatants would be turned into swiss cheese.

Blackheart wasn’t near done however. As his fist came down he delivered a Quadra-bone. Four simultaneous punches flying down which where capable of shattering the already destroyed landscape even further. If mifune had managed to find a way to disperse the gale of attacks that were battering down on him, blackhearts body would flip backwards. Even as neoveta’s attacks sought to erode away at his energy and siphon his strength it would seem like this stalwart force was only settling up to go on an even bigger rampage than before as he landed and vanished his body appearing before neoveta as she was seeking to speak to the pink-haired girl who had sought to save a shinigami who quite simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Blackhearts fist came forward, the already immense force behind his blow being amplified by 5x it’s already terrifying strength by his strike-points ability. The force of this blow first off would completely tear through the oncoming barrage of death energy due to his warding having the capacity to tear through energy attacks. The sheer difference in power would simply annihilate those attacks to shreds. Now, if the attack in it’s amplified state was left unchecked and neoveta was forced to take the brunt of it, even it it’s moderately weakened state--it would be infinitely worse than the attack she had taken earlier. The ground would simply turn to a smoldering wreckage under the force of this blow as a good portion of the fortified demon-city would be torn and thrown into disarray by the gargantuan force of this blow.

Blackhearts eyes would cut through the dust cloud that would follow. His body standing as he was prepared for the next round of assaults. He was ready for whatever followed and a dry chuckle escaped his lips as he clenched his fists and got into a fighting stance. The wound on his back causing pain to rip through his body; and yet it would do nothing to stop the man from holding himself as he was.

He knew he was going to die here, and he knew that most likely his death would do nothing to damn the tides of tyranny that took place. However he knew he was one of many, and that in turn he would light the way for others. Extinguished? So be it, he was going to destroy this city. He was going to defeat everyone he could, until his limbs no longer worked. Until his heart no longer beat, and his mind dispersed to those it originated from. That look of arrogance never left his face even as he was staring at his own impending demise.


He had lived for far too long. Dying like this, well--it was the perfect way to go: For the cause he believed in.

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Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  - Page 2 LzZCuy7
Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  - Page 2 BtXe12b
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Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:00 pm

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

She helped. Ulv looked to Neoveta as the woman proclaimed Ulv soothed the strife in her soul, and her heart thumped with joy. She helped! This weak, young, directionless woman had managed to reach out to the soul of Neoveta and help her! Ulv's flame picked up on this invigoration and sparkled with the positivity of emotion. Grabbing Fate because, why not she seemed like a person Ulv needed to grab and rescue. Running to the portal, she looked to Neoveta and smiled to her, a warm, comforting caress of a thing.
"Don't worry. I will bring much more next time you see me. I will restore what you are" Ulv exclaimed, her voice full of conviction, passion, and determination. This was not a promise or a claim or an offer. It was stated, as a fact!

And then Ulv got the hell out of dodge because this place, was loco.

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Wed Jul 25, 2018 4:02 pm

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: On My Own - Word Count: N/A

Following the presence of Ulv leaving this realm, the warmth inside of The Replica Shell of Neoveta started to swell. Faint memories of that feeling of love which blossomed in the old demon princess's hearted started to peer forth into the shell's mind. Hazy memories of connection, yearning, bond and desire to progress the depths of Demon World forward and repair the damage done to herself, her family and the insanity of the Asthavon curse swept into the consciousness of The Shell as she slowly started to grasp what her former self-wanted.

So, despite feeling alone, lost and afraid; this shell of that princess started taking the needed steps to stand up against the abyss of terror which came with trying to move forward after her complete and utter destruction of self. While recalling those feeling of grief, sorrow and loss that Neoveta suffered toward the end of her life, this swelling of love knew that it was wise to guide that feeling toward making her stronger as it was her demonic possession to claim. To thrive off of pain, distress and sorrow were what the Alega Sisters knew best and the embers of Alega soul were mending the raptured pieces of itself back together to realize that fact.

When The Replica Shell overheard the shouting of her ally to concentrate everything on herself, it was made all the more clear that she needed to act and she started by tapping deeper into her possessive power of pain. Thus, the screams of thousands of women yelling out pain echoed out into burning the city around them. Yet, these howls of agony soon shifted thousands of children crying as tears overflowed from the eyes of The Demon Princess. With her hands held out to the sky as if she were reaching out the hand of God, the feelings of pain, grief, and love possessed her mind in this moment and everything was a blur as the city skyline overflowed with a white light.

As particles of demonic energy started to contort into a twister above Mifune and Blackheart, thousands of demons below them with little control of their will started breaking into tears as this powerful surge of pain flowed through the streets. This was but a fraction of what the former spirit of Neoveta felt, but this fraction of herself grasped as tightly as she could to that memory to imprint her strength into a lance which was compromised of a brilliant light filled with silver and blue hues that extended for half a city block. When this lance was filled with her possessive power, The Replica Shell let out a scream of distress before releasing this projectile at Mach four speeds below.

Once this weapon struck, everything in a two-block city radius would be obliterated; but the whole city would feel the vibrations of its impact as it yielded enough potency to destroy the metropolis. In spite of that raw destructive potency, that was not the objective of her assault. Yes, Blackheart would suffer the potential loss of hearing, third-degree burns, extensive internal/external bleeding, broken bones and the loss of his energy. However, that was not the core objective of this assault.

Instead, the princess wanted to infuse the total array of pain into his heart. Neoveta had no intention of removing his willpower, but she'd make sure every last fiber of his mind, spirit, and body was filled with enough raw pain to paralyze his movement so that Mifune can finish the job. In doing so, the acceptance of this pain into his heart would create an internal wall within his spirit that could last for two or three posts and this effect was intended to block over half of his power from his grasp so that they may cease this battle.

And, to that end, The Princess of Demon World stood upon the top of the tallest skyscraper nearby as a wisp of light ocean blue and white showered down upon them and drowned out the redden skies of the city. Following down to her knees, the child clenched her hands into her chest and felt more of her primal element possessing this body and knew that the tides of this fight would change because of it. Thus, she braced herself for the pain to come and waited to see what effect, if any, this eruption of her heart had on the battle.

Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sun Sep 02, 2018 8:57 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

Blackhearts body deviated from its original trajectory. Even so, one of the many katana’s found it’s path, and the crimson spray of blood could be seen as it expanded outwards, dying the ground red as the man chose to disengage from the midst of combat at this moment. The explosions that had occured around him more or less accompanying the realm around him, as he ripped the blade forth from his body, and he glanced forward at this point he could feel the pain that had begun to assault him. It attempted to tear him down, it attempted to cause dissonance within his sense of self. However, if there was one thing that his entire life had encompassed, it was atonement, and discipline. There was no being that he was harder on than himself, no being he would push harder than he would push himself.

If anything that pain, the pain of neoveta’s heart did something different than simply causing the pain, the anguish, the agony that pervaded him to stop him. It instead hardened his resolve for what he had to do even further. He bore the pain, it was not that he did not feel it, gnawing at his flesh, it was not that he was above this pain of a girl who had been broken and battered, used as a sacrificial pawn for the sake of an unworthy parent. No, the pain was horrendous, and it was beyond what most could comprehend even in the entirety of their lives. It was a lifetime of pain, and it stopped blackheart for enough time for one of mifunes blades to become dangerously close to him.

However, it did not deter his spirit, and it was that spirit which despite a 5% decrease in his energy, allowed him to move just in time. The movement that would have bifurcated him instead drew a gash against his nose, blood spattering outwards as the man took two steps backwards and finally as he could feel it, the eruption of neoveta’s heart, as the blades descended blackheart’s foot smashed into the ground and he moved backwards several feet, a gash opening up across his torso before he spat to the side and for the first time the look he gave neoveta was not one of resignation, it was one of acceptance, so to her the words he chose were very simple.

You must choose as well.”

It was ambiguous and vague, but those words would make sense as what loomed upon the horizon came to fruition. After he focused upon mifune and as he raised his hand to wipe the blood off his face so that he could see better. It was such a mundane action, and yet here and now the man simply stated with that indomitable will of his.

”Let me show my respect for that strength of yours.”

Blackhearts energy would begin to rapidly climb as scales formed across his face. His energy which had been confined to the surface of his skin exploded outwards like an ocean of raw, indomitable power, as he released into what was simply known as dragon force. The jarring feeling of his senses, everything being heightened to unfathomable heights was enough to cause his head to swim however he wouldn’t show that, as his guarding aura cloaked him he simply looked forward and said.

”Now shall we get this over with then?”

Yes, he spoke of his own demise so nonchalauntly with a faint smile on his lips. Maybe this was what he was searching for, a way to give this moment meaning. Hence he used his release to hide it, however he activated a com that would broadcast his situation to the rest of the vanguard, while they could not see him the next words he would say would probably be the last words they ever would hear for them.

” I am just the start. A reckoning is upon shadow fall. The tides are changing, and their days will be numbered. “

He did not say anything more, he simply grinned like an asura, cracking his neck. Waiting for the final battle of his life to kick into its final stages.

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Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  - Page 2 LzZCuy7
Embers Of Dead Ego [Operation Fun Rebels] [Shadow Fall/Royal Demon Mission] [5/6 slots left]  - Page 2 BtXe12b

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