Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Entity of Contradiction
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Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue9000/10000Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero]

Tue Dec 04, 2018 12:46 pm

Artist: None - Song: None - Word Count: Blank

The Hohl Arquero listened carefully as Calypso answered each of the questions that he had asked of her. Cero could begin to notice that she at the very least was revealing or expressing, some signs of nervousness. It was interesting to hear that she didn’t dream, which was very possible for spiritual beings, as some did not require sleep, as they simply don’t. The confines of his mind began to spin as the gears were turning, his memories of another, being accessed.

Cero had the scientific studies of his adopted parent within his mind, and it reminded him of the various sleep tests that were noted of Hollows and Arrancars, they have no reasons to sleep as their spiritual body has no benefits to it. Yet, some still reach a state of wishing to rest in state, they are familiar with, and to which, sleep, is a habit, that they gained from their human core. Had Key been able to, or willing to, continue a lot of his studies, he would have further revolutionized the life of Hollow-kind.

Back to the matter at hand, Cero understood, that demons sleeping can be an unusual thing, since they possess no physical body of real matter, outside of the idea of rest, sleep for dreams is unneeded. “Okay, I think I understand the concept.” He would state as his belief of what she said after some thought on it. Turning back, to his own dream, when he listened to what she had said, it seemed it has returned to dreaming about his years in the Yayjuu, and possibly while he was even in school. But, as it was said before, he has no idea, what part of Karakura City, he was approaching or thinking of. “Hmm, we could continue down the path.” He would explain as he gestured down the sidewalk and street. After all it is the only clue that they possibly have in this maze of a city, or til his dream ends.

” It wouldn’t harm to see what we might find, no?” He decided to ask.

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I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero]

Tue Dec 04, 2018 6:08 pm

Calypso Asthavon

"Mm, think it however you'd like. Pretty hard to totally understand unless you've lived it."
Her arms crossed, but she still possessed a kind smile. She watched Cero look around within his own dream, though she was compelled to look as well, for anything of intrigue, of suspicion. Nothing seemed to stick out, aside from a desire to see the city in it's actual form. She was always turned off by the idea of the barrier but, things were different now.

She turned to Cero as he made a comment, for them to follow the path. She shrugged, "Your head, lead the way." She felt she had no business poking where she shouldn't, especially since the guy was fully aware of her presence, "Just warn me if you think something dangerous could be lurking in here, okay? Unlike you, I can actually get hurt. Not die, i'd get booted way before that could happen, but waking up with gashes on your body isn't the best."
She motioned to her whole being, "This is technically still my physical body, after all."

Coding By Lillian <3

Entity of Contradiction
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Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue9000/10000Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero]

Wed Dec 05, 2018 2:21 pm

Artist: None - Song: None - Word Count: Blank

Day and Night did not exist in this world, so it would mean that they had as much time as they needed to see the city in sunlight. It would after all be an interesting trip of sorts as Cero began the long or short journey that they were going to be walking. He was for the most part unsure of what kinds of dangerous things that they could encounter that would bother him, he was after all one of the strongest in the city, at least, at the time. He looked back at Calypso for a moment to respond to her. ”If this is a representation of Karakura, then the only thing to fear, would something on a massive scale, and in my dreams... only one person could cause that...”. The dream itself started to take on a new shape, the skies darkened as clouds rolled over, a green hue, settling over the sky, to further drive this idea, the darkness of his dreams was setting upon them, as if a reminder to what they were.

”I fought Mana Ashtavon, 5 years ago, she nearly killed me, I am sure you know who she is, Calypso.” He explained this soundly and calmly, only to face back to the clear path again. That moment, where he nearly died, played in his head, many times over. It wouldn’t be a far shot to say it shaped the nightmares, he has. The feeling of the wind blow against him, made his movements grow stiff. His voice’s tone grew deeper, as he spoke once more, stopping in his steps. ”Even in my dreams, I still want to protect everyone from her madness.” As he finished his words, a streak of green lightning runs down from the sky before them. There was one last thing to be said as they proceeded.

”I think it’s going to rain.” He openly said, watching the first raindrops come down from the fake sky. ”Did it rain that day?” He said quietly, as he looked up with a frown.

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I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero] - Page 2 Empty Re: Dream, a better dream [Cali/Cero]

Fri Dec 07, 2018 9:41 am

Calypso Asthavon

Calypso happily followed Cero, intrigue robbing her time as she trotted on the dream-born path, looking around. Karakura looked a bit too much like it was repeating to her... She swore she saw the same building making up the city over and over, but then again it could just be how Cero remembered it, or she was misinterpreting the structuring of the city as an endless concrete sameness. She kept it in mind to try visiting the real thing sometime. Her misinterpretation could be reasonable, considering she was far more used to and attracted to European-style architecture, it's lovely style with all sorts of shapes and patterns put together to form a real life piece of art.

"Hmm?" She perked up, escaping her thoughts as Cero looked back at her, briefing her on what the most dangerous thing could be, lurking in his head. To be fair, Calypso could be in someone who's completely lost his rocker, though his dreams seemed fairly grounded in terms of sense, so she was still unsure. She just wanted to see where this would go, she was already in too deep to not want to see how it ended, "One person?"

Her heart struck cold with his next words, the weight only magnified by his emotions, and the rolling familiarity of the green-hued darkness: Mana Asthavon.

She frowned, gently nodding as she affirmed his question of knowing who she was, "Of course," She's my Mama.

Fear drove those last three words into silence. She wasn't sure what he would do if he knew such a thing, so she couldn't help but keep that mum for now. But she knew, she knew, that it wouldn't be in hiding forever. She shivered with the winds, though she was certain it was more the man's negative emotions towards the woman than actual wind.

She wanted to make comment on his desires to protect everyone from her madness, since she shared such, but she couldn't help but be silent. She looked around at the storm, flinching at the green lightning. This dream was quickly becoming a nightmare. She didn't know how it would affect him if she didn't do anything. Sighing softly, she spread her arms out, wings beginning to peel off her body seamlessly: golden dragonflies were perched all over her flesh in seconds, wings twitching as they emitted their lullaby-esque sounds.

"..Hey, hey."
She placed a hand on his shoulder, quietly praying for this to work, "I don't know exactly what happened, but... It's all in the past... I get it's hard to let go of it. It's scary." The dragonflies then took flight, seamlessly fluttering around the two in a gently moving swarm, "..But it's going to keep hurting you if you let it hold you like this."

Coding By Lillian <3

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