Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Sun Feb 03, 2019 11:33 am

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

It was strange being here again, his uncle had left him here. Despite him being terribly weak compared to the others. He could only focus on one thing as he gripped a kendo stick. Bringing it down and using traditional swordplay. Takehiko lacked very much spiritual pressure. Truthfully he was likely the weakest among the Kuchiki. He felt it weighing on his mind often. But in his heart, he could never ignore truth or justice. Despite his weakness or his lack of power. Takehiko would always at least try his best in any case. He couldn't use his zanpakuto or utilize the powers it held for him. Though he sensed they wouldn't help in any sense regardless. HIs hollow felt a bit more comfortable for him. But the mask was only usable for a single moment. Making it rather useless at the moment. So all he could do really was training himself while not at the academy. Lately, things had been noise though and servants were running. It seemed things had gotten heated in the outside world finally. If only he was able to help someone and was stronger. This feeling of helplessness was something that marked him. He couldn't save his mother or his father because he was so weak. Takehiko began swinging his kendo sword now bringing it down quickly as sweat dripped. He wasn't trained or skilled enough in any field really. He was a bottom tier student in Shino Academy despite noble birth. Everything one could say made him average, but he didn't care about that. Takehiko wanted to protect people and uphold justice and the truth. He didn't plan on giving in to anyone or anything on that regard. As sweat beaded down his forehead he glanced at his hand seeing blisters form. He'd been at this for so long hadn't he? His uncle Byakuya had gone off to stop a strong spiritual pressure. He wanted to help so much, but what could he do in this situation. Frustration was an emotion that felt strong right now as he slammed the kendo stick on the ground. He wasn't strong enough or trained enough. He was utterly helpless at this moment.

All he could do was watch as servant bid his uncle farewell. He couldn't attempt to help him. He'd made sure no one saw that outburst as he clenched his fist and let the anger flood out of him. He wanted to help and save people from this incursion of darkness. He couldn't describe how it felt to someone to be a noble but to be so utterly weak and useless. He couldn't use his zanpakuto and could only manifest his mask for a moment. Everything seemed so far out of his reach and grasp. He didn't feel improvement coming naturally like so many others. Or perhaps it was so small that he couldn't make it out. Was this how nobles were meant to act in this station? But were they supposed to be this weak as well? His uncle Tsubasa had lost his mind the people said around here. So it meant that the gene pool was faulty didn't it? He picked up the kendo stick his grip tightening on it as he exhaled a sigh. Composing himself to continue training as he guessed his only choice was to keep going. He stood outside the Kuchiki Compound though not venturing too far away.

This wasn't defiance or anything like that in truth. It was a realization that at present perhaps he could do one something. He didn't know what he could accomplish by himself. Uncle Byakuya was a standard for him to try and meet someday.

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Mon Jun 03, 2019 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Re: Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Sun Feb 03, 2019 12:45 pm

Kuchiki Returned (complete) 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Ulv was in the Seireitei. Despite the War being on, there were friends here, and it wasn't constant fighting, so she was here to catch a friend and do some chill. But as she was passing somewhere she wasn't entirely sure where, she felt a young kid getting frustrated with themselves. It was the usual thing, guys expecting progress to happen within a year, and then getting angry when they weren't literally gods by the end of that year. Letting out a soft sigh at the extreme impatience of people, she went over to see the young one practising their kendo. From the looks of the place, it was the Kuchiki Manor. But the far end of it, so she could skidaddle if trouble came up.

"So, learn anything yet?" She asked him, giving her usual soft smile. "The art of Dummynojutsu is a hard one to really learn, and few can grasp it even when given a thousand years. Mostly it just frustrates people when they try to use it. Something about wacking an inanimate object for hours on end being only an inefficent method of building muscle makes a lot of people really upset when they have to go about doing all this Dummy wacking stuff"

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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Re: Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:53 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko's eyes focused on her as he tried to figure her out. Was she mocking him by saying the training was pointless? Well, she wasn't wrong truthfully as he glanced at his hands. Hours upon hours spent maybe just wasting time. It wasn't that he wanted results now it was more he wanted to help people. But wasn't sure how to do it, he wanted to save lives and help as many as possible. What frustrated him is he knew that wasn't how it would be. He would be the one in need of saving not the other way. He wanted to be helpful and useful in some way, but that longing perhaps was foolish. "Well, the dummy doesn't hit back still so I guess I've not done it enough." He said softly offering a smile as he didn't question why she was here. He couldn't really do much about the training and pace of it. It wasn't simply what he wanted to do. He didn't care about authority all that much. "Honestly, it's not the lack of results that frustrates me. Right now a lot of people are suffering and need help. But I cannot help them or think of anything I can do. I find it painful and saddening that I cannot offer some aid or comfort."

He said softly letting out his frustration with this woman. He could practice kendo for a billion years. It wouldn't let him help those people when they needed it. What would the art of the sword give him? Aside from blisters and evidently a stupid streak given his Uncle Tsubasa. It seemed like no destination seemed plausible. But he couldn't do anything as he lowered the kendo stick looking upwards at the clouds." I just want to help, but I wouldn't even know how to begin about helping people. All I can do is train and try to find some solace that maybe in hundreds of years I'll be able too." He said through gritted teeth before going back to his kendo stick. How much he wanted to snap this thing in half. This frustration ate at him because he desperately wanted to help. And yet he was perhaps unable to even do that. He wouldn't be a help only a hindrance to those in need of it.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Re: Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:10 pm

Kuchiki Returned (complete) 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Well, that was a thing. But Ulv wasn't exactly the most gentle of people, so she gestured to the Rukongai when he said he couldn't give aid or support.
"There is a War on right now. You can go out into the Rukongai and help people. Give them whatever they need, support the war refugees, engage in fights with the demon foot-soldiers. Die horrible because you have a shockingly poor grasp of patience" she walked up to her, and simultaneously loomed and stood comfortingly over him. "You were born, what, twenty years ago from the feel of your soul? And already you want to make your mark on the world. When there are some people here that have been alive for hundreds of years and are only just making their mark.

Charging at the rockface in front of you because you want to get through it is a glorious way to make a mess. Dedication begins with knowing your limits, and the unfortunate fact is that your limits right now are pretty shit. And your luck is even shitter. How did you manage to get infected by a Hollow without even having your Asauchi yet?"

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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Re: Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:07 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko remained quiet as he understood his limitations well. They frustrated him this wasn't his time. She was right and it wasn't the time for him to sulk. He couldn't go to the Rukongai and help. He was to remain here where it was safe as he was a noble. Nobles were different from others but he believed they were similar. She also knew he was a Vizard well that was complicated. "I was born this way, my father was a vizard and my mother a Shinigami." He said softly not really sure of the process other people went through. He simply popped out like this and had a hollow. Though his control was crappy and he knew that much. He couldn't maintain his power or do anything really. This was his start-up point and it was just hard to accept limitations. He glanced at the kendo stick and smiled a bit. There was a reason for him to practice either way. His motivation was returning as he would be diligent with his practice and training. But for now, this was the result he was stuck with. This was the outcome that Takehiko Kuchiki had to accept.

His expression changed as he looked off in the distance now. Someday he would be there and helping people. But he had no illusions that this would happen any time soon. " I'm 200 years old..though I guess it doesn't matter really." Physically he was lacking in almost every field one could imagine. Takehiko just hadn't obtained his zanpakuto yet or anything of the like. Unremarkable was the term he'd heard fairly often when it came to things. He couldn't keep a mask up for more than a moment. Couldn't even summon his zanpakuto at present. It was, all in all, a rather troublesome thing to grow from. Both his uncles were amazing in some regard. Takehiko though had to understand something important. Growing was gonna be part of this journey no matter what he did. He had to mature and grow as a person. Not as a shinigami or as a Vizard. Despite his powers leaning one way at the moment. This hunger to do well did exist inside of him. He knew where he wanted to focus on but right now he lacked the prowess to do anything with it. "Do you know a way to train Hoho?"
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Re: Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:43 pm

Kuchiki Returned (complete) 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Apparently, he was born a Vizard. Who would have guessed.. There were rumors that were apparently not true about the noble Kuchiki household. Maybe she'd hug Byakuya next time she saw him, knowing all that fuddy duddy play was just play.
"Well, that is interesting. Always wondered what it would be like to be born with an Inner Hollow. Usually, to begin with, they aren't the friendliest of people. How does interaction with them change when they have always been here? And you aren't mooching off your previous life so that the Hollow is actually close to you from the first moment"

Ulv cracked a grin, and then did a double take when he claimed to be two hundred years old. two hundred.
"Fuck. Laziest hollow ever. What has it been doing for two hundred years, learning how to knit? You are a noble so laziness is to be expected but Hollows are generally more active. It is really content to just sit there and watch you waste your life doing absolutely fuck all?" She asked, looking back up at the kid with surprise. And then, she just gave a casual shrug. "Same way you learn everything else. Find someone good at it, have them teach you"

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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Re: Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Wed May 29, 2019 4:49 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko blinked a bit as he thought about it, she wasn't wrong about Dek being lazy. The hollow looked like a drowned man in this situation. So perhaps laziness was the cause of it in this context though. Takehiko brought a hand to his jaw puzzling about it. Was his hollow really lazy in this regard when it came to it? Dek had no interest in assuming control or anything like that. The hollow often commented that it was way too cliche for him. Takehiko shrugged his shoulders finally coming to the conclusion he had no good answer. "I guess so." Nobles were lazy was news to him as his uncle Byakuya seemed to push himself very often. Though he didn't have conclusive reasons for any of it. Her words didn't irritate him as he didn't have a rebuttal or such for her. Nobles were different everywhere in some cases. He could venture guesses that the most logical conclusion would be to compare noble children to dolls. They were meant to look and act a certain way, withholding emotions.

"Mhm." Was all he could offer to her on that regard as he thought about each question carefully. Finding someone who could teach him would be difficult he imagined. Takehiko was a Kuchiki but his family lineage tied him to a traitor. So that was a thing to keep in mind. Thus why at the Academy he did little really in regards to those things. Takehiko was quieter and a bit more subdued than most people. He felt the sudden touch of his hollow's hand on his shoulder. The creature yawning from within his inner world. Dek seemed to take an interesting in this conversation. Or maybe he was just curious who the person who'd changed the weather had been. Takehiko had after all been rather busy training himself in this regard. His father and mother crossed his mind as he felt a slight emotional sting there. Old wounds existed and remained for a reason. The question of help had been squashed, his uncle wouldn't allow him out of here yet. It would disgrace the Kuchiki name. So, for now, all he could do is train as he wouldn't dare wear the Unabara name.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Re: Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Wed May 29, 2019 5:04 pm

Kuchiki Returned (complete) 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

"So get out there, meet people. Lose an arm. Adapt to the loss of your arm. Have a martial epiphany that leads to the evolution of your style and the vast increase in power that more than makes up for having one arm. Go and become a famous creature in the history books for having one arm. Because the almighty One Armed Asskicker. And anyone who stands in your way and tells you that such a simple and useless training exercise is the best way to improve yourself will have to come through me first. And trust me on this one, that ensures a thousand years of freedom"

Ulv would look to Takehito and focus her passion on him. Focus the crushing, overwhelming, unyielding willpower on his mind and body. She would, in this moment, appear to be the unscailable Mount Tai. No amount of pride or arrogance would hold when faced with this unstoppable beast. "As for Hoho, you are best looking for Jaeden. Or...I dunno actually. It's not a very popular thing, admittedly. Most Shinigami prefer to focus on their own personal speed rather than the use of Hoho to assist them. But there are people enough, I'm sure"

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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Re: Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Fri May 31, 2019 6:58 pm

Shino Academy Resident

Takehiko Kuchiki

Takehiko brought a hand to his chin about the arm thing. Considering the idea of cutting his arm off for a second. But he doubted that would work well in this case. As his uncle would more than likely be very upset. As for the Hoho situation, she dropped a name. "Jaeden, that's not a name I am entirely familiar with." He said out loud showing his perplexed nature at the moment. So what he needed to do was get out and go on a journey. Takehiko thought about it for a moment as he considered it. The options available to him were smaller and perhaps more limited within the grand scheme. He needed to go and see the world through his journeys. Rukia and Byakuya had provided him home and rest here in this place. He needed to grow strong but not through jumping straight into the hurricane. That wouldn't do him any good or sort. Takehiko glanced at his sword realizing one simple fact. He as a Shinigami without Shikai and could only manifest his hollow mask for about a minute at most.

"Do you think you could help me learn about using my hollow powers better? Right now I can only keep my mask on for a moment's time. With its the power it allows for escape but outside of that. I can't utilize it as I should it's not his fault either it's mine I believe." He needed to find a way to train and learn his zanpakuto's name slowly as well before any journey or other things began. Takehiko wasn't naive to the fact his sword skills or powers were limited. But in terms of vizard lessons, he needed some help. Jaeden was a name to go on, would she suggest him for all of his issues? He wasn't even sure what his zanpakuto really did. Glancing down at the weapon he knew the blade was his but that meant little. He knew more about his hollow mask than anything else when it came down to it. Frustrations had been very much dissipated by the passions of Ulv and now only solutions flooded his mind to two main things. She was right as were many as a journey of discovery was needed.

But before that could begin he believed he needed to learn his zanpakuto's name. Or maybe learn how to rely on his hollow powers more readily.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Kuchiki Returned (complete) Empty Re: Kuchiki Returned (complete)

Sat Jun 01, 2019 5:55 am

Kuchiki Returned (complete) 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

"He isn't a name most are familiar with. He retired, or just took a nap and forgot about the Seiretei. Either way, he is really good at what he does if you can find him. I have been riding the coattails of his inspiration for years since I met him" Ulv told the Kuchiki. And then, she saw him looking at his arm and shook her head. "Cutting your arm off doesn't give you magic powers, you know. It's the things you learn and the drive you gain in the journey that leads to it being cut off that is where it stems"

She laughed to herself softly, but kids were kids. So she wouldn't blame him. And yes, despite his age, he was a kid.
"As for your mask, it's neither of your faults. Or it is both of your faults, depending on how you see it. Your mask depends entirely on your spiritual energy to maintain. Even if you were melded down to a spiritual level and you had perfect control over your Hollow's energy, you'd still keep it on for a moment's time. I'd suggest just getting a stronger soul before looking to anything else. Also build a relationship with your hollow, make sure that you and him are alligned to the same goals and don't be afraid to make a few save guards to ensure that. They can grow and learn and become friends, but that doesn't mean they are from the off. They are dangerous creatures, but don't let the danger make you treat them any differently from a normal being"

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