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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Sun Feb 24, 2019 2:35 am

Song: Evangelion X - By: Anonymuz - Word Count: N/A

As he sat upon the elevated chair overlooking the courtroom, Shunsui wondered how it had come to this. It wasn't very often that the actions of the members of the Gotei were brought into question to this degree. He had knowledge of the basics of what had happened with Tatsuya's mission on earth, but the specifics were yet to be completely revealed. Around him sat the other members of this special council, Ibiki and Soifon, and below him were Abalia, acting as the defense, and Atlas, acting as the prosecution. There may have been some contention as to whether or not someone not a part of the Gotei should have been acting in this capacity, but in fact he'd been requested. They were making an effort to give those who represented the realm that had been effected the chance to make their case. It seemed a reasonable decision to make.

With that in mind, he looked down at Tatsuya, who for the duration of this trial would be heavily restrained, his energy completely nullified. He then began to speak.

"You've been brought before us today because your actions have been deemed questionable, by both your peers within the Gotei, and the forces on Earth. The court will hear opening statements from the prosecution, you will then have a chance to accept or deny these charges."

With that he looked to Atlas, a neutral look on his face.

"We thank you for joining us, and for representing those on Earth who would raise concerns regarding this matter. If you would be so kind as to present your case? You have the floor."

With that he would yield, letting Atlas have the full attention of all those present. He had no preconceived notions, and would be hearing the exact specifics of the situation for the first time as Atlas presented them. For that reason, he was curious to hear the prosecutions case.

Last edited by Absentee on Sun Feb 24, 2019 5:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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Morph OTY
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Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Re: Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Sun Feb 24, 2019 3:08 am

Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Now this was an interesting setting to be put in, let alone be specifically requested for. Atlas was by no means a lawyer or anyone with qualifications outside of military knowledge to do this, but he was no slouch. He was requested to do this both as a representation of earth and by the gotei. Thus it stood to reason he would accept it and meet it with all the knowledge at his disposal. So within the court room he'd clear his throat taking a look at his notes once more, before walking towards the center of the room clearing his throat.

"I would like to first and foremost thank the Gotei for their consideration in this trial, and I will operate in the purest intentions of seeing the interests of those most effected by the defendant brought to justice. But I must first preface this with I can only bring earth based accusations and evidence, and thus must remind the courtroom and those watching that is my basis of knowledge. I will start with the accusations, present my opening argument, and allow the defense to move next." He'd explain for all those who may be ignorant of how this will proceed. With that being said he'd move on facing the entire courtroom now.

"The defendant stands accused of war crimes, violating multiple earth based ordances within the nation in question and nationally. They stand as follow; Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, catagory A section 1 wilful killing, section 3 Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health; section 4 Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly. Among a number of other categories which involve the wanton destruction of civilian life not justified by military necessity. I would name them, but due to the nature of his method of destruction- being an earthquake which erupted a volcano I fear there are too many. Thus, a blanket document cover these will be given to the defense and the judges."

Atlas would make the motions to hand the document to them all, doing so quickly before resuming speaking.

Document handed out.:

"I will be proving beyond a shadow of a doubt he acted willingly and knowingly, disregarding the effect it would have on the populace, and that the damage caused did not necessitate a military value of equal or more importance. That Tatsuya Oda, committed the act of initiating an attack which meets all the above, and in doing so disregarded the lives and properties of all effect. I ask the accused, does he plead guilty or innocent to the charges above?"

Atlas would face the man, should he be present, or his defense.

Coding in Template By:

Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] JfH75kA
Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] H8Tyk70

Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Re: Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Sun Feb 24, 2019 12:55 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya's eyes had been down as though accepting anything that came. But he'd been told to plead not guilty. As reason of Hollowfication that happened upon the battlefield. That the hollow had created a false vision and he'd merely followed it. His body hadn't been healed or tended to since that day. Tatsuya had been very adamant about refusing medical treatment. Injuries ranging from the cut across his chest which went and made a new scar. Were merely wrapped with bandages around them to present some illusion of health. His body had numerous other injuries which were wrapped up in bandages but that was it. Tatsuya had not given permission for kido healing to be used. Desiring only to be left with reminders of what had happened. HIs guard had been lowered at that time and such arrogance to think that way. He didn't know about how his defendant thought anything of him. He guessed the court wouldn't mind. Inhaling a breath he prepared to speak now. "I've been instructed to inform the court that I am innocent by way of hollowfication. I became a vizard during the events in question. "

He didn't know what that meant in this day and age. People were born this way nowadays and few people underwent what he had. It had been a long time since that had happened from his understanding. Two other people had it happen in their history. Jaeden Crow when he fought the invading Zefonse became one. Unable to stop him he struggled and turned into a vizard. The other was unknown and he couldn't dig any information up. "If it pleases the court I can conjure the mask for them to examine." Tatsuya had been a Shinigami before anything happened. That part couldn't be disputed by any means or facts. He had come here a Shinigami from far away. Now he was, something this place called a Vizard. His homeland oddly had no idea how they came about. Some were born certainly on rare occasions from people who came there. But none ever spoke in detail about how it happened.

He became quiet now and said nothing more allowing the court and defendant to do their part. He would answer only when asked about it further. He guessed that was all that remained for him. Was hollowfication a defense someone could even use? Was Hachiman able to really mainpulate him in such a way? He remembered how distraught he was over the issue. It should have been noted that Murasaki brought him back but did not imprison him. Tatsuya made no effort to escape or try anything. He merely would sit and wait for his time in court. Knowing that his actions caused this. He could have gone back and questioned command and Captain Murasaki. But he chose to follow those illusional orders created by Hachiman. No excuse truly is present in this world for that. Tatsuya would merely wait till spoke to again. Not summoning his newfound mask unless asked too. But one thing was clear the shinigami had changed. He'd not realized a lot of things going on. But this was his day in court he guessed.
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Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Re: Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Sun Feb 24, 2019 11:57 pm


Artist: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Song: Steel Samurai

Abalia had actively chosen not to speak to her defendant. There were a few reasons for this, but chief among them was that she had already spoken with Captain Kagayaku on the matter. Her opinion, and her case, had both been solidified quite squarely in her mind.

“I thank all members of this tribunal in advance for their consideration of my case.”

Naturally, she examined the document that Atlas had distributed, but as her eyes scanned it she quickly determined it was of little value in this instance.

“With respect to the prosecution, the treaties of the Geneva Convention were ratified nearly 500 years ago, correct? And between the nations of Earth, no less. The conflict in this case was between the Gotei United and Shadow Fall, two entities which have never, to my knowledge, been beholden to the Convention. Its relevance here is minimal, outside of sourcing for ethical discourse.”

Abalia may have considered Atlas an ally, but she was not going to lessen her tone in the court of law for the sake of politeness.

“The defense has not instructed the defendant to make this plea, and would like it addended considering the argument that the defense will be making; that Tatsuya Oda is innocent not strictly by merit of insanity, but by merit of having been manipulated by outside entities capitalizing on his mental illness, such that he cannot be held accountable for the moral brunt of his actions. Of course, this does raise the question of who is accountable, but the defense does not wish to lay out the entirety of its argument in the opening statements.”

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Last edited by Rawk on Thu Dec 09, 2021 8:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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Morph OTY
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Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Re: Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Mon Feb 25, 2019 7:51 am

Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"Objection, on the point of relevance."

“Your honors, I must agree that the convention I have listed where indeed ratified nearly 500 hundred years ago. Furthermore, by earth nations. In all legality, if we where to assert that by the logic alone you would not need me here. Therefor, I believe the relevance is important by a setting precedent, and justifying my presence; because there are no precedents set forth in the interaction of the spiritual world and the living realm it would stand to reason this case would be referenced in any future endeavors.”

“I would claim ignorance to the law of the gotei, but that would be incorrect. For there is no real law which deals with this situation (save for broad captain judgement) , therefor seek that while the gotei operate within our realm hold to the convention. As ultimately, I am here to represent humanity’s law and desire to see justice. If the tribunal where to, at least in this case, recognize these convention and allow me to proceed forward in my case then I can make an argument- otherwise I would not see the point of a human host.”

“On closing on that subject, I agree the Gotei is not, and never was, beholden to the convention I listed. But assert relevance to be extreme to this case, for without temporary or permanent recognition I cannot argue this case, nor would any human presence be justified.”

Atlas would sit back down, waiting on the proceedings rulings.

Coding in Template By:

Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] JfH75kA
Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] H8Tyk70
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Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Re: Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Thu Feb 28, 2019 2:44 am

Song: Evangelion X - By: Anonymuz - Word Count: N/A

As he peered down at the two arguing their case, Shunsui couldn't help but be intrigued. It was interesting to watch their back and forth, even with how little of it he'd been presented with. It would certainly be an interesting day, that was all he knew for sure. As the objection came in he would consider it carefully. It was true that neither the Gotei nor Shadow Fall had ever been a part of this treaty. In fact he imagined that by now there weren't even too many on earth who still held to it. Abalia certainly did have a point there. On the other hand, it was also true that they had no real written law for Atlas to draw off of, and the fact that he'd brought something that would do in pinch was understandable. Admirable even. It showed initiative, and he could respect that. It was trickier than that, however. Were he to assent to this there was no telling what issues could come of it in the future. He was not willing to make such a risk, especially not at this time. In the end, he decided to make compromise.

"The Gotei does not recognize this treaty as binding. It will, however, be used as a set of guidelines for the duration of this case. That is not to say that everything within will be deemed reasonable to the Gotei, but that it will all be carefully considered."

He felt this was fair. He could not grant such power over the Soul Society to those on earth, but he also did not want this to become a mockery of a trial. For that reason, and that reason alone, he would allow Atlas to continue to reference the treaty he'd brought along.

"If we could now continue, that would be best."

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Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Re: Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Wed Mar 06, 2019 10:48 am


Artist: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Song: Steel Samurai

“Mm. Very well, your honor.”

It was obvious Abalia did not much care for that ruling. Considering her natural ability to keep emotional reactions well under wraps, showing such distaste was in fact a conscious decision. She would not dare to openly disagree, as she knew the nature of the courts. Still, it was not something she was happy about, nor would she make any pretenses about it.

“If I may continue? I believe it is abundantly clear that the defendant suffers from mental illness well beyond the scope of what may be considered reasonably sane. His insistence as to having been instructed to make such a plea, when no such instruction was given to him by myself, is merely a single example of this. However, were we to speak with those present at the incident, I believe they would make it abundantly clear that he is an unstable individual.

“Before such witnesses are called, however, one must look toward his history, or rather what has been discerned regarding it. He is called the Madman of the Outlands among those outside the Rukongai, as I have heard it said. I have also gleaned that he is associated with Tsubasa Unabara, a man I believe needs no context given as to his...questionable state of mind. It is clear even from these anecdotes surrounding him that Oda Tatsuya's sanity is questionable at best, but I would, with your permission, your honors, request the first witness be called to the stand; Miss Ulv Auber.”

Truth be told, Abalia was betting a lot on this witness call when it came to her case. After all, Ulv could have seen things entirely differently than she did. But that was what differentiated Abalia from most who worked defense. She was wholly unconcerned about winning this case if it was revealed that she was simply in the wrong. All that mattered to her was the truth.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Re: Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Wed Mar 06, 2019 11:14 am


Ulv was called in, and how much of a fish out of water she was became clear as she walked to the bench. She had confidence in droves, walking with a gait that could not be slowed or stopped by the entire world being arrayed in front of her, but at the same time she looked a little nervous, or at very least unprepared to be here. She took to the witness booth, sat down, and looked about people.
"So. I am here for Vizard help, I am guessing? I'm not a courtroom kind of girl so I'll keep this quick before I start either flirting of offending. Or offensively flirting"

Ulv looked to Tatsuya, and her stare was stern any irate but not hateful.
"So, long-term gestation of the inner hollow allows them far more control over your functionality than most would be comfortable with. They can create hallucinations and manipulate your mental state to make those hallucinations more believable. Most of the time such Hollowfication doesn't get to that point because Hollows are not subtle and you know you've got something growing in your so a fair while before that point. So Tatsuya is a moron for either being so dense he didn't notice the hollow or so stupid he didn't say anything till it got to that point, but can't be held accountable for the actions in Jefferson City because at this point you are getting into mind control territory"

Ulv spoke with a passionate conviction and hoped that she wasn't breaking any courtroom rules while she did...


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Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Re: Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Wed Mar 06, 2019 12:25 pm

Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

"I have one question: Did you witness Tatsuya Oda commit the act, and if not when you arrived what did you observe about him?"

"In the event a defense claims insanity, the burden lays on the defense to prove this. As sanity is assumed, and for the court record it has been affirmed Tatsuya Oda committed the acts in question." Atlas would comment, if he was disturbed by the displeasure Abalia had show'd he made no show of it.

"Therefor, I will begin with the cross-examination of the so called 'Madman of the outlands.' Let it be known that the defense has admitted this moniker to be heard as heresay, in passing with no tangible evidence to assert it's meaning. As we known, people often assert inaccurate titles to those in power; and it is to my understand Tatsuya Oda acts more as a lawman in the areas outside the Rukongai. Furthermore, according to Seireitei clan records he is indeed a Shogun of his clan; and one can clearly see things such as 'Oda the Dragon' or 'Madman' are simply a part of clan theatricals than any real ascertain of sanity."

"The only real evidence one has in this defense is the idea the Hollow somehow controlled Tatsuya Oda into acting without reason, that he was incapable of understanding his actions. But as the witness said, Hollows are not subtle. Nor, can we actually understand if Tatsuya Oda was entirely ignorant of the fact he had one. But what we can ascertain is Tatsuya Oda is a man of no mere talent when it comes to his job. A seated member of a division, a high clan rank, and a history that shows he is a competent commander and a man that show'd capability."

Atlas would pause.

"As much as I respect the words of our expert, that are in of themselves flawed. Tatusya Oda can be held accountable for his actions because if he in his position of power did not report his 'illness' he forwent the proper solutions needed. But even then, none of this is provable your honor. The entirety of the presented defense hinges on the idea he was controlled by a hollow; with no detail what so ever. So I will present a scenario. The one I imagine took place."

"I believe Tatusya Oda was told to take a city. He decided that this ruthless approach would accomplish the task. I think the terms mental illness is too ill-defined and too broad as used by the defense. The facts are Tatsuya Oda committed the act, that his mental state was Negligent at best and Reckless at worst. That he was in control of his actions in the past and now, that his hollow can only influence those actions."

He'd tap the desk.

"And insanity, or any mental illness defenses, hinges on the defendant not knowing they committed the actions at the time- which he did- or they 'had no control.' I believe the defense is simply mischaracterizing incompetence for irrationality. It is not a mental illness to be stupid. It is not a mental illness to simply not account for certain things. In this case, Tatsuya Oda was in control of his actions- and perhaps his hollow suggested some things- but suggestion is not control. I would like to present evidence: Satellite video of Tatsuya Oda moments before he committed the act- and during."

"In conclusion, the defense has yet to present tangible evidence of insanity. That Tatusya perhaps may have lost himself to his hollow once the full weight of his actions hit him. But beforehand, anything else is hearsay. And the only man who can truly give us insight into the situation is the accused; thus I'd like to call the accuse to the stand if that pleases the court."

Coding in Template By:

Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] JfH75kA
Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] H8Tyk70
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Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL] Empty Re: Ace Attorney [PRIVATE, TRIAL]

Tue Mar 12, 2019 12:09 pm

Song: Evangelion X - By: Anonymuz - Word Count: N/A

Well, things were getting more interesting all the time. Shunsui listened to Ulv's testimony, considering what she said carefully. He couldn't make too much of a judgement based on that alone just yet though. He had no idea how long Tatsuya's inner hollow had been present, nor did he know to what degree it had advanced. For that reason, when Atlas wanted to call Tatsuya to the stand, Shunsui agreed. He felt that would be the best course of action for the moment, if they were going to continue down this line of questioning.

"It does indeed please the court. Oda Tatsuya, take the stand."

Shunsui was curious to see what Tatsuya had to say about all of this. In the end, a lot of the decision would come down to what it was he was about to say, which made this the most interesting moment of the entire trial. Or, perhaps it wouldn't be... He had a feeling there might be new information brought to light which would overshadow everything previously discussed. Call it an informed guess. Whatever the case, it would still be a major part of the trial to hear out Tatsuya's own account of what had happened.

As Tatsuya took the stand, Shunsui looked to the other's who were serving as judges along with him. They hadn't taken a very active stance in the trial as of yet, but he could see that they were, in fact, paying attention to all that was happening. That pleased him, as it would be worrying if they were not.

"You may proceed."

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